Resolution 1997-012 ""'" ,....., RESOLUTION NO. 97-012 RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinmc:e No. 75-6 created the Ocbopee Fire District and providea for the establishment of 111 advisory board; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 89.98 conlinned the creation of the Ocbopee Fire District AdvilOry Board and providea that the advisory broad ahall be oolllpOMlll of fivo (5) member1 and such membenhip ahaIl consist of one (I) member from each of tho dcaigMtOd area; and WHEREAS, the tcnnJ of two (2) member1 expired creating VJCaocica on this board; IIJd WHEREAS, the Board of Conoly CommiaaiOllA:R prmOUlIy provided public notice IOliciting applications from interested partiea; NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Kent L. Orner, Sr., meets the pr=quiaitea for appointment and is hereby appointed to the Ocbopee Fire Control AdviJOry Board for. two year term, laid term to expire on December 31. 1998. 2. William L. (Lem) Pennell meets the prer-cquiaitea for appointment and is hereby reappointed to the Ochopce Fire Control Advisory Board for . two year term, laid term to expire onDccember3I,I998. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proviaions of Section Seven (b)(I) of Ordinance No. 86--41, u amended, Terms of Office, are hereby waived to allow reappointment of William 1.. (Lem) Pennell to the Ochopee Fire Control Advisory Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and unanimous vote. DATED: Tanuary 7,1997 AT:tEST: ", oWIGlIT E. BROCK. Clerk . . . ~. ",,',' ... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIERCOUNTY,FLORIDA f~i~~un~~ 12( ,'(I. ,;(., , :'" . " . . -':~' ..... '\' " Ajiprov.ed,u\<i form and legal sufficiency: By~d OTHY. COCK. Chainnan ~.~ ~-j2: L David C. Weigel ~ rnuntv A ttnm~v