Agenda 02/05/2008 LDC AGENDA 2007 CYCLE 2 LDC AMENDMENTS FEBRUARY 5, 2008 Co~'Y Cou.nty , Board of County Commissioners Land Development Code Amendments 2007 C"cle 2 February 05, 2008 1:00 p.m. MEMORANDUM Community Development & Environmental Services Division Department of Zoning and Land Development Review To: Members of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners From: Catherine Fabacher, AICP, LDC Manager Date: February 1, 2008 Subject: Land Development Code Amendments (Revised) For the February 5 Pnblic Hearing Attached please find a copy of the revised Land Development Code (LDC) packet for the February 5 BCC LDC Public Hearing scheduled for 1:00 p.m. in the Board Hearing Room. This will be the second public hearing and the Board will be able to vote on the amendment requests. This packet contains all of the amendment requests that were heard for the first time at the January 22, 2008 public hearing before the Board. In order to prevent confusion, the page numbers in this packet are the same as those in the first packet (the yellow book). Board requested revisions, and in 2 cases staff initiated revisions, are indicated by red text with double underlinl.! and a800lg stril[gg tkrgugh. Additionally, staff has tabbed those amendments with substantive changes, with the exception of the Historical/Archeological Overlay (which was tabbed merely for ease of location). Staff plans to hear the amendments in the order in which they appear in the booklet; to that end, all authors will be present for the hearing. We also plan to hear the list of land uses (the pink book which was distributed to you last cycle) again at this hearing. Another copy is being provided to you. This amendment request is to remove the land use tables from the LDC and replace them with a list for the permitted, accessory, conditional and prohibited uses for each zoning district. You may recall that this amendment appeared in the last LDC cycle and that the Boards direction at that time was to defer this to the next cycle to allow the County Attorney's Office to review the lists to be sure that nothing new has been added or deleted from what is allowed in the current LDC. The Chief Assistant County Attorney will speak to this issue at the February 5 meeting. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me online or at 252-2322. cc: Jim Mudd, County Manager Joe Schmitt, CDES Administrator Susan Istenes, AlCP, Zoning Director David Weigel, County Attorney Jeff Klatzkow, Chief Assistant County Attorney Office of the Clerk of Court +-> (!) (!) ~ r/J. Q ro S ~ r/J. (/l ~ (!) .gN ~ il.l (!)'e::i S .... ~~ (!)g 'i:lN o U 1:: (!) S 0.. o ........ (!) > (!) 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Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development and Environmental Services AUTHOR: Robert Wiley DEPARTMENT: Engineering Services AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: New section LDC SECTION(S): 3.07; 6.05.01; 10.02.02 A.4.f; 10.02.Q3 A.3.b.vi; CHANGE: Add Section 3.07.00 Interim Watershed Management Regulations Add cross reference in Section 6.05.01 Add cross reference in Section 10.02.02 A.4.f Add cross reference in Section 10.02.03 A.3.b.vi Add cross reference in Section 10.02.04 A.3. Add cross reference in Section 10.02.04 8.3. REASON: Interim Watershed Management Regulations are being added to the LDC as a result of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based changes to the GMP in 2007. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Based upon the variability of site conditions, some projects may incur substantial fiscal impacts. There will be no fiscal impacts to the County's review process. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: Implements the 2007 EAR-based changes to the CCME of the GMP. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Original Date: 8-28-07; revised October 9, 2007, revised per CCPC 1-9-08. Amend the LDC as follows: 3.07.00 Interim Watershed Manaaement Reauirements 3.07.01 Applicabilitv 1 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle Z\LDC packet\020508 BCC.Z\BCC OZ0508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrebl9A is GblrfeAt text to be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined tenn A. New development and redevelopment shall be in compliance with the Qoals. obiectives and policies of the Conservation and Coastal ManaQement Element (CCME) of the Collier Countv GMP and with this LDC until the formal adoption bv the Countv of all land development reaulations. ordinances. policies. and proarams which implement the Watershed Manaaement Plans as thev are prepared. B. The followina watershed manaaement reauirements will remain in force for the applicable rea ion of the Countv until superseded bv the formal adoption bv the Countv of land development reaulations. ordinances. policies. and proqrams for each watershed as established by the completion. adoption and implementation of the individual Watershed Manaqement Plans. C. The County shall adhere to the limitinq discharqe rates of each basin as outlined in Ordinance 2001-27. adopted May 22.2001 which amended the County Water ManaQement Policy and provided basin delineations where special peak discharqe rates have been established. 3.07.02 Interim Watershed ReQulations A. All new development and redevelopment proiects shall meet 150% of the water quality volumetric requirements of Section 5.2.1 (a) of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water ManaQement District (February 2006). The proiects shall also comply with the allowable offsite discharqe rates required Ordinance 2001-27. as amended. The 150% water quality volumetric requirement also applies to the County's minimum requirement of 1 inch under Ordinance 90-10. as amended: thus increasinq the County's minimum requirement to 1.5 inches. .L The entirety of the required 150% treatment shall occur within the boundaries of the stormwater treatment system. excludinq County required native veQetation preserves. which are not allowed to be incorporated into the stormwater quality treatment system. ~ For purposes of these interim watershed manaqement requlations. any reconfiquration of. or addition to. the on-site impervious area that equals or exceeds 50 percent of the existinq on-site impervious area square footaQe shall be considered redevelopment of the site. Redevelopment shall also be considered as any chanqes to. or reconfiquration of. the buildinQ footprint and/or all other on-site impervious area which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the assessed value of the improvements on the site. In any case. the more restrictive shall apply in the determination of redevelopment. The 50 percent threshold for impervious area and/or assessed value of improvements shall be calculated cumulatively over a 5-year period. B. Loss of storaae or conveyance volume resultinQ from direct impacts to wetlands shall be compensated for by providinq an equal amount of storaqe or conveyance capacity on site and within or adiacent to the impacted wetland. 2 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:irsl:lgl=l is Sl:lrFElRt tela: ta be Eleletet:t. Bold text indicates a defined term ~ Floodplain storaae compensation calculation shall be provided on a case bv case basis. based upon historical f100dina and drainaae problem area information. as determined by staff, for developments within the desianated flood zones "A", "AE". and "VE" as depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps published by the Federal Emeraency Manaaement Aaency with an effective date of November 17, 2005. Floodplain storaae compensation calculations shall be provided on a case by case basis. based upon historical floodina and drainaae problem area information, as determined by staff, for areas known to be periodically inundated by intense rainfall or sheetflow conditions. Fiaure 3.07.02 - 1 Areas of special evaluation for watershed system reauirements per subsection 3.07.02 D. , ''''~~r 1/ Source: SoLthwest Florida Feasibility Study, Collier Courty ADG B AT Project Changes Coverage STEP4 as of July 20.2006 175 .i=. " , 8 ~ . ~ o 5 10 Xl Miles M:onr(<~ oc.un~ ;;- , Q 'J , ~ 3 3 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tellt striketl=lrablgt:l is Gblrr-eRt text te se seletes. Bold text indicates a defined term D. All development located within areas identified on Fiaure 3.07.02 -1 shall be evaluated to determine impacts to natural wetlands. flowwavs. or slouahs. For this particular evaluation. natural wetlands. flowwavs. or slouahs shall be tentativelv identified as contiauous lands havina a continual preponderance of wetland or wet facultative plant species and a around elevation throuah the maior portion of the natural wetland. flowwav. or slouah at least 1 foot lower. on averaae. than the around at the edae of the natural wetland. flowwav. or slouah. The edae of the natural wetlands. flowwavs. or slouahs shall be identified by field determination and based upon veqetation and elevation differences from the adiacent uplands or transitional wetlands. The County shall reauire the applicant to avoid direct impacts to these natural wetlands. flowways. or slouahs or. when not possible. to ensure any direct impact is minimized and compensated for by providina the same conveyance capacity lost by the direct impact. E. All new development and redevelopment proiects shall be desiqned so that surroundina properties will not be adversely impacted by the proiect's influence on stormwater sheet flow UP to the 25-Year. 3-day desian storm. *************************************************************************** 6.05.01 Stormwater Management System Requirements A complete stormwater management system shall be provided for all areas within the subdivision or development, including lots. streets. and alleys. A. The system design shall meet the applicable provisions of the current County codes and ordinances. SFWMD rules and regulations pursuant to Florida Statutes, and the Florida Administrative Code, and any other affected state and federal agencies' rules and regulations in effect at the time of preliminary subdivision plat submission. B. Where stormwater runoff from outside the subdivision or development historically passes on, over, or through areas of the subdivision or development, such runoff shall be included in the stormwater system design. The system shall be designed for long life, low cost maintenance by normal methods and provide for optimal on-site detention of stormwater runoff and groundwater recharge in accordance with applicable County and SFWMD regulations. C. Any structure with an outside wall which is closer than ten (10) feet from a side property line shall install properly sized (minimum twenty-four (24)-square inch cross-section) gutters and downspouts to direct stormwater away from neighboring properties and toward front and/or rear swales or retention/detention areas. D. In-ground percolation type retention systems such as rock trenches, exfiltration trenches or beds, infiltrator type systems, gallery type systems, etc., shall not be used to achieve water quality retention for residential subdivisions. Rear yard open retention systems shall likewise not be designed to achieve water quality retention on projects submitted after January 1, 2002. All retention systems for 4 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LOC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketR~e("lgR is G("lrr-eRt text ts 13e aeletea. Bold text indicates a defined term projects designed after January 1, 2002, shall be on common property owned and maintained by a homeowners' association or similar entity. E. Any canal which forms a part of the public water management system shall be dedicated for care and maintenance per the requirements of the governmental agency which has jurisdiction. Canals located entirely within the subdivision and which do not form a part of the public water management system shall be dedicated to the public, without the responsibility for maintenance, as a drainage easement. A maintenance easement, of a size acceptable to the County Manager or designee or other governmental agency with maintenance responsibility, shall be provided adjacent to the established drainage easement, or the drainage easement created must be of a size suitable for the proposed canal and its maintenance. F. The desiqn of the storm water manaqement svstem shall fullv incorporate the requirements of the Interim Watershed Manaqement requlations of LDC Section 3.07.00 ****************************************************************************** 10.02.02 Submittal Requirements for All Applications A. Environmental impact statements 1. Purpose. a. The purpose of this section is to provide a method to objectively evaluate the impact of a proposed development, site alteration, or project upon the resources and environmental quality of the project area and the community and to insure that planning and zoning decisions are made with a complete understanding of the impact of such decisions upon the environment, to encourage projects and developments that will: i. Protect, conserve and enhance, but not degrade, the environmental quality and resources of the particular project or development site, the general area and the greater community. II. Minimize the future reduction in property values likely to result, or be caused by improperly designed and executed projects and developments. iii. Reduce the necessity for expenditure of public funds in the future for rehabilitating the environmental quality of areas of environmental sensitivity. b. Further. it is the purpose of this section to attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation of environmental advantages and risk to public health, safety, welfare and other undesirable consequences. 5 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te)R BtriketArebl~A is GblrreAt text ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined tenn c It is also the purpose of this section to optimize a balance between population and resource use to permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of resources and amenities among all citizens and residents of and visitors to Collier County during the present and future generations. 2. Applicability; environmental impact statement (EIS) required. Without first obtaining approval of an EIS, or exemption pursuant to section 10.02.02 A.7.. as required by this Code it shall be unlawful and no building permit. conditional use, zoning change, subdivision or condominium plat or unplatted subdivision approval or other county permit or approval of or for development or site alteration shall be issued to cause the development of or site alteration of: a. Any site with a ST or ACSC-ST overlay. b. All sites seaward of the coastal management boundary that are 2.5 or more acres. c. All sites landward of the coastal management boundary that are ten or more acres. d. Sites where a prior EIS was prepared and approved for the same area of land and where the following exist: i. Greater impacts to preserve areas or changes in location to preserve areas are proposed; ii Greater impacts to jurisdictional wetlands or listed species habitats are proposed; iii. New listed species have been identified on site; or iv. A previous EIS is more than 5 years old. e. Any other development or site alteration which in the opinion of the County Manager or his designee, would have substantial impact upon environmental quality and which is not specifically exempted in this Code. In determining whether such a project would have substantial environmental impact the County Manager or his designee shall base his decision on the terms and conditions described in this Code and on the project's consistency with the growth management plan. f. When required by section 3.04.01 of this Code, plant and animal species surveys shall be conducted regardless of whether an EIS or resubmitted EIS is required by this section. 3. Submission and review of EIS. A completed EIS, in written and digital format. shall be submitted to County Manager or his designee for approval, denial or approval with modifications. No development or site 6 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Telft stril(()threbl!:)A i~ GblrreAt text ta be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined tenn alteration will be started without this approval and permits required by law. Failure to provide full and complete information shall be grounds for denial of the application. The author(s) of the EIS shall provide evidence, by academic credentials or experience, of his/her expertise in the area of environmental sciences or natural resource management. Academic credentials shall be a bachelor's or higher degree in one of the biological sciences. Experience shall reflect at least three years, two years of which shall be in the State of Florida, of ecological or biological professional experience if substituting for academic credentials. 4. Information required for application. a. Applicant information. i. Responsible person who wrote the EIS and his/her education and job related environmental experience. ii. Owner(s)/agent(s) name, address, phone number & e-mail address. b. Mapping and support graphics. i. General location map. ii. Native habitats and their boundaries identified on an aerial photograph of the site extending at least 200 feet outside the parcel boundary. This does not mean the applicant is required to go on to adjoining properties. Habitat identification consistent with the Florida Department of Transportation Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) shall be depicted on an aerial photograph having a scale of one inch equal to at least 200 feet when available from the County. Other scale aerials may be used where appropriate for the size of the project, provided the photograph and overlays are legible at the scale provided. A legend for each of the FLUCFCS categories found on-site shall be included on the aerial. iii. Topographic map, and existing drainage patterns if applicable. Where possible, elevations within each of FLUCFCS categories shall be provided. iv. Soils map at scale consistent with that used for the Florida Department of Transportation Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System determinations. v. Proposed drainage plan indicating basic flow patterns, outfall and off-site drainage. 7 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrsu9R is Sl;lFFBRt text tEl sa E1aleted. Bold text indicates a defined term VI. Development plan including phasing program, service area of existing and proposed public facilities, and existing and proposed transportation network in the impact area. vii. Site plan showing preserves on-site, and how they align with preserves on adjoining and neighboring properties. Include on the plan locations of proposed and existing development, roads, and areas for stormwater retention. as shown on approved master plans for these sites, as well as public owned conservation lands, conservation acquisition areas, major flowways and potential wildlife corridors. viii. For properties in the RLSA or RFMU districts, a site plan showing the location of the site, and land use designations and overlays as identified in the Growth Management Plan. c. Project description and GMP consistency determination. i. Provide an overall description of the project with respect to environmental and water management issues. ii. Explain how the project is consistent with each of the Objectives and Policies in the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan, where applicable. d. Native vegetation preservation. i. Identify the acreage and community type of all upland and wetland habitats found on the project site, according to the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS). Provide a description of each of the FLUCFCS categories identified on-site by vegetation type (species), vegetation composition (canopy, midstory and ground cover) and vegetation dominance (dominant, common and occasional). ii. Explain how the project meets or exceeds the native vegetation preservation requirement in Goal 6 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan, and Chapters 3 and 10 of the Land Development Code. Provide an exhibit illustrating such. Include calculations identifying the acreage for preservation and impact, per FLUCFCS category. III. For sites already cleared and in agricultural use, provide documentation that the parcel(s) are in compliance with the 25 year rezone limitation in Policy 6.1.5 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan and Chapters 3 and 10 of the 8 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LOC packet\020508 BCC.2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TEmt stril{etRre\;l~R is S\;lmmt text te sa Elelatea. Bold text indicates a defined term Land Development Code. For sites cleared prior to January 2003, provide documentation that the parcel(s) are in compliance with the 10 year rezone limitation previously identified in the Growth Management Plan and Land Development Code. iv. Have preserves or acreage requirements for preservation previously been identified for the site during previous development order approvals? If so, identify the location and acreage of these preserves, and provide an explanation if they are different from what is proposed. v. For properties with Special Treatment "ST" overlays, show the ST overlay on the development plan and provided an explanation as to why these areas are being impacted or preserved. e. Wetlands. i. Define the number of acres of Collier County jurisdictional wetlands (pursuant to Policy 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan) according to the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS). Include a description of each of the FLUCFCS categories identified on-site by vegetation type (species), vegetation composition (canopy, midstory and ground cover) and vegetation dominance (dominant, common and occasional). Wetland determinations are required to be verified by the South Florida Water Management District or Florida Department of Environmental Protection. prior to submission to the County. ii. Determine seasonal and historic high water levels utilizing lichen lines or other biological indicators. Indicate how the project design improves/affects predevelopment hydroperiods. Provide a narrative addressing the anticipated control elevation(s) for the site. iii. Indicate the proposed percent of defined wetlands to be impacted and the effects of proposed impacts on the functions of these wetlands. Provide an exhibit showing the location of wetlands to be impacted and those to be preserved on-site. Describe how impacts to wetlands have been minimized. iv. Indicate how the project design compensates for wetland impacts pursuant to the Policies and Objectives in Goal 6 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan. For sites in the RFMU district, provide an assessment, based on the South 9 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrs1:lgh is GblrrSRt tmli tEl be aeleteGt. Bold text indicates a defined term Florida Water Management District's Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method, that has been accepted by either the South Florida Water Management District or the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. For sites outside the RFMU district, and where higher quality wetlands are being retained on-site, provide justification based on the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method. f. Surface and ground water management. i. Provide an overall description of the proposed water management system explaining how it works, the basis of design. historical drainage flows. off-site flows coming in to the system and how they will be incorporated in the system or passed around the system, positive outfall availability, Wet Season Water Table and Dry Season Water Table, and how they were determined, and any other pertinent information pertaining to the control of storm and ground water. II. Provide an analysis of potential water quality impacts of the project by evaluating water quality loadings expected from the project (post development conditions considering the proposed land uses and storm water management controls) compared with water quality loadings of the project area as it exists in its pre-development conditions. This analysis is required for projects impacting five (5) or more acres of wetlands. The analysis shall be performed using methodologies approved by Federal and State water quality agencies. iii. Identify any Wellfield Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay Zones (WRM-ST) within the project area and provide an analysis for how the project design avoids the most intensive land uses within the most sensitive WRM- STs. IV. The desian of the proposed stormwater manaaement svstem and analvsis of water Quality and Quantity impacts shall fully incorporate the requirements of the Interim Watershed ManaQement reQulations of LDC Section 3.07.00. ****************************************************************************** 10.02.03 Submittal Requirements for Site Development Plans A. Generally. 1. Purpose. The intent of this section is to ensure compliance with the appropriate land development regulations prior to the issuance of a 10 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LOC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text s.trikeU1Fg~9h is. C6IrreRt telA: ta be EieleteGl. Bold text indicates a defined term building permit. This section is further intended to ensure that the proposed development complies with fundamental planning and design principles such as: consistency with the county's growth management plan; the layout, arrangement of buildings, architectural design and open spaces; the configuration of the traffic circulation system, including driveways, traffic calming devices. parking areas and emergency access; the availability and capacity of drainage and utility facilities; and, overall compatibility with adjacent development within the jurisdiction of Collier County and consideration of natural resources and proposed impacts thereon. 2. Applicability. All development, except as otherwise provided herein, is subject to the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following land use activities and represents the sole exceptions therefrom: a. Single-family detached and two-family housing structure(s) on a lot(s) of record except as otherwise provided at section 4.02.02 (cluster development). b. Townhouses developed on fee simple lots under individual ownership. provided that a fee simple townhouse plat is approved in accordance with the provisions of section 10.02.04 8.4. c. Underground construction; utilities, communications and similar underground construction type activities. d. Accessory and ancillary facilities for a golf course such as restrooms, irrigation systems, pump-houses where a preliminary work authorization has been entered into with the county except where a site alteration permit is required by this Code. e. Construction trailers and storage of equipment and materials following issuance of a building permit for the use to which said activities are a function of, except as otherwise provided by section 5.04.03 E. Model homes and sales centers, except as otherwise provided by section 5.04.04. f. Project entryway signs, walls, gates and guardhouses. g. Neighborhood parks, subject to the approval of a conceptual site plan. depicting, on a 24" by 36" sheet, all site clearing; improvements. including fences and walls, playground equipment. walkways, picnic areas, and play areas; and minimum Code landscaping (irrigation will not be required). For the purposes of review fees only, this plan shall be treated as a conceptual site development plan, and the applicable review fee shall apply. Minimum landscape buffering. Under certain circumstances with neighborhood parks, there may be underlying health. safety and welfare concerns that necessitate deviation from the buffering required in section 11 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020S08 BCC-2\BCC 020S08.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TeJa strikethrabl!]h is Gblrr-eAt text te be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term 4.06.02. The County Manager or his designee will determine, on a case- by-case basis, whether such deviation is necessary. This determination will be made upon a request for determination from the applicant, which must include all reasons that would justify the deviation. The County Manager or his designee will use factors including, but not limited to, the following when making a determination for deviation: a. The geographic location of the neighborhood park b. The effects that a lack of buffering will have on neighboring uses; and c. The need to ensure that the public safety is maintained by providing law enforcement and other policing entities clear view of the activities occurring on the park premises. While the above land use activities shall be exempt from the provisions of section 10.02.03, these land use activities are subject to all other provisions of the Land development Code such as but not limited to landscaping (with the exception of g., as listed above), tree removal. development standards and the submission requirements attendant to obtaining temporary use and building permits. 3. Exemptions. Due to its location or minimal impact on surrounding properties and probable minimal impacts under the site development plan review standard contained in section 10.02.03 A.4., standard application requirements as described in section 10.02.03 A., may be waived in part or in full by the County Manager or his designee for agriculturally related development as identified in the permitted and accessory uses section of the rural agricultural zoning district; however. a site improvement plan as required by section 10.02.03 B. addressing the application requirements deemed necessary by the County Manager or his designee shall be submitted to the planning department for review and approval. a. School board review ("SBR") application contents. The SBR application submittal will be in accordance with section 10.02.03 of the Code, but will be accorded an expedited process as outlined in the Manual for County Consistency and Site Plan Reviews of educational facilities and ancillary plants, as may be amended by agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and the Collier County School Board. This document is available in the Records Room of the Community Development and Environmental Services Building. b. The expedited site plan for school board review, as referenced in section 10.02.03 A.3.a. of the Land Development Code. will consist of the following areas of review: 12 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:lrel:.lgt:l is Gblrrent taxt te sa GteleteGl. Bold text indicates a defined term I. Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures, Ordinance No. 01-57, as may be amended. In accordance with this Ordinance. the following requirements must be met: (a) That portion of the water and/or wastewater system that lies in the public rights-of-way or in County utility easements ("CUE") shall be conveyed to the Collier County Water/Sewer District prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. (b) All water and wastewater systems shall be built in accordance with the Collier County Utility Technical Standards Manual in effect at the time a SBR Letter of Compliance is requested. (c) Chapters 3 and 10 of the code designed to protect local government water supply wellfields from land uses that may pollute shall apply. (d) Off-site improvements shall be in accordance with the current update of the Water and Wastewater Master Plan and must include any agreement necessary to assign the responsibility for the cost of upsizing said water and/or wastewater facilities. (e) The School District shall be responsible for all materials and/or real property required for the water and/or wastewater system. Any expansions and/or renovations to existing school facilities shall require a review by the Collier County Engineering Services Department to determine the need for a change in meter sizing and additional grease traps. (f) South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) permits shall be submitted prior to the issuance of an SBR approval. II. Compatibility review. The County will conduct a compatibility review that will take into account the Architectural and Site Design Standards contained within Section 5.05.08 of the LDC in effect at the time a SBR Letter of Compliance is requested and that pertain to issues of compatibility with surrounding uses, complementary patterns of development and mitigation of negative impacts, limited to compatibility issues, external sidewalks and pathway connections, lighting, dumpster location and screening and orientation of buildings and ancillary facilities. In addition, The Utility Billing and Customer Service ("UBCS") Department shall ascertain 13 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Teld. strikethreblgh is GblrFeAt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined tenn that there is ample space for the trash dumpster(s) or compactor(s) and for the trash collection franchisee to maneuver trucks in and out of the space allowed for the dumpster(s) or compactor(s). With the exception of high school facilities, this compatibility review will be a courtesy review. For high school facilities, this will be a formal review process and is subject to the appeal process set forth in this section 10.02.03(A)(3)(c) of the Code in the event that the County denies the application based on non- compliance with the items listed in this paragraph. iii. Landscaping and buffering. Chapter 4.06.00 of the Code in effect at the time a SBR Letter of Compliance is requested shall apply. The County Planning Staff will recommend an amendment to the code allowing administrative deviations from the landscaping and buffering standards for essential services such as Educational and ancillary plants. Specifically, the County will recommend flexibility in the regulations for projects where there will be joint use by the County Department of Parks and Recreation and the School District. In the event that the BCC approves the recommended amendment, administrative deviations may be granted provided the School District can demonstrate that the intent of this section can be effectively accomplished without meeting the specific development standards. The reasons for deviations are set forth in this Chapter 10 of the code, but the deviation shall be in the format required by Section 5.05.08 of the code. iv. Environmental regulations for compliance with the Collier County GMP Conservation and Coastal Management Element in effect at the time a SBR Letter of Compliance is requested shall apply as follows: (a) On a site by site basis, County Staff will determine the necessity for an environmental impact statement ("EIS") to be submitted. (b) The final SFWMD Environmental Resource Permit and all other agency permits for wetlands must be submitted prior to a determination that the SBR application is sufficient for review. (c) Submission of Protected Species Surveys and, if needed, wildlife management plans in accordance with the code and the GMP in effect at the time of the issuance of the SBR Letter of Compliance along with United States Fish and Wildlife Service ("USFWS") and the Florida Fish and Wildlife 14 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRreugR is CblrreAt text to be seletes. Bold text indicates a defined term Conservation Commission ("FFWCC") agency permits. (d) A site clearing plan must be submitted that shows the native vegetation areas to be preserved and identifies the upland/wetlands preserve or protected species preserves. (e) The GMP and LDC section 3.05.07 requires schools to provide a set percentage for native vegetation preservation in the Rural Fringe and the Rural Lands. The School Board must comply with the set percentages of native vegetation preservation. (f) An exotic vegetation Removal and Maintenance Plan must be submitted and approved prior to final SBR approval. All exotic vegetation shall be removed from the site of an Educational and ancillary plant prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. (g) All environmental documentation must be submitted prior to a sufficiency determination on a SBR application. Failure to submit the required documentation will result in a determination of insufficiency and the formal review process will not commence until such documentation is received and the application is deemed sufficient for review. v. All State Fire Code regulations as they relate to the site plan and in effect at the time that a SBR Letter of Compliance is requested shall apply. The School District shall submit all building information necessary to determine site requirements including, but not limited to. fire flow requirements and fire sprinkler requirements. vi. Collier County Stormwater Management Policies as follows: (a) A Drainage Plan, signed and sealed by a Florida Professional Engineer must be submitted along with design calculations in order to determine the proposed development's effect on County maintained drainage facilities. (b) SFWMD permits must be submitted prior to a determination that the SBR application is sufficient for review. 15 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC.2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te,tt strikethreblgh 15: Cl.Immt text ts be deleted, Bold text indicates a defined term (c) Easements for drainage improvements and access to them must be submitted prior to SBR approval. When necessary, the School Board will supply additional drainage easement area when necessitated by increased capacity to accommodate the proposed development. (d) If any dedications of easements for drainage, maintenance, and/or access are required. all necessary documentation to record the easement(s) shall be provided to the County prior to approval of the SBR. Prior to the County's issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, such easements shall be approved by the BCC and officially recorded. @l All proposed development activities will be fully in compliance with the Interim Watershed ManaQement reQulations of LDC Section 3.07.00. ****************************************************************************** 10.02.04 Submittal Requirements for Plats A. Preliminary subdivision plat requirements. 1. Procedures for preliminary subdivision plat. a. Optional. The preliminary subdivision plat process is not mandatory, but an option that may be exercised by the applicant upon the effective date of this ordinance. All preliminary subdivision plats that were approved prior to the effective date of this ordinance are not optional and must proceed in accordance with the procedures outlined for a preliminary subdivision plat. Also, nothing in this section will be construed to affect the mandatory nature of a final subdivision plat. i. Abandonment/Cancellation of existing approved PSP's. The applicant may chose to abandon/cancel any PSP that was approved prior to February 11. 2004 in the event that the FSP has not been approved. If the applicant chooses to abandon. then the only process that will be applicable to that applicant is the final subdivision plat process in the same manner as if the PSP option was never exercised. Any portion of the original PSP for which a Final Plat has not been approved would therefore require a separate Final Plat according to procedures in effect at the time of submittal. b. Initiation. In order to initiate an application for a preliminary subdivision plat, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the 16 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text 5:triltett:lrsl:lgt:l is Sl:lrFElAt tela: ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term County Manager or his designee a preliminary subdivision plat which meets the requirements contained in this section. c. Review and determination of approval, approval with conditions, or denial by County Manager or his designee. After receipt of a completed preliminary subdivision plat, the County Manager or his designee shall review and evaluate the preliminary subdivision plat in conformance with the preliminary subdivision plat requirements established in this section. Based on the review and evaluation, the County Manager or his designee shall approve. approve with conditions, or deny the preliminary subdivision plat. The decision to approve with conditions, or deny the preliminary subdivision plat may be appealed to the board of county commissioners pursuant to the provisions of section 1002.02 of this Code. If the County Manager or his designee should deny or place conditions on the preliminary subdivision plat, he shall state in writing reasons for such denial or conditions, and shall cite the applicable code or regulatory basis for the conditions or denial. Said determination may be appealed to the county board of commissioners. 2. Preliminary subdivision plat submission requirements. The preliminary subdivision plat process is optional. The optional nature of this process will in no way affect the submission requirements enumerated below. In other words, if an applicant chooses this option. the applicant must follow all of the submission requirements. The mandatory nature of the final subdivision plat process is likewise not affected by the optional nature of the preliminary subdivision plat submission process. 3. A preliminary subdivision plat application shall be submitted for the entire property to be subdivided in the form established by the County Manager or his designee and shall, at a minimum, include ten copies of the preliminary subdivision plat unless otherwise specified by the County Manager or his designee. The preliminary subdivision plat shall be prepared by the applicant's engineer and surveyor. Land planners, landscape architects, architects. and other technical and professional persons may assist in the preparation of the preliminary subdivision plat. The preliminary subdivision plat shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers and public facility providers applicable to the development. Provisions shall be made for placement of all utilities underground, where possible. Exceptions for overhead installations may be considered upon submission of sound justification documenting the need for such installation. The preliminary subdivision plat shall include or provide, at a minimum. the following information and materials: a. A preliminary subdivision plat shall consist of a series of mapped information sheets on only standard size 24-inch by 36-inch sheets to include, but not be limited to, the following: I. Cover map sheet; 17 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:lrsugl:l is C1:meAt text te Ba aelates. Bold text indicates a defined term ii. Boundary and topographic survey; iii. Preliminary subdivision plat with right-ot-way and lot configurations; iv. Natural features and vegetative cover map; for proposed site alteration(s) within the coastal zone, vegetative cover map shall also comply with section 3.03.02 B.; v. Master utilities and water management (drainage) plans; vi. Aerial map; and vii. Standard right-ot-way cross-sections and appropriate design details. The above mapped information may be combined on one or more maps if determined appropriate by the County Manager or his designee. b. Name of subdivision or identifying title which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the incorporated or unincorporated area of Collier County. c. A vicinity plan showing the location of the tract in reference to other areas of the county. d. North arrow, graphic scale and date. e. Name, address and telephone number of the developer, along with the name and address of the registered engineer and registered surveyor responsible for the plat and supporting data. f. The location and names of adjacent subdivisions, if any, and plat book and page reference. g. The tract boundary with bearings and distances along with written description and location relative to section corners. h. Topographical conditions on the tract including all the existing watercourses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes, wetlands, possible archaeological sites and other significant features. i. All existing streets and alleys of record on or adjacent to the tract including name. right-ot-way width, street or pavement width and established centerline elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to the tract boundary. 18 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrebl~h is Sblrrent text to be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term j. All existing property lines, easements and rights-ot-way of record, their purpose, and their effect on the property to be subdivided. k. The location and width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-ot- way, easements and their purpose along with the proposed layout of the lots and blocks. Proposed street names shall be identified on all public or private thorough-fares. Typical right-ot- way and pavement cross sections shall be graphically illustrated on the preliminary subdivision plat, showing the location of sidewalks, bikepaths and utilities. If not previously determined during the rezoning process, it shall be determined whether the streets are to be public or private. I. The incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on the traffic circulation element of the Collier County growth management plan. when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. m. Access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance to the requirements established by this section or a zoning action previously approved by the board of county commissioners. n. Ground elevations based on the NGVD. However. information pursuant to 10.02.04 A.2.h. may suffice for this information requirement where spot elevations have been provided in sufficient number and distribution on a boundary survey map. o. All existing drainage district facilities and their ultimate right-of-way requirements as they affect the property to be subdivided. p. Generalized statement of subsurface conditions on the property, location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. q. Zoning classification of the tract and all contiguous properties, and, if applicable, a reference to the planned unit development or zoning ordinance, by project name and ordinance number, shall be shown. r. Utilities such as telephone. power, water, sewer, gas, and the like, on or adjacent to the tract including existing or proposed water and sewage treatment plants. The preliminary subdivision plat shall contain a statement that all utility services shall be available and have been coordinated with all required utilities. Evidence of such utility availability shall be provided in writing from each utility proposed to service the subdivision. 19 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LOC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRfG("lfjR is G("lrFeRt text te l3e deletes. Bold text indicates a defined tenn s. Sites proposed for parks, recreational areas. and school sites or the like in accordance with any existing ordinances requiring such a dedication. t. Typical lot configurations shall be illustrated and the minimum area of the lots required by the approved zoning classification shall be referenced by note. For fee-simple residential lots, the illustration shall portray the type of unit identified by LDC definition and developer's description to be placed on each lot (example: Lots 1-20. single-family attached (patio home), and show a typical unit on typical interior and corner lots, depicting setbacks (including preserve setbacks, if applicable) and/or separation of structures. Also for fee simple residential lots. the illustration shall portray the location of typical units on atypical lots (such as cul-de- sac, hammerhead and all irregular lots). For non-residential lots (e.g., multi-family amenity lots or parcels, commercial/industrial lots), the illustration shall portray setbacks & building envelope. Setbacks required by the approved zoning classification shall be provided verbatim on the plan in matrix form. Where more than one type of dwelling unit (e.g., single-family detached, single- family attached, zero lot line) is planned, lots must be linked to the type, or types, of unit which they are intended to accommodate. A table shall be provided showing lot area and lot width for each irregular lot, regular corner and interior lots may show only typical width and area. u. An environmental impact statement pursuant to section 10.02.02 of this Code, except that the applicant may request an administrative waiver of this provision where it is apparent that no environmental degradation will result from the development of the land or where a prior environmental impact assessment was prepared for the same area of land within five years from the date of submission of the preliminary subdivision plat. v. Locations of all wetlands, archaeological sites, endangered or threatened species. on the parcel. The following natural feature map shall be provided. as required, based on the nature of the property in question: i. A map of all wetland area locations as delineated by all agencies having jurisdiction over such wetlands. II. A map of all archaeological site locations as delineated by a professional archaeologist, a regulatory agency or a state-recognized archaeological group. iii. A map of all locations of other natural features as required by [the] County Manager or his designee or any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction over such features. 20 1:107 Amend the LDC12007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC.2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text s:triketRra~91=1 is G~rFeRt te;~ tGl tie deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term iv. A map of all locations of colonies, burrows and nest trees of all endangered. threatened, or species of special concern. Such map shall be based upon delineation criteria of the appropriate governmental or regulatory agencies for such species. w. The location of buffered areas required by section 4.06.01 shall be illustrated and dimensioned if appropriate at this time. x. A subdivision that generates 1,000 ADT (average daily trips) or 150 vehicles per hour, peak hour/peak season shall submit a traffic impact analysis. The traffic impact analysis shall be prepared by an engineer and shall be used to determine the number of lanes and capacity of the street system proposed or affected by the development, based on ultimate permitted development. y. A master water management plan outlining the existing and proposed surface watercourses and their principal tributary drainage facilities needed for proper drainage, water management and development of the subdivision. The master water management plan for projects that are 40 acres or less shall consist of a plan and report with preliminary design calculations indicating the method of drainage, existing water elevations. recurring high water elevations, the proposed design water elevations, drainage structures, canals, ditches. delineated wetlands, and any other pertinent information pertaining to the control of storm and ground water. For projects that are greater than 40 acres, a South Florida Water Management District conceptual permit submittal or staff report with plan, or above equivalent, shall be required. The master water management plan and data submitted shall be consistent with the "content of application" submissions required by the South Florida Water Management District (see Rule 40E. FAC., as amended). In cases where modifications or improvements are not planned for existing major watercourses and their principal tributary drainage facilities, this requirement may be accomplished by so indicating on the preliminary subdivision plat. Z. All plans and plattinq documents shall be prepared fully in compliance with the Interim Watershed Manaqement requlations of LDC Section 3.07.00. ****************************************************************************** B. Final plat requirements. 1. Protected/preserve area and easements. A nonexclusive easement or tract in favor of Collier County, without any maintenance obligation, shall be provided for all "protected/preserve" areas required to be designated on the preliminary and final subdivision plats or only on the final 21 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te}H. strikethrslolgh it Cl:lrrSRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term subdivision plat if the applicant chooses not to submit the optional preliminary subdivision plat. Any buildable lot or parcel subject to or abutting a protected/preserve area required to be designated on the preliminary and final subdivision plats, or only on the final subdivision plat if the applicant chooses not to submit the optional preliminary subdivision plat, shall have a minimum 25-foot setback from the boundary of such protected/preserve area in which no principle structure may be constructed. Further, the preliminary and final subdivision plats, or only on the final subdivision plat if the applicant chooses not to submit the optional preliminary subdivision plat, shall require that no alteration, including accessory structures, fill placement, grading, plant alteration or removal. or similar activity shall be permitted within such setback area without the prior written consent of the County Manager or his designee; provided, in no event shall these activities be permitted in such setback area within ten feet of the protected/preserve area boundary. Additional regulations regarding preserve setbacks and buffers are located in Chapters 4 and 10, and shall be applicable for all preserves, regardless if they are platted or simply identified by recorded conservation easement. The boundaries of all required easements shall be dimensioned on the final subdivision plat. Required protected/preserve areas shall be identified as separate tracts or easements having access to them from a platted right-of-way. No individual residential or commercial lot or parcel lines may project into them when platted as a tract. If the protected/preserve area is determined to be jurisdictional in nature, verification must be provided which documents the approval of the boundary limits from the appropriate local, state or federal agencies having jurisdiction and when applicable pursuant to the requirements and provisions of the growth management plan. All required easements or tracts for protected/preserve areas shall be dedicated and also establish the permitted uses for said easement(s) and/or tracts on the final subdivision plat to Collier County without the responsibility for maintenance and/or to a property owners' association or similar entity with maintenance responsibilities. An applicant who wishes to set aside. dedicate or grant additional protected preserve areas not otherwise required to be designated on the preliminary subdivision plat and final subdivision plats, or only on the final subdivision plat if the applicant chooses not to submit the optional preliminary subdivision plat, may do so by grant or dedication without being bound by the provisions of this section. 2. Improvement plans. The improvement plans for required improvements which will be constructed within an existing easement must illustrate the existing easement and existing facilities. and the proposed easement and the proposed facilities. Copies of the improvement plans shall be provided by the applicant to the holder of the easement(s) simultaneously with its submission to the county. 22 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRrsl:JgR is Gl:lrF:eRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term The review and approval of improvement plans does not authorize the construction of required improvements which are inconsistent with existing easement(s) of record. 3. General requirements for final subdivision plats. a. Ten prints of the final subdivision plat shall be submitted along with the improvement plans. No final subdivision plat shall be approved unless the improvement plans shall have been reviewed and accepted by the County Manager or his designee. b. The final subdivision plat shall conform to the approved preliminary subdivision plat, if the applicant chose to submit a preliminary subdivision plat, pursuant to section 10.02.05 A.5. The final subdivision plat shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary subdivision plat, if applicable, which the applicant proposes to construct within a finite period not to exceed 18 months. The improvements required by this section which apply to the final subdivision plat shall be completed within 18 months from the date of approval of the final plat unless prior to the 18-month construction period. a written request for an extension in time not exceeding one year is applied for and approved by the development services administrator or his designee. The applicant shall enter into a construction and maintenance agreement with the county. in a form acceptable to the county attorney, which establishes the terms and conditions for the construction and maintenance of the improvements required during the 18-month construction period (unless a written extension request is approved by the County Manager or his designee prior to the expiration of the 18-month construction period), whether the final plat is approved only or approved and recorded with the posting of a subdivision performance security. This agreement shall be submitted with the final plat for review and approval and executed by all parties at the time of final plat approval per section c. below. c. At the time of submission of the final subdivision plat, the applicant shall submit a statement indicating whether the required improvements are to be constructed prior to the recording of the final subdivision plat or after recording under subdivision performance security posted with the county as provided for in this section. When the required improvements are to be completed after recording under guarantees as provided in this section. the final subdivision plat upon submittal shall be accompanied by the following: d. An opinion of probable construction cost prepared by the applicant's professional engineer. or the actual contractor's bid, which includes the cost of all required improvements. 23 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text E:triketRrebl~R is Gl;lrreRt text ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term e. Subdivision performance security, as further described herein, in an amount equal to 110 percent of the sum of construction costs for all on-site and off-site required improvements based on the applicant's professional engineer's opinion or contract bid price. Where improvements are to be constructed by a general-purpose government such as a county or municipality, a local school district. or state agency, no subdivision performance security shall be required. Subdivision performance security shall be required of an independent special-purpose government such as a community development district (COD). The subdivision performance security shall be in one of the following forms: (1) Cash deposit agreement with the county. (2) Irrevocable standby letter of credit. (3) Surety bond. (4) Construction, maintenance and escrow agreement. f. After the final subdivision plat has been approved by the County Manager or his designee for compliance with this Code as provided in this section, the applicant shall resubmit five certified sets of the previously approved improvement plans along with approved copies of all required county, state and federal construction permits. The applicant's professional engineer shall also submit a digitally created construction/site plan documents, one disk (CDROM) of the master plan file, including, where applicable, easements, water/wastewater facilities, and stormwater drainage system. The digital data to be submitted shall follow these formatting guidelines: All data shall be delivered in the state plane coordinate system, with a Florida East Projection, and a North American Datum 1983/1990 (NAD83/90 datum), with United States Survey Feet (USFEET) units; as established by a Florida registered surveyor and mapper. All information shall have a maximum dimensional error of +0.5 feet. Files shall be in a Digital Exchange File (DXF) format; information layers shall have common naming conventions (i.e. right-of-way--ROW, centerlines--CL, edge-of-pavement--EOP. etc.). For a plan to be deemed complete, the layering scheme must be readily understood by county staff. All property information (parcels. lots, and requisite annotation) shall be drawn on a unique information layer, with alllinework pertaining to the property feature located on that layer. Example: parcels--AII lines that form the parcel boundary will be located on one parcel layer. Annotations pertaining to property information shall be on a unique layer. Example: lot dimensions--Lottxt layer. All construction permits required from local, state and federal agencies must be submitted to the County Manager or his designee prior to commencing development within any phase of a project requiring such permits. 24 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tel~ 5tril~etRrel:lgh is Cl:IrreAt text te Be G1eletes. Bold text indicates a defined term g. Approval of the final subdivision plat shall not constitute acceptance of the dedicated facilities or areas. Acceptance of any such dedicated facilities or areas and responsibility for their maintenance shall be by separate resolution of the board of county commissioners. h. All conveyance instruments shall be in a form approved by the county attorney prior to their submission to the board of commissioners for acceptance. If requested by the County Manager or his designee. the grantee shall provide, at no cost to the county, a title opinion, or certificate in a form promulgated by the Florida insurance commissioner, which is in conformance with the county's procedures for acquiring real property interests. No conveyance instrument shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final subdivision plat and formal acceptance of the conveyance by the board of commissioners. L All plans and plattinq documents shall be prepared fully in compliance with the Interim Watershed Manaqement requlations of LDC Section 3.0700 25 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strih:etRreblgt:l is SblrrSRt telet te be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - 26 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRre~fiJR is GIdFFeRt text te be r<teleter<t. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES - Zoning Department AUTHOR: Catherine Fabacher DEPARTMENT: Zoning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 1,2007 LDC PAGE: LDC5:26, LDCIO:32 LDC SECTION(S): 5.01.07 10.02.03 PflD.lit rfH 9utd661 ~[I :iog Arran "lith 8J 'J.Tithout EotQrtaioment~ Submittal Requirements for Site Development Plans CHANGE: .^~s€l f€e}Mir€ffl€nt f@r a flenPlit f@T €l\;lts@€1r geT'. in; areas; ';:llieh is to 00 apfH"w.'z€l a€lmiRistrati'. el:: @r tllr€Hi.;h tk€ B@&n! @f C€lltntj' Cemmi33ifHH.HS f@r &flflli€&ti@R8 ':,'itg & ,wise @niiR&R€€ ':i€llati8Fl kist€Jry, Add requirement to submittal requirements for site plan for outdoor serving areas and a process whereby the County Manager or designee can determine at site development plan review that the outdoor serving area has potential compatibility uses with adjacent residential zoning districts and/or residential uses. The new procedure also provides a process under which the compatibility issues can be negotiated with the applicant and the County Manager or designee is given the ability to require the provision of additional measures (beyond Code requirements) to mitigate the impacts of the outdoor serving area on adjacent residential property. REASON: In order to ensure a healthy relationship and minimize health, safety and welfare issues between nearby businesses, the establishment's customers and the surrounding property owners. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Cost of application fee should be borne by applicant and should be of a sufficient amount to cover the cost of processing the applications. At this point the estimated fee is approximately $300.00 for administrative issuance of a one-time permit for outdoor serving areas with entertainment on private property. There will be a nominal fee associated with the issuance of a code violation history to be issued by Code Enforcement (yet to be determined) and submitted as a requirement by all applicants. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Section 10.02.03 Submittal Rcquirements for Site Development Plans and the Collier County Noise Ordinance (No. 90-17) in the Code of Laws and Ordinances. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None 27 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striket~rebl€l~ is GblrrSFlt text to be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created March 19,2007; revised May 4, 2007 after DSAC; and revised August 23, 2007 per CCPC. Revised September 10, 2007, per the CCPC. Revised September 17, 2007. Revised September 20, 2007, per the CCPC. Revised January 10, 2008 and January 13, 2008 per CCPC, January 25 revised per BCC. Revised January 30, 2008. Amend the LDC as follows: 1.1111.112 Qefinitiens ,/I.mfJ.tmeel 8fJf:s!NeI: The \:;Ise @f a ~YBli@ aearess s'/stem, 1@\:;I9s~eaher, am~lifisr GlAd aA'; etRer 8~r:ige '^,~ig~ elegtreAigall': aeAerates @r GlYQffief-lts tRe "8lwme af SS\:;IA€L * * * * * * * * * * * * 5.0~.07 Permit for Q\;Itdeer isrvinft .\r8ils '.\'ith or 'J-'ithewt EnteRainm8nt ,^.. ^ ggligabilit':. ~J@ raerS@A s~all aUlA @r eraerate aA @yte@@r SSP:IAa anile fer feee BRei./@r B~r:8ref1l8S withiR tRe ":H~if.1g€H~efateei area @f Callier (:@61RtV YRIBSS a @AB time l@eHl1it is @btaiAS9, iA agg@raaA@e with the ~r@':isi@AS set f@Rh hereif.l. 1: These reQ~irsmeAts sRall Aet a~F3lv if tRe resid€lAtielI:JS8 @r ZeftiRQ distri@t is gaR @f e miHea yse gr@ieet. aF3~nl':8a thnH:Jf1Ih tRe c9nditional \;1&8 ~r@gess; a mb(se YSS gr@iegt, agsr@':ed tRrel:;lQR tRe mixed uss preieet appre'~'al precess sr saF! sf a Plaf-lfHila URit ge':8Ig~meRt (PUg) @@ffi~@f-lef.lt 8esiaf.latsd as mined 61S8. 2. .^. temS€lfar\' l;;IS9 germit t9 @fJerate aA @wte@9r ser':iRQ area me',' Be iSSWB8 admiAistrati':el',' Yf.lless a fif.ldif.la ef ':i@lati~Hl @f tRB C@llier ':2Sl:;If.1t',' ~Jeise Qn:Jif.l8f-lge (9rd. ~J@. gg 17, GIS ameRdes) Ras BeeA iSSWS8 t@ tRe @'/JAeE'maR6l€1Sr @f tho legation I1r: tRS Cellisr C'@l:;If.lt',' CaBs IiRf@rgemsRt g€JeaFlmef.lt. J. Permit afJeligati@f.ls fer @wts@er sBP:if.lQ' :3r9:3~ e'l e'A'f.lSrs.'m9A9€1erS ';;h@ REr:e a fif.lsif.la af ':i@latiaf-l @f tAS ~h~ise OrSiR8f.le8 '\'itRif.l tRe east 12 m@f.lt~s s~all Be Rears BY tRe B@are af C'@l;lf.lt'/ C@mmissi@Rsrs el;;lfif.l€1 Glf.l': re~n;Jlarl': S@RS8yleg meetiAQ'. a. The B@arg @f C@l;;IRt'/ C@mmis;si@f.l€Jrs SAslI mal~e tRe fiRel 8etermiRatief.1 as ts '^'~8tRer sr R@t tg afJgr@"s, e9f.l',', re':@he @r 8eere':e '!;it~ gef.1siti@ns SA',' tems@rar',' E:Jse eermit ee~aif.1iAQ t@ @l:Jtd@@r SSP;iA€1 areas. 28 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te)ft striketRrs1:lQI:I is ~1:lrreRt text ts be EJeleteEJ. Bold text indicates a defined term 1. ,^,II @~8r8t@rs sf eatiR9 a~S'8r ariAhiR9 @staelisR~eRts 'A'itR 61mistiA€1 €H:iJtE~€Hir 88P:iR9 aress sRal1 oetaiR 8 asr-:mit 1'18 later t19afl S:Sgtgm~9r 39, 299R. Faih,iJre to eetaiF-l tRe 88Fmit 'A'ill rss6Ilt iA tAe iSSW;lRg9 sf e Reties sf ':iolatisfl. .i. ~61€f1 ~ermit shall ee traRsferre€il if tlge @'l.'lger sells, leases sr @tl9@vwise sisssses sf the €Hdtss@r ser/il99 area sr t198 sreffiises 61~@R €Ir ifl 'XRi€19 tR8 861tB€lSr Ssp.'iRa area is @aefates, hi 6H1V serS@R BV filiFlQ U'Hs 8ssr@@Fiat8 tnirlflsfer ala~ligati@fl t€l tR8 Z9fliA~ f:'eSElRmeflt. ~ Traflsfsrs sRall Be aaffilf.listratrvel'/ 8Dsr@"9€il, 61Rless a fifl€iliflQ €If ':i@latisf.l @f t198 ~J8is8 QraiRar:His 19as beeR iSS6ISB t@ tl9s 8'NR15r.'maflsaer '?.'itl9iR t198 last 12 ffiSfltl9S. 11"1 t19at gase, al9 6)agligati@R fer aA @61hi@@r ser:iAQ area @srmit traflsf@r sl9all Be 1geara B': the !S@ara @f C@I:U~t': ~mmissi€lRers. Q. TAB i~~h>laf.1e€l sf s6leR 8 D€lHflit sl9all R@t elimiflat@ tl9B 8eliaati@R sf t198 8DISlie8Rt t@ @etaifl all otlger sermits HHJl:liFeg URg@r legal. state LaR9 f9gerel re~l:llati@I9~; iflell:lsiR€1, B6It R@t Iimit8a t8: Ii"B Bet:f@rmaflge ffi6lsi€ aRa,'@r amplified sound S@Fmits, €HH~61fJetisR611 li€€lASe8, al€@~@lligeAses, s~e€li81 e'.'15flt ~15rmitSi 8Aa t~s lil"C@. ~ .~.~~li€i8ti@A. 1. ,^.f.l a~81i€lal9t fer a I@e~mit t@ @l@ijfBt€ Glfl @I:ltd@@r Si€I?:iI9Q area shall sl:.4Bmit tR8 f@I!S'Nif.1€f: 8.. a €Sffil@l€lhseJ asali€l8tisR. as ~r€lS€lriB8a B',' t199 C@I:lAtv MaR@~HH sr s9t1iQR89; e. a €l@aS '.'i€llati@fl 19ist@r'" iss6Ied e',' tFt€) C@llier C€l6lflt'.' Ce88 ERfsreement Del@aRmeRt aatliiH~ file m@f15 t~@f.1 3Q SLa':s gri@r to U~8 aate @ftf-ie gl@glieati@1Sl s6Ismittal: €l. a '.'alia A@A feSia8fltial ~eAiA~ aflB laRa 6188 €l8Rifi€lat8 iSSI:lBeJ B'/ Callier CaI:lRt','; 8. aA a~~Ii€lati@R fee as sfJsgifi€la if.} tf-i€l Cf:'tih fee seI98Bl:;fls; aM @. a site glgA @f tf-ie @61tae@r area 'A'itl9 fl@tati@fl ifldigatifla I@rsl:imit'/ t@ an'l adiae9Rt resiaefltial ZSr;'IiflQ sr 61ses "'it~if.l 25g9 fs@t @ftRe BreB@ssa @l:Ata@€lr ser'.'iRa area. ,~ 11"1 t199 iRterBrBtati@A aRB aseli€lati@R @f eur: @r@':i8ief.l sf tRess r8E1l:Alati@As, it sf-iall be 1ge18 t@ be t~e miRiml:Am re9l:Airem€lRt 29 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:lrelJl]1:I is GlmBRt tB}R te ae deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term aEJs@te8 fsr tR@ gr@ffl@ti@t='\ @f tRe @wbli@ R@altR, safety', @@mf@R, g€Hr,'Bt='\i~H~@e, aA~ ~eR8ral welfars @f wAiA@gr@@Fate~ ~@11i8r C@61Flt',' Sr;;lS its r€lsiast='\ts. IFI 8gt€lrmiRiAQ '\'t;,etRsr h~ iS8\:;1€l 61. @srmit. tRe E?€Hiir8 sl9all Be 8Atitle8 t@ 88A',',lnr:el"te 8 @€lFmit 'A'l9are: ~ tlge \:;188 'Nill FIst be @f B t':se @r iRtBFlsit',' @@RsisteFlt 'A'itA Sl:oIfT@\:;IAair;;ls laFl8 61S88 aFl8 tRB re8s@Flabl': €1l:01iet BAg g6Hieef\:;ll eRis','msAt tRer9@f; b. tRe !;JS€l 'Nil! C3Y~9 BFlV aBR€1@r @r Realt!;;! Ra;;!an~ t@ an',' serS@Fl; 8. tAB 61se 'Nill rBslJlt iR tRe 9€lgI8ti~H~. d8strw€ti@Fl, rem@':61L tFGlmgliAQ @r @tR8r aamaQinQ sf 9HistiAQ ,,:e€1etati@A: d. tRB \:;IEie 'Mill ee €BFla6l@teg iFl ':ielatisFI sf leAS ~h;r:s[s@m8F1t ('@ge @r aAV @tRer ('@YRt': @@ges; €l. tRe IJS8 '?'ill A@t REr:e s6IffieiBRt areas, a':ailaele @A @ri"at@ IGHH~S, fer ssrl~iR€1 t@ aee@mm@etate tt~e sHtra SB9tiAS as rS€161ir€la k: s\:;leSeeti@R l.g~.g1 C. @ftRB Cea€l: f. iA tRs e6l.S8 ef G1 sse€ial @':eFlt tRat Ras BeeR @r~r:ie!;Jsly Relet at tRe fagilit',', tRe €Jsefater Ras Ret d6H~@Rstrat@g @@ff.H~liGHgee '\'itR Jilgrmit @@Raiti@As er '::itR EH1',' ers,,:i@b1s @€JFmit. iR€I\;.JgiR€1 '''itR9wt limitati€lR, sianaQ9 restrieti@Fls: @r !i tRe 1e:1'j'@b1t aees R@t gerlH'3I'j' '/'itR tRe gnr:isi@RS @f tAB life Sefat',' C@OO. b S:ys@@Flsi@FI @t I@@rmit. 1. TRe aegrs"el sf EtA €H4tQ@@r sep/iAa area gsrmit is tem@@rary at all times. .^.R @b1tQ@9r ser:iRliil area Jilermit may b@ SYSe€m8S8 BV t~@ i2@\:;IAt',' M8A8Qer @r aeSiQAee !;Jl@eA e fiR9iAQ tRat @Ae @r mere eeAaiti@As sf tRis seeti@R Rs':e eeeA ,,:i@lated, @r e',' t~€l issbl8Ree ef 8 fiAaiAQ @f '/ialati@R @f tRe ~J@is@ Oraif.laR€l@. 2. TRe SblSfJ8ASi@R @raer s~sll Be iA ',\'ritiRQ, settit='\Q feR~ 8@sgifie re8S@As BRa en~r:iaiAQ SFl eff8€lti\'9 date. T~e SYSlSeASi@19 sRall remaiR iA effeet b1Fltil SyeR time 8S a g\:;lBlie R€lariA€1 is €l@Aabletea ~',' tRB ~eara @f CgYl1tv Cemmissi@Rers t@ r€l"ek@ tRe @ermit @r lift tRe S6IsggFlSieFl. I;? QssratiA6I Re€1wletieAs 1. ~Ie @,o'Aer'meAaQSr sRsll €JJilerate er 68fmit tAlS e€le~:H~aR€': af BR',' @b1ta@ar Sep'iRQ area tAat is legat@a '/;itAiA 1 ,9g9 feet af 6119': la19gs wit A a n~siggt='\tial fH estates z@19i19Q aeEiiaAati@f-I @r '^'f-1ieR is 61sed T@r resi9sAtiel S6Irs@ses ablriRQ tRe f@II@'/JiAQ times. 30 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArelJ€lA is GIJFH3Rt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term ~61A~8'.' tt=lrB6I€lR TRYrS~f.l\' 11 :99 S.m. 11:0ga..m. Fri~8'1 tAr961€lR Sa.tYr~3V 12:gg a.m. 11 :99 a.m. 2. Ei':81?,' SWf-l@f:/@~erat@r sRal1 at all times ~sst iF! all e~t8eer Sel?/irH~ erees, if-l a I€H~atieR 'I.-RigA i~ visible ts all satref.ls. a ruati€9 snr/i~€l~ BY tR9 c-SWf-It',', Flstiv:if-lQ tRg eatreFlS sf tR8 riHlUireffi@f.lts sf tRis J3@rmit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.02.03 Submittal Requirements For Site Development Plans A. Generally. . * * * * * * * * * * * 4. Site development and site improvement plan standards. The County Manager or his designee shall review and consider all site improvement and site development plans in accordance with the following standards: a. Statements regarding ownership and control of the property and the development as well as sufficiency of conditions regarding ownership and control, use and permanent maintenance of common open space, common facilities, conservation/preservation areas. or common lands to ensure the preservation of such lands and facilities will not become a future liability of the county. b. Development compliance with all appropriate zoning regulations and the growth management plan. The ingress and egress to the proposed development and its improvements, vehicular and pedestrian safety, separation of vehicular traffic from pedestrian and other traffic, traffic flow and control, traffic calming devices, provision of services and servicing of utilities and refuse collection, and access in the case of fire or catastrophe, or other emergency. Notwithstanding the requirement to comply with the foregoing provisions, the depiction on a PUD master plan or description of access or location of access points in a PUD ordinance, does not authorize or vest access to the major road system. The location, design, capacity, or routing of traffic for any specific access point will be determined by, and must comply with. the regulations for site development in effect at the time of site development plan approval. 31 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007 -Cycle 2\LOC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:Jreb/gt:J iEt Gb/rreRt text te be EfeleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term c. The location and relationship of parking and loading facilities to thoroughfares and internal traffic patterns within the proposed development, considering vehicular and pedestrian safety, traffic flow and control, access in case of fire or catastrophe, screening and landscaping. d. Adequacy of recreational facilities and open spaces considering the size, location, and development of these areas with regard to adequacy, effect on adjacent and nearby properties as well as uses within the proposed development, and the relationship to community-wide open spaces and recreation facilities. e. Adequacy of the proposed landscape screens and buffers considering preservation of the development's internal land uses as well as compatibility with adjacent land uses. f. Water management master plan on the property, considering its effect on adjacent and nearby properties and the consequences of such water management master plan on overall county capacities. Water management areas shall be required to be maintained in perpetuity according to the approved plans. Water management areas not maintained shall be corrected according to approved plans within 30 days. The engineer of record, prior to final acceptance, shall provide documentation from the stormwater maintenance entity; indicating that said entity has been provided information on how the stormwater systems functions and indicating responsibility for maintenance of the system. g. Adequacy of utility service, considering hook-in location and availability and capacity for the uses projected. h. Signage proposed for the project in conformity with section 5.06.00, and a unified sign permit shall be applied for with the submittal packet for the site development or site improvement plan. I. Architectural design of the building for all commercial developments located in any commercial zoning district. i. Outdoor servinq areas shall be explicitly detailed on the site plan. showina layout of chairs. tables, benches, bars and other servina area features as may be reauested. The plan shall clearly indicate that the location is unenclosed and provide information on hours of operation. whether or not live performance music/amplified sound will be provided as entertainment and the approximate distances of all adiacent residential zonina districts or residential uses within 2500 feet of the location. i. The County Manaqer or desianee may reauire additional landscape bufferina beyond Code reauirements. the relocation of the outdoor servina area to another part of the 32 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril~etRrel:lQR is GlJrrent text te 88 E1eteteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term development. the installation of sound attenuation devices. limitations to hours of operation and further restrictions on outdoor entertainment and amplified sound which, in their professional iudqmenl. will help to mitiqate the impacts of the outdoor servinq area on residential zoninq districts and or residential use. ii. Within 30 days from an applicant's first desiqnation of the use in a site development plan. it shall be within the discretion of the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee to deny approval of such site development plan if. in the professional iudqment of the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee. such use is believed to be not compatible with or has the potential to cause a deleterious effect upon a residential use. iii. Notice of such denial shall be promptlv mailed to the applicant for the site development plan. Applicant and staff will meet at their earliest convenience to discuss and attempt to resolve the compatibility issues. which can include. but is not limited to. movinq the questioned use to another location within the development. iv. Should the parties be unable to reach a solution. the matter will be promptly referred to the Collier County Planninq Commission. At a publicly noticed hearinq. the Planninq Commission will review the proposed use make a findinq as to (1) whether the proposed use was intended for this site, and (2) whether such use can be made compatible with the adiacent residential zoninq districts and/or uses throuqh the imposition of certain conditions or restrictions. includinq but not limited to locatinq the use to another location within the development, additional bufferinQ. sound attenuation devices, limitations to hours of operation. requirement of a vestibule, walls, and relocation of dumpsters. v. Should either the County or the applicant be unwillinq to abide with the findinqs and recommendations of the Planninq Commission. the matter will then be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for a public hearinq. to be conducted in the same manner as LOC Section 10.08.00. except that for notice purposes 10 days prior notice bv publication will be sufficient t ]s. Such other standards as may be imposed by this Code. the growth management plan or other applicable regulations for the particular use or activity proposed. 5. Conceptual site development plan review and approval. At the request of 33 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LOC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added, Te)~ striltetAr9blgh is Gblrr-eRt text te l3e deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term the applicant and subject to the applicable fee set forth in the schedule of fees, planning services department will complete a conceptual review and issue a written summary of issues of concern and conceptual approval. This conceptual approval shall not mean that the project has received final approval, it shall only indicate that the project is in substantial compliance with the requirements of the Code and may be approved subject to further review, changes and modifications. * * * * * * * * * * * * 34 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC.2\BCC 02050Bdoc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArEll:l€lR is Gl:lrreRt te~ te be seletes. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES AUTHOR: staff DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC5:103-104 LDC SECTION(S): 5.06.02 Permitted Signs CHANGE: To add a provision to the sign code to allow the installation of off-premises open house directional signs no closer than 10 feet from the edge of the pavement in the right-of-way, excluding county, state and private medians. The signs will be allowed only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the day of a supervised open house. The signs must list the name of the real estate brokerage firm or owner, if by owner, and a phone number where they can be reached. REASON: The current sign code prohibits signs in the right-of-way. Small open house signs (no larger than 4 square feet) are currently allowed to be posted on the subject property; however, not permitted off-premises. The County desires to assist the real estate industry by allowing a one-day exemption from the prohibition of signs in public rights-of-way to allow a maximum of 3 off-premises opens house signs with address and directional information. Open house signs not removed by 5:05 p.m. will be confiscated and the entity responsible for any violation of the requirements may be penalized. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: 5.06.05 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created November 1,2007. Revised December 2 and December 10, 2007. Amend the LDC as follows: 5.06.02 Permitted Signs A. Signs within residential zoned districts and as applicable to residential 35 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrElbl~h is GblrreFlt teJft ts 8e selates. Bold text indicates a defined term designated portions of PUD zoned properties. 1. Development standards. a. Maximum allowable height. All signs within residential zoned districts and as applicable to residential designated portions of PUD zoned properties are limited to a maximum height of eight feet, or as provided within this Code. Height shall be measured from the lowest centerline grade of the nearest public or private R.O.W. or easement to the uppermost portion of the sign structure. b. Minimum setback. All signs within residential zoned districts and as applicable to residentially designated portions of PUD zoned properties shall not be located closer than ten feet from the property line. unless otherwise noted below or as provided for in section 1.04.04 C. as determined by the county for safety and operation. 2. Real estate signs. The following signs classified as real estate signs shall be permitted in residential districts subject to the following. a. One ground sign with a maximum height of six feet or wall "For Sale," For Rent." or similar sign. with a maximum of four square feet in size, per street frontage for each parcel. or lot less than one acre in size. Said sign shall be located no closer than ten feet from any adjacent residentially used property and may be placed up to the property line abutting a right-of-way, provided it is a minimum of ten feet from the edge of pavement. (No building permit required.) b. One ground sign with a maximum height of eight feet or wall "For Sale." "For Rent," or similar sign, with a maximum of 12 square feet in size, per street frontage for each parcel, or lot one to ten acres in size. (No building permit required.) c. One pole sign with a maximum height of 15 feet or wall "For Sale," "For Rent," or similar sign, with a maximum of 64 square feet in size, per street frontage for each parcel or lot in excess of ten acres in size. (Buildinq permit required.) d. Real estate signs shall not be located closer than ten feet from any property line. In the case of undeveloped parcels where the existing vegetation may not allow the location of the sign ten feet from the property line. the County Manager or his designee may allow a reduction in the amount of the required setback however, in no case shall said sign be located closer than five feet from any property line unless authorized by the board of zoning appeals through the variance process. e. Real estate signs shall be removed when an applicable temporary 36 1:107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 21LOC packetl02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikettu9ugt:1 is Gl.IrreRt tent to be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term use permit has expired, or within seven days of any of the following conditions: ownership has changed; the property is no longer for sale; rent or lease; or, the model home is no longer being used as a model home. f. A sign advertising that a property has been sold or leased shall not be displayed for more than 14 days after it is erected. 3. Temoorarv Open House Signs. a. Off-premises open house silins. Hi L Off premises open house.-2signs may onlv be displaved on supervised open house days, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m No flaqs, pennants. balloons, or other attention type devices may be used with such siqns and they shall not be Iiqhted or illuminated in any manner. i iL. One off premises open house silln may be placed in the public riaht-of-wav abutting the subiect property no closer than 10 feet from the edqe of pavement the road. The sign shall be allowed only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the d::lY of ::I supervised open house. (No buildinq or right-ot-way permit required.) ii iii. Two temporary open house silins may be placed within the public right-ot-way providinq direction to a supervised open house that is available for immediate viewinq and examination bv prospective buyers. renters. and/or lessees. Such sians shall be located no closer than 100 feet from another tempomrj open house sian orovidina direction. (No building or right-ot-way permit required.) bL Off premises open house sSians shall not exceed 4 square feet in COpy area and 4 feet in heiqht: however. any such sign placed at an intersection may not exceed 29 inches in heiaht as per section 6.05.05 of this Code. v. Off premises open house Silins may be placed in the right-ot-way no closer than 10 feet from the edqe of pavement the road and shall not interfere with the visibilitv of pedestrians or motorists. Additionallv. silins shall not be located within any median. vi. Each off premises open house sian must bear the name of the real estate brokeraae firm. or the property owner's name if bv owner. and the local telephone number where they can be contacted. vii. Sian Removal, Retrieval, and Disposal. Off-premises open house signs shall be prohibited except as specified above. 37 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te)~ &trikethra~Qh is SlJrFeAt text tel::Ja selates. Bold text indicates a defined tenn Anv such sign found to be in violation of this section shall be removed bv the Countv Manager or designee. All such removed signs are subiect to disposal bv the Countv. This section shall not inhibit nor prevent anv other enforcement actions that mav be deemed appropriate. d 1. Model home signs. One on-premises sign for model homes, approved in conjunction with a temporary use permit in any zoning district not to exceed 8 feet in height and 32 square feet in size. Model home sign copy shall be limited to the model name, builder's name, name and address, phone number, price, logo, and model home. Model home signs shall not be illuminated in any manner. (No building permit required.) 4 Q. Construction signs. All supports for such signs shall be securely built, constructed, and erected and shall be located on the site under construction, subject to the following: a. One ground sign with a maximum height of six feet or wall sign, with a maximum of four square feet in size, may be used as a construction sign by the general contractor of the development or as a permit board, within each front yard for each parcel less than one acre in size. (No building permit required.) b. One ground sign with a maximum height of eight feet or wall sign, with a maximum of 12 square feet in size, may be used as a construction sign by the general contractor of the development or as a permit board. within each front yard for each parcel one to ten acres in size. (No building permit required.) c. One pole sign with a maximum height of 15 feet or wall sign, with a maximum of 64 square feet in size, may be used as a construction sign by the general contractor of the development or as a permit board. within each front yard for each parcel in excess of ten acres in size. d. One ground or wall sign, with a maximum of four square feet in size, may be used as a construction sign by each contractor, lending institution. or other similar company involved with the development, regardless of parcel size. (No building permit required.) e. Advertising of any kind is not permitted on construction signs. a 2. Residential directional or identification signs. Directional or identification signs no greater than four square feet in size, and located internal to the subdivision or development may be allowed subject to the approval of the County Manager or his designee, or his designee. Such signs shall only be used to identify the location or direction of approved uses such as models or model sales centers, club house, recreational areas, etc. These signs may be clustered together to constitute a sign with a maximum area of 24 square feet and a maximum height of eight feet. Such clustered signs shall require a building permit. For signage to be located along the Golden Gate Parkway see section 2.03.07. 38 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrBbI€lR is SUFrSRt text tEl be 8elote8. Bold text indicates a defined term e I. On-premises signs within residential districts. Two ground signs with a maximum height of eight feet or wall residential entrance or gate signs may be located at each entrance to a multi-family, single-family, mobile home or recreational vehicle park subject to the following requirements: a. Such signs shall contain only the name of the subdivision, the insignia or motto of the development and shall not contain promotional or sales material. Said signs shall maintain a ten-foot setback from any property line unless placed on a fence or wall subject to the restriction set forth in section 5.03.02. Furthermore, bridge signs located on private bridges directly leading to private communities shall not be considered off-premise signs. Bridge signs complying with the requirements of section 5.06.02 may be substituted for ground or wall signs in residential districts. b. The ground or wall signs shall not exceed a combined area of 64 square feet, and shall not exceed the height or length of the wall or gate upon which it is located. c. Logos without any verbal content and similar architectural features less than ten square feet in area not containing any letters or numbers shall not be considered signs and shall be allowed throughout the development. However, should such architectural embellishments be located closer than ten feet to any sign, then it should be considered an integral part of the sign and shall be subject to the restrictions of this section. +- ~. Conditional uses within the residential and agricultural districts. a. Conditional uses within the residential district are permitted one wall sign with a maximum of 32 square feet. Corner lots are permitted two such wall signs. b. Conditional uses within the agricultural district in the urban area, residential and estates districts with a street frontage of 150 feet or more and a land area of 43,560 square feet or larger are permitted a ground sign with a maximum height of eight feet and a maximum area of 32 square feet. c. Bulletin boards and identification signs for public, charitable. educational or religious institutions located on the premises of said institutions and not exceeding 12 square feet in size. (No building permit required.) d. The board of county commissioners may approve additional signage as may be deemed appropriate during the conditional use approval process. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.06.05 Signs Exempt From These Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketAF9IJ~A is Gl:JrFeAt text te l3e aeletes. Bold text indicates a defined term H. One on premises sigA not to exceed four st:1uare feet in size. Such sigA shall net be located within ten feet of any property line, right af way or easemeAt. Temporary open house sians (see subsection 5.06.02 A. 3.). 40 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrsblgh it GblrrSRt text ta be E1eleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined tenn LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Code Enforcement AUTHOR: Michelle Arnold DEPARTMENT: Code Enforcement AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC5:120 LDC SECTION(S): 5.06.06 Prohibited Signs CHANGE: I) Correct reference code found in 5.06.06 Prohibited Signs to sections in 5.06.04 Sign Standards for Specific Situations, created by previous amendments. 2) In addition, to add an exemption to the prohibited sign section for county transit vehicles and government vehicles providing public information. REASON: I) Previous LDC amendments have created the need to change reference quotes within the sign code. 5.06.06 prohibits certain signs and references sections of the code that have changed within 5.06.04. 2) As a result of the review of the sign code for pending litigation regarding signage on a vehicle with moving copy, an issue regarding vehicle signage was identified. Staffs review revealed that there was no exemption noted in the Code for the County Transit System. The current sign code includes an exclusion from the prohibition of signs mounted on vehicles for emergency vehicles. The County transit buses have digital signage that provides information to the public identifying the next destination; which is a benefit to those who use this mode of transportation. The benefit to the public warrants its exclusion from this prohibition. In addition, it is being recommended that the exclusion apply to situations such as the use of government vehicles for public information in the case of an emergency event. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Minimal. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: 5.06.04 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: September 20, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 41 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tem: &triketAral:l~1=l is SI:lrr8At text ta be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term 5.06.06 Prohibited Signs It shall be unlawful to erect, cause to be erected, maintain or cause to be maintained, any sign not expressly authorized by, or exempted from this Code. The following signs are expressly prohibited: A. Signs which are in violation of the building code or electrical code adopted by Collier County. B. Abandoned signs. C. Animated or activated signs, except special purpose time and temperature signs and barber pole signs complying with section 5.06.04 C.~~.b~ D. Flashing signs or electronic reader boards. E. Rotating signs or displays. except barber pole signs complying with section 5.06.04 C.~13.b. F. Illuminated signs in any residentially zoned or used district, except residential identification signs, residential nameplates. and street signs that are illuminated by soft or muted light. Nonresidential uses within residentially used or zoned districts by conditional use, PUD ordinance. or as otherwise provided for within the land development code, shall be allowed the use of illuminated signs, subject to the approval of the community services administrator or his designee. G. Signs located upon, within, or otherwise encroaching upon county or public rights-af-way , except as may be permitted under the provisions of Ordinance [No.] 82-91, as amended, and those erected by a governmental agency or required to be erected by a governmental agency. H. Billboards. I. Strip lighted signs. J. Neon type signs, except non-exposed neon signs covered with an opaque or translucent shield which will prevent radiation of direct light, within all commercial and industrial districts. K. Roof signs. L. Portable signs. M. Signs which resemble any official sign or marker erected by any governmental agency. or which by reason of position, shade or color, would conflict with the proper function of any traffic sign or signal. or be of a size. location, movement, content, color, or illumination which may be 42 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC.2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArGlblgl:l is SblrreRt tela: ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term reasonably confused with or construed as, or conceal. a traffic control device. State law references: Display of unauthorized traffic signs, signals or markings, F.S. ~ 316.077. N. Signs, commonly referred to as snipe signs, made of any material whatsoever and attached in any way to a utility pole, tree, fence post, stake, stick or any other object located or situated on public or private property, except as otherwise expressly allowed by, or exempted from this Code. O. Wind signs (except where permitted as part of this section of this Code). P. Any sign which is located adjacent to a county right-of-way within the unincorporated areas of the county which sign was erected, operated or maintained without the permit required by section 10.02.06 having been issued by the County Manager or his designee shall be removed as provided in this section 5.06.06. Such signs shall include but are not limited to structural signs, freestanding signs, [and] signs attached or affixed to structures or other objects. Q. Any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual excitement, when it: 1. Is patently offensive to contemporary standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable sexual material for minors; and 2. Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. R. Beacon lights. S. Any sign which emits audible sound, vapor, smoke, or gaseous matter. T. Any sign which obstructs, conceals, hides. or otherwise obscures from view any official traffic or government sign, signal, or device. U. Any sign which employs motion, has visible moving parts, or gives the illusion of motion (excluding time and temperature signs). V. Any sign which is erected or maintained so as to obstruct any firefighting equipment, window, door, or opening used as a means of ingress or egress for fire escape purposes including any opening required for proper light and ventilation. W. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard, or detriment to traffic safety by reason of its size, location, movement, content, coloring, or method of illumination, or by obstructing or distracting the vision of drivers or pedestrians. 43 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC pacl<etl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text E:triket~rel:Jgl=I is Eil:JrrSRt text ta be deleteEi. Bold text indicates a defined term X. Signs mounted on a vehicle, be it the roof, hood, trunk, bed, and so on, where said sign is intended to attract or may distract the attention of motorists for the purpose of advertising a business, product, service, or the like, whether or not said vehicle is parked, or driven, excluding emergency vehicles, county transit vehicles providinq directional or route information. taxi cabs, and delivery vehicles, where a roof mounted sign does not exceed two square feet. This section shall not apply to magnetic type signs affixed to or signs painted on a vehicle, provided said vehicle is used in the course of operation of a business, and which are not otherwise prohibited by this Code. It shall be considered unlawful to park a vehicle and/or trailer with signs painted, mounted or affixed. on site or sites other than that at which the firm. product, or service advertised on such signs is offered. Y. Any sign which uses flashing or revolving lights, or contains the words "Stop," "Look," "Danger," or any other words, phrase. symbol, or character in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse vehicular traffic. Z. Any sign which advertises or publicizes an activity not conducted on the premises upon which the sign is maintained. except as otherwise provided for within this Code. AA No sign shall be placed or permitted as a principal use on any property, in any zoning district except as follows: U-Pic signs, political signs or signs approved by temporary permit pursuant to the time limitations set forth herein. BB. Inflatable signs. CC. Accent lighting as defined in this Code. DO. Illuminated signs, neon or otherwise, installed inside businesses and intended to be seen from the outside. signs that comply with the provisions of section 5.06.05 (V) of this Code are exempt from this section. EE. Human directional signs. People in costumes advertising stores or products. FF. Attachments to signs, such as balloons and streamers. GG. Banner signs. HH. Pennants. II. Bench signs. JJ. Signs that due to brilliance of the light being emitted, it impairs vision of passing motorist. 44 10107 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycte 21LOC packetl020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TeJ(t striketRrsl;lg!:l is Sl:lFreFlt text to be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term KK. All signs expressly prohibited by this section and their supporting structures, shall be removed within 30 days of notification that the sign is prohibited by the County Manager or his designee, or, within 30 days of the end of the amortization period contained in section 9.03.03 D. or, in the alternative, shall be altered so that they no longer violate this section. Billboards with an original cost of $100.00 or more, and which have been legally permitted, shall be treated as nonconforming signs and removed pursuant to section 9.03.03 D. LL. The use of fluorescent colors is prohibited (Ord. No. 04-72, S 3.U) 45 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striket"'relJ€lA is GlJrreRt text ta S8 E1elateEl. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- 46 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC pacl<etl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:lreu€lR is sur-reRt tMt to be eeleteGt. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES AUTHOR: John Podczerwinsky DEPARTMENT: Transportation Services AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC6:20-21, LDCIO:131 LDC SECTION(S): 6.06.01 Street System Requirements 10.02.13 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Procedures CHANGE: Insert boilerplate transportation language found in previous PUD documents into the Land Development Code. REASON: Under direction from the Collier Count Planning Commission, the Zoning Department has restructured the document accompanying applications for Planned Unit Development (PUD) approvals. The Transportation Department is requesting that transportation standard requirements be added to the Land Development Code, so that the Division may streamline transportation comments that heretofore were addressed as comments within the PUD document. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: 10.02.13 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Procedures GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created on August 30, 2007. Revised on September 5, 2007. Revised January 23, 2008. Amend the LDC as follows: 6.06.01 Street System Requirements A. The arrangement, character, and location of all streets shall conform to the GMP and shall be considered in their relation to existing and proposed streets, topographical conditions, public convenience, safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. B. The street layout of all subdivisions or developments shall be coordinated with 47 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strHu3tt-lreugl:1 is GurrSFlt te)R ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term the street systems of the surrounding areas. adjacent properties shall be provided with local street interconnections unless topography, other natural features, or other ordinances/regulations do not allow or require said connections. All arterial or collector streets shall be planned to conform to the GMP. collector and arterial streets within a development shall not have individual residential driveway connections. Their location and right-of-way cross-section must be reviewed and approved by the County Manager or designee during the preliminary subdivision plat review process. All subdivisions shall provide rights-of-way in conformance with the GMP and the right-of-way cross-section contained in Appendix B. All streets shall be designed and constructed to provide for optimum vehicular and pedestrian safety, long service life, and low cost of maintenance. C. Every subdivision or development shall have legal and adequate access to a street dedicated for public use and which has been accepted for maintenance by or dedicated to the State of Florida or the County. as described in Chapter 10. When a subdivision or development does not immediately adjoin such a street, the applicant shall provide access to the development from a dedicated street in accordance with these regulations and provide legal documentation that access is available to the project site. All lots within a subdivision or development shall be provided legal access to a street dedicated for public use. 1. Nothinq in any development order (DO) shall vest a riqht of access in excess of a riqht-in/riqht-out condition at any access point. Neither shall the existence of a point of inqress. a point of eqress. or a median openinq. nor lack thereof. be the basis for any future cause of action for damaqes aqainst the County by the developer. its successor in title. or assiqnee. Collier County reserves the riqht to close any median openinq existinq at any time which is found to be adverse to the health. safety and welfare of the public. Any such modification shall be based on. but not limited to. safety. operational circulation and roadway capacity. 2. Access points shown on a PUD Master Plan are considered to be conceptual. The number of access points constructed may be less than the number depicted on the Master Plan; however. no additional access points shall be considered unless a PUD amendment is approved. 3. Site related improvements (as opposed to system related improvements) necessary for safe inqress and eqress to this proiect. as determined by Collier County. shall not be eliqible for impact fee credits. All improvements necessary to provide safe inqress and eqress for construction-related traffic shall be in place and operational prior to commencement of on-site construction. D. The arrangement of streets in subdivisions or developments may be required to make provision for the continuation of existing or proposed collector or arterial streets to and from adjoining properties. whether developed or undeveloped, and for their proper projection to ensure a coordinated and integrated street system per requirements of the GMP, this LDC, or other ordinances and regulations. Where a subdivision or development abuts an existing or proposed public arterial or collector street, buffering shall be 48 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrsl.lgA is 6urreAt text ta se aelatea. Bold text indicates a defined term required per Chapter 4. E. Rural type roadway cross-sections shall only be considered for permitting on a case-by-case basis. The design of a rural cross-section and its required right-of- way width shall be based on the drainage characteristics of the required swale section and the relationship of the maximum stormwater flow line to the bottom of the subbase course of the roadway. A detailed design report documenting these considerations shall be submitted for review and approval by the County Manager or designee prior to the approval of a rural roadway cross-section. F. All public and private streets requiring a design capacity which exceeds the roadway cross-sections established herein for a minor collector shall be coordinated by the County Manger or designee prior to the approval of the project's improvement plans and final subdivision plat. G. Use of local streets by cut-through traffic shall be discouraged, using methods (like traffic calming) that do not compromise connectivity or reduce the number of access points to the subdivision. H. As applicable. the installation of turn lanes, storage lanes, deceleration lanes. parallel service lanes, or any other traffic control improvements necessary to provide safe internal movements or ingress and egress from the subdivision or development to any existing or proposed street or highway shall be required. 1. If, in the sole opinion of Collier Countv. traffic siqnal(s). other traffic control device. siqn, pavement markinq improvement within a public riqht of way or easement, or site related improvements (as opposed to svstem related improvements). necessarv for safe inqress or eqress to the proiect. is determined to be necessarv. the cost of such improvement shall be the responsibilitv of the developer, successor(s) or assiqns. The improvements shall be paid for or installed. at the Countv's discretion. prior to the appropriate correspondinq certificate of occupancy (CO). 2. All traffic control devices. siqns, pavement markinq and desiqn criteria shall be in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards (MUMS). current edition, FDOT Desiqn Standards. current edition and the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). current edition. 3. If any required turn lane improvement requires the use of existinq County riqhts of way or easement(s), then compensatinq riqht of way shall be provided at no cost to Collier County as a consequence of such improvement(s) upon final approval of the turn lane desiqn durinq the first subsequent development orderUDI~~~~~<!ived bv the _Countv Managel or desianee. The typical cross section may not differ from the existinq roadway without written approval of the TfiiI'lSJi1@Flati@A l;?ivisi@A ,^.€ifRil'listrat@rJ~g'4!~Ma~eLor desiqnee. I. Alleys may be provided in industrial. commercial, and residential subdivisions. Alleys may be for one-way or two-way traffic. alleys for one-way traffic only shall have the appropriate directional and instruction signage installed. Alleys shall be 49 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text &trikethrebl~h iE; GblrFEmt text te se Beletes. Bold text indicates a defined term utilized for secondary access unless otherwise provided in this LDC. 1. Industrial, commercial, and residential alleys along the rear lot lines shall have an alley easement at least twenty-four (24) feet wide containing a vehicular pavement width of at least ten (10) feet. 2. The alley edge of pavement-radius shall be a minimum offifteen (15) feet and shall be designed for the appropriate design vehicle. 3. Alley grades shall not exceed five (5) percent or be less than 0.3 percent. 4. All alleys created shall be owned and maintained by a property owners' association or other similar entity and shall be so dedicated on the final plat. J. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except when designed as a cul-de-sac. When a street is designed to be extended when the adjacent property is developed, a temporary cul-de-sac and right-of-way shall be designed. Culs-de- sac in excess of 1,000 feet shall not be permitted unless existing topographical conditions or other natural features preclude a street layout to avoid longer culs- de-sac. When conflicts occur between the design standards of this section and Ordinance No. 86-54, the County Fire Protection Code, or its successor ordinance [see Code ch. 58, art. III], the standards of this section shall take precedence. K. Where a subdivision or development abuts or contains existing limited access highway. freeway, or arterial street, and if access is desired to adjoining property other than street connections, a marginal access street to afford separation of through and local traffic may be required by the County Manager or designee. L. Half or partial streets shall not be permitted except where essential to the reasonable development of a property in conformance with the circulation plan, the GMP, or the LDC, and, where, in addition, dedication of the remaining part of the required street right-of-way is provided. Whenever a property to be developed borders on an existing half or partial street, the other part of the street shall be required to be dedicated and constructed within such property. A proposed development or subdivision that adjoins or includes an existing street which does not conform to the minimum right-of-way requirements of these regulations shall provide for the dedication of additional right-of-way along either . one (1) or both sides of said street so that the minimum right-of-way requirements of these regulations shall be established. M. Limited access strips controlling access to streets on adjacent parcels shall be prohibited except where approved by the County Manager or designee pursuant to Chapter 10. N. Where a subdivision or development includes or requires access across canals. watercourses, lakes, streams, waterways, channels, or the like, bridges or culverts shall be provided to implement the proposed street system. O. The minimum right-of-way widths to be utilized shall be as follows and, where 50 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strili:etRr.SfJgA is ClomeAt text tEl be aeleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term applicable, shall be classified by the cross-sections contained in Appendix B, and will be directly related to traffic volume as indicated in the definition of each street contained herein and, where applicable, clarified by the cross-sections contained in Appendix B. Private street right-of-way widths and design may be determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Chapter 10. In the event that the applicant does not apply for a preliminary subdivision plat, the applicants engineer may request that the County Manager or his designee approve an alternate private right-of-way cross-section. The request shall be in writing and accompanied with documentation and justification for the alternate section based on sound engineering principals and practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikettm3b1!!JA is GblrfBAt tela: t9 be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- 52 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:lrablgh is Gblrr..eFlt text te ba aalates. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDCI:18 LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 CHANGE: Add "stewardship receiving area" into definition of "development order". REASON: "Stewardship receiving area (SRA)" was never added to the definition of "development order" after the adoption of the Rural Land Stewardship Area zoning overlay into the Land Development Code. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Rural Land Stewardship Area Overlay within the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: N/A OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: August 30, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 1.08.02 Definitions * * * * * * * * * * * * Development order: Any order, permit, determination, or action granting, denying. or granting with conditions an application for any final local development order, building permit, temporary use permit, temporary construction and development permit, sign permit, well permit, spot survey, electrical permit, plumbing permit, occupational license, boat dock permit, HVAC permit, septic tank permit, right-of-way permit, blasting permit, excavation permit, construction approval for infrastructure (including water. sewer, grading, and paving), approved development of regional impact (DRI), zoning ordinance amendment, comprehensive plan amendment, flood variance, coastal construction control line variance. vegetation removal permits, agricultural clearing permits, site development plan approval, subdivision approval (including plats, plans, variances, and amendments), rezoning. PUD amendment, conditional use (provisional use), variance, 53 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LOC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text Etrikethreblgh is GblrrsFlt te}tl te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term stewardship recelvlnq area (SRA). or any other official action of Collier County having the effect of permitting development as defined in this Code. 54 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TaIl! stFil~athrsl:lQh is GlJrmAt tmd: ts 138 aeleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: John Kelly, Planner DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review AMENDMENT CYCLE: 2007, Cycle 2 LDC PAGE: LDCl:35 LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 Definitions CHANGE: Provide accurate subsection number to definition. REASON: Purposes of clarification and speciticity. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Ver. 1-08/02/2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 1.08.02 Definitions * * * * * * * * * * * * TOR credit: A unit representing the right to increase the density or intensity of development on a parcel, obtained through a Transfer of Development Rights. (subsection 2.03.07 0.4) * * * * * * * * * * * * 55 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te)H. striketAr.el:lS}h i€: CHrrsFlt text ta ~e aalates. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- 56 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text E:tril~etRFGI:l9h is GblrreAt te}R te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Joe Thompson, Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning Department AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: 2:36 LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02,2.03.07 D.4.c. CHANGE: Adding definition for 'Redemption' and Changing various segments of language to align with procedural terminology REASON: Current references do not accurately describe administrative process FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: N/A GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: 8/30/07. Revised November 2,2007. Amend the LDC as follows: 1.08.02 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . Redemotion: Utilization of Rural Frinqe Mixed-Use District (RFMUD) Transfer of Development Riqhts (TDR) credit for development purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Special Treatment Overlay "ST". . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC.2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketAFQblgA is GblrFeRt te)ft ta be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term 4. Transfer of development rights (TOR). * * * * * * * * * * * * C. TOR credits from RFMU sending lands: General Provisions i. Creation of TOR credits. a) TOR credits are generated from RFMU sending lands at a rate of 1 TOR credit per 5 acres of RFMU Sending Land or, for those legal non- conforming lots or parcels of less than 5 acres that were in existence as of June 22, 1999, at a rate of 1 TOR credit per legal non-conforming lot or parcel. b) For lots and parcels 5 acres or larger, the number of TOR credits generated shall be calculated using the following formula: # of acres x 0.2 = # of TOR credits generated. Where the number of TOR credits thus calculated is a fractional number, the number of TOR credits created shall be rounded to the nearest 1/100th. ii. Creation of TOR Bonus credits. TOR Bonus credits shall only be generated from RFMU sending land property from which TOR credits have been severed. The three types TOR Bonus credits are as follows: a) Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits. Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits are generated at a rate of 1 credit for each TOR credit severed from that RFMU sending land for which a Restoration and Management Plan (RMP) has been accepted by the County. In order to be accepted, a RMP shall satisfy the following: 1) The RMP shall include a listed species management plan. 2) The RMP shall comply with the criteria set forth in 3.05.08.A, and B. 3) The RMP shall provide financial assurance, in the form of a performance surety bond or similar financial security, that the RMP shall remain in place and be performed. until the 58 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TeJ~ striltetl:lr.slolQI:l is Slolrmnt teJ<< tEl se aeleted. Bold text indicates a defined term earlier of the following occurs: a. Viable and sustainable ecological and hydrological functionality has been achieved on the property as measured by the success criteria set forth in the RMP. b. The property is conveyed to a County, state, or federal agency as provided in b) below. 4) The RMP shall provide for the exotic vegetation removal and maintenance to be performed by an environmental contractor acceptable to the County. b) Conveyance Bonus credits. Conveyance Bonus credits are generated at a rate of 1 credit for each TOR credit severed from that RFMU sending land that is conveyed in fee simple to a federal, state, or local government agency as a gift. Conveyance Bonus credits shall only be generated from those RFMU sending land properties on which an RMP has been accepted as provided in a) above. c) Early Entry Bonus credits. Early Entry Bonus credits shall be generated at a rate of 1 additional credit for each TOR credit that is severed from RFMU sending land for the period from March 5, 2005. until three years after the adoption of this regulation. Early Entry Bonus credits shall cease to be generated after the termination of this early entry bonus period. However. Early Entry Bonus credits may continue to be used to increase density in RFMU and non-RFMU Receiving Lands after the termination of the Early Entry Bonus period. iii. Calculation of TOR Bonus credits. a) Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits are calculated as follows: # TOR credits generated from property x % property subject to an approved RMP b) Conveyance Bonus credits are calculated as follows: # TOR credits generated from property x % property subject to an approved RMP and conveyed as provided in iLb) above. 59 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LOC packet\020508 BCC.2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrQbI~h is GblrreRt teJ!t te 88 deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term c) Early Entry Bonus credits are calculated as follows: # TOR credits generated within Early Entry period x 1. iv. Receipt of TOR credits or TOR Bonus credits from RFMU sending lands. TOR credits or TOR Bonus credits from RFMU sending lands may be redeemed transferred into Urban Areas, the Urban Residential Fringe, and RFMU receiving lands, as provided in Sections 2.0J.07.(4)(d) and (e) subsections 2.03.07 4.d and e below. v. Prohibition on redemption transfer of fractional TOR credits and TOR Bonus credits. While fractional TOR credits and TOR Bonus credits may be created, as provided in (ii) above, TOR credits and TOR Bonus credits may only be redeemed transferred from RFMU sending lands in increments of whole. not fractional, dwelling units. Consequently, fractional TOR credits and fractional TOR Bonus credits must be aggregated to form whole units, before they can be utilized to increase density in either non-RFMU Receiving Areas or RFMU Receiving lands. vi. Prohibition on severance transfer of development rights. a) Neither TOR credits nor TOR Early Entry Bonus credits shall be generated from RFMU sending lands where a conservation easement or other similar development restriction prohibits the residential development of such property, with the exception of those TOR Early Entry Bonus credits associated with TOR credits severed from March 5, 2004. until [the effective date of this provision]. Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits and Conveyance Bonus credits may only be generated from those RFMU sending lands where a conservation easement or other similar development restriction on development was imposed in conjunction with the severance of TOR credits. b) Neither TOR credits nor any TOR Bonus credits shall be generated from RFMU sending lands that were cleared for agricultural operations after June 19, 2002, for a periOd of twenty-five (25) years after such clearing occurs. d. Redemption Transfer of TORs de'felopment rights from RFMU sending lands into non-rfmu receiving areas. i. Redemption Transfers into urban areas. a) Maximum density increase. In order to encourage residential in-fill in urban areas of existing development outside of the Coastal High Hazard Area, a maximum of 3 residential dwelling units 60 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text: strikett:1rel:lgl=l is GI:lFreRt text: ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined tenn per gross acre may be requested through a rezone petition for projects qualifying under this residential infill provisions of the Future Land Use Element density Rating System. subject to the applicable provisions of Chapters 2 and 9 of this Code, and the following conditions: i) The project is 20 acres or less in size; ii) At time of development, the project will be served by central public water and sewer; ii) The property in question has no common site development plan in common with adjacent property; iv) There is no common ownership with any adjacent parcels; and v) The parcel in question was not created to take advantage of the in-fill residential density bonus and was created prior to the adoption of this provision in the Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989. vi) Of the maximum 3 additional units, one (1) dwelling unit per acre shall be derived transferred from RFMU sending lands and redeemed at Site Plan or prior to Plat recordation. b) Developments which meet the residential infill conditions i) through v) above may increase the base density administratively through a Site development Plan or Plat approval by a maximum of one dwelling unit per acre by redeemino transferring that additional density derived from RFMU district Sending Lands. ii. Redemptions Transfers into the urban resiaential fringe. Urban Residential Fringe shall be permitted exclusivelv throuoh the use of TDR credits and TDR Bonus credits derived may be transferred from RFMU sending lands located within one mile of the Urban Boundary into lanas am;i€lnatea Urban Residential Fringe to increase density by a maximum of 1.0 dwelling units per acre, allowing for a density increase from the existing allowable base density of 1.5 dwelling units per acre to a maximum of 2.5 dwelling unit~ per gross acre. e Redemption Transfers from RFMU sending lands into RFMU 61 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC pacl<et\02050B BCC-2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te~a: strikethrslJ€lR is GlJrreRt tela: 18 8e deleteGt. Bold text indicates a defined term receiving lands. i. Maximum density on RFMU receiving lands when TOR credits are redeemed tran!lferred from RFMU seAdiA!! laRds. a) The base residential density allowable shall be as provided in sections 203.08 A.2.a.(2)(a) and 2.03.08 A.2.b.(3)(a). b) The density achievable through the redemption tran!lfer of TDR credits and TOR Bonus credits into RFMU receiving lands shall be as provided for in section 2.03.08 A.2.a.(2)(b)(i) outside of rural villages and sections 2.03.08 A.2.b.(3)(b) and 2.0308 A.2.b.(3)(c)(i) inside of rural villages. ii. Remainder uses after TDR credits are severed from RFMU sending lands. Where development rights have been severed from RFMU district Sending Lands, such lands may be retained in private ownership and may be used as set forth in section 2.03.08 A.4.b. f. Procedures applicable to the severance and redemption tr:msfar of TDR credits and the generation of TOR Bonus credits from RFMU sending lands. i. General. Those developments that utilize such TOR credits or TOR Bonus credits are subject to all applicable permitting and approval requirements of this Code, including but not limited to those applicable to site development plans, plat approvals, PUDs, and DRls. a) The severance of TDR credits and the generation of Early Entry Bonus credits from RFMU sending lands does not require further approval of the County if the County determines that information demonstrating compliance with all of the criteria set forth in ii.a) below has been submitted. However, those developments that utilize such TOR credits and Early Entry Bonus credits are subject to all applicable permitting and approval requirements of this Code, including but not limited to those applicable to site development plans, plat approvals, PUDs, and DRls. b) The generation of Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits and Conveyance Bonus credits requires acceptance by the County of a RMP. 62 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC pacl<et\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrelJ€lh is Gl::mSRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term ii. COllnty maintainecl central TOR registry. In order to facilitate the County's monitoring and regulation of the TOR Program, the County shall serve as the central registry for ef all TOR severances, transfers (sales) and redemptions Greclit ancl TOR 80RllS Gredits purchases. sales, and transfers, as well as maintain a public central listing of TOR credits and TOR 80nus Gredits available for sale aM alonq with a Iistinq of purchasers seeking TOR credits Elf TOR 80RUS Gredits. No TOR credit ancl TOR 80RUS Gredit generated from RFMU sending lands may be utilized to increase density in any area unless the following procedures are complied with in full. a) TOR credits shall not be used to increase density in either non-RFMU Receiving Areas or RFMU receiving lands until severed from RFMU sending lands. TOR credits shall be deemed to be severed from RFMU sending lands at such time as a TOR credit Certificate is obtained from the County aM rocorclecl. TOR credit Certificates shall be issued only by the County and upon submission of the following: i) a legal description of the property from which the RFMU TOR credits originated, including the total acreage; ii) a title search. or other evidence sufficient to establish that. prior to the severance of the TOR credits from RFMU sending lands, such sending lands were not subject to a conservation restriction or any other development restriction that prohibited residential development; iii) aD executed Limitation of Development Riqhts Aqreement legal instrllmenl, prepared in accord with the form provided by the County, that limits the allowable uses on the property after the severance of TOR credits as set forth in section 2.03.08 A.4.b.; and iv) a statement identifying the price, or value of other remuneration, paid to the owner of the RFMU sending lands from which the TOR credits were generated and that the value of any such remuneration is at least $25,000 per TOR credit, unless such owner retains ownership of the TOR credits after they are severed. unless the RFMU or non- 63 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrel.lgh is Gl.lrFeRt text te l;Je aeletea. Bold text indicates a defined term RFMU receiving lands on which the TOR credits will be redeemed utilized and the RFMU sending lands from which the TOR credits were generated are owned by the same persons or entities or affiliated persons or entities; and v) a statement attesting that the TOR credits are not being severed from RFMU sending lands in violation of subsection 2.0307(D)(4)(c)(iv)(b) DA.c.vi.b) of #lis the Code. vi) documented evidence that, if the property from which TORs are being severed is subject to a mortgage, lien, or any other security interest; the mortgagee. lien holder, or holder of the security interest has consented to the recordation of the Limitation of Development Riqhts Aqreement conservation easement required for TOR severance ; transfer (sale) of TOR credit; and redemption of TOR credit. b) TOR Bonus credits shall not be used to increase density in either non-RFMU receiving areas or RFMU receiving lands until a TOR credit certificate reflecting the TOR Bonus credits is obtained from the County and recorded. 1) Early Entry Bonus credits. All TOR credit certificates issued by the County for the period from the effective date of this provision until three years after such effective date shall include one Early Entry Bonus credit or fractional Early Entry Bonus credit or each TOR credit or fractional TOR credit reflected on the TOR credit certificate. Where TOR credits were severed from March 5, 2004, until the effective date of this provision, the County shall, upon receipt of a copy of the TOR credit certificate reflecting those previously severed TOR credits. issue a TOR credit certificate entitling Early Entry Bonus credits equal in number to the previously severed TOR credits. 2) Environmental Maintenance certificate Restoration and Bonus credit. A TOR reflecting Environmental 64 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text 6trjlmtRral;l~A is GldrreRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credits shall not be issued until the County has accepted a RMP for the sending lands from which the Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Bonus credit is being generated. Any sending lands from which TOR credits have been severed may also be used for mitigation programs and associated mitigation activities and uses in conjunction with any county, state or federal permitting. Where the Environmental Restoration and Maintenance Credit is applied for sending lands that are also being used (title or easement) for mitigation for permits or approvals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, or the South Florida Water Management District. the County shall accept as the RMP for the sending mitigation lands, the restoration and/or maintenance requirements of permits issued by any of the foregoing governmental agencies for said lands. 3) Conveyance Bonus credit. A TOR certificate reflecting Conveyance Bonus credits shall not be issued until the County has accepted a RMP for the Sending Lands from which the Conveyance Bonus credit is being generated and such sending lands have been conveyed, in fee simple, to a County, state, or federal government agency. c) A PUD or DRI utilizing TOR credits or TOR Bonus credits may be conditionally approved, but no subsequent application for site development plan or subdivision plat within the PUD or DRI shall be approved. until the developer submits the following: i) documentation that the developer has acquired all TOR credits and TOR Bonus credits needed for that phase portion of the development that is the subject of the site development plan or subdivision plat; and ii) a TDR transaction foo sufficient to defroy the expenses of the County in udministerin!j tho Central TDR Re!jistry. 65 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\02050B BCC.2\BCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te}~ Btril~etl=lrel:J!iJl=l i€: Cl:JrreAt text ta se aeletes. Bold text indicates a defined term d) The developer shall provide documentation of the acquisition of full ownership and control of all TOR credits needed for the development and of rocor-dation of the TDR Gredit certificates for all such TDR Gredits prior to the approval of any site development plan, subdivision plat, or other final local development order, other than a PUD or DR!. e) Each TOR credit shall have an individual and distinct tracking number, which shall be identified on the TDR certificate that reflects the TOR credit. The county TDR Activity Loq registry shall maintain an onqoinq record of all TDR credits, to include database dosignatien that cateqorizes all TOR credits those relative to that have boon severance. transfer (sale) and redemption activity expended. f) The county bears no responsibility to provide notice to any person or entity holding a lien or other security interest in sending lands that TOR credits have been severed from the property or that an application for such severance has been filed. g) The County bears no responsibility to provide notice to any person or entity holding a lien or other security interest in Sending Lands that TDR credits have been severed from the property or that an application for such severance has been filed. g. Proportional utilization of TOR credits. Upon the issuance of approval of a site development plan or subdivision plat that is part of a PUD or DRI, TOR credits shall be redeemed deemed to be expended at a rate proportional to percentage of the PUD or DRI's approved gross density that is derived through TOR credits. All PUDs and DRls utilizing TOR credits shall require that the rate of TOR credit consumption be reported through the monitoring provisions of sections 10.02.12 and 10.02.07(C)(1)(b) section 10.02.12 and subsection 10.02.07 C 1.b of this Code. 66 1:107 Amend the LPC\2007.Cycle 21lPC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TS)R stril~ethrel.l9A is GblrFeAt text te 138 seletes. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC2:77 LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.07.N CHANGE: Remove from Gateway Triangle Mixed Use District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, the reference to development standards of the Mixed Use Activity Center in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. REASON: There are no development standards in the Growth Management Plan specific to the applicable mixed use activity center. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: N/A OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: September 11,2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts N. Gateway Triangle Mixed Use Overlay District. Special conditions for the properties in and adjacent to the Gateway Triangle as referenced on GTMUD Map 1; and further identified by the designation "GTMUD" on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Map or map series. * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. Gateway Triangle Mixed Use District (GTMUD) Subdistricts. 67 1:107 Amend the LOCI2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethreblrilh is Gblrr.eRt tent tl3 be aeJeteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term . . . . . . . . . . . . c. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict. Portions of the Gateway Triangle Mixed Use District coincide with Mixed Use Activity Center #16 designated in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Development standards in the activity center ~ are governed by reElblirements of the underlying zoning district requirements and the mixed use activity center subdistrict requirements in the FLUE, except for site development standards as stated in section 4.0235 of this Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LOC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril(stAFel::JgR is S\;.IFrBAt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Division Community Development & Environmental Services AUTHOR: John Kelly, Planner DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review AMENDMENT CYCLE: LDC PAGE: LDC2:111 & LDC2:112 LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.08 A.3.a.(3).(h) & 2.03.08 A.3.a.(3).(I) CHANGE: delete duplicate entry 2.03.08 A.3.a.(3).(l) REASON: Scrivener's error FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Ver. 1-06/22/2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 2.03.08 Rural Fringe Zoning Districts * * * * * * * * * * * * A. Rural Fringe Mixed-Use District (RFMU District). * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. Neutral lands. Neutral lands have been identified for limited semi-rural residential development. Available data indicates that neutral lands have a higher ratio of native vegetation, and thus higher habitat values, than lands designated RFMU receiving lands, but these values do not approach those of RFMU sending lands. Therefore, these lands are appropriate for limited development, if such development is directed away from existing native vegetation and habitat. Within neutral lands. the following standards shall apply: * * * * * * * * * * * * 69 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tela 5tril~etl=lrelJQh is mIrFeRt te~ te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term a. Allowable uses. The following uses are permitted as of right: . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Conditional Uses. The following uses are permissible as conditional uses subject to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00. (a) Zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, or other similar uses. . . . . . . . . . . . . (h) Facilities for the collection, transfer, processing, and reduction of solid waste. . . . . . . . . . . . . (I) Facilities for the collection, transfer, processing, and reduction of solid waste. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050Bdoc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te}R striltetl=lrsl:lQI=I is Gl:lrrent text te be aelatea. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES AUTHOR: Robert Wiley DEPARTMENT: Engineering Services AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC3:3-4 LDC SECTION(S): 3.02.03 Applicability 3.02.05 Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard CHANGE: The effective date of the County's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is being updated. Next anticipated update is in 3 years. REASON: There was much contention concerning the 'new' FIRM that the County was issued in 2005. Since that time the County has accepted that it will use the FIRM for the next 3 years until a corrected FIRM can be produced. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: There were fiscal impacts to property owners when the new FIRM was produced; however, updating the effective date in the LDC will have no fiscal or operational impacts to the County or the public. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMP ACT: OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created August 31, 2007. Amend the LDC as follows: 3.01.00 GENERALLY [Reserved] 3.02.00 FLOODPLAIN PROTECTION 3.02.01 Findings of Fact A. The flood hazard areas of the County are subject to periodic inundation, which could result in loss of life, property damage, health, and safety hazards, 71 1:107 Amend the LDC\2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRF9l:Jgt:! is Sl:JrreAt text ta be deleteGl. Bold text indicates a defined term disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which could adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. B. These flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in flood plains causing increases in flood heights and velocities. and by the occupancy in flood hazard areas by structures vulnerable to floods or hazardous to the lands which are inadequately elevated, floodproofed, or otherwise inadequately protected from flood damages. 3.02.02 Purpose It is the purpose of this section to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed: A. To protect human life and health; B. To minimize expenditure of public money for costly and environmentally unsound flood control projects; C. To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; D. To minimize prolonged business interruptions; E. To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities. such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets, and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard; F. To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood prone areas in such a manner as to minimize future flood blight areas; G. To ensure, to the greatest degree possible, that potential home buyers are notified that property is in an area of special flood hazard; and H. To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibilities for their actions. 3.02.03 Applicability This section shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard in the unincorporated area of the County, and identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in its flood insurance rate map (FIRM), dated June d, 1986 November 17. 2005, and any revisions thereto. 3.02.04 Exemptions Mobile homes to be placed in an existing mobile home park shall be exempt from the requirements of this section, provided such mobile home park is not expanded 72 I:IOY Amend the LOCI200Y.Cycle 21LOC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett::1rsblgt::1 is SblFreFlt tela: ta be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term or undergoes substantial improvement as defined herein. 3.02.05 Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard The areas of special flood hazard, are identified by the Federal Insurance Administration, in a scientific and engineering report entitled "The flood insurance study" for the County's unincorporated area, dated June 3, 1986. with accompanying FIRM, dated June J, 19l16 November 17. 2005. The flood insurance study and accompanying FIRM shall be on file and be open for public inspection in the office of the Clerk to the BCC located in Building "F", Collier County Courthouse. 3301 Tamiami Trail, East, Naples, Florida JJ962 34112. * * * * * * * * * * * * 73 1:107 Amend the LDCI2007.Cycle 21LDC packetl02050B BCC-2IBCC 02050B.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett-lr.sl:Jgh is CblrreRt text te se aeleted. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- 74 1:107 Amend the LDCI2007-Cycle 21LDC packetl020508 BCC.2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikatAralJ~R is SI:lFFeRt text ta l3a aalates. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Stephen Lenberger, Senior Environmental Specialist DEPARTMENT: Environmental Services Department AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC3:28.1 - LDC3:28.2 LDC SECTION(S): 3.05.07 CHANGE: Change priority for preserved native vegetation as required by the 2007 EAR-based amendments to the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) ofthe GMP. REASON: Required as part of the 2007 EAR-based amendments to the CCME of the GMP. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None affected GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: Required as part of the 2007 EAR- based amendments to the CCME of the GMP. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created August 31, 2007, amended October 8, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 3.05.07 Preservation Standards All development not specifically exempted by this ordinance shall incorporate, at a minimum, the preservation standards contained within this section. A General standards and criteria. 1. The preservation of native vegetation shall include canopy, under- story and ground cover emphasizing the largest contiguous area possible, except as otherwise provided in section 3.05.07 H.1.e. 75 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packetl020508 BCC-2IBCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text €:triketArs\;J~A is GblrrElAt tel::!: te be deletea. Bold text indicates a defined term 2. Areas that fulfill the native vegetation retention standards and criteria of this Section shall be set aside as preserve areas, subject to the requirements of section 3.05.07 H. Single family residences are exempt from the requirements of section 3.05.07 H. 3. Native veQetation to be retained as Ppreserve areas shall be selected in such manner as to preserve the following, in descending order of priority, except to the extent that preservation is made mandatory in sections 3.05.07 F.3. and 3.05.07 G.3.c.: a. Wetland or upland Aareas known to be utilized by listed species or that serve as corridors for the movement of wildlife; b. Xeric Scrub. Dune and Strand, Hardwood Hammocks; 99. Onsite wetlands having an accepted functionalitv WRAP score of at least 0.65 or a Uniform Wetland Mitigation Assessment Score of at least 0.7; QG. Any upland habitat that serves as a buffer to a wetland area as defined in section 3.05.07 A.3.c above; d. Listed pl:mt and animal species habitats; e. Xeric Scrub; f. Dune and Strand, Hardwood Hammockc; ~~. Dry Prairie, Pine Flatwoods; and fRo All other upland native habitats. I. Existin!j nali'/e '1e!jetalion located contiguous to a natural reservation. 4. Preservation areas shall be interconnected within the site and to adjoining off-site preservation areas or wildlife corridors. 5. To the greatest extent possible, native vegetation, in quantities and types set forth in section 4.06.00, shall be incorporated into landscape designs in order to promote the preservation of native plant communities and to encourage water conservation. * * * * * * * * * * 76 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikettm3lJ!1JR is Gl,lrFElAt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning Department AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC4:36 LDC SECTION(S): 4.02.15 CHANGE: In the Santa Barbara Commercial Overlay, amend the date for residential use to cease to seven years after the etJective date of the adoption in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) of the amended Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict (January II, 2005). REASON: The boundaries of the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict as contained in the GGAMP of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) were amended (expanded) in October 2004, by Ordinance No. 2004-71, as recommended by the Golden Gate Area Master Plan Restudy Committee. Therefore, the Land Development Code regulation requiring the cessation of residential use must be extended accordingly to maintain consistency with the GMP. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: This amendment will be consistent with the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan of the GMP. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: N/A OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: August 30, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 4.02.15 Same--Development in the SBeO District A. The standards described in this section shall apply to all uses in this overlay district. * * * * * * * * * * * * 77 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text rstriketl=lrsl,lgl=l is Cl:lFFElFlt text ts 138 aeleted. Bold text indicates a defined term 2. Existing residential uses must cease to exist no later than seven tef\ years after the effective date of the adoption of the amended Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (January 11. 2005) (April 19, 1999). This does not require the removal of the residential structures if they can be, and are, converted to uses permitted in this district, within one additional year. This requirement to cease existing residential uses does not apply to Eh-..elling units which woro owner-occupied dwellinQ units as of .^.priI19, 1999. 78 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te,R stril,ethreuQA is slJrrsnt text te be E1eleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Board of County Commissioners AUTHOR: Barbara Burgeson, Principal Environmental Specialist Stephen Lenberger, Senior Environmental Specialist DEPARTMENT: Environmental Services Department AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC5:30 LDC SECTION(S): 5.05.02 CHANGE: To exclude the length of shoreline within conservation easements when calculating the maximum allowable number of boat slips in accordance with the Manatee Protection Plan. REASON: The rating system used in calculating the maximum number of wetslips in accordance the Manatee Protection Plan, uses the amount of shoreline to calculate the maximum number of wets lips. Since the adoption of the Manatee Protection Plan in May 1995, staff has applied the provisions of the Manatee Protection Plan to exclude the amount of shoreline within conservation easements from the calculation of the maximum allowable wetslips. Shoreline within a conservation easement is excluded since a conservation easement removes or severely limits development rights. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None since it has been staffs practice to already exclude the length of shoreline within conservation easements in calculating the maximum allowable number of boat slips in accordance with the Manatee Protection Plan. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. The County has incorporated the MPP within Conservation and Coastal Management Policy 7.2.1 and Policy 7.2.3. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created September 5, 2007, amended October 9, 2007, amended January 30, 2008 Amend the LDC as follows: 79 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethreblQt:l is GblrreAt text te be deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term 5.05.02 Marinas A. The following standards are for the purpose of manatee protection and are applicable to all multi-slip docking facilities with ten slips or more, and all marina facilities. B. Proposed developments will be reviewed for consistency with the Manatee Protection Plan ("MPP") adopted by the BCC and approved by the DEP. If the location of the proposed development is consistent with the MPP, then the developer will submit a "Manatee Awareness and Protection Plan," which shall address, but not be limited to, the following categories: 1. Education and public awareness. 2. Posting and maintaining manatee awareness signs. 3. Information on the type and destination of boat traffic that will be generated from the facility. 4. Monitoring and maintenance of water quality to comply with state standards. 5. Marking of navigational channels, as may be required. C. A rating system is established to evaluate proposed marina facilities. The purpose of the marina site rating system is to help determine the maximum wet slip densities in order to improve existing Manatee protection. The marina site rating system gives a ranking based on three (3) criteria: water depth, native marine habitat, and manatee abundance. In evaluating a parcel for a potential boat facility, a minimum sphere of influence for the boat traffic must be designated. For the proposed marina facility, an on-water travel distance of five (5) miles is considered the sphere of influence. 1. A preferred rating is given to a site that has or can legally create adequate water depth and access, will not impact native marine habitats, and will not impact a high manatee use area (See Table 5.05.02(C)(5)). 2. A moderate ranking is given to a site where: there is a adequate water depth and access, no impact to a high manatee use area, but there is an impact to native marine habitat; there is adequate water depth, no impact to native marine habitat, but impacts a high manatee use area; and when the water depth is less than four (4) feet mean low water (MLW), no impact to native marine habitat, and no impact to a high manatee use area. 3. A protected ranking is given to a site where: there is adequate water depth and access, but there is an impact to native marine habitat and there is an impact to a high manatee use area; there is not adequate water depth, there is impact to or destruction of native marine habitat, and there is impact to a high manatee use area; there is not adequate water depth, no impact to marine habitat, but there is impact to a high manatee use area; or there is not adequate depth, there is impact to marine habitat, and no impact to a high manatee use area. 4. The exact areas will depend on site specific data gathered during the site development process reviews. 80 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril,etl:1rBl,lgl=l is Cl:lrr-eRt text te ea aeletea. Bold text indicates a defined term 5. Table of Siting Criteria Water Depth Native Marine Habitat Manatee Use (Measured at MLW) 4 ft. or Less than 4 No Impact1 Impact Not High High more ft. Preferred X X X Moderate X X X Moderate X X X Moderate X X X Protected X X X Protected X X X Protected X X X Protected X X X 1 For shoreline vegetation such as mangroves, "no impact" is defined as no greater than five (5) percent of the native marine habitat is disturbed. For sea grasses, "no impact" means than no more than 100 square feet of sea grasses can be impacted. D. Allowable wet slip densities. 1. Preferred sites. New or expanded wet slip marinas and multi-family facilities shall be allowed at a density of up to eighteen (18) boat slips for every 100 feet of shoreline. Expansion of existing and construction of new dry storage facilities is allowed. Expansion of existing and construction of new boat ramps is allowed. 2. Moderate development sites. New or expanded wet slips and multi-family facilities shall be allowed at a density of up to ten (10) boat slips for every 100 feet of shoreline. Expansion of existing dry storage facilities is allowed. Construction of new dry storage facilities is prohibited. Expansion of existing boat ramps is allowed. Construction of new boat ramps is prohibited. 3. Protected sites. New or expanded wet slip marinas and multi-family facilities shall be allowed at a density of one (1) boat slip for every 100 feet of shoreline. Expansion of existing dry storage facilities or construction of new dry storage facilities is prohibited. Expansion of existing boat ramp or construction of new boat ramps is prohibited. E. If a potential boat facility site is ranked as moderate or protected because of its proximity to a high use manatee area, its ranking can be increased if slow speed zones are established that account for a significant portion of the expected travel route of the boats using the proposed facility. In that case, the manatee criteria in the three (3) way test (see Table 5.05.02(C)(5)) would not affect the outcome of the ranking. If such slow speed zones are not existing, the County may establish, with DEP approval, additional slow speed zones in order to mitigate the proposed additional boat traffic. F. Existing facilities and facilities which had state or federal permits prior to adoption of the MPP shall be exempt from these provisions, but will be subject to all other 81 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril(eUuel:lgl:1 is GblrreRt text ta ee deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term requirements of this Code. G. The definition of shoreline for the purpose of the Manatee Protection Plan shall be the interface of land and water at mean hiqh water, as established usinq standard survev techniques. Shoreline within Countv reauired preserves or within S1gt~.an~eral conservation easements which do not soecificallv permit boat d.o.clsl; shall not be used in calculatinq the maximum allowable number of wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan. Artificiallv created shorelines created after the adoption of the Manatee Protection Plan in Mav 1995 shall not be used in the calculation for wetslip densities. The lenath of artificiallv created shoreline created prior to the adootion of the Manatee Protection Plan m~p.J.Lu_~d in the calculation for w~sJjQ_de.o.sttje.,L_G.o.\&[Jl!lliml owned ..21Jb.li!<J?gaUaci,lities havina shoreline within Countv reauired preserves shall be exem2t from this orovisi9-'J, Marina facilities ooeoJoJhe aeneral public ,<l_nd wilh:a prefert;.~~la.tioQPJjI.s..lJ.iillllq !be Ma.llij.t.e.e P~ole_c.tLQ.n Plan mav USJLaIl their shoreline in calculatina the maximum allow..!:1..ble number ..Qf.w.etslips UD~S.s...Q.therwise restricted bv Sta~!:tc;l ~c!El@Lc.Q'l~eJy-,~tLo_n_El.<l~El~I1~ 82 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Manatee Protection Plan Shoreline LDC Amendment Response to BCC Questions I. ELIGIBLE SHORELINE (Options listed from most restrictive to least restrictive): Most restrictive a. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and shoreline within all State and Federal conservation easements when calculating the maximum allowable number of wets lips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan. b. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and State and Federal conservation easements which do not allow wetslips within their conservation easements when calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan. Staff recommended option included in proposed LDC amendment. c. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas in calculating the maximum allowable number of wets lips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan. d. Allow all shoreline to be used in calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan, regardless of whether the shoreline is within a County required preserve or a conservation easement, or not. Least Restrictive II. BCC QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS: How will repair and maintenance of artificially created shorelines that change the length of shoreline, be affected by this amendment? Language has been added to the amendment grand fathering the length of artificially created shoreline created prior to the adoption of the Manatee Protection Plan in May 1995. Board's concern as to whether this amendment will further restrict wetslip density for public boat facilities. Language added to amendment exempting government owned public boat facilities from this provision. Question as to whether the amendment will restrict the number of boat slips within Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve_ Much of the land within Rookery Bay is zoned Conservation and not within a County required conservation easement/preserve. The County required preserve would only 1 encompass 15 percent of the area of the Reserve and therefore not appreciably affected wetslip density, given the amount of shoreline within the Reserve. Question as to whether a Conditional Use (CU) process could be used instead of having an absolute prohibition on using the length of shoreline within a conservation easement. The types of development orders reviewed for compliance with the Manatee Protection Plan vary from Site Development Plans, Conditional Use (CU) applications and Planned Unit Developments (PUD). A CU would not be appropriate in all cases. In keeping with the Board's desire to not restrict public access, staff have included a provision allowing marina facilities which are open to the general public and which qualify as a preferred rating under to the Manatee Protection Plan. to use all their shoreline in calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips. III. BCC DIRECTION IF THE LDC AMENDMENT IS NOT ADOPTED If the BCC does not proceed with this LDC amendment, staff requests direction on how to apply the use of shoreline within a conservation easement in caIculatinl! wetslip densities now. Currently staff apply the followinl! with rel!ards in calculatinl! the maximum allowable number of wets lips l!iven prior direction provided by the BCC : Identify in the development document the location of the proposed docking facility and County required preserve area. Use the total length of shoreline for calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips and identify this value in the development document. Require the conservation easement to specify that the shoreline contained within can no longer be used in calculating the number of wetslips. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provide the County Manager or his designee direction as to the manner for calculating allowable wetslips when a project shoreline is within a conservation easement. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) provide the County Manager or his designee direction as to the manner for calculating allowable wetslips when a project shoreline is within a conservation easement. CONSIDERATION: On December 12,2006, the BCC directed the County Manager to report back to the BCC as to how staff has applied the Manatee Protection Plan (MPP) criteria for calculating the maximum number of wetslips allowed for a proposed multi-docking facility. This Executive Summary addresses the rationale for how staff has applied the MPP criteria to calculate maximum wetslip densities when a project proposes a wetslip docking facility with its shoreline in a conservation easement (CE). Possible future actions are also provided for the BCC's consideration. Since the adoption of the MPP in May 1995, staff has applied the provisions of the MPP to exclude the amount of shoreline within CE's from the calculation of maximum allowable wetslips. Until recently, this application has occurred without review of the CE itself. This has the effect of reducing the number of wetslips for a facility where its property has shoreline in a CE. The specific question that staff is requesting direction from the BCC is: How should the County calculate the maximum number of wetslips for a multi-docking facility when part of the project's shoreline is within a conservation easement? MPP and Land Development Code (LDC) Provisions Relevant portions of the MPP and LDC are contained in Attachment A. The rating system specified in the LDC uses the amount of shoreline to calculate the maximum number of wetslips. Although the LDC specifies that the purpose of the marina siting criteria is to help determine the maximum wet slip densities in order to improve existing Manatee protection, neither the LDC nor the MPP definition of shoreline specifically addresses shoreline within CE's. Both the MPP and LDC do, however, recognize that mangrove systems are necessary and important habitats for Manatee protection. State evaluation of MPP criteria Staff has coordinated its review of projects with the State Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) since the State was part of the development of the MPP and provided its approval ofthe County's MPP. The County has also adopted the MPP into the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the County's Growth Management Plan. The State looks to the County to evaluate a proposed project and to determine its consistency with the MPP. The State also utilizes these criteria in its own permitting processes. State agency staff have advised County staff that the total length of shorelines, including that which is within CE's, is used in the calculations for maximum allowable wetslips where the purpose of the CE is vegetation management. However, where the CE prohibits "in-water structures", the length of shoreline within the conservation easement is excluded from the calculations and thus the number of allowable wetslips are reduced in proportion to the length of the excluded shoreline. State staff indicate that "in-water structures" can be characterized as the construction and operation of future docks, wet or dry slips, piers, launching facilities or structures other than existing on the property, or activities detrimental to drainage, flood control, water conservation, erosion control, soil conservation, or fish and wildlife habitat preservation including, but not limited to, ditching, diking, dredging, and fencing. Sample Calculations Attachment B provides examples of calculations for shorelines that are contained within or are located outside of CE's. Note that in both the examples, the location of the actual wetslip facility must be located outside of the CE. The calculated maximum allowable wetslips depends on whether the part of the shoreline is contained within a CEo Case I assumes that the length of shoreline within a CE's shoreline can not be used in the calculation of maximum allowable wetslips. Case II shows the calculation of the maximum allowable wetslips when no part of the shoreline is within the CEo Countv Staff Application ofMPP Criteria In approximately 1990, staff had gathered various environmental data and had discussions with past County Attorneys regarding CE's. Staff understood that a CE would remove all development rights, and thus there are no rights that the property owner can transfer. If no development rights exist on a shoreline, then the length of this shoreline can not be used to calculate wetslips that will be transferred to another area not encumbered or protected by a preserve designation or CEo Therefore, Environmental Review Staff's conclusion is when there is a CE over an area of shoreline, that area cannot be utilized for calculating the maximum allowable wetslips. Only shoreline that is outside the CE/Preserve area had been used in this determination. However, in a January 2006 evaluation of a project, staff from the Office of the County Attorney reviewed various documents including the existing CE, the GMP, the LDC, the MPP, State Statutes, and State cases in order to determine whether shoreline length in the CE area should be excluded from the calculation to determine the number of allowable boat slips. The result of this review essentially provided environmental staff with a procedure that specified the review of the actual language of a conservation easement must be conducted to determine if the easement language excludes the use of the easement shoreline to calculate the amount of wetslips. Inspecting the CE to determine its prohibitions is also consistent with the State's application as outlined above. Typically the County's required CE does not allow for boat slips to be placed within the boundary of the Conservation Easement or Preserve area. In fact, the County's current LDC criteria would limit most structures, except for structures providing access through the preserve, benches and educational signs. Although our current CEs would likely prohibit the placement of docks and docking facilities within the CE, the recent guidance from the County Attorney's Office would have staff inspect the actual CE language for all CE's to determine if the shoreline within the CE can be used in the maximum wetslip calculation. Recommendations Based on previous County Attorney reviews and recommendations, staff recommends that the BCC consider the following tasks for staff to perform when applying the criteria of the LDC and MPP regarding the calculation of maximum allowable wetslips when all or a portion of a project's shoreline is within aCE: A. For projects having existing CE's or Preserves 1. Have the County Attorney's Office review the CE to determine if the CE addresses shoreline development rights. 2. Consult with the State to determine if the State finds the CE to eliminate any future wetslips. (This would essentially be consulting the State for Technical Assistance for listed species issues.) 3. Apply the most restrictive criteria from the review of I and 2. B. For projects where Preserve areas and CE's are not yet established. 1. Identify in the development document the location of the proposed docking facility and preserve area that requires aCE. 2. Use the total shoreline for calculating the maximum allowable wetslips and identify this value in the development document. 3, Require the CE to specify that the shoreline contained within can no longer be used for calculating wetslips. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the County for this agenda item. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The County has incorporated the MPP within Conservation and Coastal Management Policy 7.2.1 and Policy 7.2.3. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is nothing in the Growth Management Plan or Land Development Code (LDC) that specifically addresses the issue. Therefore, how to handle this matter becomes a policy determination for the Board. Once the decision is made, the Board should also direct that the LDC be amended so the policy decision can be memorialized. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners provide the County Manger or his designee direction for calculating wetslip densities when shorelines are within Conservation Easements. PREPARED BY: William D. Lorenz Jr., P.E., Environmental Services Department Director Attachment A. Relevant Portions of the Manatee Protection Plan and Land Development Code · MPP (Section 3.2.4, Marina Siting Criteria) Collier County and the FDEP's Office of Protected Species Management has developed a rating system for marina siting throughout the remainder of the County. The purpose of the marina site rating system is to help determine the maximum powerboat wetslip densities in order to improve existing Manatee protection. The marina site rating system gives a ranking based on three (3) criteria; water depth, native marine habitat and Manatee abundance. Native marine habitats include seagrass beds, salt marshes, mangroves or other biologically productive submerged and shoreline habitats which may be adversely affected or destroyed by dredging and filling activities. · LDC (Section 5.05.02) A rating system is established to evaluate proposed marina facilities. The purpose of the marina site rating system is to help determine the maximum wet slip densities in order to improve existing Manatee protection. The marina site rating system gives a ranking based on three (3) criteria: water depth, native marine habitat, and Manatee abundance. · LDC (Section 5.05.02) For shoreline vegetation such as mangroves, "no impact" is defined as no greater than five (5) percent of the native marine habitat is disturbed For sea grasses, "no impact" means no more than 1 00 square feet of sea grasses can be impacted · LDC (Section 5.05.02 for Preferred sites. Density for Moderate and Protected sites are specified as 10 and 1 boat slips per 100 feet of shoreline, respectively.) New or expanded wet slip marinas and multi-family facilities shall be allowed at a density of up to eighteen (18) boat slips for every 100 feet of shoreline. · LDC Definition. Shoreline or shore: The interface of land and water and, as used in the coastal management element requirements, is limited to oceanic and estuarine interfaces. · LDC (Section 3.05.07.H.1.h) Allowable uses within preserve areas. Passive recreational uses such as pervious nature trails or boardwalks are allowed within the preserve areas, as long as any clearing required to facilitate these uses does not impact the minimum required vegetation. For the purpose of this section, passive recreational uses are those uses that would allow limited access to the preserve in a manner that will not cause any negative impacts to the preserve, such as pervious pathways, benches and educational signs. Fences may be utilized outside of the preserve to provide protection in the preserve in accordance with the protected species section 3.04.01 D.1.c. Fences and walls are not permitted within the preserve area. Attachment B. Sample Calculations Case I (Portion of the Shoreline is within a Conservation Easement) j// / Total Shoreline - 1000 feet Shoreline not within a Conservation Easement - 400 feet Moderate Rating (10 wetslips per 100 feet of Shoreline) Shoreline Maximum Number of Allowable wetlips: 10 slips per 100 feet X 4 = 40 wetslips 400 'eo, Docking Facility Case II (No part of the Shoreline is within a Conservation Easement) , I I \ \ \ , \ \ " Shoreline - 1000 feet Shoreline not within a Conservation Easement - 1000 feet /' ( , I I I Shoreline I Moderate Rating (10 wetslips per 100 feet of Shoreline) Maximum Number of Allowable wetlips: 10 slips per 100 feet X 10 = 100 wets lips .,-------.,. 400 feet Docking Facility Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl=lrsblSlR is Cl,lrr-eRt text te be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Office ofthe County Attorney - BCC directed on June 26, 2007 AUTHOR: Jennifer A. Belpedio, Assistant County Attorney DEPARTMENT: Office of the County Attorney AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC5:113 & LDC5:114 LDC SECTlON(S): 5.06.04 C. 12. a. CHANGE: In prior years candidate qualification was 46 days before the general election; therefore, the LDC prohibited the posting of political signs more than 45 calendar days prior to an election. During the 2007 legislative session S 99.061, Florida Statutes, was amended to provide for candidate qualification 67 days before the general election (see Chapter 2007-30, Laws of Florida). The LDC is being amended to reference Sec. 99.061, F.S., rather than change 45 days to 66 days as the permitted political sign posting. If the candidate qualification date changes in the future, these LDC provisions will not need to be revised again. The bulk permit issued for the posting of political signs will be used to advise permittees of the new permitted posting requirements. REASON: To update political sign provIsIOns in preparation for November 2008 General Elections. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: August 20, 2007; August 22, 2007, August 27, 2007, September 4, 2007, September 16, 2007, September 17, 2007, September 26, 2007, October I, 2007, October 22,2007, December 21, 2007 per the CCPC. Amend the LDC as follows: 5.06.04 Sign Standards for SpecifiC Situations * * * * * * * * * * * * 83 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:lrel::l!1JR is GlJrrBAt teJR ts Be Elsleted. Bold text indicates a defined term C. On-premise signs. On-premise pole signs, ground signs, projecting signs, wall signs, and mansard signs shall be allowed in all nonresidentially zoned districts subject to the restrictions below: * * * * * . * * * * * * 12. Temporary signs. A permit is required to erect a The erection of any temporary sign shall require permitting as established as set forth in section 10.02.06 G. unless otherwise indicated provided herein. Applicants for temporary sign permits shall pay the minimum fee established for saiG a temporary sign permit Temporary signs shall be allowed subject to the restrictions imposed by this section and other relevant parts of this Code. a. Political signs. Political campaign signs and posters shall be permitted subject to the following requirements: * * * * * * * * * * * * vi. Political signs shall not be erected not more than 15 calendar days prior to an election or political event, until the close date of the qualifyinq period as set forth in Section 99.061, Florida Statutes as it mav be amended and shall be removed within seveFI I calendar days after termination of candidacy due to withdrawal, elimination, or election to the office or after the election, event, or after tho campaign approval or reiection of the issue has occurred. boon decided. * * * * * . * * * * * * 84 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett::JFel,l!1J1:1 is GlJrreRt text te sa aeletes. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Building Review & Permitting AUTHOR: Diana Compagnone DEPARTMENT: Building Review & Permitting AMENDMENT CYCLE # OR DATE: Cycle I - 2007 LDC PAGE: 3:43,3:44 LDC SECTION: 5.06.05 Signs Exempt from These Regulations CHANGE: Cross reference littoral shelf planting area (LSPA) sIgns and preserve signage to sign section of LDC. REASON: For ease of reference to general public FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: 3.05.10 A.6, 3.05.04 G GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSIONDATE: Created 2/7/06 Amend the LDC as follows: 5.06.00 SIGNS ************************************************************************ 5.06.05 Sign Exempt from these Regulations In addition to those signs identified elsewhere in this Code, the following signs are exempt from the permit requirements of this Code, and shall be permitted in all districts subject to the limitations set forth below: A. Signs required to be maintained or posted by law or governmental order, rule, or regulation. B. On-premises directional signs, not exceeding six square feet in area and four feet in height, intended to facilitate the movement of pedestrians and vehicles within the site upon which such signs are posted. On-premises directional signs shall be limited to two at each vehicle access point and 85 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strilteUm,l,lgA is Sl,lrFElRt text te be Eleletes. Bold text indicates a defined term a maximum of four internal to the development. Internal signs are not intended to be readily visible from the road. Directional signs are also subject to restrictions of section 5.06.04 C 13. of this Code. C. One identification sign, professional nameplate, or occupational sign for each professional office, or business establishment not to exceed two square feet in sign area and placed flush against a building face or mailbox side, and denoting only the name of the occupant and, at the occupant's election, the occupant's profession or specialty and/or the street address of the premise. ***************************************************************************** X. Littoral Shelf Plantinq Area siqns, provided such siqns do not violate section 3.05.10 A.6 of this Code. Y. Preserve Siqns, provided such siqns do not violate subsection 3.05.04 G of this Code. ************************************************************************ 86 1\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text s:tril~etRrablQA iE; GblrFElAt text te be aeleteEf. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDCIO:122 LDC SECTION(S): 1O.02.08.C CHANGE: Remove reference to access management plan maps. REASON: Access management plan maps were previously removed from the Land Development Code. However, this related text reference was inadvertently not removed at that time. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Policy 4.4 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: N/A OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: September 7, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 10.02.08 Submittal Requirements for Amendments to the Official Zoning and LOC * * * * * * * * * * * * C. Amendments. Amendments to this Code may be made not more than two times during any calendar year as scheduled by the county manager, except: 1. Any amendments to tho AGGess Management Plan maps (Appendix V) may ge made more onen than twice during the calendar year if related to, and if submittod and reviewod in conjunction with submittal and roview of, the follo.....ing types of development order-s: Rezoning, PUD amendment, De':elopment of Regional Impact (ORI) approval, DRI amendment, Gonditional use, Sito Development Plan (SOP) appre'lal, SDP 87 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LOC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text &triketArel,l~R it E:l.lrFeRt teJR ta be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term amendment, subdivisioR approval (including plats, J)lans, and Qmendments), construction aJ)J)ro'lal for infm6tructure (including wator, sower, grading, J)aving), and Building J)ormit (for single family dwolling 9fllyo- &.-.1 Amendments to the Code (See section 10.02.10 A. below for requirements). The procedure for amendment to this Code shall be as provided in section 10.03.05. This Code may only be amended in such a way as to preserve the consistency of the Code with the growth management plan. 88 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:lrsl,l@:R is Sl,lrreRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDCIO:129 LDC SECTION(S): IO.02.13.B CHANGE: Add "the FLU Element" to the Growth Management Plan (GMP) conformity criteria within planned unit development zoning procedures. REASON: The statements pertaining to GMP conformity within the existing planned unit development zoning procedures are incomplete, only requiring compliance with the goals objective and policies of the GMP and not "future land use designations, districts and subdistricts". FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Future Land Use Element, Immokalee Area Master Plan, Golden Gate Area Master Plan of the GMP. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: This consistency with the future land use designation of a consistency with the GMP's goals, objectives and policies. amendment clarifies that property is required beyond OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: August 27,2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 10.02.13 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Procedures * * * * * * * * * * * * A Application and PUO master plan submission requirements. * * * * * * * * * * * * 89 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl=lrsl,lgh is Sl,lrreFlt text te be 8eleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term B. Procedures for planned unit development zoning. 1. Preapplication conference. Prior to the submission of a formal application for rezoning to PUD, the applicant shall confer with the planning services department director and other county staff, agencies, and officials involved in the review and processing of such applications and related materials. The applicant is further encouraged to submit a tentative land use sketch plan for review at the conference, and to obtain information on any projected plans or programs relative to possible applicable federal or state requirements or other matters that may affect the proposed PUD. This preapplication conference should address, but not be limited to, such matters as: * * * * * * * * * * * * c. Conformity of the proposed PUD with the goals, objectives, afl€I policies and the FLU Element of the growth management plan. * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. Planning commission recommendation. The planning commission shall make written findings as required in section 10.02.08 and as otherwise required in this section and shall recommend to the board of county commissioners either approval of the PUD rezoning as proposed; approval with conditions or modifications; or denial. In support of its recommendation, the planning commission shall make findings as to the PUD master plan's compliance with the following criteria in addition to the findings in section 10.02.08. * * * * * * * * * * * c. Conformity of the proposed PUD with the goals, objectives, afl€I policies and the FLU Element of the growth management plan. 90 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:lrSl:lQR is Sl,lrreAt text te Be Eleleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES AUTHOR: Ray Bellows, Planning Manager DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDCIO:132 LDC SECTION(S): 10.02.13 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Procedures CHANGE: Rewrite the planned unit development (PUD) sunsetting provisions to lengthen the time frame to 5 years for all PUDs, clarify the government action statement and provide for exemptions from sunsetting for schools, police, fire and EMS facilities that were identified in the PUD when it was approved. REASON: As past testimony during recent PUD extension petitions has shown, the federal and state permitting process coupled with the local land planning reviews the current three year time limit has proven to be too short for initial PUD development. Additionally, it is requested that public facilities including educational plants and facilities, and facilities for police, fire and EMS, approved as part of the PUD, be exempted from the sunset provisions. This request is due to the fact that government entities planning to build these essential facilities do not want to incur the time and expense of a PUD amendment to permit the development of the required public facilities, which may not be financed and constructed until after the PUD has sunset. Under the current PUD requirements, a final development order cannot be issued after a PUD has sunsetted. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created March 27, 2007. Revised August 31, 2007. Revised September, 24, 2007. Revised October 29 per PPM. Revised January 29.2008. Amend the LDC as follows: 10.02.13 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Procedures 91 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrsloIQI:1 is GlJrreRt teJR ts ee deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term * * * * * * * . * * * . D. Time limits for approved PUOs. For purposes of this section, the word "sunset" or "sunsetting" shall be the term used to describe a PUD which has, through a determination made by the planning services department director, not met the time frames and development criteria outlined in too! section 111.112.12 of this!:) Code as applicable. For all PUDs, the owner entity shall submit to the planning services department director a status report on the progress of development annually from the date of the PUD approval by the board of county commissioners The purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the following criteria: 1. .~ar ,n~'[)g !i1f1f2'Tl' 'erJ pr,;@." fa Q5t&Bg.~ 2~, 2QQ1 t!Jg .'EJnfie":~g.>:ts) ShEl.,': a. '2btaiR etatar@"al for impr@'/l3fFl@Rts plaRs @r e dS'/elopmant order for all iRfrastr6let~re impr@"@fFl€Rts t@ iFleh.u;jg eftilitie9, r@aas SRa similar imfM~"9meRts re~61irea by tRe a~~nr:98 rU[? mashsr PlaR EH @tRer de'~'9Iepment enters f@r at I@ast 15 ~@re€H~t €If tRe sr@ss lens ar@a @f tR@ rUg site €':€r~' fi':e years from t~e €lat@ of :::tpJ9reval e~' tRe liH;lara @f e@61F1t~. e@mmissi@F1ers; GlAd B. Re6ei':e finalleeal development orders fer at least 15 f3ereeRt @f tRe t@tel R~mb@r sf a~pH},.'@~ d'f.'9I1ing units iA tlge P'_IQ, @r if.'} tlge ease @f PI_IQs e@RsistiA~ @f A@Ar@si€feAtiel 61ses, 29 f3ereeAt @f tA9 t@tal appn~':e€f sr@ss leasasle fleer area within tRe PUD every sj}{ ~'@ars fram tlge €fate @f af3pnr:a.1 b~' tR9 B@ara @f @@61Atj e@mmis~i@Aefs. c. Any PUD approved before October 24, 2001 that reoeives subsequent amendment approval shall be subjeot to the de':elllllment oriteria and time limits established f{)r those PUDs approved on or af4er October 24, 2001 as outlinod in seotion 10.02.12 of this Code. ~. c;e"" .nf::.tf)g g.~€i Pl'Q gmfi:r;uJmgnfg BpprfJ"@f1 e.~ e.... Bft@r Qf2f@J]er 21, 2001, but fJrif).... tf) _faNua.')' 3, 2(}0:', the '@KHi @tt'Rer she,'!: 1OF. For residential portions of PUDs, tho owner entity shall if1itiElts physical development of infrastructure improvements, including access roads, internal roads, sewer and water utilities and any other related infrastruoture, that supports a minimum of 15 percent of the designated residential area or areas of the PUD ~1:1.be initiated by the trnro fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval. An additional 15 percent of such infrastructure shall be completed every year thereafter until PUD buildout; and 2._D, For the nonresidential portions of PUDs and commercial and industrial PUDs the owner entity shall. if1itiElts physical development of a minimum of 15 percent of authorized floor area when approved on the basis of a defined amount of floor space, shall be iDiJlated by the trnro fifth anniversary date of the PUD 92 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tellt strikethral,l~A is GblrFElAt text te be aeleteGt. Bold text indicates a defined term approval. In the event that the floor area is not the defining intensity measure, then 25 percent of the land area to include some representative portion of the building space shall be constructed by the #lif€i fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval Gate. The same amount of development shall be required every year thereafter up to an amount representing 75 percent of authorized buildable area and floor area. Thereafter the PUD shall be exempt from these sunset provisions. 3 G. For mixed use tracts or structures, the owner entity shall initiate phvsical development of infrastructure improvements, includinq access roads, internal roads, sewer and water utilities and anv other related infrastructure, that supports a minimum of 15 percent of the desiqnated mixed use tract or structure. Phvsical development of a minimum of 15 percent of approved mixed use floor area, .....hen appro'/ed on the basis of :J defined amount of floor spaco, and 15 percent of the approved residential units, shall be initiated bv the fifth anniversary date of the PUD approval. The s:Jme amount of de\'elopment shall be requirod e'/el)' year theroafter up to :In amount representing 75 percent of authorized buildable area and floor area. Thereafter tho PUD shall be exempt from those sunset provisions. For components of mixed use planned unit developments (MPUDs) that are non-residential. shall adhere to the requirements provided in subsections 10.02.13 D. 2. a. throuqh b. 4. ~ If in the event of a moratorium" or other action of government that prevents the approval of any final development order" the duration of the suspension of the approval shall not be counted towards the tRfee- ~ year sunset provision period. d. Frx PUOs af>WfJl<Og OR or :Jftor tho Elato of afie{JtfoR of this rfJ'.1sfoR J:muar: 3, 2007 tho Jang ownor shol!: a. For all PUDs the build out yoar as submittod and appro'/ed with the application's Traffic Impact Statemont (TIS) shall serve as the referonce year f-or tho approvod density :Jnd intensity. Two years aftor the build out year as defined on tho approvod TIS submitted with the :Jpplication :Jnd on the anniversary date of the adoptod PUD any romaining density or intensity that has not beon approved by the :Jpprepriate site de':elopment plan or plat and recoived a certificate of public adoquacy (CO!',) shall be considered expired and '/oid of any romaining dovelopmont rights. In the ovent that action or in action by the County or any regulatory agency or legal action prevents the approval of a de'.'elopment order, the duration of the suspension of tho approval shall not be counted towards the expiration provision abo'/e, contingent that the applicant has beon diligently pursuing a 10631 de':elopment order or permit through any of the required regulatory agencios. The county manager or designee must bo notified in writing of the circumstances of the delay with tho appropriate documentation. 93 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril~etRrel,l9'R is SblrreFlt text te be deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term b. For all PUDs the build out year as submitted and approved with the application's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) shall serve as the reference year for the approved density and intonsity. On the build out year as defined on the approved TIS submitted with the application and on the anniversary date of the adapted PUD any remaining density and intensity shall be considered expired if all of the lands within the PUD boundary have received approval through site development plans or plats and received a certificate of publiC adoquacy (COA). For non residential portions of a PUD, section (a) above allows for two additional years to amend the site development plan(s) in order to apply for de'Jelopment orders for any remaining intensity within non residential sections of tho PUD. !2 ~. Infrastructure improvements as required above shall be located on site and shall constitute infrastructure that makes possible vertical construction consistent with the permitted land uses. Acceleration lanes, entry road access and the like do not count towards meeting the required levels of infrastructure improvements as required above. ~~. PUD sunsetting. Prior to or any time after the planning services department director determines that a PUD has sunsetted, then the property owner shall initiate one of the following: a. Request fef a PUD extension; Gf b. Request fef a PUD amendment7 : or c. Request a rezone. 7. ~ Board of county commissioners action on PUDs which have sunsetted. Upon review and consideration of the appropriate application, or the status report provided by the property owner and any supplemental information that may be provided, the board of county commissioners shall elect one of the following: a. To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum periOd of two years; at the end of which time, the property owner shall again submit to the procedure as defined herein, however no further development order applications shall be processed by the county until the PUD is officially extended. b. Approve or deny an application for a PUD amendment. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequent action by the board of county commissioners on the submitted amendment to the PUD, however no further development order applications shall be processed by the county until the PUD is officially amended. c. Require the owner to submit an amended PUD. The existing PUD shall remain in effect until subsequent action by the board of county commissioners on the submitted amendment to the PUD, 94 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TSJa stril,ethreygl=l is Gl:lrreAt text tEl be deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term however no further development order applications shall be processed by the county until the PUD is officially amended. I. If the owner fails to submit an amended application to the PUD within six months of the action of the board of county commissioners to require such a submittal, or the board denies the request to amend the PUD, then the board of county commissioners may initiate proceedings to rezone the unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification consistent with the future land use element of the grow1h management plan. ~~. PUD time limit extensions. Extensions of the time limits for a PUD may be approved by the board of county commissioners. An approved PUD may be extended as follows: a. Maximum extension: There shall be a maximum of two extonsions mav be one PUD extension. The first may be granted for a maximum of two years from the date of original approval. +fie second extension, may bo granted for an additional two years from the date of expiration of the first extension. b. Approval of an extension shall be based on the following: I. The PUD and the master plan is consistent with the current grow1h management plan including, but not limited to, density, intensity and concurrency requirements; ii. The approved development has not become incompatible with existing and proposed uses in the surrounding area as the result of development approvals issued subsequent to the original approval of the PUD zoning; and iil. Approved development will not, by itself or in conjunction with other development, place an unreasonable burden on essential public facilities. c. An extension request shall consist of the following: I. A completed application form provided to the property owner by the county; and II. A copy of the original PUD approval ordinance; and iil. A written statement describing how the criteria listed in subsection 10.02.12 of this Code have been met; and iv. A fee paid in accordance with the county fee resolution. v. Any other information the County Manager or his designee deems necessary to process and evaluate the request. 95 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TeJR strikett:lFel:l~R is Sl,lrreAt text te be deleteGJ. Bold text indicates a defined term d. No more than two extensions may be granted for any development original approval date. e. Any PUD developer who has not commenced development pursuant to the sunsetting provisions set forth in this section 10.0212 of this~ Code within ten years of the original PUD approval date shall submit a new rezoning application. Ii!~. Retention of existing PUD status. Once a PUD has sunsetted the land shall retain its existing PUD zoning status, however applications for additional development orders shall not be processed until one of the following occurs: a. The board of county commissioners approves a request for extension of PUD zoning status. b. The board of county commissioners approves an amendment to the existing PUD. Should the planning services department director determine that development has commenced in earnest, then the land shall retain its existing PUD approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration of new development standards or use modification pursuant to the provisions for time limits for approved PUDs. In the case of developments of regional impact, PUD time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limits contained within the application for development approval and approved as part of a development order in conformance with F.S S 380.06. lQ 8. Exemotions from sunsettinq. Anv educational plants or facilities or public service facilities includinq police, fire and EMS facilities that were identified in an approved PUD zoninq district or PUD master plan and which are consistent with the approved development requlations shall retain development riqhts. althouqh a planned unit development may have sunsetted. as provided for this section. A development order for such facilities shall be issued in accordance with a site development plan approval, without the requirement to amend or extend the oriqinal planned unit development. 11 >l. PUD buildout. For PUDs approved on or after the dale of adoption of this revision January 3, 2007 the land owner shall: a. For all PUDs the build out year as submitted and approved with the application's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) shall serve as the reference year for the approved density and intensity. Two years after the build out year as defined on the approved TIS submitted with the application and on the anniversary date of the adopted 96 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Taxt siriltetArel:lgt:J is Sl,lrFeRt text is Be aeletea. Bold text indicates a defined term PUD any remaining density or intensity that has not been approved by the appropriate site development plan or plat and received a certificate of public adequacy (COA) shall be considered expired and void of any remaining development rights. In the event that action or in-action by the County or any regulatory agency or legal action prevents the approval of a development order, the duration of the suspension of the approval shall not be counted towards the expiration provision above, contingent that the applicant has been diligently pursuing a local development order or permit through any of the required regulatory agencies. The county manager or designee must be notified in writing of the circumstances of the delay with the appropriate documentation. b. For all PUDs the build out year as submitted and approved with the application's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) shall serve as the reference year for the approved density and intensity. On the build out year as defined on the approved TIS submitted with the application and on the anniversary date of the adopted PUD any remaining density and intensity shall be considered expired if all of the lands within the PUD boundary have received approval through site development plans or plats and received a certificate of public adequacy (COA). For non residential portions of a PUD, section (a) above allows for two additional years to amend the site development plan(s) in order to apply for development orders for any remaining intensity within non: residential sections of the PUD. * * * * * * * * * * * * 97 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:1rsl:l€jh is GblrreAt text te be E.leleted. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - 98 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril(et~reu~R is Cl,lrreRt text ts Be aeleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: CDES AUTHOR: Melissa Zone/Ray Bellows DEPARTMENT: Zoning & Land Development Review AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 1, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC2:40.1 LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts CHANGE: To reinsert provisions of the Historical and Archaeological Sites REASON: These provisions were left out from the 04-41 LDC re-codification. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created March 22, 2007. Amend the LDC as follows: 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts * * * * * * * * * * * * * E. Historical and Archaeological Sites "H". It is the intent of these regulations to recognize the importance and significance of the County's historical and archaeological heritage. To that end, it is the county's intent to protect, preserve, and perpetuate the County's historic and archaeological sites, districts, structures, buildings, and properties. Further, the BCC, finds that these regulations are necessary to protect the public interest, to halt illicit digging or excavation activities which could result in the destruction of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, and to regulate the use of land in a manner which affords the maximum protection to historical and archaeological sites, districts, structures, buildings, and properties consistent with individual property rights. It is not the intent of this LDC to deny anyone the use of his property, but rather to regulate the 99 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tela stril,etArel,l!1JA is Gl,lrreRt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term use of such property in a manner which will ensure, to the greatest degree possible, that historic and archaeological sites, districts, structures, buildings, and properties are protected from damage, destruction, relocations, or exportations. 1. Areas for consideration for inclusion in areas of historical/archaeological probability shall have one (1) or more of the following characteristics: -+ ~. The area is associated with distinctive elements of the cultural, social, ethnic, political, economic, scientific, religious, prehistoric, or architectural history that have contributed to the pattern of history in the community, the County, the State of Florida, or the nation; or 2-.12. The area is associated with the lives of persons significant in history; or ~ g. The area embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, method, or materials of construction that possess high artistic value, quality of design craftsmanship, or that represent an individual architect or builder's prominence or contribution to the development of the County, the State of Florida, or the nation; or 4 g. The area was the location of historic or prehistoric activities including, but not limited to, habitation, religious, ceremonial, burial, or fortification during a particular period of time, which may maintain a sufficient degree of environmental integrity to reflect a significant aspect of the relationship of the site's original occupants to the environment; or a ~. The area is historic or prehistoric site which has been severely disturbed but which may still allow useful and representative data to be recovered; or 6 f. The area has yielded or is likely to yield information on local history or prehistory; or +- g. The area derives its primary significance from architectural or artistic distinction of historical importance; or g h. The area is the birthplace or grave of historical figure or is a cemetery which derives its primary significance from graves of persons of importance, from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events; or 9 i. The area is the site of a building or structure removed from its original location which is significant for its architectural value, or is the sole surviving structure associated with historic period, person, or event; or .w j. The area is a property primarily commemorative in intent, 100 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strih:etArEll,lfll=l is Sl,lrreRt text to be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term where design, age, tradition, or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical significance; or 4+ K The area is an area containing known archaeological sites that have not been assessed for significance but are likely to conform to the criteria for historicallarchaeological significance or areas where there is a high likelihood that unrecorded sites of potential historicallarchaeological significance are present based on prehistoric settlement patterns and existing topographic features; or 4.:? ). The area is included in the National Register of Historic Places. 2. App/icabi/itv durinq development review process: countv proiects: aqriculture: waiver request. a. App/icabilitv. Applications for a specific development order as described in subsectionrsl 203.07 E.2.b throuqh deemed adequate for review which have been submitted prior to the adoption of this section are not required to meet the provisions outlined in the applicable subsection, However, subsequent applications for development orders as described in subsectionfsl 2.03.07 E.2.b. throuqh k. shall complv with the requirements of the applicable subsection. Subsections 2.03.07 E.2.b. throuqh k. shall become effective upon the adoption, by resolution, of the map of areas of historical/archaeoloqical probability bv the board of county commissioners. b. Development of reqional impact (OR/). The application for development approval (ADA) for the proposed DRI shall include correspondence from the applicant to the Florida department of state, division of historic resources, indicatinq that the DRI is in Collier County's desiqnated area of historical archaeoloqical probability. The ADA shall also include an historical archaeoloqical survev and assessment. if required by the division of historic resources. The survey and assessment is subiect to review bv the Countv Manaqer or his or desiqnee, and recommendations shall be presented to the Collier County planninq commission and the board of countv commissioners for consideration for incorporation into the local development order. The recommendations shall also be provided to the preservation board. The preservation board shall be provided the opportunitv to present its recommendations to the planninq commission and board of countv commissioners at their public hearinqs. c. Requests for land use chanqe. Propertv under consideration for a rezone or conditional use which is within an area of 101 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArel,lgl=l is Gl,lrreRt text ta be dalates. Bold text indicates a defined term historical/archaeoloqical probability shall have an historical!archaeoloqical survev and assessment prepared by a certified archaeoloqist to be submitted bv the applicant with the land use chanqe request application and is subiect to review by the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee. The Countv Manaqer or desiqnee's recommendations derived from the review of a survey and assessment submitted bv the applicant shall be presented to the Collier County planninq commission and the board of countv commissioners for consideration for incorporation into the local development order. The recommendations shall also be provided to the preservation board. The preservation board shall be provided the opportunity to present its recommendations to the planninq commission and board of countv commissioners at their public hearinqs. d. Buildinq permits. Buildinq permits issued for new structures on propertv located within an area of historical/archaeoloqical probability shall be accompanied bv a notice that indicates the property is within the area of historical! archaeoloqical probabilitv. The notice shall describe the potential for historical and archaeoloqical sites, structures, artifacts, or buildinqs, and shall encouraqe the preservation of such sites, provide reference to applicable state and local laws, and provide reference reqardinq whom to contact in the event an historical!archaeoloqical site, structure, artifact or buildinq is discovered. e. Preliminarv subdivision plat. Property under consider::ltionSubmittal for --fGf-a preliminarv -{subdivision plat within an area of historical!archaeoloqical probability but not subiect to requirement subtsectionsl b throuqh c Of #tis--- subsection shall include aha'/e an historical!archaeoloqical survey and assessment prepared by a certified archaeoloqist. to be submitted by the ::lPplicant '....ith the preliminarY subdivision plat application and is subiect to roview by tho County Manaqer or his desiclllee. The preservation board Count., Manaqer shall review the or desiqnee's recommendations derived from the review of a survev and assessment and submillsubmit their recommendations to €I--Sv- the applicant shall be presented to the Collier County planninq commission and the board of county commissioners for consideration for incorporation into the local development order. +Ae recommendations shall alco be provided to the preservation board. The preservation board shall bo provided the opportunity to present its recommendations at the planninq commission and board of count" commissioner at their public hearinqs. 102 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl=lr-sl,lgh is slolr-rent teJfI: ts be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term f Final subdivision olat or site develooment olan (SOP). Submittal for a Proportv undor com;idoration for a final subdivision plat. includinQ construction documents or site development plan (SDPl within an area of historical/archaeoloQical probabilitv but not subiect to subsections b, c. or e Off this section shall fla\ie-include afl historical/archaeoloQical survev and assessment prepared bv a certified archaeoloQist. to bo submitted bv tho applicant with the final subdivision plat and construction documont application and is subjoct to review bv the County ManaQer or his desiQnee. The preservation board shall review the recommendations derived from the survev and assessment Count" Man3Qer or his dosiQnoo'G recommendations derivod from tho revie..... of a survov and assessmont submitted by tho applicant which shall be incorporated into the final subdivision plat and construction document. q. Sito dOl'oiofJmont ok1n (SOP). Proporty under consider3tion for 3n SDP within an aroa of historic31/archaeoloQical prob3oility but not sub/oct to subsoctions b. c. 0, or f , .. of this soction shall have 3n historical!arch300loQical survoy and 3ssossment prepared by [] cortified archaooloQist to bo submittod by tho 3pplicant with tho SDP 3Pplication 3nd is subjoct to reviow by the Count., M3n3QOr or dosiQnoo. The County M3naQer or desiQnoe's recommendations deri'led frem tho review of 3 survoy and 3ssossmont submittod bv tho applicant Sh311 be incorporatod into tho final SDPReserved. h. Countv oroiects. Countv-sponsored proiects. 3S dofinod in 3rticlo 6, which are located within an area of historical!archaeoloQical probabilitv shall have an historical/archaeoloQical survev and assessment prepared by a certified archaeoloQist. The countv shall complv with all recommendations outlined in the historical!archaeoloQical survev and assessment. A copv of the historical/ archaeoloQical survev and assessment shall be provided to the preservation board members. i. Aqricultural lands. Owners of aQricultural land within an area of historical! archaeoloQical probabilitv filinQ a notice of commencement application for active aQricultural production shall be notified in writinQ by development services staff that the land is in an area of historical/archaeoloQical probabilitv and that an historical/archaeoloQical survey and assessment prepared by certified archaeoloQist is required. Dovelopmont servicos Sl3ff (proioct rovicwlCounty ManaQer or desiQnee shall not issue a notice of commencement until the historical!archaeoloQical survev 103 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArel,lgh is Gl,lrreRt telR ta 138 Eleleted. Bold text indicates a defined term and assessment has been completed. The propertv owner shall adhere to all recommendations provided bv the historicallarchaeoloQical survev and assessment. I. Waiver request. Properties located within an area of historical/archaeoloqical probabilitv with low potential for historicallarchaeoloQical sites mav petition the Countv ManaQer eH1jsor desiqnee to waive the requirement for an historical/archaeoloQical survey and assessment. The waiver application shall be in a form provided bv the community development services division. The Countv ManaQer eF-liisor desiQnee shall review and act upon the waiver request within five workinq days of receivinq the application. The waiver request shall adequately demonstrate that the area has low potential for historical/archaeoloqical sites. Justification shall include. but not be limited to, an aerial photoqraph interpretation. a description of historical and existinq land uses, and an analysis of land cover, land formation. and veqetation. The County Manaqer Bf--fHsor desiqnee mav denv a waiver. qrant the waiver, or qrant the waiver with conditions. He shall be authorized to require examination of the site bv an accredited archaeoloqist where deemed appropriate. The applicant shall bear the cost of such an evaluation by an independent accredited archaeoloqist. The decision of the Countv Manaqer eH:lisor desiqnee reqardinq the waiver request shall be provided to the applicant in writinq. In the event of a denial of the waiver request. written notice shall be provided statinq the reasons for such denial. Anv partv aqqrieved by a decision of the County Manaqer eH:lisor desiqnee reqardinq a waiver request mav appeal to the preservation board. Anv party aqqrieved bv a decision if the preservation board reqardinq a waiver request mav appeal that decision to the board of county commissioners utilizinq the procedure outlined in section k.. k. Previously completed survey and assessments. A survev and assessment completed bv a certified archaeoloqist prior to the enactment of this section which is in accordance with the survev and assessment requirements outlined in section m may at the discretion of the propertv owner be utilized to meet the requirements of this section. The survev and assessment shall be provided to the Countv Manaqer eF-liisor desiqnee and shall be subiect to the procedure as outlined in section a throuqh section i above. I. Historical/archaeoloaical survey and assessment components. Historicall archaeoloqical survevs and assessments required by this section shall be consistent with accepted professional procedures and practices as 104 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508_doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te,R striketRrebl~R is Gl:mBAt text te ee deleteGl. Bold text indicates a defined term outlined in the historic preservation compliance review proaram of the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources: and Standards and Guidelines for Archaeoloav and Historic Preservation (48 FR 44716). Subsections m and n shall become effective upon the adoption, bv resolution, of the map of areas of historical/archaeoloaical probabilitv by the board of countv commissioners. m.. Survey and assessment components. Survevs and assessments shall include at a minimum: i. Title paae: ii. Table of contents: iii. Report, title and authors: iv. Statement of aualification for each author: v. Description of the proiect location in terms of aeoloaic and phvsiooraphic features, the environment. and land use history: vi. Description of field and laboratorv methodoloav: vii. Description of sites located: a) Sianificance determination: viii. Recommendations as to further assessment work, site preservation, or mitiaation: ix. Appendices: a) Florida Master Site File forms. n. Sionificance determination. A sianificance determination of specific sites as reauired by subsection m, item vii. a. , of this section is-teshall -be based on National Reoister of Historic Places eliaibilitv criteria, as follows: i. The aualitv or sionificance in American hlstorv. architecture, archaeolooy, enaineerina and culture is present in districts, sites, buildinas, structures and proiects that possess intearity of location, desian, settina, materials, workmanship; and ii. That are associated with events that have made a sionificant contribution to the broad patterns of our history: or 105 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text s.trikett-lrsl,l!1Jt-l is GlJrreAt te)rl te ee GleleteEl:. Bold text indicates a defined term iii. That are associated with the lives of persons siGnificant in our past: or iv. That embodv the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of a tvpe, period, or method of [sic) construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess hiGh artistic values, or that represent a siGnificant and distinGuishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction: QL v. That have yielded, or may be likely to vield, information important in prehistory or history: or vi. In addition, the importance of historical/archaeoloGical resources to local, countv, and state history or prehistory shall be considered in a siGnificance determination. o. DesiGnation of historical/archaeoloGical sites, structures, districts, buildinGs and orooerties. P. In addition to the areas of historical/archaeoloqical probability outlined in section, specific sites, districts, structures, buildinqs, and properties may also be desiqnated. Such desiqnation will be based on the followinG criteria: I. Association with distinctive elements of the cultural, social. ethnic, political. economic, scientific, reliqious, prehistoric and architectural history that have contributed to the pattern of history in the communitv, Collier Countv, the state or the nation: or ii. Association with the lives of persons siGnificant in history: or iii. Embodiment of the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, method or materials of construction, or that possess hiqh artistic values, qualitv of desiGn and craftsmanship, or that represent an individual architect or builder's prominence or contribution to the development of Collier County, Florida: or iv. Location of historic or prehistoric activities such as habitation, reliGious, ceremonial. burial. fortification, etc., durinq a particular period of time, and mav maintain a sufficient deGree of environmental inteqritv to reflect some aspect of the relationship of the site's oriqinal occupants to the environment: or 106 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te}R strikethreblQR is GblrreAt text te se deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term v. An historic or prehistoric site which has been severely disturbed but which mav still allow useful and representative data to be recovered: or VI. Have vielded or are Iikelv to vield information on local historv or prehistorv: or vii. Derive their primarv siqnificance from architectural or artistic distinction of historical importance: or viii. Is the birthplace or qrave of an historical fiqure or is a cemeterv which derives its primarv siqnificance from qraves of persons of transcendent importance. from aqe, distinctive desiqn features. or from association with historic events: or ix. A buildinq or structure removed from its location which is primarily siqnificant for architectural value, or is the survivinq structure most importantly associated with an historic period, person or event: or x. A propertv primarily commemorative in intent if desiqn. aqe, tradition or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical siqnificance: or xi. Are listed in the National Reqister of Historic Places. q. The desiqnation of specific sites. structures. buildinqs, districts, and properties mav be initiated bv the preservation board or bv the property owner. Upon consideration of the preservation board's report, findinqs. and recommendations and upon consideration of the criteria and quidelines set forth in section 203.07 E , the board of countv commissioners shall approve, by resolution. or deny a petition for historic desiqnation. The application shall be in a form provided bv the communit'{ development services divisionCounty Manaqer or desiqnee. --Propertv owners of record whose land is under consideration for desiqnation initiated bv the preservation board shall be provided two notices bv certified mail return receipt requested, at least 30 davs but no more than 45 days prior to anv hearinq reqardinq the historic desiqnation by the preservation board or the board of countv commissioners. The first notice shall provide all pertinent information reqardinq the desiqnation and the preservation board's scheduled meetinq date to consider the site. The second notice shall indicate when the board of countv commissioners will consider official desiqnation 107 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikatt-lreblgA is Gl:lrreAt text te 88 deletee. Bold text indicates a defined term of the site. Notice of public hearinq shall be advertised in a newspaper of qeneral circulation 15 davs prior to the public hearinq for the board of countv commissioners. Each desiqnated site, district. structure, propertv or buildinq shall have a data file maintained bv the preservation board. The file shall contain at a minimum: site location: the historical. cultural. or archaeoloqical siqnificance of the site: and the specific criteria from this section qualifyinq the site. An official listinq of all sites and properties throuqhout Collier County that reflect the prehistoric occupation and historical development of Collier Countv and its communities, includinq information, maps, documents and photoqraphic evidence collected to evaluate or substantiate the desiqnation of a particular site, structure, buildinq, propertv or district shall be maintained at the Collier Countv Museum. The Collier County Museum shall coordinate preservation and or restoration efforts for any historical/archaeoloqical desiqnated buildinq, structure, site, propertv, or district that is donated to or acquired bv Collier Countv for public use. r. Issuance of certificates of appropriateness. A certificate of appropriateness shall be issued by the preservation board for sites desiqnated in accordance with subsection p before issuance of permits by dO'Jolopmont sorvicocthe county to alter, excavate, relocate, reconstruct or demolish. The certificate of appropriateness shall be issued prior to the issuance of buildinq, tree removal, or demolition permits. s. A certificate of appropriateness shall also be issued prior to the issuance of buildinq permits for new construction within an historical/archaeoloqical district desiqnated in accordance with subsection 2. P. to ensure harmonious architectural desiqn and to preserve the inteqritv of the historical/archaeoloqical district. t. The application for certificate of appropriateness shall be in a form provided bv the communitv development services division. The completed application shall be provided to the Countv Manaqer 20 days prior to the reqular monthly meetinq of the preservation board who shall schedule the application for consideration at the next reqularlv scheduled meetinq. The preservation board shall meet and act upon an application for a certificate of appropriateness within 60 days of receipt of the application from the community development services division. The preservation board shall approve the application, denv the application, or approve the application with conditions. 108 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te;~ striketAreblgt::! is Sl,lrreRt tSIR te Be Eteletea. Bold text indicates a defined term u. Ordinarv repairs and maintenance as defined in section article 61.08.02 are not required to obtain a certificate of appropriateness. v. Criteria for issuance of a certificate of appropriateness shall be the U.S, Secretarv of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, 36 CFR 67 (1983), as amended. The community development services division shall maintain and make available to the public updated copies of the Standards for Rehabilitation. w. All decisions of the preservation board shall be in writinq and include findinqs of fact. Notice of the decision shall be provided to the applicant. and to the Countv Manaqer or desiqneede'lolopment servicos dep3rtmont (custemer services m3n3qer 3nd the proiect review services manoqer). x. Any party aqqrieved by a decision of the preservation board mav appeal the decision as outlined in subsection qq. Y. Incentives. The followinq incentives mav be applicable to specific sites, structures, districts, buildinqs and properties desiqnated as archaeoloqicallv or historically siqnificant pursuant to section o. z. Financial assistance. Historical/archaeoloqical desiqnated sites, districts, structures, buildinqs, and properties as provided in section p shall be eliqible for any financial assistance set aside for historic preservation proiects bv Collier County, the State of Florida or the federal qovernment, provided they meet the requirements of those financial assistance proqrams. aa. Tax credits. The preservation board shall encouraqe and assist in the nomination of eliqible income-producinq properties to the National Reqister of Historic Places in order to make available to those propertv owners the investment tax credits for certified rehabilitations pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and anv other proqrams offered throuqh the National Reqister. bb. Buildina code. Historical/archaeoloqical sites, districts, structures. buildinqs, and properties desiqnated pursuant to subsection 0 mav be eliqible for administrative variances or other forms of relief from applicable buildinq codes as follows: cc. Repairs and alterations. Repairs, alterations and additions necessarv for the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation or continued use of a buildinq or structure mav be made 109 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl=lrSl,lQR is GblrreAt te)R te be ~eleted. Bold text indicates a defined term without conformance to the technical requirements of the Standard BuildinQ Code when the proposed work has been issued a certificate of appropriateness by the preservation board and approved bv the Countv ManaQer or hisor desiGnee. pursuant to the authoritv oranted to the Countv ManaQer or hisor desiQnee bv other divisions or statutes and further provided that: i. The restored buildinQ will be no more hazardous based on consideration of life, fire and sanitation safetv than it was in its oriGinal condition. ii. Plans and specifications are sealed bv a Florida reGistered architect or enQineer, if required by the buildino officiaL III. The County Manaoer or hisor desiQnee has required the minimum necessary correction to be made before use and occupancv which will be in the public interest of health. safetv and welfare. dd. Zoninq ordinance. The Countv Manaoer or desiQnee may, by written administrative decision, approve any variance re~uest for anv desiGnated historical/archaeolooical site. district, structure, buildino and property pursuant to section Q which has received a certificate of appropriateness from the preservation board for matters involvino setbacks, lot width, depth, area requirements, land development reQulations. heioht limitations. open space requirements. parkinG requirements, and other similar zoninQ variances not related to a chanGe in use of the propertv in Question. In addition, contributinG proiects as defined in section artiGle--,,1.0802 are eliGible for administrative zonino ordinance variances. i. Before GrantinQ an administrative variance the Countv Manaoer or desionee must find: a) That the variance will be in harmonv with the oeneral appearance and character of the community. b) That the variance will not be iniurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public health. safety or welfare. c) That the proposed work is desioned and arranoed on the site in a manner that minimizes visual impact on the adiacent properties. 110 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Te)a. Eitril,ethrGll,l~h is Sblrrent text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term ii. In qrantinq anv variances, the Countv Manaqer or rus-desiqnee may prescribe anv appropriate conditions necessarv to protect and further the interest of the area and abuttinq properties, includinq but not limited to: a) Landscape materials, walls and fences as required bufferinq. b) Modifications to the orientation of points of inqress and eqress. c) Modifications of site desiqn features. ee. Open space. Historical/archaeoloqical resources that are to be preserved may be utilized to satisfy required setbacks, buffer strips or open space UP to the maximum area required by development requlations. Conservation of such historic or archaeoloqical resources shall qualifv for anv open space requirements mandated bv the development requlations. ff. Densitv calculations. Acreaqe associated with historical/archaeoloqical resources preserved within the boundaries of a proiect shall be included in calculatinq the proiect's permitted densitv. qq. Appeal. Anv partv aqqrieved bv a decision or interpretation of this division made by the Countv Manaqer or the preservation board shall have the riqht to appeal said interpretation, decision or denial to the board of countv commissioners bv filinq a written notice of appeal with the County Manaqer within 30 workinq days from the date of such decision, interpretation, or denial. The Countv Manaqer shall provide the board of county commissioners with a COpy of said notice of appeal. The notice of appeal shall be provided to the applicant by certified nail. return receipt requested, and shall state the decision which is beinq appealed, the qrounds for the appeal. and a brief summary of the relief which is souqht. Within 30 workinq days of the date of filinq the appeal, or the first reqular county commission meetinq which is scheduled, whichever is latest in time, the board of countv commissioners shall hear the appeal and issue a final decision. Nothinq contained herein shall preclude the countv commissioners from seekinq additional information Prior to renderinq a final decision.. hh. DisGo'/or( or accident;]! distur/):Jnco of historical/:xchaoo!Dtlic;]! sitos ;]nd proportios durinq conslruclionReserved. 111 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text ~triketR~el,l9t:l IS Gblrrent text ts ee aelates. Bold text indicates a defined term ii. Discovery or accidental disturbance of historica//archae%oica/ sites and properties durino construction. If, durinq the course of site clearinq, excavation or other construction activitv, an historic or archaeoloqical artifact. or other indicator is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stopped and the followinq procedures shall be followed: a) The County Manaqer or fli&--desiqnee and compliance sorvices code enforcement shall be contacted. b) Countv Manaqer or desiqnee Compli:lnce services shall officiallv notifv the propertv owner/developer of the discovery within 24 hours and shall issue a stop work order. c) A certified archaeoloqist contracted bv the propertv owner/developer shall determine whether the discovery site requires further investiqation based upon the size and distribution of this site, depth of deposits, soil type, veqetation, and topoqraphy i) If the site requires further investiqation, the certified archaeoloqist shall cordon off the identified area, at a point ten feet from the perimeter of the discovery site. ii) If the discovery site does not require further investiqation, construction activitv mav resume after authorization by a certified archaeoloqist. d) The certified archaeoloqist shall make recommendations for the treatment of accidental discoveries based on standards outlined in the "Treatment of Archaeoloqical Properties" in accordance with 36 CFR part 800, as amended. These recommendations shall be considered for incorporation into the applicable local development order. e) The certified archaeoloqist shall expeditiously assess the cordoned-off area and determine whether it is siqnificant based on criteria outlined in section n. i) If the identified area is determined to be siqnificant. an historical! archaeoloqical survev and assessment shall be prepared 112 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packel\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text E.tril,etl:1rsIJQt:l is Sl,lrFSRt text te ee deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term bv a certified archaeoloQist for the entire proiect if one has not been completed as required bv this division. The certified archaeoloqist's recommendations derived from his survey and assessment shall be considered for incorporation into the applicable local development order. If an historical/archaeoloqical survev and assessment has been prepared In accordance with section m and section n, the recommendations shall be modified and incorporated into the local development order to reflect the additional site(s). ii) If the identified area is determined not to be siqnificanl. a preliminary survev of the entire proiect shall be conducted bv a certified archaeoloqist. Any sites determined to be siQnificant durinQ the preliminary survey shall be subiect to requirements in section E. Construction activity within the cordoned- off area may continue after all necessary artifacts and indicators have been recorded and upon authorization by a certified archaeoloqisl. f) The certified archaeoloQist shall prepare a report outlininQ the results of his assessment and provide a copv to the Countv ManaQer Gl'-Aisor desiqnee. The Countv Manaqer or hisor desiQnee shall provide a COpy of the report to the preservation board members. q) Land areas in close proximity to the discovery site deemed to have historical/archaeoloqical siqnificance based on the criteria in section n shall be considered bv the preservation board for addition to the map of areas of historical/archaeoloqical probabilitv. II. Discovery of historical or archeoloaical sites and properties durina site inspection. If, durinq a proiect review site inspection, an historic or archaeoloqical site, siqnificant artifact. or other indicator is found, the followinq procedures shall be implemented. i. The project review staff shall cordon off the immediate area and contact the Countv Manaqer Of Risor desiqnee. 113 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007 -Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TeJR strikett:lrBlJgA is Gl.lrFent teJR te be deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term ii. The identified area shall be further cordoned off at a point ten feet from the perimeter of the discovery site as identified bv a certified archaeolOGist. contracted bv the propertv owner/developer. iii. The certified archaeolOGist shall assess the identified area and determine whether it is siGnificant based on criteria outlined in subsection n. a) If the identified area is determined to be siGnificant. an historical/ archaeolOGical survey and assessment for the entire proiect shall be prepared by a certified archaeolOGist if one has not been completed as reGuired bv this division. Recommendations derived from the historical/archaeoloGical survev and assessment shall be considered for incorporation into the applicable development order. If an historical/archaeoloGical survev and assessment has been prepared in accordance with section E, the recommendations shall be modified and incorporated into the local development order to reflect the additional areas b) If the identified area is determined not to be siGnificant. the certified archaeolOGist shall complete a preliminary survev of the entire site. Anv areas determined to be siGnificant durinG the preliminary survey shall be subiect to the reGuirements detailed in section ii, item iii.a. iv. Land areas in close proximitv and encompassinG areas deemed to have historical/archaeoloGical siGnificance based on criteria in subsection n shall be considered bv the preservation board for addition to the map of areas of historical/archaeoloGical probability. v. The certified archaeolOGist shall prepare a report outlininG the results of his assessment and provide a copy to the County ManaGer ef-Aisor desiGnee. The Countv ManaGer or hisor desiGnee shall provide a cOPV of the report to the preservation board members. kk. Willful disturbance of historical/archaeoloaicallv sianificant sites, districts, structures, buildinas. and properties. Willful 114 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketRrsl.lgh is SblrreRt text ts be deletea. Bold text indicates a defined term lootino, pillaoino, vandalizino or desecration, as defined bv this division, of historical/archaeolooically sionificant sites, districts, structures, buildinos, and properties constitutes a violation of f;oction Epunishable as described in subsection 00. II. Willful disturbance of an unmarked burial or burial site. It is a violation of section E for any person to willfully and knowinolv disturb an unmarked burial or burial site. or destrov, mutilate, deface, iniure or remove anv burial mound, earthen or shell monument containino human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts or other structures or items placed or desioned for a memorial. or to disturb the contents of a tomb or orave or for any person to have knowledqe that an unmarked human burial is beino disturbed, vandalized, or damaoed and to fail to notify the local law enforcement aoencv with iurisdiction in the area. Such actions may also be punishable as a felony pursuant to F.S. ch. 872, as amended mm. Aooea/s. Anv party aoorieved bv a decision or interpretation of this di'Jision reoulation made bv the Countv Manaqer or the preservation hoard shall have the riqht to appeal said interpretation, decision or denial to the board of countv commissioners bv filino a written notice of appeal with the County Manaoer within 30 workino davs from the date of such decision, interpretation, or denial. The Countv Manaqer shall provide the board of countv commissioners with a COpy of said notice of appeal. The notice of appeal shall be provided to the applicant bv certified mail, return receipt reouested, and shall state the decision which is beino appealed, the orounds for the appeal. and a brief summarv of the relief which is souoht. Within'30 workino days of the date of filinq the appeal. or the first reoular countv commission meetino which is scheduled, whichever is latest in time, the board of countv commissioners shall hear the appeal and issue a final decision. Nothinq contained herein shall preclude the county commissioners from seekino additional information prior to renderinq a final decision. nn. Jurisdiction. Section E shall applv to all unincorporated areas of Collier County, Florida. 00. Penalties. A violation of the provisions of section E shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted in the name of the state in the countv court by the prosecutinq attornev, and upon conviction shall be punishable bv civil or criminal penalties includino a fine of not more than $500.00 per violation per dav for each dav the violation continues or whatever reasonable amount as a iudqe mav 115 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketArSl,lgR is Cl,lrrOAt text te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term feel appropriate and includinq a requirement that anv work or development performed contrary to section E must be removed and the propertv returned to its condition at commencement of said action. The board of countv commissioners shall have the power to collaterallv enforce the provisions of section E bv appropriate iudicial writ of proceedinq notwithstandinq anv prosecution as a misdemeanor. State law reference-Penalty for ordinance violations. F.S. ~ 125.69. (Ord. No. 92-73, ~ 2; Ord. No. 94-58, ~ 3,10-21-94) 116 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text stril~ethrel,l~h is GblrreAt text te 1;)8 Eleleted. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development & Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT: Comprehensive Planning AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC2:45 LDC SECTION(S): 2.03.07.H CHANGE: Amend the text description of Santa Barbara Commercial Overlay (SBCO) boundary to reflect the past boundary expansion. REASON: The boundaries of the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) were amended (expanded) in October 2004, by Ordinance No. 2004-71, as recommended by the Golden Gate Area Master Plan Restudy Committee. Subsequently, the SBCO map in the Land Development Code was amended to reflect the expanded boundary. However, the corresponding text was not revised. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: N/A RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan of the GMP. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: This amendment aids In the implementation of the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict. OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: August 30, 2007 Amend the LDC as follows: 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts * * * * * * * * * * * * H. Santa Barbara Commercial Overlay District "SBCO". Special conditions for properties abutting the east side of Santa Barbara Boulevard and the west side of 55th Terrace S.W., as referenced in the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict Map (Map 7) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. This is referenced as figure 117 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:1rel:;lgl:1 is Sl:;lrrent text ts be aeleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term 2.03.07 H. below. * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. These regulations apply to properties abutting the east side of Santa Barbara Boulevard and the west side of 55th Terrace S.W., lying north of 27th Court S.w. and south of 22nd Place S.w., all in Golden Gate City, and consisting of approximately twentv-two (22) eleven (11) acres. These properties are identified on Map 7 of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided in this regulation, all other use, dimensional, and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the underlying zoning categories. 118 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl:1r.sl::lgh is Gblr.r.eAt text te be aelated. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Community Development and Environmental Services Division AUTHOR: Dave Scribner/Sharon Dantini DEPARTMENT: Code Enforcement AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC 5:4 and LDC 5.5 LDC SECTION(S): 5.03.02(A) CHANGE: 5.03.02 Fences and Walls Section A to include permitting requirements for fences. REASON: CodificatioD of D1 -11 omitted 8lH~eific language r~gal'ding the requirement to 6btain a Jlermit 1\'hen huilding it f€nce €If' -}\'all. LDC section 1O.02.06(B)(1 )(a) requires a permit for structures or buildings. "Fences" do not tit the definition of "building" or "structure" according to LDC Section 1.08.02, Definitions, and in fact, the current definition of structure specifically excludes fences and walls. Approval of Ordinance 2002-01 adopted the Florida Building Code and Code Investigative staff currently cites the Florida Building code reference that requires a building permit for all structures when enforcing fence permit issues. The Florida Building Code definition of structure is a more broad definition and so includes fences and walls. Code Enforcement has identified possible legal issues of enforcement pertaining to the requirement of the submission of a building permit for fences using the Land Development Code (see attached legal opinion from the Office of the County Attorney). Adding the permit requirement back into the fence section of the LDC will insure compliance with height, material and location requirements which are required by the LDC, but not the Florida Building Code. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: Minimal. Code Enforcement is currently enforcing fence permitting issues by citing the Florida Building Code which has a broader definition of a structure. However, the change should provide easier public access to code references and ultimately a better understanding of code requirements. This pro-active approach to educating the public leads to voluntary compliance, which is Code Enforcement's goal. 119 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tm(f: striket~rSl,l91:1 iE; SblrFElRt text te be eleleted. Bold text indicates a defined term RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: LDC 1.08.02 Definitions, Building, Structure; 10.02.01(B)(l)(a) Submittal Requirement for Permits; and Florida Building Code GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Revision date 8/23/07, Revised 01/29/2008 Amend the LDC as follows: 5.03.02 Fences and Walls A. All districts. 1. Whenever a property owner elects to construct a chain link fence, pursuant to the provisions herein, adjacent to an arterial or collector road in the urban coastal area, shall not be located closer than three (3) feet to the right-of-way or property line, and said fence shall be screened from view by planting a hedge of living plant material at a minimum of thirty (30) inches in height and spaced a distance apart that will achieve an opacity of eighty (80) percent sight-obscuring screen within one (1) year of planting. An irrigation system shall be installed to ensure the continued viability of the hedge as a visual screen of the chain link fence. This regulation shall not apply to single-family homes. a. Structures subject to section 5.05.08 Architectural & Site Design Standards must comply with the following additional fencing standards: i. Chain link and wood fences are prohibited forward of the primary facade and must be a minimum of 100 feet from a public right-of-way. Chain link and wood fencing facing a public or private street must be screened with an irrigated hedge planted directly in front of the fence on the street side. Plant material must be a minimum of three gallon in size and planted no more than three feet on center at time of installation. This plant material must be maintained at no less than three-quarters of the height of the adjacent fence (See Illustration 5.03.02 A.1a. - 1). ii. Fences forward of the primary facade, excluding chain link and wood are permitted under the following conditions: (a) Fences must not exceed four feet in height. (b) The fence provides either an open view at a minimum of 25 percent of its length or provides 120 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020S08 BCC-2\BCC 020S08.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text striketl=lrsblg~ is Gblrr-eRt text te be Eleletee. Bold text indicates a defined term variation in its height for a minimum of 15 percent of its length with a deviation of at least 12 inches. (c) The fence style must complement building style through material, color and design. 2. All fences and walls shall be of sound construction and shall not detract from the public health, safety, and welfare of the general public. 3. All fences and walls shall be maintained in a manner that will not detract from the neighborhood or community. 4. Barbed wire is authorized within agricultural, commercial, industrial districts and on fences surrounding raw water wells in all districts. Razor or concertina wire is not permitted except in the case of an institution whose purpose is to incarcerate individuals, i.e., a jailor penitentiary, or by appeal to the BZA. 5. No fence or wall within any district shall block the view of passing motorists or pedestrians so as to constitute a hazard. 6. Fences and walls shall be constructed of conventional building materials such as, but not limited to, concrete block, brick, wood, decorative iron or steel, and chain link. 7. Fences and walls shall be constructed to present the finished side of the fence or wall to the adjoining lot or any abutting right-of-way. If a fence, wall, or continuous landscape hedge exists on the adjoining parcel, this provision may be administratively waived where said request has been requested in writing. 8. When determined to be beneficial to the health, safety, and welfare of the public, the County Manager or designee may approve an administrative variance from height limitations of fences and walls in all districts provided that at least one (1) health, safety, or welfare standard peculiar to the property is identified, and that such approval does not set an unwanted precedent by addressing a generic problem more properly corrected by an amendment to this Code. 9. Existing ground levels shall not be altered for the purpose of increasing the height of a proposed wall or fence except as provided for within section 5.03.02 Ag. and 4.06.00 and subsection 5.03.02 A.8. 10. All fences and walls shall require a buildinq permit pursuant to subsection 10.02.06 B.1.a unless specificallv exempted in this section of the Land Development Code. Where th" _.Florida Building, CodeL,gs amended reauires.._cOfJJJiU_ao.c_e. with structU!'!ll standards~l!be_n the o.!Orrnit shall alS_Q__be revievy,~sLfu[ comDlian4e'IJilbJbEl.~If2.t;Ij.!i@~E" 121 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508 doc Text underlined is new text to be added. ~ikett:lF9lJ€it:l is GblrFElFlt text te Be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- 122 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethrel,l€lh is Sl;meAt text te l3e aeletes. Bold text indicates a defined term LDC Amendment Request ORIGIN: Engineering Services AUTHOR: Robert C. Wiley DEPARTMENT: Engineering Services AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007 LDC PAGE: LDC6:15 LDC SECTION(S): 6.02.00 Adequate Public Facilities CHANGE: Correct a typographical error in the LDC that occurred during re- codification. REASON: FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created August 31, 2007. Amend the LDC as follows: 6.02.00 ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS 6,02.01 Generally A. This section is intended to implement and be consistent with the GMP, S 163.3161 et seq., F.S., and the Florida Administrative Code, by ensuring that all development in the County is served by adequate public facilities. This objective is accomplished by the following: 1. Establishing a management and monitoring system to evaluate and coordinate the timing and provision of the necessary public facilities to serve development. 2. Establishing a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve development concurrent with the impacts of 123 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tmr:t 6tril{etl:lrs~91:1 is (!:meAt text te eo deletes. Bold text indicates a defined term development on the public facilities. 3. No approval of the final subdivision plat, improvement plans, or authorization to proceed with construction activities in compliance with the same shall require the County to issue a development order or building permit if it can be shown that issuance of said development order or building permit will result in a reduction in the level of service for any public facility below the level of service established in the GMP, or if issuance of said development order or building permit is inconsistent with the GMP. Any1hing in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, all subdivision and development shall comply with the Collier County requirements for adequate public facilities. B. Procedures for determinations of vested rights for adequate public facilities are set forth in Chapter 10. C. Procedures for applications for certificates of public facility adequacy are set forth in Chapter 10. D. For the purposes of this section only, the following terms are defined as follows: 1. Capital access means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of drainage and water management facilities necessary for proposed development to meet the (LOS) for access. 2. Capital drainaGe facilities: The planninq of, enqineerinQ for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of drainaqe and water manaQement facilities necessary for proposed development to meet the LOS for drainaqe facilities. ~~. Capital road facilities or capital road improvement means and will include transportation planning for, engineering of, right-of-way acquisition for, and construction of any project eligible for inclusion as a road project in the road component of the (CIE) of the GMP or the Five-Year FDOT Work Program. J1. Capital potable water facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of potable water facilities necessary to meet the LOS for potable water facilities. 4!2. Capital sanitary sewer facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of sanitary sewer facilities necessary to meet the LOS for sanitary sewer facilities. aQ. Capital solid waste facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of solid waste facilities necessary to meet the LOS for solid waste facilities. el- Comprehensive plan means a plan that meets the requirement of !i!i 163.3177 and 163.3178, F.S., and shall mean the GMP, where referenced in this section. 124 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikethr0IJgt:1 is Gblrrent text ts be E1eletea. Bold text indicates a defined term +~. Constrained facilities are those road facilities which have been so designated by action of the BCC upon the recommendation of the County Manger or designee once it has been determined that the road facility will not be expanded by two or more through lanes due to physical, environmental, or policy constraints, 8~. Physical constraints exist when intensive land use development is immediately adjacent to existing through lanes making road facility expansion cost prohibitive, or when a road facility has reached the maximum through lane standards acceptable the to the county. For county maintained facilities, the maximum through lane standard for a road facility will be no greater than six through lanes with allowances for auxiliary or service lanes as deemed operationally necessary. For state maintained facilities, the maximum through lane standard will be as designated by the FDOT. 910. Environmental and policy constraints exist when decisions are made not to expand a road facility based on environmental, historical, archeological, aesthetic or social impact considerations. Policy constraints are artificial barriers to road facility expansions based on environmental or political realities within a community. Unlike physical constraints, however, these barriers to road facility expansion can change over time, as needs and community goals change. -'Wll. Deficient road segment means a county or state road segment on the major road network system that is operating below its adopted (LOS) standard as determined by roadway service volumes calculated by the County Manager or designee. 4+12. Transportation Concurrency Management System means a "real time" concurrency system that tracks and allocates the available roadway capacity on a continuous basis with quarterly status reports to the Board. Trips generated from proposed developments will be added to the trips approved to date and the existing background traffic counts to determine if there is available capacity for each new development to be approved, in whole or part, as proposed development plans are submitted. .:Qj]. Proportionate share payment means a payment by a developer to Collier County to be used to enhance roadway operations, mass transit operations or other non-automotive transportation alternatives. 6.02.02 Management and Monitoring Program A. Generally. In order to implement the mandate of the GMP to ensure that adequate potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park, and road public facilities are available to accommodate development in the County concurrent with the impacts of development on such public facilities, the BCC establishes, pursuant to the terms of this section: (1) a management and monitoring program that evaluates the conditions of public facilities to ensure they are being adequately planned for and funded to maintain the LOS for each 125 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Text strikett:lrel,l~A is Cl,lrFeAt teJR te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term public facility, and (2) a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve development orders which are subject to the provisions of this section. B. Annual update and inventory report on public facilities. The County Manager or designee shall complete an annual update and inventory report on public facilities (AUIR). The AUIR shall include an analysis of the existing conditions of all capital potable water, capital sanitary sewer, capital solid waste, capital drainage, capital park, and capital road public facilities; summarize the available capacity of these capital improvements (public facilities) based on their LOS; forecast the capacity of existing and planned public facilities identified in the five (5) year capital improvement schedule for each of the five (5) succeeding years, and ten (10) succeeding years for solid waste landfill capacity; and identify new projects needed to maintain or restore adopted LOS. The forecasts shall be based on the most recently updated schedule of capital improvements and Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) or Master Plan for each public facility. The AUIR shall be based on the most recent University of Florida bureau of economic and business research (BEBR), or BEBR influenced Water and Sewer Master Plan, population projections, updated public facility inventories, updated unit costs and revenue projections, and analysis of the most recent County traffic data. The findings of the AUIR shall form the basis for the preparation of the next annual update and amendment to the CIE, the determination of any area of significant influence (ASI), and the review and issuance of development orders subject to the provisions of this section during the next year. C. Annual determination of adequate "Category A" public facilities (concurrency). The County Manager or designee will annually present the AUIR to the BCC, identifying deficiencies or potential deficiencies in potable water, sewer, sold waste, drainage, parks, and roads public facilities and remedial action options including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Establishment of an ASI; 2. Public facility project additions to the financially feasible CIE; 3. Establish interim development controls in affected service areas pending: a. Lowering of LOS via GMP amendment; b. Inclusion of necessary public facility projects in the next adopted annual budget and nex1 annual CIE update and amendment; c. Approval of new or increased revenue sources for needed public facility projects by the BCC, the state legislature, or the County voters; or d. Private development improvements guaranteed by an enforceable development agreement. 126 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TS)R striketl=lrsl,lgh is Sl,lrreAt text te sa Eleleted. Bold text indicates a defined term D. The findings of the AUIR, once approved by the BCC, will form the basis for the preparation of the next annual update and amendment of the CIE and the annual determination of deficient or constrained "Category A" facilities. The AUIR will identify additional projects and funding for inclusion in the Schedule of Capital Improvements and the Costs and Revenues Schedule of the CIE needed to maintain or restore adopted LOS for all "Category A" facilities for the next five (5) years. The BCC shall provide direction to update and amend the CIE to include projects and revenues (within the first or second years for roads) needed to maintain or restore adopted LOS. Said direction shall constitute a finding of concurrent "Category A" facilities, except roads, for the review and issuance of development orders subject to the provisions of this section until the presentation of the nex1 AUIR, except for any ASI designated areas or other areas subject to interim development controls. In addition to identifying needed capacity expansion projects and revenues for inclusion in the next CIE update, the road facilities component of the AUIR will include an audit and update of the capacity balances in the Transportation concurrency Management System database. The update shall factor in all such development approvals since the previous AUIR that generate trips along each road segment and the effect of capacity expansion projects included in the financially feasible Schedule of Capital Improvements of the CIE The AUIR shall be the annual baseline of an ongoing, real-time concurrency determination for roads. E. Recommendations on the annual CIE update and annual budget. Based upon the prior calendar year's AUIR analysis and BCC direction, the County Manger or designee shall recommend to the Planning Commission and the BCC an annual update and amendment to the CIE as part of the annual GMP amendment cycle. The recommendation will include the proposed financially feasible public facilities Schedule of Capital Improvements needed to maintain or restore adopted LOS standards as well as recommendations for the annual budget, projects, and suggested funding sources. * * * * * * * * * * * 6.02.04 Drainage Facility Level of Service Requirements A. The LOS for capital aGGess drainaqe facilities varies among new or existing capital 3GGeSS drainaqe facilities owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, existing capital aGGess drainaqe facilities owned or operated by private persons, and new capital drainaqe facilities owned or operated by private persons. 1. For those capital 3GGeSS drainaqe facilities (publicly or privately owned) that are in existence on the effective date of this section and for those new capital 3GGeSS drainaqe facility owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, the LOS is the existing LOS as identified (by design storm return frequency event) in the Collier County Water Management Master Plan. 2. For new capital aGGess drainaqe facilities owned or operated by private persons, the LOS is identified in the GMP. 127 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tam: strihethF9l:l!1Jh is EaUreAt teJR te be deleted. Bold text indicates a defined term B. Determination of public facility adequacy for aGGess drainaoe facilities shall be granted if the proposed development has a drainage and water management plan that has been approved by the County Manager orf=designee as meeting the LOS for G~apital aGGess drainaoe facilities. 6.02.05 Park and Recreation Facility Level of Service Requirements A. The LOS for capital park and recreation facilities means 2.9412 acres per 1,000 persons for regional park land; 1.2882 acres per 1,000 persons for community park land; and $240.00 of capital investment per capita (at current cost) for recreational facilities. B. Determination of public facility adequacy for park and recreation facilities shall be based on the following: 1. The required public facilities are in place at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 2. The required public facilities are under construction at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 3. The required public facilities are the subject of a binding contract executed for the construction of those public facilities that provides for the commencement of actual construction within one (1) year of issuance of a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit. 4. The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 6.02.05 B.1., 6.02.05 B.2., and 6.0205 B.3. 6.02.06 Potable Water Facility Level of Service Requirements A. The LOS for capital potable water facilities varies between public water systems and private water systems. 1. For the Collier County Water and Sewer District, the LOS is 185 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). 2. For the Goodland Water District, the LOS is 163 GPCD. 3. For the City of Naples unincorporated service area, the LOS is 163 GPCD. 4. For the Everglades City unincorporated service area, the LOS is 163 GPCD. 5 For independent districts and private potable water systems, the LOS is the sewage flow design standards as identified in Policy 1.3.1 of the Potable Water Sub-Element of the GMP, except that approved private wells are exempt from these LOS requirements. 128 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. TOlft strik:etl:1reld€lt:l is GblrrSRt telR ta be deleteEl. Bold text indicates a defined term B. Determination of public facility adequacy for potable water facilities shall be based on the following: 1. The required public facilities are in place at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 2. The required public facilities are under construction at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 3. The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 6.02.06 B.1. and 6.02.06 B.2. of the LDC. 6.02.07 Sanitary Sewer Facility Level of Service Requirements A. The LOS for capital sanitary sewer facilities varies between public sanitary sewer systems and private sanitary sewer systems. The LOS for the North Sewer Area is 145 GPCD. The LOS for the South Sewer Area is 100 GPCD. The LOS for the City of Naples unincorporated sewer service area is 121 GPCD. B. The LOS for independent districts and private sanitary sewer systems is the sewage flow design standards identified in Policy 1.2.1 of the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element of the GMP, as required by the State of Florida. Approved private septic systems are exempt from these LOS requirements. C. The determination of public facility adequacy for sanitary sewer facilities shall be based on the following: 1. The required public facilities are in place at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 2. The required public facilities are under construction at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 3. The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 6.02.07 C.1. and 6.02.07 C.2. 6.02.08 Solid Waste Facility Level of Service Requirements A. The LOS for capital solid waste disposal facilities is two (2) years of constructed lined cell capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous five (5) years, and ten (10) years of permittable landfill capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous five (5) years. B. The determination of public facility adequacy for solid waste disposal facilities shall be based on the following: 1. The required public facilities are in place at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 129 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020508.doc Text underlined is new text to be added. Tela: striltethralJgt:l is GloJrreAt tela: te be delateGt. Bold text indicates a defined term 2. The required public facilities are under construction at the time a final site development plan, final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued. 3. The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 1. and 2. above. 130 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\LDC packet\020508 BCC-2\BCC 020S08.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2008- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT TO AUTHORIZE THE OPERATION OF OUTDOOR SERVING AREAS; SPECIFYING OUTDOOR SERVING AREA PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION OF SUCH PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR OPERATING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF THREE SPECIFIED ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article VIII of the Constitution of Florida authorizes Florida counties to exercise broad home rule powers; and WHEREAS, Section 125.01(1), Florida Statutes, provides that the legislative and governing body of a County shall have the power to carry on County government and that said power includes, but is not restricted to, a number of powers set forth in Section 125.01, so long as any powers exercised are not inconsistent with general or special laws; and WHEREAS, Section 125.0I(1)(t), Florida Statutes, provides that a county may adopt ordinances and resolutions necessary for the exercise of its powers and prescribe fines and penalties for the violation of ordinances in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, Sections l25.01(3)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, recogmze that the enumeration of powers in Section 125.01(1), Florida Statutes, incorporates all implied powers necessary or incident to carry out those powers and that Section 125.01, Florida Statutes, shall be liberally construed in order to effectively carry out the purpose of the section and to secure for counties the broad exercise of home rule powers authorized by the State Constitution; and WHEREAS, from time-to-time, noise emanating from outdoor serving areas has been excessive, unnecessary, unnatural or unusually loud and has constituted a nuisance by unreasonably interfering with the peace and quiet of nearby residential neighborhoods, which nuisance the Board wishes to help abate by this Ordinance. Page I of6 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: Title. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier County Outdoor Serving Area Ordinance." SECTION TWO: Definitions. When used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Amplified sound: The use of a public address system, loudspeaker, amplifier and any other device which electronically generates or augments the volume of sound. Conditional use: A use that, due to special circumstances, is not permissible in a zoning district, but may be appropriate if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to the neighborhood. Mixed use project approval process: A process by which a land owner may petition the BCC for approval of a mixed use project -- a mix of commercial and residential uses, as provided for in certain zoning overlay districts. SECTION THREE: Permit Required for All Outdoor Serving Areas. A. Applicability. No person shall own or operate an outdoor serving area for food and/or beverages within the unincorporated area of Collier County unless a one-time permit is obtained, in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. 1. These nH-'lMinnllents shall MElt afl~l~T if the r€lsig~m.tial Y3@ @f 1'Sonin~ di3tri€lt is ~art €If a miI:€l€l tl3€ :f1r€tj€H~t, a:f1l1f€l.:€8 thn~ugh the €l€H1diti€Hlal MS€l flf€.H~e3S; a 11li::ed liS€l flr~get, ~flrg.:ed thnHt~h tk€l n-j::@d yg@ f3r~€lgt aj?flr€l.:al flf€l@€l33 €If flart €If Iii Plaooed CRit Dg.;el€JfJl'R€nt (pee) €€lR1:tHHumt €.f€~3igIlat@d ag Ini::ed use. I. A temporary use permit to operate an outdoor serving area may be issued administratively unless a finding of violation of the Collier County Noise Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-17, as amended) has been issued to the owner/manager of the location by the Collier County Code Enforcement Department. .2. Permit applications for outdoor serving areas by owners/managers who have a finding of violation of the Noise Ordinance within the past 12 months shall be Page 2 of6 heard by the Board of County Commissioners during any regularly scheduled meeting. a. The Board of County Commissioners shall make the final determination as to whether or not to approve, deny, revoke or approve with conditions any temporary use permit pertaining to outdoor serving areas. 3. All operators of eating and/or drinking establishments with existing outdoor serving areas shall obtain a permit no later than September 30, 2008. Failure to obtain the permit will result in the issuance of a notice of violation. 4. Such permit shall be transferred if the owner sells, leases or otherwise disposes of the outdoor serving area or the premises upon or in which the outdoor serving area is operated, to any person by filing the appropriate transfer application to the Zoning Department. a. Transfers shall be administratively approved, unless a finding of violation of the Noise Ordinance has been issued to the owner/manager within the last 12 months. In that case, an application for an outdoor serving area permit transfer shall be heard by the Board of County Commissioners. 5. The issuance of such a permit shall not eliminate the obligation of the applicant to obtain all other permits required under local, state and federal regulations; including, but not limited to: live performance music and/or amplified sound permits, occupational licenses, alcohol licenses, special event permits and the like. SECTION FOUR: Application for an Outdoor Serving Area Permit. B. Application. I. An applicant for a permit to operate an outdoor serving area shall submit the following: a. a completed application, as prescribed by the County Manager or designee; b. a code violation history issued by the Collier County Code Enforcement Department dated no more than 30 days prior to the date of the application submittal; c. a valid non-residential zoning and land use certificate issued by Collier County; d. an application fee as specified in the CDES fee schedule; and Page 3 of6 e. a site plan of the outdoor area with notation indicating proximity to any adjacent residential zoning or uses within 2500 feet of the proposed outdoor serving area. 2. In the interpretation and application of any provision of these regulations, it shall be held to be the minimum requirement adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of unincorporated Collier County and its residents. In determining whether to issue a permit, the Board shall be entitled to deny/revoke a permit where: a. the use will not be of a type or intensity consistent with surrounding land uses and the reasonably quiet and peaceful enjoyment thereof; b, the use will cause any danger or health hazard to any person; c. the use will result in the depletion, destruction, removal, trampling or other damaging of existing vegetation; d. the use will be conducted in violation of Land Development Code or any other County codes; e. the use will not have sufficient areas, available on private lands, for parking to accommodate the extra seating as required by subsection 4.05.04 G. of the Code; f. in the case of a special event that has been previously held at the facility, the operator has not demonstrated compliance with permit conditions or with any previous permit, including without limitation, signage restrictions; or g. the layout does not comply with the provisions of the Life Safety Code. SECTION FIVE: Suspension of Permit. C. Suspension of permit. I. The approval of an outdoor serving area permit is temporary at all times. An outdoor serving area permit may be suspended by the County Manager or designee upon a finding that one or more conditions of this section have been violated, or by the issuance of a finding of violation of the Noise Ordinance. 2, The suspension order shall be in writing, setting forth specific reasons and providing an effective date. The suspension shall remain in effect until such time as a public hearing is conducted by the Board of County Commissioners to revoke the permit or lift the suspension. Page 4 of 6 SECTION SIX: Operating Regulations. D. Operating Regulations. 1. No owner/manager shall operate or permit the occupancy of any outdoor serving area that is located within 1,000 feet of any lands with a residential or estates zoning designation or which is used for residential purposes during the following times. Sunday through Thursday II :00 p.m. - II :00 a.m. Friday through Saturday 12:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 2. Every owner/operator shall at all times post in all outdoor serving areas, in a location which is visible to all patrons, a notice provided by the County, notifying the patrons of the requirements of this permit. SECTION SEVEN: Inclusion in the Code of Laws and Ordinances. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word. SECTION EIGHT: Conflict and Severability. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. . Hl~." SECTION NINE: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Florida Department of State. Page 5 of6 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this _ day of ,2008. ATTEST Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA , Deputy Clerk By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN By: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Chief Assistant County Attorney Page 60f6 Co~" County ~.. ......~...... ....~. Board of Count" Commissioners Land Development Code Amendments 2007 C~le 2 (Land Use Lists) ~rv OSt' 2008 IlOG p.m. Text "'itt:l gtril,e tl::1rsblgl:1 - Delete TBlft. itli<l ggbllBls ~trill8 tl>lrelclgA - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlF! t JnrtF!rlinF!rt T F!xt = Relocated / Add Color/Font CodinQ Black = Text from 91-102, Supplement 17 (last printed revision) Brown = from Ordinance 03-55 Blue = from Ordinance 04-08 Red = text pulled directly from Ordinance 04-41, as amended, includes: Ordinance 04-01. Ordinance 04-54 Ordinance 04-72 Ordin3nce 05 17 Ordinance 05-27 Ordinance 05-49 Ordinance 06-07 Ordinance 06-08 Ordin3nce 06 14 Aqua = from Ordinance 06-63 Violet = from 2007-Cycle 1 Bold = defined term Pink = Use carried forward, cumulative zoning Green = scrivener's error, correction or modification Text with Strike threu€lh - Delete T8Ht 'Hit"" gawsl8 ~tril\8 t""r8l::J~"" - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double Underlined Text = Relocated / Add Zoning Districts and Permissible Uses 1 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itt:! ~trik.8 tt:!F8l:J€lt:! = Delete T€IJA itA 1i?8~818 i:trilte tRFU'I!lA = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOG language [)ollhlp. tJnr1p.rlinF~r1 TF!xt = Relocated I Add This page intentionally left blank. 2 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Gycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text hAth Strike tArsblel=l = Delete Tellt .;t~ PGlrl\ilg !:'tFiI'g tRre~~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle I Jnoerlined Text = Relocated I Add CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS * * * * * * * * * . * * 1.08.00 GENERAL PROVISIONS * . . . * * * . * . . * 1.08.02 Definitions * . . . . * * * * * * * CON District Lands that are generally depicted on the Future Land Use Map, and more specifically depicted on the Official Zoning Atlas, as Conservation. [S 2.0:30" 2030981 . * * . . * * * * * * * TOR credit: A unit representing the right to increase the density or intensity of development on a parcel, obtained through a Transfer of Development Rights. [9 2.03.07 D.4] . . * . * * * . . * . * CHAPTER 2 ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES 2.01.00 GENERALLY * * . . . . * * . * * . 2.01.03 Essential Services A. The following uses shall be deemed permitted uses in all zoning districts, except CON districts, RFMU sending lands, NRPAS, HSAS,-ANG and FSAS: . * . * * * . . * * * . 9. Conservation Collier lands which provide for permitted nondestructive, passive natural resource based recreational and educational activities, exclusive of major improvements. Permitted minor improvements shall be limited to one (1) ground sign, not to exceed eight (8) feet in height with a maximum sign area of thirty-two (32) square feet; a parking area, not to exceed twenty (20) parking spaces; hiking trails; a fully accessible trail or trail section: educational kiosks not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet: and public restroom facilities not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet. The provisions for Conservation Collier lands in this Code do not affect the underlying zoning districts or land use designations in any district where Conservation Collier lands are established. Such that no expansion or diminution of the various zoning district permitted uses is intended or implied by these provisions, except as stated above with respect to minor improvements. Oil and gas 3 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tem '''itt-l Strike tt-lrsl:Igt-l = Delete Tmlt ';tt<t ~9u~18 ~tril18 tAHnll!l~ = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double LJnderlinerl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add exploration as defined and regulated in this Code remains a permitted use on or beneath Conservation Collier lands established in any zoning district providing for oil and gas exploration as a permitted use pursuant to sOution 2.0:J.05 B.1.3.(8) subsection 203.09 B.1.a.viii of this Codo. * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Permitted essential services IN CON districts, RFMU sending lands, NRPAs, HSAs,-ANQ and FSAs. 1. Within CON districts, Sending Lands in the RFMU district, NRPAs, and within designated Habitat Stewardship Areas (HSA) and Flow way Stewardship Areas (FSA) within the RLSA overlay district subject to the limitations set forth in section 4.08.08 C., the following essential services are permitted: * * * * * * * * * * * * e. Conservation Collier lands which provide for permitted nondestructive, passive natural resource based recreational and educational activities, exclusive of major improvements. Permitted minor improvements shall be limited to one (1) ground sign, not to exceed eight (8) feet in height with a maximum sign area of thirty-two (32) square feet; a parking area, not to exceed twenty (20) parking spaces; hiking trails: a fully accessible trail or trail section; educational kiosks not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet; and public. . restroom facilities not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet The provisions for Conservation Collier lands in this Code do not affect the underlying zoning districts or land use designations in any district where Conservation Collier lands are established, such that no expansion or diminution of the various zoning district permitted uses is intended or implied by these provisions, except as stated above for minor improvements. Oil and gas exploration as defined and regulated in this Code remains a permitted use on or beneath Conservation Collier lands established in the CON zoning district providing for oil and gas exploration as a permitted use subject to soction 2.0:J.05 B.1.a.(g) subsection 2.03.09 B.1.a.viii of this Code. * * * * * * * * * * * * G. Conditional uses. The following uses require approval pursuant to section 10.08.00 conditional uses: 1. Conditional essential services in every zoning district excluding the RFMU district sending lands, CON districts, NRPAs, AND RLSA designated HSAs and FSAs. In every zoning district, unless 4 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tl=1 Stril,e tl=lrel:l8R = Delete Tent itR Ii?sM131s ~arilll! tlxlrokl!jR - Relocated J Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language [)ollhle llnrlerlinerl Text = Relocated J Add otherwise identified as permitted uses, and excluding RFMU district Sending Lands, CON districts, and NRPAs, the following uses shall be allowed as conditional uses: . * . . * * * * . * . . f. Conservation Collier lands which provide for permitted, nondestructive, passive natural resource based recreational and educational activities, when such sites require major improvements to accommodate public access and use. These major improvements shall include, but are not limited to: parking areas of 21 parking spaces or more: nature centers: equestrian paths: biking trails; canoe and kayak launch sites: public restroom facilities, greater than 500 square feet: signage beyond that allowed in sections 2.01.03 A.9. and 2.01.03 B.1.e. of this Code and other nondestructive passive recreational activities as identified by the County Manager or designee. The provisions for Conservation Collier lands in this Code do not affect the underlying zoning districts or land use designations in any district where Conservation Collier lands are established, such that no expansion or diminution of the various zoning district conditional uses is intended or implied by these provisions, except as stated above for major improvements. Oil and gas field development and production as defined and regulated in this Code remains a conditional use on or beneath Conservation Collier lands established in zoning districts providing for oil and gas field development and production as a conditional use, subject to section 203.05 8.1.c.(1) subsection 203.09 B.1.c.i of this Code. 2. Conditional essential services in RFMU sending lands, NRPAs, CON districts, and RLSA designated HSAs and FSAs. Within RFMU District Sending Lands, NRPAs, CON districts, and the RFLA designated HSAs and FSAs subject to the limitations set forth in section 4.08.08 C.2., in addition to the essential services identified as allowed conditional uses in section 2.01.03 G.1. above, the following additional essential services are allowed as conditional uses: * . * * . * * . * * * * c. Oil and gas field development and production, as defined and regulated in this Code, remains a conditional use on or beneath Conservation Collier lands established in the CON zoning district subject to seotion 2.03.05 8.1.c.(1) subsection 2.03.09 B.1ci ef this Coda. . * . . * . . . . . * * 5 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 203.01 203.02 2.03.03 20304 2.03.05 2.0306 2.0307 2.03.08 20309 20310 * Text "~tt.1 ~trike tl:1reWfJR - Delete T~ml:' itR Pnll,le t:1rili8 tl<lF8YftR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated I Add 2.03.00 Zoning Districts and Permissible Uses R8si€len'ltial Agril;uJ!.uIaJ. Zoning Districts C@I'I'II'R@rsial Re.sld.enti.aJ. Zoning Districts IFI€I",strial C..QlIl!]}!lli;!.aJ Zoning Districts Civi@ a~Q Institblti€lAal ,!.r~_9~1rj~ Zoning Districts Qf38A ~fH!18l3 Ci':i€ BRa IRstitl::lti919al Zoning Districts Planned Unit Development Districts Overlay Zoning Districts Rural Fringe Zoning Districts C'istrigts IJRser M@r~tefildFPl [RSS9P'SQ] Qven Soace ZgQLQ~gJ;2Lstricts Q~1[lcJ~J,LJ]2EOhMQr.ajQffiJm IReservedl * * * * * * * * * * * 2.04.00 Permissible, Conditional, and Accessory Uses in Zoning Districts Reserved Rtllos for Interprotation of Usos Effoct of ,^,ppro'lals Undor the Zoning Roevaltlation Ordinance Table of L:md Usee in E::wh Zening District 2.04.01 2.04.02 2.04.03 * * * * * * * * * * * * 2.03.00 Zoning Districts: Permitt~clUses.Ac.c_es.sorv Uses..and Conditional ~s.. In order to carry out and implement the Collier County GMP and the purposes of this LDC, the following zoning districts, district purposes, and applicable symbols are hereby established: A. Rules for Interpretation of Uses ((Relocated in entirety, was 2.04.01)) B. In anv zoninq district where the list of permitted and conditional uses contains the phrase "anv other use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses and is consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district" or anv similar phrase which provides for a use which is not clearly defined or described in the list of permitted and conditional uses, which requires the discretion of the Countv Manaqer or desiqnee as to whether or not it is permitted in the district, then the determination of whether or not that use is permitted in the district shall be made throuqh the process outlined in section 1.06.00, interpretations. of this LDC. Reevaluation Ordinance ((Relocated in Anv use or structure that has been qranted a compatibility exception, an exemption, or vested riqhts pursuant to the Collier Countv Zoninq Reevaluation Ordinance, Ordinance No. 90-23 (1990), shall be a permitted use in the zoninq district in which it is located to the extent of its approved maximum density or intensitv of use and to the extent that it remains effective. Such use 6 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA Strike tArsYliIR = Delete "]:"'9I1t .;tR r;?s14Bls ~tFih8 1Rr8~!J1-1 = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOG language Double Underlined Text = Relocated I Add or structure shall nevertheless complv with all other requirements and requlations of the LOC. 2.03.01 Residential Aaricultural Zoning Districts A. Rural Agricultural District ~ ffil. The purpose and intent of the rural agricultural district ~ ffil is to provide lands for agricultural, pastoral, and rural land uses by accommodating traditional agricultural, agricultural related activities and facilities, support facilities related to agricultural needs, and conservation uses. Uses that are generally considered compatible to agricultural uses that would not endanger or damage the agricultural, environmental, potable water, or wildlife resources of the County, are permissible as conditional uses in the A district. The A district corresponds to and implements the-amcqc;cuJL::"liRuI?1 land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier County GMP, and in some instances, may occur in the designated urban area. The maximum density permissible in the rural agricultural district within the urban mixed use district shall be guided, in part, by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in A district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system. The maximum density permissible in the A district within the agriculturallrural district of the future land use element of the Collier County GMP shall be consistent with and not exceed the density permissible or permitted under the agricultural/rural district of the future land use element. .Q.er:FR.i#Ju/ WfH~G. TRg f@1I8"'iR~ \;;IS8S er8 fierFRitte8 as sf rt~Rt, sr 8S \;;I88S 8888&S817'; hll t'ermittQ8 \;;ISQS, iR tR8 r\;;lral 8~riswltwFell 8istri8t (.^ ). .:L Permitted uses. L Sinale-familv dwellinQ. 2. Aqricultural activities, includinq. but not limited to: Crop ralsinq. horticulture: fruit and nut production: forestry: qroves: nurseries: ranchinq: beekeepinq: poultry and eqq production: milk production: livestock raisinq, and aauaculture for native species subiect to-#le Slato ef Flerida Carne and Freshwator Fish Cernrnissien Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. TR8 fGIIQv'iR~ f'8rmitte8 l:4g9~ GRell! 8till~' 88 sllB\\'s8 SR ~ar881& 29 seres iA Si2!8 or ~r8at8r: 1)8ip,;iR~; rSRgRiR~; f3@wltr~' aR8 9!J~ t?rsQl!lIBtieR; milh J'r88l!l1Gti8til; li"9St8Sh rsi&iR~; aRQ elRtFRal 8r8e8iR~, r8i8iR~, tFaiRiR~, sta8liR~ sr heRR8IiR~. TRis is Ret h~ f3r881l!l188 SR iRai':i8wsl f3rsf3eFt~. a'A'Ref fr8~ tRe hS8f3iF'l8 af f@wl @r J'8Hltr,;, Ret tB 8)(8888 26 iR tetal RI=JFR88f, BR8 tRB h88f3iR~ sf 1;;)8r&8& BRa Jj"sstash (8lias"t far R@!JS) Ret to 8)(e888 pus Sl=JsR aRiFRal~ fer sas!;! Berg, Btil8 witR R9 9J99R mg8lgts, fer "8r~8tilal l:4S8 7 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA ~tril,e tAreu!1Jt:l - Delete Tunt uitR QU1:l818 ~lrili8 tlolrelJSR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language nouhll"! I lnrll"!rlined Tl"!xt = Relocated j Add aRg RSt iF! iiuisssiatisF! wit"" ssmmersial a~ri8wltwral aetj"irJ' 8R li'aFselis 1988 tRaR :;lQ aSF88 iR sias. L The followina permitted us~s shall onlLPe allowed on parcels 20 acres in size or areater; g1 .daJIl1OSL hl J~nchino 1<1 poultr'i<lnd eaa production; ill rn.iIk_PLQQIJ,c;;tigE ill LlliJostock raisinfL<lnd n <lnJmal. I;lreEWina Jaisil1!1 training_ :>tal;lljna OJ kennelino i.i. On_parcels less than2Q acresjtliiize.jQS!ivid~IJ2LPIooef1'i Q\'ill.ers.... <l.r~. .ootore<:;11H:ted... fromlhekeeRinQottheJoJl9XilQ9 for personal use..imdnot in associatioD.with a commefci<lJ <lgric;;~lt!JhaLactivitv ..QJQJi\Q,e.dJheIe<lJiO.n9.PPiODJiOiOdJ2).S; g) .[2\,11/1 or p_oultr'i,.nQLtQ_eJ<:~~IL2;Lio~iotal numpeJ; <Jng mt!2.ISgS .. <lndJJv~stock. (exceQL for hpg~LDQt. to .iO;><.<:;.eed_ two such 'lD.L01<lJiiJQJea!;b~<lCJ~ a. gWRiRfj, maiRtaiRiR~ sr 8p8FatiR~ at"l~' fagilit~' 8r Ji8R tRere8f hH tR8 f@lIe"'jRgJ fiWrfisss& is fireRilaitea: 1. ~i!JRtiR!J sr 88itiR~ aRY aRiFRal B~' tRe S"'R8r sf SldSR fasilit~' Qr 8R)' 8tR13r fiSrS8t"l er I3Rtit~'. .&. RaisiRfj aR~' eJRimal or 8RiFReJIs jRt8R8138 t9 88 Mltimatsl)' \:Jssa 8r MSSS fer HgJRtiRg er BaitiRfj f3\:Jr~Q&ss. A. rer JiWFfiBS8S sf tRis SI::I.IaS88tisR, tR8 tSFFFI BsitiRgJ is Qs$4Reg as 88t fSFtR iR S g2R.1:;l2(2)(a), P.€., 618 it ~a~' B8 BFRSFH~89 fn;)~ tiR"l8 t8 tiFR8. 3. Wholesale reptile breedinQ and raisina (non-venomous), subject to the followino standards: 1., & Minimum 20 acre parcel size: 8 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u<jtt:l atrike tl=lr.Sl:l91=1- Delete Tellt "ilR r;?iJYRliJ l:'trili:i1 UU814BR Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double LJnrlerlinerl Text = Relocated I Add iL &c Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedinQ of such reptiles shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from anv lot line. ~ Wildlife manaqement. plant and wildlife conservancies, wildlife refuQes and sanctuaries. 5. Conservation uses. 6. Oil and oas exploration subiect to state drillino permits and Collier County site development plan review procedures. Z. Familv care facilities, subiect to section 2.8.28 5.05.04. 8. Communications towers UP to specified heiqht. subiect to section 2.8.35. 5.05.09. 9. Essential services, as set forth in section 2.01.03. 10. Schools, public, includinq "Educational plants." 2. b'ggg 6ref?(?gggr:)' t@ pf?~r:!f;dtf?rJ !dSf?S. ~~~~Q!,v USB"S. L Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riQht in the A district. 2. Farm labor housino, subiect to section 2.8.25. 5,05.03. 3. Retail sale of fresh. unprocessed aoricultural products. qrown primarilv on the property and subiect to a review of traffic circulation, parkinq, and safetv concerns pursuant to the submission of a site improvement plan as provided for in section 10.02.03. 4. L fit Aqricultural packinq processina or similar facilities shall be located on a maior or minor arterial street or shall have access to an arterial street bv a oublic street that does not abut prooerties zoned RSF-1, thru RSF-6 RMF-6 RMF-12 RMF-16 RT VR MH TTRVC and PUD or are residentiallv used. iL tift A buffer vard of not less than 150 feet in width shall be orovided alonq each boundarv of the site which abuts anv residentiallv zoned or used oropertv and shall contain an Alternative B type buffer as defined within section 4 06.00 of this LDC Such buffer and buffer vard shall be in lieu 9 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)~JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itl=l Stril,e tRrSl,lgR - Delete TSllt i'~ g811<l~18 ~tril'g tRrOl!il~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Onllhlp.IJnrlp.r1inp.d Tex1 = Relocated I Add of front side or rear vards on that portion of the lot which abuts those districts and uses identified in subsection 20301~ A2.3.i. iii. tiHt The facilitv shall emit no oonoxious toxic or corrosive dust dirt fumes vapors or oases which can cause damaae to human health to animals or veaetation or to other forms of propertv bevond the lot line of the use creatina the emission. iv. fivj A site develoDment Dlan shall be provided in accordance with divisieR d.d efthis Cede. section 10.02.03. 5. Excavation and related processinQ and production subiect to the ~~~~~l~_!~_'~~~ll:Il:"i~I'l-:"1:I_It~_[~~_i~~_~~_~~"~ L fit The activitv is clearlv incidental to the aaricultural develoDment of the propertv Ji fiit The affected area is within a surface water manaaement svstem for aaricultural use as permitted bv the SFWMD ~2J)JbEJQ[igq\f\lqt@rJl!l?rJqg@JI1@Dthl1~trigL iii. tiHt The amount of excavated material removed from the site cannot exceed 4 000 cubic vards. Amounts in excess of 4 000 cubic vards shall reauire conditional use aporoval for earthminina pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in Chapter 10 6. Guesthouses, subiect to section 2.614.5.03.03. 7. Private boathouses and docks on lake, canal or waterwav lots, subiect to section 2.6.21. 5.03.06. 8. Use of a mobile home as a temporary residence while a permanent sinQle-familv dwellinQ is beina constructed, subiect to the followina: L a, Receipt of a temporary use permit from the development services director pursuant to di"isieR 2."..33, section 5.04.04 that allows for use of a mobile home while a permanent sinQle-familv dwellina is beinQ built: Ji b,- ^ss~ran6e that the temporary use permit for the mobile home will expire at the same time of the buildinQ permit for the sinQle-familv dwellina. or upon the completion of the sinQle-familv dwellina, whichever comes first: 10 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tel(t "~tR gtril,e tRr91:121R - Delete ranI itA [;?sbllals htFih? tRrOkf!lR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language [")ollhll"! I lnrlF!rlinF!rl Text = Relocated I Add iii. Go Proof that prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancv for the sinQle-familv dwellinQ, the mobile home is removed from the premises: and iv. fh The mobile home must be removed at the termination of the permitted period. 9. Use of a mobile home as a residence in coniunction with bona fide aQricultural activities subiect to the followinq: L a, The applicant shall submit a completed application to the site development review director, or his desiqnee, for approval of a temporary use permit to utilize a mobile home as a residence in coni unction with a bona fide commercial aqricultural activitv as described in Eectien (2). subsection 2.03.01 A.1.b. Included with this application shall be a conceptual plot plan of the subiect propertv depictinq the location of the proposed mobile home: the distance of the proposed mobile home to all propertv lines and existinq or proposed structures: and, the location, acreaqe breakdown, tvpe and anv intended phasinq plan for the bona fide aqricultural activitv. iL. b-c The receipt of anv and all local. state. and federal permits required for the aqricultural use and/or to place the mobile home on the subiect site includinq, but not limited to, an aqricultural c1earinq permit. buildinQ permit(s). ST permits, and the like. iii. Go The use of the mobile home shall be permitted on a temporary basis onlv, not to exceed the duration of the bona fide commercial aqricultural activitv for which the mobile home is an accessory use. The initial temporary use permit mav be issued for a maximum of three vears, and mav, upon submission of a written request accompanied bv the applicable fee. be renewed annuallv thereafter provided that there is continuinq operation of the bona fide commercial aqricultural activities. iv. fh The applicant utilizinq. for the bona fide commercial aqricullural activitv, a tract of land a minimum of five acres in size. Anv propertv Ivinq within public road riQhts-of-wav shall not be included in the minimum acreaqe calculations. 'L eo- A mobile home, for which a temporary use permit in coniunction with a bona fide commercial aqricultural activity is requested, shall not be located closer than 100 feet from anv county hiqhwav riQht-of-wav line, 200 feet from anv state hiqhwav riqht-of-wav, or 500 feet from anv federal hiqhwav riQht-of-wav line. 11 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tam "'itl=l atrike tf..1rgl:l~R = Delete Tint HI<1 9il~ilil flFiILs IRrillcl~t:I = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle I Jnnerlined Text = Relocated I Add 10. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteQral part of a residential development and have been desianated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or subdivision master plan for that development. Recreational facilities mav include but are not limited to aolf course, clubhouse, communitv center buildina and tennis facilities, parks, plavarounds and plavfields. ;L Conditional uses. The followina uses are permitted as conditional uses in the rural aaricultural district (Al. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 2.7,4.: 10.08.00. 1" Extraction or earthminina, and related processina and production not incidental to the aaricultural development of the property. NOTE: "Extraction related processina and production" is not related to "Oil extraction and related processino" as defined in this Code. 2. Sawmills. 3. Zoo. aauarium. aviarv. botanical aarden, or other similar uses. 4. Huntina cabins. 5. Aauaculture for nonnative .or exotic species, subiect to State of Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. 6. Wholesale reotile breedina or raisina (venomous) subiect to the followino standards' L & Minimum 20 acre parcel size. lL Go Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedina of such reptiles shall be located at a minimum of 100 feet awav from anv lot line. Z. Churches and olhor I3laGes of wGrshil3~ 8. Private landina strips for Qeneral aviation, subiect to anv relevant state and federal reaulations. 9. Cemeteries. J..Q. Schools, private. 1L. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. R Collection and transfer sites for resource recovery. 13. Communication towers above specified heiahl. subiect to section 2.6.35. 5.05.09. 12 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~t1:J atril,e tt.Jre\:l€lR - Delete Tall' itA E?uLlBle ~aFiI e tRr8k1ftA Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DotJhle I Jnnerlinen Text = Relocated I Add 14. Social and fraternal orQanizations. 1!i. Veterinary clinic. ~ Group care facilities (cateQorv I and Ill: care units: nursinQ homes: assisted IivinQ facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinQ care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.. all subiect to section ~ 505.04 when located within the Urban DesiQnated Area on the Future Land Use Map to the Collier Countv Growth ManaQement Plan. 1L Golf courses and/or Qolf drivinQ ranQes. 1!L Oil and Qas field development and production subiect to state field development permits. 1R. Sports instructional schools and camps. 20. SportinQ and recreational camps. 21. Retail plant nurseries subiect to the followinQ conditions: 1. &c Retail sales shall be limited primarilv to the sale of plants. decorative products such as mulch or stone, fertilizers, pesticides. and other products and tools accessory to or required for the plantinQ or maintenance of said plants. ji. &. Additionallv, the sale of fresh produce is permissible at retail plant nurseries as an incidental use of the propertv as a retail plant nursery. iii. &, The sale of larQe power equipment such as lawn mowers, tractors. and the like shall not be permitted in association with a retail plant nursery in the rural aQricultural district. 22. Asphaltic and concrete batch makina plants subiect to the followinQ conditions: 1. &c Asphaltic or concrete batch makinQ plants mav be permitted within the area desiQnated aQricultural on the future land use map of the future land use element of the Qrowth manaQement plan. ji. &. The minimum site area shall not be less than ten acres. ill fit Princioal access shall be from a street desianated collector or hiaher classification 13 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tR StrUts tRrel.::J€lR - Delete Ttlllt itl:! ~8148Ie i:trilLB ttlre ,~t:I - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language nnllhle Underlined Ted = Relocated 1 Add 8. TR9 Gits &Rall !taiR its ~r;:iRoi.,al 808S&S freR::t a Btrsst Q8si!tRat88 8ellsetsr er Ri!tRsr sIa&sifieati9R sf rea8 as 8B&i!tRate8 8~' tRs f6ltwre tFaffis 8ir861latiBR 9IBR::tBRt sf tR8 !tFS'AAR maR8!t8FF1SRt ~laR. iv. 4MRaw materials storaae olant location and aeneral ooerations around the olant shall not be located or conducted within 100 feet of anv exterior boundarY v. &.fiHtThe heioht of raw material storaae facilities shall not exceed a heioht of fiftv (50) feet vi. 4iv}Hours of ooeration shall be limited to two (2) hours before sunrise to sunset vii. !M'4The minimum setback from the orincioal road frontaoe shall be 150 feet for ooerational facilities and seventv-five (15) feet for suooortina administrative offices and associated oarkina viii. A,.(vi1An earthen berm achievino a vertical heiaht of eiaht feet or eouivalent veaetative screen with eiahtv (80) oercent ooacitv one (1) vear after issuance of certificate of occuoancv shall be constructed or created around the entire oerimeter of the orooertv h CeFF1flliaR89 '.~!itR all 81iil1iillie8919 8r8iR8RS8S sf Celliar C861Rty "ar4:i861larl~' tR9 \^(ellfiBls Pret88tisR QraiRaRs8 ~JB. 91 1QJ [ail'. 4.18 sf tRis b.aRa 1;18"818.,~eRt CS8e] aRg tRe ~1t;)iS8 QraiRsR88 ~h~. gg 1: [~eas GR. 54, SR. I'g. j. TR9 pl8Rt 8Rall Ret 88 1888t99: (1) \^'itRiR tRe ~re8RIiRe ^n;Jel 9f C9RseFR fer tRe P'lsFiaa itat8 Par>h. ~~'ster;;R as esta9lisRe8 9~' tRe 88f!18RR"l8Rt sf Rat6lral n~HHi6lr8e8 (~~JR); (2) \^'itRiR tR8 area sf Critieal Atate C9RGSFR as 8e"istaB SF! tRe f\:sltwr9 laRa \:sIS8 mar;; (J) '.~tRiR 1, ggg fast sf a Ratwral Feser;' 'stieR; f4t \AAtRiR SR~' 8ewRt~', state sr R9aeFal jwriS8ieti9RQI '\'stlaR8 area. ix. (vii)The olant should not be located within the Greenline Area of Concern for the Florida State Park Svstem as established bv the Deoartment of Environmental Protection !DEP)' within the Area of Critical State Concern as deoicted on the Future Land Use Mao GMP' within 1 000 14 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA atrihe tt:1rel:lfilt.:l = Delete T8J1~ itJ;;l (;?o~l1lo l:tR'~9 tRr8lclsl-1- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nnllhlF! llnrlF!rlinF!rl TF!xt = Relocated I Add feet of a natural reservation' or within anv Countv State or federal iurisdictional wetland area. 23. Cultural. educational. or recreational facilities and their related modes of transportinq participants. viewers or patrons where applicable. subiect to all applicable federal. state and local permits. Tour ooerations such as but not limited to airboats swamo buaaies horses and similar modes of transoortation shall be subiect to the followino criteria' L f-BlitPermits or letters of exemotion from the U.S. Armv Coros of Enoineers the Florida Deoartment of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Manaaement District shall be oresented to the olannina services director Drior to site develooment clan aooroval lL ~The oetitioner shall oost the Drooertv alona the entire orooertv line with no tresoassina sians aporoximatelv everv 300 vards. iii. ~The petitioner shall utilize on Iv trails identified and aooroved on the site develooment alan Anv existina trails shall be utilized before the establishment of new trails ilL ~Motor vehicles shall be eauiooed with enaines which include soark arrestors and mufflers desioned to reduce noise. !L tetMThe maximum size of anv vehicle the number of vehicles and the oassenaer caoacity of anv vehicle shall be determined bv the board of zonina aooeals durino the conditional use orocess vi. ~Motor vehicles shall be permitted to ooerate durina davliaht hours which means one hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset vii. ~Molestation of wildlife includina feedina shall be orohibited. viii. (B)(viii)Vehicles shall comolv with state and United States Coast Guard reaulations if aoolicable ix. fllj The board of zoninq appeals shall review such a conditional use for tour operations. annuallv. If durinq the review, at an advertised public hearinq, it is determined bv the board of zoninq appeals that the tour operation is detrimental to the environment. and no adequate corrective action has been taken bv the petitioner, the board of zoninq appeals mav rescind the conditional use. 15 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TSlft "<itA l!trike tRr.el:l~R - Delete T911t ";U<l li?iHtBls ~'rili:a tRFei:J~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double I JnrlF!rlinF!rl TF!x1 = Relocated I Add 24. geir/iR!j; reR8RiR!jI; li\'8~t88h riiili~ir;<!!j; J;8wltf}' iiilr;<!a 8~8 f!]rsaW9'tisR; R"lilh ~r€law8tigFl; el9iFRal er€l8sil9g, F8isil9g, traiRiREi, staelil9~ €lr 1'l€lI9R€lIiFl~ SR ~are9ls 18S& tR8R 29 asr9S iF! Siii!8. TRis is RSt t9 ~r8Gll5la8 819 il9ai"iawal ~r€lf.HiHt/ 9"'R9r fr€lFR tRe heefiliR~ 9f fGwl er ~€I51ltr;'/, 19€1t t8 9](Oee8 25 iR t9tal Fl5IFR8er, aRa tRt;) h89"iF!!t 8f R8rses aR8 1i"9st€l€lI'l (eJrBspt mr Regs) Flet t8 t;)HG89a tug eweR aRiFRiiill~ fer easR iiilsr8, aRa witR r;<!S 8f!19R feeslete, f9r til8FSSr;<!al 15188 aRB R8t iR aS88siatisR '''itR 8 88FF1FR8~Gial 8grisil;IItwral a8ti"it~' 8R J'arB8ls 19&8 tRiiilr;<! 29 aer8S iF! Si::!8. 6grlcultUIaJ...activlt~sonpacc~19l~"'9jba n20.aCIe.S.....in...sJ<:e: L ilJl11l1al Qce~gin 9 Iili9jQg,jrainlng~RtgQI ing . ()rk~flneling, i i. .ctaJryiDg; We Dv:es19.cJuaising; !\i, milk oroductiilll; yo' RPUJ\ryand eaa oroducti,~n~ vi, CiJDcl1j!)G; 25. The commercial oroduction, raisinq or breedinq of exotic animals, other than animals tvoicallv used for aqricultural ourooses or oroduction, subiect to the followinq standards: ac Minimum 20 acre Darcel size. li g,. Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedinq of such animals shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from anv lot line. 26. Essential services, as set forth in section subsection 2.01.03 G. 27. Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to comoliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but not limited to.-l=GG as it may 8e amemleEl. section 5.04.04. 28. Ancillary olants. 1, ELQbibitfldllSJiIi a. pwn i n~ illiJintailling_Qr oQeratinaanl'.filgiJitY()LPiJrtJI1~E~()Lf9E,thJ> [QIIQwlngpuIPosesis.QC9111lt.lted: 16 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text vntR StriltS tt-JrSl:lgR = Delete TB][' HI;:! ge~slg !:tril,e U<1rB~~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language nouhlp- Underlined Text = Relocated I Add i. Ei>lhtingOIJ::>ajlinganYilnimal..by th.e..own.,rQLBcu~(f,bJac;iUlY Qlilnygt!J"LP"I~9n,gI"I}t[ty iL Raisin9cany,animaLQLanimaJs intend",d JQ, beultimatejy uSeQor used for fighting or baitin\lJLUIPOSes, !II EQLi)VrP9B.,B,gfl!JiBBVl:;>seg1igILJhe term baiting_is defined ~UQ[:tbjl}~ 828.122_~Kq)LE~~JLmav be~,[l~~J;)decl fro rn,ji rne..Jo,. tirn,e. .!t. Estate District~ lEI. The purpose and intent of the estates district ~ (A) is to provide lands for low densitv residential development in a semi-rural to rural environment. with limited aoricultural ac;tivities. In addition to low density residential development with limited aoricultural activities, the E district is also desioned to accommodate as conditional uses, development that provides servic;es for and is c;ompatible with the low densitv residential, semi-rural and rural character of the E distric;t. The E district corresponds to and implements the estates land use desi~nation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP, althouoh, in limited instances, it mav occur outside of the estates land use desionation. ,..F:@4C,EGtatGG,zGP,ing,withinthe,G{)/dg;l,GatG,EGtataG'G"tx:UvjGi0~ Got4QfT"Gato"A+~M@stGf",f.?l8n--,i,n,-,thfJ""G-.I\~1[;;Lf€stfictf?thG"4GCtittG1+4~oo~a! YS{}S" The maximum densitv permissible in the E distric;t shall be consistent with and not exceed the densitv permissible or permitted under the estates distric;t of the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP as provided under the Golden Gate Master Plan The.Jo.J]Q.wlog"suos_eJ;liQm; identify the ..u,ses.J.hat a re R(;!Lmi~lt;>le..bYright.and.t!le u~ that are allowable as accessorvor conditional !J1;.e,sin.JlJe,m;tatesdistri.d LE,). PerFRitt88 6Ises. TRQ f8I1sv:iR~ 6I&QS eirQ PQfR"litt8B 8& sf ri!jRt, sr a& 61&8& ei8B8&&SP/ t8 p9Fmittg8 6188&, tRe 8stat9s aistri8t (I!!): .L Permitted uses. 1.0. Sinole-familv dwellino. 2. Familv care facilities, subject to section 2.8.28. 5.05.04. 3. Essential services, as set forth in section 2.01.03. 1" Schools, public, includino "Educational plants." 2. b.(gf?g ElB8888Bft}' tfJ pgr;mj#eel MEleG. Accessorv Uses. 1.0. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of rioht in the E district. 17 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoninglandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tartt ..~tl:1 Strike tI=lral,l~I:1- Delete Tallt itR r;?ul:l8ls ~1ri1i8 tl;<Jro .d~R = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language nmlhlp. LJnnp.r1inp.n Text = Relocated I Add Z. Field crops raised for the consumption bv persons residinq on the premises. 3. Keepinq of fowl or poultrv. not to exceed 25 in total number, provided such fowl or poultrv are kept in an enclosure located a minimum of 30 feet from anv lot line, and a minimum of 100 feet from anv residence on an adiacent parcel of land. 8. 9'''RiR~, ~aiAtaiRiR!t Sf S13efatiR8 BAY f88ilit~. Sf 138Ft tRefeef fef tRe fell8wiRg l3\;JfP8GBG is I3fSRieite8: 1. FiSRtiRS Sf 88itiRtt 8R~' aRiR"lal 8~' tRe SWRef sf G6IQR R;Jsility af GlR~' etRQf JiiQFSQR Sf eRtit~.. &. Vl8isiR!J aR~' etAi~al Sf aRimals iRteRQQQ ts 88 b1lti~atQI~' b1SQQ Sf b1f:9Q f.ef flSRtir>:lS Sf QaitiRS l361flSaS9G. J. j;"er pblF13S888 sf tRiG GblBsestieR, tR8 teFFR 8aitiR8 is QefiR88 as G8t faRA iR Fh. S R2R.122(2)(a), 618 it FRa~' 88 eHl'1(;JR8QQ fr9~ tim8 t8 time.:. 4. Keepinq of horses and livestock (except for hoqsl not to exceed two such animals for each acre, and with no open feedlots. Anv roofed structure for the shelter and feedinq of such animals shall be a minimum of 30 feet from anv lot line and a minimum of 100 feet from anv residence on an adiacent parcel of land. 5. One questhouse, subiect to section 2.6.14. 5.03.03. 6. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated, reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminarv subdivision plat for that development Recreational facilities mav include but are not limited to qolf course. clubhouse, communitv center buildinQ and tennis facilities. parks, plavqrounds and plavfields. L Excavation and related processinq and production subiect to the followinq criteria: 1. ~ These activities are incidental to the permitted used onsite. iL. &c The amount of excavated material to be removed from the site cannot exceed 4,000 cubic vards total. Amounts in excess of 4,000 cubic vards shall require conditional use approval for earth mininq. pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in section 2.7.4. and ~ Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the estates district (El, subiect to the standards and procedures 18 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TeJR '"<itA atril,e tRrel:l~A - Delete Tent it~ Qowolg ~tFilte t~rel:f!lA - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Double I Jnrlp.r1inp.rl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add established in section 2.7.4: 10.08.00'"oXQLEstateslOnin!L"YAbinthe G.QJden G ate E!>jgieo~o~i,JRcjj\i;t~jQn"JbeGgJ<:!eno(2iJi",.e.f",?M?steLE'J?n,jn theGMP restricts the location of conditional use.s.. L Churches and ether I'll aces ef .....or€hip~ 2. Social and fraternal orqanizations. 3. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. 4. Schools. private. 5. Group care facilities IcateQorv I): care units, subiect to the provisions of sectien 2.2.d.d.ll; subsection 2.03.01 B.31: nursinQ homes: assisted IivinQ facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.11.211. 5.05.04. 6. Group care facilities (cateQorv III care units subiect to section ~ 5.05.04 onlv when tenancv of the person or persons under care would not: L ac Constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals: ji &c Result in substantial phvsical damaqe to the propertv of others: or iii. G, Result in the housinq of individuals who are enqaqed in the current. illeQal use of or addiction to a controlled substance, as defined in section 802 of title 21, U.S. Code. 7. Extraction or earthmininQ, and related processinQ and production not incidental to the development of the properlY subiect to the following criterion~ and subsection 4.0202 C L ac The site area shall not exceed 20 acres. 8. Essential services, as set forth in section subsection 201.03 G. 9. Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to compliance with all other LOC requirements. to include but not limited to, LOC 2.11.dd.4 section 50404, 10. Ancillarv Plants. 4. Prohibito~(LM$,"ft:;;~ 19 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 2 1. Tsxt "itA Stril,e tt-lrebl13R = Delete relit ;t~ gSId\;lg ftril,a Uilr8~gR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated I Add a.., QWflino mai1lli!lnlfla or ooeratina anv facjJilYQLPa!1th,~reS!UaLthe followjl)!IJ;!'YLP2$,~$,j<iJ?LRh!J?Jt~c;!: I. Ei!lhtjpQaLbaJtLn9d)flY..animaLbl'cJbsL2WneLaLsuchJacilID' QU!mCOtheIPerB2JLQUmtitY, i.1 Eai~ng""gnx"nJI]]"L,QL,gnimgls inl<>~nC;!Ji.2.J.o be ultima.1eJv 1Js~,c;!"gr used for fighlilli1 or baiting"RYLPo$,Els, !IL FQLPUIPoseSaLihJsSUbsectiQn.jhe .term,bsaitino is defined assetIQrthinJ="~,S1828.l~?L21(g) ,gsiLm.fl.Y. be amended LrgmJimetQ .tim~, Minimum yard Requirements. the general requirements. requirements: See subsection 4.02.01 A. Table 2.1 for The following are exceptions to those a. Conforming Corner lots. Conforming corner lots, in which only one full depth setback shall be required along the shorter lot line along the street. The setback along the longer lot line may be reduced to 37.5 feet, so long as no right-of-way or right-of-way easement is included within the reduced front yard. (See Exhibit A) ESTATES: CONFORMING CORNER LOT R.O.W ^ Pll ROW FRONT SETBACK 37,5' REDUCED BY 50% Pll PIL 180' LOT WIDTH * 75' FULL FRONT SETBACK <C 30' > SIDE SETBACK - :;; :c x w v SIDE 30' SETBACK V PlL ROW * Example. 101 width may vary. but never lesslhan 150' . SETBACKS MEASURED FROM R.OW, LINE - WIDTH MEASURED BETWEEN PROPERTY LINES ROW RO.W LINE PROPERTY LINE 20 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~t~ ~trik8 t~rg\:l&Jt:J - Delete Tellt Bitt;;, 1?i Isl8 b\rill8 tl;lJrOldfJR = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. LJndp.rlinp.d Tp.xt = Relocated I Add b. Nonconforming Corner lots. Nonconforming COrner lots of record, in which only one full depth setback shall be required along the shorter lot line along the street. The setback along the longer lot line may be reduced to 15 feet, so long as no right-of- way or right-of-way easement is included within the reduced front yard. (See Exhibit B) ESTATES: NON-CONFORMING CORNER LOT R.OW Pil lOS' lOT WIDTH R,OW 15' ~~g~~~T8ACK 7" FULL FRONT SETBACK 10~'~ LOT ,~,?~ WIDTH' " 10% LOT WIDTH PIl 10.5' ^ Pol R.OW R.OW - SETBACKS MEASURED FROM R.ow. LINE . WiDTH MEASURED BETWEEN PROPERlY LINES R.OW_ LINE PROPERTY LINE Nonconforming through lots, i.e. double frontage lots, legal nonconforming lots of record with double road frontage, which are nonconforming due to inadequate lot depth, in which case, the front yard along the local road portion shall be computed at the rate of 15 percent of the depth of the lot, as measured from edge of the right-of-way. The nonconforming through lot utilizing the reduced frontage shall establish the lot frontage along the local road only. Frontage along a collector or arterial roadway to serve such lots is prohibited. Front yards along the local road shall be developed with structures having an average front yard with a variation of not more than six feet; no building thereafter erected shall project beyond the average line so established. 2.03.02 CllFAFAllrlliill Residential Zoning Districts 21 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA Stril:e tRral:l~1:1 = Delete T811' itf;;! (;>ot,tl1lo i:trilte tRr81d~f;;! - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated I Add &. G., Residential Sinqle-Familv Districts (RSF-1: RSF-2: RSF-3; RSF-4; RSF-5: RSF- 6). The purpose and intent of the residential sinqle-family districts ~ iB~') is to provide lands primarilv for sinqle-familv residences. These districts are intended to be sinqle-familv residential areas of low densitv. The nature of the use of propertv is the same in all of these districts. Variation amonq the RSF-1, RSF-2, RSF-3, RSF-4, RSF-5 and RSF-6 districts is in requirements for density, lot area, lot width. yards, heiqhl. floor area, lot coveraoe, parkinq, landscaping and sions. Certain structures and uses designed to serve the immediate needs of the sinqle-familv residential development in the RSF districts such as qovernmental, educational, religious, and noncommercial recreational uses are permitted as conditional uses as lonq as thev preserve, and are compatible with the sinqle-family residential character of the RSF districtfsl. The RSF districts correspond to and implement the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible in the residential sinqle-familv (RSF) districts and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided, in part, bv the density ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RSF district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. The fQllowinq subsecJiQns identify theuse.s, that are pliImjssibJebvIightandJhe illies that are allowable a~<l.CJ:;~sorv or cQllditional ,Ugii in the residentiaj J>in~:f<llllily.disJ,rjct~(B$F), .nefXf'~dtgfi MBGB. TR8 fslls"'iR!J ~GeG are JileF~itteg a~ gf Fi!JRt, er 98 wses 8GG9GGgr/ ta fjerFRitteQ biGeS, iR tRB reSiQeRti91 GiR~19 f.aFRil~' eistriGts (~~j;). .L Permitted uses. J." Sinqle-familv dwellinos. 2. Family care facilities, subiect to section 26.26. 5.05.04. .l. Schools. public. This includes "Educational plants:" however, anv high school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Division :l.:l of the Goge. section 10.02.03. 2. to/gee B9BSB88fl)' Is f5g~;tteQ WBf?JB. Accessorv Uses. J." Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the RSF districts. 2. Private docks and boathouses, subiect to section 2.6.21 ana 2.6.22. 5.03.06. 3. One questhouse, subiect to section 2.6.14. 5.03.03. 22 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 1111612007 Tell. "itl:1 Strike tl:1f9l:lgjl:1 - Delete Tallt u;t~ {?sl:iIl31ii f:trihe t~H1'I~~ - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOG language OOllble llnderlinp.r1 Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 4. Recreational facilities that serve as an intearal part of a residential development and have been desianated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include. but are not limited to, aolf course. clubhouse, communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavarounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followina uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential sinale-familv districts (RSF). subiect to the standards and procedures established in ElivislGn 2.7.4._section 10.08.00. L Noncommercial boat launchinQ fasilitiGS and multiple dock facilities. subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 5.03.06. 2. Churches ana hG~ses Gf worshi~. 3. Schools, El~blie (R~F 1, 2. ana 4 zGnina Elistriets Gnl\'. effeelive Gnl\' tRrG~al1 Jan~ary dO. 20(4) anEl private. 4. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. 5. Cluster development to include one- and two-familv structures, subiect to section 2.13.27. 4.02.04. 6. Golf courses. 7. Group care facilities (cateaorv I): care units subiect to the provisions of seeliGn 2.2.4.d.8; subsection 20302 3.h' nursina homes: assisted livina facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuina care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S and ch. 4-183 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.13.26. 5.05.04. 8. Cateaorv II aroup care facilities and care units subiect to section 2.13.213 5.05.04. onlv when the tenancv of the person or persons under care would not: L a Constitute a direct threat to the health or safelY of other individuals: lL b, Result in substantial phvsical damaae to the propertv of others: or iii. c. Result in the housina of individuals who are enaaaed in the current. illeaal use of or addiction to a controlled substance. as defined in section 802 of title 21. U.S. Code. 9. Recreational facilities intended to serve an existina and/or developina residential communitv as represented bv all of the 23 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Gycle 2\Amendments\BGG-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tellt "'itR ~trike tRrSYgR - Delete Tellt ';U<l gSlcll3ls !;:tFili:e tRriilJltlxl- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DOllhlp- llndp.rlinp.d Tf~xt = Relocated I Add properties/lots/parcels included in an approved preliminarv subdivision plat. or site development plan. The use of said recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of propertv or occupants of residential dwellinQs units and their Quests within the area of approved preliminarv subdivision pial. or site development plan. 10. Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to compliance with all other LOC requirements. to include but not limited to,--bQG 2.(;.dd.4. as it may be amense9. section 5.0404. 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts The followinQ animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept in residential districts except as orovided for in zoninQ district reaulations' ~ pios horses cows ooats hoos and the ~~ !i. '* Residential Multi-Familv-6 District "RW' e"JEME-:fiJ. The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv-6 district (RMF-6) is to provide for sinale-familv. two- familv and multi-familv residences havina a low profile silhouette, surrounded bv open space, beine so situated that it is located in close proximitv to public and commercial services and has direct or convenient access to collector and arterial roads on the county major road network. The RMF-6 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desianation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible in the RMF-6 district and the urban mixed use land use desianation shall be auided, in part, bv the densitv ratina svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-6 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratina svstem, except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. Ibe~J9Jj()wi n iLSJ,iQsections identit.l~Jb.e..J!~es JhilLi;lliLPermissiQleQY.rjgh!..eD.9..!he uses thatare allowable..as.accessorv or conditional uses in the RMF::fi district n(;~jtteel WSgs. TR8 f@lhl"'iRQ \:;I~Q~ Qr8 t'8rmittea Q~ gf riQRt, gr QS 1.!lISQQ Qa8SSS9P,,' t8 f38fr;;Rittt;H~ IaIsee, iR tR8 R~1p i gistriet. .L Permitted uses. L. Sinale-familv dwellinQs. 2. Duplexes, two-familv dwellinQs. 3. MlJlti~le family Multi-familv dwellinQs, townhouses as provided by for in section 2.(;.d(;. 50507 4. Family care facilities, subiect to section 2.(;.2(; 5.05.04. 24 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntR ~trik9 tt:lroldEjR - Delete Tellt "itl>l QSlclBle ~trilLB tl:<1ro'I~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language Oouble I JnrlF!rlinF!rl TF!:rl = Relocated I Add !i Educational plants; however, anv hiah school located in this district is subiect to a compatibility review as described in Di'/ision 3.3. of the soac. section 100203. 2. l;.lseg aeeessG'r-)' tg ~@rm;tlru/ MBf?JG. Accessorv uses_ L. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of riaht in the RMF-6 district. 2. Private docks and boathouses, subiect to section 2.8.21 ana 2.8.22. 503.06. 3. Recreational facilities that serve as an intearal part of a residential development and have been desianated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include, but are not limited to, aolf course, clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities, plavarounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followina uses are permissible as conditional uses in the RMF-6 district. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-b1410.08.00. L. Churches ana hOllSOS of worship. 2. Schools, private. Also. "Ancillary Plants" for public schools. 3. Child care centers and adult day care centers. 4. Civic and cultural facilities. !i Recreational facilities not accessory to principal use. 6. Group care facilities (cateQory I and II): care units: nursina homes: assisted Iivina facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C: and continuinQ care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.8.28. 505.04. 7. Noncommercial boat launchiRfi facilities, subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 503.06. 8. Cluster development. subiect to section 2.8.27 4.02.04. 9. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but not limited to,-bQG as it may ge amcmaca. section 50404. 25 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text '/~th Stril,e tt-lreblgR = Delete Tellt itR [?ot.4trlo ~trill8 UXJr8~~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language nnllhle LJnder1inp.d Text = Relocated I Add 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followina animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept in residential districts except as orovided for in zonina district reaulations: ~ pias horses cows aoats hoas and the ~- C. €-, Residential Multi-Familv-12 District "RMj; 12"JBrv1F:12). The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv 12 district "RMj; 12":1BMf:12) is to provide lands for multiple-familv residences havinq a mid-rise profile, qenerallv surrounded bv lower structures and open space, located in close proximitv to public and commercial services. with direct or convenient access to collector and arterial roads on the countv maior road network. Governmental. social. and institutional land uses that serve the immediate needs of the multi-famllv residences are permitted as conditional uses as long as thev preserve and are compatible with the mid-rise multiple-familv character of the district. The RMF-12 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the RMF-12 district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided in part, bv the densitv rating svstem contained In the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-12 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv rating svstem. except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use element. IbdQUQwjnll.S!J~\iQ_osjgenlifv~.tb.e..J!~.&<illU)eJmissiblebYIight.andJhe l.lS.e_s...that are. allowable as accessorv or conditilwaf uses in the residential multi-famil\l-12. district IRMFc 12\ ''''-''-''-''-''''cc,,,.,,-,,,,,-,,,,-=,=,,,,,,L.=.,.=.,';:=,-oc,,-''''''''','}~";',';',"""='''--''-''"''''"',''''~'':l..-.... .nr?u;m:tfgfi blBBS. IRe felhia,uiR8 MG9S are ~8rmjtt8a as gf rigRt, er as a8S88S8P': te ~8Fmittgg I!llB88, iR tR8 n~8iQ8Rtial R"I~ltif9ls f.8FAil~' 1.J aistrist (m.4J; 12). .L Permitted uses. .L M~lti~le furnily Multi-familv dwellinQs. 2. Townhouses, subiect to the provisions of section 2.€U€L 5.05.07. 3. Duplexes. 4. SinQle-family dwellinQs units for existinq nonconforminQ lots subiect to the RSF-6 dimensional standards. 5. Family care facilities, subiect to section 2.€;.2€;. 5.0504. 6. Educational plants: however. anv high school located in this district is subiect to a compatibility review as described in Divi6ien d.d. section 10.0203 of tAe ssse" 26 1;\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela '"itt:1 atrike tt:1reblgt:1- Delete Tellt itl;! J;?ewlills j;;tril,e t~r8illgl;lJ = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhlp. I lnrlp.r1inerl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 2. b.~&,g ag(?Ggggft}' [g pGFo/R.:Uee/ MBl?g. .A.c.c.essorv Uses 1" Uses ami strUGtures that are aOGossory am:! inoidental Ie usos pormillod as of right in the RMF 12 distriot. 2. Private docks and boathouses, subiect to section 2.8.21 and seolien 2.8.22. 5.03.06. 3. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated, reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminarv subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include, but are not limited to, qolf course, clubhouse, communitv center buildinq and tennis facilities. parks, plavqrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential multiple-familv-12 district (RMF-12), subiect to the standards and procedures established in section~ 10.08.00. 1" Child care centers and adult dav care centers. 2. Churches and houses of worship" 3. Civic and cultural facilities. ~ Noncommercial boat launchiRg facilities. subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 5.03.06. 5. Schools, private. Also. "Ancillary plants" for public schools. 6. Group care facilities (cateqory I and 11): care units: nursinQ homes: assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.6.26. 505.04. 7. Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but not limited to, WG 2.8.:n.4. as it may 80 amended. section 5.04.04. 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followinq animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept in residential districts except as provided for in zoninq district reaulations: ~ piqs horses cows aoats hoas and the !B_ D. ~ Residential Multi-Family-16 District "RP,4F 1s"LBME:'LElJ The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv-16 district "RP1F 1s"JR,Mf-121 is to provide lands 27 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 T 8Xt "~tR Strike tl=ln:H.,l€jR - Delete T-"gJrI. itR Qelol~18 b:1Filie tRre1:l~~ = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language nOllhlp. I Jnrlp.rlinF!C1 Tp.xt = Relocated I Add for medium to hiqh densitv multiple-familv residences, qenerallv surrounded bv open space, located in close proximity to public and commercial services, with direct or convenient access to arterial and collector roads on the countv maior road network. Governmental, social, and institutional land uses that serve the immediate needs of the multiple-familv residences are permitted as conditional uses as lonq as they preserve and are compatible with the medium to hiqh density multi-familv character of the district. The RMF-16 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the RMF- 16 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided, in part, bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the RMF- 16 district shall not exceed the density permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem, except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. The foIIQWiDJll1~~[l2jg~D1ify the uses tbgLpL~c,p~rmi88ipJ~,PYLigbti1ngtb~ uses that are .ailQwable as accessory or~onditional uses in the residen1ial myJtj,fflmiIY,lQgislri91CBME,lq). n€~r;~;dlgr;! braes. Tl;;)e fQII@"'iR~ 1=188S are ~err;;Ritt8Q as @f ri~Rt, er a~ a€Hi9s89P.,' t8 ~8rr;;Ritt8Q MS8G, iF! tl;;)8 r8siQ8Rtial m~ltiJiil8 femil~' 1@ EJistrigt (RMJ; Hi). .1. Permitted uses. L Mllltiple family Multi-familv dwellinqs. 2. Townhouses, subiect to the provisions of section 2.€'-313. 5.05.07 3. Familv care facilities, subiect to section 2.6.26. 5.05.04. 4. Educational plants: however, anv hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Oi'/ision d.d. of the code. section 10.02.03. ~ b'9gS gf?f?gaasf}' [s pS~f.~dtgfl !.'9g9. Accessorv lJse.s. L Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the RMF-16 district. 2. Private docks and boathouses, subiect to section 2.13.21 and section 2.13.22. 5.03.06. 3. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated, reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include, but are not limited to, qolf course, clubhouse, communitv center buildinq and tennis facilities, parks, plaVQrounds and plavfields. 28 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\Amendments\8CG-ZoninglandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text witt.! ~trike tt.!rSloIfJR - Delete ~811t . itlol gSl..lliils b:tril Q tRrBIJ~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language [)ollhle I Jnnp.rlinp.n Tp.xt = Relocated I Add ;L Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential multiple-familv-16 district IRMF-16). subiect to the standards and procedures established in section~ 10.08.00. L Child care centers and adult day care centers. 2. Churches anE! hSllses sf wsrshia. 3. Civic and cultural facilities. 4. Noncommercial boat launchiRg facilities, subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 5.03.06. 5. Schools. private. Also. "Ancillarv plants" for public schools. 6. Group care facilities Icateqorv I and II): care units: nursinq homes: assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.6.26. 50504. L Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to compliance with all other LOC requirements. to include but not limited to.--WC 2.6.:lJA.as it may Be arnsnE!oE!. section 5.04.04 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followina animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept ill residential districts exceot as provided for in zonino district reaulations: ~ oias horses cows ooats hoos and the ~- s ~ Residential Tourist Oistrict~(Rn The purpose and intent of the residential tourist district~ ~I3cT) is to provide lands for tourist accommodations and support facilities. and multiple familv uses. The RT district corresponds with and implements the urban mixed use district and the activity center district in the urban desiqnated area on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. I.INJQllQWjng_iiu!::>se_climllild@lif>ufleJ,Jses~lb;aLille~pen:nissjbl~..byJlg!lLandJhe uses t~Jit are allowable as..a=orv or conditional JlJies irUhe residentiil! lQuristdislJjs;.LLRcIJ.. .nBf"ffl.:#efilUBGB. TRG tell€r::iRg \sI88S are fiJeTR"littes as at Ti!tRt, aT as WS8S 8gSS8S8r.: t8 fj8TFRittes \;1888, iR tR9 TeGi8GAtial t8wrist aistriGt (RT). 1, Permitted uses. L Hotels and motels. 29 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseLlst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itR Strilte tRrsblgR = Delete T8Ht HR ge~8le ~trilm tRr8~!lR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle tJnderlinecl Text = Relocated I Add 2. Mlolltiflle family Multi-family dwellinas. 3. Familv care facilities, subiect to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. 4. Timeshare facilities. 5. Townhouses subiect to section 2.e.ae. 5.05.07. 2. b,'ggg ee€essG'rj' Ie I'effRjttG'rJ liEgE. Accessorv Uses L Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riaht in the RT district. 2. Shops, personal service establishments, eatina or drinkina establishments. dancina and staQed entertainment facilities. and meetina rooms and auditoriums where such uses are an intearal part of a hotel or a motel and to be used bv the patrons of the hotel/motel. 3. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to section~ 2.e.21 ::md 2.8.22. 50306. 4. Recreational facilities that serve as an intearal part of the permitted use desianated on a site development plan or preliminarv subdivision plat that has been previouslv reviewed and approved which mav include. but are not limited to, aolf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildinq and tennis facilities. parks. plavarounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followina uses are permitted as conditional uses in the residential tourist district (RT). subiect to the standards and procedures established in established in section~ 100800. L Churches ana ether fllace~ of'llore:hip" 2. Marinas, subiect to section 2.e.22 5.05.02. 3. Noncommercial boat launchffig facilities. subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 5.03.06. 4. Group care facilities (cateaorv I and 11): care units: nursina homes: assisted livina facilities pursuant to l:l 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuina care retirement communities pursuant to l:l 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.e.2e. 50504 5. Private clubs. 30 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Teut nAtA gtril,e tl:lral:llill:l - Delete T8lR iU:j ge~BIB ~trilm Umnll~R - Relocated J Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Dnllhlp.lJnnp.rlinp.n Tp.xt = Relocated / Add 6. Yacht clubs. ~ P8FFRitteQ IzsIG9B RBt te 8H98e8 128 R;8t iR R8i~Rt. 7. g, Model homes and model sales centers, subiect to compliance with all other LDC reauirements, to include but not limited to,~ 2.€UJ.4. aE it may l3a amenc:lea. section 5.04.04, 8. B-c Ancillary Plants. 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followino animals are to be considered farm animals and are not oermitted to be kept in residential districts except as provided for in zonina district reoulations' ~ pias horses cows ooats hoas and the ~~ E 1=1, Villaae Residential District~ ~B2. The purpose and intent of the villaae residential district~jY8) is to provide lands where a mixture of residential uses mav exist. Additionallv, uses are located and desianed to maintain a villaae residential character which is aenerallv low profile, relativelv small buildinQ footprints as is the current appearance of Goodland and Copeland. The VR district corresponds to and implements the mixed residential land use desianation on the Immokalee future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. It is intended for application in those urban areas outside of the coastal urban area desianated on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP, thouah there is some existina VR zoning in the coastal urban area. The maximum densitv permissible in the VR district and the urban mixed use land use desianation shall be auided. in part bv the densitv ratina svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the VR district shall not exceed the density permissible under the densitv ratina svstem, except as permitted by policies contained in the future land use element. or as desianated on the Immokalee future land use map of the GMP. The fQUowina subsectionsjd~n\if\Lthe uses that are permissiblebY_Jjghl<!ndJhe J.LSe.S that are allowable as accessory or conditiQJ1aLJJ~,e.s..Jn the villaae f~sig~lJ\i9Igjs\[i9\('lB) . nf$r;mJteril MBes. TR8 f8Ih;G"'iR!J WEiSEi ere J3ermitteQ as @f rigRt, @r as WEi8Ei 88888&8(7/ t8 fSerFRittsa IsIS8S, iR tR8 "iIIsfie resiasRti81 aistrist ("Vl). 1, Permitted uses. L Sinale-familv dwellinas. 2. Duplexes. 3. M~lli~le family Multi-familv dwellinas. 31 L\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntt:1 atr-ik9 tRFSl::lfjR - Delete T-91R ";tl<1 gSlcll3le ~tFiI e tRFOU~R = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nouble LJnrlf!rlinp.rt Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 4. Mobile homes. 5. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.9.29. 505.04 6. Educational plants; however. any hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Division d.d. of thQ geeo. section 1002.03. 2. b'9&'B Bt?6'ggfHU}' [8 pG\1o/"dt6'fii Mgge. &C~sorv Uses 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the VR district. 2. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 2.9.21 and 29.22. 5.03.06. 3. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminarv subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities may include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse. community center buildinq and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. 4. Storaqe. repair and maintenance areas and structures for fishinq and farminq equipment, when used bv the residents of the permitted use. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the villaqe residential district (VR1. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section~ 100800. 1" Boatvards and marinas. subiect to section 5.03.06 and the applicable review criteria set forth in section ~ 5.05.02,.-aRE1 m8FiR8s,,:,. 2. Child care centers and adult day care centers. 3. Churches and ethor heusos ef wersRip, ~ Civic and cultural facilities. 5. Cluster housinq. subiect to section 2.9.27. 402.04. 6. Fraternal and social clubs. L Schools. private. Also. "Ancillary plants" for public schools. 8. Group care facilities (cateqory I and II); care units; nursinq homes; assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and 32 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te}(t "1tl:1 Strike tl:1rebl€Jt:1 = Delete Tellt .;tlo1 (;'iilcl~lii ~tril18 tRrslclg~ - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOlJhlp. llnderlim'!d Text = Relocated 1 Add ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subiect to section 2.9.29. 50504 .fL Recreational facilities intended to serve an existinq and/or developinq residential community as represented by all ef the properties/lots/parcels included in an approved preliminarv subdivision plat, PUD or site deyelopment plan. The use of said recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of property or occupants of residential dwellinqs units and their quests within the area of approved preliminarv subdivision plat, or site development plan. 1Q. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to.---bGG 2.€Ud.4. as it may I,m amondod. section 504.04. 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followino animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept in residential districts except as provided for in zonino district reoulations: ~ pios horses cows ooats hoos and the ~~ G. h Mobile Home District~ (MH). The purpose and intent of the mobile home district~ ...LMHl is to provide land for mobile homes and modular built homes. as defined in this Land Development Code. that are consistent and compatible with surroundinq land uses. The MH District corresponds to and implements the urban mixed-use land use desiqnation on the future land-use map of the Collier County GMP. The maximum density permissible in the MH district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the density ratinq system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the MH district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density ratinq system. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element, or as identified in the Immokalee future land use map of the GMP. Ih.e followino subsections iden!'j!lLtb.~~.u_se~_lbstLa.f<LP~Lmi.~~jJ;1j~.I;1YrighL;;lI1dJb.e uses that are allowable as a~cessorv Qr ~nditional u~ln.Jhe mobile b.Qme dis.tri.c.t.ili'LI;D.. P6'Fm.;f.lgfi WBG'B. TRB falls"'iRS WS9S QrB fSSrr;Ri1itB9 GIS af tR9 riSRt, sr as !:Jsss 888sss8r.: t8 pBrFRittsa WGSS, iR tA8 r;R8Bile RElmB sietri8t (M~). .1. Permitted uses. 1" Mobile homes. 2. Modular built homes. 33 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TSJ:t "itl:1 atrike tl:1rebl€J1:1 - Delete TBlR' Ht<1 giilcllille &trili:e 'I>1HlillQR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp.llnderlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 3. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.6.29. 5.05.04. ~ Recreational vehicles (RVl as defined in the TTRVC district for those areas zoned MHTT or MHRP prior to November 13. 1991. in accordance with an approved master development plan desiqnatinq specific areas for RV spaces. The development standards of the TTRVC district (excludinq lot size and areal shall applv to the placement and uses of land in said RV areas. 5. Educational plants: however. any hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibility review as described in Division d.d. of the sodo. section 100203. .f.:.. t,.'ggg gB6'SBBEUj' Irs /?grxm.;tteel USgs. !,ccessorv Uses 1" Uses and structures customarilv associated with mobile home development. such as administration buildinqs. service buildinqs. utilities. and additions which complement a mobile home. 2. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 2.9.21 and 2.6.22. 503.06. 3. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminarv subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities may include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubheuse. community center buildinq and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. ~ One sinqle-familv dwellinq in conjunction with the operation of the mobile home Dark. l. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the mobile home district (MH1. subiect to the standards and procedures established in aivision 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. 1" Child care centers and adult day care centers. 2. Churches and hOUE:8S ef'llerehil3, 3. Civic and cultural facilities. 4. Schools. public and private. 5. Recreational facilities intended to serve an existinq and/or developinq residential community as represented bv all of the properties/lots/parcels included in an approved preliminarv subdivision plat. PUD or site development plan. The use of said 34 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tem "'itA atril<e tt:1rsIJQt.:l- Delete TOllt. itl;iJ g81::t~le b"tF<ili:o tRnll~gR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlF! IlodF!r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of properlY or occupants ef residential dwellinqs units and their quests within the area of approved preliminarv subdivision plat, or site development plan. 6. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to. bQG 2.9.dd.4. section 5.04.04 as it may 80 aR18Aaod. 4. Prohibited animals in residential districts. The followina animals are to be considered farm animals and are not permitted to be kept in residential districts exceot as Drovided for in zonina district reaulations: ~ pias horses cows aoats hoas and the ~- --. J:- Prat:libiteEl :aRi~als iA r9~iGlQAtial Glistrists. T~g fgllg'::iR~ GlRir;Ral& :are tg QQ 8EH=lEiiEJsrsQ farr>J>:l G1F}iFFl8IEi 8Ra are !=let I3srFFlittElB 11;) BEl h3f't iF} rSEiiBEl!=ltial eJiEitrietEi @)(€l9~t Bf;: I3r€r:i€lea fer iVl Z€}f~iR~ 8i~tFi€lt r8~l:>Ilati9R&: tl:;lrl-:9~'~, €lAi€lhsRG, €ll:;l€lI~G, ~eEle8, ~i~~, A€JrS9&, €lS"'S, ~€JatG, A@~S, flRg tAc lil~@. 2.03.03 IAlIlIstrial Commercial Zoning Districts A. Commercial Professional and General Office District~_LC.c:1) The purpose and intent of the commercial professional and qeneral office district C-1 is to allow a concentration of office type buildinqs and land uses that are most compatible with. and located near. residential areas. Most C-1 commercial. professional. and qeneral office districts are contiquous to. or when within a PUD. will be placed in close proximity to residential areas. and. therefore. serve as a transitional zoninq district between residential areas and hiqher intensity commercial zoninq districts. The types of office uses permitted are those that do not have hiqh traffic volumes throuqhout the day. which extend into the eveninq hours. Thev will have morninq and eveninq short-term peak conditions. The market support for these office uses should be those with a localized basis of market support as opposed to office functions requirinq inter-jurisdictionai and reqional market support. Because office functions have siqnificant emplovment characteristics. which are compounded when aqqreqations occur, certain Dersonal service uses shall be permitted. to provide a convenience to office- based emplovment. Such convenience commercial uses shall be made an inteqral part of an office buildinq as opposed to the sinqular use of a buildinq. Housinq may also be a component of this district as provided for throuqh conditional use approval. I.h€J.J'9-IIQ~_1J.9. uses as identified. wAlLa number frollL tbSl Stand.<l.n:LLnc.J.I_strial J:;]asilli.calion.Manual .(198.71.0[51.5 otherwise provided. fOL\'J!ithin this section are ~n]]is.sibl~l;1y_Jjgb.Lor as--'l.C.c,~ssorv .QL,c,Qnditional use~_l.Vllbin tb_e__C.;:..l f.9Jnmer.cia L.Rro.f~2,~19.D.aIBng~ne..r.a.LQ.Wf~djstrict. 35 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itt:1 Strike tl=lrsl:l€JI=l- Delete Tellt itA l;lii~1318 ~trjlL8 t~rgk:l!JR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhle I lndp.r1ined Tf!xt = Relocated 1 Add n~~.;ttefil WElGE. TRe fells"'iR!t 1llI88S, BS i9sRtifi8S WitR e R1llI~8Sr fr8FR t~s ~tQRQan;J IRQ1llIstrial CIB&SifiSQtisR MBR1llIBI (1QW:), er as etRep"ise fSrs"iQQQ kJr "'itRiR tRis sS8ti8R, Brs J3srmittee BS @f Fi~~t, er 88 !:JS8S B88SS&8P/ t9 ~eFR>'litt8Q ~S8& iR tRe C 1 8€HlH;r;;)ensiel pref8s&i9Ral GlRQ !t9Rsral eff4ge aistriet. 1" Pennitted uses. Accountinq, awl'litiFls aRd 1388hhaQ~iF1S sorviees (87211. 1" 4-, 2. 3 4. 5 Mi\.llim1.enL;lOd.cQJleruQHJ>enrjcesJZ3221. Advertisina agencies.iZ3111 ,t;Ig,hJ!~JlJr&~j1f.'ljs;e.s(.8.l-t21. 6.u~(jjtiog (8721) 6. &. Automobile Qarkinillgts (75211 ~afhiF1S IQts~ 7. J., Barber shops (72411. except for barber schoolsl. 8. 4, Beautv shops (72311. except for beauty schoolsl. 9. I~ggJ~keJl.Plpg services (87211 1 O. .!3!J.si!less.c.Q!lSuJtlI1Jl,~~[\[j(;~si?.748)" 1L. B.!lsjm'.s~.c.redit institutions (6153-61591, ---- &c Buciness sorvieos (greups n11, :&1:/, ::l22 7:l:l1, ::/:/il, ::l71, ::l1:!, TF4 ::/:0, ::/:\1). 12. 6-, Child day care services (83511. Q~omouter ];)roarammin~d.a.ta orocessinq and other services (Z3.7J.~-::oZ,;lZR..,...Z.3.71U, H.<;.led,llreportLIJlL.~gJ.'Ijf~B,(Z3;Z,;l1 J2" Debt qClLlQ.SceJjI1.9...(Z2mLo_o other miscellaneous__s~ce.sl ~ .Direct mail advertisingservic.esJ733J1. JL 7-, Educational plants. 11LE:ngil1e~m~.Diip~~...rnz.t11 1fL Essential Services, subject to section 2.01.03. 20. lh Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II. except for homeless sheltersl; care units. except for homeless shelters: nursinq 36 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u~tA StFil-.:e tl=lrSloIElR = Delete leut itA I;?B~BIB b:tFil's t\;<Jr8~!tA Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Om Jhlp. I lnderlined Text = Relocated I Add homes; assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subiect to section 2.9.26 505.04. ~.w, Health services, offices and clinics (8011-80491. ---- .:t-:+:.IRQivia~BI BRS fBFPlil~' ~88iBI G9P:lses (gJ~.2 Bsti"ity sSRters, elGteFly er txl8RBiGQfilpeQ; 88Wlt aa~' SQre GSRters; 8198 gB~' SQre G8Rters, BQ~lt 8Ra RBRaiGBJiJ38a @191~'). 22. ~ Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (grollps 6311-6399. 64111. 23. Landscaoe archilect~_.9onsultina aQdJ;llannina 107811 24. ~ Leaal services (8111) 25. Loan brokers (6163). 26. ~ Manaqement aRB ,,~eIiQ mlatisRG services (grollps 8741 &.8,I46- ll74d, ll74ll1 ---- ~ Miscell:lnoolls porsonal services (7291 or 72\111, Bset 8Q~R8QliR!l ~ 27. M..QItg<l.g~bankels....a.nq.loan,<;'Q.r~ondents(6J62t ---- -'14 Nondepository CF9dit instiMions (groups 8141 818&). ---- tio Offices for engineering, architootllral, and slIrveying sorvicos (groups Q7ll1, ll711 ll71J). 28. Eels.onal..cl"di.tiostilutions(6J41)1. ------"_._------------~.--..._- -.-.. - 29. +7-c Photoqraphic studios. portrait (72211. 30.4-3-, Phvsical fitness facilities (7991. permitted onlv when phvsicallv inteqrated and operated in coniunction with another permitted use in this district - no stand-alone facilities shall be permittedl. 31. Eu bliclelatLons..services../87431 ~_.__________________.____.__.__\d:.__._ 32. .Radio~.lel~l[jg[oD_, and _d;)J,Jplisb~[~,_advertisina remesenta.tives. Q'31J1 33. W, Real Estate (grollps 6531-65521. 34. Si~f..retariaL_a-"(:Lgoh![\J~Qorting~e~(Z33,()). 35. ~ Security and commodity brokers. dealer. exchanqes and services {grollps 6211-62891. 37 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "<itl:1 :!triks tl=lreblg!:l- Delete Tellt itA Ii?st4l3le btrilLs tl>1rillclgl:<1 = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nnllhlf! Ilndf!rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 36.;w, Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (72511 3 7. SocjaL..~~['yjces..,........jndjvjdu<)J,i3DdJamjJY{.8..3.22..i3ctivltY.ceoters. eJderlYoL handicap.JJed only:.. dav..cg[e=~(;enteI~_ uaduJLaDd lliilldlcaRP."'-doDiy). 3 8. S u rvevi na ~~rvi(;~~(~71;)1 39. rnJellJ.Ln preoaration serviceJ>.L7291l. ---- n Tr3ns~ortation &ClrvicCls (4724), travol DgClnciCls only. 40. I.rnyej.Jl.09".ncies (4724 no otheur~[1atio.n services) :1.1. 23-c Anv other commercial use or professional services which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated urel with activities conducted in an office. . . I 2. 1_IS8S aGG9&&8v.; te Jjsrmittsa I3Ise&.~~~oD:' Uses 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the C-1. C-1/T district. 2. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.6.16. 50305. 3. Conditional uses. The fellowinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the (C-11 commercial professional and qeneral office district. subject to the standards and procedures established in section 2.7.4. 10.08.00. 1" 4., Ancillarv Plants. 2. &. Automobile parkinq (7821), llilrilllS8 automobile parkinq, aaraaes and parkinq structures 17521 - shall not be construed to permit the activity of "tow-in parkinq lots"1 3. &c Qs~s8itQr;' iRstiMiSR8 Banks._gredjLuniQnsandtLUs.ts.cgrell~s 6011 - 60991. 4. ~. Churches aM other placos of wor&hip, 5. 4. Civic. social and fraternal associations (86411. 6. €i-, Educational services (8211 Iierarias 8222). ~2J1, 8Jm8st r8ai~HH51 38 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TelEt "itl:1 gtril~e tl:1reblfjR - Delete l"811t itl:<1 (;?81JBle ~tRhe 1Rre L:J8~ - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllblp. I loderlinp.d Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add 7. 4+, Funeral services (7261. except crematoriesl. 8. l:::LQme health care,_~rvi~es (808~1 9. +, Homeless shelters, as dofiRoa BY this Codo, ---- ~ IRcF9asod Buildin~ hoi~ht te a maximum of 50 foot. 1Q. Libraries L823J,ex.~tr.".9iona.L.libraIiesJ= 1L. B-c Mixed residential and commercial uses subjgct tg de~ignfritgr.@ contained iO__~.c:tion 402.38 except where superseded bv the followinq criteria: L --a-cA site development plan is approved pursuant to E1ivision ~ section 10.02.03 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and of the neiqhborinq lands; .iL. a.&.- The commercial uses in the development mav be limited in hours of ooeration size of deliverv trucks and tvpe of eauioment. iii. b.G, The residential uses are desianed so that thev are compatible with the commercial uses' iv. c.4Residential dwellinas units are located above principal ~ v. d.eo-Residential and commercial uses do not occupv the same floor of a buildina' vi. e.fc The number of residential dwellinas units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the underlvina district toaether with the specific reauirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed fiftv (50%) oercent of the aro,S,s floor area of the buildina' vii. ff}.- Buildina heiaht mav not exceed two (2) stories' viii. g.H-cEach residential dwellina unit shall contain the followina minimum floor areas: efficiencv and one-bedroom 450 sauare feel" two-bedroom 650 sauare feet. three- bedroom 900 sauare feel" ix. h.h A minimum of 30 percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The followina mav be used to satisfy the open space reauirements: areas used to satisfy water manaaement reauirements landscaoed areas recreation areas or setback areas not covered with impervious surface or used for parkina (parkina lot 39 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "AtR gtril~e tRfSl:I131:1 = Delete Taut itl:l Qg l!;rle i:trilt8 'AF8~SR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOIJblp. Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add islands mav not be used unless existinG native veoetation is maintained)' ~ i.j-, The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be desioned to enhance compatibilitv of the commercial and residential uses throuoh such measures as but not limited to minimizino noise associated with commercial uses' directino commercial Iiohtino awav from residential units' and seoaratino Dedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkino areas from residential units to the oreatest extent RQ.,ssible. ---- +G-:. ~lwrGiR~ QRQ t=lSrS8RGlI QQrs f88ilitis8 (iQi.2). 12. Reliqious orqanizations (86611. 1..;1 SouP kitchens, a& sefined by this Cede, H Veterinarian's ol'Hoe Veterinarv services (07421. excludinq outdoor kennelinql. 1!i. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district as determined bv the board of zonin a eals ursuant to section 10.08.00.. ]2. Commercial Convenience District~~l The purpose and intent of the commercial convenience district "C 2" iC:2] is to provide lands where commercial establishments may be located to provide the small-scale shoppinq and personal needs of the surroundinq residential land uses within convenient travel distance except to the extent that office uses carried forward from the C-1 district will expand the traditional neiqhborhood size. However. the intent of this district is that retail and service uses be of a nature that can be economicallv supported bv the immediate residential environs. Therefore. the uses should allow for qoods and services that households require on a dailv basis. as opposed to those qoods and services that households seek for the most favorable economic price and. therefore, require much larqer trade areas. It is intended that the C-2 district implements the Collier County GMP within those areas desiqnated aqricultural/rural; estates neiqhborhood center district of the Golden Gate Master Plan; the neiqhborhood center district of the Immokalee Master Plan; and the urban mixed use district of the future land use element permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the qoals. objectives. and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the C-2 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part, bv the density ratinq system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the densitv ratinq system. 40 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itA afrika tt:1rebl~t.l Delete TiiJr1 H'" l?BI.>IBle i:'trU'g tRr9lclgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllble Underlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add The_ followin~lJses as identifJed.with a numbeLfrom tb.e.. Standard ...1 nd ustrial Classification Manual (19811 or as othelJ{lll~.~"J1rovidedfuLwi.thin this;;ec;;,UQ.,rL;;lJ~ ____ - _n^ permissible bv rioht or as accessorY or condition_"Ly.s~s within the C-2 commercial convenieJlc.e dj~tJict .t'1e1?;r;dt6'fii !IggB. TRe f811g'''iR~ WS8S, as iaeRtifl€lQ 'vitR B R\:;Im8Sr frgm tRe ~taRaarQ IRs\:;Istrial ClaGsifi8atisR r1BRYell (1g~:), er as etRsP"ise fSr8:..'iseQ fer witRiR tRis ~9Gti8R, are fjerr;RitteQ 61E; sf ri~Rt, sr as Y&8S aB88~Gery te ~erFRitt8Q yses iR tRs C .2 88FRFR8rsiQI 88RveRiBR8s aistFiGt. .i. Permitted uses. 1. URle&E; etRsP"ise fjr;eviQes fer iR tRiG SeGtieR, ell! permittee W&8& BRQ ell &8Rditi9Ral Y&&& SH88fSt iRSreaSeQ Rei~Rt eRQ FRiHSS rssissRtiel aRg 88FFlFFlsr;sial \:;I&es gf tR8 ~ 1 sSFRFFlsrsiBI fjrgfessisRQI aRa BeRerel affiGe SistFist. Accountinq (8721 ). 1" 2. 3. 4. 2-, Adiustment and collection services (73221 6d.~njL~.gencIesJ73J 1L Apparel and accessorv stores (5611-5699\ with 1.800 wi#! square feet or less of qross floor "rea in the principal structure (!lreI.lIlG 8811 8ullllL 5. Architectural services (87121 6. Auditinq (8721) L Automobile Parkino automo.blle.c_o.arkilLCL oaraoes _ <ind _ parkino structures (7521 -c...J;1:1,,!Lno! I:le..construed to permit the activitv of "tow-in P-91~[l~JQ.~ 8. Banks credit unions and trusts (6011-60991. 9. Barber shops (Z24J ._exc_ellLfuLbarber SC!J.QQ]SL 1Q.Beautv shoos (7231 except for beautv sc~ 1L Bookkeepinq services (8721) 12 Business consultinq services (87481. 12 Business credit institutions (6153-61591. ---- ~ 8~Einess services (9roufls :.11 ,~, 7J2:J 7:l.~, 7:l:1 :.711, ~ ~ Child day care services (83511. 41 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text witt:l 'atrike threl:l€JR - Delete Tma "it\;<ll;?u',I?I€l ~1ri118 Uil.ril14S~ - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOIJhle I Jnoerlined Te)(t = Relocated I Add ~ Churches ~ Ci'ik social and fraternal associations (8641) lLt;::QmmerciaJ art and gL<lQ!Jkdesion (7~36).. 18. ~rnrn~rcigIJlhQjQgr<3P!Jl!(73391 1R Computer andcOmPuteLSQftv,t;;lrestOJ.e..~.C:i734) with 1 800 souare feet or les_~of Pross floor area irLtb.e orincioal structure 20. Computer proorammino data processino and other services CUU.::.Z3.7.9l. 2.1.kredit reportino servk~.32~ 22. Debt counseling (7299. no other miscellaneous servicesl 23. Direct mail advertisinG services (7331\. 24.40 Eatinq places 15812, except contract feedino dinner theaters food service -institutional and industrial feedino) with 2.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structurel (sR1:J 8HS88t G8Rtrast f889iRa. aiRRer tReBtsrs. fss8 f38p'i&s (iRstitwtiaRan, iRQystFial fssQiRa). 25. ~ Educational plants. 26. Enqineerinq services (87111. 27. Essential Services. subject to section 2.01.03 28.6., Food stores L9l'.Q.\.Jp~~5~JJ = exc_ept supermarkets 5421-5499) with 2.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (~HiJ\;I~S 8111 SH8SJ3t s!:JJ38FmBrhets, 8121 819gL 29. E.u.neraLs.eJ:lli.cesJ7261. exceot crematories). 30. Qarm.!2nL,JlL~,Sc~ilJg~':;J.ncJ;;l\l~nts.fQr laundries and drvcleaners E6J61 31. +., Gasoline service stations (5541. subiect to section ~ 505051. 32. g., General merchandise stores_i533~~!l) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (!in1 liJlIlIt 33. QJass stores (5231) with 1 800 souare feet or less of Pross flOOr area in the orincioal structure, 42 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itl:1 Strike tl:1re'd€J1:1 - Delete Tant it~ I;>g'ltrlg i;tril18 UUSlcl.!j~ - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 34. ~ Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II, except for homeless sheltersl; care units. except for homeless shelters: nursinq homes; assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to FS. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuino care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subject to section 50504. 35. .w., Hardware stores (5251) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (1i31i 1 L 36. +1-, Health services. offices and clinics (8011-8049~1 37. ~ Home furniture, and furnishinqs, 3nd o€luipmont stores(5T1~ 5.712) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (groufls 1i::'1 & !i7111, !in1 1i::'&8). 38. !::[Qm!"l.lle.ailll_,,~ services (80..821 39. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399, 64111. 40. Landscape architects, consultinq and plan nino (0781). "1L 1..;;l..uD~s.Jl.rl.(L<:.Lry(;l5ljlQJm,,_.coi r} oReL;;lt~<J=s~lf~~rl(i.c~(ZZJ.5.). 42. Leqal services (81111. 43. ~ LihrJlIiSlll (82.31 except reoionallibraries) 44. Loan brokers (6163). 45. Manaqement services (8741 & 8742). ---- 44- r 1iGGe!lQRs8eJ& rSfilair 891' 'itl88, 8HB8pt QirsFBft, 8\;lsiR8SS BR9 @ffisa r;RaGRiRa~, IQrBe Btit?IiQRG8&, QRQ wRits ~8aQS SelSR as rsfriBsFGltsrs eRe '!:asRiR~ RilaGRiRSS (:829 :e:J1). ---- +a-:- r-.1iGG811G1Resels retail G8P:iG8S witR 1,Wgg sq\;lQre f.Qet sr IGlGS of Bress -near ar88 iR tRe ~riRGi~81 strelstl3lre (8Q12, 6912 s9ij1). 46. Mortqaqe bankers and loan correspondents (6162). 47. MusicaljDstrumeDtstOJeS(5.Z~RLwjth..L800 souare feet or less .of (If.Qss floor a(Slil in the orincipal structur.e.. 48. 4&c Paint, !llas6 3nd '''allflaflBr stores !.5.231) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure~, 49. Personal credit institutions (61411 ---- * Ponsc)A31 E:OrviCOE (~rol:Jpc 7.21.2, :.218, "Y.2.21 7.2131, R8 Qeal3lt~. Qr BBrBer &8R9s18, :291). 43 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text .,itA Stril~e tt-lrsbl€JA = Delete T8n~ Htq g8~t'le i.'trilm tl:1r8lcl~~ - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllblf! lJndp.rlinp.rt Text = Relocated I Add 50. E'hgtq,9qpyiI1!l.itOd duolicaliI1,Q servicesJZ~~1J., M.. PhQtofiniSbiOQJabOI<1lqrLesCZ3841, 52. Photooraphic studios portrait 172211. 53. Phvsical fitness facilities (7991. permitted onlv when phvslcallv inteqrated and operated in coniunction with another permitted use in this district - no stand-alone facilities shall be permittedl 54. Public relations services (87431. 55. .8.<l.cJio__JeLe\lision and consumer electLQJlics...s1QIes (5731) with 1 800 souarELfeeL.9J.,less of Pross floor area in the principal s1rl.i.c.turlL 56. Ba-dio television and publishers advertisino representatives !DEle 57. Real Estate (6531-65521. 58. Record_ and orerecordeg)ape stores 157~~Jyvith J.JillQ souare feet or less of jJross floor area in the. principal structure. 59. Belioiou.s..Q.fQanizations 18-6611 60. Rep;;JiC.servi.ce.s. .:, ..,miscellaneous C7Ji2.9::lfi.3Lexc.epl.ailcrillL bLJ_~Lm,,~_s~I1d-.ill!ice macb. ine~" I are e a poli a nce~.5lJld_~hitE;L9Q2.\is sJ!,9.b.<)'iLrefrigerators and washiiJ.9 machl!l~ QL. B~t;;liL~~ryices :_IQJs.9.~J!itI1e.o.us 1 5912~ 5942:R5.1(jU._Y'Ah._1JlOO B...qu~et or .I.e.sJ>...Qf Pross floor area in lb.e mlncipal structure 62. Se.cretarial and court reportinG services (731ID." 63. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanqes and services (6211-62891. 64. Shoe r~-<l.ir~hoos and sb.Qeshine parlors (7251).. 65. Social services. individual and familv (8322 activity centers, elderlv or handicapoed onlv: day care centers. adult and handicapped onlvl 66. Survevinq services (87131. 67. Tax return oreparation services (7291). 68. Travel aqencies (4724. no other transportation servicesl. 44 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tam ..~tl::1 Stril~e tl::1rsloI€J1:1 = Delete Taut Ht<1 giik:ll3ls &'tFiho tl;;lrOt,lftR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllble Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 69. -'1-3,. United State Postal Service (4311. except maior distribution centerl. 70. +9-c Veterinarv services 10742 excludino outd.Qor kennelina). Z1...;w,. Videotape rental (7841) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (li 11 t 72. Walipaper_s.!Qfesj5231) with 1~80Q_S.Q.uare feet or less of aross floor a rea in the principal structure~ 73. Anv other commercial use or professional services which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated purelv with activities conducted in an office. 74. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with the 10rogeiA9 (C-11 list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00.. ~ b'Be8 ae€6'8fjg~' kii perm;t/ee! U86'B. Accessorv uses 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the customarv uses permitted as of riqht in the C-2 district. 2. Where plav areas are constructed as an accessorY use to a permitted use the followino conditions shall applv' 1. ac A minimum five and one-half (5 y,) foot hioh reinforced fence shall be installed on all sides of the plav area which are not open to the principal structure' iL. b, Inoress to and eoress from the plav area shall be made onlv from the principal structure however an emeraencv exit from the plav area shall be orovided which does not emptv into the Principal structure iii. G, The plav eouipment shall be set back a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the reouired fence and from the orincioal structure 3. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section :L Q.u.!.s.idfLs.tQr;;lg~9L<:j.i~pl;;lY...9f .....m~Ichand ise when specifica!1y Re.lmj!ted_foL.lL~otherwise prQ.hiMe.d, subiect to section 40212 45 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela '"<itA ~trik8 tl:1rel:lEiI:1 Delete lsut itA ~sN1318 ~tFilL8 ttolrili:J1tIxl- Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp. I lndp.rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the commercial cenvenience district (C-21. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section~ 1008.00 1" Ancillarv plants. 2. Educational services (8211. 82221 8l(B8~t H3!li8R81IisrBri8G, 3. Homeless shelters, as defined by this Coao, 1. Mixed residential and commercial uses ~YlJj~QtJC)d~~igncritE':r:@ contained in s,"ction 40238 except where superseded bv the followinq criteria: L a, A site development plan is approved pursuant to Di'/ision ~ section 10.02.03 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and neiqhborinq lands; lL. a., The commercial uses in the development may be limited in hours of operation. size of deliverv trucks. and type of equipment; iii. 6-c The residential uses are desiqned so that they are compatible with the commercial uses; iv. 4 Residential dwellin~s units are located above principal uses; V. &- Residential and commercial uses do not occupy the same floor of a buildinq; vi. f., The number of residential dwellin~s units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the underlvinq district, toqether with the specific requirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed fifty (50%) percent of the qross floor area of the buildinq or the densitv permitted under the qrowth manaqement plan; vii.!ir. Buildinq heiqht may not exceed two (21 stories viii. R-o Each residential dwellinq unit shall contain the followinq minimum floor areas: efficiency and one-bedroom, 450 square feet; two-bedroom. 650 square feet; three- bedroom. 900 square feet; ix. h The residential dwellinqs units shall be restricted to occupancy bv the owners or lessees of the commercial units below; ~ t.- A minimum of thirty (301 percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The 46 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itl:1 ~tFik8 tl=lre6l€J1:1 - Delete relit itlo1 Pu 11:110 htFihe tRrel:l~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language f)Ollhle I Jnrterlim'!d T p.xt = Relocated I Add followinq may be used to satisfy the open space requirements: areas used to satisfy water manaqement requirements: landscaped areas: recreation areas' or setback areas not covered with impervious surface or used for parkinq (parkinq lot islands may not be used unless existinq native veqetation is maintainedl; xi. k, The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be desiqned to enhance compatibility of the commercial and residential uses throuqh such measures as. but not limited to, minimizinq noise associated with commercial uses: directinq commercial liqhtinq away from residential units: and separatinq pedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkinq areas from residential units. to the qreatest extent possible. 5. Permitted personal service. video rental or retail uses with more than 1.800 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 6. Permitted food service (eatinq places or food storesl uses with more than 2.800 square feet of qross floor area in the permitted principal structure. 7. Seup kitchens, as dofinod by this Codo, 8. Anv other convenience commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq (C-21 list of permitted uses and consistent with purpose and intent statement ef the district, as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00.. .A.1er$n€lwPse ztgr"agg aoqf3f gi~Jsr. bJRlsss sfi)8GiR8ElII~' fi)8FmittsQ fer B b1(S, s~tsia8 steFEl~e 8r QiGfSlElY sf r;RSr8R&lRais8 is fSF8Rieitsa. Q" Commercial Intermediate District~_(C-31. The purpose and Intent of the commercial intermediate district~ iC-31 is to provide for a wider variety of qoods and services intended for areas expected to receive a hiqher deqree of automobile traffic. The type and variety of qoods and services are those that provide an opportunity for comparison shoppinq, have a trade area consistinq of several neiqhborhoods. and are preferablv located at the intersection of two- arterial level streets Most activity centers meet this standard. This district is also intended to allow all of the uses permitted in the C-1 and C-2 zoninq districts tvpicallv aqqreqated in planned shoppinq centers. This district is not intended to permit wholesalinq type of uses. or land uses that have associated with them the need for outdoor storaqe of equipment and merchandise. A mixed-use project containinq a residential component is permitted in this district subiect to the criteria established herein. The C-3 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the qoals. objectives. and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The 47 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tt:l Stril,e tt:lrsl::lgt:J - Delete TSH' i1lx1 ~skll3ls f;;1Fili:s1RriiL:J!jR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOl Jhle llnderlim'!d Text = Relocated 1 Add maximum density permissible in the C-3 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part, bv the densitv ratinq system contained in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the C-3 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq system. ,The followino use.p~_as defined with_.<Ul!Lmb.ecfc9mJb~!?J;;l.IJ(i;;lrd,J[ldlJ~t[i;;lJ Classilli<;;lJiQ.o. Manual 119BZL9.J,jl.~2tt~l!'lrwise.provided for within this section are oermis.s.ib.le.by, rioht or as aj;j;e.ss.9Ly~r cQilllltiQnal uses willliD the commercial i,I1.~.Lmediatedistri(;!.LC;:;~~j, ,ne~,:tt~Hi Y&G'&. Tl><1s f8lhrA'iRg WEisa, BS 8sfiRS8 witR a RWFR6Sr fr8FR tRS !:taRQar:Q IRQWstFial CIQ~~iR8atieR MaRwal (19g:), er as etRsP"iGs Prf,"i8S8 f8r witl><1iR tRie s8Gti8R, Brs perFRittse as sf ri~Rt 8r as wsss BG88888P/ te J38r~ittsQ Mees iR tRS SBf"RFR8rsial iRtsrm8siats ai8trist (C 8). .L Permitted uses. ---- +, Unless etRor....iso provided fur in thiE seGlion, all permitted useE of the C 2 commercial convenience district. 1" 2. 3. 4. 5 & 6. L 8. ~ 9. Accountinq (8721 ). Adiustment and collection services (7322). Advertisinq ag.en.cLe..s..(Z311t 6r11m.gL.s..PJZ~1~""~Elr_vices",E1!i(;~~Xe.te.Li!1jl,[.X,~.(QZ~2~e)((;JlJdJQ2 outside kennelina). Apparel and accessorv stores 15611--5699) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (1i1l11 ~, Architectural services (87121 Auditinq (8721). Auto and home supplv stores (5531) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure ~. Automobile Parkinq. automobile parkinq qaraqes and parkinq structures (7521 ~ shall not be construed to permit the activity of "tow-in parkinq lots"l. 1Q. 4-, Automotive services (75491 except that this shall not be construed to permit the activity ef "wrecker service (towinql automobiles. road and towinq service. " 1L. Banks. credit Unions and trusts (6011-6099). 48 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "nH., Strike tl:1rebl€JA- Delete Tellt. itlo11;;19 Idtrle !.'trilcg HUg'I~R = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp.lJnderlinerl Terl = Relocated 1 Add 12. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). J..;L Beautv shops (7231. except for beauty schoolsl. 1L Bookkeepinq services (8721) 19" ~IlElS.~~;;l~~9cgj;;JJi()I1~{8611), ~ Business consultinq services (87481 1L Business credit institutions 16153-6159). ~&, Business services - miscellaneous (€lreu!3s n11, n1A, n22 :AAIl, :A81 n'll, :AIl4, 7389. except auctioneerinq service. automobile recoverv. automobile repossession. batik work. bottle exchanqes. bronzinq, cloth cuttinq. contractors' disbursement. cosmetic kits. cotton inspection. cotton sampler. directories- telephone. drive-away automobile. exhibits-buildinq. fillinq pressure containers. field warehousinq. fire extinquisher. floats- decoration. foldinq and refoldinq. qas systems. bottle labelinq. liquidation services. metal slittinq and shearinq. packaqinq and labelinq. patrol of electric transmission or qas lines. pipeline or powerline inspection. press c1ippinq service. recordinq studios. repossession service. ruq bindinq. salvaqinq of damaqed merchandise. scrap steel cuttinq and slittinq. shrinkinq textiles. solvent recoverv. sponqinq textiles swimminq pool c1eaninq. tape slittinq. texture desiqners. textile foldinq. tobacco sheetinq. window trimminq. and yacht brokersl. 1JL Child day care services (83511. 20. Churches. 21. Civic. social and fraternal associations (86411. 22. .c&ol!IleIciitl art and araphiC.d~..JJ.rUZ1;)P1. 23. Commercial ohotooratLhv Cl.13.!5.t 24. <:;0[ll:?.Y.leu!ndc.9.mWteL.,S.9.fty.t;;l.r~,."~,!PE,,s.L5I3_4Lwitb..2....Q.Q_a...s.QUaIe feet or less of aross floor area in the principal structure 25. Com outer proorammir19 data processin.!L.. alld other services (l;3.21._~:D}~,"L 26. Credit rer<orting ~ervice;>J7323L 27. .Dir.e.ct mail advertisino services 17331 ). 28. [)fl'c;IElaning plants (7216 nonindustriaLgE'yJ;j~;;lIliI1gc_PI1lYl 49 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK,doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntt-l StFike tt-lFeblfjR = Delete T-ellt ..;t~ [?oi;Jsle rtFil'e tl:;JrOi;J~R = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language [")OlJhle Underlined Tp.xl = Relocated 1 Add 29 Druo stores..{:"),~..1.6J 30.lh Eatinq places 15812 onlv) with 6.000 square feet or less in qross floor area in the principal structure (!i1l12 €lRI~'). All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subject to locational requirements of section 2.8.1Q 5.0501. ;J.1. +, Educational plants. 32. Enqineerinq services (87111. 33. Essential Services. subiect to section 201.03. 34. Fed_eral and federallv-sponsored credit.;;lg.~.nf<j~~(9J.JJ}.. 35 g, Food stores (gr.QJ.l1:>_~,9~J,L_g,'lli9) with 5 000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (!lrs~ll. 8411 8111111. 36. Funeral services (7261, except crematoriesl. 37. ~armlmJ__.2):e.~.ing,___aJld.._agf)Illi.fu.r JiilllJdries and drvcleaners LZI161, 38. Gasoline service stations (5541). subiect to section 5.05.05. 39. 9-c General merchandise stores (53.3.1,5_3.99) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (eA:)1 8AI111L 40. Glass stores (5231) with 5000 souare feet or lessof oross f10QI area in the orlnc.ioal struc1ur~.. 1L.:t.(), Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II. except for homeless sheltersl; care units, except for homeless shelters; nursinq homes; assisted livinq facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subject to section 50504 ---- +h [Reserved.] 42. Hardware stores (52511 with 1,800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 43. Health services offices and clinics (8011-80491. 44. -1-b Home furniture, and furnishinqs, and eEjuipment stores (97..1.6.;.;; 571.9) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (arQws~ 8:1:& e:Je). 50 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "'itR StFiks tRr-9b191::l- Delete r9l1t. i,101 ~81:f131s ~'Fil 8 tli1mu~101 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOlJhle lJnrtp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add 45. Home health care services (80821. 46. Household aopliance stores 157~with 5 000. souare feet or less of Pross floor area in the orincipal structure 47. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399.64111. 48.1,i3I:J()rlJniontl~6}Jl 49. Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (0781 ). 50. Laundries and drvcleanino coin ooerated - self service (7215) gL. 1a!J.D.dr.&s...!~~.-'llliLCQ.mmercial (Z,f.1.1J.~ 52. Leqal services (8111 ). 53. ~ Libraries (82311. 54. Llli!n broke~.J6J_631... 55. Manaqement services (8741 & 8742) 56.44, Marinas (44931. subiect to section 2.6.22 5.05.02. 57. -1-&c Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (~86991. ---- * r.1i~981IBRe8!:J8 FSJi]Qir eep'ises (~r8W~Ei 7iJQ :8J1, :ugg QiG)'sle rSJ9etir, 8iRQe~lar r;8f)Bir, eaR=l8Fa rE~~air, I\El~' Q~f)li8atiR~, IB":RR=lS';:er Fepair, leatR8r geese r8Jiair, IQeh~mitR 8R8f), ~igtl:lre framiR~, iilRQ fJ88h:et&981'C r8~air @1=11~'). ---- +7. r1is8811aR8eI;Js rstail 'sitR 8,999 sqlslars fsst er leGS sf SJrs88 fh!lsr area, eH8SfJt Qn~~ EtereG (~r8~f)S f3Q1J f3Qi1 eHG8f)t pa'A'RSRat'G 8r;.lQ 8~iIQir;.l~ R=lBterials, 8gg~ 8999 sH8et't 8b1sti8R reems, aWRiR~ 8Ret's, ~ra"8~hH~8S, Ret tel88, 1l'18Rl:lmsRts, swir;Rll'1il=1~ Jissls, tem8stBR8S al=1~ wl;;)irl~8el eatt.1s). 58. Mortaaoe banker.s...QilQjQan corresPQDdents 1616.21. 59. ~ Museums and art qalleries (84121. 60 Musical instr!J.m~nLst()r~~.c?Z~Rl,w.ilh.~OQO. souare..!~.e.L.().r.less.Qf Pross floor area in the orincioal structl,U'fL ----.:t-Q.:. ~19Ra8f)esitep).' BrriHlit iRstitlsltieR8 (~r8Wt3G 8111 8183). II ~ Paint, !lIe.. and '''ell13e13sr stores (5231) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the orincipal structure~, 62. Personal credit in.s1ltu1[QDs 16141 ), 51 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TeJR "nth Str-ike tl:1r-ebl€jR - Delete T-sHt"itR Qg'ltrle ftFiI e tRre~gtxJ - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nmJhle Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 63. 2-h Personal services. miscellaneous",(7~~j;)9 - babvsitti[ll. 9ureau.s.. .clQ.-1hiI1..9_..rental _costume rental datino service~ debt counselinq. d_epilatQrysaIQos,diet,~91~,~.b.9..p~, .d..ms..!Ls.ulLrentill. electro Ivsis. oenealoaical .investioatiQ.n s.eryice. and hair removaLoolyl with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure (gr0\;J1JE: 7~11, 7212. 7218, 721ij R8RiRs\;IIstri&J1 gp: sh~elRiRa sRI':" 7291. 7299, BaB~'~ittiR~ QWFSel1lllS, 818tt;<,iR~ pSRtQI, @@st6lme reRtel, aetiR~ S8~j8B, sBBt gS6IRssliRQ, €l8~ilet8v/ sell8Rs, €lifst 'N8rlu;!;:!8~s, ere~H3 s6Iit rSRtef, Bls8tr@I~'sis, Q8RSel€l~it5ell iR"@stigati8R ssp'isQ, &JRS i;;leir rems"al sRly1. 64. Personnel sUPDlv...s.erJlkeJ;;1.Z.;}.\il_~2;J,.I3.;}t 65. PhotQJ;,llilYmo and duplicatino services 17_334), 66. Pb.Q!.illinls.bino laboratories (UML 67. Photoqraphic studios. portrait (72211. 68. ~ Phvsical fitness facilities (79911. 69. ~cal oro5l!].i?:;;ltig!],~,{(?\i9J). 70. P.l9i~s.i.o..n.al~m~m!?5!.rshiQomanj<:atiQns,.c(?\iflJ. ZL & Public administration (qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532.9611-96611. 72. Public relations services (87431. 73. Radj9,J~J~\Lisilln _ill1d-.CQ[ts.uu)~L~L~GtrQDiG~ 1?tQr.~~.c9z;}U~itb 5 000 souace~J~_~ or_.1es.s..o.LillQSS f\.Q.Q!' area in the DrinciogJ structure 74. Radio television and publishers advertisino represen~ .fZ.3131 75. Real Estate (6531-6552) 76. Record and orerecorde_dJ;;lRestQres (57;}5) with .5"0J20 souare feet or less of. Pross floor <ILea in the principal structure 77. Relioious oroanizations (866.11 78. ~iULeJ)d.G~~::.mi~,.c~II~IJ'::LLZ.QZ.9:.7_6_31.].\iJ1j;)=.biG}lcle-L~Q,;;llC binocular r~air ..-"'Lm..e[il..repair ..KeY,..QlJp,Uca!.ing.Jawomo)!{er [~p;;l1r.,t~;;lth.~,L999Q~J~P5liLlgG~~mi!.h~hQP,..piGtur~fr;;lm.in9,;;lDd P9c~J1tbog~..r~Q"tlronlv). 52 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent "ntl::l Strike tl:1rSl:lfjR - Delete T811t. itA Ii?S14~t8 baril's tlo1rel.>lgA Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlF! UnderlinF!rt Text = Relocated 1 Add 79. U Retail nurseries. lawn and qarden supplv stores (5261) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure ~. 80. Rel<JlL~~JYices:mLsceJlaDe.0~l.!s.L5921-5963 except ..pawnshops and bu i Id i no .m<lteriaLs..59.92:59g!:LexceptaucliorLLooms,aWDinJJ ~bQP~,.gr;;l\l~~tQn~,~.,..bQ.t....,\\!..l;1s"mQnuments.,.,swimmino .Qoo~ tQm!2s.1o.I1_es....8nd'NhirIRQ()IIJ<3th~)wlth 5 000 squ.are feet or I.es$..of Pross floor area in the princioal structure 1lL Secretarial and court reportino services (733..81 82. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanqes and services (6211-62891. 83. Shoe repair Shops and shoeshine parlors (72511. 84. Social services. individual and familv (8322 activity centers. elderlv or handicapped onlv' day care centers. adult and handicapped onlvl. 85. Survevinq services (8713). 86. Tax return preoaration services IU91 ). 87. Travel aqencies (4724. no other transportation services). 88. U-c United State Postal Service (4311, except major distribution centerl. 89. ~ Veterinary services (!Jroups 0742, Q7!i2 excludinq outside kennelinql. 90. ~ Videotape rental .(I841) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure ~. ~ yvall.Qilper stores(52~J 1.. with 5 OOOSQl,Iare feet Or Jess of moss floor area in the orincipal str.uctJJ.rlL 92. ~ Anv use which was permissible under the prior GRG-General Retail Commercial (GRCl zoninq district, as identified bv Zoninq Ordinance adopted October 8, 1974. and which was lawfullv existinq prior to the adoption of this Code. 93. ~ Anv of the foreqoinq uses that are subiect to a qross floor area limitation shall be permitted bv riqht witheut the maximum floor area limitation if the use is developed as an individual structuro a com onent of a sho in center. I 53 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text '-itR StriKe tRrel;l~h - Delete Tent "itR g'H4~ls ~trifle tRrGW~A - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OnllhlF! UndF!rlinp.rt TF!xt = Relocated 1 Add 94. Anv other commercial use or professional services which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated purelv with activities conducted in an office. 95. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with tho forogoing (C-1) list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district as determined bv the board of zoninQ appeals pursuant to section 1008.00. ~ b'sgs B&'8eBBeJ:}' Fe pfJ~;ttGfi wgeB.Accessorv ~ 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the C-3 district. 2. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section l Outside stQragew.disQlavoLmerchandLse ~ .J;;j;lecificallv Qermitted for a ..me,oltlerwise..QLQ_hibited. subiect to section 40212 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the commercial intermediate district (C-31. subiect to the standards and procedures established in sections 2-+.4.- 4.02.02 and 10.08.00. 1" -h Amusements and recreation services (grouf3S 7\111, :\1:12 8eR'>lFRillIRit~' tRsaterG eRI~', ;9&3, ;gg!,7999 - boat rental. miniature qolf course. bicvcle and moped rental, rental of beach chairs and accessories onlvl. 2. &. Ancillarv plants. 3. ~ 5. 6. L J., B.ow.l.i.ng..c.enteLs.17Jl331. CQL[)..Q~r.flted al1"].!JS",jl1ent devic",s.c.!.7.9~~ !::ou rtsf9;2JJ t ~~SJ!Jdi9..S,scboQISand..h.a.IIS.n.9111c Drinkinq places (58131 excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.9.10. 50501 8. +. Educational services (8221,& 82221. 54 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text '"itA Strike tl:1reblgt:l - Delete Tent itR QgY81e 1;1riliii tRrOl:lgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle IJnderlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 9. Ejr~PL9Jl;1gtiqI1.C~?;;4} 10. &c Food stores with qreater than 5.000 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure (qroups 5411--54991. J..1" &. Homeless shelters, 3S defined by this Cedo. 12. +-, Hospitals (qroups 8062--80691. ---- g., Justico, publis ordor aAd safety (€lroups 11211,11&&2,112&1,11;1;111). J.;L L~gal counsEO!land.R!:9sEO!gyti9I1(~22?1. 14. ~ Mixed residential and commercial uses. subject to design criteria contained In section 4.02.38 except where superseded bv the followinq criteria: L a-c A site development plan is approved pursuant to di'/ision ~ section 100203 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and neiqhborinq lands; !!., b, The commercial uses in the development may be limited in hours of operation. size of deliverv trucks. and type of equipment iii. &- The residential uses are desiqned so that they are compatible with the commercial uses; iv. €h Residential dwellinqs units are located above principal uses: 'L e,. Residential and commercial uses do not occupy the same floor of a buildinq; vi. f, The number of residential dwellinqs units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the C-3 district, toqether with the specific requirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed 50 percent of the qross floor area of the buildinq or the density permitted under the qrowth manaqement plan; vii. g-, Buildinq heiqht may not exceed two stories; viii. R-c Each residential dwellinq unit shall contain the followinq minimum floor areas: efficiency and one-bedroom 450 square feet; two-bedroom. 650 square feet three- bedroom, 900 square feet 55 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tl::J Strike tl::Jrs'd€J1:1 - Delete TmR ill:<1 ~8 1818 ~~FiI1J tl>1rill4:Jt<1 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Omlhlp. LJnderlinerl Text = Relocated 1 Add ix. h The residential dwelJinqs units shall be restricted to occupancy bv the owners or lessees of the commercial units below; b j-c A minimum of thirty (30) percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The followinq may be used to satisfy the open space requirements: areas used to satisfy water manaqement requirements; landscaped areas; recreation areas; or setback areas not covered with im pervious surface or used for parkinq (parkinq lot islands may not be used unless existinq native veqetation is maintainedl; xi. *' The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be desiqned to enhance compatibilitv of the commercial and residential uses throuqh such measures as. but not limited to. minimizinq noise associated with commercial uses; directinq commercial Iiqhtinq away from residential units; and separatinq pedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkinq areas from residential units. to the qreatest extent possible J2. ++. Motion picture theaters, QHQQI't elri"Q iF'! (7832L:...~xc~pt.d.ri'y~;jnl 16. ~ Permitted food service (5812. eatinq placesl uses with more than 6,000 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 1L 4b Permitted personal services. video rental or retail uses (5912j - excludinq druq storesl. with more than 5.000 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 18. 4+. Permitted use with less than 700 square feet qross floor area in the principal structure. 1.fL Eub!i9~j).r.<ieL.illl..d.s.p.~.l:L.aJ.2~]J, 20. Q., Social services (8322 SJIIII).other than those permitted, 833.1- 8,39..92 z.L. +&c Soup kitchens, as aefinoEi by this Codo, 22. I.b.eat!icaLlliQ.ctUCelli..9mti:11llicglLaneQ!JstheatrL<<..aJ....se(\(LcesC79;;2 - ~mmJ.J.olltlb.e.ateL~j),I1lYl 23. 4G-, Vocational schools (8243--82991. 24. 4+. Anv other intermediate commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00.. 56 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TSlct "itl:1 atr-iks tt:lr-eblSR = Delete Tent itlo1 ~1J'liI8 ~tR1t8 tRHHI~~ - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle Underlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add .1I.1e:;eksrxHiI;Grl BfG'~s~g SfqQ g:g,p'ar. !..}Rless &pgQifi8811~' pSFr;;Rittgg fer Q !:J&e, Qwt8iss GtsrQ89 sr sispIQ~' sf m8rGRaRSi&8 i& Ji}vsRilsiteQ. Q. General Commercial District~ (C-4) The qeneral commercial district~ ~-4) is intended to provide for those types of land uses that attract larqe seqments of the population at the same time bv virtue of scale. coupled with the type of activity. The purpose and intent of the C-4 district is to provide the opportunity for the most diverse types of commercial activities deliverinq qoods and services. includinq entertainment and recreational attractions. at a larqer scale than the C-1 throuqh C-3 districts. As such. all of the uses permitted in the C-1 throuqh C-3 districts are also permitted in the C-4 district. The outside storaqe of merchandise and equipment is prohibited. except to the extent that it is associated with the commercial activity conducted on-site such as. but not limited to. automobile sales, marine vessels. and the rentinq and leasinq of equipment. Activitv centers are suitable locations for the uses permitted bv the C- 4 district because most activity centers are located at the intersection of arterial roads. Therefore the uses in the C-4 district can most be sustained bv the transportation network of maior roads. The C-4 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for uses and the qoals. obiectives, and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the density ratinq system. The followjilll. uses,<!s. .defined wilo_a__number frqm __tb.eSlandard,JndustrLal CJ<!ssificationM<!!1ual (1987l. OLa.S otherwise .,R[Qyjd.edJor within this sec.tjQ!}_i:lLe Dermissible bv rioht or a.s...acces.sorv or coru:litional uses within the oeneraJ !;Q!11m!?[_qli3I<1~t[Lc;.t{Q;j1 nrlrxvR.:f;t@g WBes. TRS fslle"'iR~ YGe9, 8S iaeRtifieQ "'itRiR tRS ~t8RQ8rQ IR8wstrial ClasGiREl8ti8R ~1aRwal, er B8 etR9P"iss prs"i8es fer v:itRiR tRis 88Sti8R, Qfe permittsQ as sf ri8Rt, 8r 86 WGSS QGGSGGer,; te ,ssrmitteQ IsIS8& iR tRS 8sR8ral 88mr;Rersial ai&tFi8t (C ~). .L Permitted uses. ---- +, Unless othorwiso I3ro'lidea fer in this Ceae, nil permil:lod ~sos in the C d eommorcial intormodiate district 1. Accountino (8721). 2. Adiustment and collection services (7322).. 3. Advertisino aoencies 17311 ). 4. 6<!',_er.tisillil=mj~c,~Jl;;ln~q!!~..173jID.. 57 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "'itA ~trih:e tRrel::.l€J1:1 = Delete Tellt 'it~ gs~l3lil ~tril;:ij tRrD'rB~ - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OmJhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 5. b Aaricultural services (QreblJ3€: Q7~1 8Heep3t 91s1tss8r h:8RR8IiR!i, 97~A. BH8Sp3t ewtasar l~eRRBliR8, Q782 BHssr;t 9Ytssar heRRsliR8, 0783). 6. ~ Amusement and recreation services. indoor (~reups 71<11 ,!g41, 7991 7998, 79g?" 7999), 81!lltaQSr (?,ggg), iR8hslaiR8 9RI~' fiSRiR8 J9iers eRa lah8& 8peratieR, R81s1SSBBat rSRtel, plsQs\!sIFS 88et r8Rt@l, BfJ8FetisR 8f ~fint~. fiGRiR!t B9@ts, S8R8S r8Rt81. 7. Amusement aDd recreation servjce.s~door (7~99 - fishinG piers ilndJ"kes OReI~ househQ.aL.ren..taLRJe"sure boat. re.nt"L oReration9fpil~rtv fish ing~bQats, .ca n QeJezntaJ . Qnlvl, 8. 4, Ancillarv plants. 9. Animal soecialtv serYiC.e.S exceDt...Yeterinarv 10752 ~J.w:!ing Q,utside kennelino) 10. Apparel and accessory stores (5611-56991 11. Architectural.seIvices ISZ12L 12 6J.Ldj.!LrmJ 87211 13. 6llig,a ndhQ.m~!?"lJPP!Y..estor~.l9.R}11 ---- 1>, AutDmotive doalors and ~asolinG service statioRs (~HlUpS ~ 8831, 88~ 1 wit!;;! Ger.-iess eRe r:SJ!lairB es 8sssri888 iF! S€lGtiSR 2.i.2R, 8!i?'1, 81399 RS'A' VBRi818G 8RI~'. 14. Automobile Parkinq. automobile parkinq qaraqes and parkinq structures (7521 - shall not be construed to permit the activity of "tow-in parkinq lots"l. ---- 6-, Autemetive repair, sorvices, Ilarkin~ (~reups 7814, :818, :8J1 8)(8Sl3t tFiet tRiG BRal1 Rat 138 88RStr:\!sI88 18 139r~it tRB a8ti"it~. sf "lS'N iR ~arldR~ lete"), aRa 88P"GlGRSS (8r:81s1~ ?'!3~2), ~r8"i888 tRat gap::esR8G a&lsIttiR8 r8&ia8Rtial 28RiR!t 8istr;igtG GRell 8e sbI~je8t t8 tRe fslIs'\'iR8 erit8ria: a. .!\"!!? sf ':eN.:g,'€8. CGlPA'61&ReS 8S8i8R8Q tel ssP'e \'sRisles 9HSSSQiR8 a 8aJ'8@it~. ratiF!!i sf eRa t@R GRail FI@t 89 6111@"'88. B. fJ:.fXI.;f71MFPt y;~.~eg. Q) cO::f5~t ra.""fi BBtBBf?'r !3Q fest. B) A.:filB rB~ B€U3@(?'r: 19 fsst. c) Rear reo;g gr;;U$ae,'c 19 fest 58 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "<itA atriks tt:1rsbI€JR - Delete TSIi~ HR r.?eLlBlg Ltrih;r tRriHI~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle I Jndp.r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add e. r.1i!X!fmfdm ffB!X!msg. .A, eap"B~~ ~Rall rolet 88 leGBtes Qr'I a 1st witR leGG tRBR HiQ fset sf freF!ta~e SF! B sesisatea ~trs8t er ~i!Jt:r~:B~'. a. b.fiJt 8:2'8. MiRiR"l\;llR"11i,999 s~l3Iare fS8t. 8. J9!X!B@ o;efirz{fX@f7IG'Rte. If 61 8BP"B81=1 a9wt8 a r8sissRtial ei~trist, a r;RQG9RP/ ar s~bdiv:318Rt 'vall eSF!strl:Jst98 "'itR Q QSG9F6Iti"e fiRis~, GiH fset iR Rsi~Rt sRall t;H~ 8F8StSB BI8R~ tR8 let liRe 8~~98its tRB v[;JGi8SRtiBI aistriet alXlQ tR8 18t IiR8S fisrfi8Rsi8wlar t8 t~8 let liR8S 8fifH~site tR8 rSGiQSRtiBI aistrist f8r a siStQIXlS8 RSt Isss tR8R 16 fsst. T~8 '''all ~Rall 99 188at8Q '.'itRiR Iii laRQSsaJa9Q Bwffer 61& S~SGifi99 iR 8sati9R 2.4.:. <k{)g.99. All '''ails &RBII 88 filretSGtSQ Q~' 8 8Qrrier 19 tiH8':SRt "8~i8Is fr9m 88RtB@tiR~ tRem. f. .~.r"Gfr1;tG'€tfd~. TR8 Bl:lilaiR!J 8RQI! FRaiRtaiR B S8RSistSRt QrsRit8stl3lFal tR9~B BI8R~ east=! BwilQiR~ fa~aQ8. ~. ~j@;g@. A GiiR':618R GRall QS 8bl8je8t tE~ QraiRBRGe ~Jt;L gQ 1 :, C91lil3r ':8I31RtJ' ~18ise ':8Rtrel QraiRaR88 [Cegs 8R. 81, 61R. Il4 R. l""ggtr;~S' SJRQ pej;Btr;~~. TR9 '^,9~RiR~ aRe J!'aIiSRiR!I 8~erati8R8 fer BII sear VJQGRiR!I feasiliti8G, iASlweilXl!l Eil3lf Ei8wiss SQr '''BSRiR!I f.a8ilitisG, sRBII Be eR91s8QQ 8R at least 1'''9 siass aRa 8R6I11 88 @s"srs8 B~' B n~8f. \ 'aGl3Il=Jmifil!l fBsilitiss FF1a~' 88 18seateQ 8wtsiBS tR8 8l=JilaiR~L 81:1t may Ret 8S 188ate9 iF! aR~' re~l:Jirsa ~'QF9 area. i. J-;{@!l'r$ gf ~Brgti9fX1: Cap"aril><18G 88WttiR!J rSGiasRtial aistfists sRall 8S slesss fram 19:99 fj./ifl. ta ::99 B.R"l. 15. Automotive services (7549) except that this shall not be construed to permit the activity of "wrecker service (towinql automobiles road and towinq service." 16. AYiomolive_\l<Lbicle andegui-Rmeot dealers 155JJand5599, ne.W y~bjcJe.s~QDJy) . 17. Banks. credit Unions and trusts (6011-60991. 18. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). 19. Beautv shops (7231. except for beauty schools). 20. ~,Q.Q.Iske.eQioo serv~.12J.1 21.l'loV{[Lng ceQ.t~Ls,"imLQ9r {7933} 22. l'luildino cleanmgand maintenance ".<L~ (7349). 59 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te,(t "<itt-ll!tr-ike t!::lraWfjR = Delete lent itl;1J [,?8~~18 ~1Fil B tRr01:l~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language [)olJble UnrlF!rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add ---- +, 8uildin!l Fl1atorials, harawaHJ and !lardon supplioc (9nlUPS 132:l1 ~ 23. Business associations (86111. 24. Business consultino slilllices (8748). 25. Business credit institutions (6153-6159). 26. & Business services - miscellaneous (9rO~IlS ::l11 ::l132, ::l131l eHGQ,at BirfillElRQ, iRalslstriElI trw8h, Ji18RElBI9 t8i1Bt BRa eil f4ell!4 9Glwi~FJH!1Rt reRtiR~ aRQ leQ&iR~, 7!B1, 7381, 9H98flt arr;Raf:eQ Gar ,Hul €IS!! reFltal, ::lS2 7389. except auctioneerinq service. automobiie recoverv. automobile repossession. batik work. bottle exchanqes. bronzinq. cloth cuttinq. contractors' disbursement. cosmetic kits. cotton inspection. cotton sampler. directories- telephone. drive-away automobile. exhibits-buildinq. fillinq pressure containers. field warehousinq. fire extinquisher. floats- decoration. foldinq and refoldinq. qas systems. bottle labelinq. liquidation services. metal slittinq and shearinq. packaqinq and labelinq. patrol of electric transmission or qas lines. pipeline or powerline inspection. press clippinq service. recordinq studios. repossession service. ruq bindinq. salvaqinq of damaqed merchandise. scrap steel cuttinq and slittinq. shrinkinq textiles. solvent recovery. sponqinq textiles, swimminq pool cleaninq. tape slittinq. texture desiqners. textile foldinq. tobacco sheetinq. and window trimminq service). 27. ~,,-We_..;;ln~ _Qt.bJ:i[__pQ_y___t~\!lsi9J'L,S.~[.yj,g~__,H.841) includiQ9 ,-2-mmuo.icatioDs_t9werS ,@ to~p,ecified. heig.bJ subiect to section 50.5....0.9 28.C&LPet;;ln,\:t.IJPhoI.S.t,m'_,-le;;lQingJl21 'D. 29. CaQ!l!<;lshes.L7546L/;l,r,2yide.d...J.hat,S.a.Q!I!asb.,es_ab,utti n 0 residenti a I fOn i.ng__qistr.iC;tssbaJLI;1.EL~,~l;1j~,C;t.!.9__lbe folJoW1I19.0!e.rLi'l, i. !;iize oL\!ehLr;;IefL_ Carw.,tsb_e__sge~i.9..n.ed_tQ...S!illl~~eblcle~ .e!'SeedlI19.a capacity, ratinq of one ton .slJ.alL,nQLbe ;;lIJ,2.'<Y.I'.d~ II. fY1jl]j@Lm'y.;;l[Qs_ a) Erg!1.I~;;lrQs.fllb<;lck,_5.ofe.eJ, b) Side vardsetback4Q,fueL c )Bei}[,Y.illP~ClCK4Q,feet, 60 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "nth gtFiI~e tl:1rebl€J1:1 - Delete T-91R "H~ &"sl:itllg ftFil'& H'1r814g~ = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Oouble llnderlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add Iii. M!wmYJlL[rontaQ<L Acarvi.a.shsbaJLnolb.~J.Q.cated..on...a..J.o.t y/itb, less tb.;;l!lJi&.~_~J..9f fro[]19gE;LQ.~edic_i;lt~,d_s1@&Qr hl>lb.""'-<JY... iv. LQi.sjze,..MlnlrmunJ .8.Jl.Q.Q..s.clu_are.Je.et. v. Fen(:f.,Jeaujreme~~_1L;;l..",;arviash abuls a residentii31 (ji~triC;;,l",a .m;;l~Qn CYJ1reQuiYi;llenty/;;l11 cpnsjWi:te(jy/itb a @cQ[i3tbLeJiDlsb~..six_.fee.tjnheLg.blsh,;;lll...be..ere.cledalOng the Jot line opoosite the residentii"ll dlstric1.and the lot line~ perQendicular to the!ot.__linesQPJ:>os1.te....tiJfLJ:e.sid.entiaJ districlJOLa...dlslance. noUes1>.ihan_ 15 feeLThew_a.lU!lall p~[Qcated...y/ithin __a landscaped bufi'er,..'!.5 specified in ~<;tlQJJ 4Q~QQAI1,!:,all1>.sh_,!Jl.!;1J~J)..ro.t~!,;t~Q.I;1y.;;l barrier to ille,\/ellt vehicle_ froJ11...J;Qnta_(:!i!J.9,Jb,~m. VI. t],rc/]ites;l (jm,...Ihe___b.ill1dln.9.....sDa.lLmaiolalo_a._..cOIlSlsle.o.t ;;lcc;;hit~clurallb~mg;;lJQng~;;lC;;bl;1yildLngj;;lg<l(j~. vii. NQj;;e.....A c_QIlItash shall be sublecltoQr(jln.<ln,ceNo.90,JL [:;QJljeLCQu_oJv..NoiseCo_Htr.oLQrdlnanceLCode ch. 54~arl. 1.'11 vi ii. w..Q.31]il]!L_a/19...._p.Q[j!i.1:t0!L.._Ihe...Y/<l~bjnc9-_;;ln(j . ..polishing Q..P~r<ltlOnS..jQf__,;;lJL<;..'!L1/a..shlllil.JaciJilies"..lnclud i no self~ ~er'yice.c.a LwasniogJa.cLlilies..JillajIJ:>eencJosed 0 n _aLlllil_st l'lio.__sldes. .. an d_.Jill.alLbecoyere.d..PY;;lLQOf..\facuumjQg faciUtjes_..mill'_I:lf.IQca~_d 0 ul~e.,lbel;1uiJ(j.ln.9.,.I:l..uLm;;lY..not l;1,eJocaled..iI1..;;lnY.~.illliledY;;lr!'L;;lIe;;l.. ix. fjOijLii,9.LJ2Rf![fJli..Ql];,.. ..,[:;.arviasnes_abJJ.lling..._..re_sldenli..aJ (j1?lI[g~~~h;;ljLI;1f.<;losed.f[QmlQQQpm, to..TOOa,m. 30. Child day care services (83511. 31. Churches. 32. Civic, social and fraternal associations (86411. 33.[:;0 i n-o oerate,dlaun(jri~S;;l.[]ddfY,..,cle,ill1i!J.9.(ZG.l~). 34. c.oinopera.l.ed...a.mu_SeillE;illlillljflcg~, jndoOL,a.~..~;31 35. Com_r:oem;;ll art and araohic desiqn (7336t 36. C_Qm=jg-L.p_b.otQgr.a.phti.7~3.51, 37. g,. Commercial printinq (2752. excludinq newspapersl. ---- 4<h Communioations ((lrou!)c 1il12 4il41) inoludin(l communications teworc up te specified hei(lht, sU9joct to sostlon 2.9.dti. 61 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent u<itt:1 atrika tRrSl::lfjR = Delete rent "itA ~o~BIB 'i:tFil'i8 tRrel:i~R = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle I Jndp.rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 38. Computer programminq. data processinq and other services (7371 - 73791. 39. Computer and computer software stores (57341. 40. Credit reportino services (732_~ 41. Qance.2.tudiQ.s~bQ_ols._aJJ.d..lli!.H.s> jndoor(l9111. 42. QS).tecfule,...9uard~,<bn"d....arm9r,ed..car...s.erv..ice(738J....exc.ent<lIffiQre.d !;<lLand doe [entaD.. 43. Department stQr"e~53111 44. Direct mail advertisino services LZJ.3..:1.b 45.[)is.i nfeclj!l9~j1do..Pe~.cQI1.trilL~ervjfe~JZ34fJ. 46. Drvcleanino olants (7216 noninduslrlaLdLYf"'a_nin,g QnIY.), 47. Druo stores (5.9J2l... 48. +-1-, Eatinq and drinkinq establishments (5812, and 58131 excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.6.10. 505.01. 49. 1-2,. Educational plants. 50. ~ Educational services (8221, and 82221. 51. .EJectrica.L.<lI1d eJec.till!licreRair.sllQQs,{7.96f,,7.6291 52. #- Enaineerinq, @eeswRtiR~, FS}€i9areR, ~8Ra~SmGlRt 8RS rslatsQ services (!lroupc 8711~1 53. !;Q.uiQment rentaL and.Je.asino,LI35fL,exce,gJ."irpJane, ind.u..s.tri.aJ tru.\;;k.c..R()'taj;>lgt9il~.tangQiJfi~Jdgguipm~ntr~nting,;;lndJe;;l~ingJ. 54. Essential Services, subiect to section 201.03. 55. E2.j;,U.~i~.o; SUPJl.Q..r:tmstnaoem-"'Jll~ervlfg,~{1lZ44J 56. Federal and federallv-sponsored credit aqencies (6111 ). 57. -%,. Food stores (qroups 5411 - 54991. 58. f.uneral serv~(7261 exceot crematories1. 62 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tR atril:e tt:1rebl~l:1- Delete Tont uHIo1 (;?si.>ll;le ftrihB t~r8~~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlf! I lnderlined Text = Relocated I Add 59. Garment Pressino an9 aoents for laundries and....drvcleaner~ (7212) 60. G~Q"'--~Iyj9~S!alions.J554J), ..w.i.tb__.s.endces and r@alr.s...as d~S<;.rj.b.e.d...in,.S.1!ctton....5.o.5,05, 61. 4-€h General merchandise stores (~5331-53991. 62. Glass stoJes(523J), 63. Golf co_u[seS,RutJUc{Z99f}, 64. +7. Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II, except for homeless sheltersl; care units. except for homeless shelters; nursinq homes; assisted IivinQ facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC; all subiect to section 2.626_50504 65. t!.aId\'\'arn...s.t9[~li(525J) 66. -14 Health services. miscellaneous (\:lroups 11981 llQliQ, 1191i2 1191i9. 11971 , llQ-:<2, and 8092--80991 67. Health services offices and clinics (8011-80491. 68. Home furniture and furnishinqs stores (5712-57191. 69. Home health care services (80821. 70. HQliQitaJs{8062,BQ,I3JlJ.. 71. ~ Hotels and motels (7011. 7021 and 70411 when located within an activity center. 72. Household appliance stores (57221. 73. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399. 6411 ). 74. Labor unions (86311. 75. Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (0781 ). 76. Laundries and drvcleanino coin operated - self servj~.@.,(L~ 77. Laundries. familv and commercial (7211) 78. b.aundrv and garment services. miscellaneous (7219) 79. Leqal services (81111. 63 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'ith gtFil,e tt:1raY€JR = Delete T-ellt itl:<! QSbl131e ~tFil'Q 1I<1rs~~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOlJhle Unnerlined Tp-:d = Relocated 1 Add 80. Libraries (82311. 81. Loan brokers (61631 82. ,Manaoement se.[)lices (874LB.7~ 83. :uh Marinas (4493, & 4499 - except canal operation. carqo salvaqinq. ship dismantlinq. liqhteraqe. marine salvaqinq. marine wreckinq. and steamship leasinql. subiect to section 2.6.22 5.05.02. 84. M.ed ica 1_<md.\1~n!91labOIatOIje.R{8Q Z.1...a.n.d...~.QZ2). 85. !,ie.dical eou~ment rental and le"sino (ZJc:;;_~ 86. Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (86991. 87. Mern..b.er.<>bjp~port~Jilld_li"c[ea.tioo.cl!Jb.s0indoOIJI~~D,. ---- 2+, Mi~collaneou~ mpair cC!I"vices (€lreupG :522 :541, :5gg 81(GOllt el~ri861ltI:lF81 @~Wif?Hf18Rt r8~Qir, a'^'RiR~ r9pair, B88r ~l;lmf3 G8il 5leaRiR~ eRQ r9~air, 8le5k~mitR GR@fil~, geltGR BQsiR, GEI~tiG taRh aRe] Ge~gfJ€I€l1 Gh38RiR~, iRQ6IGtriel tr6lGh F8~eir, me6RiRri~W/ 619QRil9~, reli'G1ir €If s8P'ise stati@R e~61ifilRXl8Rt, Beiler @leGu~iR~, tiRsmitRiR~, trGlGt€lr r8filair). ---- n Miscollaneous retail (€lreuFlS 8912 6\;)88,8992 8999). 88. Mortqaqe bankers and loan correspondents (61621. 89. ~ Motion picture theaters (7832), 90. MotQ[cYj;:1~d~".I.er8{:;;:;;Z1). 91. Museums and art qalleries (84121. 92. Musical instrument stores (5736). 93. Ne'l\'s_~Y.!Ldjcates (Z383). 94. r-J1,!J.;;in.9..<md prot.e1>~iQIl9! care tac@je.~,(llQ~1:~,Ql5j)1 95. Q.utdQor;;ld,!~ItisiD..9..8eI'!l.cli~a3161 96 E'illnLsJores(523Jl 97. Passenoer c.ar:JeasinolZ.5.1.:it 98. f'asS~0.geLf,"[[~nl;;lJJZ:;;J4). 99. Personal credit institutions (61411 64 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u~tR ~trilte tRrsI:I91:l = Delete TSllt itR gg'll;l-a i;trillS tlo1nHIBR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OOllhle LJndp.r1inp-d Tp-xt = Relocated 1 Add 100. ~Personal services. miscellaneous (€lroups :218, 721:', :2111, 7~s1 t~JHG8J't 8rsR"lateri88, 7~91 7299). 101. Personnel supplv services (7361 & 73631. 102. E'hotocoovino and duplicatino services (7334) 103. ~finishino labgralories (738il., 104. Photoqraphic studios. portrait (72211. 105. Phvsical fitness facilities..I7991 ), 106. Political orqanizations (86511. 107. Professional membership organizations (8621 ). 1 08. E'EQf~~sional~[).fl-'1.~_cjJ.JbS_.;;ln.d.Pmmqj~LB,..ind()Qr(Z~4JJ. 109. Public administration (qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311 9411-9451. 9511-9532.9611-96611 110. 24.-Public or private parks and plavqrounds. 111. Public re.~..s.lilllkces. (.8143), 112. Radio. television and consumer electronics stores (5731). 113. Radi<4 television ..9.lld_ Q.u.b!lshers advertisino representatives {Z 313) 114. R.;;l.dio and teJe\lIRjQn broa.d~.as.liI1.9~19JiQn~J4~,3?~4~33) 115. &Real Estate (6512. 6531-65521. 116. Record and prerecorded tape stores (57351. 117. Reliqious orqanizations (86611. 118 Rlm<lir ...~eD!iQeB__:mi~Qell;;lD~cQcuc~c_il6~~ ...:.. ..excep(;;lgric;lJ,LliJJ:i'rl eg uiDmentJep.ajr awn_in9-_.fepajr...__lleerpump...~0.i1__,9Ie<lnin.9...and r~[)9jr,..bJa.c.k.Smjth~__~h.Q,RS,catchb<l~jn~se.ptic. tank and cessQQQj Qlg;;ln.lng,)LLd!J stri.aLlriJ.9K_Jelliljr _ T1l519bjn~!Y<;;J~;;lnjng,J~P;;liL()f s..e.DLice._s.ta.tjQ..rL~.lJ.iJ2m~J:1.t,..l;1ojje.L...cJ.e.gnin(L..Jj]1J>mj.lh i ng,.!rac..l2E reP;;l,I1 119. R~earch,de)!eloDment and.teslinll.s..ervjcesJ8Z3,L8Z~41. 120. EMail-miSJ:;.eJlaneous (592.15JL6.3.,599?:599~ 121. fuJ\;;liL.I1J1LseQ",B..!awn ancJg;;lr<:J",n.~Y st()res~?2.11. 65 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tel(t "itA gtFiI~e t1=lr-eblfjR = Delete TSlIt 'itli1 gB~BI8 i;:tFilm H~fBlclgl<1 - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle Ilndf!rlined TeX"t = Relocated I Add 122. B~yph9L~l~IY;;lDdJYInitYI~r~pgiIJZ941J. 123. Secretarial and court reportino services 1?.3J8L 124. Security and commodity brokers. dealer, exchanqes and services (6211-62891. 125. SecJ.Jri!'LsYSlemsservjc~siZ3,8~ 126. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (72511. 127. nSocial services. individual and familv (groups 8322 - 8399. except for homeless shelters and soup kitchens), 28.[Reservedj 128. Survevino servic..e5J[L'L~, 129. Tax return oreparation services 172911. 130. leleo raph.,ndoJh..eL))JeSSageyQI1JmYDjcations{4822l. ...includLQ.9 commYI1ications...t.QW<i[~.!JP_ to sJ2ec;jfL<idh,eioht~subieoYilQ_S,~c.tLQD ;10;;,09. 131. IeLe.Rbofle........cgcmcm,iJ.ojcationL~(4!:lJl"..and.....48J3L~jI1cly.glo.9 .communicationstowers_ UJ2.. tO~'pecified .heioht subiect to__secli.on 5....0.5..09. 132. Theatric<!l Droducers and miscellaneous theatrical services indoor (7922 c7929 , Jnclud.L09.J2,;;lndsL oIche.S.tIas ., nd.enle_rt.,in.ers; exceot l'lJQ.tiQn2ictuE<i). 133. Travel aqencies (4724. no other transportation servicesl. 134. United State Postal Service (4311 except maior distribution centerl. 135. Veterinary services 10741 & Ql42. excludinq outside kennelinql 136. Videotape rental (78411 137. ~Vocational schools (8243-82991. 138. WallpaD,<i!",slQIes (5z'1ll., 139. Watch,clocK.i"wd iewehyreQ.,]L(7,631} 140. Anv use which was permissible under the prior General Retail Commercial (GRCl zoning district. as identified bv Zoning 66 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JKdoc 11/16/2007 TSJ"R "~tl::J ~tril<e tl=lfSblSR = Delete TBllt i'~ [?OClB!e farilis tlo1ro~8R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DOllhle Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add Ordinance adopted October 8. 1974. and which was lawfullv existinq prior to the adoption of this Code. 141. Anv other commercial use or professional services which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusive Iv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are purelv associated with activities conducted in an office. 142. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with the fDrogoing (C-11 list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 100800 2. b'Bes agggBBEU'3' Ie per;~~;d$gEl WBg8 fe.- (' 1'a~QB.Accessorv Uses. 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the C-4 district. 2. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2. QLJt~ig,e. stora.9~,ccornd.isolav 9tcm~Ichandise whenc~~p~..cjJjcgJ.!y ~itted ~_use.~.Qtherwis.e_J)Io_hibited. subiect to section 4.02.12. 3. Conditional uses fer C 4. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the qeneral commercial district (C-41. subiect to the standards and precedures established in ai'/ision 2.7.4. section 10.08.00. ---- ~ ^!lriGullural serviGes (!lreu~s 9:41 (/:42, 9;82, "'iti'l 8\lts88r I\:QRReIiR~). 1" Animal SDecia~s.erYic~xcepLl[e.telinarv .c0752~withOl,JtsLde kennelinol 2. &. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor (!lreups 7948. 7992. 7996. 79991. 3. J., Auctioneerinq services. auction rooms (7389. 59991. ~ 4, Automotive dealers and qasoline service stations (!lreu~s 5521. 5551. 5561. 5599 outdoor displav permittedl. 5. 1>., Automotive rental and leasinq. outdoor displav permitted (!lre~~s 7513.75191. 67 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Ts>fl "<itR Strike tRrSbl!ilR = Delete TSIR itR E?B\:lIBls ~'FilLa tRF'QY~R Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Douhle I lnderlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add 6. e., Bottle clubs. (All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for thB--on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 8. [ir,epIOtectioo(9224J. 9. 7-, Fishinq. huntinq and trappinq (€lroups 0912--09191. 1Q. & Fuel dealers (€Jroups 5983--59891. 1L. l1, Homeless shelters, as aOHRea BY this Code, R .:Uh Hotels and motels (€lreul36 7011. 7021. 7041 when located outside an activity centerl. ---- ~ Justice. public order and safety (groups 9221, ~, ~, ~). J..;L ~ Kiosks. ~Legal counSelandPIose2.y.tigD.(5l222L ~ ~ Local and suburban transit (qroups 4111--4121. bus stop and van pool stop onlvl. 16. 44c Motion picture theaters drive-in (78331. :JL ~ Communication towers above specified heiqht. subiect to section 2.9.da. 50509 11L 4.&, Permitted use with less than 700 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 1JL E'.'dRli.9ordeLan.dsR.f~tyJ9229L 20. ++, Soup kitchens, as definod BY this Code, 21..w,. Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (4225 air conditioned and mini-and self storaqe warehousinq onlvl. 22.',{eterina~[xj.9.ecUQJ,j 1 I', O.z.i2.~,\i\'ltl1 Q.Yi~enne.!inJlt 23. ~ Anv other qeneral commercial use which is cemparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district, as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00.. AfG'~RaN€I-.:Be Btr:r:age 8!<If?! f?!ha.p'ar. URless spssifisell)' fi)8rmittsQ fer Q leise, sk4tslsa &tera~e er aisfjle)' Elf FRSf:QRaRSis8 is fi)r8RieiteQ. 68 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TeJ(t "ntA Str-ik'9 tt:JrSl::lfjR - Delete TeJR 'itI:<lI?S~~t8 I;:tRI e tl:lrii I~R Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllblp. lJndp.rlinp.rl Tp.:d = Relocated 1 Add E. Heavv Commercial District~ (C-5). In addition to the uses provided in the C- 4 zoninq district. the heavy commercial district~ic:;_~ allows a ranqe of more intensive commercial uses and services which are qenerallv those uses that tend to utilize outdoor space in the conduct of the business. The C-5 district permits heavY commercial services such as full-service automotive repair. and establishments primarilv enqaqed in construction and specialized trade activities such as contractor offices. plumbinq. heatinq and air conditioninq services. and similar uses that tvpicallv have a need to store construction associated equipment and supplies within an enclosed structure or have showrooms displavinq the buildinq material for which they specialize. Outdoor storaqe yards are permitted with the requirement that such yards are completelv enclosed or opaque Iv screened. The C-5 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for uses and the qoals, objectives. and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. Ih.e_.followLo,g...UJ?es .9ii.Jd,~n)tfi~q\yi\b;;l,nYrnl;1e,LfL9m,the.....Standard....lnd.u..s.tIi.a.1 Classification Manual.L1.9..87) orasotherwise..provided.for within (his.SJOQtion are J;1e,rmissibleJly rioht or as accesso.!X,or conditiOI1;;ll..uses \Yi.tblnJ.b_e~.he~ ggJl1mer..cj_aJ,.Qj2t.L~_(~gt nr;~jttruJ WBr;e. TRS fslls"'ir;;l8 MEiBS, BS iasRtifisa 'VitRiR ["'it~] 8. RW~&9r fr@m tRS ~tBr;;lQar8 IRal:lEitrial CI8EisifiGati8R r.18RMBI (1g~:), er 8S @tRsP"iEi8 Firs':iaea fer '''itRiR t~iEi EiastisR, are permittg8 as @f rigRt, 8r as 151&8& BGGeSSQrJ' t8 Fi9rFRittgQ wsss iR tRe R9G1V~' S8FRr;Rersial ai~trist (C e). .1. Permitted uses. _m.:k Unloss etheFwise IJre'liaed fer in this section, 311IJermilled uses in the C 4 ~eneral cemmorcial district. 1" Accountinq (87211. 2. Adiustment and collection services (7322). 3. Advertisino aoen(je.sJZ31.11 4. .A~rtisino - mi~_cellaneous (73J.m, 5. Aqricultural services (07831 6. ~ Ancillarv plants. 7. Amusement and recreation services. indoor (7999). 8. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor (7999 - fishinq piers and lakes operation. houseboat rental. pleasure boat rental. operation of party fishinq boats. canoe rental onlvl. 9. Animal specialtv services. except veterinary (0752, excludinq outside kennellnq). 69 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 lem "'itA Strili:e tRrSl::lfjR - Delete Tellt it\;<! gUblBls btrilte tRrlll,Jfjt;<J - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OOllhle LJndp.r1inerl Tl'!xt = Relocated I Add 1Q. Apparel and accessorv stores (5611-5699) 1L. Architectural services (87121. R Arm.ature rewIndingsh9.RS(76941 13.3, Auctioneerinq/auction houses (qroups 7389.59991. H." Auditinq (8721). 1fi 6J.illLan.d. home supplv stores (5531t 16. iW.tomOQU~F';;lr~ing,,(Z52,1l., 1L 4:- ,^,~t8FR8ti"e GisalsFs BRg ~as8liRs ssP'iGS sti;lti8R& (!tre~f3s 8811 ~ 1!L 6.MtQmJlJiv"cg~q~rs. nQi.~J~~xli.b~r,,- c1a~~iJi~d{99\i\i). 1R AutomO.tive repairservi.ces (7532 - 75391, 20.5-: ,^,~t8FReti':s rSf3@ir, sSR'isSEi @Re p8rhiR~ (~r8~ISB 76)13 :619), f3r€lViSe8 tRat 1iSa~'86R86 Btn:JttiR~ resissRtiBI ~sRiAg aistriets sRall 88 S~Q.j8Gt t9 tRS felle'!.'iR€t GFitsriQ: a. :g~e fif "g(:;.;glgg.] ':'BP"a6R Qesi8RS8 t8 SSR'S "sRieles 9HgeQ8iR~ B 9af3G19it~' rQtiR~ sf aRe h$lR 8R811 Rat 88 BII9"'SQ. Ia. ,HiRimwm r&l~. (1) .~Nt re,o:-g B&,tke@.'c 8g fS8t. (2) b:gr; yaRi BeUltiHs'C 19 feet. (2) nBg,~ r.g~ setB8g,'C 19 H3st. 8. 1I1;rq.:r~Mm freRtg~f?J. ^, 88~::ast<l st<lall liH3t 8S ISBBteg SA @ 19t v;itR 18S6 tR8R 1139 k;et 9f frsRtB~e SR a aSgi88te8 stFset er Ri~J;;j~':a~'. g. het g:i2!f?J. r1iAiFRMFR 1R,9g9 S~l;JBr8 feat. 8. ,CQNgg ~Gft!';~r:r;reNtB. If B 98P"asR atawts a r:9sisSRtiGlI eiistriet, a FRElSSRPJ' ~H 9~t:sIivaleRt '''Bll 8aRstn:J1iSts'g "'itl><1 a QS99F8ti' '8 fiRiSR, Bhe fest iR R8i~Rt BRal1 B8 8resteQ QI9R~ tt~s let liRe 8f3f38Gits tRS rSEiiSeRtiQI QiBtriet BRe tt<ls let liABS f3SrJiSR8i81:11ar te tR8 let [iRBS 8J3J38site tR8 r8Bis8RtiBI eiistri9t fer 8 siStQR8S ARt 1898 tl><laR 16 H38t. Tl;;1s "'Elll GRail BS IS8at(;)(;J witl><1iR a laR8G98p9Q R3Iff~n as Gf38sif488 iA s8etisR .2.1.7. 4".QG.QQ. .^.I1 wGlII~ &R911 RS ,sr;gt89teQ ey a earr;ier ts f'r:S"8Rt vSRislss frEl~ 8SRtB8tiR~ tR9FF1. 70 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u~tR Stril,e tRrsbI€JR = Delete lant. itl<ll;?sell3le ~'FilLo tRr1], '~R Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Douhle I lndp.r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add f. .1\.F@td~~tMr"~. TR9 BhlIilaiRfi GRail FRQiRteiR a QQRsi6lteRt arGRitElGtwrel tRsms eh3R~ SaGR Iin.til8iR~ mGGlsEl. Q. ^'g:ge. ,^ e8P"iu1R sRall 8e ShlIBjS8t t@ QrQifiCl8R8El ~Je. 99 1:, Cellisr C-g~Rty ~]sisQ C'eFltrel QrsiRa(i<l8S [CeBEl GR. 84, arxt. Il.IT- !;!. l.1Igfj/q.:ng e~g ~g.',.:B~;r<Ig. TRg '.vesRiAg QfilIQ J'Bli&RiR~ 8J'SFEl1i~HH; fer ell ear '/:8SRiR!J fGlsilities, iRGI~aiRFt sslf ssP'ies Gar '^'esRiR~ f;;Jeilities, sRal1 8S 9R818S88 8R at 19a~t F::e sidBS eRa SRQII Be 8S"ereQ 8)' Q n~ef. \/a8~~miRS fasilitisG r;Ray 88 18Gatea 8~t&i8e tR9 8wil8iR~, 8wt FRa~' Ret Be le8et88 iR afiCl~' rS~Yir9g ~'Qra erS8; i. "'tgId."'fj gf @/1g~atigN. C:;lpuaSRS6l a8~ttiR~ reSiQeRtial siEitrietEi SRGlII lii8 81es98 fn~m 19:99 f3.m. 18 ::99 a.m. 21. !\utQm.QliI@.~.(OC1Lic,e~19j~J., 22. Banks, credit Unions and trusts (6011-6099). 23. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). 24. Beautv shops (7231. except for beauty schools). 25.8oat d~.rs.L55~11 26. Bookkeepinq services (87211. 27. Bowlinq centers. indoor (79331. 28. Buildino cleanino and maintenance s.aC1Lices 17349). 29. &. Buildinq construction--General contractors and operative builders (1521-15421. ---- +-: Q\;JilaiR!I ~ateFialEi (gmlllf3s 8211 82G1). 30. Business associations (86111. ;}L Business consultinq services (87481. 32. Business credit institutions (6153-6159). 33. g, Business services (!lrou~s :.11 :.8:<, :.8\1, 7389 -contractors' disbursement. directories-telephone. recordinq studios. swimminq pool cleaninq. and textile desiqners onlvl. 71 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "qtl:j ~tril,e tt-=lrsloI@1:1 = Delete Tont 'itR 1;'814818 ~tril Q tl:;Jro'lfjR- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle LJnrlerlinerl Text = Relocated 1 Add 34. Cable and other pay television services (48411 includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqht, subject to section 2.6.35 5.05.09. 35. Caroentry and floor WQck contractQrS_L1751,175:z1, 36. Carpet and Upholsterv cleaninq (72171. 37. ltJlJY>'<llib.es_Cl5421,...RrQyided.J.h.at..c,arw...a.s.b.es_ abuttino residential 40n ing"9.L~tlj[;tsshallll~.2"1JQ@ctt.Q.lhe.fQ.IIQwing...ccite.ria: L Size _QtJ(ehicles~Carw.~hes designed_to_s.eJYe vehicle.J; exc~edinq _;;I capa~, ratin9....of ,OlleJ,on shall not be ;;ILLQ\LV~d: ii lyJinjfJlytJL vfi,J,L!i,. 11 E[Qntvfirdse.tb.f!.ck;~5Q.fe.e.t .fl ~.'iQm..Sf!1Qfi..f.k: 40 feej, .:ll BefU:.J'iHd setbg~~j.Qf~t I.!.L 'XllfJifTjym fro/ltfif1.e~cb~qfl,r\^Iashsh allr:U;1tll~J.QJ<.~eg()nal ot wj!.tLl~s,~Jh a n 151LfeeJ,Q.Lf[<:,l.lJlggeJill..jLlJ e.d.Jc.atedstreel.QI hl9bXigK iv. Lo1~zJZ,MinimumJ_B.J)o.Q~~;;II~Je.et, 'L Fence reauirements. .If a carwash abills...a residential dlstnct, _a _m<;js_Cl.[llY oreg)JiYgLeIlUtJJl.ll~consJn.!Ctedwith--" g.ec;.or;;ltil(~..fLn ish six_Je~!ilJ"b~i.gbt..~b;;ljLll~~r<;;c.t~g;;lJQIl9 the..Jot .1 ine @!)Qsite..tb_e. LesLden.ti.a.LdislricLalldthe.JoUirle.s Pe[P.~I1d.lc.yJ_;;ILJQ-_~t.he,IOt..LlgQS....QP...po_site_-lhe~Le~ld..~.llti;;II gjs.lri<;t19r.adi~~ not less than_.! 51eeLIhe wall shall Re...JQ_ca.\<;;d.~within_ iLJandsc.aRed..buffec ..ilJL.8Pecifiediq B,<;;c.,tlon4,Q.9,QO..A.IJ. ..w.a.lls,,~b;;ljLp,~,protecte.d... b.Y...a....b.a.rri.eI..\Q 2[~l(e nt_YehLcJeJro,m conta ctiillL,\bem .' YL. {l,fJ;}1Jl&I;ILlffL The buildln!L~!J;;III.m.aintain a consistent ;;I[gbitectulilUhe.ITl.@.a.longea.9bt1.ullc;!Lllil.f<:l.&ade. Y!L N9..L!i..e. AcarvLash..~b;;lJL..9.e~1Jpj~qtl0Qrdjn;;lnc.~NQ.\!Q,JZ, b9Wer_ltP.unty t'J.oise ContrQLOrdinancelCode ch. 54 art 1\/1 viii. ';Y.fishing jlDltJ2o!ishing . Thewashing,.,;;Ind...p,olisbiog op~[atiQn~JQ[;;Ijlc.ilLW;;lshjDg . JaclH.ll.ejL_i nclud i Qf1..._s_<;;[t'~ se.rv.ice car wasb.liJg facilities, shall be eneJQs_ed_on aUeas.t l}'1Q. ~jg,~"~_ a nd~ s h;;llLj;>~cc.21(~.redI;1Yil J09Ll/ilc.uumi.1l9 72 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te)ft '"'itA ~trik8 tRr.al:l!ilA = Delete Tmlt uitl;t I;lsbl8le rtril'g tt;,r.-9UBR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOlJhle Underlined Text = Relocated I Add Ia.cil..ities ..m.a'i.J;le..Joc..a!.ed__Ql.rt.sideJh.e.....buU9jng,b.u.tmaY.Dill lLeJ9J&!ted i[lanv reouiJesLY;;lrd,lr~a. ~ HO!J[$QLOo.!!.L;;IliQn:,"Carwashes abuttino residenti..a..1 distric.ts_s.h_aJ.!Jlli_cJ.oJ>.edJJQ!JlJO:QQ...P.m..Jo];QO.a.,m.. 38. Churches. 39. Civic. social and fraternal associations (86411. 40. Coin-operated laundries and drv c1eaninq (72151. :1..L Coin operated amusement devices. indoor (79931 42. Commercial art and oraphic desion (7336) 43. Commercial oho\Q.9.~b.v !7..3::i~l 44. Commercial printinq (2752. excludinq newsoapersl. 45. Computer programminq. data processing and other services (7371 -- 73791 46. Computer and computer software stores (57341. 47. .G..o.IJ,freleYLor!5,.U}Zll. ---- 9,. ConstruGtien sJ)oGial trade contracters (€lroups F11 FilA, F91i, 17\"'/). 48 CoUItsl!-l.fJllc 49. .Gre.djtJJ;Qortino .s.~[V.ic.~.~.llln)~ 50. ~ Crematories (72611. M.." Dance studios. schools and halls. indoor (7911 ). 52. Department stores (5311) 53. Detective. quard and armored car service (7381. except armored car and doq rentall. 54. Direct mail.<ld..vertisino serviceslZ.TI.1.l.-. 55. [)i~infectino an.d.pest control servicesLZ.3.42.L 56. Drvcleaninq plants (7216. nonindustrial drvcleaninq onlvl 57. DruQ stores (59121. 73 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text witt:! Strike tl:1r-ebl€JR = Delete nmt "itf.;l ~8~~lo ~trili:8 tRreL:J8101- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated I Add 58. Eatinq and drinkinq establishments (5812 and 5813) excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.6.10 5.05.01. 59. 4-Q, Educational plants. ---- 4+, EducatioA sorvicOE; (€jrGlolf3S ~24. ~24g). 60. Educational services (8221 and 82221. QL. J;Je.Qtrical and.Jllil.ctronic repair shops ill22:)'6c4.~1 62. ~1~g!ri.c'&'<;()lJ.1ro;;l.g,~ 171.11 63. Enqineerinq services (87111. 64 .~9..u.lR1Ileo.lre.n..t;;lJ;;lndJ~.;;lSi n q llJ.RilJ. 65. Essential Services. subject to section 201.03. 66. Facilities support manaqement services (87441. 67. Federal and federallv-sponsored credit aqencies (6111 ). 68. EireJ2[j)tection.ffi2.2.4t 69. .:tJ,. Fishinq. hlolntiA€j ana traf:lf:liAQ commercial (Qreuf3s 0912-09191. 70. Food stores (qroups 5411 - 5499). rr Funeral services (7261) 72. Gar!:)1Sillt_mes.siDo and _aQSill.l~.iQL laundries and drvcleaners (12121. 73. Gasoline seiYice s.lations (55411 wtth. se!Ylc,e5...jilld repairs as de.sc.r.iOO.Qln.~~~Jion 5 05.05 74. General merchandise stores (5331-53991. 75.44, Glass and olazino work (1793\ 76. Glass stores152;U1, 77. Golf courses. public (79921 78. Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II, except for homeless sheltersl; care units. except for homeless shelters; nursinq homes; assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to FS & 400.402 and 74 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "<itA Strilte tR~e1:l91::1 = Delete TOllt .;tf1 [;'8~Ble ~tRl18 tRFBlcl!tlx1- Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle lJnderlinerl Te)('f = Relocated I Add ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. ~ 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subject to section 2.6.26. 5.0504 79. Hardware stores (525n 80. Health services. offices and clinics (8011-80491. !iL. Health and allied services. miscellaneous (8092-80991. 82. Heatjno and Air-conditioning,contractorS.JJ7JJJ. 83. Heavv c()nstruction~j1JmeD.Lr:ent<ll;;l.!J9L~_;;l~iI1gJZ353), 84. Home furniture and furnishinqs stores (5712-5719) 85. Home health care services (80821 86. Hospitals (8062-8069) 87. Hotels and motels (7011. 7021 and 70411 when located within an activity center. 88. Household appliance stores (5722). 89. IDsl.allaliQILOL erection ofb.u ildjng. eQY.lll.DJen.L<;.Q'ltra,Clws(1796). 90. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399, 6411 ). ---- -U>, Justice. public orclor and safety (groups 11211, 11221, 11222, 11221, ~ ft.1. Labor unions (86311. 92. Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (07811. 93. Laundries and drvcleaning. coin operated - self service (72151. 94. Laundries. familv and commercial (7211) 95. Laundrv and qarment services, miscellaneous (7219). 96. L~I couns~L<lndQr.9,~~".ytiqn(~~~~) 97. Legal services (8111 ). 98. Libraries (82311. 99. Loan brokers (61631. 100. 4+,Local and suburban transit (groups 4111~1 75 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text v<itl1 Strike tl:1r-ebl~R = Delete Telllt itl;;1 li?u 1318 ~'FiI,a U"I.FIiik:l81x1 = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OnlJhle Underlined Text = Relocated I Add 101. I...R,cal passeI10er transRo.r19tion 141191, 102. Lu.mber and other building materials deal.ersJ52JJ}. 103. Manaqement services (8741. 87421. 104. Marinas (4493 & 4499 - except canal operation. carqo salvaqing, ship dismantlinq. Iiqhteraqe. marine salvaqinq. marine wreckinq. and steamship leasinql. subiect to section 2.6.22 50502. 105. Masonry,stoneworkjilesettino and .Qlasteringcontractor~.L1Z~J: J7.1;)1 106. Medical and dental laboratories (8071 and 80721. 107. Medical eouipment rental and leasinG lLli41 108. Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (86991. 109. Membership sports and recreation clubs, indoor (79971. 1 9.MiccollanoQus ropair cervices (Qroups 7ij:l2 :ijllll). 110. ~Mobile home dealers (52711. 111. Mortqage bankers and loan correspondents (61621. 112. Motion picture theaters (7832). 113. +&Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (42251. mini- and self-storaqe warehousinq onlvt 114. Mo.!Qc.YehLcJ~st~;;lJ&CR"I1-e.YLgndJAS-',.d.iggJLj?6J). 115. Motorcvcle dea)ersJ5571). 116. Museums and art qalleries (8412). 117. Musical instrument stores (5736) 118. NewsQaQeI~ Publishinq. or publishirulandJ,lnntmgL27JJ}. 119. News syndicates (73831. 120. Nursinq and professional care facilities (8051-8059). 121. QillIQQLad\Lerti~ services 17~16J., ---- 20.18.Qbltgeer Gten~!le ~'are, FJrsvieea ewtaser stera89 yare Ret Be le8ates Bleser ttxlaR ~~ fset te 8R~' FJHslie street aR8 ttxlat GHSR ~'arQ 76 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TeHt "itl:1 Strike tt:Jrel::lfjR - Delete lmlt "itl;l g8l>1~le ~tFilm tRn]'l~R Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OOllhle lJnderlinp.rl Ted = Relocated 1 Add GRell 88 G8r>F\t3lst81~' eRsleS88, 8HlJ8t3t fsr Fl8GSGG8P/ iR!Jr8ss eRS 9~r8GS, ~blrSl=J8Rt ta tR8 re~blin~H~8r:lt sf se@tigR J.~.1 e ~~.8 af tRiG Csse. TRiG fSnr:isieR sl;!all Rat ells'" QS e t38rmitts8 ~H e9GSSGSPJ I:ISS, "'reehif-l!J ~'arss, jkllRI~~'er€is, Qr ~'arss 61sea iR '/lRele er ~er;t fer s6re~ er &el"e89 e~ereti8RS sr fer ~HHssssiR~, stera~s, €iis~le~', Qr seles sf eR~' S9rBf3, sel"B~e, er S88SRSRBR8 8kl1ilsiR!J meteriels, jWRh B6Itsmgti"@ \'sRi@lss, sr S88@Fls!;;JaRQ GHslt8FASti"s "sRi9le peR1L 122. Outdoor storaoe vards may--bo pormissiblo in tho C 4 district, Drovided that the vard is located no closer than twentv-five (25) feet to anv public street and that such vard shall be completelv enclosed except for necessarv inoress and earess pursuant to tho roquiromonts of this LDC section 40212. This provision shall not be construed to allow as permitted or accessorv use. wreckinG vards iunkvards or vards used in whole or Dart for scraD or slavaoe oDerations or for processino storaoe displav or sales of nv scrap slavaoe or ..secondhand buildino materials iunk automotive vehicles or secondhand automotive vehicle parts. 123. Paint stores (;j2311 124. Painting andp;;lR~JhanglngjJZ.61J, 125. Passenoer car leasinG (75151 126. Passenoer car rental~14). 127. E'assengeIJmnS.Rm.l.a.tiQnana rJillLmeQ1L4]:221 128. .E'(lliodicals: PubU~bin!Lor Dublishino arl.'1p[in.linllI2Z2.1J" 129. Personal credit institutions (61411. 130. Personal services. miscellaneous (72991 131. Personnel sUPDlv services (7361 & 73631. 132. E-b.Q1QC.Q.RY.iflo and duplicatino services 17.1341. 133. PhotofinishinQ laboratories (73841. 134. Photoqraphic studios, portrait (72211. 135. Phvsical fitness facilities (79911. 136. Plumbino cQntrilctof2,ll71 JJ. 137. E'QJLc~oteQtiQ.Q(2.6:21) 138. Political orQanizations (86511. 77 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itR ~trik8 tl:1rebl€)R = Delete T iilH~ i1101 r;?g kl~lg ~1Fi1i:iil 11>lriillclglo1 = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nouble Ilnderlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 21.rriRtiR~, JHsI&liSAilil~, aRS 81liS8 ilil~MstFies (~r€Jl:Il3s 2:11, 2:21). 139. Professional membership orqanizations (86211. 140. Professional sports clubs and promoters, indoor (79411. 141. Public administration (qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311, 9411-9451, 9511-9532.9611-9661) 142. Public or private parks and plavqrounds. 143. E:.!..!blk_Q[der and s.afetv (92291 144. Public relations services (8743). 145. Radio. television and consumer electronics stores (57311. 146. Radio televislQD and oublishers advertisinG reoresentatives fZ313). 147. Radio and television broadcastinG stations (4832 & 48331 148. Real Estate (6512. 6531-65521 149. Record and prerecorded tape stores (57351. 150. B-"SIealLQ[lalve.h.iclec~;;lJer~,(!l,56Jl 151. Reliqious orqanizations (86611. 152. Repair ~s..and..s.eD!ice~"n().t~L~ewherecLa.s.s.ified(7699). 153. Research. development and testinG services (8731-8734). 154. Retail- miscellaneous (5921-5963. 5992-5999). 155. Retail nurseries lawn <illd oarden suoplv mQres.{52B1t 156. Reupholsterv and furniture repair (76411. 157. Roofino,,~djn9-,m.d2h.eet metal w()r~,~<;.()nJractoLSi1Z61l 158. Secretarial and court reportino servicesJl~ 159. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanqes and services (6211-6289) 160. Security systems services (738f1 161. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine oarlors (72511. 78 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text with Strilt8 tt-lrebl~t-l = Delete rem1 itR Qu 113'18 ~arilie tlo1rol2fgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle I Jnderlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 162. Social services, individual and familv (8322 8399, except homeless shelters and soUP kitchensl. 163. Soecial trade contr;;lctor$,Jlot else\^lh!'lrecLa~2jfied(JZ99l. 164. s.lr.!J.c.till.<lu;.le.e.L.er~ctiQnc.ontr;;lctofS( 1Z9.11. 165. Survevinq services (8713). 166. Tax return preparation services (72911 167. IalSi,gabs(4J21l 168. Teleqraph and other messaqe communications (48221 includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqht, subiect to section 5.0509 169. Telephone communications (4812 and communications towers UP to specified heiqht 505.09 4813) includinq subiect to section 170. Theatrical producers and miscellaneous theatrical services, indoor (7922-7929. includinq bands, orchestras and entertainers; except motion picture). 171. Jourop_ef;;ltorsC4Z2:2t 22.TrGR8I3sr48ti@R sep:iB88 (~r@lsI~s 1721 1:29). 172. Ir:;;l';'eL aoencie~'!-12,1t 173. Ir\'l(;kr~nt;;ll and J~~~I1.,g, without driver~CZ:2J}} 174. United State Postal Service (4311, except maior distribution centerl. 175. .R.eUP...l1plst!'l.rv...and..J.um it\.lJ~r~paiLJZ64Jl. 176W.tjlj.tYJr9iJ~r;;llldJeclliati.QnQL'>leJlir;:I~Jen!.<l1 (75jill., 177. Veterinarv services (0741 & 0742. excludinq outside kennelinql. 178. Videotape rental (7841). 179. Yocational s.cb.OOs (8243-8299). 180. Wallpaoer stores15231 ). 181. Watch. cl<;Jr;:k and iewelrv reoairlZ6.;ub 182. Water \^l!'lIl_cJ..rillino illllJl 79 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TS1;t ",tl:1 Strike tl:1rebl€JR - Delete TSllt iU" Qil rl?lu &trili8 UXlr8\4!jR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle lloderlinerl Text = Relocated 1 Add 183. \L'i5)!d i no r5)QaLUl6.921 184. Anv use which was permissible under the prior General Retail Commercial (GRCl zoninq district, as identified bv Zoninq Ordinance adopted October 8. 1974. and which was lawfullv existina prior to the adoption of this Code. 185. Anv other commercial use or professional services which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are purelv associated with activities conducted in an office. 186. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with the-- forogoing (C-1) list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 100800 .f.:.. b'SSB a~~~ggef}' te pg~r;r;r;ttru/ MBSS te" (' fi 'a~gB.Accessorv Uses. 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the C-5 district. 2. Detached caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.9.19. 50305 3. Within tho C a district, o\Jtsido storage or display ef m9fchandise is prohibited within any frent yard. Temporary display of merchandise during business hours is permissiblo, provided it does not adversely affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic or public health or safety. Merchandise storage and display is prohibited within any front yard' shall bo allowed within the side and rear yards of lots. ;L Conditional uses for C a. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the heavy commercial district (C-51. subiect to the standards and procedures established in ai',isien 2.7.4. section 10.08.00. ---- ~ ,^.gricullural cervices (greul'lS Q741 Q742, Q7l32, "'itR 8~t888r IH,FlRsIiR~). 1" f\nimal soec;ialjy,s_eJvices excElptyeleriQ.'l'Y (0752 with outdoor ~J1nelina) 2. &. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor (€lroul'lc 7948. 7992. 7996. 79991. 80 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA ~trike tl::1rBbI€lR = Delete len' iY<1 g8~81il ftril'g '~FS~~A - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle Unrlp.rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 3. ~ Bottle clubs. (All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.9.10 5.0501.1 4. 4-, Child dav care services (83511. provided: !., &.- All areas and surfaces readilv accessible to children shall be free of toxic substances and hazardous materials This shall include all adiacent and abuttina Properties Ivino within 500 feet of the child care center's nearest oropertv line. ill {-1-1 For purposes of this subsection. the followinq definitiens shall applv: j) W Hazardeus materials: A material that has any of the followinq properties' iqnitable. corrosive. reactive and/or toxic. jj) fllt Toxic substances: a substance which is. or is suspected to mutaqenic. teratoqenic. beinqs. be. carcinoqenic. or toxic to human i1 b-c It shall not be located within 500 feet of the nearest oropertv line of land uses encomoassino wholesale storaoe of oasoline Iiouefied Detroleum oas oii or other flammable Iiouids or oases iii. &.- It shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation Quarries. iv. 4 It shall have a minimum lot area of 20000 souare feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet v. &. It shall provide a minimum usable ODen soace of not less .tl:J.arl thirtv 130\ percent of the total souare footaoe of the Jot area vi. f, It shall orovide that all ODen soaces to be used bv children will be bounded bv a fence of not less than five (5\ feet in heioht to be constructed of wood masonrv or other aporoved material. vii. ~ It shall provide a landscape buffer in accordance with section 4.06.00 viii.-R-c It shall complv with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Child Dav Care Standards Florida Administrative Code. 81 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itt:1 l!tril<s thrsbl8R - Delete Te1l1 itA [;;Is .elk/Ii! ('tFil u tl=lrSlcl!l'" Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. I Jnderlined Tp.x1 = Relocated 1 Add ix. ~ Where a child care center is proposed in coniunction with and on the same Darcel as a facilitv which is a permitted use the reouirements set forth in suboaraaraphs-a.J throuoh-ll viii above with the exceptions of subparaoraohs d iv-'illd-B v shall be us"d to provide the protections to .children usino the child care center intended bv this section consistent with the develoDment of the oroposed oermitted use. 5. a, Communications (~rouf3s 4812--48411 with communications towers that exceed specified heiqht. subiect to section 2.1l.d5. 5.0509 6. &- Farm product raw materials (~roups 5153 -51591. 7. +., Fuel dealers (~reups 5983--59891 8. S, Homeless shelters, os dOHnod tly this Codo. .fL 9,. Hotels and motels (~reuf3s 7011. 7021. 7041 when located outside an activity center.l ---- -1-Q..;. .Jwstise, (iSblBlis srasr etRQ SQfety (~r8w~ Q:;l:;l1). 1 O. CQfNc!ioJJal..instjj,\!jLQD~(gIouP"92?lt 1L. .:t-1-- Kiosks. 12. +&. Local and suburban passenqer transportation (~re~f3s 4131-- 41731. 1..;1 ~ Motion picture theaters. drive-in (78331. ~ 44, Permitted uses with less than 700 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 1!i. ~ Soup kitchens, as dofiRod tly this Codo, ~ ~ Transfer stations (4212. local refuse collection and transportation 2DlYL 1L Y eter.ina[Y~s~r;vi~.~BJ9Z1.1S.QZ1?,\!!itb,.Q\!tg.Q.Qr~f;!I1I)!1JJI1gJ. ~ 4+, Anv other heavy commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00. 82 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC~ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 2.2.15%.5. Text "'itR ?;tril"i:e U:lrebl~1:1 - Delete Tent i11:;1 f:;>o'lkllg i:trihs tlo1rel:f,€lR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Dnllhle Underlined Text = Relocated I Add .~~&'~f?/;?g"ffiifB(j strrBgG' B~€1 ff~.',gr. 1_IRI8&G 8JlS8ifi8811~' 1S8FmitteB fsr Q WEig, 8HtGiag Gtsra8e er QiGf'la~' af FRSrSRBRQ!S8 is fiJrt;JRisiteQ witAiR BRi fFE~Flt ~'e1nil. TEHJlf38FSv': Si8F=118~' sf ~erQRaRsi8s al:lriR~ 6e1siR988 R8wrs is fjsrmissil;le, f3rf3"iQQQ it sess RBt ag"sFsel)' attest f38aestrisR 8r "9Riswl8r trams er p\;JsliG RealtR 9r saklt,,'. MSrGRBfi'lQi88 sterQge BRa ais~la~' GR811 BS ;;)lIa":8Q witRiR tRS sigs QRS rear ~'8r€ii8 ef lets. F. Travel Trailer-Recreational Vehicle Campqround District (TTRVCl 1. PUFf!eso :md intent. The provisions of this district are intended to applv to trailer lots for travel trailers. park model travel trailers and recreational vehicles. not exceedinq 480 square feet in qross floor area. Such trailer lots are intended to accommodate travel trailers, model travel trailers. pickup coaches motor homes. and other vehicular accommodations which are suitable for temporary habitation. used for travel. vacation, and recreational purposes. Campsites are intended to accommodate temporarv residency while campinq. vacationinq or recreatinq. TTRVC vehicles may be permanentlv located on a lot; however. no person or persons may OCCUpy said vehicles as permanent places of residence. Ib eJQ!19wil]g_...u_se.s"c.;;lf.~.c"permissibl~.~I;J,y..JigbL..oL as accesso rv Qr ~QJl!illjQI!;;llu.s.l1.LwilJ:!jnJb.e.lray~Jjra i ler,L~reationa I 'Lehicl~,cG.9mJ?o rou nd districI.LTIB'L(;;l Pef1;r:;d/eg ['888. TR8 f@lh~'''iR8 l;ASSS are fj8FR"litte8 as ef riQRt, er as ~88G 618GSGb8V',,' ta rserFRitte8 W88&, iR tR9 trauBI trailsr r;esrsati8RQI '/8Ri8[e 88mf3QTt;n!4RS sistrist (TTR'!C). 1... Permitted uses. 1" Travel trailers. park model travel trailers. pickup coaches. motor homes and other recreational vehicles. 2. b'Bez gSeegBEH)' tf1 pem;.r.:MruJ WBBS. Ac.c...e.s..s0lll Uses. L. Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the TTRVC district. 2. One sinqle-familv dwellinq (not a TTRVC unit) in coniunction with the operation of the TTRVC park. 3. Accessorv uses and structures customarilv associated with travel trailer recreational vehicle parks. includinq recreation facilities (both indeer and outdoorl. administration buildinqs. service buildinqs includinq bathrooms. laundries and similar services for residents of the park. and utilities. 83 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "nth &tril,e tt:lreblfjl=:l = Delete Tim' i1R r;?o~Blo !:tril,e U~rB14~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language [')ollble LJnrlf!rlinerl Ted = Relocated 1 Add 4. Accessorv uses and structures customarilv associated with travel trailer recreational vehicle lots. includinq: 1. & .E.nclosed.utilitv/stoJa~.a[ea otJhe.samesidinQ.maleJiaJ and archite.clural stvle..as that of the___asso~ recreatiooal..Yeh~s" 11O.1..\Q.~~ed.afl area of sixtv (601 ~,<tfefeei Be Any' JJlliityLs.toraoe-'ll.e.a. s.h.all be located adiacent to its as.s.ociated recreational vehicle and made a continuous j;1grtofa_screened-inp..Qfch wheresuch,lP.OJCbJs attached !9.the\lehiGle.g~ hereiQ providedVVhere utilitv/storaoe ;;lre..9.S_;;lJe mad"'-.lj continuous parUlLa screened-in porctL tbe_ area ofthe.._uti Iitv /stor~,..a rea....mav....no.t..Jl~Xce,.e.d....2.5 pjlrcent.Qftbe~~ea of thEl.~9.re~,n~.d-in pQfc.h...or 1;;Q...8QjJ.<lr.e f.e.eL_lN.bicheve.L.Je.s.s.er.T.be......((o\.!!1!Y.~.Mgn.;;l.9.eJ...oL..his de,g.jgjJ_ee_ .mav.~.d mLn.i$.trativelv;;lpp[Q.ve.;;lne?5<;~p!iQnJ.Q accessorv s1r.y~ure size !.irrli.latlon where such exception iJUleceSSa.rv..to.allow.JOLa.cce.ss.i,I;1.illty....iI1Jlccorda.nce....with tbe~.s;.ifi<;,gti.QI1sse.tfor.thi!l.$~RtlQn..4...ot.theAmeci<;.<lns lIY..iJh...J2isab.Uities. .Act iADA}cJSLaccOmm..od"te_a_ph_~icaJ!y hgn.dicgpp~dijJdl.vidJJaL lL. &, for recrea.tional vehiclelLfix.ed..b.v..a permanent anchoriog system,..,.<lJ>.9.[.e..e..ned,in... porc.h.. ..e.Leyated..OL...a.tQIound....JeveJ with_Lspjj,d roof structure....arcb.ilecturallv COmPJltlP)~._wj11) il.s.ass.OJ;jgteltre.(;r~atio.lli!1 vehicle ..f!Qt1Q. exceed an area ~UoJ..~.of the recreational vehicle to which it is <ltl;;lcb.e.sL$;;lid.RRJeened..:in,PmR.b..~b.allprovide for ..l!~iill 1!tllilYls.l,ol.aQe ...SPilce reQ.Yirements...asheJej}1.2L9Vi.Q..e..d...afld ~h;;lJLnQLRQJJ!<lin.)l.flY.Q.theri.n!erjQr..w.a!!s~AJLs.yc~h__S<;le~jJ,e.d encIOS!JIeLOlU,st..pepermitted ,.;;l.ml.R,onstru.cted..accordinQ to.thjs__Q.Qd~_<lnSL;;lpR!ic.a bleJ>_Y.i.ldJ.llil_co.steLExterio r walls may' pe enclosed;;'ithscreen"~;;l_SS._.9[~JLiID1 windo~ .e.>g;epJ_Jb_at...tbe .sloraJJ?....llJeilJi.lJ.a lI.be .encl.o.seQ..)'{ltb.tb~ .s<iom~matElf.igL<ls.tb.e.P[iQ!;jp;;lJ..un.i1 5. 4 ((;;lmgg[PJJn.ds .GQDtalDLngJ..QO sQac.e.s_o.J:.mgr.e.s.hall be permitted a c.on.\Lenle.n.9..e <:;2m_merc;i;;ll facilitY.. nO.jJ~ater than 15000 Sgy.;;lre f~etinJ.QJ;;lLJa.nd,areac.,lhjsJ<l.RW.ly_,~haiiill.Qvid_ej.QCJj1~ee.?5clu_BJ.v~ ~gLeoLconYJillieocejtems to park'patroflSQDJy.and shall oresent I1Q. visi ble_.~.vjd~jJ.R,~...... 9fth~lr.RQmme[Rj;;lIRbaJ;;l.Rt~J,j.nRll,Jdin.,g ~naoe and liohling~frQ.lJl..JlI1Y.P.I.J!;lli!;; ord?!illate street or riaht-of, 1!'!'~:i~.xjeJ..fJR)l9.!h~p;;l[K ;L Conditional uses. The follewinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the travel trailer recreational vehicle park campqround district (TTRVC1. subiect te the standards and procedures established in aivisioA 2-+.4 section 10.08.00.: 84 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text with gtrike tl:1reblg~ = Delete ruut 'itA ~S~8IB ftFiltB t~reklgR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOlJhle I Jndp.rlined Text = Relocated I Add 1" ~ +h Campin!l cabins subiect to the followinq standards: L a, One.cilmpiD.9._cabin peHlPQroved..TTR\fCJol. iL l.;, The maxim~um numher..QLcamoin.Jl.J!abin lot~n..anv one ITBY\{,P;;lI~~bilJLl;1gjgnp~I~~I1Ll.)tJb,~.Jgt;;lJnuml;1~L,l.)! approvedTJRVC !01!'h. not to..J'lJ<cg~daJgt;;l1 number of twentv (20) campino cabin lots iii. & Ma1>imumfl.QOLaJe.a of 22QSquamJee.t. iv. 4 Ng~Lntg[na!~<3lg[2.l.(;()ClI<ingJilfilitie~, 'L e.. ,Qampino cabins mav not be desioned _.as a permanent I@~sjggQce..jlo'!@(eL....tie.d-'l.\'\l02..Q[~Ls.aleJY devices m9Y b.~d_LnOr:de.rJQ-PIOyide1iecuritvagajns.lbjgbwjDdS, vi. fo f<~nJl cabins must be c.O.D1itructed of natural wood m2!teri2!ls_SU.cba.sJoilli,..IedwoQd,_~daLQL cVRIes_s io order tb.il.ijtJ1J2!:i..bJend..harmOJ]J.QJJslY..iDtO_ lO..eo.a.tUI2!Lland.s.c.2!.P-" .coaractgL DQ.rm;;lJ!.Lf2uDd.ln~a..JIR'I,\{..QLcamp~Q..uJ1_d ~e\!!n..g. Vii. g, The _oeneraLdeveloomentJililodaLd,~..Jeouired fQrto"" TTRVC -park shall be....apolicable tQ the camoino cabin .lQ1s. Viii.~ 6.llm2!J~riillsancj,.cgn~![Uction..~mJ.!~U;le...in.....a.ccorP."II1..cJ'l..wjth tjlg.\{QII ierC;.Qunly'_b.ui Id i n9..cO.de.....a.D.d....t.tli'u.5l,~~JJ.ls....Qf the Standard Buildino Code (2]:l.,Q, ix. h .At least..on~..JQom of th.~,."c.a.moino cabin. must have a minjmumgL15Q~qU;;lr~J~etgt!199L;;lr~a, )h j-c Ii camOil1JLldIbins are tQbe located in a.1Iood hazard zQillLa.:>...delineated one. the m..os.U_ecent flood insurance raie_ffi!lRJ;j.. a 111,~qulrSimeIl-!~.QL~~.cJ1Q.Q.3..Q2. Oo..91Jl1i~..1.Q_c nlu~s.tbe met xi. ko- 6.R::lIJ1,_s...b..alLbe._2!JJowe.d_,Lma1>jmu.mJ.eDgthoL~t;;lY..Q!JW..Q (2) waeks, in a camoina cabin 1. 20 Plan appro va/ requirements. Layout plans for a TTRVC park shall be submitted to the County Manager or his designee and construction shall be in accordance with approved plans and specifications and further subject to the provisions of site development plans in section 10.02.03. Such plans shall meet the requirements of this district and shall show, at a minimum. those items identified herein. 85 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK,doc 11/16/2007 Text '''itA Strili:e tArel::lfjR - Delete T8nt uitR 991,,1818 fl1rili8 tt<1r8~!lR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhlp.IJndF!rlinp.n TF!)('f = Relocated 1 Add j2. ;h Required internal park street system. All lots/spaces within a TTRVC park shall have a direct access from an internal street. All internal streets within the district shall provide safe and convenient access to a public street. The right-of-way widths, paving widths, and other construction standards, including gradient and alignment of all internal streets and drainage shall be subject to the standards for development of supporting infrastructure as provided in the subdivision regulations. in Chapter 10. For the purpose of this subsection, internal streets shall refer to streets, including necessary right-of-way or easement, located within the confines of the project legal description and providing no access to other land parcels. 2. 4-c Required facilities for campsites and TTRV lots. a. Sanitary facilities, including flush toilets, and showers within 300 feet walking distance from every campsite lot and as approved by the Collier County Health Department, or in the event of a private on-site system connection to a county system subject to county ordinances. Lighting shall be provided in sanitary facilities at all times and the facilities shall be accessible to park residents at all times. b. Potable water supply as approved by the Collier County Health Department and/or the director of development services pursuant to Chapter 10. c. A trash container such as a dumpster shall be located in areas easily accessible and not obstructed by campsites, lots or other TTRVC lots or parking areas. d. An enclosed space shall be open at all times wherein a portable fire extinguisher in operable condition and first aid equipment is available for public use. e. One parking space per campsite or TTRV lot. z. I>, Sanitary waste disposal. Unless every travel trailer site has a sanitary waste outlet. a central pump-out station shall be provided. ji. 6-, Off-street parking. As required in section 40500. j!. 7-, Permanent location of TTRV vehicles. TTRV vehicles including park model. travel trailers, may be permanently located on a lot; however, no permanent residency is allowed. .1Q, &, Compliance. Where travel trailer/park model lots are being sold to individuals, the developer/owner of the lots shall include in the title transfer document a covenant attesting to the fact that the lot cannot be used as a place of permanent occupancy. All TTRVC parks which commenced construction after the effective date of this district shall comply with all requirements of this district except as further provided 86 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itA atrike tRrabl€lR - Delete Tg'lt. itA E?uLlhlQ i:trilLu tRru'I~R = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language I)ollblp. Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add herein. No TTRVC park in existence on the effective date of this district shall be altered so as to provide a lesser degree of conformity with the provisions of this district than existed on the effective date of this district. Land already zoned TTRVC which does not meet the acreage requirements may be developed; however. the development shall conform with all other regulations of this district. Every proprietor. manager. homeowners' association, or condominium association of a TTRV park shall maintain a register of tenants or occupants. noting the duration of the rental arrangement or length of occupancy for owner-occupied sites with respect to one or more travel trailers or park models. Said register shall be made available upon demand to the County Manager. In the event of owner-occupied lots within the TTRVC district, said owner is responsible for registering his or her arrival and departure from their recreation residence with the manager of the TTRVC park. Failure to register will hold the owner responsible for penalties as herein provided. Failure of park owner/manager to provide said register, duly describing the persons who have occupied a travel trailer or park model trailer. and the duration of their occupancy, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties provided by this Code. Any proprietor or manager who maintains a falsified register to allow persons to occupy a travel trailer or park model trailer on a permanent basis shall be similarly guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalties as provided in this Code. 11. ll-c Flood program requirements. All travel trailers, park model travel trailers, recreational vehicles and accessory structures shall comply with the current Collier County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance [Code ch. 62, art. II] if permanently attached to the ground or utility facilities. ~. ~ Anchoring/sewer, water and electrical connections. Park model travel trailers, when positioned on a lot in this district, must be anchored in accordance with the standards set forth in the MH district and TTRVC district and other applicable regulations. and be connected to a public or private water and sewer system. Additionally, such units must obtain electrical service directly from the electric utility authorized to provide such service in Collier County. ~. +-1-, Building permit. A building permit shall be required for any permitted use prior to water, sewer or electric connection. 14. 4b Signs. As required in section 506.00. 2.03.04_Ci"ill aAIIIAlItitw*illAallndustrial Zoning Districts A. Industrial District':+:lLl. The purpose and intent of the industrial district.:+: (11 is to provide lands for manufacturinq, processinq. storaqe and warehousinq. wholesalinq. and distribution. Service and commercial activities that are related to manufacturinq, processinq. storaqe and warehousinq, wholesalinq. and distribution activities. as well as commercial uses relatinq to automotive repair 87 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUselist(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text '''itl:1 StrUts tAr~bl€J1:1 - Delete Tsut Ht<l j;?g1dtrle ~trilHI tl;:!rB~BR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle Underlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add and heavy equipment sales and repair are also permissible in the I district. The I district corresponds to and implements the industrial land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier County GMP. The followino uses... gsjdentjfied within the Stand.grd Industrial Classification ManugL,LL~Sl1J,..oras..oth..e.rwts.e .RrovtdedtoLwithinth.i.u;ecUon are oermitteQas a rioht or as a~.Qry Q.Lk.Q!lditional uses.YJLi1hin.1h,~,ind-".Jstrial distrlcUl1 nG'r;;m:ttf$S W8eB, TRs f8I1g"'iR~ MSSS, QS jQsRtif.ieli1l "'it!;;)iR tRB ~taRgar:8 IR€hmtrial CIQssifisatisR r1aRwal (1QW7), 8r GIS 8tRs~ise pr:s"iaea fer witRiR t!;;)is 68stieR, are psrFRittea as 8 ri~Rt, er 8S I:Ises 8EH,eSG8I?J' t8 JilSFR"litt88 WSSS, iR tR8 iRa~striiiill gistrist (I). .1. Permitted uses. 1" Aqricultural services (€lroHPS 0711. except that chemical treatment of soil for crops. fertilizer application for crops and lime spreadinq for crops shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district. 0721. except that aerial dustinq and spravinq. disease control for crops. spravinq crops. dustinq crops. and insect control for crops. with or without fertilizinq shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district. 0722--0724. 0761. 0782. 07831. 2. Apparel and other finished products (€lroHpE 2311--2399) 3. Ancillarv Plants. 4. Automotive repair. service. and parkinq (waHp& 7513--75491. 5. Barber shops (~7241 1. Q" Beautv shops or salons (7231 ). L Buildinq construction (groHpE 1521--15421. 8. Business services (graups 7312. 7313. 7319. 7334--7336. 7342-- 7389. includinq auction rooms (59991. subject to parkinq and landscapinq for retail usel. .fL Communications (€lroups 4812--4899 includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqhts. subiect to section 2.9.d8 1Q. Construction -Special trade contractors (€lroups 1711--1799). 1L. Crematories (72611. 12. Depositorv and non-depositorv institutions (IlFaHPS 6011--61631. 13. Eatinq places (58121. 88 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 ~ Educational services (8243--82491. Text "itA Strike ti=lreu€Jt:1- Delete nmt "itf;;lI;?\1L:J~]8 ~trilli ttilnll!llftR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Onllhle IJndp.rlinp.rl Text = Relocated I Add ~ Electronic and other electrical equipment ((lreHps 3612--36991. ~ Enqineerinq. accountinq. research. manaqement and related services ((lrOulls 8711--87481. 1L Essential Services. subiect to section 2.01.03. 18. -1-7. Fabricated metal products ((lreHp& 3411--3479. 3491--34991. 19. -'I-lh Food and kindred products ((lroul:Js 2011--2099 except slauqhterinq plantsl. 20..w, Furniture and fixtures ((lreul:Js 2511--25991. gL.;w, General aviation airport. 22. 2+, Gunsmith shops (grQup& 76991. 23. 6!,., Heavv construction (fJreHp& 1611--16291 24. 6h Health services (8011 accessory to industrial activities conducted on-site onlvl. 25.-24, Industrial and commercial machinerv and computer equipment (3511--35991. 26. ~ U Insurance aqents. brokers. and service, includinq Title insurance (~6361 and 64111. 27. hjlj..lDdrv. cl~n..Lo.g~and_gill,me...!J.t~~ervJg~;;LZ61J:;;;Z61~). 28. & Leather and leather products (groul'ls 3131--31991. 29. U. Local and suburban transit ((lrOHI'lS 1111--41731. 30. ~ Lumber and wood products (fJreul'ls 2426. 2431--24991. 31.;w, Measurinq. analvzinq. and controllinq instruments; photoqraphic. medical and optical qoods; watches and clocks (fJreups 3812-- 38731. 32. ~ Membership orqanizations (fJroul:Js 8611 86311. 33.;>4., Miscellaneous manufacturinq industries (gro~ps 3911--39991. 34. ~ Miscellaneous repair services (groul:Js 7622--76991 with no associated retail sales. 89 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tel(t "ntt.l ~trike tl:1rSl;:lfilR - Delete nmt "it,", gg l"ll3ls glril g tl;;Jre~!lR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nnllhle tlnrlp.r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add 35. ~ Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq ((lro\Jps 4212. 4213- -4225. 4226 except oil and qas storaqe. and petroleum and chemical bulk stationsl. 36. ;>4. Outdoor storaqe vards pursuant to the requirements of section 2.2.11;%.6.402.12. 37. de. Paper and allied products (2621--26791. ----~. rerB8R81 sep'ise8 (~r8w~B 7.211 7219). 38. ~. Phvsical fitness facilities (~roups 79911. 39.~. Printinq. publishinq and allied industries (~ro\JpG 2711--27961. 40. dB. Railroad transportation (4011. 40131. if. 4{)., Real estate brokers and appraisers (65311. 42.4+. Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products ((lre\Jps 3021. 3052. 30531 43. 42-, ~ Shootinq ranqe. indoor (gffitIfl 7999) 44. ~ Stone. clav. qlass. and concrete products ((lro\Jps 3221. 3231. 3251.3253.3255--3273.3275.32811. 45.44. Textile mill products (groups 2211--2221. 2241--2259. 2273-- 2289. 2297. 22981. 46. ~. 44, Title abstract offices (gf00j3-6541 1. 47. 4€l. Transportation equipment ((lroups 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732. 3751. 3761. 3764. 3769. 3792. 37991. 48.4+. Transportation bv air ((lre\Jps 4512--45811. 49.48. Transportation services ((lre\Jps 1724--4783. 4789 except stockyards). 50.~. United States Postal Services (43111. M.." W. Weldinq repair (76921. 52. M. Wholesale trade--Durable qoods (gro\Jps 5012--5014.5021--5049. 5063--5092. 5094--50991. 53. a:6. ~ Wholesale trade--nondurable qoods (groups 5111--5159, 5181.5182.5191 except that wholesale distribution of chemicals. fertilizers. insecticides. and pesticides must be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district (5192--51991. 90 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA atrike tt:1r-ebl9R - Delete Teli' 'itR r;?el>l~18 l:tFihe tRFSlclS~ = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlF! Undp.r1inf!rt Text = Relocated 1 Add ~ t.(B6'B aeG'&'BBSfl)' 16' f2G~Jteg ygG'S. Accessorv Use.s.... 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the I district. 2. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.9.16. 5.03.05. 3. Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessorv to the principal use. excludinq automotive sales and/or displav areas. not to exceed an area qreater than 20 percent of the qress floor area of the permitted principal use. and subiect to retail standards for landscapinq. parkinq and open space. 4. Recreational vehicle campqround and ancillarv support facilities when in coniunction with temporarv special event activities such as air shows and the like. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the industrial district (I). subject to the standards and procedures established in aj'/isien 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. 1" Adult day care centers (83221. Shall not be located within 5.00 feet of the nearest prooertv line of land uses encompassino wholesale storaoe of oasoline Iiouefied oetroleum oas oil or other flammable Iiouids or oases. lL Shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asohalt plants and excavation auarries. iii. Shall have a minimum lot area of 20 000 souare feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet IV. Shall orovide a minimum usable ooen SDace of not less than 30 oercent of the total souare footaoe of the lot area 2. Child day care services (83511. orovided: L All areas and surfaces readilv accessible to children shall be free of toxic substances and hazardous materials This shall include all adiacent and abuttino Properties Ivino within 500 feet of the child care center's nearest propertv line. ill For purposes of this subsectien. the followinq definitions shall applv: 91 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntl:1 Strihe tl:1rel:J€lR - Delete Tlillt 'itt:ll;?Slllblg ftrilLe ";:lrsk!lgR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlf! Underlinert Text = Relocated I Add j} Hazardous materials: A material that has anv of the followinq properties; iqnitable. corrosive. reactive and/or toxic. ill Toxic substances: A substance which is or is suspected to mutaqenic. teratoqenic. beinqs. be. carcinoqenic. or toxic to human lL. It shall not be located within 500 feet of the nearest oropertv line of land uses encompassino wholesale storaoe of oasoline Iiouefied petroleum oas oil or other flammable Iiouids or oases. iii. It shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation auarries iv. It shall have a minimum lot area of 20 000 souare feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. 'JI.." It shall provide a minimum usable ODen space of not less than thirtv (301 oercent of the total souare footaoe of the lot area vi. It shall provide that all ooen spaces to be used bv children will be bounded bv a fence of not less than five (5) feet in heioht to be constructed of wood masonrv or other aDDroved material vii. It shall provide a landscape buffer in accordance with section 406.00. viii. It shall complv with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Child Dav Care Standards Florida Administrative Code. ix. Where a child care center is prooosed in coniunction with and on the same Darcel as a facilitv which is a permitted use the reouirements set forth in subparaaraphs-a--1 Ih~-H viii above with the exceptions of subparaaraphs G_ iv and-e v shall be used to provide the orotections to children usinG the child care center intended bv this section consistent with the development of the prooosed permitted use. 3. ~Chemical and allied products (!JrGllf:JS 2812--28991. 92 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "4tl:1 gtril~9 tl:1reblfjR - Delete Tellt itR l?B Itrla !:trilLB U<lrBlJgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOIJhle lJndp.rlinp.rt Text = Relocated I Add ~ ~ Communicatiens (qroups 4812--4899 includinq communications towers that exceed specified heiqhts subiect to all requirements of section 2.9.35 5.05091. 5. 4. Electric. qas. and sanitarv services (lJnlul3S 4911--49711. 6. a., Fabricated metal products (lJnlul3S 3482 -34891. L (h Foed and kindred products (2011 and 2048 includinq slauqhterinq plants for human and animal consumptionl. 8. Heliports/Helistops. public and private; For restrictions and conditiens see section 5.05.14 Heliports and Helistops. 9. +- Leather tannlnq and finishinq (31111. 1Q. 8. Lumber and wood products (~reul3s 2411. 2421. 24291. 11." g, Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (l:lfElHI} 4226. oil and qas storaqe. and petroleum and chemical bulk stations. but not located within 500 feet of a residential zoninq district). 12. -W,Oil and qas extraction (~rOllI3S 1321. 13821. ll44.Paper and allied products (26111. ~ +&.Petroleum refininq and related industries (groups 2911--29991. 12 .1-d-,Primarv metals industries (lJnlul3S 3312--33991. l2c. 44,Refuse systems (49531. 1L 4&-Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (~reul3s 3061 30891. ~ 4€hStone. c1av. qlass. and concrete products (~rellp6 3211. ~. 3229.3241.3274.3291--32991. JlL. -'I+- Textile mill products (lJr9uI3S 2231. 2261--2269. 2295. 22961. 20.4€h Transportation bv air (4581 airport flvlnq fields) 2L -W-c Transportation services (4789 stockvardsl. 22. ;m.Wholesale trade--durable qeods (lJr911I3S 5015. 5051. 5052. 50931. Wholesale trade -nondurable qoods (~rellI3S 5162. 5169. 5171. 5172.51911. 23. ~Homeless shelters, as definoa BY tRis Codo, 24. 2&.Soup kitchens, as aofinod BY tt-lis Code, 93 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 TeJ~ u'itt:1 atr-ike tRrgbl~t:I- Delete Taut 'itA (?oClllle ~Irilte tAHll1ll!jR Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllblp.IJndp.r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add 25. ~ Anv other industrial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined bv the board of zoninq appeals pursuant to section 10.08.00. .!2.. Business Park District~. (BP1. The purpose and intent of the business park district~JJl.e) is to provide a mix of industrial uses. corporate headquarters offices and business/professional offices which complement each other and provide convenience services for the emplovees within the district; and to attract businesses that create hiqh value added iobs. It is intended that the BP district be desiqned in an attractive park-like environment, with low structural densitv and larqe landscaped areas for both the functional use of bufferinq and eniovment bv the emplovees of the BP district. The BP district is permitted bv the urban mixed use. urban commercial, and urban-industrial districts of the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. Th,Lf.QljQ1\ij[1g_1L~es~_-'lli..JdE"iI1.titL~_d within_,!.h~Jatest _.edition of the Standard JndustriaIClassification.. Ma[1],J.iaL.QI~_<lS otb.~is.S1_.p.LQY.ided for within this section gL~..Q~Imitt~(L;;lc~,.Qt.[i9bLQ.b~~LJJ~~_s_..ack~~.s,g1Y-tQ__p~ed.primarv ,or ii~.c.;Qfl..dg1Y..!.!Ses,Qr..we C_Qndltiol1<l1 uses withlntb.e.Q!.!Sine~;>,'p_ark dis.trLgk '1G'f"ffljtfgr;f US@B. TR8 f8118'/'iR~ W888, at!! iaQRtifie8 v'itRiR tR8 18test 88iti8R sf tf;;)8 ~taRGJQrQ IRaWGtri91 CIQssifisiilltisR ~1aRMal, sr 9& etRfilp.'ise ~rs"ia8Q fer '\'itl9iR tRiG GS@ti@R, Qrs F1ermitt8s aG sf ri~Rt, 8r es 131&88 agS8GG8rJ' te J98r~itt8a f)rimef?/ eRa &8G8RSaf?/ 61888 iR tRe ~I3IGiRSSS ~aFh aistrist. .1. Permitted orimarv uses. One hundred percent of the total business park district acreaqe is allowed to be developed with the followinq uses: 1" .:1-. Aircraft and parts ([jrGups 3721-37281. 2. 2- Apparel and other finished products ([jrGuFlEl 2311 23991. 3. ;h Business services (gffiHf3-73111. ~ 4, Communications ([jreuFls 4812--4899 includinq communication towers limited in heiqht to 100 feet and subiect to section 2.€U5.9.2.1. 505091. 5. &.- Construction: Special trade contractors ([jrGuFlS 1711-17991. 6. €h Depositorv and non-depositorv institutions ([jrGups 6011. 6019. 6081.60821. L 7-, Druqs and medicines ([jrol,lps 2833-28361. 8. & Eatinq places (!ilrOuFl 5812 not includinq fast foods. walk-up windows and drive-thru restaurantsl. 94 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 9. 9,. Educational services (8221-82991. T9xt "~tR atril,e tt:lrel:l!jR - Delete Tma ;'101 99'II;Ie \;trilie tRro~fJR Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhle lJnderlinF!d Text = Relocated 1 Add 10. -W-c Electronic and other electrical equipment manufacturinq (!jrsups 3612-36991. 11. ~ Enqineerlnq. acceuntinq. research. manaqement and related services (!jroups 8711-87481. 12. ~ Food manufacturinq (!jrClUPS 2034. 2038. 2053. 2064. 2066. 2068. 2096. 2098. 20991. 12 ~ Furniture and fixtures manufacturinq (groups 2511-25991. H 44, Gevernment offices/buildinqs (!jFOUPS 9111-9222. 9224-9229. 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532. 9611-96611. 15. ~ Health services (groups 8011-80491. 1Q" ~ Industrial and commercial machinerv and computer equipment (3511-35991. JL 4+.lndustrial inorqanic chemicals (grsups 2812-28191. ~.:tlh Job traininq and vocational rehabilitation services (IilrCll,lP 83311. ~.w,. Leather and leather products (grCll,lpS 3131-31991. 20. ;w. Measurinq. analvzinq. and controllinq instruments; photoqraphic. medical and optical qeods; watches and clocks manufacturinq l€jrCll,lPS 3812-38731. .?1. ~ Medical laboratories and research and rehabilitative centers l€jrCluPS 8071. 8072. 8092. 80931. 22. ~ Miscellaneous manufacturinq industries (!jroups 3911-39991. 23. ~ Motion picture production (€jrsups 7812-78191. 24. U Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (4225 mini- and self- storaqe warehousinq onlv and subiect to the followinq criteria: a) The use of metal roll-up qaraqe doors lecated on the exterior of the perimeter buildinqs and walls of buildinqs which are visible from a public riqht-of-wav is prohibited; and b) Access to individual units whether direct or indirect must be from the side of a buildinq that is oriented internallv; and 95 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 T9Xt "itR Strike tl:1reblfjR - Delete Tent Ht<1 (;'s Itrle ~trilie tRr8W~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle Ilnrlf!rlined Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add C) No buildinq shall exceed 100 feet in lenqth when adiacent to a residential zoninq district; and d) No outdoor storaqe of any kind is permitted; and e) Storaqe units shall be utilized fer storaqe purposes onlv. 25. ~ Paper and allied products (2621-26791. 26. ~ Plastic materials and synthetics (groul3s 2821.28341. 27. n Printinq. publishinq and allied industries (groul3s 2711-27961. ---- 2& PrefeSGiSRal GUises; iRSWF6IR@8 8~sR8ies (~rs\:;lf3 8411); iRBbslraRGe earFisFs (~r8w~s 8J11 ii3QQ); Fsal estate (~FetApB i8J1, 8811, ijB8~, Be8!); R81QiRS QRQ etlx1sr iRVSStr;R8Rt ef:fiss(;j (~reblp(;j 871~ ii:QQ); athHRs~'G (~r8tAf3 ~111). 28. ~ Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (groups 3021. 3052. 30531. 29.;m, Security/commodity brokers (greul3s 62111; 30. ~ Transportation equipment (groups 3714.3716.3731.3732.3751. 3792. 3799). JL J&. United States Postal services (4311 ). 32. ~ Wholesale trade durable qoods (groul3s 5021. 5031. 5043--5049. 5063--5078. 5091. 5092. 5094--50991. 33.~Wholesale trade nondurable qoods (greups 5111 -5159.5181. 5182. 5191 except that wholesale distribution ef chemicals. fertilizers. insecticides. and pesticides shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district (5192--51991. 34. ;>&, Anv other use which is comparable in nature with the forqoinq uses and is otherwise clearlv consistent with the intent and purpose statement of the district. 2. Pennitted secondarv uses accessorv to the business park district. Development is limited to a maximum of 30 percent of the total acreaqe of the business park district for the followinq uses: 1" Business services (groups 7312. 7313. 7319. 7331. 7334-7336. 7342.7349.7352.7361.7363.7371--7384.73891. 2. Child day care services (~83511. 96 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tR Strike tRrs~€Jt:1 = Delete laiR itlo1 &'81:1810 ~tFil 8 tl;ln]' r~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language 001 Jhlp. Underlineo Text = Relocated 1 Add 3. Depositorv and non-depositorv institutions (groups 6021-6062. 6091.6099.6111--61631. ~ Druq stores (groul'ls 5912. limited to druq stores and pharmaciesl in coni unction with health services qroup and medical laboratories / research / rehabilitative qroups. 5. Hotels (groul'lS 7011 hotels onlv). Maximum density 26 units per acre when located within activity centers and 16 units per acre when located outside activity centers. The maximum floor area ratio for hotels shall not exceed a factor of 0.60. 6. Membership orqanizations (gro~p 86111; business associations fgro~1'l 86211; professional orqanizations(groul'l 8631); labor unions and similar labor orqanizations. L Persenal services (groul'ls 7215--7231.72411. 8. Phvsical fitness facilities and bowlinq centers (groloJPS 7991. 79331. 9. Professional offices: tr>Qvsl 8~sR8jes (~r8eJ~ 4:21). Uls.u.ran.c..e aQe.nQ",-s_.,(gro1Jj)--64J1j;jnsuraI]'f.@.S9rr~e.L~,igfeUF>SEi~ 11-6}itill; [e;;lL eg9!~jgroups 2l:i~,L._Eiti41.6~_5,f.,65tij);bQlding;;l.nd .()tQ~[ in)l~tmeI1t()Jfig.eS(gfGUp&6712.;;2l('tQ.Lil.ttOn].@x~igfOuf}~1.111 1Q. TraveLagencies (gr"Hp.4Z241. 3. Uses accessory to permitted primary and secondary uses: 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the BP district. 2. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.9.19. 5.03.05. 3. Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessorv to the principal use. not to exceed an area qreater than 20 percent of the qross floor area of the permitted principal use and subiect to retail standards for landscapinq. parkinq and open space. 4. Conditional uses: 1" ~ Ancillarv plants. 2.03.05 OileR SilaGe Civic and Institutional Zoning Districts A. Public Use District~JEl. The purpose and intent of public use district~(E'j~ to accommodate onlv local. state and federallv owned or leased and operated 97 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseLisl(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text ..~tt.:J Strike tt.:Jrel:I![JR - Delete T8H~ illo1 ggWl;le btFihs tRnJkIgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle LJnderlim'!rt Text = Relocated 1 Add qovernment facilities that provide essential public services. The P district is intended to facilitate the coordination of urban services and land uses while minimizinq the potential disruption of the uses of nearby properties. Anv public facilities that lawfullv existed prior to the effective date of this Code and that are not zoned for public use district (Pl are determined to be cenforminq with these zoninq requlations. Anv future expansion of these public facilities on lands previouslv reserved for their use shall be required to meet the requlations in effect for the zoninq district in which the public facilitv is located. Government-owned properties rented or leased to nonqovernmental entities for purposes not related to previdinq qovernmental services or support functions to a primarv civic or public institutional use shall not be zoned for the public use district (Pl. but rather. shall be zoned or rezoned accordinq to the use types or the use characteristics which predominate. IJ::te..jQ]!owino uses a[~ oermitted a-"i of rioht OLaS accessorv or conditional llses. in th~LJbfu;~~~.distr~J.lEL nr2~1;r:;dtfHi MBGS. TRe f@lIswiRS b1ses 8rs J'sFR"Iittes 8S sf Fi~Rt, sr 88 Mses 889ssser.,' te 138FFRittea \;1888, iR tRe ~\;I8Iig \;188 sistrigt (P). .1. Permitted uses. 1" Administrative service facilities. 2. Child care. not for profit. 3. Collection and transfer sites for resource recoverv. 4. Communication towers. 5. Education facilities. 6 Educational Plants. 7. €h Essential public service facilities. 8. +, Fairqreunds. 9. 8. Libraries. 10. g, Museums. 1L ~ Park and recreational service facilities. 12. .1-'1-, Parkinq facilities. 98 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 13. 4-&. Safety service facilities. Text "~th ~tril<e t~rElI::I~R - Delete T-iimt "itA QOkfklle ~'Fil1e tt>::lruLfftA - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhle Underlinp.rt Text = Relocated 1 Add ~ ~ Anv other public structures and uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. 2. &'ggB aG'€G'sB€f.)' te ~r?~J~1;dteQ WBeB. Ac~essorv Uses. 1" Accessorv uses and structures customarilv associated with the principal permitted uses. 2. Residential and commercial uses of an accessorv nature which are incidental and customarilv associated with support of a primarv public use of the site for public purpose and which are consistent with the qrewth manaqement plan. 3. Temporarv use of the site for public purpose in accordance with section 2.e.dd. 5.04.00. 4. Accessorv uses which are provided bv concessionaires under aqreement with the county for the provision of the service. 5. Anv other public uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. 6. Earthmininq. provided the use of the excavated materials is utilized for qovernmental proiects. .1. Conditional uses. The fellowinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the public use district (Pl. subiect to the standards and procedures established in eivision 2.7.4: section 1008.00 1" Airports and parkinq facilities. 2. Ancillarv plants. 3. 2-, Animal control. 4. ~ Detention facilities and iails. 5. 4-, Detoxification facilities. 6. &c Electric or qas Qeneratinq plants. 7. &. Incinerators. 8. +, Maior maintenance and service facilities. 9. &. Mental health and rehabilitative facilities. not for profit. 99 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 1Q. {<, Resource recoverv plants. Text '''itt.:l gtril<e tl=lrSbI!ilR - Delete T611t i11x1 !;?u' 11111 Ckiliil tt=lni rYR Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOIJhlp. LJnderlinp.rt Text = Relocated 1 Add 1L. ~ Rifle and pistol ranqe for law enforcement traininq. 12. 4+. Sanitarv landfills 12 42-, Anv other public uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. H" -1+. Earthmininq. B. Community Facilitv District~~Fj. The purpose and intent of~LEl district is to implement the GMP bv permittinq nonresidential land uses as qenerallv identified in the urban desiqnation of the future land use element. These uses can be characterized as public facilities. institutional uses. open space uses. recreational uses. water-related or dependent uses, and other such uses qenerallv servinq the community at larqe. The dimensional standards are intended to insure compatibilitv with existinq or future nearby residential development. The CF district is limited to properties within the urban mixed use land use desiqnation as identified on the future land use map. .The follQWino uses are 'permitted as of rioht or ~qk=.$,Q.r~!<Q1Jditiona.l uses.,Jn th"'-.Cornmunit\l. f?.cilitY.dJ.strict{CFL ngfWj:Uf?rilld8&'B. TR@ felhr~;iR8 wses ars J3Srr;Ritts8 88 sf rigRt, er as \:;Ises aGsQss@P/ t8 fil8rr;Rittea \;I8SS, iR tRe 15er;;RFRwRit~. f8gilit~. aistFigt (Cf). 1 . Permitted uses. 1. Child care centers. 2. Churches and houses ef 'IIorshi~, 3. Civic and cultural facilities. 4. Museums. 5. Nursinq homes. assisted Iivinq facilities (ALFl pursuant te & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.. fami'v care facilities. qrOUD care facilities (cateqorv I) and continuinq care residential communities pursuant to I:; 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC. all subiect to section 2.9.29. 505.04. 6. Parks and plavqrounds. noncommercial recreation facilities. open space uses. 7. Schools. private and parochial. includinq Educational plants for public schools. 8. Secial and fraternal orqanizations. 100 1:\07 Amend the lDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te)(t "itA StFike tl:1FSIolSR = Delete li:J'R itR !;?s14l3re ftFiliB tRr8l.1gR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Doublf! lJndF!rlinp.d Text = Relocated 1 Add 9. Educational services (qroups 8211--82311. ~ b.'8S8 B€gege6'~' te "8~;f;te€i useE. AC.ke.sSOrv _~. Accessory uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the CF district. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the community facilitv district (CF1. subiect to the standards and procedures established in sivisioR 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. 1" Ancillarv plants. 2. 4-, Archerv ranqes. 3. 2-, Cemeteries. ~ d-c Community centers. 5. <h Golf drivinq ranqes. 6. &c Group care facilitv ( cateqorv II. care unit). subiect to section 2.9.29. 5.05.04. 7. &, Marinas. boat ramps. subject to section 5.03.06 and the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.05.02. 8. +-, Private clubs. yacht clubs. .fL g., Public swimminq pools. 1Q. Q., Tennis facilities. 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development District . . . . . . . . . . . . D. The following are permissible uses in the Research and Technology Park PUD: Identitied Use Spccial Notes Or RTPPUD Regulation Accessory uses and structures 4.07.02 and 5.03.00 P Accounting 8721. 752 L 7231.7241 NT Administrative offices P (2) 101 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 - Aircraft & Parts 372] -3728 T A viation/ Aerospace Industries A TM (automatic teller machine) P Automobile service station ~5.05.05 NT Banks and financial establishments NT Group I 6011--6062 NT Group II 6081--6173 Bar or cocktailloLlnge - Barber Shops 7241 NT Beauty Shops 7231 NT Boats: Boat ramps and dockage (not marinas) NT Boat rental 5.03.06 -NT Boat repair and service Boat sales Broadcast studio, commercial radio and television T Business services 73] ] --7352. 7359--7389 NT Cable and other pay television services 4841 T Call Center and Customer Support Activities T Car wash NT CD-ROM development T Clothing stores, general NT Communication groups 4812--484] T Communication towers: P 75 feet or less in height 5.05.09 CU More than 75 feet in height Computer and data processing services, Computer T related services, not elsewhcre classified Consumption on premises NT Convenience food and beverage store NT Day care center, adult & child services PINT Data and Information processing T Development testing and related manufacturing T Drive-through lacility for any Permitted use P Text "'itR l!tril.e tl:lrel:l~R - Delete TflH1 i1tx1 !;?u:dBlil i;'ril g tlo1rsL:J!lA = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJhlp. Llnrlp.rlinpn Tpyf - Relocated 1 Add 102 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 - Drugs. Medicine 2833-2836 T Drugstore, pharmacy 5912 NT Dwelling unit: p Single-family, duplex p Two-family attached p Townhouse, multiple-family building EducHtionaL scientific Hnd research organizations T Engineering 0781,8711--8713, 8748 NT Export based laboratory reseHrch or testing activities T Fences. walls 5.03.02 p Food and bcverage service, limited NT Food stores 5411--5499 NT Gasoline dispensing system, special NT General MerchHndise 5331--5399 NT General Contractors 1521--1542 NT Gift and souvenir shop NT Hardware store 5251 NT Health care facilities: NT 8011--8049 8051--8099 NT Health Technologies T Heliport or helistop p Hobby, toy and game shops NT Hotel/motel: 70 II, 7021, 7041 NT Housing units for employees only 5.05.03 p Insurance companies 6311--6399, 6411 NT Information Technologies T Laboratories 5047. 5048, 5049, 807!. 8731. 8734 T Laundry or dry clcHning NT Legal Offices 8111 NT MANUFACTURING OF: I. Electronics 3612--3699 T Text "itA StFiI,e tl:1r-el:l~R - Delete rOll! itt:J li?s Illle !:tFilie tt'1rG'll'R = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nnllhlF> lJnnF!r1inp.rt Text - Relocated I Add 103 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 - 2. Measuring, analyzing & Controlling instruments, T 3812--3873 3. Novelties, jewelry, toys and signs NT Management 874 I --8743, 8748 NT Medical Laboratory 8071, 8072. 8092, 8093 T Membership Organization 8611--8699 NT Motion picture production studio 78 I 2--7819 NT Multimedia activities T Parks P Parking lot: P Accessory P Garagc, public parking Personal services 7211--7299 NT Pharmacy NT Photo finishing laboratory T Photographic Studios 7221 NT Physical Fitness 7991 NT Play Ground P Printing and publishing 2752 T Production facilities and operations/technology based T Professional Office NT Research, development laboratories & Tcchnology See Note (3) P Parks: 8071,8731. 8734 All others P Residential Development including care units. family p care facilities and group care facilities Residential accessory uses NT Restaurant. fast food NT Restaurants 5812--5813 NT Schools: NT Commercial 8243--8299 Security & Commodity Brokers 621 1-6289 NT Tex. "itR ~tr-ik8 tRr.Sl<l~R = Delete lent ;1101 (;'1]1,1&-19 hll'iIiB t/i1rOI2f!lR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhlp. Unr1p.rlinp.rt Text - Relocated 1 Add 104 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 - Sell:service fuel pumps NT Signs in accordance with 5.06.00 ~ 5.06.00 P Storage: P Indoor only Studios NT Telephone communications 4813 T Travel Agency 4724 NT Text "~tl:1 atril,e ti::Jrebl€JA = Delete Tout "itR QOOlI;IEI f'1rilis tt;;,ruY9R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Onllhlp.llndf!rlined Tpxt - Relocated I Add Legend: (-) not pcrmittcd. (P) permitted, (elJ) conditional use (T) target industry [RTPPUD only], (NT) non-target industry lRTPPUD only] Notes: (I) Subject to limitations for commercial uses set forth in subsection 2.03.02(C) 2.03.03 C of this LDC. (2) Accessory uses only (31 Subject to ordinance 02-24 (GMP amendment). . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts A. Corridor Management Overlay "CMO"LC<.M..Q.l- 1. The purpose of thc "CMO"~Ql district is to supplement existing zoning regulations for properties bordering Golden Gate Parkway west of Santa Barbara Boulevard and Goodlette-Frank Road south of Pine Ridge Road. The CMO district will implement the urban design concepts developed in the corridor management study for Goodlette-Frank Road and Golden Gate Parkway. These regulations recognize that two (2) separate jurisdictions govern land uses in these corridors and are designed to develop greater consistency in design standards between Collier County and the City of Naples. . . . . . . . . . . . B. Mobile Home Overlay "~.1HQ"JMHOL Thc "WW" (MHO) district is intended to apply to those agricultural areas where a mixture of housing types is found to be appropriate within the district. It is intended that mobile homes allowed under this section shall be erected only in the Rural Agricultural district and only when the requirements and procedures of this section are met. C. Airport Overlay ".^.PO"(AF'OJ The purpose and intent of thc ".^ I"Q"(APO) district is to provide both airspace protection and land use compatibility in relation to the normal operation of public-use airports located within the County. 105 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text witl:1 Str-ike tRrel::l€JR Delete TElJ[~ Ht<1 !;?81li1131a !:tRI e tRHJW~R - Relocated J Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OOllhle Underlined Tp.:rl = Relocated 1 Add including the Naples Municipal aiFI3SR Airoort, Everglades City Airpark, Marco Island Executive ~..2-i[.PQJj, Immokalee Regional aifl3or:t AiW.Q[.\, and all existing and future public-use airports and heliports in the County. The purpose and intent of these regulations shall be as follows: . . . . . . . . . . . D. Special Treatment Overlay~t2.1l . . . . . . . . . . . E. Historical and Archaeological Site~ JJil. It is the intent of these regulations to recognize the importance and significance of the County's historical and archaeological heritage. To that end, it is the county's intent to protect. preserve, and perpetuate the County's historic and archaeological sites. districts, structures, buildings. and properties. Further, the BCC, finds that these regulations are necessary to protect the public interest. to halt illicit digging or excavation activities which could result in the destruction or prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, and to regulate the use of land in a manner which affords the maximum protection to the historical and archaeological sites, districts, structures. buildings, and properties consistent with individual property rights. It is not the intent of this LDC to deny anyone the use of his property, but rather to regulate the use of such property in a manner which will ensure. to the greatest degree possible, that historic and archaeological sites, districts. structures, buildings, and properties are protected from damage. destruction. relocations, or exportations. Areas for consideration for inclusion in areas of historical/archaeological probability shall have one (1) or more of the following characteristics: . . . . . . . . . . . F. Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial Overlay "CCPPQCQ" ~EeQ~Q2 1. The provisions of the "CCPPQCQ"{GGPPOCO) district are intended to provide Golden Gate City with a viable professional office commercial district. The professional office commercial district has two (2) purposes. (1), to serve as a bonafide entry way into Golden Gate City. (2), to provide a community focal point and sense of place. The uses permitted within this district are generally low intensity, office development which minimize vehicular traffic, provide suitable landscaping. control ingress and egress, and ensure compatibility with abutting residential districts. 2. These regulations apply to properties north and south of Golden Gate Parkway, starting at Santa Barbara Boulevard and extending eastward to 52"d Terrace S.W. in Golden Gate City as measured perpendicularly from the abutting right-of-way for a distance of approximately 3,600 feet more or less and consisting of approximately 20.84 acres. These properties are identified on Map two (2) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided in this regulation. all other use. dimensional, 106 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela u'itl=l Strike tt.lrel:l~R - Delete lijHt itlo1li?U14Bls ~tFil'o tRriHlftR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language [")ollbll'! IInrterlinp.rl Text = Relocated 1 Add and development requirements shall be as required in the underlying zoning categories. ~ Permitted Uses. 1. a-:- Accountino, a1lllti'ditiR~, aR8 8S8h.h.sspillC'l~ sep'igss--1~ 87211. 2. Ad i us!menLand....c.oUectionservic,~.R.,LZS2.22). ;L 8.dver.tiSiI1.9agencjesL7~..11l 4. f\rc:hitec:tyr,;;l.l,~~r)ljc;..e.~{lJZ1.?1 5. 8.y,glting.L8Z2Jl. Q.!?<!nK~211<;Lc;LedlL\.!nj.9JJ~L602J,60621., 7. EJ.Qpht~JlilliL~er)li~.LlJ,ZW 8. !?JJsines~;;lssoci ;;l.ljpQ.~~{lJ2.11t 9.EJy~iD..e~~c;gn~YJli[1gc~~yices Li?Z4i?J, 1Q. !?JtBlll~~~.c;r.ediLin.llii.lJ.J.tjoJlS"{9153c.Rl;;9,1 ----~ ~I::ISiASSS s8P'i613~ (~rswfSs 7311, 7313, 7J22 7111,7338 713R, 71ij1, 7J71, 7:174 717G, 7179. 1L. Commercial art andgraohic designJL3~61 J2.g2mmerc;i2LpjJ.Qtggraob.'y"'c'Z;}"~?), QgQmPyterJ2foor<Jmminq~er)ljc;~~!Zllli H~gm.Q.ute.r .... PLQgraOl_mlrl9.c _Rroce.ssing, data ore.par.aliQn, jnf2rm;;ltio[1"............r.e.lIiev91~,@.cUili"~B.~~manage"m~nt ..a.nd mjscellane.J)J.J.s_~e.DLLc.e_s (Z3ILnZ.4,.,:,]376,73Z9,), J2. f;:L~it ~ortin.9.l1~r)ljfeS,c{Z].~.:2J" ---- fr.. h?ep8sit8P': iRStitblti8RS (~HH3'lJSS ijQ21 ijQij2). 1Q. QirectmaU<!-.dv!illisi noservices,'(z,l3.1L 1L Go Eatinq places (EjfeHfl 5812 except carrv-out restaurants; contract feedinq' dinner theaters; drive-in and drive- throuqh restaurants; fast food restaurants. carrv-out; restaurants. fast-food; submarine sandwich shopsl. 11L EmplpY!)1ent AgencieslLmD 107 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itl:1 atrike tt:lrebl€JR Delete relIt "it~ !;?j]'1~18 ['trif18 HUSblSR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Om Jhle I Jnrterlined Text = Relocated I Add .1R &: Enaineerina, QrsRitestwFetl aRQ &wPJe~'iR!I services (grol::Jps 8711~1 20. f, Health services. offices and clinics (!jrGlJf3s 8011-80491. 2.:L.!r. Holdinq and other investment offices (13reups 6712-67991. 22.1l-c Insurance carrier. aqents and brokers (!jr9lJpS 6311-6399. 64111. 23. h Leqal services (lJfG\lj:l 81111. 24. !"ggI1brokers 161ill 25. j., Manaqement ElReI ~lJ81iQ rslEltisRQ services (13muf3s 8741- 1l7n, 1l7198Z121 26. Mortoa~.!!.gJ.)t\2r~;;lI1.d 'Q;;l!HorC~~'p.Ql1dE'mts1.9.t921 27. h Museums and art qalleries (~84121. ---- ffi.:. ~J8R 8epesit8ry sreait iRstitutisRS (Qrsw~s fi111 u1uJ). 28. EEilliOna.L. credlUI1~titu!i.Qns{6,H.1). ---- A-:- Pers8R81 &sF:ie9& (Qr8l:JfiJ& 7221, :2Q1). 29 f'Q.()!Q-9r.;;lj:1hic studiO$~.J)QJ!r;;ljL(Z?'?jl 30. *' Professional Membership orqanizations (!jrolJps 9011, 86211. 1L,,* Public administration (!jr9lJpS 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451.9511-9532.9611-96611. 32. PU..bli.c.rgJatiQO~J;>e rvic.e.s. L8Z43 '. _"____^_~_ ~'-L 33. Radio~_ telelil~Lc;lP~.~ an.cL R!JI;1Jisb~!~ ;;lc;J\I~[!L~il1-9 ~RJ.e$~I1t;;l!Lve~Anl;l) 34.1* Real estate (!jreuf3s 6512-6514.6519.6531-65531. 35 't- Research. development and testinq services (lJfG\lj:l87321. 36. Secretarial andcourt repill1i~ervicS",~.c(Z.;ull1 37. "- Security and commodity brekers. dealers. exchanqes. and services (groups 6211-62891. 38. c;:;_l,LrvID;lJ:J.g;>c~rvices (8113), 108 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK_doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itA ~trike tAr9l::lfjt-l - Delete nm~ Ht<1 981::l~18 i:trit'e U,ljrg Clftlo1 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language 001 lhle Underlinf!d Text = Relocated 1 Add 39. T,;;l,?$,re.lJ.JID.J2reQar:a.tiQ}L~~J:\/$esC?ffll}. ---- &:- Tr8RSp8R8ti8R S9P'iGSS (!Jr8WF' 1:21). 40. IraveLagenci.e.s..f4T241., 1.1. t- Veterinarv services (~ 0742 excludinq outside kennelinql. 42. ""' Anv other commercial use or prefessional service which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. b. Accessory Uses. i. Uses and strllGtllres that are 3GCOSsery and inGideAtal to the pormittea uses. G. Immokalee Overlay. To create the Immokalee Overlay District with distinct subdistricts for the purpose of establishing development criteria suitable for the unique land use needs of the Immokalee Community. The boundaries of the Immokalee Overlay District are delineated on Map 1 below. 109 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text ..~tA gtrike tArSl:Ifjl:1 = Delete TGlft itA Ii?s14l3ls i:tril'g tRrlll2fgR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Oouhle lJnoerlined Text = Relocated 1 Add JMMOKAlEE OVERlAY DISTRICT .._,_.- . .+. . r-:l ~. .~.. f. ._-- U1..IlIO.~ ~..~..... - -". ."- r '/'" _.._._' .,;.LJ ---- - f1l,"l':"'.."t..l..-.....- r~r.~n::,:.,. - 1__. ..--..-,-~. ! r.~~~~..,... -:J' . --_. - ~..;?:i.:;::::;.~r::-:- 1" State Road 29 Commercia/ Overlay Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties abutting SR-29, as identified in the Immokalee Area Master Plan; referenced on Map 2; and further identified by the designation "~1l2gCg~g"lSR2.9CQSQ) on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Maps. The purpose of this designation is to provide for retail, office, transient lodging facilities, and highway commercial uses that serve the needs of the traveling public. These commercial uses must be located on a major arterial or collector roadway. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide an increased commercial depth along SR-29 with development standards that will ensure coordinated access and appropriate landscaping and buffering compatible with nearby residential properties. 110 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itl:1 gtrilte tRrebl€Jl=l- Delete nilH~ i1t<l ge 11110 i:tFili:e 1Af814BA - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhle I Jnrterlinp.d Text = Relocated 1 Add . ..~ ..... 20 <:OMM~nC'AL. O"""LAY SUBDiSTRICT taitiicoBDI .... .../ ~",~"<. .. I t....~:.~. ....:>.JO.-.. II ~""~:f'(~~:i' . ~: :<~<"..,..f;..~'.,. I ^"...,:;..,.....'.....~:. ':...<-:~,~, ~,'~.~.>:: t. I .. I') .~1~;,~:.:.~;: .. ';.::~ '.~IU!."'_' .~~~ ", I Ill~ I:{~~\;S>~ I. F: \J.1L~\'\'\:f;~\ .J P 'I~tlll . ~l !.R i l]il. J JJ~ I '1~"llijl' Rift ..l~ fj~~~r "j1tlmtli','- , I 'J,IlH \', I " I'll,. 1.1... ~ J I. . pl~''::j'''' 1 I 1',II~!lII'1l -L H UIIMII.J..11 11"JliIIl~I;.'C'~ '.:' _ llill~I'l-'~.:{,/ri~1 \ ','.""." ,.. II B]ul~, I ';~;.;', :~;'::"" IU.I~~_ It ~~I':':':~ . ... . ) ~~4~~--:'- .I- .- -- _. -, -~-:_- '-~ .-r~:::. .... .. "'COoW'''''''' ............ 10...."'''_11:. .....~.<:,,<cj IIH\!1 1-- I'! 11\11.\1 i-~. . I &'ltt~ J ~ II I. "11, ,,; ,k'l 2. Jefferson Avenue Commercial Overlay Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties abutting Jefferson Avenue as identified in the Immokalee Area Master Plan; referenced on Map 3; and further identified by the designation ".J.^.CQi;:Q"jJ8CQS..Ql on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Maps. The purpose of this designation is to provide for retail, office. transient lodging facilities and highway commercial uses that serve the needs of the traveling public. These commercial uses must be located on a major arterial or collector roadway. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide an increased commercial opportunity along Jefferson Avenue with development standards that will ensure coordinated access and appropriate landscaping and buffering to be compatible with nearby residential properties. 111 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itl:1 gtril'i:8 tl:1reblfjt-l = Delete Tent itl<1 gel<ltile ['tril'g tRrSt4!jR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle IJndp.r1inp.d Text = Relocated 1 Add .. JEFFERSON AVENUE COMMERCIAL OVERLAV SUBDISTRICT '.lAC080. . <t>-. ... .. ... ~===-~:~-::.::.- - ~Aft"" ,I('!rr~ ...........or: 0Yr1i1.-"" WAJOtS MtCT (..l4eoso) .-:rrt."1QIol A\1::""'l COloiM(..Q..... ~T ~S1'1ltCT (~) 3. Farm Market Overfav Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified on Map 4; and further identified bv the desiqnation "FMOSD" on the applicable official Collier County Zoninq Atlas Maps. The purpose of this desiqnation is to provide fer wholesale and retail uses. outdoor aqricultural product displavs and sales areas. truck parkinq. and packinq houses and associated uses. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide retail and wholesale opportunities for aqricultural businesses as well as provide truck parkinq for aqricultural sales but not within roadways and riqhts-of-wav. The development standards contained herein have been desiqned to enhance and encouraqe development and redevelopment. 112 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itA Str-ilm tt-lrsblSlI:1 = Delete 1=mrt itt;;J I;?owele ~'FiI18 t~rubl!lR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double !lnderlinert Text = Relocated 1 Add Map 4 FARM MARKET OVERLAY SUB-O/8TRICT (FM0801 - 1OCA1U'.... WNb<tT O'4JItL.Ay ae-OtStIK'T . ,MtIIl .....u O"taLAY ae_o.s1ltH:f (FWOS)~ 113 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc l .. J, 11/16/2007 TS)H "'itR Strike tt:1rel:l€J1:1 - Delete ~8H' itA gs~liilil ~tril-e tRrgl:l~Io1- Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add a. Permitted uses: All permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts. and the follewinq uses. as identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (19871. are permitted as a riqht in this sub-district. 1" ~ Aqricultural Services ('iJfGlifl 07231 2. ~ Wholesale Trade ('iJfGlifl51481 3. ~ Aqricultural Outdoor Sales. ~ Outdoor sales of aoricultural oroducts are permitted on Lmflroved or uJ]jmj:l[oved properties or.Q_yjded the aoplicl!nt subrnits.a site de1le.\QR,mentRIan which demgnstrates that QCQvi.s.ioos will be madeJoadeq\.!a~"addr~,~.Jhe fQILQVI'i!.l9.;~ <;1.1 V ebi.c.YJ.aLjli1d1:>~,cLe;>trianJr;;lffig~;;lf~tYm~<;I~\.!r~~. pJ. Parking .fOLUnd,@VeIQQe<LQrooerties..VI'iJl be caJc_ulated at a_.rate_oL 1/250.. "squ.a.fe feeL of merchandise <;I[ea. A maximum of tenj1Q) oercent Qf.t.he parl<.lI1gcr@QLJired..Qy,,~~gtiQn~Q 4.05.04 91Jhis.J,PC mav be _Q~g\.!J:>.i.Ji.d..ill..olb"",[yvis.eJllildeJgd 'u..I1LJ!>.;;l..QI!' Qy_..lb.('L..d;lla~emenL",...Qf temP.QJaJY structures_.eouioment sions and merchandise, J.h@",rnin imu.rn. ..numl;1.'ir._gf..dj~a_bled_nar!sjng..spac.as PMLqj.}.an!.lQsectiQI}-4A}5-J1Q 40507 sbaH ube r,'i,q\.!jr~<:L .<j Lirnite<:ib.ou[so!QQeration, d2 E@nglI1g,Jighting, ill Fire 1:>[2tection measures, fl i?,<;IniJ;;lrvfaciJilies. gJ Ine aPQIiC;;lnl shall orovide;;l..n()tari~.d..I.'illElr from IbeR[.QpeJjy....o\l;'!;l'ir.:..9[<;Intil}g..R~r,mis~iQI}..JQ.,\!.tilize lh~,!>.\.!bj@glpropertvlQL;;lgricuJturj"lLQ,uJdoor..~al~~. 1)) Ib.e..J:1la.cement of.._-,me.i.11$ignLa,maximu,ITl...of thirtv-two132l souarefa'ilQJ...\ltLQ,Q.L~ch sians for propertie$ containinG more. than. oneL1Lstreet frontaoe shall be oermitted i) Agrj~\.!Jl\.![;;lJ,R[Qd,Ugt~mgLQ~ sold from a vehicle illQYided_ltLat the veb.icJejs not 10cale<;:UI1....l!:le.Load rioht-of-w~ 114 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~th Strike tRrabl~h - Delete lellt HIo1 ~sl;jlille ~trilLil tlo1rskf!tR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language I)ollblf! Underlined Text = Relocated I Add iJ. Agricultural oroducts mav be displaved within any'JrO,.'11'ygIftJlLQXld.~d.ll.Q.2~~oI1.2tiJ..d.Y~I~J~JY"gff~gl ~~ian or vehicular traffi~ publk health or safetv and is not located within the road riqhts-of- ~ iJ. f\minimum 5-foot landscape buffer shall be @9uired adiacent to anvm:;t(.tIi.9.bl~J?f~\'\';;lY" 5. 4-c Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals (9ffilJfl 51711 and Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers. (~ 5172 - Qasoline: Buvinq in bulk and sellinq to farmers - wholesale onlvl provided: a) Separation requirements: There shall be a minimum distance of 500 linear feet. shortest airline measuromeRt, between the nearest points on any lot or parcel of land containinq such proposed operations. and any lot or parcel which is alreadv occupied bv such operation. of for which a buildinq permit has been issued. Q} Waiver of separation requirements: The board of zoninq appeals may bv resolution qrant a waiver of part or all of the minimum separation requirements set forth above pursuant to section of this Gee&.- section 10.08.00. ill. Separation from residentiallv zoned lands: There shall be a minimum distance of 500 linear feet, shortest airline measuroment, from all residentiallv zoned land. Q) Maximum lot area: Two acres. !;, Accessory uses: 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the permitted uses. 4. Agribusiness Overlay Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified on Map 5; and further identified by the designation ",^.Oji[?" 0~Q,RJ:JJ on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Maps. The purpose of this designation is to provide for wholesale uses and agricultural packing houses and associated uses. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide additional lands for agricultural related businesses and expansion opportunities for existing agribusiness. The development standards contained herein have been designed to permit consistent land uses within the AOSD boundary. 115 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 T9xt u~tl:l gtrihe tRrtH:I€JR - Delete T8Ji~ it!xl go It-Ie btFili:s ~Rr8l:i1gl:<1- Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle Unrlerlinp.rl Text = Relocated 1 Add AGRIBUSINESS OVERlA Y SUB.DISTRICT IAOSD) l ~"""'_,",,_Il =-~=:t=:e-...:::t- """.,--~ - INDfCA![S ACf\iUUSII\l(SS OVERLAY SUB-OI$TR!Cl "$.' s r-.-.--J ~ . ~ ~ -'.'"l -AGR1BUSiNCSS OVERLAY SUB-OISTRICl AOSO a. Permitted uses: All permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts. and the followinq uses. as identified in the Standard 116 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-CycJe 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent "'itA l!tFih:e tRrabl~R = Delete lD'tt itR QGkI~18 l;:~RI18 tlo'lr9k:lftlo1 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. I Jnrierlinp.d Ted = Relocated 1 Add Industrial Classification Manual (19871. are permitted as a riqht in this sub-district. 1" Aqricultural Services (~07231 2. Wholesale Trade (~51481 b. Accessorv uses. 1" j, Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the permitted uses. 5. Main Street Overlay Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified in the Immokalee Area Master Plan; referenced on Map 7; and further identified by the designation "M~Q~Q"JMS.Q~'pJ. on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Maps. The purpose of this designation is to encourage development and redevelopment by enhancing and beautifying the downtown Main Street area through flexible design and development standards. MAt.! STREET O\/ERLAY SUIIDl5TRlCT LL -- L___ - - - - a. Pennitted uses. For all properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict, except for properties hatched as indicated on Map 7. 117 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tel" "itl:1 atrike tt.:Jrsl::l!Jl:1- Delete TQHt itA [;l8b1~18 ~tril-Q tArSl\4~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlF! Underlinerl Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict, all permitted uses within the uses within the underlvine zoninq districts contained within this Subdistrict. and the followinq uses may be permitted as of riqht in this Subdistrict: 1" Hotel and motels (~70111 2. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.9.da 5.05.09 of this Code subject to the followinq: a) Such tower is an essential service use as defined bv subsection 2.8.(1.1 2.01.03 A.4 of this Code; and b) Such tower may not exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq any antennas attached thereto. b. Permitted uses. For hatched properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. all permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts contained within this Subdistrict, and the followinq uses are permitted as of riqht in this Subdistrict: 1" All uses allowed in the Commercial Professional District (C-11. of this Code. except for qroup 7521. 2. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.9.da. 5.05.09 of thi6 Csso subiect to the followinq: a) Such tower is an essential service use as defined bv subsection 2.9.(1.1 2.01.03 A.4 ef this Cgae; and b) Such tower may not exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq any antennas attached thereto. c. Prohibited uses. All uses prohibited within the underlvinq residential and commercial zonino districts contained within this Subdistrict. and the followinq uses. shall be prohibited in the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict: 1" Automobile parkinq ("roup 75211 on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 2. Automotive dealers (€lrOl,lflE 5511. 5521. 5531 installation. 5551. 5561. 5571. 55991 on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. Seuth First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 118 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itl::l atril,a tl::lrsY€J1:1 - Delete Tant "itR Qu IBlg i;tril e tlo1rel:lBf;<J Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double Underlined Te)(t = Relocated I Add 3. Gasoline service stations ("re~Jl 55411 on all properties havinq frentaqe on Main Street and qaseline service stations (€lro~Jl 5541 with services and repairs as described in section 2.9.28 5.05051 are on all properties havinq frontaqe on North First Street and South First Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 4. Primarv uses such as convenience stores and qrocerv stores are prohibited from servicinq and repairinq vehicles in coniunction with the sale of qasoline. on all properties havinq frentaqe on Main Street, North First Street, South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 5. Automotive repair. services. parkinq ("roups 7514. 7515. 7521) and carwashes (€lrouJl 75421 on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street, South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 6. Radio and television repair shops (~7622 automotivel is prohibited on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. L Outdeor storaqe yards and outdoor storaqe are prehibited within any front. side or rear yard on all properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 8. Drive-throuqh areas shall be prohibited on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street, North First Street, South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. 9. Warehousinq (€lre~Jl 42251. 1Q. Communication towers. as defined in section 5.05.09 of this Code. except as otherwise permitted in this Subdistrict. 1L. Anv other heavy commercial use which is comparable in nature with the forqoinq uses and is deemed inconsistent with the intent of this Subdistrict shall be prohibited. d. Accessorv uses. 1" Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to the permitted uses as of riqht in the underfvinq zoninq districts contained within this subdistrict and are not otherwise prohibited bv this subdistrict. 119 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te}(t "ntJ:J atfike tJ:Jrsl:l!il1:1 = Delete lent itR (;?sbll3lB i:tFilm tlo1ro~~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nnllhlp.IJnderlinerl Text = Relocated 1 Add 2. Communication towers. as defined in section ~ 505.09 of this Code subiect to the followinq: a) Such tower is an essential service use as defined bv subsection 201.03 A.4. of this Code~ and b) Such tewer may not exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq any antennas attached thereto. e. Conditional uses. 1" Conditional uses of the underlvinq zoninq districts contained within the subdistrict. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-:1-+.4 10.08.00 and as set forth below: a) Local and suburban passenqer transportatien {groups 4131. 41731 located upon commerciallv zoned properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. b) Communication towers. as defined in section 2.9.da. 5.05.09 of this Code for essential service uses as defined bv subsection 201.03 A.4 of this Code that exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq any antennas attached thereto. f ~E;jr:n~Qt~fprpYJp99LdispJ;;lY and sale'cg.Lm.elcccbJlndis~.. ~ i. .Quld2.2L9l~2l<lY and....s.<l.!lL9f merchandise within the front ;;l!Jd~de.-yards on imprgved prppe.rties are_2erl1litted $ubjecJto the.lollowiDgJ:lrg','.L~.9Q~; a) Ihe"cgytdOJlrdisolav~.Qfm~.rpj:1<!.odi.s.SLili.lLl]1jt~cp !.oJhe~,gleoLg,2,mP';;l[;;lJ)!~~merch9cQdise,c130Id.onthe p.'5'mises_ an.(L~ci[Jgjp."t~d,on ..the,l?I9RrieJ.Ors' ()c;c;!..iIlliti.onaJ)lc.enS.e" b) Tbe. outdoor disolav/sale of.._ .m.erchandise is PermitteP. .gncJmJ;l(P\Ced comm_erc;jg!h'._ __zoned Rrooerties and is subiecl to theS,\,lbmission of a site develoomelJ1J:llan. .tbat gemoD~.trateslhatQro','.l.Blgm; Wlllb-'LIll-aill,-(Q_~~;;lJ~Jygddr~~~JbefgI19,Yijng. i) 'f.eblculaL R!Jg~~..Red.es.lIianc_J.r,;;lffjc;13;;lfel1' m.e2S!.ir!;113" 120 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)~JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u<ith ~trike tl=lrsl:J!ilA - Delete TSHt. itR (;?ul,IBle ftrilLO 1Rrelcl:g101 Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language f)olJble Unrlerlinerl Text = Relocated 1 Add ii)!,Q!<;;l.t12JLOf sale/displav OLf11.elcbandlse..LQ re.lation tClParkino areas., iii) FjleprotectiQnmea~,Y.r~.so iv) LiD1J\illLhQurs ot,gR~I.9t!gn,frQmQ?'lYn until dusk, ii. Q.illdQor _ dJspla~ and sale QLmeIChandis.e..,witbinJb.e sidewalk area onlLshal1 be per~d in coniunctiQllv;ith :'M.ain Street" aooro\i.ed .\illlli!Q[ _c.aIl.s.__ providedtb.e aoolicant submits a site develooment clan which <;/i;ill1onstrates that provisions will be made to adeouat~ addIe.S.s.tbeJQI!.9..'Yi.ng a) Location of saleldisplav,QLmerchandise_i1l..r.eJation ill road riahts-of-wav' b) Vendor carts aIeJQcated on sidewalks that afford the aoolicant a five.-15) foot c1earanc~JoLlJQI1:: QQ~![\lcJsLd..Rj)d~std;;ln traf!ic;..aD,Q c )kjmjj~.rLb..QYI~);1t.QR~cation frpfI1..Q,g'IYD\lI1tildusk 6. Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay Subdistrict. Establishment of special conditions for these properties which by virtue of actions preceding the adoption of Ordinance No. 91-102, on October 30, 1991, were deemed to be nonconforming as a result of inconsistencies with the land development code. and are located within the Immokalee Urban Boundary as depicted on the Immokalee Area Master Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . H. Santa Barbara Commercial Overlay District".SBCO:....L~8..Q..Q) Special conditions for properties abutting the ease side of Santa Barbara Boulevard, as referenced in the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict Map (Map 7) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan This is referenced as figure 20307 H. below. 1. The purpose and intent of this district is to provide Golden Gate City with additional opportunities for small scale commercial development to serve the surrounding neighborhoods and those traveling nearby. This district is intended to: contain low intensity uses which generate/attract relatively low traffic volumes; be appropriately landscaped and buffered to protect nearby residential areas; be architecturally designed so as to be compatible with nearby residential areas; and limit access to promote public safely and lessen interruptions to traffic flow on Santa Barbara Boulevard. 121 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Taxt "qtl~ l!tril<s tl:1rebl€lt.:J - Delete TSH' "itR [;?8ue18 i:trilLll tRretlJjI:;! - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language f)oIJblp.llnderlinp.rl Text = Relocated 1 Add 2. Aggregation of lots is strongly encouraged so as to allow greater flexibility in site design and ease compliance with parking requirements and other development standards. 3. In order to reduce the potential conflicts that may result from residential and commercial uses being located in this district, existing residential uses, other that owner-occupied dwellings, are required to cease to exist within a specified time period. This does not require the removal of the residential structures if they can be. and are, converted to uses permitted in this district 4. These regulations apply to properties abutting the east side of Santa Barbara Boulevard, lying north of 27th Court S.W. and south of 22'd Place S.w.. all in Golden Gate City, and consisting of approximately eleven (11) acres. These properties are identified on Map 7 of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided in this regulation, all other use. dimensional. and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the underlying zoning categories. 5. Sidewalks. Projects shall provide sidewalks so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle traffic. adjacent Adjacent projects shall coordinate the location and intersection of sidewalks. 122 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~t!:l ~tril~e tt-lrs\:I9R - Delete TBJrt itR r;?owl3lB ~'rilLs tRre~!tA = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllblF! Ilnrterlinert Text = Relocated 1 Add SANTA BARBARA COMMERCIAL SUBDISTRICT COLLIER WUNTY, FWRlDA "'" " 1)'+ '"11< ''I[N"',"--:''. -r ! I:J 101 -l ! ['.L-=:.'. C;:;,._..".....L;:;;t;;~._.~ ~;;;;:::J'.' ~-........ [-.- SANTA BARBAR~ COMMERCIAL ~_. _~~~~~R~~_.___J PREPARED BY GRAPHICS AND E:CHNICAI. SUPPORT "EC~ION ::;OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANJ ENVIRONMtNTAl SeRVlCFS ~IVISI[)N =1lE: GGMP-39-3DWG 01\.[ 6/2006 ~, ,--++1 1 , = - Figure 2.03.07 H. 123 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela '"itA Strike tRrell~1=l = Delete TGlR "itR r;?Bi::tlills nAlLe tRnllclgR = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhle I Jnderlinp.d Tp.rl = Relocated 1 Add 6. Permitted uses. 1" -h 2. 3. 4. 2-, 5. Accountinq, 8lo1sitiFl!land 88€lI.h88IliFl!l ser\'ises (87211. 6diustmenLan.d colLection servic.es(l.3221 Advertisinq ;;lgElnci~s".!.Z.3111 Amusement and recreation services (~reulls ,1111, ,11111, 7999. bicvcle and moped rental onlvl. 6.!:!l!llil.l.s.p<;c.ialliLse rvices.exc.ent veterill;;lry.iQT~? ..cJpggr{)()mill.9 and pediaree record services onJy}j,xcllJcJillg outsid,~J~enneling. 6. ~ Apparel and accessorv stores (arofll3S 5611-5699). 7. 6.rcJ}itectillgL~~I\lig~~(?TJ.?}. 8. Auditing (8721). 9. 4c Auto and home supplv stores (9fGHfl5531 ). 1Q. ~ Q8~e&it8v': iRstitwtieR& ~.~~,_c:--,9X~jt _YI1iOLl9,,__,"a~31~L_1Qroupc 6011 - 60991. 1L &c Barber shops (9fGHfl 72411. R €h Beautv shops (9fGHfl72311. 13. Bookkeeoing services (8721) 1L E3usiness associ".ti{).n.~L?6JJl. ~ Busines.s.Q)1lS.!Jllill\L~<;P1ic.es (874?), 16. 8_u.sinE'tssJ:.Ie.diLLostiJuti.oDS(6J5Jc6J.5.9l. ---- +-, Bflsiness a9lvices (!lrOflIlS :A11, ,J1:l, nJJ ,ns, :A1l1 7J:II, nll4). 1L lh Child day care services (9fGHfl83511. 1!L Civic,soci"I,,_od fraternj'lL,,~ociations.(?~E>.ill 1JL .(:;j;1mlJ1~rcial art and ,graohic desi9D (73l21 20. Commerci.a.1 photography (7335). 2LQ2ill.RJ.J.ter and.'!;'9.rn.J?uJer soft).y;;lrEl~sJor~~(~l:3i)' 124 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "/itR ~tr-ike tt-lrSl::lfjR - Delete Tent "itl;;J ~1l'IBIB r'rili:a t~FS~!lA - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp. I Jnrlf'!rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add 22. CQD1Qu_terJllil9Lammino data J;!rocessinoano other servLce~ Q0;37J=7;17~). 23.\:;.L~d.L\I~g.oniD9,~.<'.rvjg&sJZ323). 24. .G.reLn--'l1.o.rlesJZ26J}. 25. [)<lQc;~~tu(ji9,~.~~c,h.ool~;;l.I1.dbjjJls. (7911) 26 Depa_rtmeDlstQr~~,i~:.3.11t 27. Direct mail advertisinG servJ.ceslZ331l, 28. !druo stcJ@.s.Q9.12L 29. ~ Eatinq places ("mull 5812. except contract feedinq. dinner theaters. food service - institutional. industrial feedinql. 30. 4+, Educational services. 31. Electrical and ,,1ec.tr.Qnic .repair si:1.Qj;)s _mis.cJo.llaneous (7629 - ~xceptBLrcmf\",ncu~iness..andoffjce....maciJine~ large am;>liance..s., anQ..wJJite Q.Q.Qd.~~c;h<lScl~jlig,<lrator~;;lnd,YY,;;l,~b.ingm<l,c;bjn~~), 32. Emlllleerl.rJg,~~,rvic;~s.lflZlll 33. Federal and federaIlY:SPQDS.Qred crediLagenciesJi?lJl1 34.46 Food stores (!;jmull!l 5411 - except supermarkets. 5421- 54991 35. ~ Funeral service aRB GrsR'latsris8 .c~726n 36. G.a.rmeDtPr.~~~Ln9',<ln(j<lg~n\~.J.oL..la.l..!ngri(;!.g~~a nd _.lliYe,!.e<lDl;lrS (Z?1~t 37. 44c General merchandise stores ("mHlls 8811 5331 -- 53991. 38. Q~.s.l9.res{~,?;11), 39. -U>c Group care facilities (cateqorv I and II. except fer homeless sheltersl; care units. except for homeless shelters; nursinq homes; assisted Iivinq facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant te F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.; all subiect to section 2.9.29. 5.05.04. 40. ~ Hardware stores (~ 52511. ---- 4-7, Officos fer oR!;jinoorin!;j, architoclHral, and survoyin!;j sOI'\'icos (!;jmull!l \In 1 ,~:11 ~:1 J). 125 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntl:1 gtr-i1~a tJ::Jr9lJgA - Delete Temt "itJ::J gU'" It/In ['trif-e tRHJ~~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language OO1Jhle I Jnrterlinp.rt Text = Relocated 1 Add :1.1" -ill-, Health services, offices and clinics (!jrGuf3S 8011-804a, ilQil:11 42. -w, Home furniture, and furnishinqs a~€l S'l"i"I'RSRt stores ([lro~pG 5713-5719, 8711 8:181 43. Home health care s~r\iices (8082), __mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm___________________________m____________________________m_____________m._____ 44.;M., Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (!jrSuf36 6311-6399. 64111. 45. j.abOLUQiOQE,(863J1. 46. Lwdscape JliChite.cts...ccDSlJltil]!;L and olannino 107811.. 4 7.I.3UI1drj~l'_ilDl:LdEY,yl~T)jn.dJ., c()ill~.erat~g;;~~IL~~.r\(i<;~C72J9). 48. ~ Leqal services (9fGHJl8111 1. 49. Loanbrokers.L6J.R.dJ. 50. n Manaqement aRe ""Illis rslatisR. services ([lr9UPS 8741- S:41, S11il=,...8Z~21 51.24. Membership orqanizations miscellaneous (~6991. ---- 25. f1isGsllelRSt;HlIS repelir ssp'iess, 8H8S19t Bir8FBft, QWeiRSSs BR9 9ffiG8 FRasRiR8G, lar;fis elflJ3lielRGSS, BRa wRits 8~HiJ8S SWGR 8S F8frigsFQtars GlRQ "'QSRiR!t RilasRiRS8 (fiH1Wj:1Ei 7a2Q :i11). 52. Mortgage_b.iln,K~.rs~,and.,loancorresoond.ents..LR.1.R,2J, 53.27. Museums and art qalleries (groups 84121. 54. M\J~.l<;;lljD.s.tcUm~mt~JQ~..l57:3.R1 ---- 28. ~JeR a8198siterj ergQit iRStitwti9RS (QHH~J3& i111 i1i3). 55.29. Paint, !lIas. aRe "'all"s"sr stores (lJfOOfl52311. 56. e.e.f~OmaLcL~d.i.L.ins.!.itu.tions..(6J..~1J. ---- 30. Pers8Ral sep'iess (~rswpEi "?212, :218, :2~1 7281, 72Q1). 57. E'.~r.s..<w~Q~ services 1736,L.s.O!;3};>}l, 58. PhqtocoP.Yil]!;L and. duplicaling.ser\iices..[l;3.il.1l 59. e,I2.Q!,gfiI1.i.sbingJaborilloriesCZ3841, 60.31. Photooraphic studios (9fGHJl72211. 126 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 lem '-itR Strilte tAreblgR - Delete nmt uitR {?gldble f;triliB tRnH~QR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language [')ollhlp.llnrtF!r1inp-d Text = Relocated I Add 2L. eby~jc,;;llfitlJ~~~f;;lc,W!i~~LZ(l(llJ. 62. Political or!lani<:atjon~(~2,5J.1 63. ProfessionaLmembershiPOIgani<:ationsL1l.621J. 64.32. Public administration (€lreu!ls 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532.9611-96611. 65. Public rel.ationS,SeIVicesC8Z43). 66. &,gjg,J~j~\d.slQn.ai1dcQI1~umer electroni,c,;;,storesJ5z)11 67. &djQ~,.television and. publishers adveItisina reJlIesentative.S (?3J;}). 68.33. Real estate (€lnlu!lS 6521-65411. 69. Record<!nd Rrerecorded t<!R!"-slores 15Z35). 70. ReJigioJ!.~~2rgani<:atiQns @ft6J) ZL. 26. fVlissellil~ee\ls relaiIRE!t9lLservices. mis~LLaneous.i€lroups 5912. 5942-5961. 5992-59991. 72.34. Retail nurseries. lawn and qarden supplv stores (~ 52611. 73. ~E!cretarial and cqu,dI~'portino serylc,E!~1I33~1 74. 35. Security and commodity brokers. dealer. exchanqes and services l€lreu!ls 6211-62891. 75.36. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlers (~ 72511. 76. 20. 1~E1i,'iEl\lill i1~E1 f<lR'lilj' sesiill Sg,c,iaLservices, individuaL and famjjy: (8322 - activity centers. elderlv or handicapped; adult day care centers' and. day care centers. adult and handicapped onlvl. 77. 37. Social services. not elsewhere classified (~ 83991. 7 8.S w ryE)yjn~ervjce,~~(~l,l31 79. y"x return prepar<!tiQn service.s(72911 80.38. United State Postal Service (~ 4311 except maior distribution center. flL.. 39. Veterinarv services (€lr9UI3S 0742 veterinarian's office onlv,~ els~ ~r9QFRiR~ aRa fiageli~r:ss rSGsrel GSP'i8SEi 8RI)', 811 excludina outdoor kennelinq.l 127 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK,doc 11/16/2007 Tsxt "'itt:J Str-il,s tt:Jr-ebl9t-l = Delete lent itlo1 gii~~lii ~1Fi',tl tl;<Jr;gU~t;;, = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOG language OOIJhle I Jnrlp.rlinf!d Text = Relocated 1 Add 82.40. Videotape rental (~78411. 83. Wallpaoer s!2c~3,L();;;).11 84. Watch,clock-<Jnd iewelry repairj7631 ). 7. Prohibited uses. a. Gasoline service stations (~55411. I. Bayshore Drive Mixed Use Overlay District. Special conditions for the properties adjacent to Bayshore Drive as referenced on BMUD Map 1; and further identified by the designation "BMUD" on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Map or map series. * * * * * * * * * * * J. Goodland Zoning Overlay "(:>2:0" _CG.Z.Q). To create design guidelines and development standards that will assure the orderly and appropriate development in the unincorporated area generally known as Goodland. The Goodland Zoning Overlay district (GZO) is intended to provide regulation and direction under which the growth and development of Goodland can occur with assurance that the tropical fishing village and small town environment of Goodland is protected and preserved. and that development and/or redevelopment reflect the unique residential and commercial characteristics of the community. The boundaries of the Goodland Zoning Overlay district are delineated on Map 1 below. 128 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tsnt "ntR Stril,e tArel:l€J1:1 = Delete T!lllt itl>'t l;?iHI~le f;'riliS 'Io1rs~~1x1 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Double lJndf!rlined TF!xt = Relocated I Add GZO - Map 1 ~ I .., GOOD/.AND ZONING o VERLA Y BOUNDARY 1. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted as of right in this Subdistrict 1" ao clam nursery, subject to the following restrictions: i. A "clam nursery" is defined as the growing of clams on a "raceway" or "flow-through saltwater system" on the shore of a lot until the clam reaches a size of approximately one- half inch. 129 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text 'vitf:1l!tr-ike tRr.al;J~R - Delete relit "itl;iJ (?o1:lole l:trilUI t~FB~SR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Underlined Text = Relocated 1 Add ii. For the purposes of this section. a "raceway" or "flow- through saltwater system" is defined as a piece of plywood or similar material fashioned as a table-like flow through system designed to facilitate the growth of clams iii. At no time may a nursery owner operate a raceway or raceways that exceed a total of 800 square feet of surface area. iv. The nursery must meet the requirements of a "minimal impact aquaculture facility" as defined by the Department of Agriculture. v. The nursery must not be operated on a vacant lot, unless both of the following are met: a) The vacant lot is owned by the same individual who owns a lot with a residence or habitable structure immediately adjacent to the vacant lot; and b) The vacant lot must not be leased to another individual for purposes of operating a clam farm within the RSF-4 and VR zoning districts. vi. At no time will a nursery owner be allowed to feed the clams, as the clams will be sustained from nutrients occurring naturally in the water. vii. Only the property owner or individual in control of the property will be allowed to operate a raceway on the shore of his property within the VR and RSF-4 zoning districts. In other words. a landowner must not lease his property to another individual to use for purposes of operating a clam nursery. viii. Any pump or filtration system used in conjunction with the nursery must meet all applicable County noise ordinances and must not be more obtrusive than the average system used for non-commercial pool or shrimp tank. 2. Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in this subdistrict: Reserved. 3. Parking/storage of major recreational equipment. personal vehicles, and certain commercia/ vehicles. 130 1:\07 Amend the LOC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itl=l atril,e tRr9b1€11=1 = Delete Tellt ";tl>l ~gkl~le ftril18 tRFBlilIgR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhlp.IJnclp.r1ined Text = Relocated I Add a. Within the VR and RSF-4 zoning districts, except for specifically designated travel trailer subdivisions, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and other recreational equipment may be stored in any yard subject to the following conditions. L +i Recreational equipment must not be used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored. ji ~ Recreational vehicles or equipment must no exceed 35 feet in length. !!L ~ Recreational vehicles or equipment must not be parked, stored or encroach in any county right-of-way easement iv. 41 Recreational vehicles or equipment that exceed 35 feet in length will be subject to the provisions of secion 5.03.06 of his Code. b. Personal vehicles may be parked in the drainage swales in the VR and RSF-4 zoning districts subject to the following restrictions. L +i No vehicle shall block or impede traffic. c. Commercial vehicles 35 feet in length or less will be allowed to park at the owner's home and in the drainage swale subject to the following conditions: L +i No vehicle shall block or impede traffic; !L ~ Drainage must not be blocked or impeded in any way as a result of the parking in swales; iii. ~ Parking will only be permitted in driveways and not in yard areas; and bL 41 No more that two commercial vehicles may be parked at one residence/site, unless one or more of the vehicles is engaged in a construction or service operation on the residence/site where it is parked. The vehicle engaged in this service must be removed as soon as the construction or service is completed. For purposes of this subsection only, a commercial vehicle is defined as a van, pickup truck, or passenger car used for commercial purposes and licensed by the Department of Transportation. A vehicle is not considered a commercial vehicle merely by the display of a business name or other insignia. No other commercial vehicle, such as dump trucks, cement trucks, forklifts or other equipment used in the construction industry will be allowed to park at a residence or site overnight unless 131 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent "itt.:! Strike tl=lrg61~R - Delete T-"ellt i,1;t Qebll3le ftrilte tRreldgR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp.llndp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add specifically approved by the County Manager or his designee. 4. Storage sheds. Parcels located off of Bayshore Way are allowed to retain any sheds that were constructed prior to October 17, 2003. Storage sheds for fishing and boat equipment on the boat dock parcels off of Bayshore Way constructed after October 17, 2003 are permissible if they comply with the following requirements: a. The appropriate building permit must be obtained. b. Bayshore Way setback: ten feet c. Waterfront setback: ten feet d. Side yard setback: 0 feet e. Maximum size of shed: 144 square feet 2. Sign requirements. All signs existing as of October 17, 2003 in Goodland are exempt from the requirements of the Collier County sign ordinance (section 5.06.00) for five years from October 17, 2003 or until the sign is destroyed, whichever comes first Any signs constructed after October 17, 2003 must strictly comply with section 5.0600. Sign maintenance is limited to painting existing signs. All other maintenance or repairs will void the exemption and require the owner to construct a sign that strictly adheres to section 5.0600 in the event that the owner wishes to have a sign. K. Activity Center #9 Overlay. The purpose of this designation is to create an enhanced entryway into the Naples urban area through appropriate, unified design elements and standards; the implementation of which will redult in an attractive, positive image as outlined in the vision statement of the Activity Center #9 Interchange Master Plan. These regulations and the design standards located in section 402.23 apply to the following properties within Activity Center #9 as identified in the Interchange Master Plan Land Use Map: . . . . . . . . . . . L Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay Zoning District (VBRTO). 1. Purposo ::md intfJnt The purpose and the intent of this district is to encourage development and redevelopment of the Vanderbilt beach area to be sensitive to the scale, compatibility and sense of place that exists in the Vanderbilt Beach area. This district is intended to: establish development standards which will protect view corridors, light and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon and prevent the creation of a canyon-like effect on each side of the narrow Gulfshore Drive. 132 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itt:l atril\e thrgu~1:1 Delete Tilllt itR QowBle f'rille t~rBIdBR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhle llnderlinp.rl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 2. Applicability. These regulations shall apply to the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District as identifiedon the VBRTO Map VBRTO-1 and further identified by the designation "'.'IORTQ"J'v'lli3TO) on the applicable official Collier County zoning atlas maps. Except as provided in this section of the code, al other uses, dimensional and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the applicable underlying zoning district 3. Geographic boundaries: The boundaries of the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District are delineated on Map VBRTO-1 below. <u. " .+. , ~ .~ , I 4. Figures. The figures (1-4) used in this section are solely intended to provide a graphic example of conditions that will protect view corridors, light and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon and not as requirements for the style of specific projects. Variations from these figures, which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this section, are permitted. The Community Character Plan For Collier County, Florida (April 2001) should be referenced as a guide for future development and redevelopment in the overlay district 133 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent "<itA Strike tl:1r9l:lgR - Delete Tent "it~ QGilllile t;-1rillB tlolrSIJ!lR = Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhlp. tJndp.rlinp.cl Text = Relocated I Add 5. Development criteria. The following standards shall apply to all uses in this overlay district a. Permitted uses. L h Hotels and Motels. 2. ih ~1~ltiIlIEl faFl'lil,' Multi-famil~ dwellings. 3. iih Familv care facilities, subject to section 5.05.04. :'L iv, Timeshare facilities. b. lJbgg @€l?@BSfJl).' t@ f)G1rm,;ttl?EI Ugf?&. Accessorv Uses.. L h Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the uses permitted as of right in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Overlay District (VBRTO). 2. ~ Shops, personal service establishments, eating and drinking establishments, dancing and staged entertainment facilities, and meeting rooms and auditoriums where such uses are an integral part of a hotel or motel and to be used by the patrons of the hotel/motel. 3. iih Private docks and boathouses, subject to sections 5.03.06 and 50502. 4. I\f-c Recreational facilities that serve as an integral part of the permitted use designated on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat that has been previously reviewed and approved which may include, but are not limited to: golf course clubhouse, community center building and tennis facilities, parks, playgrounds and playfields. c. Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District (VBRTO), subject to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00: L '" Churches and other places or worship. 2. ~ Marinas, subject to section 5.05.02. 3. *' Noncommercial boat launching facilities, subject to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. :'L iv, Group care facilities (cateQory I and II); care units; nursing homes; assisted livinQ facilities pursuant to !l 134 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itR Strike t!:lr9l:l9R - Delete Tent "itR gOblels &1riliB tl"1roll~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language nOllhlp. Underlinerl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 400A02 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to S 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAG.; all subject to section 5.0504. 5. v., Private clubs. 6. vh Yacht clubs. 6. Dimensional standards. The following dimensional standards shall apply to all permitted, accessory, and conditional uses in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay District (VBRTO). a. Minimum lot area. One contiguous acre, not bisected by a public right-of-way. b. Minimum lot width. 150 feet c. Minimum yard requirements. i. Front yard one-half the building height with a minimum of 30 feet ii. Side yards: one-half the building height with a minimum of 15 feet iii. Rear yard: one-half the building height with a minimum of 30 feet d. Maximum height 75 feet The height of the building will be measured according to the st3nd3rdc definitions in section_1 .gg.QQ 1.08.02 of the Code: building, actual height of and building, zoned height of. e. Maximum density permitted. A maximum of 26 units per acre for hotels and motels, and 16 units per acre for timeshares, multifamily, family care facilities. f Distance between structures. The minimum horizontal distance separation between any two principal buildings on the same parcel of land may not be less than a distance equal to 15 feet or one-half of the sum of their heights, whichever is greater. For accessory buildings and structures dimensional criteria, see section 4.02.01. g. Floor area requirements. i. Three hundred (300) square foot minimum with a five hundred (500) square foot maximum for hotels and motels, except that twenty percent (20%) of the total units may exceed the maximum. 135 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Gycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text >>'itR Strike tAreblg!A - Delete TenEt "itt;J QOl>jBle ~1Fil1s tRriJ Igf;lJ = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhlp. LJndp.rlinp.cl Text = Relocated I Add ii. Timeshare/multi-family minimum area: efficiency (450 square feet), one bedroom (600 square feet). And two or more bedrooms (750 square feet). h. Maximum Jot area coverage. (Reserved.) 7. Preservation of view corridors, light and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon. a. Figures 1-4, while not requirements, depict desired building relationships and view plane/angle of vision examples. Figures used in this section are solely intended to provide a graphic example of conditions that will protect view corridors, light and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Lagoon and not as requirements for the style of specific projects. Variations from these figures, which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this section, are permitted. 8. Off-street parking and off-street loading. As required in Chapter 4 of this Code. 9. Landscaping requirements. As required in Chapter 4 of this Code. 10. Signs. As required in section 5.0600 of this Code. 11. Coastal Construction Setback Lines (CCSL). As required in Ch::Jptor 10 subsection 10.02.06 H. of this Code. 12. Post-disaster Recovery And Reconstruction Management. As required in the Code of Laws of Collier County. 13. Vested Rights. All projects within the overlay District for which completed applications for rezoning, conditional use, variance, subdivision, site development plan or plat approval were filed with or approved by Collier County prior to the adoption date of the moratorium January 9, 2002, and subsequent amendments to LDC (moratorium provisions have expired), shall be subject to the zoning regulations for this Residential Tourist Zoning District in effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete or at the time the application was approved and or not subject to the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay regulations. For purposes of this provision, the term "completed application" shall mean any application which has been deemed sufficient by planning services staff and has been assigned an application request number. 136 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA Strike tt:1rsl::lgR - Delete Teat 'itR &'8 IRlg l:tFili:e IRrSblSR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOG language DmJhlelJnclp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add LDC Section 2,03.07 (L)(7}(a) - . . FIGURE - 1 137 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BGG-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itt:1 ~trif'e tRrg6l~t:1 Delete Taut "itR [;?g IGlg &'1ril 8 UilreblSR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language Double LJnderlinerl Tp.:d - Relocated I Add LOC Section 2.03.07 (L)(7)(a) . I .. I FIGURE - 2 138 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Gycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itR Strili:e tt::lrel:lSlR = Delete Tl'mt itR QelltliJs i?\riILD tRrlJMBR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle LJnrlp.rlinp.cl Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add LDC Section 2.03.07 (L)(7)(a) FIGURE - 3 139 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCG-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tell! "itR StriKe tRrgbl~A - Delete TmR' itA Qiibll3le rtriliii tRro Igl>1 - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhlp. I Jnrlp.r1ined Text = Relocated 1 Add LDC Section 2,03.07 (L)(7)(a) FIGURE.4 M. Restricted Parking (RP) Overlay District restricting the parking of commercial and major recreational equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 140 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\SCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "<itA Stril~9 tl=lrsblsR - Delete Teld HR gB~1318 ~tril'o tRrlHIBI:I - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJhle l1nop.rlined T p.xt = Relocated I Add N. Gateway Triangle Mixed Use Overlay District Special conditions for the properties in and adjacent to the Gateway Triangle as referenced on GTMUD Map 1; and further identified by the designation "CTMUQ" CGIMUQ) on the applicable official Collier County Zoning Atlas Map or map series. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ JlIlrJlllWN_II_a__ --.- w . ='.-..--.... .. EIUIlIEI1' II ....11K...d. It.e....... lue: l1fI* 8 _.~- ~ ! ~~ ~ C=j I=.- . -- Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict O. Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO). Special conditions for properties in the vicinity of Golden Gate Parkway in Golden Gate City, as identified on the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict Map of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and as contained herein. 141 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tR Strik-e tRr9b1gR - Delete T81R H~ Q8l:i1~lil ~tril 8 tIolFOI2J:ilR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle IJnrlertinp.d Text = Relocated 1 Add L :h Purposo ::md intfJnl. The purpose and intent of this overlay district is to encourage development herein in order to improve the physical appearance of the area and create a viable downtown district for the residents of Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates. Emphasis shall be placed on the creation of pedestrian-oriented areas, such as outdoor dining areas and pocket parks, which do not impede the flow of traffic along Golden Gate Parkway. Also, emphasis shall be placed on the construction of mixed-use buildings. Residential dwelling units constructed in this overlay district are intended to promote resident- business ownership. The provisions of this overlay district are intended to ensure harmonious development of commercial and mixed-use buildings at a pedestrian scale that is compatible with residential development within and outside of the overlay district 2. b Aggregation of propet1ies. This overlay district encourages the aggregation of properties in order to promote flexibility in site design. The types of uses permitted within this overlay district are low intensity retail, office, personal services, institutional, and residential. Non-residential development is intended to serve the needs of residents within the overlay district, surrounding neighborhoods, and passersby. 3. 3c Applicability These regulations apply to properties in Golden Gate City lying north of Golden Gate Parkway, generally bounded by 23'd Avenue SW and 23'd Place SW to the north, 45th Street SW to the west, and 41't Street SW and Collier Boulevard to the east South of Golden Gate Parkway, these regulations apply to properties bounded by 25th Avenue SW to the south, 47th Street SW to the west, and 44th Street SW to the east These properties are more precisely identified on Map 17, "Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict" of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and as depicted on the applicable official zoning atlas maps. Except as provided in this regul3tion, section and section 4.02.26, all other use, dimensional and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the underlying zoning districts. 4. 4c Permitted uses. Pormittou USGS within the CCDCCO inGI~ue thG uses listeu bGlow Gnu thoso usos idonti~eu in Chaptor 2, Table 1. "Pormissiblo - a. Residential uses: ~permitted by right in the existing residential zoning districts, except as otherwise prohibited by this overlay" when: - h IIil a Fl9iW38 l:iG€l sl:iiI8jlil~. L ih In an existing owner occupied structure 2. iih In an existing non-owner occupied structure, until such time as cessation is required by section 4.02.37 1. subsection 4.02.37 A. 1 of this Codo. 142 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itt:l atrilte tR~glJ!3t:J = Delete TeHt' itR Qg'lBfil ~trilLa U~'1Fekf!lR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Ilnrlp.rlinp.rl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add b. R.e.s..i.d.ent.i.a.L.wltbln a mixed uselluiLd.log ~ Commercial uses: L Accountinq services (8721). 2. Adjustment and collection services (7322). 3. Advertisinq Aqencies (7311 ). :'L Apparel & accessorv stores (5611-5699). 5. Architectural services (8712), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. Q. Auto and home supply stores (5531). L Barber shops (7241) 8. Beauty shops (7231 ). 9. Buildinq cleaninq and maintenance services (7349) 1J2. Business associations (8611) LL Business consultinq services (8748). 12. Business services - miscellaneous (7397). g Business repair service. 1:'L Carpet and upholsterv ~Ieaninq (7217) 1!i. Commercial art and qraphic desiqn (7336) 1Q. Commercial photoqraphv (7335) 1L Computer proqramminq, data processinq. rental, leasinq, repair and other services (7371 - 7379). 11.L Computer and computer software stores (5734). 1fL Credit reportinq services (7323). 20. Department stores (5311). ZL Direct mail advertisinq services (7331) 22. Disinfectinq and pest control services (7342). 23. Druq stores (5912). limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 143 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "lith Strike tt-lr9Y2lR = Delete Tlm*:' itR Qo IBle rtril e 1!:lFe~gR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nmJble Llndp.r1inerl Tp.x1 = Relocated I Add 24 Eatinq establishments and places (5812 commercial use emplovinq drive-up, drive-in, throuqh deliverv of qoods and/or services). except or drive- 25. Electrical and electronic repair shop (7629). 26. Emplovment aqencies (7361). 27. Enqineerinq services (8711). limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 28. Equipment rental and leasinq (7359), not includinq heavv construction equipment 29. Essential services, see sec. 2.01.03; except that law enforcement, fire, and emerGency medical services uses are limited to administrative offices onlv. 30, Food stores (qroups 5411-5499) 1L Funeral service and crematories (7261). 32, General merchandise stores (5331-5399). 33, Glass stores (5231) 34, Hardware stores (5251) 35, Health services, offices and clinics (8011-8049). 36. Home furniture and furnishinq stores (5712-5719). 37. Home health care services (8082). 38. Household appliance stores (5722). 39. Insurance carriers, aqents and brokers (6311-6399, 6411 ). 40. Labor unions (8631 ). :'!..L Landscape architects, consultinq and planninq (0781), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 42. Larqe Appliance Repair Service (7623). 43. Laundrv and drvcleaners aqents. qarment pressinq, linen supplv, cleaninQ services (7212, 7213, 7219); no coin operated laundries or drvcleaners. 44, Leqal services (8111) 144 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itA atFiks tRF9b1€lI::l- Delete TSII' i1R gBktBle ~tRI18 tRFl1 l!fl:<'l - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOIJhlp. LJnclp.rlined Text - Relocated 1 Add 45. Libraries (8231). 46. Manaqement services (8741, 8742). 47. Medical equipment rental and leasinq (7352). 48. Membership orqanizations - miscellaneous (8699). 49. Museums and art qalleries (8412) 50. Musical instrument stores (5736). 12L Outdoor advertisinq services (7312). 52. Paint stores (5231 ). 53. Parks, public or private; limited to pocket parks only. qenerallv described as a small area accessible to the qeneral public that often includes plantinqs, fountains, seatinq areas. and other similar passive open space features. 54. Personal services - miscellaneous (7299, babysittinq bureaus, c10thinq and costume rental. datinq service. depilatorv salons, diet workshops, dress suit rental, electrolysis, qenealoqical investiqation service. and hair removal only). 55. Personnel supplv services (7363, except labor pools). 56. Photocopyinq and duplicatinq services (7334). 57. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384). 58. Photoqraphic studios. portrait (7221 ). 59. Phvsical fitness facilities (7991 ). 60. Political orqanizations (8651 ). QL Professional membership orqanizations (8621 ). 62. Public relations services (8743). 63. Radio, television and consumer electronics stores (5731). 64. Radio, television and representatives (7313). publishers advertisinq 65. Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735). 145 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itR atrili:e tRr8b1~h Delete Tent Ht<1 9sIilI131s ~1riliB tRr8b1~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language Double LJndp.rlined Text = Relocated I Add 66. Real estate (6512,6531,6541) 67. Retail - miscellaneous (5921 - 5963 and 5992 - 5999, excludinq liquor stores, pawn shops, retail firearm and ammunition sales), limited to 5.000 square feet per floor 68. Retail nurseries, lawn and qarden supply stores (5261). 69. Schools - vocational (8243-8299). 70. Secretarial and court reportinq services (7338). 1L Securitv and commoditv brokers, dealers, exchanqes, and services (6211-6289). 72. Shoe repair shops or shoeshine parlors (7251) 73. Survevinq services (8713), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 74. Tax return preparation services (7291). 75. United States Postal Service (4311, except malor distribution center). 76. Videotape Rental (7841). limited to 1 800 square feet of qross floor area. 77. Wallpaper stores (5231). 78 Watch, clock and iewelry repair (7631) .Q, ---- Accessory uses. Accessory uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below. a. Caretaker's residence, accessorv to commercial and mixed use projects onlv. b. Enamelinq, paintinq, or platinq, accessory to an artist's studio or craft studio onlv. c. Plav areas and plavqrounds. d. Recreational facilities. 6. "" Conditional uses. Conditional uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below, subject to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00 and thoce UEGC identifiod in ceclion 2.04.03 of thic Code: 146 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tent >>'itR €:tril'i8 tl=lreblgt:l- Delete Teli1 i1t-l (;IB~BI8 !:trilm tRreClBI:<'I - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. llnrip.rlined Text = Relocated 1 Add Table 2 "Land Uses that may be ,^,llowable in Each Zening District as Accessory Uses or ConditioRal Uses". ~ Auctioneerinq Services, auction rooms and houses (5999, 7389): limited to 5,000 square feet per floor ~ Communitv centers. "'" Dance studios, schools. and halls (7911 ). ~ Food stores (5411-5499), over 5 000 square feet e. Motion picture theaters (7832). i a, Outdoor dining areas, not directly abutting the Golden Gate Parkway right-of-way. 7. e,. Prohibited uses Prohibited uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below and those UGec, prohibited, by omission, in s8otion 20~.Od of this Code: T::lble 1. "Permissiblo Land Uses in Eaoh Zoning District"; a. New residential-only structures b. Any commercial use employing drive-up, drive-in or drive-through delivery of goods or services. c. Sexually oriented businesses (Code of Laws, 26-151 et seq.). P. Copeland Zoning Overlay (CZO) * * * . * . * * * * * * 2.03.08 Rural Fringe Zoning Districts * . * * * * * * . . * * 2.03.09 gi&tri&t1; I IAsjer M9Fat8ri..~ [Re&erved] Ooen Soace Zoning Districts A Golf Course District "GC". The purpose and intent of "GC" district is to provide lands for qolf courses and normal accessory uses to Qolf courses, includinq certain uses of a commercial nature. The GC district shall be in accordance with the urban mixed use district and the aqricultural rural district of the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The follQwina sub.~QJiQill>ld_entifYJbe liS.es that are RermtssibJebYJightanctth.e lIses that are allo~le.as!!(;(;11I>.~tQl.,'i or conditional uses in the RM~.2.sJ.~ict. ,QfSnRittrilQ MGrilG. T:R8 fElIIEl'::iRg W~8G elfS f!]sFFRittS8 8G Elf Fi!)Rt, Sf iillG hlIG8G 888888Elf)' t8 ~erFFlitteelIlllGeG, iR iRe VlMr B elistriet. 147 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itl::ll!trike tt-JrSl:lQR = Delete Tent "itR Qow81e 1:?'rili8 tl;;Jro~~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJhle LJndp.rliMd Text = Relocated 1 Add 1 . Permitted uses. L a. Golf courses. 2. b'ggg BgGGBBG~' tg ~~~.;f.;tGfi !lSgg. Accesso0' Uses. L Uses and structures that are accessorv and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the GC district 2. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of the permitted use, includinq but not limited to clubhouse, community center buildinq, practice drivinq ranqe, shuffleboard courts, swimminq pools and tennis facilities, snack shops and restrooms. J.:. Prs sl9@~s '.'.'itA e~\;JifiH~8Rt sal@s ars @lIe'!..'GlBI€, I3r@',:is8s t14et U~€ s148fiilS :arB R9 mere tAaR 1 ,ggg €i~Y2r9 roet iR Si~9; r9stawraRts '::it!l<l a €iQatiR~ SGlI9G1sit/ sf 189 flsats er lets 3r:e 61ll@'.\'31319, ~14@etrg @f 9~er2tj@R are R9 later tl9aR 19:99 JiJ.~. - 3. 4. 5. 4-c eIQ8bqpBw~b~e~CllijplIl~nt sgJ~S~...DQ~[!@leJ Jb.9_n 1 JtQQB~(lUare feJ;ll Restaurants with a seating capacit\t oJ 150 seatsOLless J)rovided tb<lllh~.Q!J.[s....of.oper9.ti.on<l[e... noISlJeLtb.<l.n10.JJQd2..,!J1. A maximum of two residential dwellinCls units for use bv C10lf course emplovees in coniunction with the operation of the C10lf course. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the GC district. subiect to the standards and provisions established in ElivisiClR 2.7.4. section 10.08.00. L Commercial establishments oriented to the oermitted uses of the district includina aift shoos' oro shops with eauioment sales in excess of 1 000 sauare feet. restaurants with seatina capacity of areater than 150 seats' cocktail lounaes and similar uses ~ to serve patrons of the aolf course. . . I I ~ B. Conservation District "CON". The purpose and intent of the conservation district "CON" is to conserve. protect and maintain vital natural resource lands within unincorporated Collier Countv that are owned primarilv bv the public. All native habitats possess ecoloqical and phvsical characteristics that iustify attempts to maintain these important natural resources. Barrier islands. coastal bavs, wetlands, and habitat for listed species deserve particular attention because of their ecoloqical value and their sensitivitv to perturbation. All proposals for 148 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itA l!trike tArsbl~A = Delete Tmlt. itR Ii?B Itrlil ~tril(e U<1roIdBR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle lJndp.rlinF!d Text = Relocated 1 Add development in the CON district must be subiect to riqorous review to ensure that the impacts of the development do not destroy or unacceptably deqrade the inherent functional values. The CON District includes such public lands as Everqlades National Park, Biq Cvpress National Preserve. Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuqe. portions of the Biq Cvpress Area of Critical State Concern, Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve, Collier-Seminole State Park. Rookery Bay National Estuarine Sanctuary Research Reserve, Delnor-Wiqqins State Park, and the National Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuarv (privatelv owned), and CREW It is the intent of the CON District to require review of all development proposed within the CON District to ensure that the inherent value of the Countv's natural resources is not destroved or unacceptably altered. The CON District corresponds to and implements the conservation land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. .1. Allowable uses. The followinq uses are allowed in the CON District ~ Uses permitted as of riqht L \-B On privatelv held land on Iv. sinqle familv dwellinQ units, and mobile homes where the Mobile Home Zoninq Overlav exists. 2. f21 On publicly and privatelv held lands on Iv, dormitories, duplexes and other tvpes of housinq. as may be incidental to, and in support of conservation uses. 3. fJt Passive parks. and other passive recreational uses. includinq, but not limited to: ill fat Open space and recreational uses; ill f/:lj Bikinq. hikinq. canoeinq. and nature trails; g fGt Equestrian paths; and Ql \€It Nature preserves and wildlife sanctuaries. 4. t41 Habitat preservation and conservation uses. 5. tat Familv Care Facilities and Group Care Facilities. 6. f9j Sportinq and Recreational camps incidental to conservation uses on public lands; or, on privately held lands. L f7:l AQricultural uses that fall within the scope of Sections 163.3162(4) and 823.14(6) Florida Statutes. 8. f8j Oil and Qas exploration subiect to applicable state drillinq permits and Collier Countv non-environmental site development plan review procedures. Directional-drillinq 149 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tam: "'itl=l atFike tl=lFeblgl:;l- Delete T-"elft "itA QIHlt'le !;:1Filr~ tRHil;:lllR Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJble llnrlp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add and/or previously cleared or disturbed areas shall be utilized in order to minimize impacts to native habitats, where determined to be practicable. This requirement shall be deemed satisfied upon issuance of a state permit in compliance with the criteria established is Chapter 62C- 25 throuqh 62C-30, FAC., as such rules existed on June 16, 2005, reqardless of whether the activitv occurs within the Biq Cypress Watershed, as defined in Rule 62C- 30.001(2) FAC. All applicable Collier County environmental permittinq requirements shall be considered satisfied bv evidence of the issuance of all applicable federal and/or state oil and qas permits for proposed oil and qas activities in Collier Countv, so lonq as the state permits complv with the requirements of Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C 3Q 62C-30, FAC. For those areas of Collier Countv outside the boundaev of the Biq Cypress Watershed, the applicant shall be responsible for conveninq the Biq Cypress Swamp Advisory Committee as set forth in Section 377.42, F.S., to assure compliance with Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, even if outside the defined Biq Cvpress Watershed. All oil and qas access roads shall be constructed and protected from unauthorized uses accordinq to the standards established in Rule 62C-30005(2)(a)(1) throuqh (12), FAC. 9. f91 The followinq essential services: ill fa} Private wells and septic tanks necessarv to serve uses identified in 1 throuqh 8 above. Q1 fllj Utility lines necessarv to serve uses identified in 1 throuqh 8 above, with exception of sewer lines. ill {Gt Sewer lines and lift stations if all of the followinq criteria are satisfied: II h Such sewer lines or lift stations shall not be located in anv NRPA Lands in the CON District; ill ih Such sewer lines or lift stations shall be located within alreadv cleared portions of existinq riqhts-of-wav or easements; and '1"1"1' =iih Such sewer lines or lift stations are necessarv to serve a central sewer svstem that provides service to Urban Areas; or to the Rural Transition Water and Sewer District, as delineated on the Urban-Rural Frinqe Transition Zone Overlay Map in the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. 150 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text u'itt:! gtrike tt.:Jrel:l~t:l = Delete To/[t i1i;:J Qe !lalo 'P;trihe tRm I!lt:;! - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhle LJnrlp.r1inp.cl Text = Relocated 1 Add Q} W Water pumPlno stations necessarv to service a central water svstem providino service to Urban Areas; or the Rural Transition Water and Sewer District, as delineated on the Urban-Rural Frinoe Transition Zone Overlav Map in the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. !L Uses 3SS6SSfJl}' to {is,rmfttetf &ises. Uses oncl str~stllres that aro 3CCOSSOry oncl incidont31 to uses permitted 3S sf right in the CON distrist Accessorv uses. ~ Conditional uses. The followino uses are permitted as conditional uses in the CON, subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00 and further subiect to: 1) submission of a plan for development as part of the reouired EIS that demonstrates that wetlands, listed species and their habitat are adeouately protected; and 2) conditions which mav be imposed bv the Board of County Commissioners. as deemed appropriate, to limit the size location and access to the conditional use. L (1) Oil and oas field development and production, subiect to federal and state field development permits and Collier Countv non-environmental site development plan review procedures. Directional-drillino and/or previouslv cleared or disturbed areas shall be utilized in order to minimize impacts to native habitats, where determined to be practicable. This reouirement shall be deemed satisfied upon issuance of a state permit in compliance with the criteria established is Chapter 62C-25 throuoh 62C-30, F.A.C., as such rules existed on June 16, 2005, reoardless of whether the activitv occurs within the Bio Cvpress Watershed, as defined in Rule 62C-30.001(2), FAC. All applicable Collier Countv environmental permittino re~uirements shall be considered satisfied bv evidence of the issuance of all applicable federal and/or state oil and oas permits for proposed oil and oas activities in Collier Countv, so lono as the state permits complv with the requirements of Chapter 62C-25 62C 3Q 62C-30, FAC. For those areas of Collier Countv outside the boundarv of the Biq Cypress Watershed, the applicant shall be responsible for conveninq the Biq Cvpress Swamp Advisorv Committee as set forth in Section 377.42, F.S., to assure compliance with Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, even if outside the defined Bio Cvpress Watershed. All oil and qas access roads shall be constructed and protected from unauthorized uses accordinq to the standards established in Rule 62C-30005(2)(a)(1) throuqh (12). FAC. 151 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itR Strike tRrel:lgR - Delete nmt 'itl;;! Qo~I3IB i:'tril 0 1RrBIilI~t<l- Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Onllhlp. I lnderlinp.rl Text = Relocated I Add 2. (2) Those essential services set forth in subsection 2.01.03 G.2. 3. (3) Commercial uses accessorv to permitted uses A3. A4, and A7 above, such as retail sales of produce accessorv to farminq, or a restaurant accessory to a park or preserve, so lonq as limitations are imposed to ensure that the commercial use functions as a subordinate use. 4. (4) Staff housinq in coniunction with safetv service facilities and essential services. 2.03.10 Districts Under Moratorium [Reservedl . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.04.00 PERMISSIBLE, CONDITION.^.L, -'''NO -'''CCESSORY USES IN ZONING DISTRICTS. 2.04.01 Rules for Interpretation Elf Uses In any zoning di;;trict, where the li;;t of permitted :md comlitional uses contain;; the phra;;e "any othor u;;o .....hich i;; comparable in naturo '.'lith the foregoin!l u;;e;; anQ i;; oon;;istent with the permittoQ usos ami purposo and intont statement of tho Qistriot" or any ;;imilar phra;;e which pro'/ide;; for a u;;e which i;; not clearly defineQ or do;;oribed in tho li;;t of permitted and Gonllitional ~ses, which requires the di;;cretion of the County Managor or dm;i!lnee a;; to whether or not it i;; permittod in tho di;;trict, thon tho detormination of whethor or not that uw i;; permittod in tho distriot shall BO maQe through the process outlineQ in section 1.06.00, interpretations, of this LDG. 2,04.02 EffeGt of Approvals Unller the Zoning Reevaluation OrllinanGe /\ny uso or structure that ha;; boon grantod a compatiBility exception, ::In exemption, or vesteQ rights pursuant to tho Cellier County Zening Reeval~ation Ordinance, OrdincInoe ~Jo. 90 2:3 (1990), sRal1 BO a permittoQ use in the zeniR!l Qistriot in which it is locatod to the oxtent of its approvoQ maximum Qensity or intensity of uso :md to the extent that it remains effoctive. Such uw or structure shall nevertheless cemply with all ethor requirements anQ regulations ef tho LDC. 2.04.03 Table of Lanll Uses in EaGR Zonin!l District The following tablos idontify tho UEQS that am permissible by right in o(loh zoning district and tho UEQS that arc allowaBle as conllitional or aCGessory uses. TaBle 1. Permissible LanQ Usos in Each Zoning Di;;trict (Delete table In entire! ) Tablo 2. Land Ucos That May bo ,^,lIow:Jblo in Eaoh Zonin!l Di;;triot as /\coossory Us~s er Conditienal Uses (Delete table In entirety) 152 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itA ~trili.e tl:1reblgl=l - Delete Tsnt "itR Q014l3le ftrihe U<1rektgR = Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DOllhlp. llnderlinp.rI Tp.xt = Relocated I Add * * * * * * * * * . * * CHAPTER 4 SITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS * * * * * * * * * * * * 4.02.00 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS . * * * * * * * * * * . 4.02.02 Dimensional Standards for Conditional Uses and Accessory Uses in Base Zoning Districts A. GC District fRESERVED] 1. A&&QliS9I1' uses. Pre GR8f3S witR 8~wjf3m€mt ~ales :arB ellsw:aBIEI, r;rs"issa U>1at the &R9~& ar@ A@ R"lere U~an 1, ggg E:€Ihclar;:g feelt iR size; F9&tawFaRts witi=l a €l9EltiR~ GGlf3a@it~' sf 189 S9GltS er lesE: are allev'38Ie, ",rer:jags tRat tAB R@wrs ef @~srati@R ar@ R@ lat@rtRat 1 Q:gg J3.m. 2. CORditioRal l;ISQS. (:@FAf-R€lrejal 9~taelisRFA9Rt~ sFi9Rt@s t8 tREI I='Srmitt8Q Wf;:9~ sf tf-t9 sistriet jF-l€IMQil9~ ~ift E:RS~S; J3n;) E:RSfSS 'I.-itl;;! 9~Mij@R<l9F-lt sales il9 cn(99E:l;: sf 1,999 E:€tldafe fG9t; res:tHuaRt€ will;;! 6:9:atiA~ gafaaGit~' ~feat9r ti=l61R 1 ~g seabs; €lseld:Iil 19biA~9S, :IRQ similar MS8S, J3riR'laril~' iRt8RS8Q t@ SElF'S !Satr@RS ef tl;;!s ~@If €i@MvSO. B. A District [RESERVED] 1. ,^.€ie9l;:s:ep/ WS9S: a. PBel~iA~l;;!sMs9 sr similar a~rj~H5I1tblFal J3fS€l98&iRQ sf farm fSrS8b18tS ~re8b1S~H5t SA tAB ~r@J39rxty sblBjeet t9 tRG) f8118'!!iR~ r9~tri€ti@RS: 0) .^,€JriGblltwrG1II9G1GltiA~, J3r€H~J9€siRSI sr sifXFIjlar fasilitisG stx1alll3s 1@€lat9€t @A a mej@r @r miRer aFtarial strast, Sf l;:Rall l;;!avt3 agsess t8 aA arterial strest 8)' 61 p;JloIlaIiG street tl;;!at 889& Ret ataut I9rQ~erxti9€i zeR98 RSF 1, R~F i, RMF i, Rr.1F 12, R~...1F Hi, RT, VR, r1H, TTR"C flAQ PUQ sr pQsiQ8Rtiell~' ~ Oi) ,^. tauUar yariJ gf A@t 19s1;: tf-taR 1ljQ feet iR '/'ietR GRell! Iae f1naviQ@Q fl1914~ Q2I@R BSWRS61v)' sf ll;;!e site 'l!Ri@1;;! abwts 8Flj r9sisBAtiall~' Z81i189 sr blsBa f3ref5lrEJR~', aRe GRail B€lAtaiR aA altefRati'/9 ~ t~'~9 ~wUQr 21~ G19'RFl98 witl:<1iFl S9Btj9Fl 1.Qs.gg @f tl;;!is LQ':. SloI€R buffer aRs buffar ~'ar€i sl;;!all 88 iF! Hew €lf ff@F!t, siarEJ, er Fear yards €If.! tRst fSSRigf.l €lf tRB let 'Nl;;!j@R abuts tl;;!es@ eistriets aRe loIS8S i€l8Rti-A8e if.! s8@tiElA 2.\)3.\)1(^). 153 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\8CC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itl:1 atril"s tt-lrel:J€lR - Delete TGJR itR (;?U14Bls ftril fl 1Rreld!lA - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOl/hIp. Underlineri Text = Relocated I Add Oii) TR8 fa6i1it~' sF-iall €mit A@ @BPI@)d@~Si, te:(is, @f s@fm~i\'@ ewst, girt, fbfm9S, \'3~€lf~, @f g:a~9~ 'I.-Ai@1;;) G:lrl SabfEi9 €lama~8 t8 Rl:JmaPl F-i86l.ltR, t8 aAimals @f ':9~Bt:lti9A, Sf t@ @tRer fgrFAs sf I5mf;J@Ft~. Be~'SfHI tR€ let liAS sf tRS 1:;IS9 er8atiA~ tAg €lFf1is~i@A. Q. ElH~a::atiQA aAs rlslatsg ,sr@e@&SiA~ 6lA€l t3r@€!Jl:;I@ti@A liHJBjS@t t@ tRS fsll€r.\'iR€;J grit@ri:a: 0) TRS a€iti'/it~' is elsafl~' iPlsiaQRtal t8 tRe 2~rie~ltMral ds"slopm9At @ftR9 13r::@l3ew/. (ii) TAG) :aff9@t99 ar93 i~ witAir;] a Eibll1299 "'ater ~aRa@ler;;A9Rt &~.&t€m fer agFi&ultwral klS8 as rsermitt9€J BY tR9 SPJl.'~1D. (Hi) TAg :ar.f-l9blRt sf 9HS2"at99 meteri:al J:ems':e€l fr@R9 tRe s:ite seRAst 9)(@898 <I,ggg GblBia ~'Elf€lS. ,^.m8blPlts if! fiiJHS8SS @f <1,ggg &lYBis Y3rg~ SAGlII rS€1blirg &sAsiti9A:;J1 wse al3~r@vfll fer E1arxtRFRiFliRgJ, fi9WrSWGlRt t9 tREl ~rt~H~ge1:;lf9S :aRe G9RSiti8Fl6 set fBrtR iR CR8f3t€r 1 g. 2. Conaition31 UWE Lot nr03 requiromonts: ,^.Rimal Br8e€liA~, raisiR€J, traiRiA~, st3sliA€J, @r l~eRR8IiR~ ,^.s~t;,alt rslElRtS ('@FAmereial f;Jf@€h"l@ti9R, raisiR~ 9r ereeeiAr::J @f fiiJHeti@ aAiR9aI8, etRef tRaA aRiR1al~ ty,si@slly b1SSS f@r a~Fi€~ltYr31 f5b/rl3e€9S sr 13J:98b/€ti€H;::f+ ~air/ Li\'est@@!l raisir=1€J r@b/ltr~' aRa sfj~ ~r@8l:Jeti@R RSJiiiil@ Br;@B€HR~ af!Q raisiR€J (FI@f-! ':er=1€m@Ys)~ 2Q a@fSS 1 Q aerss 29 aeres 2Q seres .29 aeres .2g egfSG 29 (3H?rss .. vt8efs8 strwstwr:e8 €Rall eEl 3 miRiFRYFR sf 1 g9 feet frSPP1 8Fl)' prepert:y m- 3. Cenaition31 UEOE Do€i€ln roquiromont€: 3. ^.~I3t;Jaltig :aR9 &lSAf;;rgte e:atSR r;R3kiA~ t?laFlts: 0) rrjf'1giJ5181 il6&e8& GR311 ee frem a street 8ssi€Jf'1aie€l G911eGtar 9r Ri~A9r GI3~~ifig2ti9R. (ii) Ra'"",: m:ateri@IG st9ra~9, 1313At leGatiel9 3FlQ €J@ABFfll 9f3@rati9R8 ar9Yf.H~ tR8 rs1aRt sRal1 Rst 1618 lefJ8te€l @r €I@198b/@tee '\'itRiA 100 feet ef af-l)' BHterier 1618l:meary. (iii) TR8 R€i~Rt sf fa'^, material steraQe ta9iliti€l~ sRall f-l@t 9X@e9Q a R9i€JAt sf fif;t~. (fig) feet. 154 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itA atril.e tt:JrsbI€lA = Delete Tellt m~ go Iblg !;:1rihl3 tl;tFebl~R - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Undp.rlinerl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add (h:) H€H::JrS Gf 9~Elr8tiQ~ sRell 813 limitea t@ t'A'B (&) t;,@hlIrs e@fBr13 6il:lRFiSB t9 t:I:>IRset. (,:) T~8 miRiRUH<R setlHuik frsFR tl;;l9 ~rjRBi~al rS88 fr:9Atags GRell 8El 1 fig feet fer €lperati@R81 feBilitiss 8R8 GEl"el9t~' fi':e (:!3) feElt fer sI:>lJilJileRiR~ 3Qf"RiRistrati\'B @f;f"4ees aRa aSSgei3tG}Q Jilarl~iR~. ("j) .~,r;<I QaRR9r=l I.lerm aQ!;!i9'/iR~ 9 veFtiBal ~eig!;!t sf 9i~~t faet er 9~l::Ji':al€lRt 'J€~Btati'/e serS9R '::it'" Big!;!!'.,' (iQ) JilereeRt sJile8it~' @Re (1) year after iSSl:>laAB8 @f €lQF-tifhsate ef l~HH~I::l~aRe~' sRall ee @@Rstrl::Jgteg @r Breat@g arSl;tR€I tRe @Atire ~griFR9tsr sf tt;Je FlrSf3erxt~'. (vii) Tt;;)e fillaRt GAall A@t BB l@sats8 "'itRiR tRB Cr98RliR9 .^ me @f CSRSfiHR fer tRB ~lsri8~ ~tate P:ark ~:;~t9~ 3~ 9t:taelit:R98 B~' tt;)9 D8~af.tfl'leRt @f EiR"irSRRi't@Rt31 Pr@taeti€lR (DE!P); 'A'itl;!iR tRe ^ rea sf Critieal atat9 CSRecrA as sQ~iGtee @F) tR@ FlsltlslFG L:J.RQ 1_1&9 rA:a~ C~1P; 'I.TIRiR 1 ,ggg feet sf a RatYr~1 rasen"ati8R; er witt;;,iR eF)~' C@W:1ty, SState 9r f@Q€lr31 jl::lfisaieti9Ral ':~'8tlaRd8. e. Tswr 9fil9Fati@RG, Sl;teR as, Blslt A@t limitsQ ts airB@ats, s'''amra eyg~ies:, RSfGSS, :aRQ siFRilar r;F:I&n~jes: sf tF:aR~JS9Rati9R, t:Rall so 8Isd~j@gt t9 tRe rell@'.viR~ @ritsria: (il PsrFRits sr Istters sf S)[Sf'l'llltisR frsf'l'l tAB IJ.>:. ^ rf'l'l,' <;:SFIlS Qf ~f.'l~iR99rs, Uqe FI9ri€la ~e:r, SRQ t~s s:r'3).fr.1h? s~all 88 ~re~9r;1t9a t8 t1~e C'SI:H4ty M:lR3gp;U er Q@Ei~R99 Ji'fi@r ts sito deval8FiJm9At plan aJ3J3r9"sl. (ii) TR@ fi}BtitieRer s~all fi}€lst tRe ~r@fiileR:~' J.19R~ tRe 9Rtire JSre"eFt~' IiRS ";it!;'! fi'l9 tresfSassiA~ sigRs a~fi}nHtimatel~' 9\'ery 2Qg y~rQs, (iii) Tt;;)s f39titi@R€r sRall I::ltili~8 @Rly trail~ i€l€H~tifi99 i3H~a afiilfilm"88 @A tRB sits ejeval8pm9Rt plan, .^.RY €nti~tiR~ trails GRail es l;ttiliz@8 Bsfer€! t~e 8staelisRmsAt @f RS'\, If;aik;, (i") Meter "8~iGh5S sRall Be Sql:>liF9f3B€I '.\'it~ 8R€jiA8S ."!:tieR ir=l@11::l€19 sfilarh: 3rrest@rs a~g F-RMff19fS €Iesi~R8€1 t@ reglsl€ii5 ~ (v) TR9 ma)timl::Jm si;(!s sf :any V9RISls, tRe Rlc:H~~e9r sf '/eRi@lcs, eRa tRe ~aSS8R~9r ga~agity @f aR~' . '@Ri@ls sRall es 89termiR€l€l 8~' tA8 B@arQ @f Z9RiR~ afilJ38al~ €Il:>1riR~ tRe &&RsitisRal ..S8 filr@@SSS. 155 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "ntt-l atrike tl:1r9b1€1R = Delete Tent "itt:;! ~uCll9lil f1ril"i8 tl;tFu'lgR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DOllhle IJnderlinp.cl TAxt = Relocated I Add (\'i) r 1@ter ':eAielss GAall 138 l5lermitte9 ts 9fSsrate €fMri~g €fa~'li~Rt R8HrS v:14isR ~€eR6i, BRe (1) Rswr Gitter ~MRri~@ t9 eRe (1) A@lsIf Bsfere GIsIAt;:@t. ("ii) r.1eI8st8tiB~ 9f '''i1€flif8, iRQIIsI€!iR~ fss€fiRg, sRal1 138 ~f€~Ribit9Q. (g) '.'sRielgs: sRall eBm~ly 'llitA state 6lR9 'JRitgs ~t:at9s Ceast Clslar:s nEI~uleti@RS, if efi'~lieGl819. C. E District. E:HtfGleti€lR er 8eRRmiRiR!I, GlRS r91etsB 'H8eesGiA~ aRB (Sfe€flslsiisA R8t iRsj€feRtal ts tRe 9suslspfMSAt sf iRe ~r9I5lBf1~', may Be ~H3fmisGjBl8 as a &SRElitiEHUil 101&8 'NI9Elre tAEl eite 3rg:a 9ge~ Ret ElHS8eS W'9Rt~' (2Q) iUlf9&. rRESERVEDl D. RT District Conditional uses shall not exceed 125 feet in heioht E. VR District Minimum lot area 1 acre Minimum lot width 100 feet -- --- J'r:.ont yard 35 feet - Side yard 15 feet -- Rear yard 1- 30 feet ,-JY1aximum height' 50 feet ---~ . No building may contain more than three levels of habitable space. F. MH District Accessory uses shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height G. C-1 District rRESERVED] 1. Ce.uiiti9Aal W&8 r.1iH8€1 IsIBS resi€fsRtiGlI ems 8€lfiUflElfeial IsIS9, glslBj@et h3 tl;1g mIl9'^,iR~: a. TR8 Q@R9mefeiell3lses il9 tRe Els':slepmsRt mGl~' B€J limite€! iR RElEArS @f @~9r:atiQR, size af geli'/sl?/ trwsks, :ar.::l9 t~'~Q sf 9~MiJ'~8Rt; B. TAB resis9Rtiall::lsss efe s8si~Re€f 88 tRGlt tR8~' are €iBmfSlaWale ',\'itR t!;.!e 88mFf1~3rQiel WS9S; @. R€Jsia9Rtial gO!Jslling wRits arB IgQ:ahaa aBQV9 priRGipal ~lt9t; €I. R8~is@l9ti31 8198 159FAFf1@r;:eielwses eg R@t @€6l::lP~' t~9 ~aFf19 fl@@r @f a bwilaiRg. 9. TA@ RWmBElr gf r8si€l9Rtiel fj'xslliRfj wAits &Rall B@ G€lRtr@IIEl€il ~)' t!;.!e €ilim9RsisR@1 ~taRe:afgS sf tAB wRe9rlyiF}~ eistri@t, t@~ot!;.!9r 'A'itR tR9 Sf39@ifis rSGll::lir0R99Rt tRat iF} AB iRstaR@e SF-Ii~1l tt;.,@ r9si€!ElRtiGlI 156 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "~tl:1 Strike U:m~l:J~/:1- Delete To](t i11:1 ~8elBle l:'trilm 11>1reldBR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language 001 Jhlp. I Jnclp.rlinp.rt Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add klISElG 8HG88a fift~' (81~/~) ~@rG8r;lt €If tRe !;tress fleer arsa 9f t~@ kwil~iAB. f. SwildiAB I=Isight ffHi~' fXlst QH@88a t::e (2) st@ri9s. ~. Eelg~ rEl&ias~tiBI OU'SIliRO wRit s~all €9RtaiR t~9 fGlI@'.\'iR~ mir;lif-l9lclm "alar arsss; Elffi@iElr;;l(~)' sRa 8fXl9 e8af€H3R"1, ~8g G~klIarQ f.BEat; t"(9 899~QeFA, g~Q ~~war9 feast; t~r99 Be9r€H;lFA, ggQ ~~Y:ar-e ~ ~. ,A. miAimwm @f t19iFtj (2Q) J3er@9At sf tRB miH9B IoISB ds\'slepm9Rt GRell Be meiRtair;l9€1 as 9fiJ8R slu.GS. T~9 fells":ir;l!9 m@~' BEl IclS8B te satisfy tl;,9 OpSA ~p:a89 r;9~b1irem9rxlts: aFg:a~ \dSe9 t9 t;:2ti~fy ':.(st@r maR@~9m9Rt FQ~wirem8RtG, lar;l€ls@e~€H~ ar8S&, rQ@r9sti@A 2r-S@IS, @r &stoaek a1>9@S R@t @@vereQ ',\'itR imp8Wiow& &wffa&s sr YS99 fer ~@phiA~ (J'2rl-:iR@J let i!;:l:arxlss ~aj Ret B9 ~H;:Q9 \dRI9SS EmistiRQ Aativ8 vsgstati8A ilS maiRtair;l€l€l). i. TR8 FAiH98 @SmFR9r9i2lf.rssi8sRtial etrwstwfs &R811 89 Q9&i~ReQ t8 9R~GlRS8 ssmpatiliility @f t199 s@mmer@iel GlRa Fssis9Rtial WSSG tRr@l:;I~R 6iM9R m€SGI:slf8G as, BMt r;l@t li~it9€1 t@, miRimiL!i~g R@iG€ aGS€HiiatsB ":it~ eliiH~m9r@iBI '1&9S; giF9t5tiRg g€Hl~m8rei31 li~RtiR~ B'.V@~' fnHl1 resieeRtii3l1 MRltEi; aRd SSli3ar@tir;lQ Jilse€lstriGlF-l BRd "9~isyI3r 29g91S1S":Gl~'S 3AQ FlarkiR~ :ar93S frsFFl rssi99Rti31 MRitlS, t9 t198 ~p9Glt8e;t ()){t~mt Fl@se;iQI@. H. C-2 District [RESERVEDl 1. ^.88SSS9ry WESE. '.~~sr@ 1313~' are3S 2r9 SQAstrl:sl@t98 as aR aG8S~~9p}' wse te a Ji39rmitt€l€ll:slS9, tR8 f@lItr"iF-l~ 8€lr;lQiti@r;;je; st-lGlII :Jf:1~I~': Gl. .^. mir;limI::Jm fi':8 BAa @r;;j8 t-Islf (5 ~~) f@@t RIQR r@iRferSQ9 f81968 6iR:a1l Q8 il96italle~ @r;l ell13i€l8s @f tA8 ~IB)' al>SB 'A'Ri€lt-l 31>9 Aet €lJil@r;l te U~Q pFiRGipal strustwrs; Q. 1r;l~rEls& t8 BAa @~r9&S fram tl;;18 flllaj arsa sRall QS mags €lRI~' frem t~e priReipal sbwstwre, 19@'?;ElvGJr elr;l Sm8r~Qr;lt5). Emit fff~m t198 Jills~' aree GRell Q8 rar@vi€le€l w19i€R a99S Ast SfRJ?Jt~. il9ts tR9 priR&ipal strwetwre. 8. TI;;18 rala)' Q~Mipm9Rt st:lall 89 set Q@€k: a miRimMFR €IiStBA€9 sf fi\'€l (8) feet ff@m tR8 rGl~l:;IirsQ fGRSS SRB fr@FR tR8 priReipal str'mtwre. 2. CSAditi9Aal wse. Mim;)€1 re&iQGmti31 a~€I €€H~HlH;lr€li@1 IoIS€l, ISbllsje€lt t9 tR9 f911@v:iAff B. .^ II stSr;l86\reG fer tRs miHe€l r@Gi€l8I9ti@! BAS e9mm9r€lial blSS ir;l tA€! c: 1 CilStriet. k TR9 rse;iGJGJRtial 9welliR!;t WRits s~all B9 restrietGJQ te QGSHf:13r;;j8~' B~' tR8 8'SR8r13 8r 19868813 sf ttx1e SQ~R.:t8feiBI HRitE: 13918v:. 157 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK,doc 11/16/2007 TSJLt "~tR atril~e tt-JrS1::lgR - Delete T8l1t "itl>1 I;?g 1;:11318 &~ril\e tl<lrO~!JR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOllhlfl I lnrlp.rlined Text = Relocated f Add I. C-3 District. ~1iHeel resiGiQRti31 ~~e 99mmerGiel YS9 ~:a~' Be 31]9"'9819 as :3 GSRQitisRel elSB, s6IBjeGt t8 tRB same steR8erae; es tt~e mined r@si€i9Rtial @Ra l5smmerGiall5lse iF! tRS ~ .2 Qistrist. rRESERVEDl J. C-5 District. rRESERVEDl CRilfi 88~' Gar@ ma~' Be alleweel@ as a G@Rditi@R:a1 L:lG8, GI=IBje€lt t8 tR9 feIl9'A'iR!@I StaFle:araS: 1. ^ II arsas aRd Sl;Jr;.fa8es n;)agil~' aGG8ssit3le t8 BRil€inm SF-t@1l Be w@@ sf hmie SI5IIsstaRG8a aRe Re~er€iGels materials. TRia sRal1 iR€Il:A€is 311 a€ijaGSRt eR€i GlBl:AttiRQ f=lrSf3sptiS8 1~'iR~ witRir=1 599 f8et sf tAB SRils Bere s@Rter's R8er8st J3n;il~€H;;t~. liRe. 2. It sRall Ret Q9 IssGltea 'A'itRir=1 8gg f@@t sf U~9 R99r@st ~n~~ef4>/ liRS (Sf I~R€i I:lS9S eRS8RilfSe&GiR~ "'1;;)819&6119 St9f:a~9 sf gas@liRe, li€lY9f.i9S f:'etr9leM~, ~a8, sil, 8r etR8r flammaBle li~l::{ies er ~ras9s. d. It GRail Ret B8 188ats9 BR U~9 SElFAe street Gw&t8FAaril~' wtili388 B~' GeRstrl;slgti€H~ try@l~ trGlftie frsR9 elsf3Ralt f3lar=1t8 iiHHit eH@@'/atieR €;Jblerri€s. 1. It sR:a1l F-t:aV9 a miRiFAYR9 lGt area @f 29,999 S~l=J:afG f.get aRe:a miRimym 18t wi€!ttl ef 1 gg feet. 8. It sRell f:'f8vi€is &1 miRiFFl6lm l5Ie;aBle 81iilSR Ei~a@8 8f R@t l(i;)sS U~er=1 tRir;t~. (29) !SElmeRt @ftR@ t8tal S€lHarS fB@te~@ gf tR@ let erea. ~. It sRall f:'H~'.'i€ie tRat all 8~I3A S~a88G t@ Be MEiSe B~' 8Ri1Gir9r=1 "'ill Be BSemQ@€i BY :a fBRG9 sf R@t IBSS t1;;)8F1 fiv9 (5) feet iR J;;J9i~Rt, t9 BO €J8As:trlol€lt9g @f '''@8e, ~ElG@Flrj, sr @tl=lsr 8~~f8vge material. 7. It s:l=Iellliilr@':i€i@ a I:aFl€Js€Ja~Q Bblff@r ir:! &l€liH~r9aFlB@ witR s9€lti8R 1.Qij.9g. g. It SR311 G9fF1f=lI~' \\'itR tRo ~t:atB @f j;lsriel:a DBl3aFtmeRt sf pqealtR :aRS RSRa8i1itativ8 ~8rviB813 Qa~' Cars ~teR8ElFe~ sf tRe ~leri8a ,^.B~ir=1ie;trati\'e GOOe, 9. \~.fR8re a €iRila Gars BeRter is I3r@f38G88 iR G:eRjIolr=1€ti8R witR, Elf.H~ €if.! tR@ sems ~aF891 as, a fe@ilit~. ';:Ri@R is El 139rmitteg I5IS@, tl=l9 fe~l::Jirem8RtG set fertR iR Sl:slt31~3r3~r:a~Rs a tRr9l=J~R R @B9V9, '''itl;;) iR9 9)(se~ti9Fls ef Selt;3l3aF8QrElf=lRs 8 eRg s, sRal1 Be elG@Q t8 f3f@':ige tR9 t3retSGti8r=1e; t9 @Ril€lfef.! 6IsiR~ tR@ gRil€! garB 9gFltElr ir=1tSf.!Se8 B~' tRie; seeti@R €S8r=1sisteRt "'itR tRB 99VeIQ~~9Rt 9f tRe I3r@139f:98 ~9rmitl:eQ l=JS9. K. I District rRESERVED] 1. C81Ujiti8RSI uses. &1. ^ €iHlt Qa~' Gian~, SLJBjElGt t8 tl=l8 mI18'''iR~ rEl€tMirem9F1t$;!: 158 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 * Text "<itA atril<e tRrsl::lgR - Delete 1:~II' HI<1 QiiktBle ~triflil tRrgl;:l!J~ Relocated f Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nmJhlp. Undp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add (i) :;:11811 RSt ,"S ISBats8 '::itl1iR IiQG fsst sf tAS Asarsst WSI3SI't,' liRe sf laRa b1Ei9S 9R99PR~a!;:sjFl~ ':.'Flele6:3Ie Eterase sf galiH~liR9, lif;1b1sfiea ~etrQI8l::lm, gas, @il, Sf @tt;;tef fl61FAma@l@ li€leti€Js @f ~3!;:9~. Oi) ~~all R@i Be 188@t98 8r=1 HilS Game strset €Mst@FR:arily MtiliZ@Q 19)' €@F-IstnHstieR trl;l€ll,: traUi€l freFA iUiJiJl;]alt ffllGlRtS GlRa 9H€l2l"ati9R G1hlGlrri@s. (iii) ~I=lGlII t=la\'@ a miRimlolR9 1st area. @f 29,999 sE.1l!i1ars fuel ElRa a miRiml:H'fl let 'si€Jtlx1 @f 1 99 f13st. 0") ~t;J311 f3P9':ise a miRiFRblFFI lu;:abls spaR SpaG8 sf Rst Isss tt:\BR tRiR~' (:iQ) f?Sr6Sl9t @f 11019 19121 SGltJare f@@ta~Q @f tRe let am3. B. Clilila €Ia~' Gare, SI:lIBjS@t bi! tR9 Sem~9 li3taFH~ara& as fer tl=le ':2 8 eis:tri€t. . * * * * * * * * * * 4.02.12 Same-Outdoor Storage ^ ... 10. AGe * Qbltaeer f:tera€;J9 yaroE: FA:;)}' 89 j39Fmissiele iF! 1R9 C 4 Qi&tri~t, ~r9' (jsss tRat tRe yar&l is 1l~@GlteB r;<J@ €1@~9r tR@R FA'g~t~. -A"@ (25) fS8t te aR~' fH:JBlis stre9t elr;<J8 tRelt S~€,lR yarit SRelll Be ~HHfl~18t91~' GlR@lBSi8B, SHGS~t fer R@@sssar~' iR~rQSS 8R~ 8~FSSS, fiH:fFSHelFlt te t198 n3~~iremeRts ef tRi~ LId'='. TRiG J9rB"isi@Fl sRal1 RBt Be g@R~tr~9Q t@ all@'\', as fiHi;)pFf1itt98 @r 8&&9&&91"1,,' I:Jse, "'r99IdR~ yards, jHRk~'ar;Qs, @r y:;u::gS loI~GH;j iR "'RBis sr ~ar.t fer sgr~~ sr slav3ge Q~erElti9R& sr fer ~r@e9&&iR!I, st8rB~8, Qis~la~', @r sal@s @fFlY s@r61J9, sIEl"El~e, @f SGl€i@r;<Jst=1aFls &uildiRg [RaRe a6lt€H'H~ti' '9 '/9i;;!jgle fSaF-ts. .. .. ... ~ . . \~JitRiR t149 C 8 9i~tri9t, 9b1tsiQ9 st@raS9 @r gisfo"ll3Y @f F-R9r9R3RGli~9 i~ I3reRieit98 '/:iti=liA aA~' freRt yan" Tel'Nl3eraV'/ 8isfJla~' @f FRSrEli=laR9isQ ablfiR~ 81d~iR9~S ReldFG is ~sFmis~iBIQ, raf@"i€i€lQ it €i@SEi R@t a€i"@Fs@I~' attest fi;1GlQ9stri&lR @r v9RisI:Jlar traffi@ @r fo"l6lBIi€ i;;!ealti;;! €H s:Jroty. Mef@RaR8is9 st@ra~s aRB 8jsfJla~' sRall Be alhr;s8 '/;it19iR tl913 &i€f€l @RQ rear yards @f lots. All permitted or conditional uses allowing for outdoor storage, including but not limited to storage of manufactured products, raw or finished materials, or vehicles other than vehicle intended for sale or resale, shall be required to screen such storage areas with a fence, or equivalent landscaping or combination thereof, not less than seven (7) feet in height above ground level. Said fence or wall shall be opaque in design and made of masonry, wood, or other materials approved by the County Manager or designee. * * * * * * * * * * * 4.02.29 Same-Farm Market Overlay Subdistrict 159 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 * * * * * * Text "'itA Strike tRr9H~R - Delete Tent 'itR [.?silll3le tarihe tRnJ 1!l1:I- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJhlp. LJndp.rlinp.cl Text = Relocated 1 Add * . * * * * C. QlllltQ~9r Si!il18€i €If agriewltwral preriusts are JilQrmittQa €If.'! impnr:88 €If b:H~im19rfir '@Q prri1138Ries I3rBvie88 tAg applie8Rt Sl'lItiH'PIits a site d9vsfepm8Rt plaA '''Ri@!;q 88ffi€lAstretee tR@t fH@"isi€H~€i '::ill B8 maes t@ 9€h~1~El61t8Iy a€tar9€iS tAB f€lII@'^,jA~r 1. "eRie/hiller aRB ~8Q8stri3.R tr:aUis ~elUat.: meGlSl'lIfGlS. 2. Parl:iR~ fsr li!IRQGr:el€l139Q pmF58Ries '''ill ee @8Ig1::118t88 at a f818 €lf 1l2sQ s€tElare feet sf m8HiR8RQise Brae. .^. maHimwm sf t819 (1 Q) ~9rgeRt €If tR8 I3GJrl:iR~ r8~l:slipEla 8~' s8sti8R 1.05.09 1.Q5.Q-<1 €lftRis b.Q':2 1;;r;;H;}~' B8 fHHsEl13i98 Sf etR9P"iE:9 f-9Rger::S9 b1AblE:3.ble 8~' tR9 I3IG)f~9m9Rt sf temf'8rar.,' strW&tur9&, 8€t6lipmsF1t, sigFl&, aRe m8n~R8RQiG8. TREl miFlimElm Rlslmoer €If QiS8BI~H~ ~e1rl-:iR~ Sf38€9S ~b;lrs~af.jt t8 s9sti@f.j 1.05.QQ <l.Qg.Q; s~all 88 nH;~l:lir9Q. J. b..i~it9Q I;;tewr~ sf 9pr:;H3.tisR. 1. r;€lA€iR~, Iigj;;JtiF-lQ. 8. rirs ~r@tEl€iti9F-l m8@S~r@E:. 9. ~3RitflP/ faGiliti9&. 7. TRt;) applisald GRail t'r@'/iQQ a F-l@tafi2!:e~ lettef fmm tf;.!Q J3r@!@8R~' @'.\'F-lQr ~relXltiF-lf!l '~H!)FmisGi@F-l t8 wtili~e tl;;Js G\;;IsjS€it t9r8f5€lr;T/ mr agri€iMltwral @wtEih;J@r ~ R. TR@ ~la€8meRt @f eRe (1) sign, a maHiFJ;1MFJ;1 @f tRiA:~' t\':8 (22) G~elar8 f9St, ef P\'@ (2) SeieR signs fer ISf@Ji'eRies €@RtaiRiRg mere tR8R @Re (1) street troAtags GRall13e JiH1rmitt@8. Q. .^,~riGYlt\:;lfal ~r9Ql:lsts may Be ~@IQ fr;sm a ':st;}i15ls ~f9~iQSQ tt;}:at tR9 \'BRhs19 is Ret lesatsa iF! tAB rees riilt:lt 8t '::ay. 1Q. Agriswttwral prodwots ~ay 88 8isf3la~'e€l '.vit19itil aR~' treAt yard ~rQ\'i€l8€1 it €l@SS R@t 8s':sFsely aff8€t ~9€l9striaR @f "sl9i€llsllar traffi€l @r ~wBli€ R9G1lt!;) t;)r sa~t~' a~H~ is R@t 18Gate€l"'it19iR tRI3 rea€! rights ot "'a~'. 11. ^, ~iRiR>'ll::lm 8 feat laFH~Sea~Q 8wfmr GRail 89 r8~wir88 aQj&H~eRt te aR~' mee riQ19ts @f '\'a~'. * . * * * * * * * * * * 4.02.32 Same-Main Street Overlay Subdistrict * . . * * . * * * * . * j;. ~~egial reEtt:dir9FR8Rts fer 8b1taeer E1isf3lay aRe sale sf mersReR€lis9. 160 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itl=l Stril,a tRrglJ~R Delete TOllt HR QU14l3le r;'rilis tt-lrelJSR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language Douhle IJnclp.r1inp.cl Tp.xt = Relocated I Add 1. Ql:ltessr 8isl3la~' BRa sale sf FF1er:sAaFleisEl, ';:it~iA tA9 frBRt &lR9 sias yar(js SR im)3rS"138 filr@~9Fti8€i, 8F13 fSsr~ittsB €i~ej8€it t8 tAB fQIIr~'''iR~ filrS':isisRS: a. T~Q €H;ltB8sr Bi€it'la~"€iaI8 sf mer:eRBRBis8 is li~itse t8 tR8 sells @f €l@~filaraQIQ mQrSRaReis9 €i@le SR tR9 ~rsmi€ie€i EIRe is iRBieat88 @R tl=18 ~H?~ri8t@rs' @EHH;lfil:ati9RBIIi€9RSB. B. TRB sMtB@sr gi€it1la~(f€ials sf R"1erGRGlfi'Hi~iss is ~9rmittsa SR jmlirr~)'!e€l 68mm@niliall~' ~SR8€1 ~m~8rti8€i EHU:j is 13~Qj13Gt t8 tRe sI=lQmi€isi@R @f Q site 89Ve18fSFl'l8Flt t'IQR tRat SeFASRstrat8€i tl;l8t JH8\'isieRs will B8 FRGlse t@ aQ9~\;I61tel~' aSSr98€i tR9 f9l1s'lJiR~r i. '.'ri~)Ris\;I18r aRB filliH~8€itriaR tfBffis 8Glf8t~' mS61Sl=lrGS. ii. b.e€9tisR sf Sal€l,'8i€if:lla~' sf FR€lr6lRaRSiso iF! relatieF! t9 f3arhiR~ areas. iii. fire I9rstestisFl FF1Ela&~res. 1':. b.imitElB R€H:trS sf 8)39Fati@R fr@m €J3'/JR MAtil sl;;Isk. 2. Oyt€Js@r ais)3la~' aRe sal8 Qf mersR8Rsi€ie '''itRiR tRs sids'.vallt: ar83 €Hlly sRall B8 199rr;;RittElQ iA 15Qnjl=Jn~tiQn witR "MaiFl Street" 31919m'/99 "sr;l€Jer GElRS, ~r8"iB8a U'l9 applioilAt s\3IeR'lits a 5lit@ d9\'918pm9At plaA '.\'RisR 8eFR@R5ltrat9s tRat Jir@"isi8RS '''ill 158 maas t8 ae@~~at€JI)' :ae€lr9S& tRe f@118':JiR~: 3. LS@2ti8F-1 sf s219'Qis~la~' sf R>'lerSRaFlsise iF! relati9R t9 r98s rigRts of 'va~'; 8. '.'@F'lg@r GaRS @.r@ 1@8BtSQ SR &i~8':Jslh& tRat aff9rg tR9 sppliesAt i3l fl':e (i3) feElt gl98raRee fer R€lA 9Bstr\;lgtss f3S88striBR tram€:; BRS G. LiFFlitsa R@l=JFG @f @~8rBti8R fr@FF! SB\':R ~Rtil Sl=JS[L . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.05.00 SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC USES . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.05.10 Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Park Design Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Required facilities for campsites and TTRV lots 161 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007~Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "itA atFiI~e tAr9blgR - Delete T811t i11;;1 I;?sbll3le ~'FiI'u tl:<lrow~R Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LOC language DOllhle tlnclp.rlined Tp.xt = Relocated I Add . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. A&&BS&9I1J w&es. 5. ~Rel@ses Htilit~(Jst@r8Q8 are8 sf t!;;Je s:am9 sisiRQ material :aRQ arg!;;Jit8@t6lral St~'18 8S tt~at @ftAe 88s@siate8 rS6f8ati9Aal vsl::tiolss, FIst t9 9Hs@e8 GlFl ereGl sf &:bd~' (89) sGlh:l:are feet. e. .^,A~' lsItilit'(st@Fe~Q arseI sRel1 68 I€Hiat99 iUijS&SAt ts its 8ssssiat@Q rsoraatioAsl vs~iols BAS maQ8 a g9RtiFH:H~l:sIS ~aFt Elf a SiSre8REl8 iR ~9rgA \VRere GlaIElR a ~~H€R is atteH~R9€l 1s tRe HaRisle as R9r8iR ~nr;iec€l. It-t~ere t;ltilit~'.I&t9r:a~e areGlS :ar;:@ ~aae a 9SRtiRblBbI& J!]:aR ef Gl seresRe9 iA ~8rsR, t!;;Js area sf tR8 IJtilit~','st8raQ9 @rea m:ay Ret SHSS98 2~ ~sresRt sf tR8 ansa sf tAe ~H$r9sRe€l iR ~H51HsR sr 129 s€1bl1are fest, '/JRiet;HiiJ"9r lesser. TAG CSblRt~' MaRa~9r er Ri~ QesiQRe8 ma~' a8miRistfeti"'81~' eppr€l' 'S GlR @H99~tiQR t@ a6GSSs8~' ttrwstwrs size limit:atisr:;} "!Rere EblGR m{Q@rstiSR is Re8sseap/ ts aileV.' f€lr aGsEl8sieilit~', iF} aElSQf-eaR8Gl witR tA8 ~~s€ifi9atieFls set feR!;) if'! ~e8tisR ~ sf the ^ meri€iGlAS witt;'! (disGltsiliti@s ,^ 5t (^ Q^,), t9 a5S9mm9aGilte e rsR~'sigally RGlRaigafJfJed iAEJivi€lbl31. 9. r;sr f:sGrsati9Aal usJ.1iGlss fi}(99 Q~' @ per~aA9At :JR8RQriR~ s~'steFR, e ~gr8eR€8 iA F3era~ els"Elt€!a sr at ~rsl:.m€t I€r,:el "'itA e G:@IiEJ mef strwstwre, Eln;~jtQet\:;lrall~' eEH'ft~etitJlg "'itA it~ aSSi@giet@€l reGFeati8Aal "shiGls, Rst t@ SHgS88 etA elr88 sF4l51al ts tRS arga @f tR€! nHH'satisRal "sRiGls t8 'SRi€R it is att8€JR€Ja. ~ai8 9€ire8RS8 iR ~grSA sh311 ~rr~r;i€l@ fer ar;])' ~jt9 b1tiljty/6:ter@~9 &~3€iG r9F4\:;1irer.:Fl@RtE as R@reiA ~rf3':i€ll3€i eRa GRail Ret @QRt:JiA :aR~' etR€Jr iRterier '.valls:. ^.I1 fHHiR Sgr98A8S ElReles\:;Ires ~l;Jst Be p8rmitt8€l GlA8 eeRstrl:slstes 8gg€lH~iA~ ts tRis ~e€lEl GlRQ af:?~lig8Ble bwildiAg GQ8eE. ~Ht9risr '/:alls FAa~' ee sAGlesElQ 'l:itA SGrS9A, gla&s er "iR~'1 'SiR€I@"'S, 9)((;;')(5fJt th:at tR@ stQra~e :area sl;;):all Be 9A~19~99 'vitA tbiB l;:a~e FF13teri@1 @s tAe ~riReil3GlI b1Rit. €I. CamJi1~HilEH~8S seRtaiAiR~ 1 gg SfJa8SG er m€lrs sRallli;Je f3Srmitt€l€l El e@!9'.'9Fli€lAGS 9smmerli9i@1 fa@ilit~' RS !Jreatsr U~@A 18,999 sGfblers feet iR tetel leA8 :area. TRig f€t@ility s~all fJrs\'i€le fer tRe €m€ilwl;:iv8 8&11@ @f 9@f1"9AisRG8 it9~( ts f'arl-c l3atreRs Qr:;}I~', ::JRQ (R&11! I3r9~9Rt AS '.(isi6h~1 e\'iQSA€8 ef tt;Jeir gsmm€lrgi:al &R61r&19tC:lr, iA€ilweiR~ Si~RGl~8 aRa li~RtiR~, frem aR~' f9l;Jelig riH fJri'.'at9 strsst sr ri!J~t of '\'ay Gmten;q:al t9 tt;Je fJarl-c. 11. COREJitisRal "S98 CampiAg GabiRS Gbl9j99t ts tAQ fslls"'iA~ st:~H:::'Qargs: a. C'A@ €iaFltfSiR€j salsiA ~Qr &1~~rg\'e€l TTvl"C;: 1st. B. Tl9s FltaHimblm RMm1ser sf oampiRg &abiA lets iR elR~' 9199 TTR'.'C Fl:ark EAall QQ teR fa9r€i€lRt sf the t9tal RblFRSgr gf @I3Flr&J'/98 TTR'.'C 162 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela "<itR Strike tRrg~~!:l - Delete TmR i1R gQl:fble (:'tFiho 1Rr8~SR - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. Uoder1iop.cl Text = Relocated 1 Add lets, A@t t@ SH€99€l a t@tal F}l::H~B9r sf P./'9F}t~' (2Q) GampiRg eabiA ~ €. r1aHim6lFFl fiBer err~li~ @f 229 e~~ar9 f98t. a. ~J@ il1t@mal '(:&ltef @r 6e@kiFl~ faeilities. 9. C'ampiAB Ga~iFl~ F-Ra~' Ret ee 99Si~Fl9EJ as a J3E1fF<PlBR9r;Jt f9~iEJElRG9, !;;J@"'e"sr, tiseeWRS @r @tA9r safety €l~r:i€es FAB~' B9 WSQ8 iF) efeer t8 J5lf@vi~e s€Hs6lrit~' a~aiRE::t ni~!;;J '.\'iRQS. f. CampiAg GabiRs mwst B8 GSRGtr6lGte8 @f 19atl:;lF@1 '.rSBeI met8Fials ~blSt4 as IB~G, rS8waea, segar, er s)'J3r9G~ iR er6ler tRat it F-Ra~' lalsfu:4 Rarm@r=li8l;;1GI~' iRte t!;;Js Ratlslrel Il3lFl8S€BJ;S 9RarGlster R@rFFlall~' f@6IRQ iR a TTR'It;: @r 6ElmfiiJ~r@l;;Ir;H~ sSttiFl~l !l T!;;J@ ~gF'1@ral ds"slepFR9Rt staRaer€ls H!J~t;Jirse f~H t!;;Je TTR"t;: f3BFlt sRal1 Be al3J3lig:able 19 tAe tampiRg Ga~iR lats. R. ,^ II materials eRa GSFlstr6l€Sti@R m6lst 139 iFl e@@tH€laFl€S witR tA@ (:@lligr C€Hmty bwildiRg ss€le eReI tAe r@(i;JMiremgRts @f tR8 StaR6Ief€l BwilEtiRg C@€Ie (S'~'=). i. .^.t 193&t eRe feam sf iRe sampiAg sabiR FAblst Rave a mil1iFFl6lF-R @f 1 f3Q S~l:ler8 fest @ffl€H3f area. j. If eampiRB GilsiRS ers 18 Be I@GBts€! i~ a (188~ Ra4:efa .J9Fl8 as BeliRsat88 @F! H~8 m@Gt f€H~9At (IssEi iRsluaR69 rats FMaps, :all H~G1Hir9FA9I1t~ sf ~eGti9A A.g.2.gg 9fiRiE: b.J?C F-RloISt 99 met. I~. .^. f5Jiiut' Glgell be ell@":ss GI R=l3}{imM~ leFlQtt.1 @f &ta~' @f w:@ (2) "'@shs iF! a sampiRg sabiA. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.05.13 Heliports and Helistops A Purpose and Intent In accordance with Sections 330.35 and 330.36, Florida Statutes, the purpose of this section is to impose zoning requirements on the location and operation of heliports and helistops within Collier County. It is not the intent of this section to supersede state and federal rules and regulations applicable to the siting, licensing, registration and operation of heliports and helistops. Rather, as set forth in more detail below, this section incorporates said rules and regulations, while imposing additional zoning regulations which further limit the siting and operational criteria for heliports and helistops in Collier County. B. Definitions. 1. FA TO: The designated "final approach and takeoff' area for helicopter 163 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC~ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Tela >>'itR Striks tArsWf::jR - Delete TS/lt "itl<l ~oillule &'ril 8" tt;<JnHI!lt.1 - Relocated 1 Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language DOlJbtp. LJnclp.rlined Tp.x1 = Relocated 1 Add operations. A defined area over which the final phase of the approach to a hover, or a landing is completed and from which the takeoff is initiated. This term is identical to that defined at Rule 14-60.003(2)(b)8, Florida Administrative Code, and Section 101 of Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-2B. 2. Private Use Heliport: A heliport developed for exclusive use of the owner and persons authorized by the owner. For state regulation purposes, this type of heliport falls within the scope of the term "private airport," as defined at Section 330.27(5), Florida Statutes. For federal regulation purposes, this term is synonymous with a "prior permission required (PPR) heliport," as defined in Section 101 of Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-2B. 3. Private Use Helistop: A minimally developed helicopter facility for boarding and discharging passengers or cargo, and for the parking of the helicopter when not in use. Fueling and major maintenance and repairs are not permitted at this type of facility. Only the owner and persons authorized by the owner may use this facility. For state regulation purposes, this type of facility falls within the scope of the term "private airport," as defined at Section 330.27(5), Florida Statutes. For federal regulation purposes, this type of facility falls within the scope of the term "prior permission required (PPR) heliport," as defined in Section 101 of Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-28. 4. Public Use Heliport: A heliport available for use by the general public without a requirement for prior approval of the owner or operator. For state regulation purposes, this type of heliport is a "public airport," as defined at Section 330.27(6), Florida Statutes. For federal regulation purposes, this term includes both "public use heliports" and "general aviation (GA) heliports," as these terms are defined in Section 101 of Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-2B. C. Site Limitations and Criteria. 1. No heliport or helistop shall be permitted or operated without obtaining site approval from the State of Florida Department of Transportation and complying with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules and regulations, including but not necessarily limited to the following a. the State Airport Licensing Law (currently codified at Chapter 330, Florida Statutes); b. Chapter 14-60 of the Florida Administrative Code; and c. Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-2B. 2. Private Use Heliports. a. Allowed as a conditional use in the industrial zoning district, as 164 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "<itR Strike tl=lreblgt.:J - Delete Tel!l itR 98b1~lo ~1Fihe tRrl], IgR - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp. l1nderlinp.cl Text = Relocated I Add provided for in section 10.08.00 of the Code and subject to the provisions of this section. b. The edges of the FA TO shall be no less than 1,500 feet from any residential zoning district or residential component of a planned unit development. This requirement shall not apply within the boundaries of developments which expressly permit private aviation use (e.g., Shadow Wood PUD and the Wing South Airpark Condominium). c. To protect the property rights of owners of all properties abutting the property on which a private use heliport is proposed, site approval from the State of Florida Department of Transportation must be obtained with the assumption that all abutting properties are developed with structures built to the maximum permitted building height and the minimum required setbacks at the time site approval is sought 3. Public Use Heliports. a. Allowed as a conditional use in the industrial zoning district and at any existing public airport, as provided for in section 10.08.00 of the Code and subject to the provisions of this section. b. The edges of the FATO shall be no less than 1,500 feet from any residential zoning district or residential component of a planned unit development c. To protect the property rights of owners of all properties abutting the property on which a public use heliport is proposed, site approval from the State of Florida Department of Transportation must be obtained with the assumption that all abutting properties are developed with structures built to the maximum permitted building height and the minimum required setbacks at the time site approval is sought 4. Private Use Helistops. a. Allowed as a conditional use to a permitted principal use in the industrial zoning district, subject to the provisions of this section. b. The edges of the FATO shall be no less than 1,500 feet from any residential zoning district or residential component of a planned unit development This requirement shall not apply within the boundaries of developments which expressly permit private aviation use (e.g., Shadow Wood PUD and the Wing South Airpark Condominium). c. To protect the property rights of owners of all properties abutting the property on which a private use helistop is proposed, site approval from the State of Florida Department of Transportation 165 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 T9Xt >><itR atrihe tRrgl:lg~ = Delete T-"ijJ[' HA Q8b1ble ~tril'lil tt~.rij'l;:lB~ Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language OOllhlp.IJnderlined Tp.x1 = Relocated 1 Add must be obtained with the assumption that all abutting properties are developed with structures built to the maximum permitted building height and the minimum required setbacks at the time site approval is sought D. Design Standards and Operating Criteria. 1. All heliports and helistops shall be designed and operated in accordance with applicable state and federal statutes, rules and regulations, including but not necessarily limited to the following: a. the State Airport Licensing Law (currently codified at Chapter 330, Florida Statutes); b. Chapter 14-60 of the Florida Administrative Code; and c. Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Number 150/5390-2B. 2. Private use helistops are limited to use by single engine helicopters with a maximum takeoff weight not exceeding 12,000 pounds. 3. All heliports and helistops must comply with the Collier County Noise Control Ordinance (currently codified at Section 54-81 et seq., Collier County Code of Ordinances), as it may be amended from time to time. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.06.00 SIGNS * * * * * . * * * . * * 5.06,04 Sign Standards for Specific Situations * * * . * * * * . * . * C. On-premise signs. On-premise pole signs, ground signs, projecting signs, wall signs. and mansard signs shall be allowed in all non:residentially zoned districts subject to the restrictions below: * * * * * * * * * * . * 14. Commercial, business park and industrial directional or identification signs. Directional or identification signs no greater than six square feet in size, four feet in height, and located internal to the subdivision or development and with a minimum setback of ten feet, may be allowed subject to the approval of the County Manager or his designee, or his designee. Such sign shall only be used to identify the location or direction of approved uses such as sales centers, information centers, or the individual components of the development Directional or identification signs maintaining a common architectural theme may be 166 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Te>d: 'Hitt-! atrihe tRrgl:l~t-! = Delete TG](t i1R l;Ie~Bl8 t;tril,O tRreblBI:<1- Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDG language nOllhlp. LJndp.rlinecl Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add combined into a single sign not to exceed six feet in height and 64 square feet in area. Such signs shall require a building permit For signage to be located along the Golden Gate Parkway, see sections 2.01.03 2.03.00, 2.0305 2.03.09 and 2.03.07 and the Golden Gate Master Plan. Logos shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the directional sign area when said sign is more than six square feet in area. Directional signs are also subject to restrictions of section 5.06.05 of this Code. * * * * * * . * * * * * CHAPTER 10 APPLICATION, REVIEW, AND DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES * * * * * * * * * * * * 10.02.00 Application Requirements * * * * . * * * * * . * 10.02.02 Submittal Requirements for All Applications * * * . . . * . * . * * B. Subdivision exemptions. Before any property or development proposed to be exempted from the terms of this section may be considered for exemption, a written request for exemption shall be submitted to the County Manager or his designee. After a determination of completeness, the County Manager or his designee dhall approve, approve with conditions or disapprove the request for exemption based on the terms of the applicable exemptions. To the extent indicated, the following shall be exempt from the applicability of this section. 1. Active agricultural uses. Agriculturally related development as identified in the permitted and accessory uses allowed in the rural agricultural district A and located within any area designated as agricultural on the future land use map of the Collier County growth management plan and the Collier County official zoning atlas, except single-family dwellings and farm labor housing subject to sections 201.00 2.0300 and 5.05.03, shall be exempt from the requirements and procedures for preliminary subdivision plats and improvements plans; provided, however, nothing contained herein shall exempt such active agricultural uses from the requirements and procedures for final subdivision plats, and where required subdivision improvements are contemplated, the posting of subdivision security. . * * * * * * * * * * . 167 1:\07 Amend the LDG\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseList(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007 Text "'itt-l Strike tt-lrebllilt-l = Delete TeHt. itR E?o .dBlg ~trih8 tt:<lr8\:l~R - Relocated I Remove Underlined Text = Revision to current LDC language nOllhlp.IJnclp.r1inp.cl Tp.xt = Relocated 1 Add This page intentionally left blank. 168 1:\07 Amend the LDC\2007-Cycle 2\Amendments\BCC-ZoningLandUseUst(111607)-JK.doc 11/16/2007