Resolution 1997-036 RESOLUTION NO. 97 - ~ JAM 1 HI97 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLUEa COUNTY. FLORIDA. AUTHORJZING THE EXECUTION OF UMITED USE UCENSE AGREEMENTS BY THE CHAIRMAN OF TIIJ: BOARD FOR TIIJ: CUIUU:NT CHAIRMAN'S TENURE ONLY. WBDlUS, there Is . benefit to the County and to the pub6c; If'the lIlhuLll.batl.. p1......d...... -.... Limited u. LIceIIIe ~l, are expedited, while maintaining the II&guInII of ItIdF m4lep! COUIIIIl review ofu:b A&I-'~': and WRnQ;AS, !be BoG'd of County Cornmiaionen rec:ogniza the beacfit of redl.... dme .. BoG'd _....11I oa mieMd and IppI'OYeCI Limited Use Lk:ense AgrecmentJ. NOW. TIIDtEFORJ: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY CO~ft...s. 00' J JI'JI COUNTY, FLORIDA fllat: I. The BoG'd of County Commiaionen does hereby authorize the ChIirDE or !be BoG'd at CouaIy C. ... . -' cr,lft'I to execute Limited Use AgJ eemenll, for those spec:iII evenuliltecl below. IbIIowIna -wi..... by !be Jtad PI......t! Mall&gU11e11t ~ the Client-Department, the Risk Mo.oIgedIielll Do.,-twe.4 m4 !be Couaty AItomey'I 0IIi<:e. -GoIdeao.te AreaCbamberofComn....... Jnc. (Golden Gate Festival and AnmaI Art Sbow) - GoIdea GIIe Rotary Club (Cbriatmas Tree Sales &; Bus Tournament) - The Art League ofMaroo Island, Jnc. (Art and Craft Shows) _ SuperviIor ofEleclions of CoUier County, Florida (Voter Aa:ess) _ GoIdat GIIe FratemaI Order ofEaglea (AnooaI Taste of Golden Gate) _ AmIIcur Radio AssociohOO ofSouthweal Florida (Fldd Day ActMties) - Eut NapIea Civic: Association (Manatee Featival) - o.vid Lawrml:e Mental Health Center. In<:. (AnooaI Fun Skate) - Cool Cruisers of Nap lea, Jnc. (Scholarship Fund Rai'le1') 2. The authorization of the Chainnan 10 execute Limiled Use License AgJ ecmentJ hereunder ahaII extend only for the tenure of the c:urrent Chainnan. vote~Tbis llesoIution adopted this /.J/ day o~.-o ~ 7/' . 1997, after motion, ICICOIId m4l111jority . . . . \ . . I , .. .. .:'.~' . ArrEST'. .... :.. OW1GH'r.E. BROC}(;ClerJc :~.r~'c,:~~, -'-~\~~:' ',.. .-.~~-~.::~ . Approved ~'/Ofom\'and ' Iega1 aufIlcienc;y: .. JduJ~.J-A~ Heidi F. AlhtOll AaiIlanl County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COU~. . BY: ~ ~ , Cbair1IIIII . . ,