Resolution 1997-013 RESOLUTION NO. 91'{)13 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TOM HENNING TO THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNny CENTER ADVISORY COMMITrEE. "A" - 1 fl!/l WHEREAs, Collier County Ordin.mce No. 75-4 created the Golden Gate Municipal Seniu. Special TIXina Diltrict and providca that the BoIl'd of County Commiaioacn Iha11 ~ . COWIU.ittcc of three to five eleeton ,...;~ within the dimict to IerVe 011 the Committee; IDd WHEREAs, there it c.ul~ . vacancy on Ibi. committee; IDd WHEREAS, the Board of County Commiasionen previously provided public notice IOliciting applications from intereated parties to fill the vlCaDt temII; NOW, 1lIEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YEn BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIssIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, thlU . Tom Hmni"i it ~.t,,. awuiotcd to the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory ~ for . two YQIl" term, laid term to expire on D--nber 31, 1998. ThiJ Reaolution adopted ~ motion, ICCOOd IDd majority vtlte. DATED: Ianuary 7,1997 .. A:iT~T:..... . ,: QWiOHzm. BROOK. Cle:t , , . .,' " , ",. . . .l J ....; '~I '" ~/, " '..... r ,\t:. . '. ,'. .....,\ ." " f" '., '. ,'. '-/.' . ' ......... I'... ., ':' -' / " :-..~ .' ...' .1/;...., , . " : .:. ':" . ~ (~', ~ '. ; ,r' ~.' I t..- '". -: .... BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERs COLLIER COUNTYj FLORIDA ,( BY.~~/ TIMOTHY. COCK, Chainnan . . ''''. :. :' ': f. . ..' . .." . '''I' . Appn,v~ M.to ~ and IcpJ sufficiency: " ..... .: ~'# -(! ~ . ' 'd C. Weigel ~ County Attomcy DCWIIcn