Resolution 1997-033 RESOLtmON NO. 97-..ll.- RESOLtmON OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPAcr FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMP Acr FEES, ROAD IMP Acr FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPAcr FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPAcr FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUcrED BY IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 18, BULLARD SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized md attempted to addrea !be licit of lIdequIIe md affordable housing for moderale, low, md very-low income holllCholda in !be Count! md !be DllCd for creative md innovative programs to uIiIt in the provision of such housing by includina ieVen! proviJiOlll in !be Collier County Growth Manaacmeot Plan, including: objective \.4, policy \.4.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, policy !.S.3, policy \.5.4, policy !.S.5, policy 1.5.6; objective \.6, policy \.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2. \.2, policy 2. \.3, policy 2. \.5, md policy 2. \.6 of the Housing ElcmcuI; md WHEREAS, Collier County has received funding p1II1U8IIt to the State HOUIina InitilliVCI PlIItDcrIhip Prognm set forth in Section 420.907 a...&lI., Florida StatulcI md CbapIer 91-37, Florida }.dmin;strative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier County Ordinmce No. 93-19, the County is mlborized to UICl funding from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Prognm for waivers of Collier County impact feca; and , WHEREAS, Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. is sccIdng a waiver olimpllct feca; md WHEREAS, Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. will construct one (1) thrco-bc.hOOul unit (the "Dwelling Unit") on Lot 18, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalcc which is propOsed to sell for Forty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will be pW'Chascd by a very low income household which is required to invest a minimum of five hundred (500) hoUR of "Swest Equity" before it obtaina tide to the hoUlCl; md WHEREAS, Mr. Charles C. Smith, Vicc President of Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc., submitted to the Officc of Housing and Urban Improvement an Affordable Housing Application dated December 2, 1996 for a waiver of impact feca for the construction of a hoUlCl on Lot 18 Bn11ard Subdivision, Immokalcc, a copy of asid application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Department; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3.04 of the Library System Impact Fcc 0nIinaDc:e, Ordinance No. 88-97, u amended; Section 4.05 of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee O!d;nant'oC, Ordinance No. 88-96, u amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee Ordi..........~ Ordm.n... No. 92-22, u amended; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Services Sywtem Impact Fee Qrdm.n.... Ordinance No. 91-71, u amended; md Section 3.05 of the Educational Facilities System Impact Fee -------- ()din......... Ordinance No. 92-33, u amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of impact fees by JAM H 1997 qua1ifying for a waiver; and WHEREAS, Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for 111 impact fee waiver baed upoIl!be following rcprcscntations made by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwellina Unit shall be sold to a lint-time home buyer. B. The Dwellina Unit shall be sold to . household with . vfllY low iIICOIIIIlleveI . that term iI defiDed in tho AppaIi_ to tho respective Impact FCllI Qrdm- md tho monthly paymeot to purchue tho unit must be within the affordable houIina Jll!c1c1iDes establiabed ill tho Appa:xIica to !be RIpOctive Impact Fcc Ordinances. C. The Dwellina Unit shall be the Homestead of the owner. D. The Dwcllina Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (IS) years from tho date tho certificate of occupancy is ~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: t. The Board of County Commissioners hereby IIJlhorizes the Cotmty Manaaer to issuo 111 Authorization for waiver of impact fcca to Immokalee Habitat for HIIDIII1ity, Inc. for 011O (I) hoUlCl which shall be constructed on Lot 18 BuIIan1 Subdiviaioa, ImmobIec, Collier County, Florida. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urbll1lmprovcment Director of 111 IiiCCilllClll for wamr of impact fees siped by Immokalec Habitat for HIIDIII1ity,IDcj.. mJ/or !be ......J 1[, or other documentation ICCCptable to tho Cotmty AlIomlly.! tho Board of Coaaly I Commissioners hereby IIJlhorizes the payment by CoIIic:r Coaaly of !be lDlknriDa impa fcca from the Affordable Housing Trust F1md, FIIIId (191), ill tbe.lDlknriDa.........dlo for tho one (I) hoUlCl to be built on Lot 18 Bullard Subdivision, 'nnnnlot1ee by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fcc B. Road Impact Fcc C. Parks and Recreational Facilities 2. Impact Fcc: (I) Community Parks (2) Regional Parks D. EMS Impact Fcc E. Educational Facilities Sywtem Impact Fcc Tota1lmpact Fees $ 180.52 1,379.00 399.00 179.00 14.00 S 177800 $ 3,919.51 JAN 1 U197 The payment of impact fees by Collier County is subject to !be exec:atioa md ~CIa6.U of 111 Agreement for WIivcr of Collier County Impact Fees bctw...... tho ",_ty ___ aadfor parcbuer sod tho County. ThiI ReIol1llion adopted after lDlllion, IOCOtId and majority vote favoriDa -. , 3. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By. ~/~ P. AIIdoa ~..... Coanty Atlllmey jdIpo'<ilIoaIIri'noo . ". . JAIf 'U197 . EXHIBIT.A" LIGAL DI8CIlIPTION . BULLARD SUBDIVIBION LOT 18 BUU..ARD SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THB PLAT ~ THIlRIlOF, AS IUlCORDBD IN PLAT BOOK. 27 AT PAOBB 76 AND 77. OF THB PUBUC lU!CORDS OF COUJER COUNIY, FLORIDA. f -4-