Resolution 1997-027 ~11" " to>>t RESOLUTION NO. 97-2Z-- RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LmRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACIUIlES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACIUIlES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEB HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 12, BUI.J..ARD SUBDIVISION,IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, CeDicr County baa rec:ogni%ed IIId IlIempted to IIddrea the lick oC lllIeq1IIIe IIId aft'onIable bolllina fur mocIente, low, IIId very-low income boIIICbolda in the County IIId tbe Deed lbr CI'llIIive _ innovative pro.,...... to IIIiIl in tbo provision of IUCb boIIIina by incladlna IeYenI proviIIoaa in tbe Cellior County Growth ~~I PIIIl, including: objective 1.4. policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, polley 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, polley 1.5.4, policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6. policy 1.6.3; objoetIve 2.1, polley 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.~.3, policy 2.1.5._ polley 2.1.6 oCtbo HOIIIlua ~ IIId WHEREAS. Cellia-, County baa ra:oivM funding pumIGt to the Sllllo HOIIIlua lDitIIImI Pl.ll-ohip Prog..... let forth in Section 420.907 a....Jaj.. Florida StaIUteI _ CbIpClIr 91-37, Florida .4dmlni""1ltive Code; _ I WHEREAS, in ~ with Cellior, County 0nlinIac0 No. 93-19, the County iI..4bw.iM4 III - fImdiDa fiom tbo Sllllo HOIIIlua InitiativOl Pl.ll.nbip [SHIP] ~.... Ibr WIiven of CeDict Coualy iIIIpllCt fcoa; mI WHEREAS, '...........100 HabitIt Ibr HIIIIIIIIity, inc. illOCtiDg . waiver ofilllpllCt fcoa; _ WHEREAS, '...........100 IUbitat Ibr HUIl1IIIity, inc. wiD COIIIlnIcl ClDO (I) 1IInlo-b.4-._ (the "DweIIina Uuit") 011 Lot 12, BuIIlII'lI Subdivision, ImmobJoo wbicb ill"~ to 110II fi!r Forty-Six nx-. 4 Five HlIIIdrod DoIlan ($46,500.00); mI WHEREAS, the DwdIin& Unit will be purtbuod by . vr:cy low income bouIobolcl wbicb II ""Iun..! to inVOIt . minimmn of five hlllldrod (500) houn of .Sweat Equity" bcfonI it obtIiu titJo to tbe bowo; mI WHEREAS, Mr. CharlOl C. Smith, Vice PreaidC21t of Immobloo Hlhillt fur HIIIIIIIIity, IDe., IlIhmittcd to the Office of Houaing mI lhban !mprovemeat an AffimIable HolIIina AppliCltiOll daled ,w.-- 2, 1996 for . waiver of impICl fool fur tho COIIIlruction of. houIO on Lot 12, BaIIInl SubdiviGon, ImmobIoo, . copy of aaid application i. on file in tbo HO\IIina mI Urban lwtnuilllllClllt no....b...Jl; IIId WHEREAS, in acconIanco with SectiOll 3.04 of tho L1'bnry S)'Ilem Impact Foe 01>11....-.. 0nIiDanc0 No. 88-97, U ""lClDded; Sectioa 4.05 of tho Pub _ Roc:natloaa1 FacilitlOl Imp.ct F. ()rll........ 0nlinIac0 No. 88-96. II smeadod; Section 3.04 of tho Road Impact Foe Q,rlIn....... Qrll....._. No. 92-22, II ooneodod; Section 3.05 of the Emc......f Medical Sorvices S)'Rcm Impact Foe <lI.n _" .. Ordinance No. 91-71. U amC2ldod; and Section 3.05 of the Educations! FsciIitiOl S)'Ilem Impact Foe - "-~"_"_."'.'-"--'-'~' _'''~-''''-<'_~'_---~--.,..._~-"-,,,- JAM lit 1997 Qrdinonr'l. Ordinance No. 92-33, II amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of iIIIpllCt foOl by qualifying fur a waiver; IIId WHEREAS, Immobloo Habitat for Hwnanity, Inc. hu qualified for an impact foe waiver baed upon the following repreICIltations made by Immokaloo Habitat for Hwnanity, Inc.: A. The DwellinS Unit shall be sold to a Iint.time borne buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a houachold with a very low incomo level II that term iI defined in tho Appcndiccsto tho rcspcctive Impllcl Foe Ordinances and tho monthly payTIlCIIl to plD'Chuo tho unit III1IIt be within the affordablo hoIIIina gnldolincl 0Ilsh1ilbed in the Appcndiccsto tbo rcspcctivo Impact Foe Ordinances. Tho Dwelling Unitlhall be tbo HomCllcad of the owner. Tho Dwelling Unitlhall remain affordable for fiftoon (15) ycan from tho dato the certificate of occupancy iI iauod. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COlLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Tho Board of County Commiasioncn hereby authorizes tho County Mana&or to lauo an Authorization' for waiver of impact fOOl to Immobloe Habillt fur HIIIIIIIIity, inc. for one (I) houac which shan be COIIIlructod on Lot 12, Bullard Subdivision, Immobloo, Cellior I Ceunty, F1ori!la- Upon ra:oipt by tho Housing and Urban Improvemeat Director of an agrecIIlC<lt for waiver of impact fOOl signed by Immobloo Habitat for Humanity, inc~ and/or the purchuor, or other documC21tation acceptablo to tho Ceunty Attorney, tho Board of County Ccmmillioncrs bcreby authorizes the paymcnt by Cellier Ceunty of the following iIIIpllCt fOOl from the Affordable Housing Truat Fund, Fund (191), in the followingllllOUllll for the ono (I) houac to be built on Lol12, Bullard Subdivision, Irmnobloo by Immobloe Hlhillt for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impllcl F 00 B. Road Impact Foe C. Psrlca and Rocrcational FacilitiOl C. D. 2. $ ISO.52 1,379.00 Impact Foo: (1) Community Psrlca (2) Regional Psrlca D. EMS Impact Foe E. Educational FsciIitiOl System Impact Foe ToW Impact Feel 399.00 179.00 14.00 S 177S00 S 3,929.51 JAM lit 1997 3. The payment of iIIIpllCt foOl by Cellier CelU1ty is IUbjoct to the oxocution mI roconIatioa oC an Aarcaneat for Wav. of Cellier County Impact FOOl b.ot....... the I"ua-'ly ownorllldJac purcbuer mI the County. 1biI ~Jution IllSoptod after motion, second IIId majority YOlo favorina 11IIIO. DATED: J---r"II"'7 . A~~U~..Q D~~~~_~%~ -',' . ~'\'h.f, ~"1: t' .,. _~ .. ,l ~ ;f'lIi. ~, , ;~.- .', 11. .... 'U':" ....1:,': -'t.,. . :\J."., I 11;.'....,.. Y'\'.,,~ ; r . . ,'" i. , '",Jto..;. ...' '_ ."lL'....~ u. to filnn ... IoplIU1BCiCacy; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNT!, FLORIDA By.,~~ ""iii' f AiM ~ Heidi F. AIbIilII . .4-- County Attorney Jcl'.....CI1laIIonIhao JAM I ~ 1997 EXHIBlT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BULLARD SUBDMSION LOT 12 BUll.ARD SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO 11IB PLAT BOOK THEREOF, AS llECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 77, OF 11IB PUBUC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. _4_