Resolution 1997-002 RBBOLOTIO. NO. 97--3- A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THB PRICES FOR THB COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES AND THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODB; ESTABLISHING THB INCREASED PRICB FOR TIm ANNUAL SUPPLBMEHT SERVICB FOR THE CODB OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES AND THE LAND DEVELOPMEHT CODE; AUTHORIZING THE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION TO coNTllfUE TO BE THE VENDOR AND DISTRIBtn'OR FOR THE PURCHASE BY THB GENERAL PUBLIC OF THB COLLIER COUNTY COD! OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES AND THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AllTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY OR HIS DESIGNEE TO Atl'l'HORIZE MtJMICIPAL COD! CORPoRATION TO PRINT AND STORE THE NECESSARY COPIES OF THE CODE BOOKS FOR PURCHASE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC; AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 94-788. WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commissioner. entered into a protessional services agree.ent with Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, to codity, publish and provide copies ot the Code ot Laws and Ordinances ot Collier County, Florida and the Collier County Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County COIIIIIissioner. on NovaJlbar 8, 1994, adopted Resolution No. 94-787, adopting the Code of Lava and Ordinance ot Collier County, Florida and the Col~ier County Land I Development Code and autharized the Municipal Code Corporation to , publish and supple.ent such codes; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County Commi..ioner. on November 8, 1994 adopted Rssolution No. 94-788 designating the price. tor the Collier County Code at Laws and Ordinances (Volume I) and the Collier County Land Development Code including the PUD listing (Volume II); and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code Corporation has advised the County that the rates as adopted by Resolution No. 94-788 should be increased to pay tor the costs ot the Supplements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1) The cost to the qeneral pUblic at the code book., annual supplement service, maqnetic media and supplements on magnetic media are as tallows: ,.~--~-- a) Code ot Laws and Ordinances at Collier County, Florida, (Volume I) - $140.00 h) Collier County Land Development Code including the PUD Listing (Volume II) - $75.00 c) Code at Laws and Ordinances at Collier County, Florida and the Collier County Land Development Coda - $215.00 d) Annual Supplement Service Renewal Fee. for tha Coda ot Lava and Ordinances ot Collier County, Florida, (Volume I) - $130.00 e) Annual Supplement Service Renewal Fees for the Collier County Land Development Code including the PUD Listinq (Volume II) - $85.00 t) Code at Laws and Ordinances ot Collier County, Florida and the Collier County Land Development Code on magnetic media (Word Perfect 5.0 or 5.1) _ $565.00 g) Annual Supple~ent Service on magnetic .edia _ $120.00 h) All purchases are subject to an additional 6' sale. tax. 2) The County Attorney or his Designee shall be responsible tor the distribution at the County's supplement. to 100 .eta of the Collier County Code Book. and the Collier County Land Development Code to each of the County's Departm~nt. and other parties who originally signed tor the Code Books. 3) The Municipal Code Corporation is hereby approved and authorized to continue as the vendor and distributor tor tha coda books, supplements to the cod~ books and magnetic media to be purchased by the general pUblic. 4) The Municipal Code Corporation shall on a monthly ba.i. provide the County Attorney or his Designee with a written itemized statement ot the County's account with Municipal Code Corporation. 5) The County Attorney or his Designee i. hereby authorized to continue to place the necessary order(s) vith the Municipal Code Corporation tor the code books to be available to the general public. 6) Resolution No. 94-788 is hereby superseded in its _....-,.,_.,~.,--,---"-~_."..,..- ".~ JAM - 7 'fJf1 , entirety and this Resolution shall become effective !.aediately. Thia Resolution adopted thia ~ day of 94".,. "'j" , 1997, after motion, second and majority vote. ':A~~V'" .:: ':o;rrcmirn~, CURJC :. "~.1~7.,...\, : : .. /,)1. ,':r,r ,~:"...., \,- ~ . : ~;.. ~"l-.l.',I:,,,~~l''-;.; ..~ . '~~'r.' . . J":~ ,- r' ~.'.f.;.''') ,I' . .1'~.. .' "If. . ~~o\.~:~:t~ form and '1~"1 ('w~~J:C;iancy: .,.'fl...... BOARD OF COtJJlTY COIOIISSIOlfDS COLLIER CO , l'LORIDA ~L ttt,/ v c. w. q. County Attorney