Resolution 1989-079 t'1~>f:~,";'~ i,:. V';;;r.~.\~"j :" , ,_~ ~)'~I':'.';"'~~;:itl". ",''''\')0>. MARCH 21, 1989, RESOWl'ICIf 00. - 89 - 7 9 RESOWI'IOO 'ro FUN=CWIUIi crASSnY lJH)1Q\IEE 001ID (C.R. 846) 105 A w.JOR COLI:R:'IUR 001ID m COILlER CXXlNIY WHEREAS, the norida Cepartment ot Transportatial has classified roadways in Q)l1ier County for the PlJ:llOSE!S of jurisdictialal assignment; am WHEREAS, portions ot Ilmlol<lUee Road were classiti~.d as a minor arterial with p.lblic road jurisdictic:n hem. clesignated tor the state Highway System; am WHEREAS, Inm::>ka1ee Road is rY:M on the County load Netwrk an:1.tba ' County currently is f'Urxlirq both the road II'aintenance ot Inm::>ka1ee Road llI'd iJrprovements to D1m:lkalee Road; llI'd WHEREAS, Q)llier County is invol va:! in roadway ilrprovements MUch w:JUld he adversely affected by a change in road jurisdiction. N:M, nIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED Bl( niB B:lARIJ OF CXXlNIY cnmssIctlERS OF COILlER CXXlNIY, FI.CIRID1'. '!HAT: 1. '!he Board ot County ccmnissianers hereby requests that Inm:lka1ee Road remain on the County Road System \mti1 such time as either: a) 'Ihe current ~ are carpleted by Q)111er County and/or b) 'Ihe fUnctional. classification ot the roadway dictatee a jurisdictialal transfer fl:all the County to the state. 'Ihe above action by the Board ot County ccmnissianers is cansistent with ~e Olapter 14-12 am is the result of re-eval.uation of ~ee ' Road. -, 'Ibis Resolution adq)ted after mtlon, secaxl, arrlllBjority~. " '."l ~ iI,7 fl r I:M'Eo: March' ~t. 1989 1}Tl'EST: ...' ' - 001IRD OF CXXlNIY cnmssrctlERS .J1lMES c. '=; 6ERK CO~~~ U~., "'l-~'g ~ iN. Bl(:./:..~ 7.', ~ WRr L. Si\lJNDEIlS, CHAD<M1IN \~ .', " - .,' .,,"''!' . ilWrovi!d as m' ~onn am legal sufficiency: d~~;})\";'!:P ~-/ M~B.~ , Q)1l1er County A /l // ':?-