Resolution 1989-060 ==00 00. - 89-60 }lARCH 7. 1989 OOI'ICE OF INI'ENl' 'ro UNi 'IllE SIX CEmS LOCAL OPl'IOO G1IS TAX RlRSU7\Nl' 'ro, SD:I'IctI 336.025, FIDRIDt\ STA'IUl'ES ~IERFAS, Section 336.025, Floridll statutes, authorizes the Ccunty to levy tha six cants Local Opticn Gas TaxI ard ~, Section 336.025, Floridll statutes, requires the eounty to enter into an inter10cal agreement with one or IOOre of tha IllIIlicipalities located in the Ccunty prior to JUly I, 1989 or llI;sent such inter10cal agreement, requires the eounty to adopt a resolution of intent to levy such local option gas tax prior to JUly 15, 19891 and ~, an inter10cal agreel,,,,,.t with the city of Naples and tha city of Everglades regardirq distrillution or the six cants Local option Gas Tax proceeds has not yet been rinalized. NCM, WERE:roRE, BE IT =wm Il'l 'IllE 0ClARD OF cr:uNI'l1 o::MlISSICflERS OF <DILIER CXXJNI"{, FIDRIDt\ 'mAT it is the intent of this Board to inFose a six cants Local Option Gas Tax before JUly 1, 1989 to be effective SeptelIber I, 1989 for a period of ten (10) Y8llrS fl:cm that date, and to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city or Naples and the city or Everglades re;ardirq distrib.ltion of the proceeds or such tax. '!his Resolution adopted after lOOtion, second, and roll call vote as follOllS: , o:mnissioner: o:mnissioner: o:mnissioner: o:mnissioner: o:mnissioner: '8~"\I~ Or ,. "Dt\Tm: : \1a:r;e:/{;'7. 1989 ::: =: ( ..' 0ClARD OF CXXJNI"{ o::MlISSICflERS _ ~ltMFS c; GIlES~'}p:RK CJ:ln~7 ~?~~//,~2~~\..J7.~. Il'l:~~ ~ ;~ ',' . ..' ," ,'OJ , t I I'. .... ,,\'l 1q:p~'.;~.to form and legal suffioiency: &-~~.'~~~ - . COllier Ccunty A may Volpe Shanahan Hasse Goodnight Saunders \ Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye o~#/.. E. / 0.-