Resolution 1997-037 JAM 1 ~ 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97- 37 A RESOLUTION OF TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DECLARING TIlAT A FEE SIMPLE INTE1UlST IN REAL PROPERTY IS TIm PREFERRED INTBRBST SOUGHT FOR TIm ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. AND SBTIlNG FORTIl TIm RATIONALE l1U!REFORB. WHEREAS, the construction of transportation improvemenll, .ldeoI:ified in lbe TrIDIpOrtation Elemeot of the Comprebensive Plan for Collier CouuIy,lbIIIin III8IIY blol..-u require the ecquiJition of. risbt-of-way by either gift, purcbae or ......dt.u..alion; me! WHEREAS. lhe risbt-of-way for transportation improvemeotl may be purdIaIcd or condemned either as III eaaemeot over, under, upon me! across the ImcI; or the fee limple iDterea in the ImcI itself may be pwclwed or condemned; and WHEREAS, full ~oo, .. required by the ConItitutiOll of the Stale ofF\orida, for lbe easement rigllll pun:baIcd or CODdcmned for transportation impnm:meatI is ~ 10 the full cornpensalion required for the purchase or condemDllion of the fee limple eIIale in property (between 90"10 and 100% of the fair marlcet value of the Iancb 10 I\lproprialcd. , depending upon the property's zoning mcI the appraiser's judgment); me! WHEREAS, the purchase or condemnation of the full fee simple estate in 1mcIs 1"'I";'ed . for near term transportation improvements provides the County with . degree of control over the right-of-way which is superior 10 the control afforded by an easement only, and which, in many inatancea. may pruduce COlt aavinga on future public worb improvement projecll by gaining the maximum flexibility over the uses pennitted in the right-of-way 10 acquired. NOW nmRBFORB BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA that in conaideration oflong nnge planning me! present day colli for transportation improvement projecll, mcI in the intereat of exerciaing the maximum degree of control over the public road right-of-way which may allow the County 10 realize substantial savinga by locating future public worb projecll within the IIClJUircd area, County staff is hereby directed 10 purchase or condenm a llAUOjlOrtation road . "'1'\11 I I ..... risbt-of-way in fee simple u the preferred method of exerciaing maximum control over the risbt-of-way in order 10 COIIIlIUCt any anticipated capital improven1eat projecll. AND IT IS FURTIiBR RESOLVED that in thole inatancea in which the purcbae of. full fee simple estate canDDt be oeaotiat.ed by CouuIy stafI; mcI the com ~.., with · COI](\o-....&ioo of the full fee simple estate may w.lWeigh the future benefttl.....Amp1*d by fuU CouDty cnr.......obIp of the risbt-of-way, mcI when the owner of the I'.operty is willinalo C<lIIWY. perpetaa1. "exclusive", road riaJrt-of-way easement over, ander, upon me!acroa the I"operty in compliance with the req..h~ of the bAlllpOltation improvemenll, aIona with the r1aJrt 10 ..oostnICt and install subordinIIe lltllity and elra!nqe improvements, topther with ICCCII and ~oiy ......b DCtion euelJlf'ftf", CouuIy staff is directed 10 negotiate . ~lo IIdlJepolt for the purcbae of said "exclusive" eaaement, subject to Board lIpIlI'Ova1, in lieu of \IN cwirla with an action in eminent domain against the subject 1" operty. AND IT IS FURTIiBR RESOLVED that in thole inatancea in wbIch the JlIIrch- of. perpetua1. "exclusive", road risbt-of-way eaaemeot over, 1IIIder, upon or - the I"~ cannot be neaoliated by County staff, and the colli uaociated with . ~OII of the perpetual, IIOIHXclusive road right-of-way ea/meat may oattreIgh the future b..uoflca cootemp1aled by the County'. interest \If the risbt-of-way, me! when the cnhIer of the 1"0jlUly Ia , willing to convey . perpetual, "non-exclusive", road riaJrt-of-way :.It m)OJlt over, under, upon and acroa the property in compliance with the requirements of the ll.......,llldloo iwp....~ , alona with the right to constrUct and inItallsubordinate utility and drainage improvements, toaelher with accesa and temporary collltrUction easements, County staff is directed 10 ncaotiate a reasonable settlement for the purchase of said "non-exclusive" euemeat, subject 10 BaIrd approval, in lieu of proceeding with an action in eminent domain against the subject I'.operty. AND IT IS FURrnBR RESOLVED that, notwithatandlng the future benefill to be derived by the County ariling from. fee aimple acquisition of the public risbt-of-way, there exialI thole c:ircummncea where the severance damagca 10 remaining IandI, .. . rault of the taldng of the fee aimple estate for the transportation project, i. of such an extent u 10 wamnt lbe purchue or ccmc.Iemnarion of .1_ estate easemeat interest in order 10 mitiple or eliminate such cIamqeI; and in such ilW_a CouuIy staff Ia hereby directed 10 1IDlIatab such .wy.e. of future beoefill VI. current colli u are relevant to the determination .. 10 the Iplcific interat . _............._""'"',.~.._,_._"~_u................"~..,,_';_....._...~'____..- ':,,",./, , . . JAI 1 Ul97 In rei! property the County Iboa1d lICq1Iire for the inatInt project, IIId County atafJ'may make IIICh purcbue offen, or prepn IUl:h pJ-tll'lp in eminent domIin. . may be nee I 'Y to mltipte or eliminate KVCnIICll damqea, IIId recIuce total project COIl TIllS RESOumON ADOPTBDtbla4-dayO~ "j ...-.-l997.aklllOllaa,leCOIIlIlIIll majority vote. (J ,', ~'f.1 .....,..,.1. .:".\1' " '" . .,,~ .~. (,. / . L' (I 111'1 .,,'" '..~ '....,f I' I " '.1. .' . '" ;. ~~,/..{... ATI1!S1'~ ~', t ~ ~'. ":"i:~" ;;DW,IaKr,B. BROCK. CLERK '. :: 'r " "i j ~,,'. . '.. r..-:-.....l~...'~':.~... h;'~:.:,. ~ .. "\ -':~f' .;'~:, ,.,,-', ' , . '" 0'_ 1/-."," , ~'.... ," '?', '. ~ ".....'t "...... t'4 ,',~.' . .~." .... r ..' ~ I . '", ......' ,.' .. . 0, fl"'" .' ., ~"" '. I., ,." .1 t ':..' f'II',,,ii,,,,,"1 ",.' ' , Apptimd fbr form IIId IepIllIfBrl,.v:y ~. ~ ~AA Heidi F. AIbton AHl- County Allomey BOAJlD OF COUNTY COMMISStONllllS By. O~~~ ~ ~