Resolution 1997-020 JAM 1 " 1!l97 RESoumON NO. 97-~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACf FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILmES IMPACf FEES, ROAD IMPACf FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACf FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILmES SYSTEM IMPACf FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 5, BULLARD SUBDMSION, IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized and attempted to llddrCII Ibe lICit or ~llIIe IIId sfI'onIable bouaing for moderate, low, and very-low income hoUlChoIdl in !be County IIId !be J..t (or creative and innovative programs to uaill in !be provision of IUch housing by including ICveraI prvvisioIII in the Collier County Growth Management Plan, including: objective 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, policy \.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4. policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.\.3. policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 oflbe Housing Element; and WHEREAS. Collier County has received fimding pIII1lUIlIt to !be State Housina IuiliIIives P8rtnenhip Prognun set forth in Section 420.907 G1...Jl:lI., Florida StalUlcI and Chapter 91-37, F10ricIa Administrative Code; and , WHEREAS, in accorllancc with Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, !be County is authori%ed to use fimding from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Prognun for waivers of Collier County impact fees; and WHEREAS, tmmokalcc Habitat for Humanity. Inc. is seeking a waiver of impact feca; and WHEREAS, 1mmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. will c:onatrucl one (1) tbrce-bedroom lIIIit (!be "Dwelling Unit") on Lot 5, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalcc which is proposed to sell for Forty-Six Thouaand Five Hundred Dollars ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will be purchased by a very low income household which is required to invest a minimum of five hundred (500) hours of "Sweat Equity" before it obtains title to !be house; and WHEREAS. Mr. Charles C. Smith, Vicc President of tmmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc~ submitted to the Officc of Housing and Urban Improvement an Affordable Housing Application dated Dec:c:mbcr 2, 1996 for a waiver of impact fees for the construction of a house on Lot 5, Bul1anl Subdivision, Immokalcc, a copy of said application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Department; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3.04 of the Library System lmpICt Fee Qrdm--. 0rdinaDc:e No. 88-97, as amended; Section 4.05 of the Parka and Recreational FllCilitica Impacl Fee OrdilUlllCC, Ordinance No. 88-96, as amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impacl Fee OrdilUlllCC, Ordinance No. 92-22, as amended; Section 3.05 of !be Emergency Medical Scrvicca System lmpICt Fee ()rrI~ Ordinance No. 91-71, as amended; and Section 3.05 of Ibe Educationsl Facilitica System lmpICt Fee JAM 1 " 1!l97 Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of impact fccs by qualifYing for a waiver; and WHEREAS, 1mmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for an impact fee waiver baaed upon !be following representations made by 1mmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a firat-time home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a household with a very low income level as Ibattcrm is defined in the Appcndicca to the respective Impact Fcc Ordinancca and the monthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the affordable housing guidelines established in !be Appcndicca to lhc respective Impact Fcc Ordinances. C. The Dwelling Unit shall be the Homestead of the owner. D. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (15) years from the date Ibe certificate of occupancy is issued. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the CoWlty Manager to issue an Authorization' for waiver of impact fccs to Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. for one (1) house which shall be constructed on Lot 5, Bullard Subdivision, tmmokalcc, Cottier County, Florida. 2. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urban Improvement Director of an agreement for waiver of impact fccs signed by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc., and/or the purchaser, or other documentation acceptable to the County Altomcy, the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the payment by Collier CoWlty of the fotlowing impact fccs from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Fund (191), in the following amounts for Ibe one (I) house to be built on Lot 5, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalcc by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. B. Library Impact Fcc Road Impact Fcc $ 180.52 1,379.00 C. Parks and Recreational Facilitics Impact Fcc: D. (I) Community Parks (2) Regional Parka EMS Impact Fcc 399.00 179.00 14.00 E. Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc Total Impact FeCI S $ I 778 00 3,929.52 JAM 1 " 1997 3. The payment of impact fccs by Collier County isaubject to lhc execution and rcc:ordaIiOl1 of an Agreement for Waiver of Collier County Impact Fccs between !be property owner and/or purchaser and !be County. Thia Resolution adopted after motion, accxmd and majority vote favoring same. DATED:" .~ I~J"? , "':)' . ..:" ~-,. '\ iI \ -' ATI'EST__....,., ;- DWIGlrr.'il:tm.~""c":. '.~ . ..,.... """if" .;;~:......;;.l .... ::!"~'" _ ,'''/''....,( .~~. . . 'f' '.... ~~~. ::. .....\ ',\ '1.",:..," ........ ' ... '.:l.. !. i*"ft:/.,'_~ ;, . ~ . ~ . :" l' ','."'. d. ",.~. .~ ""!J:t:o";;, . -'" ......,..(.(;n ;J-r. ~'"\I'I.\" "~ .t:n ",J Approved as to form and '.1; IcpI auflicicnc:y: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B'~~ ~JM1A Heidi F. AabIoo Aai~ County Altomcy ~ JAM 1 " 1!l97 EXHIBIT "A" LEGALD~YnON-BULLARDSUBDnnslON LOT 5, BULLARD SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT BOOK THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 77, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA.