Resolution 1997-028 RESOLtITIONNO. 97-~ JAN 1 'I !lift RESOLtITION OF TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LmRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILlTIBS IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCl'1lD BY IMMOICAU!ll HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 13, BULLARD SUBDMSION, IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier Coaaty bu recognized IIId attempted to ~ lbe lick or .le~ . ... aflbrdIb1e boualnS for mode.., low, IIId very-low income hoUlCboldJ in lbe CoaIIty IIId lbe IIllIIllIlr CI'CItive IIId ~ proanana to lIIIiat in the proviaion of IUCh houaina by IDcIudlna MnraI PMw...., in lbe CollierCoullty Growth Maoaacmart Plan, includinS: objective 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objectiYe 1.5. policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objectiYe 2.1. policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.l.5,1IId policy 2.1.6 of the HouIlna E1C111011t; IIId , WHEREAS, Collier, County bu received fundina puI1UIIIt to the SlIto HoulDa IDItiIlMI Pa.ll-Ihip Prosram lICt. ~ in SocIion 420.907 .fil....al.. Florida Statutoa IIId Chaplcr 91-37, Fblda .4dminlmulve Code; IIId I WHEREAS, in ~ with Collier County Ordinanco No. 93-19,lbe Coaaty ilI...A..1wf III IIIC fImdina from the SlIto Houaina Initiativca PIl1ncnhip [SHIP] Prosram for waivon of Collier Coaaty impId r-; IIId WHEREAS, ImmokaIoe Hlbillt for HlIIIlIIIity, Inc. i.1OCIdna I waivorofimpld r.; IIId WHEREAS. ImmotaIoc Habillt for Hwnaoity, Inc. will COIIIIrucl ono (I) lhrcHodroom lIIIit (lbe "DweIIinS Unit") 00 Lot 13. BuIlli'd Subdivmon, Immokaloc which i. propoaod to lell for Forty-Six 1boaaIlId Five HUlldrcd Dollm ($46.500.00); and WHEREAS, tho DweIlinS Unit will be !l\II'Chucd by a very low income bouacbold which ill '''"Iuh..d to invoat a minimum of live hlllldrod (500) hoon of .Sweat Equity" before it obCIinIlitIo III dIo boIIIC; mil WHEREAS,'MrJ'~)~'~~~th, V~'~~~!',of, ~~r.'Jfa!ritIt.~ I~ty, llIc., IUbmitted Ill. thiJ iOi!iaI bi ~ tbd Urban Improvement In Affonlabl~ 'H~ Applicatioo dIIod ~ 2, 1996 for a waiver of impact fOOl for the conatruction of a boUle on Lot 13, BuD.nI SubdIviIloo, T"""""'leo, a copy of said application i. on lile in tho Houaina IIId UtbaD Imtn-w....... Dcpatmcat; IIId WHEREAS, in acconIanco with SocIioo 3.04 of tho Librlry S}'IlCI IIIIplICt Foe 0..11._ 0, ~ No. 88-97, II IIDcodod; SocIioo 4.05 of tho Pcb IIId RecratiouaI PIC/lid. IIIIpICt Pee o.dl._..'O, 0nIinanc0 No. 88-96. II amended; SoctIoo 3.04 of the Rolld IIIIplICt Peli Ordl--. Ord- No. 92-22, II "'!'-'eel; SocIion 3.05 of dIo Emo........t Medical Sorvicoa S}'Ilom IIIIplICt Poe Ordl.......~. . 0nI!:IIDc0 No. 91-71, II lIJlendod; IIId Section 3.05 of the Educational PlCilitica S}'IlCIIIIIpICt Poe . ,_."h'_~__.._.".._____~.__....,~__ __..____._m".__.~_____.___....._~_..__ "___"'~~_'~''''''''''~_'_"''_"_"__'''_''''~.'~.'''~'"____ JAN H 1997 Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, aa amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of impact fOOl by qualifying for a waiver; Ind WHEREAS, Immolcalee Habillt for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for In impact foe waiver baed upon the following representations made by Immokalcc Habitat for HlUIlanity, Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit .hall be sold to a first-time home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit .hall be sold to a household with a very low income lovcl as that tenn is defined in the Appendicoa to the respective Impact Fcc Ordinancea and tho monthly payment 10 purchase the unit must be within the affordable houainS suldelinca oatablilhoclln tho Appendicca to the respective Impact Fcc Ordinances. C. The Dwelling Unit .hall be the Homestead of the owner. D. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordJble for fifteen (15) ycan from the cIate the c:ertilic:lle of occupancy i. iaaued. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Bolll'd ot County Commiaaioncn hereby authorizca the County Manapr to i.- In Authorization' for waiver of impact fOOl to Immokalcc Habillt for HlUIlanity. Inc. for OIICI (I) house which .hall be constructed on Lot 12, Bullard Subdivi.ion, Immokaleo, Collier County, Flori4a. 2. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urbln ImprovClnent Diroctor of In agrocmCllt for waiver of impact fees signed by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., and/or tho purcbucr, or other documentation acceptable to the County Attorney, tho BoII'd of County Commissioners hereby authoriua the payment by Collier County of the followinS impact fees from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Fund (191), in tho following amounla fordlo one (I) house to be built on Lot 12, Bullard Subdivision, Immolcaloe by Immokaloe Habillt for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fee S 180.52 B. Road Impact Fee 1,379,00 C. Parka and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee: D. E. (I) Community Parka (2) Regional Parka EMS Impact Fee Educational Facilitica SystCln Impact Fee Total Impact Fees $ 3,929.52 399.00 179.00 14,00 S 1.77800 JAil H S7 3. The payment of impact fOOl by Collier County iSlUbjcct to tho execution IIId reconIIIIoo of an Agreement for Waiver of Collier County Impact POOl botwocn tho 1""I""'l1-lIIdIor purchaacr end the County. 1bia Rcaolution adopted after motion, aocond end majority volo favorinsume. DATED: ;.. "r~ n,? ATI'Eff: U III H u' DWIGaT E. BR~ Cleric BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By.~.~ .' " . ".~;~.,.~ ,'" ~~ 47: .T:.liJ~'9:.Y)' - -<It. ..... ., ~-. 1",.'1. ^-- " .,' ..~ I '~'~~ " ~~. Is'JNOrm'end lopIsufticlcncy: f/l1ri' J- jytu ~ Heidi F. Ashton Aaaiatant County Attorney jcII.....cIlloaIIIri'tao JAM 1 HS7 EXHlBrr"A" LEGAL DI!.8ClUPTlON . BULLARD SUBDIVISION LOT 12 BULLARD SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THll PLAT BOOK TImREOF. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 77. OF TIlE HJBUC RECORDS OP COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. -4-