2022/2023 Lobbyist: S RWA, Inc Name: Laurie Swanson Email: Iswanson(a�consult-rwa.com Date Received Details 2/24/2023 New Registration - Ex. 09/2023 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's rs�e only) Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Laurie Swanson Date (D`•W 2 , Business Name RWA, Inc. Business Address 6610 Willow Park Drive, Suite 200 Naples CityState Florida Zip Code 34109 Business Telephone 239.778.0193 Denise Taylor P Contact Person 3' lswanson@consult-rwa.com Lobbyist E-mail Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is S25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk of Courts (ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name See attached list 2. Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code 3. Name 4. Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida County of Collier '&44.44.1 A -AL Lobbyist Signature This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ap day 20 , by ._, Personally Kno nor Notary Publie State of Florida " '• \� Produced ID MDenise Taylor Deputy Clerk/Notary P 1 Type of ID Produced i y1H ss224 n Revised:08/2018