Agenda 10/11/2007 BCC-LDC (Pink) COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ LDC AGENDA October 11,2007 9:00 a.m. SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY MANAGER PRIOR TO THE PRESENT A TION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2003-53, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 2004-05 AND 2007-24, REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO P ARTICIP ATE IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF Page 1 October 11, 2007 CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112, (239) 774-8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMP AIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. 1. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. THE BOARD TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 04-41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE REGULA TlONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Continued to the October 24, 2007 BCC Meeting at 9:00 a.m. 3. ADJOURN Page 2 October 11, 2007 MEMORANDUM Community Development & Environmental Services Division Department of Zoning and Land Development Review To: Members of the Board of County Commissioners From: Catherine Fabacher, LDC Coordinator Date: October I, 2007 Subject: Conversion of Zoning Allowable Use Tables Back to Land Use Lists for Each Zoning District Attached please find a copy of the pink book. This book contains the list of permitted, accessory, conditional and prohibited land uses by zoning district. It is intended that these lists be substituted for the Allowable use tables that were created during the last re-codification (Ord. No. 04-41). Customers and staff agree that the tables are not accurate and that a lot of information concerning conditions attached to uses has been lost. Staff has put a lot of hours into restoring the land uses as they were before re-codification and into updating the lists based upon subsequent amendments. The proposed language has been color coded based upon its origin. Staff began with the old land use list from Ordinance No. 91-102, supplement 17 (the latest supplement of the old code) and added all the changes from subsequent ordinances by color. The first page of the pink book lists the LDC ordinances which amendment the Code and associates the ordinances with a color. For example, blue colored type means that the use or use modification comes from Ordinance number 04-08. The pink type represents cumulative uses carried forward, that is, C-2 zoning formerly stated that all uses permitted in C-I are permitted in C-2; however, now the C-l uses are written out in C-2. Hopefully, this change will render the text less confusing and will promote clearer understanding among users. If you have any questions or need further information, please call me at (239) 403-2322. Color/Font Codina Black = Text from 91-102, Supplement 17 (last printed revision) Brown = from Ordinance 03-55 Blue = from Ordinance 04-08 Red = text pulled directly from Ordinance 04-41 Violet = from Ordinance 06-08 Bold = defined term Pink = Use carried forward, cumulative zoning Green Bold = scrivener's errors found Zoning Districts and Permissible Uses 1 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 This page intentionally left blank. 2 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 2.03.00 Zoning Districts and Permissible Uses 2.03.01 Agricultural Zoning Districts A. Rural Aqricultural District IA\ Pureeae 8RG fAIent. The purpose and intent of the rural aqricultural district "A" is to provide lands for aqricultural. pastoral. and rural land uses bv accommodatinq traditional agricultural. aqricultural related activities and facilities. support facilities related to aqricultural needs. and conservation uses. Uses that are generallv considered compatible to aaricultural uses that would not endanqer or damaqe the agricultural. environmental. potable water. or wildlife resources of the Countv. are permissible as conditional uses in the A district. The A district corresponds to and implements the A land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. and in some instances. mav occur in the desiqnated urban area. The maximum density permissible in the rural agricultural district within the urban mixed use district shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv rating svstem contained in the future land use element of the GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in A district shall not exceed the density permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. The maximum density permissible in the A district within the agricultural/rural district of the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP shall be consistent with and not exceed the density permissible or permitted under the aqricultural/rural district of the future land use element. 1. Permitted uses. a Single-familv dwellina. b. Aqricultural activities. includinq. but not limited to: Crop raisinq: horticulture: fruit and nut production: forestry: groves: nurseries: ranchinq: beekeepinq: poultry and egg production: milk production: livestock raisinq. and aquaculture for native species subiect to-lfle Stato of Florida Game :md Freshwater Fish Commission Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. i. The followinq permitted uses shall on Iv be allowed on parcels 20 acres in size or qreater; a) dairvinq: b) ranching; c) poultrv and eqq production: d) milk production: e) livestock raisinq; and f) animal breeding. raisinq, traininq, stablinq or kenneling. ii. On parcels less than 20 acres in size, individual propertv owners are not precluded from the keepinq of the followinq for personal use and not in 3 1:\LOC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 Ol)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 association with a commercial agricultural activitv provided there are no open feed lots: ill Fowl or poultrv, not to exceed 25 in total number; and b) Horses and livestock (except for hogs) not to exceed two such animals for each acre. iii. Owning, maintaining or operating any faGility or part thereof for the following purposes is prohibited: a) Fighting or l:laiting any animal l:ly the owner of SUGh f:lGility or any other person or entity. l:l) Raising any animal or animals intenaea to l:le ultimately usea or usea for fighting or l:laitingpurposes. G) For purposes of this sul:lseGtion. the term l:laiting is aefinea as set forth in 3 828.122(2)(a), F.S., as it may l:le amended from time to time. c. Wholesale reptile breedinq and ralSlnq (non-venomous), subiect to the followinq standards: i. Minimum 20 acre parcel size: ii. Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedinq of such reptiles shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from anv lot line. d. Wildlife management, plant and wildlife conseryancies. wildlife refuqes and sanctuaries. e. Conseryation uses. f. Oil and aas exploration subiect to state drillinq permits and Collier Countv site development plan review procedures. q. Familv care facilities. subject to section 2.6.26 5.05,04. h. Communications towers UP to specified heiqht, subject to section 2.6.35. 5.05.09. i. Essential services. as set forth in section 2.01.03. 4 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 011 07)~Final.doc 10/1/2007 i. Schools, public, Educational plants. 2. Accessory uses. !\GGeaaery Uses. Uses and structures that are accessar)' and incidental to tho uses permittod as of right in the ^ district. a. Farm labor housinq. subject to section 2.€i.25. 5.05.03. b. Retail sale of fresh. unprocessed aQricultural products. grown primarilv on the propertv and subiect to a review of traffic circulation. parkinq. and safetv concerns pursuant to the submission of a site improvement plan as provided for in section 3.:l5.1 10.02.03. c. Packinqhouse or similar aqricultural processinq of farm products produced on the propertv subject to the followinq restrictions: i. Aqricultural packing. processing or similar facilities shall be located on a major or minor collector or arterial street. or shall have access to an arterial street bv a public street that does not abut properties zoned RSF-1. RSF-6. RMF-6. RMF-12. RMF-16. RT. VR. MH. TTRVC and PUD or residentiallv used. ii. A buffer vard of not less than 150 feet in width shall be provided alonq each boundary of the site which abuts anv residentiallv zoned or used propertv, and shall contain an Alternative B tvpe buffer as defined--witA--1D. division 2.1 section 4.06.00 of this Code. Such buffer and buffer vard shall be in lieu of front, side. or rear vards on that portion of the lot which abuts those districts and uses identified in section subsection 4.02.02 B.1.a. iii. The facilitv shall emit no oonoxious. toxic. or corrosive dust. dirt. fumes. vapors. or qases which can cause damaqe to human health. to animals or vegetation, or to other forms of propertv bevond the lot line of the use creatinq the emission. iv. A site development plan shall be provided in accordance with division 3.3 section 10.02.03. at this Cede. d. Excavation and related processinq and production subject to the following criteria: 5 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 I. The activitv is c1earlv incidental to the aqricultural development of the propertv. ii. The affected area is within a surface water manaqement svstem for aqricultural use as permitted bv the South Florida Water Manaqement District. iii. The amount of excavated material removed from the site cannot exceed 4.000 cubic vards. Amounts in excess of 4.000 cubic vards shall require conditional use approval for earthmininq. pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in section ~ 10.08.00. e. Guesthouses. subject to section 2.8.14. 5.03.03. f. Private boathouses and docks on lake. canal or waterwav lots. subject to section 2.8.21. 5.03.06. q. Use of a mobile home as a temporary residence while a permanent sinqle-familv dwellina is beinq constructed. subject to the followinq: I. Receipt of a temporary use permit from the development seryices director pursuant to eivision 2.8.33, section 5.04.04 that allows for use of a mobile home while a permanent sinale-familv dwellinq is beinq built ii. Assurance that the temporary use permit for the mobile home will expire at the same time of the buildina permit for the sinale-familv dwellinq. or upon the completion of the sinale-familv dwellinq. whichever comes first iii. Proof that prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancv for the sinale-familv dwellinq. the mobile home is removed from the premises: and iv. The mobile home must be removed at the termination of the permitted period. h. Use of a mobile home as a residence in conjunction with bona fide aqricultural activities subject to the following: i. The applicant shall submit a completed application to the site development review director. or his desiqnee. for approval of a temporary use permit to utilize a mobile home as a residence in coniunction with a bona fide commercial aqricultural 6 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 . 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/112007 activitv as described in seslion (2). subsection 2.03.01 A.1.b. Included with this application shall be a conceptual plot plan of the subject propertv depictinq the location of the proposed mobile home: the distance of the proposed mobile home to all propertv lines and existing or proposed structures: and. the location. acreaqe breakdown. tvpe and anv intended phasing plan for the bona fide agricultural activitv. ii. The receipt of anv and all local. state. and federal permits required for the aqricultural use and/or to place the mobile home on the subject site includinq. but not limited to. an aqricultural clearinq permit. buildina permit(s). ST permits. and the like. iii. The use of the mobile home shall be permitted on a temporary basis onlv. not to exceed the duration of the bona fide commercial aqricultural activitv for which the mobile home is an accessorv use. The initial temporary use permit mav be issued for a maximum of three vears. and mav. upon submission of a written request accompanied bv the applicable fee, be renewed annuallv thereafter provided that there is continuing operation of the bona fide commercial agricultural activities. a) The applicant utilizinq. for the bona fide commercial aqricultural activitv. a tract of land a minimum of five acres in size. Anv propertv Ivinq within public road riahts-of- wav shall not be included in the minimum acreaqe calculations. b) A mobile home, for which a temporary use permit in conjunction with a bona fide commercial aqricultural activitv is requested. shall not be located closer than 100 feet from anv countv hiqhwav riqht-of-wav line. 200 feet from anv state hiqhwav right-of- wav. or 500 feet from anv federal hiqhwav riQht-of-wav line. i. Recreational facilities that serye as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or subdivision master plan for that development. Recreational facilities mav include but are not limited to golf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. 7 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC.Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the rural aqricultural district (A), subject to the standards and procedures established in section 2.7.4.: 10.08.00. a. Extraction or earthmininq. and related processinq and production not incidental to the aqricultural development of the propertv. NOTE: "Extraction related processinq and production" is not related to "Oil extraction and related processinq" as defined in this Code. b. Sawmills. c. Zoo, aquarium. aviary. botanical qarden. or other similar uses. d. Huntinq cabins. e. Aauaculture for nonnative or exotic species. subiect to State of Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. f. Wholesale reptile breedinq or raisinq (venomous) subiect to the followinq standards: i. Minimum 20 acre parcel size. ii. Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feeding of such reptiles shall be located at a minimum of 100 feet awav from anv lot line. Q. Churches and other places of worship. h. Private landinq strips for qeneral aviation. subject to anv relevant state and federal requlations. i. Cemeteries. i. Schools. private. k. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. I. Collection and transfer sites for resource recovery. m. Communication towers above specified heiqht. subject to section 2.€l.J5. 5.05.09. n. Social and fraternal organizations. o. Veterinary clinic. 8 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Finar.doc 10/1/2007 P. Group care facilities (cateaorv I and Ill; care units: nursinq homes: assisted Ijvina facilities pursuant to ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC., all subject to section 2.8.28 5.05.04 when located within the Urban Desiqnated Area on the Future Land Use Map to the Collier Countv Growth Management Plan. q. Golf courses and/or qolf driving ranges. r. Oil and aas field development and production subject to state field development permits. s. Sports instructional schools and camps. t. Sportinq and recreational camps. u. Retail plant nurseries subject to the followinq conditions: i. Retail sales shall be limited primarilv to the sale of plants. decorative products such as mulch or stone, fertilizers. pesticides. and other products and tools accessory to or required for the plantinq or maintenance of said plants. ii. Additionallv. the sale of fresh produce is permissible at retail plant nurseries as an incidental use of the propertv as a retail plant nursery. iii. The sale of large power equipment such as lawn mowers. tractors. and the like shall not be permitted in association with a retail plant nursery in the rural aqricultural district. v. Asphaltic and concrete batch makinq plants subject to the fello.....ina conditions provided for in section 4.02.02. w. Cultural. educational. or recreational facilities and their related modes of transporting participants. viewers or patrons where applicable, subiect to all applicable federal. state and local permits. Tour operations. such as. but not limited to airboats. swamp buqqies. horses and similar modes of transportation. shall be subject to the fellewina sritoria: the conditions set forth in section 4.02.02. i. The board of zoninq appeals shall review such a conditional use for tour operations. annuallv. If during the review. at an advertised public hearing. it 9 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 is determined bv the board of zoninq appeals that the tour operation is detrimental to the environment. and no adequate corrective action has been taken bv the petitioner. the board of zoninq appeals mav rescind the conditional use. x. agricultural activities on parcels less than 20 acres in size: i. dairyinq; ii. ranchinq: III. poultrv and eqq production iv. milk production; v. livestock raisinq: and VI. animal breeding, raising, training, stablinq. or kenneling. v. The commercial production. raisinq or breedinq of exotic animals. other than animals tvpicallv used for aqricultural purposes or production. subiect to the following standards: i. Minimum 20 acre parcel size. ii. Anv roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feedinq of such animals shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from anv lot line. z. Essential services. as set forth in sectiGn 2.€Ul.2. subsection 2.01.03 G. aa. Model homes and model sales centers. subject to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to, LDC 2.e.JJ.1. section 5.04.04. as it ma'/se amended. bb. Ancillary plants. 4. Prohibited uses. a. Owninq. maintaining or operatinq anv facilitv or part thereof for the followinq purposes is prohibited: i) Fiqhting or baitinq anv animal bv the owner of such facilitv or anv other person or entity. ii) Raisinq anv animal or animals intended to be ultimatelv used or used for fiqhting or baiting purposes. 10 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/112007 iii) For purposes of this subsection. the term baiting is defined as set forth in & 828.122(2)(a). F.S.. as it mav be amended from time to time. B. Estate District IE) P-IKeeae 3Ad fntent. The purpose and intent of the estates district "E" is to provide lands for low density residential development in a semi-rural to rural environment. with limited aqricultural activities. In addition to low density residential development with limited aqricultural activities. the E district is also desiqned to accommodate as conditional uses. development that provides services for and is compatible with the low density residential. semi-rural and rural character of the E district. The E district corresponds to and implements the estates land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP, althouqh. in limited instances. it mav occur outside of the estates land use desiqnation. The maximum densitv permissible in the E district shall be consistent with and not exceed the density permissible or permitted under the estates district of the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP as provided under the Golden Gate Master Plan. 1. Permitted uses. a. Single-familv dwellina. b. Familv care facilities. subject to section 2.8.28. 5.05.04. c. Essential services. as set forth in section 2.01.03. d. SGheols, pueliG, induding Educational plants. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses and struGtures that are aGGessorv and inGiElentalto uses germitleEl as of riaht in the E ElistriGt. a. Field crops raised for the consumption bv persons residinq on the premises. b. Keeping of fowl or poultry. not to exceed 25 in total number. provided such fowl or poultry are kept in an enclosure located a minimum of 30 feet from anv lot line. and a minimum of 100 feet from anv residence on an adiacent parcel of land. i. Owning, maintaining or operating any faGilily or part thereof for the following purposes is prohieiteEl: a) Fighting or eaiting any animal by the o'....ner of SUGh faGility or any other person or ontity. 11 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 . 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 b) Raising any aniFRal or animals intenses to ee ultimately uses or uses for fighting or eaiting purposes. c) For purposes of this suesection, the term eaiting is sefines as set forth in F.S. 3 828.122(2)(a), as it may ee amendos from time to time c. Keeping of horses and livestock (except for hoqs). not to exceed two such animals for each acre. and with no open feedlots. Anv roofed structure for the shelter and feedinq of such animals shall be a minimum of 30 feet from anv lot line and a minimum of 100 feet from anv residence on an adiacent parcel of land. d. One questhouse. subiect to section 2.9.14. 5.03.03. e. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been designated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include but are not limited to qolf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. f. Excavation and related processinq and production subject to the followinq criteria: i. These activities are incidental to the permitted used onsite. ii. The amount of excavated material to be removed from the site cannot exceed 4.000 cubic vards total. Amounts in excess of 4.000 cubic vards shall require conditional use approval for earth mininq. pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in section 2.7.4. ans 3. Conditional uses. The following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the estates district (E). subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-&.+410.08.00. a. Churches ans otRer I)laces of worshil). b. Social and fraternal organizations. c. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. d. Schools. private. 12 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 ~ 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 e. Group care facilities (cateaory I): care units. subiect to the provisions of section 2.2.d.d.6: subsection 2.03.01 B.3.f; nursinq homes: assisted Ijvina facilities pursuant to lS 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to lS 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subjectto section f. Group care facilities (cateaory III care units subiect to section 2.6.26 5.05.04 onlv when tenancv of the person or persons under care would not: i. Constitute a direct threat to the health or safetv of other individuals: ii. Result in substantial phvsical damage to the propertv of others: or iii. Result in the housinq of individuals who are enqaqed in the current. illeqal use of or addiction to a controlled substance. as defined in section 802 of title 21. U.S. Code. q. Extraction or earthmining. and related processing and production not incidental to the development of the propertv subject to the followinq criterion. i. The site area shall not exceed 20 acres. h. Essential seryices. as set forth in section subsection 2.01.03 G. i. Model homes and model sales centers. subject to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to, LDC 2.€i.dd.4 section 5.04.04. i. Ancillarv Plants. 4. Prohibited uses. a. Owninq. maintaining or operatinq anv facilitv or part thereof for the followinq purposes is prohibited: i. Fiqhtinq or baiting anv animal bv the owner of such facilitv or anv other person or entitv. ii. Raisinq anv animal or animals intended to be ultimatelv used or used for fightinq or baitinq purposes. 13 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 iii. For purposes of this subsection. the term baitinq is defined as set forth in F.S. & 828.122(2)(a). as it mav be amended from time to time. 2.03.02 Residential Zonina Districts A. Residential Sinqle-Familv Districts (RSF-1; RSF-2: RSF-3: RSF-4: RSF-5: RSF-6). Pldroese ami intoRt. The purpose and intent of the residential sinqle-familv districts "RSF" is to provide lands primarilv for sinqle-familv residences. These districts are intended to be sinqle-familv residential areas of low densitv. The nature of the use of propertv is the same in all of these districts. Variation amonq the RSF-1. RSF-2. RSF-3. RSF-4. RSF-5 and RSF-6 districts is in requirements for densitv. lot area. lot width. vards. heiqht. floor area. lot coverage. parking, landscapinq and sians. Certain structures and uses desiqned to serye the immediate needs of the sinqle-familv residential development in the RSF districts such as qovernmental. educational, reliqious. and noncommercial recreational uses are permitted as conditional uses as long as thev preserve. and are compatible with the single-familv residential character of the RSF districtrsl. The RSF districts correspond to and implement the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible in the residential sinqle-familv (RSF) districts and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided, in part. bv the density ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RSF district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. 1. Permitted uses. a. Sinqle-familv dwellinas. b. Familv care facilities. subject to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. c. Schools, 1'l1lDlic. This incllldes Educational plants: however, anv hiqh school located in this district is subject to a compatibility review as described in Division 3.3. section 10.02.03 of the code. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses and structllres that are accesserv and incidental to llses Ilermitted as of riaht iA tAe RSF districts. a. Private docks and boathouses. subject to section 2.e.21 and 2.e.22. 5.03.06. b. One questhouse. subject to section 2.e.14. 5.03.03. 14 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 011 07)~Final.doc 10/1/2007 c. Recreational facilities that serye as an integral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include. but are not limited to. qolf course, clubhouse, communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential sinale-familv districts (RSF). subject to the standards and procedures established in section ~ 10.08.00. a. Noncommercial boat launch facilitv. subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. b. Churches 3ne houses of wOrGhil). c. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. d. Cluster development to include one- and two-familv structures. subiect to section 2.9.27. 4.02.04. e. Golf courses. f. Group care facilities (cateaorv I): care units subject to the provisions of section 2.2.4 .d.!!; subsection 2.03.02 3.h: nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to IS 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 183 FAC.: all subject to section q. Cateaorv II Qroup care facilities and care units subject to section 2.9.29 5.05.04. onlv when the tenancv of the person or persons under care would not: i. Constitute a direct threat to the health or safetv of other individuals: ii. Result in substantial phvsical damaqe to the propertv of others: or iii. Result in the housing of individuals who are engaqed in the current. i1leqal use of or addiction to a controlled substance. as defined in section 802 of title 21. U.S. Code. h. Recreational facilities intended to serve an existinq and/or developing residential communitv as represented bv all of the propertiesllots/parcels included in an approved preliminary subdivision pial. or site development plan. 15 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC~Zoning Land Use list (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 The use of said recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of propertv or occupants of residential dwellinCls units and their guests within the area of approved preliminary subdivision plat. or site development plan. i. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to, LDC 2.6.a3.4. section 5.04.04. as it may be amended. B. Residential Multi-Familv-6 District (RMF-6) PlJrsose and intent. The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv-6 district (RMF-6) is to provide for sinqle-familv. two-familv and multi-familv residences havinq a low profile silhouette. surrounded bv open space. beinq so situated that it is located in close proximitv to public and commercial services and has direct or convenient access to collector and arterial roads on the countv maior road network. The RMF-6 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the RMF-6 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the RMF-6 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. 1. Permitted uses. a. Single-familv dwellings. b. Duplexes. two-familv dwellinas. c. Multiple-familv dwellinas. townhouses as provided for in section 2.6.a6. 5.05.07. d. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.6.26 5.05.04. e. Educational plants: however. anv hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Division a.a. section 10.02.03 of the code. 2. Accessory uses. a. Uses and strlJctlJFeS that are accessory and incidental to uses l3ermilled as of right in the RMF 6 district a. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to section 2.6.21 and 2.6.22. 5.03.06. b. Recreational facilities that serye as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. 16 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. c. Recreational facilities mav include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse, communitv center building and tennis facilities. plavqrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the RMF-6 district. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-b74 section 10.08.00. a. Churches. ans houses of .....orship. b. Schools. private and Ancillarv Plants for public schools. c. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. d. Civic and cultural facilities. e. Recreational facilities not accessory to principal use. f. Group care facilities (cateaory I and II); care units: nursing homes: assisted Iivina facilities pursuant to ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to ~ 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. g. Noncommercial boat launch facilitv, subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. h. Cluster development. subiect to section 2.e.27 4.02.04. i. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to, LDC 2.e.aa.1. section 5.04.04. as it may ee amendes. C. Residential Multi-Familv-12 District (RMF-12) PU;f)ese and fntent. The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv 12 district "RMF-12" is to provide lands for multiple-familv residences havinq a mid-rise profile, qenerallv surrounded bv lower structures and open space, located in close proximitv to public and commercial services. with direct or convenient access to collector and arterial roads on the countv maior road network. Governmental. social. and institutional land uses that serve the immediate needs of the multi-familv residences are permitted as conditional uses as lonq as thev preserye and are compatible with the mid-rise multiple-familv character of the district. The RMF-12 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the RMF-12 district and the urban mixed 17 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final,doc 10/1/2007 use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the RMF-12 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the density rating svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. 1. Permitted uses. a. Multi-familv dwellinas. b. Townhouses. subiect to the provisions of section 2.6.d6. 5.05.07. c. Duplexes. d. Sinale-familv nonconformina standards. dwellings units for existing lots subiect to the RSF-6 dimensional e. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.6.26. 5.05.04. f. Educational plants: however. anv hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Di'/ision d.d. section 10.02.03 of the code. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses and strllGtur-es that are aGGessory ane inGieental to uses permittee as of ri!!ht in the RMF 12 distriGt. a. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to section 2.6.21 ane sastion 2.6.22. 5.03.06. b. Recreational facilities that serye as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse. communitv center building and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential multiple-familv-12 district (RMF-12). subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-:&74 10.08.00. a. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. b. Churches ane hOl,lses of .....orship~ c. Civic and cultural facilities. 18 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 d. Noncommercial boat launch facilitv. subject to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. e. Schools. private and Ancillary plants for public schools. f. Group care facilities (category I and II); care units: nursinq homes: assisted Iivina facilities pursuant to IS 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to IS 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.; all subject to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. g. Model homes and model sales centers. subject to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to. LDC 2.e.JJ.4. section 5.04.04. as it mav be amendea. D. Residential Multi-Familv-16 District (RMF-16) ,o!Jreese ami fl'lteRt. The purpose and intent of the residential multi-familv-16 district "RMF-16" is to provide lands for medium to high density multiple-familv residences. qenerallv surrounded bv open space. located in close proximitv to public and commercial services. with direct or convenient access to arterial and collector roads on the countv maior road network. Governmental. social. and institutional land uses that serye the immediate needs of the multiple- familv residences are permitted as conditional uses as lonq as thev preserye and are compatible with the medium to hiqh density multi-familv character of the district. The RMF-16 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed use land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible in the RMF-16 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-16 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the density ratinq svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. 1. Permitted uses. a. Multi-familv dwellinas. b. Townhouses. subject to the provisions of section 2.e.Je. 5.05.07. c. Familv care facilities. subject to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. d. Educational plants: however. any high school located in this district is subject to a compatibility review as described in Division J.J. section 10.02.03 of the code. 19 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 2. Accessory Uses. Uses aQQessery te permitted uses. a. Uses and strllGtllres that are assessery and insidenlal te uses permitted as of right in ti:1e RMF 16 distriGt. a. Private docks and boathouses. subject to section 2.6.21 and 2.6.22. 5.03.06. b. Recreational facilities that serye as an integral part of a residential development and have been designated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks, plavqrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the residential multiple-familv-16 district (RMF-16). subject to the standards and procedures established in section~ 10.08.00. a. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. b. Churches and houses of worship. c. Civic and cultural facilities. d. Noncommercial boat launch facilitv. sublect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06 e. Schools, private and Ancillary plants for public schools. f. Group care facilities (cateaorv I and 11): care units: nursinq homes: assisted Iivina facilities pursuant to !l 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.; and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to !l 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.: all subject to section q. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to. lDe 2.6.3304. section 5.04.04. as it may be amended. E. Residential Tourist District (RT) PUfJ!ese and fA/eRt. The purpose and intent of the residential tourist district "RT" is to provide lands for tourist accommodations and support facilities. and multiple familv uses. The RT district corresponds with and implements the urban mixed use district and the activitv center district in the urban desiqnated area on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. 1. Permitted uses. 20 l:\LDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 011 07)~Final.doc 10/1/2007 a. Hotels and motels. b. Multi-familv dwellinas. c. Familv care facilities. subject to section 2.6.26. 5.05.04. d. Timeshare facilities. e. Townhouses subject to section 2.e.de. 5.05.07. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses ang strllGtllres that are accessory ang incigental to the uses permilteg as of right in the RT gistriGt a. Shops. personal seryice establishments. eatinq or drinkinq establishments. dancinq and staqed entertainment facilities, and meetinq rooms and auditoriums where such uses are an inteqral part of a hotel or a motel and to be used bv the patrons of the hotel/motel. b. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 2.e.21 and 2e.22. 5.03.06, c. Recreational facilities that serye as an inteqral part of the permitted use desiqnated on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat that has been previouslv reviewed and approved which mav include. but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavgrounds and plavfields. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the residential tourist district (RT). subject to the standards and procedures established in section 2.7.4: 10.08.00. a. Churches ang other (3laGes of worshi(3" b. Marinas, subiect to seGtion 2.e.22 section 5.05.02. c. Noncommercial boat launch facilitv. subiect to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. d. Group care facilities (cateaorv I and 11): care units: nursinq homes: assisted livinQ facilities pursuant to !l 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to !l 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.: all subject to section 2.e.26. 5.05.04. e. Private clubs. 21 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 ~ 2007\Land Use lists\BCC~Zonjng Land Use List (101107).Final.doc 10/1/2007 f. Yacht clubs. q. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to. LDC 2.6.dd.4. section 5.04.04. as it may ee amended. h. Ancillary Plants. F. Villaqe Residential District (VR) Purf}oae aAG fAIent. The purpose and intent of the villaqe residential district "VR" is to provide lands where a mixture of residential uses mav exist. Additionallv. uses are located and desiqned to maintain a village residential character which is qenerallv low profile. relativelv small buildinq footprints as is the current appearance of Goodland and Copeland. The VR district corresponds to and implements the mixed residential land use desiqnation on the Immokalee future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. It is intended for application in those urban areas outside of the coastal urban area desiqnated on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. thouqh there is some existinq VR zoninq in the coastal urban area. The maximum densitv permissible in the VR district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the VR district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv rating svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. or as desiqnated on the Immokalee future land use map of the GMP. 1. Permitted uses. a. Sinale-familv dwellinas. b. Duolexes. c. Multi-familv dwellinas. d. Mobile homes. e. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.6.26. 5.05.04. f. Educational olants: however. anv hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a comoatibility review as described in Division d.d. section 10.02.03 of the code. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses am:! strUGtures that are accessory and incieental te the uses permitted as of right in tho VR district. a. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 2.6.21 ane 2.6.22. 5.03.06. 22 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 b. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include, but are not limited to. qolf course, clubhouse. communitv center building and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. c. Storaqe. repair and maintenance areas and structures for fishing and farminq equipment. when used bv the residents of the permitted use. 3. Conditional uses. The following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the villaqe residential district (VR). subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 2.7.4: 10.08.00. a. Boatvards and marinas. subiect to section 5.03.06 and the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.05.02. b. Child care centers and adult day care centers. c. Churches ami other houses of worshiJl" d. Civic and cultural facilities. e. Cluster housinq. subiect to section 2.6.27. 4.02.04. f. Fraternal and social clubs. q. Schools. private and Ancillarv plants for public schools. h. Group care facilities (category I and 11): care units; nursing homes: assisted livina facilities pursuant to l'i 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to l'i 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.; all subiect to section i. Recreational facilities intended to serye an existinq and/or developing residential communitv as represented bv all of the properties/lots/parcels included in an approved preliminary subdivision pial. PUD or site development plan. The use of said recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of propertv or occupants of residential dwellinas units and their quests within the area of approved preliminary subdivision pial. or site development plan. i. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but 23 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 not limited to. lDC 2.e.2:H. section 5.04.04. as it may be amenEleEl. G. Mobile Home District (MH) Pureese aAG ,iRtent. The purpose and intent of the mobile home district "MH" is to provide land for mobile homes and modular built homes. as defined in this land Development Code. that are consistent and compatible with surroundinq land uses. The MH District corresponds to and implements the urban mixed-use land use desiqnation on the future land-use map of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the MH district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv rating svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the MH district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the density rating svstem. except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. or as identified in the Immokalee future land use map of the GMP. 1. Permitted uses. a. Mobile homes. b. Modular built homes. c. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. d. Recreational vehicles (RV) as defined in the TTRVC district for those areas zoned MHTT or MHRP prior to November 13. 1991. in accordance with an approved master development plan designatinq specific areas for RV spaces. The development standards of the TTRVC district (excludinq lot size and area) shall applv to the placement and uses of land in said RV areas. e. Educational plants: however. anv hiqh school located in this district is subiect to a compatibilitv review as described in Division 2.2. section 10.02.03 of the code. 2. Accessory Uses. a. Uses and structures customarilv associated with mobile home development. such as administration buildinas. seryice buildinas, utilities. and additions which complement a mobile home. b. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 2.e.21 and 2.e.22. 5.03.06. c. Recreational facilities that serye as an inteqral part of a residential development and have been desiqnated. 24 l:\LDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development. Recreational facilities mav include, but are not limited to. qolf course. clubhouse. communitv center buildina and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavtields. d. One sinale-familv dwellinQ in coniunction with the operation of the mobile home park. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the mobile home district (MH). subiect to the standards and procedures established in di'lisien 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. a. Child care centers and adult dav care centers. b. Churches ans he uses ef wer6hi~" c. Civic and cultural facilities. d. Schools. ~ublic ans private. e. Recreational facilities intended to serye an existing and/or developinq residential communitv as represented bv all of the properties/lots/parcels included in an approved preliminary subdivision pial. PUD or site development plan. The use of said recreational facilities shall be limited to the owners of propertv or occupants of residential dwellinas units and their quests within the area of approved preliminary subdivision plat. or site development plan. f. Model homes and model sales centers. subiect to compliance with all other LDC requirements. to include but not limited to. LDC section 5.04.04.a6 it may be amenses. 2.03.03 Commercial Zonina Districts A. Commercial Professional and General Office District (C-1) p.j}mese anG iRteRtc The purpose and intent of the commercial professional and qeneral office district C-1 is to allow a concentration of office tvpe buildinas and land uses that are most compatible with. and located near. residential areas. Most C-1 commercial. professional. and qeneral office districts are contiquous to. or when within a PUD. will be placed in close proximitv to residential areas. and. therefore, serve as a transitional zoninq district between residential areas and hiqher intensitv commercial zoninq districts. The tvpes of office uses permitted are those that do not have hiqh traffic volumes throuqhout the dav. which extend into the eveninq hours. Thev will have morninq and eveninq short-term peak conditions. 25 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 The market support for these office uses should be those with a localized basis of market support as opposed to office functions requirinq inter- iurisdictional and reqional market support. Because office functions have siqnificant emplovment characteristics. which are compounded when aqqreqations occur. certain personal service uses shall be permitted. to provide a convenience to office-based emplovment. Such convenience commercial uses shall be made an inteqral part of an office buildina as opposed to the sinqular use of a buildina. Housinq mav also be a component of this district as provided for throuqh conditional use approval. 1. Permitted uses. 1. Accounting (8721). 2. Adiustment and collection seryices (7322). 3. Advertising agencies (7311). 4. Architectural seryices (8712). 5. Auditinq (8721). 6. Automobile parking lots (7521) onlv. 7. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). 8. Beautv shops (7231. except for beautv schools). 9. Bookkeeping services (8721). 10. Business consulting seryices (8748). 11. Business credit institutions. miscellaneous (6159). 12. Child dav care services (8351). 13. Computer proqramminq. data processinq and other seryices (7371 - 7376. 7379). 14. Credit reportinq seryices (7323). 15. Debt counselinq (7299. no other miscellaneous seryices) 16. Direct mail advertisinq seryices (7331). 17. Educational plants. 18. Enqineerinq seryices (8711 ). 19. Essential Services. subiect to section 201.03 26 1:llDC_AmendmentsllDC Cycle 1 - 20071land Use listsIBCC-Zoning land Use list (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/112007 20. Group care facilities (cateqory I and II. except for homeless shelters); care units. except for homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted livinQ facilities pursuant to F.S. I.l 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. I.l 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subiect to section 2.€>.2€>. 5.05.04. 21. Health seryices. offices and clinics (8011-8049). 22. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399.6411). 23. Landscape architects. consulting and planninq (0781). 24. Leqal seryices (8111 ). 25. Loan brokers (6163). 26. Manaqement seryices (8741 & 8742). 27. Mortqaqe brokers and loan correspondents (6162). 28. Personal credit institutions (6141). 29. Photoqraphic studios. portrait (7221). 30. Phvsical fitness facilities (7991. permitted on Iv when phvsicallv inteqrated and operated in coni unction with another permitted use in this district - no stand-alone facilities shall be permitted). 31. Public relations seryices (8743). 32. Radio. television and representatives (7313). publishers advertising 33. Real Estate (6531-6552). 34. Secretarial and court reporting seryices (7338). 35. Securitv and commoditv brokers. dealer. exchanqes and services (6211-6289). 36. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251). 37. Social seryices. individual and familv (8322 activitv centers. elderlv or handicapped onlv; dav care centers. adult and handicapped onlv). 38. Suryevinq services (8713). 27 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 39. Tax return preparation seryices (7291 ). 40. Travel aqencies (4724. no other transportation seryices). 41. Anv other commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses including those that exclusivelv serye the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated with activities conducted in an office. as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F. 2. Accessorv Uses. a. Uses ami struGtures that are accessory anEl inciElental to the uses f3ermitted as of right in the C 1, C 1fT Elistrict. 1. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the (C-1) commercial professional and qeneral office district. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section-&.7410.08.00. 1. Ancillarv Plants. 2. Automobile parkinq (7521. automobile parkinq qaraqes and parkinq structures). 3. Churches aRt! other f3laces of worshif3~ 4. Civic. social and fraternal associations (8641 ). 5. Educational seryices. private (8211 - 8222). 6. Funeral services (7261. except crematories). 7. Home health care services (8082). 8. Homeless shelters. 9. Libraries (8231. except regional libraries). 10. Mixed residential and commercial uses subiect to the following criteria: i. A site development plan is approved pursuant to Elivision :3.:3. section 10.02.03 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and of the neiqhborinq lands; 28 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ii. The commercial uses in the development mav be limited in hours of operation. size of delivery trucks. and tvpe of equipment: ili. The residential uses are desiqned so that thev are compatible with the commercial uses: iv. Residential dwellinas units are located above principal uses; v. Residential and commercial uses do not occupv the same floor of a buildina; vi. The number of residential dwellin!ls units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the C-1 district. toqether with the specific requirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed 50 percent of the qross floor area of the buildina: vii. Buildin!l height mav not exceed two stories; viii. Each residential dwellinq unit shall contain the followinq minimum floor areas: efficiencv and one- bedroom. 450 square feet: two-bedroom. 650 square feet: three-bedroom. 900 square feet: ix. A minimum of 30 percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The followinq mav be used to satisfv the open space requirements: areas used to satisfv water manaqement requirements. landscaped areas. recreation areas. or setback areas not covered with impervious surface or used for parking (parking lot islands mav not be used unless existinq native vegetation is maintained); x. The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be desiqned to enhance compatibility of the commercial and residential uses throuqh such measures as. but not limited to. minimizinq noise associated with commercial uses: directing commercialliqhtinq awav from residential units: and separatinq pedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkinq areas from residential units. to the qreatest extent possible. 11. Reliqious orqanizations (8661). 12. Soup kitchens. 13. Veterinary seryices (0742). excludinq outdoor kennelina. 29 1:ILDC_AmendmentsILDC Cycle 1 - 20071Land Use ListsIBCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 14. Anv other commercial or professional use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district, as dotermined by the board of zoning appoals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F.. where administrative discretion is permitted, or pursuant to section 10.08.00, where formal application to the board of zoninQ appeals is required. B. Commercial Convenience District (C-2) PfJrseae :JAG .if/tORt. The purpose and intent of the commercial convenience district "C-2" is to provide lands where commercial establishments mav be located to provide the small- scale shoppinq and personal needs of the surroundinq residential land uses within convenient travel distance except to the extent that office uses carried forward from the C-1 district will expand the traditional neiqhborhood size. However. the intent of this district is that retail and service uses be of a nature that can be economicallv supported bv the immediate residential environs. Therefore. the uses should allow for qoods and services that households require on a dailv basis. as opposed to those qoods and services that households seek for the most favorable economic price and. therefore. require much larqer trade areas. It is intended that the C-2 district implements the Collier Countv GMP within those areas desiqnated aqricultural/rural: estates neiahborhood center district of the Golden Gate Master Plan: the neiahborhood center district of the Immokalee Master Plan: and the urban mixed use district of the future land use element permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the qoals. obiectives. and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the C-2 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided. in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. 1. Permitted uses. a. Unless otherwise I'lroviaed for in this section, all I'lermittea llses and all G9Raiti9Ral uses exoel'lt inoreasea hei!ilht and mixed resiaential ana commercial llses of the C 1 oommeroiall'lrefessional and !ileneral offioe distriot. 1. Accounting (8721). 2. Adiustment and collection seryices (7322). 3. Advertisinq aqencies (7311 ). 30 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 4. Apparel and accessory stores /5611-5699) with 1.800 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 5. Architectural seryices (8712). 6. Auditinq (8721). 7. Automobile Parkinq. automobile parkinq qaraqes and parking structures /7521 - shall not be construed to permit the activitv of "tow-in parkinq lots"). 8. Banks. credit Unions and trusts /6011-6099). 9. Barber shops (7241, except for barber schools). 10. Beautv shops (7231, except for beautv schools). 11. Bookkeepinq services /8721 ). 12. Business consultinq services (8748). 13 Business credit institutions /6153-6159. aqricultural). except 14. Child dav care seryices (8351) 15. Churches. 16. Civic. social and fraternal associations /8641 ). 17. Commercial art and graphic desiqn (7336). 18. Commercial photoqraphv (7335). 19. Computer proqramminq. data processing and other seryices /7371 - 7376, 7379). 20. Credit reportinq seryices (7323). 21 Debt counselinq /7299. no other miscellaneous seryices) 22. Direct mail advertising services (7331) 23. Eatinc olaces /5812. except contract feedinq. dinner theaters. food service -institutional. and industrial feedinq) with 2.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure). 24. Educational plants. 31 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 25. Engineering services (8711 ). 26. Essential Services, subiect to section 2.01.03. 27. Federal and federally-sponsored credit agencies (6111). 28. Food stores (qroups 5411 - except supermarkets. 5421- 5499) with 2.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 29. Funeral seryices (7261. except crematories). 30. Gasoline service stations (5541). subiect to section 5.05.05. 31 General merchandise stores (5331-5399) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 32. Glass stores (5231) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 33. Group care facilities (cateqory I and II. except for homeless shelters); care units, except for homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted livinq facilities pursuant to FS. I:i 400402 and ch 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. I:i 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subiectto section 2.8.26. 5.05.04. 34. Hardware stores (5251) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 35 Health services. offices and clinics (8011-8049). 36. Home furniture and furnishing stores (5713-5719) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 37. Home health care seryices (8082). 38. Household appliance stores (5722) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 39. Insurance carriers. agents and brokers (6311-6399,6411). 40. Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (0781) 41. Laundry. cleaninq and qarment seryices (7212 & 7215). non-industrial dry cleaning onlv. 32 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 . 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 42. Legal services (8111). 43. Libraries (8231). except reqionallibraries. 44. Loan brokers (6163). 45. Manaqement services (8741 & 8742). 46. Mortqaqe brokers and loan correspondents (6162). 47. Musical instrument stores (5736) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 48. Paint stores (5231) with 1.800 square feet or less of qrOSS floor area in the principal structure. 49. Personal credit institutions (6141). 50. Photocopvinq and duplicatinq seryices (7334). 51. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384). 52. Photoqraphic studios. portrait /7221 ). 53. Phvsical fitness facilities /7991. permitted on Iv when phvsicallv inteqrated and operated in coni unction with another permitted use in this district - no stand-alone facilities shall be permitted). 54. Public relations seryices (8743). 55. Radio. television and consumer electronics stores (5731) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 56. Radio. television and representatives (7313). publishers advertisinq 57. Real Estate (6531-6552). 58 Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 59. Repair seryices - miscellaneous /7629-7631. except aircraft. business and office machines. larqe appliances. and white qoods such as refrigerators and washinq machines). 33 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC~Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 60. Retail services - miscellaneous /5912. 5942-5961) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 61. Secretarial and court reportinq services (7338). 62. Securitv and commoditv brokers, dealer. exchanqes and services /6211-6289) 63. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251 ). 64. Social services, individual and familv /8322 activity centers. elderlv or handicapped onlv; day care centers. adult and handicapped onlv). 65 Survevinq services (8713). 66. Tax return preparation services /7291 ). 67. Travel agencies (4724, no other transportation seryices). 68. United State Postal Seryice /4311. except major distribution center). 69 Veterinary seryices (0742). excludinq outdoor kennelina. 70. Videotape rental (7841) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 71. Wallpaper stores (5231) with 1.800 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 72. Anv other commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses including those that exclusively serye the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated with activities conducted in an office. as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F. 2. Accessorv uses. a. Uses ana struGtures that arc accessory ana inciaental to the cuslsR'larl uses permittea as sf ri!jht in the C 2 aistrict. 1. Where plav areas are constructed as an accessorv use to a permitted use, the followinq conditions shall applv: i. A minimum five-fool. six-inch hiqh reinforced fence shall be installed on all sides of the plav area which are not open to the principal structure: 34 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ii. Inqress to and eqress from the plav area shall be made onlv from the principal structure; however. an emergencv exit from the plav area shall be provided which does not emptv into the principal structure; and iii. The plav equipment shall be set back a minimum distance of five feet from the required fence and from the principal structure. 2. Caretaker's residence. subject to section 2.5.15. 5.03.05. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the commercial convenience district (C-2). subject to the standards and procedures established in section ~ 10.08.00. 1. Ancillarv plants. 2. Educational seryices (8211 8231. except reqional libraries). 3. Homeless shelters. 4. Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the followinq criteria: i. A site development plan is approved pursuant to Elivisien d.d. section 10.02.03 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and neiqhborinq lands; ii. The commercial uses in the development mav be limited in hours of operation. size of deliverv trucks. and tvpe of equipment: iii. The residential uses are desiqned so that thev are compatible with the commercial uses; iv. Residential dwellinas units are located above principal uses: v. Residential and commercial uses do not occupv the same floor of a bujldina: vi. The number of residential dwellinqs units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the C-2 district. toqether with the specific requirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed 50 percent of the qross floor area of the buildina or 35 1:\LOC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 the density permitted under the qrowth manaqement plan: vii. Buildina heiqht mav not exceed two stories: viii. Each residential dwelling unit shall contain the followinq minimum floor areas: efficiencv and one- bedroom. 450 square feel: two-bedroom. 650 square feel: three-bedroom. 900 square feel: ix. The residential dwellinas units shall be restricted to occupancv bv the owners or lessees of the commercial units below: x. A minimum of 30 percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The following mav be used to satisfv the open space requirements: areas used to satisfv water management requirements: landscaped areas: recreation areas: or setback areas not covered with impervious surface or used for parkinq (parkinq lot islands mav not be used unless existinq native vegetation is maintained): xi. The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be desiqned to enhance compatibility of the commercial and residential uses through such measures as. but not limited to. minimizinq noise associated with commercial uses: directinq commercialliqhtinq awav from residential units: and separatinq pedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkinq areas from residential units. to the qreatest extent possible. 5. Permitted personal service. video rental or retail uses with more than 1.800 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 6. Permitted food seryice (eating places or food stores) uses with more than 2.800 square feet of qross floor area in the permitted principal structure. 7. Soup kitchens. 8. Anv other convenience commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with purpose and intent statement of the district. as detormined by the board of zoning appeals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F., where administrative discretion is permitted. or pursuant to section 36 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 10.08.00, where formal application to the board of zonin~ appeals is required. C. Commercial Intermediate District (C-3) Pu;eese aRG fRIent. The purpose and intent of the commercial intermediate district "C-3" is to provide for a wider varietv of qoods and services intended for areas expected to receive a hiqher degree of automobile traffic. The tvpe and varietv of qoods and services are those that provide an opportunitv for comparison shoppinq. have a trade area consistinq of several neiqhborhoods. and are preferablv located at the intersection of two-arterial level streets. Most activitv centers meet this standard. This district is also intended to allow all of the uses permitted in the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts tvpicallv aqqregated in planned shopping centers. This district is not intended to permit wholesalinq tvpe of uses. or land uses that have associated with them the need for outdoor storaqe of equipment and merchandise. A mixed-use project containinq a residential component is permitted in this district subject to the criteria established herein. The C-3 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for commercial and the qoals. objectives, and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible in the C-3 district and the urban mixed use land use desiqnation shall be quided, in part. bv the densitv ratinq svstem contained in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum densitv permissible or permitted in the C-3 district shall not exceed the densitv permissible under the densitv ratinq svstem. 1. Permitted uses. a. Unless othel'lIise provises for in this section, all permiltes uses of the C 2 commercial convenience sislrict. 1. Accountinq (8721). 2. Adiustment and collection services (7322). 3. Advertisinq aqencies (7311 ). 4. Animal specialtv services. except veterinary (0752). excludinq outdoor kennelina. 5. Apparel and accessory stores (5611-5699) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 6. Architectural seryices (8712) 7. Auditing (8721 ). 8. Auto and home supplv stores (5531) with 5,000 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 37 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 9. Automobile Parkinq, automobile parkinq qaraqes and parkinq structures (7521 - shall not be construed to permit the activitv of "tow-in parkinq lots") 10. Automotive seryices (7549) except that this shall not be construed to permit the activitv of "wrecker service (towinq) automobiles. road and towinq service." 11. Banks. credit Unions and trusts (6011-6099). 12. Barber shops (7241, except for barber schools). 13. Beautv shops (7231, except for beauty schools). 14. Bookkeeping services (8721). 15. Business associations (8611 ). 16. Business consultinq seryices (8748). 17. Business credit institutions (6153-6159). 18. Business seryices miscellaneous (7389. except auctioneerinq seryice. automobile recovery. automobile repossession. batik work. bottle exchanqes. bronzinq. cloth cuttinq. contractors' disbursement, cosmetic kits. cotton inspection, cotton sampler. directories-telephone. drive- awav automobile. exhibits-buildinq. fillinq pressure containers. field warehousing. fire extinquisher. f1oats- decoration. folding and refoldinq. qas svstems. bottle labelinq. liquidation seryices. metal slittinq and shearinq. packaqinq and labelinq. patrol of electric transmission or gas lines. pipeline or powerline inspection. press clippinq service. recording studios. repossession seryice. ruq bindinq. salvaqinq of damaqed merchandise. scrap steel cuttinq and slitting, shrinkinq textiles. solvent recovery. sponqinq textiles, swimminq pool cleaninq. tape slitting. texture designers. textile foldinq. tobacco sheeting. window trimminq. and vacht brokers). 19. Child dav care services (8351). 20. Churches. 21. Civic. social and fraternal associations (8641). 22. Commercial art and qraphic design (7336). 23. Commercial photographv (7335). 38 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 24. Computer and computer software stores (5734) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 25. Computer proqrammlnq. data processinq and other services (7371 - 7376, 7379). 26. Credit reportinq services (7323). 27. Direct mail advertisinq seryices (7331) 28. Drug stores (5912). 29. Eating places (5812. except contract feedina. dinner theaters. food seryice -institutional. and industrial feeding) with 6.000 square feet or less in qross floor area in the principal structure. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to locational requirements of section 5.05.01. 30. Educational plants. 31. Enqineering seryices (8711). 32. Essential Services. subject to section 2.01.03. 33. Federal and federallv-sponsored credit aqencies (6111). 34. Food stores (qroups 5411 - 5499) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 35. Funeral seryices (7261. except crematories). 36. Gasoline seryice stations (5541). subiect to section 505.05. 37. General merchandise stores (5331-5399) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 38. Glass stores (5231) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 39. Group care facilities (cateqory I and II. except for homeless shelters): care units. except for homeless shelters; nursinq homes: assisted livinQ facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subject to section 2.8.28. 5.05.04. 39 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)~Finat.doc 10/1/2007 40. Hardware stores (5251) with 5.000 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 41. Health services. offices and clinics (8011-8049). 42. Home furniture and furnishinq stores /5712-5719) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 43. Home health care services (8082). 44. Household appliance stores (5722) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 45. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399, 6411). 46. Labor unions /8631 ). 47. Landscape architects, consulting and planning (0781 ). 48. Laundry. cleaning and qarment services /7211. 7212. 7215.7216). non-industrial dry c1eaninq onlv. 49. Leqal services (8111) 50. Libraries (8231). 51. Loan brokers (6163). 52. Manaqement services /8741 & 8742) 53. Marinas (4493). subject to section ~ 5.05.02. 54. Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (8699). 55. Mortgage brokers and loan correspondents (6162) 56. Museums and art galleries (8412). 57. Musical instrument stores (5736) with 5.000 square feet or less of qrOSS floor area in the principal structure. 58. Paint stores (5231) with 5,000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 59. Personal credit institutions (6141). 60. Personal seryices. miscellaneous (7299 - babvsittinq bureaus. clothinq rental. costume rental. datinq service. debt counselinq. depilatory salons. diet workshops. dress 40 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 suit rental. electrolvsis. qenealoqical investiqation service. and hair removal onlv). 61. Personnel supplv services (7361 & 7363). 62. Photocopvinq and duplicatinq services (7334). 63. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384). 64 Photoqraphic studios. portrait /7221 ). 65. Phvsical fitness facilities /7991 ). 66. Political orqanizations (8651). 67. Professional membership orqanizations (8621). 68. Public administration /qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451.9511-9532.9611-9661). 69. Public relations services (8743). 70. Radio. television and consumer electronics stores (5731) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 71. Radio, television and representatives (7313). publishers advertisinq 72. Real Estate /6531-6552) 73. Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735) with 5,000 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 74. Reliqious orqanizations (8661). 75. Repair seryices - miscellaneous /7629-7631. 7699 - bicvcle repair. binocular repair. camera repair. kev duplicatinq. lawnmower repair. leather qoods repair. locksmith shop. picture framing. and pocketbook repair Q!J]y1 76. Retail nurseries. lawn and qarden supplv stores (5261) with 5,000 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 77. Retail seryices - miscellaneous /5921-5963 except pawnshops and buildinq materials. 5992-5999 except auction rooms. awninq shops, qravestones. hot tubs. monuments. swimminq pools. tombstones and whirlpool 41 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 baths) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 78. Secretarial and court reportinq services (7338). 79. Security and commodity brokers dealer. exchanqes and services (6211-6289). 80. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251) 81 Social services. individual and familv (8322 activitv centers. elderlv or handicapped onlv: dav care centers. adult and handicapped on Iv). 82. Surveving seryices (8713). 83. Tax return preparation services (7291) 84. Travel agencies (4724. no other transportation seryices). 85 United State Postal Service (4311, except maior distribution center). 86. Veterinarv services (0742), excludinq outdoor kenneling. 87. Videotape rental (7841) with 5.000 square feet or less of qross floor area in the principal structure. 88. Wallpaper stores (5231) with 5.000 square feet or less of gross floor area in the principal structure. 89. Anv use which was permissible under the prior General Retail Commercial (GRC) zoning district. as identified bv Zoninq Ordinance adopted October 8. 1974.and which was lawfullv existinq prior to the adoption of this Code. 90. Anv other commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foreqoing uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated with activities conducted in an office, as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F. 91. Anv of the foreqoing uses that are subject to a qross floor area limitation shall be permitted bv riqht without the maximum floor area limitation if the use is developed as an individual ctructure that is part a component of a shoppina center. 2. Accessorv uses. a. Uses and strllstllr-es that ar-s accessery and inciElental to the uses (3ermitleEl as of right in the C d E1islriGt. 42 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/112007 1. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.6.18. 5.03.05. 3. Conditional uses. The following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the commercial intermediate district (C-3). subiect to the standards and procedures established in sections b74, 4.02.02 and 10.08.00. 1. Amusements and recreation services (7999 - boat rental. miniature qolf course. bicvcle and moped rental. rental of beach chairs and accessories onlv). 2. Ancillary plants. 3. Bowlinq centers (7933). 4. Coin operated amusement devices (7993). 5. Courts (9211 ). 6. Dance Studios. schools and halls (7911 ). 7. Drinkinq places (5813) excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.8.10. 5.05.01. 8. Educational seryices (8221 & 8222). 9. Fire protection (9224). 10. Food stores with qreater than 5.000 square feet of gross floor area in the principal structure (groups 5411--5499). 11. Homeless shelters. 12. Hospitals (qroups 8062--8069). 13. Leqal counsel and prosecution (9222). 14. Mixed residential and commercial uses. subiect to the followinq criteria: i. A site development plan is approved pursuant to di'/isioA d.d section 10.02.03 that is desiqned to protect the character of the residential uses and neiqhborinq lands: ii. The commercial uses in the development mav be limited in hours of operation. size of delivery trucks, and tvpe of equipment: 43 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 iii. The residential uses are desiqned so that thev are compatible with the commercial uses; iv. Residential dwellinas units are located above principal uses: v. Residential and commercial uses do not occupv the same floor of a buildina: vi. The number of residential dwellings units shall be controlled bv the dimensional standards of the C-3 district. toqether with the specific requirement that in no instance shall the residential uses exceed 50 percent of the qross floor area of the buildina or the density permitted under the growth management plan; vii. Buildina height mav not exceed two stories: viii. Each residential dwellinq unit shall contain the followinq minimum floor areas: efficiencv and one- bedroom. 450 square feet: two-bedroom. 650 square feet: three-bedroom, 900 square feet: ix. The residential dwellings units shall be restricted to occupancv bv the owners or lessees of the commercial units below; x. A minimum of 30 percent of the mixed use development shall be maintained as open space. The following mav be used to satisfv the open space requirements: areas used to satisfv water manaqement requirements: landscaped areas; recreation areas: or setback areas not covered with impervious surface or used for parkinq (parkinq lot islands mav not be used unless existing native veqetation is maintained); xi. The mixed commercial/residential structure shall be designed to enhance compatibilitv of the commercial and residential uses throuqh such measures as. but not limited to. minimizinq noise associated with commercial uses: directing commercialliqhtinq awav from residential units: and separatinq pedestrian and vehicular accesswavs and parkinq areas from residential units. to the qreatest extent possible. 15. Motion picture theaters (7832 - except drive-in). 44 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 16. Permitted food seryice (5812. eatinq places) uses with more than 6.000 square feet of gross floor area in the principal structure. 17. Permitted personal seryices. video rental or retail uses (5912 - excluding drug stores), with more than 5.000 square feet of qross floor area in the principal structure. 18. Permitted llse with lObs than 700 s€lllare feet grass fleer area in the priRGipal strUGture. 18. Public order and safetv (9229). 19. Social seryices (8322 - other than those permitted. 8331- 8399). 20. Soup kitchens. 21. Theatrical producers and miscellaneous theatrical services (7922 - communitv theaters onlv). 22. Vocational schools (8243--8299). 23. Anv other intermediate commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district. as detormined by the board of zoning appeals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F.. where administrative discretion is permitted, or pursuant to section 10.08.00, where formal application to the board of zoning appeals is required. D. General Commercial District (C-4) PlIreese aRG intoRI. The general commercial district "C-4" is intended to provide for those tvpes of land uses that attract larqe seqments of the population at the same time bv virtue of scale. coupled with the tvpe of activitv. The purpose and intent of the C-4 district is to provide the opportunitv for the most diverse tvpes of commercial activities deliverinq qoods and seryices. includinq entertainment and recreational attractions. at a larqer scale than the C-1 throuqh C-3 districts. As such. all of the uses permitted in the C-1 throuqh C-3 districts are also permitted in the C-4 district. The outside storaqe of merchandise and equipment is prohibited. except to the extent that it is associated with the commercial activitv conducted on-site such as. but not limited to, automobile sales. marine vessels. and the rentinq and leasinq of equipment. Activitv centers are suitable locations for the uses permitted bv the C-4 district because most activitv centers are located at the intersection of arterial roads. Therefore the uses in the C-4 district can most be sustained bv the transportation network of maior roads. The C-4 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for uses and the qoals. obiectives. and policies as identified in the future land 45 l:\LDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/112007 use element of the Collier Countv GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating svstem. 1. Permitted uses. a. Unless otherwise provises for in this Cose, all permittes uses in the C :3 commercial intermesiate sistriel~ 1. Accountinq (8721) 2. Adiustment and collection seryices (7322) 3. Advertisinq aqencies (7311 ). 4. Advertisinq - miscellaneous (7319). 5. Ancillarv plants. 6. Amusement and recreation seryices. indoor onlv (7999). 7. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor (7999 fishing piers and lakes operation. houseboat rental. pleasure boat rental. operation of partv fishinq boats. canoe rental onlv). 8. Animal specialtv services. except veterinarv (0752). excludinq outdoor kenneling. 9. Apparel and accessory stores (5611-5699). 10. Architectural services (8712) 11. Auditinq (8721). 12. Auto and home supplv stores (5531). 13. Automobile Parkinq. automobile parklnq qaraqes and parkinq structures (7521 - shall not be construed to permit the activitv of "tow-in parkinq lots"). 14. Automotive dealers (5599). new vehicles on Iv. 15. Automotive services (7549) except that this shall not be construed to permit the activitv of "wrecker service (towinq) automobiles. road and towing service." 16. Banks. credit Unions and trusts (6011-6099) 17. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). 46 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 18. Beautv shops (7231. except for beautv schools). 19. Bookkeepinq services (8721). 20. Bowlinq centers (7933). 21. Buildinq c1eaninq and maintenance services (7349). 22. Business associations /8611 ). 23. Business consultinq services (8748). 24. Business credit institutions (6153-6159). 25. Business services miscellaneous (7389. except auctioneerinq seryice. automobile recoverv, automobile repossession, batik work. bottle exchanqes. bronzinq. cloth cutting. contractors' disbursement cosmetic kits. cotton inspection, cotton sampler, directories-telephone. drive- awav automobile, exhibits-buildinq. fillinq pressure containers, field warehousing, fire extinquisher. floats- decoration, foldinq and refolding. qas svstems, bottle labelinq. liquidation seryices. metal slitting and shearinq. packaqinq and labelinq. patrol of electric transmission or gas lines, pipeline or powerline inspection. press c1ippinq service. recording studios. repossession service. ruq bindinq, salvaging of damaqed merchandise, scrap steel cuttinq and slitting, shrinkinq textiles, solvent recovery, sponging textiles, swimminq pool cleaninq, tape slitting. texture designers. textile foldinq. tobacco sheetinq. window trimminq. and vacht brokers). 26. Cable and other pav television seryices (4841) includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqht. subiect to section 2.€l35. 5.05.09. 27. Carpet and Upholstery cleaninq (7217). 28. Carwashes (7542) provided that carwashes abutting residential zoninq districts shall be subiect to the following criteria: i. Size of vehicles. Carwashes desiqned to serve vehicles exceedinq a capacitv rating of one ton shall not be allowed: ii. Minimum vards a) Front vard setback: 50 feel: b) Side vard setback: 40 feel: 47 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 c) Rear vard setback: 40 feet: iii. Minimum frontaqe. A carwash shall not be located on a lot with less than 150 feet of frontaqe on a dedicated street or hiqhwav; iv. Lot size. Minimum 18.000 square feet: v. Fence requirements. If a carwash abuts a residential district. a masonry or equivalent wall constructed with a decorative finish. six feet in heiqht shall be erected along the lot line opposite the residential district and the lot lines perpendicular to the lot lines opposite the residential district for a distance not less than 15 feet. The wall shall be located within a landscaped buffer as specified in section 2.1.7. 4.06.00. All walls shall be protected bv a barrier to prevent vehicle from contacting them: vi. Architecture. The buildinq shall maintain a consistent architectural theme alonq each building facade; vii. Noise. A carwash shall be subiect to Ordinance No. 90-17. Collier Countv Noise Control Ordinance [Code ch. 54, art. IVl: viii. Washinq and polishinq. The washinq and polishinq operations for all car washinq facilities. includinq self-seryice car washing facilities. shall be enclosed on at least two sides and shall be covered bv a roof. Vacuuming facilities mav be located outside the buildinq. but mav not be located in anv required vard area; ix. Hours of operation: Carwashes abuttinq residential districts shall be closed from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 29. Child day care services (8351). 30. Churches. 31. Civic. social and fraternal associations (8641) 32. Coin-operated laundries and dry cleaninq (7215). 33. Coin-operation amusement devices (7993). 48 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)MFinal.doc 10/1/2007 34. Commercial art and qraphic design (7336). 35. Commercial photoqraphv (7335). 36. Commercial printinq /2752. excludinq newspapers). 37. Commercial Sports (7941). 38. Computer proqramming, data processinq and other services /7371 - 7376, 7379) 39. Computer and computer software stores (5734). 40. Credit reportinq services (7323). 41. Dance studios. schools and halls (7911). 42. Detective. quard and armored car seryice (7381 - except armored car and doq rental). 43. Department stores /5311 ). 44. Direct mail advertisinq services /7331 ). 45. Disinfectinq and pest control seryices (7342). 46. Drug stores (5912) 47. Eatinq and drinking establishments /5812 and 5813) excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.6.10. 5.05.01. 48. Educational plants. 49. Educational seryices /8221 and 8222). 50. Electrical and electronic repair shops /7622-7629). 51. Emplovment aqencies (7361). 52. Enqineering services /8711 ). 53. Equipment rental and leasing /7359 - except airplane. industrial truck. portable toilet and oil field equipment renting and leasinq). 54. Essential Services. subiect to section 2.01.03. 55. Federal and federally-sponsored credit aqencies /6111 ). 49 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 56. Food stores (qroups 5411 - 5499). 57. Funeral services (7261, except crematories) 58. Gasoline seryice stations (5541). with seryices and repairs as described in section 5.05.05. 59. General merchandise stores (5331-5399). 60, Glass stores (5231). 61. Group care facilities (cateqory I and II. except for homeless shelters): care units. except for homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to F.S. I'l 400.402 and ch 58A-5 FAC.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. I'l 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC; all subiect to section 26.26 5.05.04. 62. Hardware stores (5251). 63. Health services. offices and clinics (8011-8049). 64. Health and allied seryices. miscellaneous (8092-8099). 65. Home furniture and furnishing stores (5712-5719). 66. Home health care seryices (8082). 67. Hospitals (8062-8069). 68. Hotels and motels (7011. 7021 and 7041) when located within an activitv center. 69. Household appliance stores (5722). 70, Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (6311-6399.6411) 71. Labor unions (8631). 72. Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (0781), 73. Laundrv. cleaning and qarment services (7211, 7212, 7216,7219), non-industrial dry cleaning onlv. 74. Leqal seryices (8111) 75. Libraries (8231). 76. Loan brokers (6163). 50 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Usts\8CC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 77. Manaqement seryices (8741. 8742). 78. Marinas /4493 & 4499 - except canal operation. carqo salvaqinq. ship dismantlinq. liqhterage. marine salvaqinq. marine wreckinq. and steamship leasinq). subiect to section 2.6.22 5.05.02. 79. Medical and dental laboratories /8071 and 8072). 80. Medical equipment rental and leasinq (7352). 81. Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (8699). 82. Membership sports and recreation clubs (7997). 83. Mortqaqe brokers and loan correspondents (6162) 84. Motion picture theaters (7832). 85. Motorcvcle dealers (5571). 86. Museums and art galleries (8412). 87. Musical instrument stores (5736). 88. News svndicates (7383). 89. Nursinq and professional care facilities /8051-8059). 90. Outdoor advertisinq services (7312). 91. Paint stores (5231). 92. Passenqer car leasinq (7515). 93. Passenqer car rental (7514). 94. Personal credit institutions (6141). 95. Personal services. miscellaneous (7299). 96. Personnel supplv seryices (7361 & 7363). 97. Photocopvinq and duplicatinq services (7334). 98. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384). 99. Photoqraphic studios, portrait (7221). 100. Phvsical fitness facilities (7991). 51 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 101. Political orqanizations (8651). 102. Professional membership orqanizations (8621). 103. Public administration (qroups 9111-9199, 9229, 9311, 9411-9451,9511-9532.9611-9661). 104. Public qolf courses (7992). 105. Public or private parks and plavqrounds. 106. Public relations services (8743). 107. Radio. television and consumer electronics stores (5731). 108. Radio. television and representatives (7313), publishers advertising 109. Radio and television broadcasting stations /4832 & 4833). 110. Real Estate /6512,6531-6552) 111. Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735). 112. Reliqious orqanizations (8661) 113. Repair services - miscellaneous (7699 - bicvcle repair. binocular repair. camera repair, kev duplicatinq. lawnmower repair. leather qoods repair. locksmith shop, picture framing, medical equipment and pocketbook repair Q.!}]y1 114. Research. development and testinq seryices /8731-8734). 115. Retail- miscellaneous /5921-5963. 5992-5999). 116. Retail nurseries. lawn and qarden supplv stores (5261). 117. Reupholstery and furniture repair /7641 ). 118. Secretarial and court reportinq seryices (7338). 119. Securitv and commoditv brokers, dealer. exchanqes and services /6211-6289). 120. Securitv svstems services (7382). 121. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251). 52 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 122. Social services. individual and familv (8322 - 8399. except homeless shelters and soUP kitchens). 123. Suryeving services (8713) 124. Tax return preparation services (7291). 125. Teleqraph and other messaqe communications (4822) includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqh!. subiect to section 5.05.09. 126. Telephone communications (4812 and 4813) includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqh!. subiect to section 5.05.09. 127. Theatrical producers and miscellaneous theatrical seryices. (7922-7929) includinq bands. orchestras and entertainers: except motion picture producers 128. Travel agencies (4724. no other transportation services). 129. United State Postal Seryice (4311, except maior distribution center). 130. Veterinarv services (0741 & 0742), excludinq outdoor kenneling. 131. Videotape rental (7841). 132. Vocational schools (8243-8299). 133. Wallpaper stores (5231). 134. Watch, clock and iewelry repair (7631). 135. Anv use which was permissible under the prior General Retail Commercial (GRC) zoning district, as identified by Zoning Ordinance adopted October 8. 1974. and which was lawfullv existing prior to the adoption of this Code. 136. Anv other commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foregoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serve the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated with activities conducted in an office, as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F. 2. Accessorv uses. a. Usas and strllGtllr-es that are accessorj ami incidontal to the uses J'lermilled as of ri~ht in the C 1 district. 53 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 1. Caretaker's residence. subiect to section 2.6.16. 5.03.05. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the qeneral commercial district (C-4). subiect to the standards and procedures established in Elivision 2.7.1. section 10.08.00. 1. Animal specialtv seryices. except veterinary (0752). with outdoor kenneling. 2. Amusement and recreation seryices. outdoor (groups 7948. 7992. 7996. 7999). 3. Auctioneerinq services. auction rooms (7389. 5999). 4. Automotive dealers and qasoline service stations (qroups 5521, 5551. 5561, 5599 outdoor displav permitted). 5. Automotive rental and leasinq. outdoor displav permitted (qroups 7513.7519). 6. Bottle clubs. (All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for the on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.6.10 5.05.01. ) 7. Courts (9211). B. Fire protection (9224). 9. Fishinq. hunting and trappinq (groups 0912--0919). 10. Fuel dealers (qroups 5983--5989). 11. Homeless shelters. 12. Hotels and motels (qroups 7011. 7021. 7041 when located outside an activitv center). 13. Kiosks. 14. leqal counsel and prosecution (9222). 15. local and suburban transit (qroups 4111--4121. bus stop and van pool stop onlv). 16. Motion picture theaters. drive-in (7833). 17. Communication towers above specified heiqht. subiect to section 2.6.JB. 5.05.09. 54 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 18. PerFRilteEl use with less than 700 sqloJare feet of grass fleer aFea in the J3rinciJ3al structure. 18. Public order and safetv (9229). 19. SouP kitchens. 20. Motor freiqht transportation and warehouslno (4225 air conditioned and mini-and self storaqe warehousinq onlv). 21. Veterinary seryices (0741 & 0742). with outdoor kenneling. 22. Anv other qeneral commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined by the board of zoning appeals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F.. where administrative discretion is permitted, or pursuant to section 10.08.00. where formal application to the board of zoninq appeals is required. E. HeaVY Commercial District (C-5) P!Jreose aRG fAIeRt. In addition to the uses provided in the C-4 zoninq district. the heavy commercial district "C- 5" allows a ranqe of more intensive commercial uses and services which are qenerallv those uses that tend to utilize outdoor space in the conduct of the business. The C-5 district permits heavy commercial seryices such as full-service automotive repair. and establishments primarilv enqaqed in construction and specialized trade activities such as contractor offices. plumbing, heatinq and air conditioninq services. and similar uses that tvpicallv have a need to store construction associated equipment and supplies within an enclosed structure or have showrooms displavinq the buildina material for which thev specialize. Outdoor storage vards are permitted with the requirement that such yards are completelv enclosed or opaquelv screened. The C-5 district is permitted in accordance with the locational criteria for uses and the goals. obiectives. and policies as identified in the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. 1. Permitted uses. a. Unless ethel'\'.'is8 J3rsvideEl fer in this seGtisA, all J3ermilteEl IoJses in the C 4 general cSFRrnercial Elistrict. 1. Accountinq (8721 ). 2. Adiustment and collection seryices (7322). 3. Advertisinq aqencies (7311 ). 4. Advertisinq - miscellaneous (7319) 55 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 ~ 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 5. Ancillary plants. 6. Amusement and recreation services. indoor onlv (7999). 7. Amusement and recreation seryices, outdoor (7999 - fishinq piers and lakes operation, houseboat rental, pleasure boat rental. operation of partv fishinq boats. canoe rental onlv). 8. Animal specialtv serylces. except veterinarv (0752), excludinq outdoor kenneling 9. Apparel and accessorv stores (5611-5699). 10. Architectural services (8712). 11. Armature rewindinq shops (7694). 12. Auctioneerinq/auction houses (qroups 7389.5999). 13. Auditing (8721). 14. Auto and home supplv stores (5531). 15. Automobile Parkinq. (7521). 16 Automotive dealers. miscellaneous (5599). 17. Automotive repair seryices (7532 - 7539) 18 Automotive seryices (7549). except repair and carwashes. 19. Banks credit Unions and trusts (6011-6099). 20. Barber shops (7241. except for barber schools). 21. Beautv shops (7231. except for beautv schools). 22 Boat dealers (5551). 23. Bookkeeping services (8721). 24 Bowlinq centers (7933). 25. Buildinq cleaning and maintenance services (7349). 26. Business associations (8611). 27. Business consultinq seryices (8748). 56 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/112007 28 Business credit institutions (6153-6159) 29. Business seryices /7389 - contractors' disbursement. directories-telephone. recordinq studios. swimming pool cleaning. and textile designers onlv). 30. Cable and other pav television services (4841) including communications towers UP to specified height, subiect to section 2.6.35. 5.05.09. 31. Carpentry and floor work /1751-1752). 32. Carpet and Upholstery cleaning (7217). 33. Carwashes (7542) provided that carwashes abuttinq residential zoninq districts shall be subiect to the followinq criteria: x. Size of vehicles. Carwashes designed to serve vehicles exceedinq a capacitv rating of one ton shall not be allowed; XI. Minimum vards a) Front vard setback: 50 feel: b) Side vard setback: 40 feel: c) Rear vard setback: 40 feel: xii. Minimum frontaqe. A carwash shall not be located on a lot with less than 150 feet of frontage on a dedicated street or hiqhwav: xiii. Lot size. Minimum 18.000 square feel: xiv. Fence requirements. If a carwash abuts a residential district, a masonry or equivalent wall constructed with a decorative finish. six feet in heiqht shall be erected alonq the lot line opposite the residential district and the lot lines perpendicular to the lot lines opposite the residential district for a distance not less than 15 feet. The wall shall be located within a landscaped buffer as specified in section 2.1.7. 4.06.00. All walls shall be protected bv a barrier to prevent vehicle from contactinq them; xv. Architecture. The buildinq shall maintain a consistent architectural theme alonq each building facade: 57 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 xvi. Noise. A carwash shall be subiect to Ordinance No. 90-17. Collier Countv Noise Control Ordinance [Code ch. 54. art. IV]: xvii. Washinq and polishinq. The washinq and polishinq operations for all car washinq facilities. including self-seryice car washinq facilities. shall be enclosed on at least two sides and shall be covered bv a root. Vacuuminq facilities mav be located outside the building, but mav not be located in anv required vard area; xviii. Hours of operation: Carwashes abuttinq residential districts shall be closed from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 34. Churches. 35. Civic, social and fraternal associations (8641 ). 36. Coin-operated laundries and drv cleaning (7215). 37. Coin-operation amusement devices (7993). 38 Commercial art and qraphic desiqn (7336) 39 Commercial fishinq 10912-0919). 40. Commercial photoqraphv (7335). 41. Commercial printing (2752, excludinq newspapers). 42. Commercial Sports /7941 ). 43. Computer proqramminq. data processinq and other services (7371 - 7376. 7379). 44. Computer and computer software stores (5734). 45. Concrete work (1771). 46 Courts (9211). 47. Credit reportinq services (7323). 48. Crematories (7261). 49. Dance studios, schools and halls /7911 ). 50. Department stores (5311). 58 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 51 Detective. guard and armored car service (7381 - except armored car and doq rental). 52. Direct mail advertisinq services (7331). 53. Disinfectinq and pest control services (7342). 54. Druq stores (5912). 55 Eatinq and drinkinq establishments (5812 and 5813) excludinq bottle clubs. All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subiect to the locational requirements of section 2.6.10 5.05.01. 56. Educational plants. 57. Educational services (8221 and 8222) 58. Electrical and electronic repair shops (7622-7629). 59 Electrical work (1731). 60. Emplovment aqencies (7361). 61. Enqineerinq services (8711 ). 62. Equipment rental and leasinq (7359). 63. Essential Services, subiect to section 2.01.03. 64. Federal and federallv-sponsored credit aqencies (6111 ). 65. Fire protection (9224). 66. Food stores (qroups 5411 - 5499). 67. Funeral seryices (7261 ). 68. Gasoline seryice stations (5541). with seryices and repairs as described in section 5.05.05 69. General building contractors (1541). non-residential buildinqs onlv. 70. General contractors (1521-1522). Sinqle-familv houses and residential buildinqs onlv. 71. General contractors (1542) - nonresidential buildings. other than industrial buildinqs and warehouses. 59 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 72. General merchandise stores (5331-5399). 73 Glass and qlazing work (1793). 74. Glass stores (5231 ). 75 Group care facilities (cateqory I and II, except for homeless shelters); care units, except for homeless shelters; nursing homes; assisted living facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.: all subiect to section 2.6.26. 5.05.04. 76. Hardware stores (5251). 77. Health services, offices and clinics (8011-8049). 78. Health and allied services. miscellaneous (8092-8099). 79 Heatinq and Air-conditioning (1711). 80. Heavv construction equipment rental and leasinq (7353). 81. Home furniture and furnishinq stores (5712-5719). 82. Home health care seryices (8082) 83. Hospitals (8062-8069). 84 Hotels and motels (7011. 7021 and 7041) when located within an activitv center 85. Household appliance stores (5722). 86. Installation or erection of building equipment (1796). 87. Insurance carriers. agents and brokers (6311-6399. 6411) 88. Labor unions (8631 ). 89 Landscape architects. consultinq and planninq (0781 ). 90. Laundry. c1eaninq and qarment seryices (7211, 7212. 7216.7219), non-industrial drv cleaninq onlv. 91. Leqal counsel and prosecution (9222). 92. Leqal seryices (8111 ). 60 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 93. Libraries (8231) 94. Loan brokers (6163) 95. Local and suburban transit (4111). 96. Local passenqer transportation (4119). 97. Lumber and other buildinq materials dealers /5211 ). 98. Manaqement seryices (8741. 8742) 99. Marinas /4493 & 4499 - except canal operation. cargo salvaging, ship dismantlinq. Iighteraqe. marine salvaqinq. marine wreckinq. and steamship leasinq). subject to section 2.622 5.05.02. 100. Masonry. stonework, tile settinq and plastering /1741- 1743). 101. Medical and dental laboratories /8071 and 8072) 102. Medical equipment rental and leasinq (7352). 103. Membership orqanizations. miscellaneous (8699). 104. Membership sports and recreation clubs (7997). 105. Mobile home dealers (5271). 106. Mortgaqe brokers and loan correspondents (6162). 107. Motion picture theaters (7832) 108. Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (4225). mini- and self-storaqe warehousinq onlv. 109. Motor vehicle dealers (5511). new and used. 110. Motor vehicle dealers (5521). used onlv. 111. Motorcvcle dealers (5571). 112. Museums and art qalleries (8412) 113. Musical instrument stores (5736). 114. Newspapers: Publishinq. or publishinq and printinq (2711). 115. News svndicates (7383). 61 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 101112007 116. Nursinq and professional care facilities /8051-8059). 117. Operative builders (1531). 118. Outdoor advertisinq seryices (7312). 119. Outdoor storaqe vard. provided outdoor storaqe vard not be located closer than 25 feet to anv public street and that such vard shall be completelv enclosed. except for necessary inqress and egress. pursuant to the requirement of section 2.2.15 %6 4.02.12 of this Code. This provision shall not allow as a permitted accessory use. wrecking vards, junkvards. or vards used in whole or part for scrap or salvaqe operations or from processing. storaqe. displav. or sales of anv scrap. salvaqe. or secondhand buildinq materials. junk automotive vehicle. or secondhand automotive vehicle parts. 120. Paint stores (5231). 121. Paintinq and paper hanqinq (1721). 122. Passenger car leasinq (7515). 123. Passenger car rental (7514). 124. Passenger transportation arranqement (4729). 125. Periodicals: Publishinq or publishinq and printinq /2721 ). 126. Personal credit institutions (6141). 127. Personal services. miscellaneous (7299) 128. Personnel supplv seryices /7361 & 7363). 129. Photocopyinq and duplicatinq services (7334) 130. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384) 131. Photoqraphic studios, portrait /7221 ). 132. Physical fitness facilities (7991). 133. Plumbing (1711). 134. Police protection /9221 ). 135. Political orqanizations (8651 ). 136. Professional membership orqanizations (8621). 62 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 101112007 137. Public administration /qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451.9511-9532,9611-9661) 138. Public qolf courses (7992). 139. Public or private parks and plavqrounds. 140. Public order and safety (9229). 141. Public relations services (8743). 142. Radio, television and consumer electronics stores (5731) 143. Radio. television and representatives (7313). publishers advertising 144. Radio and television broadcastinq stations (4832 & 4833). 145. Real Estate /6512,6531-6552). 146. Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735). 147 Recreational vehicle dealers (5561). 148. Reliqious orqanizations (8661) 149. Repair seryices - miscellaneous /7699 - bicvcle repair. binocular repair, camera repair. kev duplicatinq. lawnmower repair. leather qoods repair, locksmith shop, medical equipment. picture framinq. and pocketbook repair Q.O.)y1 150. Research. development and testinq seryices /8731-8734). 151. Retail- miscellaneous /5921-5963, 5992-5999). 152. Retail nurseries, lawn and qarden supplv stores /5261 ). 153. Reupholsterv and furniture repair (7641) 154. Roofinq. sidinq and sheet metal work (1761). 155. Secretarial and court reportinq services (7338). 156. Securitv and commoditv brokers, dealer. exchanqes and services /6211-6289). 157. Securitv svstems services (7382). 158. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (7251 ). 63 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 159. Social services. individual and familv (8322 - 8399. except homeless shelters and soUP kitchens). 160. Special trade contractors (miscellaneous) (1799). 161. Structural steel erection (1791). 162. Suryeving services (8713) 163. Tax return preparation services (7291). 164. Taxicabs (4121). 165. Teleqraph and other messaqe communications (4822) includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqht. subiect to section 50509 166. Telephone communications (4812 and 4813) includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqht. subject to section 5.05.09. 167. Theatrical producers and miscellaneous theatrical seryices, (7922-7929) includinq bands, orchestras and entertainers; except motion picture producers. 168. Tour operators (4725). 169. Travel aqencies (4724). 170. Truck rental and leasinq (7513). without drivers. 171. United State Postal Service (4311. except maior distribution center). 172. Upholstery and furniture repair (7641 ). 173. Utilitv trailer and recreational vehicle rental (7519). 174. Veterinary seryices (0741 & 0742). excludinq outdoor kennelinq. 175. Videotape rental (7841). 176. Vocational schools (8243-8299). 177. Wallpaper stores (5231). 178. Watch, clock and jewelrv repair (7631). 179. Water well drillinq (1781). 64 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 Ol)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 180. Weldinq repair (7692). 181. Anv use which was permissible under the prior General Retail Commercial (GRC) zoninq district, as identified bv Zoninq Ordinance adopted October 8. 1974, and which was lawfullv existing prior to the adoption of this Code. 182. Anv other commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses includinq those that exclusivelv serye the administrative as opposed to the operational functions of a business and are associated with activities conducted in an office. as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F. 2. Accessory uses. a. Uses and strl,lstures that are assessery and insidental ts the uses permitted as sf right in the C a district. 1. Detached caretaker's residence. subject to section 2.€l.1€l. 5.03.05. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the heavy commercial district (C-5). subiect to the standards and procedures established in di'lisisn 2.7.1. section 10.08.00. 1. Animal specialtv seryices, except veterinarv (0752), with outdoor kennelinQ. 2. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor (qroups 7948. 7992. 7996. 7999). 3. Bottle clubs. (All establishments enqaqed in the retail sale of alcoholic beveraqes for on-premise consumption are subject to the locational requirements of section 2.€l.10 5.05.01. ) 4. Child dav care services (8351). provided: i. All areas and surfaces readilv accessible to children shall be free of toxic substances and hazardous materials. This shall include all adiacent and abuttinq properties Iving within 500 feet of the child care center's nearest propertv line. a) For purposes of this subsection. the followinq definitions shall applv: i) Hazardous materials: A material that has anv of the following properties: 65 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ignitable. corrosive. reactive and/or toxic. il) Toxic substances: a substance which is. or is suspected to be. carcinoqenic. mutaqenic. teratoqenic. or toxic to human beings. ii. It shall not be located within 500 feet of the nearest propertv line of land uses encompassinq wholesale storaqe of qasoline. liquefied petroleum. gas. oil. or other flammable liquids or qases. iii. It shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation quarries. iv. It shall have a minimum lot area of 20.000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. v. It shall provide a minimum usable open space of not less than 30 percent of the total square footaqe of the lot area. vi. It shall provide that all open spaces to be used bv children will be bounded bv a fence of not less than five feet in heiqht. to be constructed of wood. masonry or other approved material. vii. It shall provide a landscape buffer in accordance with ElivisioR 2.4. section 4.06.02. viii. It shall complv with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Child Dav Care Standards. Florida Administrative Code. chapter 10 M-12. effective March 11. 1986. ix. Where a child care center is proposed in conjunction with. and on the same parcel as. a facilitv which is a permitted use. the requirements set forth in subparaqraphs-a i through-il viii above. with the exceptions of subparaqraphs-€! iv and-e..Y" shall be used to provide the protections to children usinq the child care center intended bv this section consistent with the development of the proposed permitted use. 5. Communications (qroups 4812--4841) communications towers that exceed specified subject to section 2.e.aa. 5.05.09. with height. 66 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC.Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 101112007 6. Farm product raw materials (qroups 5153--5159). 7. Fuel dealers (groups 5983--5989). B. Homeless shelters. ,as defined by this Code. 9. Hotels and motels (qroups 7011.7021.7041 when located outside an activitv center.) 10. Correctional institutions (qroup 9223). 11. Kiosks. 12. Local and suburban passenger transportation (groups 4131--4173). 13. Motion picture theaters. drive-in (7833). 14. Permitted usos 'Nith less than 700 sElI,Jare feet of gross floor area in the wincil3al structure. 14. Soup kitchens. 15. Transfer stations (4212. local refuse collection and transportation onlv). 16. Veterinary services (0741 & 0742). with outdoor kennelina. 17. Anv other heavv commercial use which is comparable in nature with the foregoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined by the board of zoning appeals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F" where administrative discretion is permitted. or pursuant to section 10.08.00. where formal application to the board of zoning appeals is required. F. Travel Trailer-Recreational Vehicle Campqround District (TTRVC) P-urooae aAG iRtent. The provisions of this district are intended to applv to trailer lots for travel trailers. park model travel trailers and recreational vehicles. not exceedinq 480 square feet in qross floor area. Such trailer lots are intended to accommodate travel trailers. model travel trailers. pickup coaches. motor homes. and other vehicular accommodations which are suitable for temporary habitation. used for travel. vacation. and recreational purposes. Campsites are intended to accommodate temporary residencv while campinq. vacationinq or recreatinq. TTRVC vehicles mav be permanentlv located on a lot: however. no person or persons mav occupv said vehicles as permanent places of residence. 67 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 1. Permitted uses. a. Travel trailers. park model travel trailers. pickup coaches. motor homes and other recreational vehicles. 2. Accessory uses. a. Uses ami struGtures that are accessery amI incidental tEl the uses J)ermitteEl as Elf right in the TTRVC Elistrict. a. One sinale-familv dwellina (not a TTRVC unit) in conjunction with the operation of the TTRVC park. b. Accessorv uses and structures customarjlv associated with travel trailer recreational vehicle parks. includinq recreation facilities (both indoor and outdoor), administration buildings. service buildinas includinq bathrooms. laundries and similar seryices for residents of the park, and utilities. c. Accessory uses and structures customarilv associated with travel trailer recreational vehicle lots. includinq: i. Enclosed utilitv/storage area of the same sidinq material and architectural stvle as that of the associated recreational vehicles. not to exceed an area of 60 square feet. Anv utilitv/storage area shall be located adiacent to its associated recreational vehicle and made a continuous part of a screened- in porch where such a porch is attached to the vehicle as herein provided. Where utilitv/storaqe areas are made a continuous part of a screened-in porch. the area of the utilitv/storage area mav not exceed 25 percent of the area of the screened-in porch or 120 square feel. whichever lesser. The communitv development and environmental seryices administrator mav administrativelv approve an exception to accessory structure size limitation where such exception is necessarv to allow for accessibilitv. in accordance with the specifications set forth in Section 4 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). to accommodate a phvsicallv handicapped individual. ii. For recreational vehicles fixed bv a permanent anchorinq svstem, a screened-in porch elevated or at qround level with a solid roof structure. architecturallv compatible with its associated recreational vehicle. not to exceed an area equal to the area of the recreational vehicle to which it is attached. Said screened-in porch shall provide for 68 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 101112007 anv site utilitv/storaqe space requirements as herein provided and shall not contain anv other interior walls. All such screened enclosures must be permitted and constructed according to this Code and applicable building codes. Exterior walls mav be enclosed with screen. qlass or vinvl windows, except that the storaqe area shall be enclosed with the same material as the principal unit. d. Campqrounds containinq 100 spaces or more shall be permitted a convenience commercial facilitv no qreater than 15.000 square feet in total land area. This facilitv shall provide for the exclusive sale of convenience items to park patrons onlv. and shall present no visible evidence of their commercial character. includinq siqnaqe and liqhting. from anv public or private street or riqht-of-wav external to the park. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the travel trailer recreational vehicle park campqround district (TTRVC). subiect to the standards and procedures established in aivisiBn 2.7.4 section 10.08.00.: a. Campinq cabins subiect to the followinq standards: i. One camping cabin per approved TTRVC lot. ii. The maximum number of campinq cabin lots in anv one TTRVC park shall be ten percent of the total number of approved TTRVC lots. not to exceed a total number of 20 campinq cabin lots. iii. Maximum floor area of 220 square feet. iv. No internal water or cookinq facilities. v. Camping cabins mav not be desiqned as a permanent residence. however. tied owns or other safetv devices mav be used in order to provide securitv aqainst hiqh winds. vi. Campina cabins must be constructed of natural wood materials such as loqs. redwood. cedar. or cvpress in order that it mav blend harmoniouslv into the natural landscape character normallv found in a TTRVC or campground settinq. a) The qeneral development standards required for the TTRVC park shall be applicable to the campinq cabin lots. 69 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 b) All materials and construction must be in accordance with the Collier Countv buildina code and the requirements of the Standard Building Code (SBC). c) At least one room of the campino cabin must have a minimum of 150 square feet of floor area. d) If campinq cabins are to be located in a flood hazard zone as delineated on the most recent flood insurance rate maps. all requirements of Collier Countv's Flood Damaqe Prevention Ordinance [Code ch. 62. art. III must be met. e) A partv shall be allowed a maximum length of stav of two weeks in a campinq cabin. 2.03.04 Industrial Zoning Districts A. Industrial District (I) P-urBeae aRG fRteRt. The purpose and intent of the industrial district "I" is to provide lands for manufacturinq. processinq. storage and warehousinq. wholesalinq. and distribution. Seryice and commercial activities that are related to manufacturinq. processing. storaqe and warehousinq. wholesalinq. and distribution activities. as well as commercial uses relatinq to automotive repair and heavy equipment sales and repair are also permissible in the I district. The I district corresponds to and implements the industrial land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier Countv GMP. 1. Permitted uses. 1. Aqricultural seryices (qroups 0711. except that chemical treatment of soil for crops. fertilizer application for crops and lime spreadinq for crops shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district. 0721. except that aerial dusting and spraving. disease control for crops. spravinq crops. dusting crops. and insect control for crops. with or without fertilizing, shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoning district. 0722--0724. 0761. 0782. 0783). 2. Apparel and other finished products (qroups 2311--2399). 3. Ancillary Plants. 4. Automotive repair. service. and parkinq (qroups 7513-- 7549). 70 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 5. Barber shoos (qroup 7241). 6. Beautv shops or salons (7231). 7. Buildinq construction (qroups 1521--1542). 8. Business seryices (groups 7312.7313.7319.7334--7336. 7342--7389. includinq auction rooms (5999), subject to parkinq and landscapinq for retail use). 9. Communications (qroups 4812--4899 includinq communications towers UP to specified heiqhts. subject to section 2.8.35 5.05.09.). 10. Construction--Special trade contractors (groups 1711-- 1799). 11. Crematories (7261). 12. Depository and non-depository institutions (qroups 6011-- 6163). 13. Eatinq places (5812). 14. Educational services (8243--8249). 15. Electronic and other electrical equipment (qroups 3612-- 3699). 16. Engineerinq. accounting. research. manaqement and related services (qroups 8711--8748). 17. Essential Services, subiect to section 2.01.03 18. Fabricated metal products (groups 3411--3479. 3491-- 3499). 19. Food and kindred products (groups 2011--2099 except slauqhtering plants). 20. Furniture and fixtures (qroups 2511--2599). 21. General aviation airoort. 22 Gunsmith shops (qroup 7699). 23. Heavv construction (qroups 1611--1629). 24. Health seryices (8011 accessory to industrial activities conducted on-site onlv). 71 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 25. Industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment (3511--3599). 26. Insurance aqents. brokers. and seryice. includinq Title insurance (qroups 6361 and 6411 ). 27. Leather and leather products (qroups 3131--3199). 28. Local and suburban transit (qroups 4111--4173). 29. Lumber and wood products (qroups 2426. 2431--2499). 30. Measuring. analvzinq. and controllinq photoqraphic. medical and optical goods: clocks (groups 3812--3873). instruments: watches and 31. Membership orqanizations (qroups 8611. 8631). 32. Miscellaneous manufacturinq industries (qroups 3911-- 3999). 33. Miscellaneous repair seryices (groups 7622--7699) with no associated retail sales. 34. Motor freight transportation and warehousinq (qroups 4212. 4213--4225. 4226 except oil and gas storaqe. and petroleum and chemical bulk stations). 35. Outdoor storaqe vards pursuant to the requirements of section 2.2.15%.6. 4.02.12. 36. Paper and allied products (2621--2679) 37. Personal services (qroups 7211--7219). 38. Phvsical fitness facilities (group 7991 ). 39. Printinq. publishinq and allied industries (qroups 2711-- 2796). 40. Railroad transportation (4011. 4013). 41. Real estate brokers and appraisers (6531). 42. Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (groups 3021. 3052. 3053). 43. Shooting range, indoor (qroup 7999). 44. Stone. c1av. qlass. and concrete products (qroups 3221, 3231, 3251. 3253. 3255--3273. 3275. 3281). 72 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC~Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 45. Textile mill products (qroups 2211--2221. 2241--2259, 2273--2289. 2297, 2298). 46. Title abstract offices (qroup 6541 ). 47. Transportation equipment (groups 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732.3751.3761.3764.3769.3792.3799). 48. Transportation bv air (qroups 4512--4581). 49. Transportation seryices (qroups 4724--4783. 4789 except stockvards). 50. United States Postal Seryices (4311 ). 51. Welding repair (7692). 52. Wholesale trade--Durable qoods (croups 5012--5014. 5021--5049.5063--5092.5094--5099). 53. Wholesale trade--nondurable qoods (groups 5111--5159. 5181. 5182. 5191 except that wholesale distribution of chemicals, fertilizers. insecticides. and pesticides must be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district (5192--5199). 2. Accessorv uses. a. Uses ans struGtures that are accessory ans incidentalte uses perFRilled as of right in the I district. 1. Caretaker's residence. subject to section 2.e.1e. 5.03.05. 2. Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessory to the principal use. excludinq automotive sales and/or displav areas, not to exceed an area qreater than 20 percent of the gross floor area of the permitted principal use. and subject to retail standards for landscapinq, parkinq and open space. 3. Recreational vehicle campqround and ancillary support facilities when in conjunction with temporary special event activities such as air shows and the like. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the industrial district (I). subject to the standards and procedures established in division 2.7.1: section 10.08.00. 1. Adult dav care centers (8322). 73 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107).Final.doc 10/1/2007 I. Shall not be located within 500 feet of the nearest propertv line of land uses encompassinq wholesale storaqe of qasoline. liquified petroleum. gas. oil. or other flammable liquids or qases. ii. Shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation quarries. iii. Shall have a minimum lot area of 20.000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. iv. Shall provide a minimum usable open space of not less than 30 percent of the total square footaqe of the lot area. 2. Child dav care services (8351). provided: i. All areas and surfaces readilv accessible to children shall be free of toxic substances and hazardous materials. This shall include all adiacent and abutting properties Ivinq within 500 feet. a) For purposes of this subsection. the followinq definitions shall applv: i) Hazardous materials: A material that has anv of the followinq properties: iqnitable. corrosive. reactive and/or toxic. ii\ Toxic substances: A substance which is or is suspected to be. carcinoqenic. mutagenic. teratoqenic. or toxic to human beinqs. ii. Shall not be located within 500 feet of the nearest propertv line of land uses encompassinq wholesale storaqe of qasoline. liquefied petroleum. qas. oil. or other flammable liquids or qases. Hi. Shall not be located on the same street customarilv utilized bv construction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation quarries. iv. Shall have a minimum lot area of 20.000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. 74 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 v. Shall provide a minimum usable open space of not less than 30 percent of the total square footaqe of the lot area. vi. Shall provide that all open spaces to be used bv children will be bounded bv a fence of not less than five feet in heiqht. to be constructed of wood. masonry. or other approved material. vii. Shall provide a landscape buffer in accordance with Elivision 2.4 section 4.06.02 of this Code. viii. Shall complv with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Seryices Child Dav Care Standards. Florida Administrative Code. chapter 10M-12. effective March 11. 1986. ix. Where a child care center is proposed in conjunction with. and on the same parcel as. a facilitv which is a permitted use. the requirements set forth in subparaqraphs aLh viii above. with the exceptions of [subparaqraphs]-EI iv and-e-Y, shall be used to provide the protections to children usinq the child care center intended bv this section consistent with the development of the proposed permitted use. 3. Chemical and allied products (qroups 2812--2899). 4. Communications (qroups 4812--4899 includinq communications towers that exceed specified heiqhts subject to all requirements of section 2.€l.J5 5.05.09.). 5. Electric. gas. and sanitary seryices (qroups 4911--4971). 6. Fabricated metal products (qroups 3482--3489). 7. Food and kindred products (2011 and 2048 includinq slauqhterinq plants for human and animal consumption). 8. Leather tanninq and finishinq (3111 ). 9. Lumber and wood products (qroups 2411.2421.2429). 10. Motor freight transportation and warehousinq (qroup 4226. oil and qas storaqe. and petroleum and chemical bulk stations. but not located within 500 feet of a residential zoninq district). 11. Oil and qas extraction (groups 1321.1382). 75 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC.Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 12. Paper and allied products (2611). 13. Petroleum refininq and related industries (qroups 2911-- 2999). 14. Primary metals industries (groups 3312--3399). 15. Refuse svstems (4953). 16. Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (qroups 3061- -3089). 17. Stone. c1av. qlass. and concrete products (qroups 3211, ~. 3229. 3241. 3274. 3291--3299) 18. Textile mill products (groups 2231. 2261--2269. 2295. 2296). 19. Transportation bv air (4581 airport flvinq fields). 20. Transportation seryices (4789 stockvards). 21. Wholesale trade--durable qoods (groups 5015. 5051. 5052. 5093). Wholesale trade--nondurable qoods (qroups 5162.5169.5171.5172. 5191). 22. Homeless shelters, as defined by this CGde~ 23. Soup kitchens. 24. Anv other industrial use which is comparable in nature with the foreqoinq list of permitted uses and consistent with the purpose and intent statement of the district. as determined by the board of zoning appeals. Comparable uses mav be determined as provided for in subsection 10.02.02 F., where administrative discretion is permitted. or pursuant to section 10.08.00. where formal application to the board of zoninq appeals is required. B. Business Park District (BP) P"lrIa8S8 and intent. The purpose and intent of the business park district "BP" is to provide a mix of industrial uses. corporate headquarters offices and business/professional offices which complement each other and provide convenience seryices for the emplovees within the district: and to attract businesses that create hiqh value added iobs. It is intended that the BP district be desiqned in an attractive park-like environment. with low structural density and large landscaped areas for both the functional use of buffering and eniovment bv the emplovees of the BP district. The BP district is permitted bv the urban mixed use. urban commercial. and urban-industrial districts of the future land use element of the Collier Countv GMP. 76 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 1. Permitted uses. The followinq uses. as identified within the latest edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. or as otherwise provided for within this section. are permitted as of riqht. or as uses accessory to permitted primary and secondary uses in the business park district. a. Permitted primary uses. One hundred percent of the total business park district acreaqe is allowed to be developed with the followinq uses: 1. Aircraft and parts (groups 3721-3728). 2. Apparel and other finished products (qroups 2311- 2399). 3. Business seryices (qroup 7311). 4. Communications (oroup 4812-4899 includinq communication towers limited in heiqht to 100 feet and subject to section 2.e.J8.e.2.1. 5.05.09.). 5. Construction: Special trade contractors (groups 1711-1799). 6. Depository and non-depository institutions (qroups 6011.6019.6081.6082). 7. Drugs and medicines (qroups 2833-2836). 8. Eating places (qroup 5812 not includinq fast foods. walk-up windows and drive-thru restaurants). 9. Educational services (8221-8299). 10. Electronic and other electrical equipment manufacturinq (qroups 3612-3699). 11. Enqineerinq. accounting. research. manaqement and related seryices (qroups 8711-8748). 12. Food manufacturinq (qroups 2034, 2038. 2053. 2064. 2066. 2068. 2096. 2098. 2099). 13. Furniture and fixtures manufacturinq (qroups 2511- 2599). 14. Government offices/buildinqs (qroups 9111-9222, 9224-9229. 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532. 9611- 9661). 15. Health services (qroups 8011-8049). 77 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 16. Industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment (3511-3599). 17. Industrial inorqanic chemicals (qroups 2812-2819). 18. Job traininq and vocational rehabilitation seryices (qroup 8331). 19. Labor unions (8631) 20. Leather and leather products (qroups 3131-3199). 21. Measurinq. analvzinq. and controllinq instruments: photoqraphic. medical and optical qoods: watches and clocks manufacturinq (qroups 3812-3873). 22. Medical laboratories and research and rehabilitative centers (qroups 8071. 8072. 8092. 8093). 23. Miscellaneous manufacturinq industries (qroups 3911-3999). 24. Motion picture production (qroups 7812-7819). 25. Motor freiqht transportation and warehousinq (4225 mini- and self- storaqe warehousinq onlv and subject to the followinq criteria: a) The use of metal roll-up qaraqe doors located on the exterior of the perimeter buildinqs and walls of buildings which are visible from a public riqht-of-wav is prohibited: and b) Access to individual units whether direct or indirect must be from the side of a buildinq that is oriented internallv: and c) No buildinq shall exceed 100 feet in lenqth when adjacent to a residential zoninq district: and d) No outdoor storaqe of anv kind is permitted: and e) Storaqe units shall be utilized for storaqe purposes on Iv. 26. The use of metal roll-up qarage doors located on the exterior of the perimeter buildinqs and walls of 78 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107).Final.doc 10/1/2007 buildinqs which are visible from a public right-of- wav is prohibited: and a) Access to individual units whether direct or indirect must be from the side of a buildinq that is oriented Internallv: and b) No buildinq shall exceed 100 feet in lenqth when adjacent to a residential zoninq district; and c) No outdoor storage of anv kind is permitted: and d) Storaqe units shall be utilized for storaqe purposes onlv. 27 Paper and allied products (2621-2679). 28. Plastic materials and svnthetics (groups 2821. 2834). 29. Printinq. publishinq and allied industries (qroups 2711-2796). 30. Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (qroups 3021. 3052. 3053). 31. Securitv/commoditv brokers (group 6211): 32. Transportation equipment (qroups 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732. 3751. 3792. 3799). 33. United States Postal services (4311). 34. Wholesale trade durable qoods (qroups 5021. 5031. 5043-5049. 5063-5078. 5091. 5092. 5094- 5099). 35. Wholesale trade nondurable goods (groups 5111- 5159. 5181. 5182. 5191 except that wholesale distribution of chemicals. fertilizers. insecticides. and pesticides shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoninq district (5192-5199). 36. Anv other use which is comparable in nature with the forgoing uses and is otherwise clearlv consistent with the intent and purpose statement of the district. 79 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 101112007 b. Permitted secondary uses accessory to the business park district. Development is limited to a maximum of 30 percent of the total acreaqe of the business park district for the followinq uses: 1. Business seryices (qroups 7312.7313.7319.7331. 7334-7336. 7342. 7349. 7352. 7361. 7363. 7371- 7384. 7389). 2. Child dav care services (qroup 8351 ). 3. Depository and non-depository institutions (qroups 6021-6062.6091.6099.6111-6163). 4. Druq stores (group 5912. limited to druq stores and pharmacies) in conjunction with health seryices group and medical laboratories / research / rehabilitative groups. 5. Hotels (qroups 7011 hotels onlv). Maximum densitv 26 units per acre when located within activitv centers and 16 units per acre when located outside activitv centers. The maximum floor area ratio for hotels shall not exceed a factor of 0.60. 6. Membership orqanizations (qroup 8611); business associations (qroup 8621): professional orqanizations(qroup 8631); labor unions and similar labor orqanizations. 7. Personal services (qroups 7215-7231.7241). 8. Phvsical fitness facilities and bowlinq centers (qroups 7991. 7993). 9. Professional offices: insurance aqencies (qroup 6411): insurance carriers (qroups 6311-6399): real estate (qroups 6531. 6541. 6552. 6553); holdinq and other investment offices (groups 6712-6799); attornevs (qroup 8111). 10. Travel aqencies (qroup 4724). c. Uses accessorv to permitted primary and secondary uses: j. Uses ana structures that are assessory ana insiaental to uses permittea as of right in the BP aistrist. 1. Caretaker's residence. subject to section 2.8.18. 5.03.05. 80 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 2. Retail sales and/or displav areas as accessory to the principal use. not to exceed an area qreater than 20 percent of the qross floor area of the permitted principal use and subject to retail standards for landscaping, parkinq and open space. 2. Conditional uses: a. Ancillarv plants. 2.03.05 Civic and Institutional Zonina Districts A. Public Use District (PI Pursoae 3nfi ff/Ient. The purpose and intent of public use district "P" is to accommodate onlv local. state and federallv owned or leased and operated qovernment facilities that provide essential public seryices. The P district is intended to facilitate the coordination of urban seryices and land uses while minimizing the potential disruption of the uses of nearbv properties. !\ny ",ublic facilitiss that lawfully sxistse prior to the effecti'/e eats of this Code and that are net zeRee for ",ublic use eistrict (P) are eetsrminsd to be cenforminQ with these zeninQ reQulatiens. !\ny future sxpaRsion ef thsss public facilities on lands ",re'/ieusly msarvee fer thsir use shall be rs~uir-ed to meet the mQulatiens in effect for the zeninQ district in which ths ",ublic facility is lecatse. Government ewnsd wo",erties mntee or leasee to nonQo'/erRffiental Clntities for ",urpeses not relatsd to wovieinQ Qo'/ernmsntal sorvices or support functieRS to a primary civic or public institutional use shall not be zoned for the public use eistrict (P), but rathsr, shall be zonee or rezonee accoreiRQ to the use ty",es or the use characteristics '",hich preeominats. 1. Permitted uses. a. Administrative service facilities. b. Child care. not for profit. c. Collection and transfer sites for resource recovery. d. Communication towers. e. Educational Plants. f. Essential public seryice facilities. q. Fairqrounds. 81 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 h. Libraries. i. Museums. i. Park and recreational service facilities. k. Parkinq facilities. I. Safetv seryice facilities. m. Anv other public structures and uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. 2. Accessorv uses. a. .'\ocessory lJses ana strlJctlJres customarily assooiatea with the J:}rincipal J:}ermittea USGS. a. Residential and commercial uses of an accessory nature which are incidental and customarilv associated with support of a primary public use of the site for public purpose and which are consistent with the qrowth management plan. b. Temporary use of the site for public purpose in accordance with section 2.€l.Jd. 5.04.00. c. Accessory uses which are provided bv concessionaires under aqreement with the countv for the provision of the service. d. Anv other public uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoinq uses. e. Earthmining. provided the use of the excavated materials is utilized for qovernmental projects. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the public use district (P). subject to the standards and procedures established in ai'lision 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. a. Airports and parkinq facilities. b. Ancillarv plants. c. Animal control. d. Detention facilities and jails. e. Detoxification facilities. f. Electric or gas qenerating plants. 82 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 q. Incinerators. h. Maior maintenance and seryice facilities. i. Mental health and rehabilitative facilities. not for profit. i. Resource recovery plants. ki. Rifle and pistol range for law enforcement training. I. Sanitarv landfills. m. Anv other public uses which are comparable in nature with the foreqoing uses. n. Earthmining. B. Communitv Facilitv District (CF) PvrSBse anG intent. The purpose and intent of "CF" district is to implement the GMP bv permitting nonresidential land uses as qenerallv identified in the urban desiqnation of the future land use element. These uses can be characterized as public facilities. institutional uses. open space uses. recreational uses. water-related or dependent uses. and other such uses qenerallv servinq the communitv at larqe. The dimensional standards are intended to insure compatibilitv with existinq or future nearbv residential development. The CF district is limited to properties within the urban mixed use land use designation as identified on the future land use map. 1. Permitted uses. a. Child care centers. b. Churches and houses of worship~ c. Civic and cultural facilities. d. Museums. e. Nursinq homes. assisted Iivina facilities (ALF) pursuant to & 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.. familv care facilities. aroup care facilities (cateqory I) and continuinq care residential communities pursuant to & 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 FAC. all subject to section f. Parks and plavqrounds. noncommercial recreation facilities. open space uses. q. Schools. private and parochial. includinq Educational plants for public schools. 83 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 h. Social and fraternal orqanizations. i. Educational services (qroups 8211--8231 ). 2. Accessory uses. !\.ssessery uses anEl strustures that are accessory anEl insidental to the uses permitteEl as of right in the CF Elistrict. 3. Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the communitv facilitv district (CF). subiect to the standards and procedures established in Eli'/isien 2.7.4: section 10.08.00. a. Ancillary plants. b. Archery ranqes. c. Cemeteries. d. Communitv centers. e. Golf drivinq ranges. f. Group care facility ( cateqory II. care unit). subiect to section 2.e.2e. 5.05.04. q. Marinas and boat ramps. subject to section 5.03.06 and the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.05.02. h. Private clubs. vacht clubs. i. Public swimminq pools. i. Tennis facilities. 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development District 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts A. Corridor Management Overlay (CMO). ********** B. Mobile Home Overlay (MHO). ********** C. Airport Overlay (APO). 84 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ********** D. Special Treatment Overlay (ST). ********** E. Historic and Archaeological Sites ilil. ********** F. Golden Gate Parkwav Professional Office Commercial Overlav (GGPPOCO). 1. The provisions of the "GGPPOCO" district are intended to provide Golden Gate Citv with a viable professional office commercial district. The professional office commercial district has two (2) purposes. (1). to serye as a bonafide entry wav into Golden Gate Citv. (2). to provide a communitv focal point and sense of place. The uses permitted within this district are qenerallv low intensitv. office development which minimize vehicular traffic. provide suitable landscapinq. control inqress and eqress. and ensure compatibility with abutting residential districts. 2. These requlations applv to properties north and south of Golden Gate Parkwav. startinq at Santa Barbara Boulevard and extending eastward to 52nd Terrace S.W. in Golden Gate Citv as measured perpendicularlv from the abuttina riaht-of-wav for a distance of approximatelv 3.600 feet more or less and consisting of approximatelv 20.84 acres. These properties are identified on Map two (2) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided in this requlation. all other use. dimensional. and development requirements shall be as required in the underlvinq zoning cateqories. a. Permitted Uses. i. Accountinq. auditinq. and bookkeepinq services (group 8721). ii. Business seryices (qroups 7311. 7313. 7322-7331. 7335- 7338.7361.7371.7374-7376.7379. iii. Depository institutions (qroups 6021-6062). iv. Eating places (qrOUp 5812 except carry-out restaurants; contract feedinq: dinner theaters: drive-in and drive- throuqh restaurants; fast food restaurants, carry-out; restaurants. fast-food: submarine sandwich shops). v. Enqineerinq, architectural and suryeving seryices (qroups 8711-8713). vi. Health seryices (qroups 8011-8049). 85 I:\LDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2007\land Use Usts\BCC~Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 101112007 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. ~ Holdinq and other investment offices (qroups 6712-6799). Insurance carrier. aqents and brokers (qroups 6311-6399. 6411). Leqal seryices (qroup 8111 ). Manaqement and public relations seryices (qroups 8741- 8743, 8748). Membership orqanizations (qroups 8611. 8621 ). Museums and art qalleries (qroup 8412). Non-depository credit institutions (qroups 6141-6163). Personal services (qroups 7221. 7291 ). Public administration (qroups 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451.9511-9532.9611-9661). Real estate (qroups 6512-6514.6519.6531-6553). Research. development and testing services (qroup 8732). Securitv and commoditv brokers. dealers. exchanqes. and services (qroups 6211-6289). Transportation seryices (qroup 4724). Veterinary services (qroup 0742 excludinq outside kenneling). Anv other commercial use or professional seryice which is comparable in nature with the foreqoing uses. Accessorv Uses. i. Uses and structures that are accessery and incidental te the permitted uses. G. Immokalee Overlav. To create the Immokalee Overlav District with distinct subdistricts for the purpose of establishinq develoDment criteria suitable for the unique land use needs of the Immokalee Communitv. The boundaries of the Immokalee Overlav District are delineated on Map 1 below. [Map 1] 1. State Road 29 Commercial Overlay Subdistrict: [Map - SR29COSD] 86 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 2. Jefferson Avenue Commercial Overlay Subdistrict: [Map - JACOSD] 3. Farm Market Overlav Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified on Map 4: and further identified bv the desiqnation "FMOSD" on the applicable official Collier Countv Zoning Atlas Maps. The purpose of this desiqnation is to provide for wholesale and retail uses. outdoor allricultural product displavs and sales areas. truck parkinq. and packinq houses and associated uses. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide retail and wholesale opportunities for aqricultural businesses as well as provide truck parking for aqricultural sales but not within roadwavs and riqhts-of-wav. The development standards contained herein have been desiqned to enhance and encourage development and redevelopment. [Map - FMOSD] a. Permitted uses: All permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts. and the followinq uses. as identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987). are permitted as a riqht in this sub-district. i. Aqricultural Seryices (qroup 0723) ii. Wholesale Trade (group 5148) iii. Aqricultural Outdoor Sales iv. Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals (qroup 5171) and Petroleum and Petroleum Products Wholesalers. (qroup 5172 - qasoline: Buving in bulk and sellinq to farmers - wholesale onlv) provided: a) Separation requirements: There shall be a minimum distance of 500 linear feel. shor-test airline measurement, between the nearest points on anv lot or parcel of land containinq such proposed operations. and anv lot or parcel which is alreadv occupied bv such operation. of for which a building permit has been issued. b) Waiver of separation requirements: The board of zoninq appeals mav bv resolution qrant a waiver of part or all of the minimum separation requirements set forth above pursuant to section 2.€i.2!H. of this GaGa- section 10.08.00. c) Separation from residentiallv zoned lands: There shall be a minimum distance of 500 linear feet, 87 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 ~ 2007\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 shortest airline measurement, from all residentiallv zoned land. d) Maximum lot area: Two acres. b. Accessorv uses. i. Uses and structures that are assessory and inGidontal to the l'lermitteGl uses. c. Permitted subjeGt to the following I'lrevisions Outdoor displav and sale of merchandise: i. Outdoor sales of aqricultural products are permitted on improved or unimproved properties provided the applicant submits a site development plan which demonstrates that provisions will be made to adequatelv address the followinq: a) Vehicular and pedestrian traffic safetv measures. b) Parking for undeveloped properties will be calculated at a rate of 1/250 square feet of merchandise area. A maximum of 10 percent of the parkinq required bv division 2.d section 4.05.04 of this Code mav be occupied or otherwise rendered unusable bv the placement of temporary structures. equipment. signs. and merchandise. The minimum number of disabled parking spaced pursuant to di'Jision 2.3 section 4.05.07 shall be required. c) Limited hours of operation. d) Fencinq. lightinq. e) Fire protection measures. f) Sanitary facilities. g) The applicant shall provide a notarized letter from the propertv owner qrantinq permission to utilize the subject propertv for aqricultural outdoor sales. h) The placement of one siqn. a maximum of 32 square feet. or two such siqns for properties containinq more than one street frontaqe shall be permitted. i) Aqricultural products mav be sold from a vehicle provided that the vehicle is not located in the road riqht-of-wav. 88 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use list (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 i\ A minimum 5-foot landscape buffer shall be required adjacent to anv road riqhts-of-wav. 4. Aqribusiness Overlav Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified on Map 5: and further identified bv the desiqnation "AOSD" on the applicable official Collier Countv Zoninq Atlas Maps. The purpose of this desiqnation is to provide for wholesale uses and agricultural packinq houses and associated uses. The provisions of this subdistrict are intended to provide additional lands for aqricultural related businesses and expansion opportunities for existinq aqribusiness. The development standards contained herein have been desiqned to permit consistent land uses within the AOSD boundary. [Map - AOSD] a. Permitted uses: All permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts. and the followinq uses, as identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987). are permitted as a right in this sub-district. i. Aqricultural Services (group 0723) ii. Wholesale Trade (qroup 5148) b, Accessorv uses. i. Us~s and strustuFes that am assessory and insidental to the permitted uses. 5. Main Street Overlav Subdistrict: Special conditions for the properties identified in the Immokalee Area Master Plan: referenced on Map 7: and further identified bv the desiqnation "MSOSD" on the applicable official Collier Countv Zoninq Atlas Maps. The purpose of this desiqnation is to encouraqe development and redevelopment bv enhancing and beautifvinq the downtown Main Street area throuqh flexible desiqn and development standards. [Map - MSOSD] a. Permitted uses. For all properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. except for properties hatched as indicated on Map 7. the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. all permitted uses within the uses within the underlving zoninq districts contained within this Subdistrict. and the following uses mav be permitted as of riqht in this Subdistrict: i. Hotel and motels (qroup 7011) ii. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.9.:35. 5.05.09 of this Code subject to the followinq: 89 1:\LDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use lists\BCC.Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 a) Such tower is an essential seryice use as defined bv subsection 2.e.9.1. 2.01.03 A.4 of this Code: and b) Such tower mav not exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq anv antennas attached thereto. b. Permitted uses. For hatched properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. all permitted uses within the underlvinq zoninq districts contained within this Subdistrict. and the followinq uses are permitted as of right in this Subdistrict: i. All uses allowed in the Commercial Professional District (C-1). of this Code. except for group 7521. ii. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.e.J5. 5.05.09 of this Code subject to the followinq: a) Such tower is an essential seryice use as defined bv subsection 2.e.9.1. 2.01.03 A.4. of this Code: and b) Such tower mav not exceed a height of 75 feet above qrade includinq anv antennas attached thereto. c. Prohibited uses. All uses prohibited within the underlvinq residential and commercial zoning districts contained within this Subdistrict. and the followinq uses. shall be prohibited in the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict: 1. Automobile parking (group 7521) on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. ii. Automotive dealers (qroups 5511. 5521. 5531 installation. 5551. 5561. 5571. 5599) on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. iii. Gasoline seryice stations (qroup 5541) on all properties having frontaqe on Main Street and qasoline seryice stations (qroup 5541 with services and repairs as described in section 2.e.28 5.05.05) are on all properties havinq frontaqe on North First Street and South First Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. iv. Primary uses such as convenience stores and qrocery stores are prohibited from seryicinq and repairing vehicles 90 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 in conjunction with the sale of gasoline. on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. v. Automotive repair. seryices. parkinq (qroups 7514. 7515. 7521) and carwashes (qroup 7542) on all properties havinq frontaqe on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. vi. Radio and television repair shops (qroup 7622 automotive) is prohibited on all properties having frontage on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. vii. Outdoor storaqe vards and outdoor storaqe are prohibited within anv front. side or rear vard on all properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. viii. Drive-throuqh areas shall be prohibited on all properties having frontage on Main Street. North First Street. South First Street and North 9th Street within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. ix. Warehousinq (qroup 4225). x. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.6.35. 5.05.09 of this Code, except as otherwise permitted in this Subdistrict. xi. Anv other heavv commercial use which is comparable in nature with the forgoing uses and is deemed inconsistent with the intent of this Subdistrict shall be prohibited. d. Accessory uses. i. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the permitted uses as of riqht in the underlving zoninq districts contained within this subdistrict and are not otherwise prohibited bv this subdistrict. ii. Communication towers. as defined in section 2.€l.35. 5.05.09 of this Code subject to the followinq: a) Such tower is an essential seryice use as defined bv subsection 2.€l.Q.1. 2.01.03 A.4. of this Code: and 91 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 b) Such tower mav not exceed a heiqht of 75 feet above qrade includinq anv antennas attached thereto. e. Conditional uses. i. Conditional uses of the underlvinq zoning districts contained within the subdistrict. subiect to the standards and procedures established in section ~ 10.08.00 and as set forth below: a) Local and suburban passenqer transportation (qroups 4131. 4173) located upon commerciallv zoned properties within the Main Street Overlav Subdistrict. b) Communication towers. as defined in section 2.6.35. 5.05.09 of this Code for essential seryice uses as defined bv subsection 2.6.Q.1. 2.01.03 A.4. of this Code that exceed a height of 75 feet above qrade includinq anv antennas attached thereto. f. Outdoor displav and sale of merchandise. i. Outdoor displav and sale of merchandise. within the front and side vards on improved properties. are permitted subiect to the followinq provisions: a) The outdoor displav/sale of merchandise is limited to the sale of comparable merchandise sold on the premises and is indicated on the proprietors' occupational license. b) The outdoor displav/sale of merchandise is permitted on improved commerciallv zoned properties and is subiect to the submission of a site development plan that demonstrates that provisions will be made to adequatelv address the followinq: i) Vehicular and pedestrian traffic safetv measures. ii) Location of sale/displav of merchandise in relation to parkinq areas. iii) Fire protection measures. iv) Limited hours of operation from dawn until dusk. 92 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ii. Outdoor displav and sale of merchandise within the sidewalk area onlv shall be permitted in conjunction with "Main Street" approved vendor carts. provided the applicant submits a site development plan which demonstrates that provisions will be made to adequatelv address the followinq: a) Location of sale/displav of merchandise in relation to road riqhts-of-wav; b) Vendor carts are located on sidewalks that afford the applicant a five foot clearance for non- obstructed pedestrian traffic; and c) Limited hours of operation from dawn until dusk. 6. Nonconforming Mobile Home Park Overlay Subdistrict. ********** H. Santa Barbara Commercial Overlav District (SBCO). Special conditions for properties abuttina the ease side of Santa Barbara Boulevard. as referenced in the Santa Barbara Commercial Subdistrict (Map 7) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. This is referenced as figure 2.03.07 H. below. [Map 7 - SBCSD] 1. The purpose and intent of this district is to provide Golden Gate Citv with additional opportunities for small scale commercial develoDment to serve the surroundinq neiqhborhoods and those travelinq nearbv. This district is intended to: contain low intensitv uses which qenerate/attract relativelv low traffic volumes; be appropriatelv landscaped and buffered to protect nearbv residential areas; be architecturallv designed so as to be compatible with nearbv residential areas: and limit access to promote public safetv and lessen interruptions to traffic flow on Santa Barbara Boulevard 2. Aggregation of lots is stronqlv encouraged so as to allow qreater flexibilitv in site design and ease compliance with parkinq requirements and other develoDment standards. 3. in order to reduce the potential conflicts that mav result from residential and commercial uses beinq located in this district. existing residential uses. other that owner-occupied dwellinas. are required to cease to exist within a specified time period. This does not require the removal of the residential structures if thev can be, and are. converted to uses permitted in this district. 4. These requlations applv to properties abuttina the east side of Santa Barbara Boulevard. Ivinq north of 27th Court S.W. and south of 22nd Place 93 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 S.W.. all in Golden Gate Citv. and consistinq of approximatelv eleven (11) acres. These properties are identified on Map 7 of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided in this requlation. all other use. dimensional. and develooment requirements shall be as required or allowed in the underlving zoninq cateqories. 5. Sidewalks. Projects shall provide sidewalks so as to encouraqe pedestrian and bicvcle traffic. Adiacent projects shall coordinate the location and intersection of sidewalks. 6. Permitted uses. a. Accountinq. auditinq and bookkeepinq seryices (8721). b. Amusement and recreation seryices (qroups 7911. 7991. 7999 bicvcle and moped rental onlv) c. Apparel and accessory stores (qroups 5611-5699). d. Auto and home supplv stores (group 5531). e. Barber shops (group 7241 ). f. Beautv shops (group 7231). g. Business Seryices (qroups 7311. 7313. 7322-7338. 7361- 7379. 7384). h. Child dav care seryices (qroup 8351). i. Depository institutions (qroups 6011-6099). j. Eatinq places (qroup 5812 except contract feedinq. dinner theaters. food service (institutional). industrial feedinq. k. Educational services. I. Food stores (groups 5411 except supermarkets. 5421- 5499). m. Funeral service and crematories (qroup 7261). n. General merchandise stores (qroups 5311-5399). o. Grouo care facilities (catellorv I and II. except for homeless shelters); care units. except for homeless shelters: nursinq homes: assisted livinq facilities pursuant to F.S. & 400.402 and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to F.S. & 651 and ch. 4-193 FAC.; all subject to section 2.9.29. 5.05.04. 94 1:\LDC-.Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07).Final.doc 10/1/2007 p. Hardware stores (qroup 5251 ). q. Offices for enqineerinq. architectural. and suryevinq seryices (groups 0781. 8711-8713). r. Health seryices (groups 8011-8049.8082). s. Home furniture. furnishinq and equipment stores (qroups 5713-5719, 5731-5736). t. Individual and familv social services (8322 activitv centers, elderlv or handicapped; adult dav care centers: and. dav care centers. adult and handicapped onlv). u. Insurance carriers. aqents and brokers (qroups 6311-6399. 6411). v. Leqal services (qroup 8111 ). w. Manaqement and public relations services (qroups 8741- 8743.8748) x. Membership orqanizations (8611-8699). y. Miscellaneous repair seryices. except aircraft. business and office machines. larqe appliances. and white goods such as refriqerators and washinq machines (qroups 7629-7631). z. Miscellaneous retail seryices (qroups 5912. 5942-5961. 5992- 5999). aa. Museums and art qalleries (group 8412). bb. Non-depository credit institutions (qroups 6111-6163). cc. Paint. glass and wallpaper stores (group 5231 ). dd. Personal seryices (qroups 7212. 7215. 7221-7251, 7291). ee. Photoqraphic studios (group 7221). ff. Public administration (qroups 9111-9199. 9229, 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532,9611-9661). gg. Real estate (qroups 6521-6541). hh. Retail nurseries. lawn and qarden supplv stores (qroup 5261). ii. Securitv and commoditv brokers. dealer. exchanqes and seryices (groups 6211-6289). 95 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Usts\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 jj. Shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors (qroup 7251 ). kk. Social seryices. not elsewhere classified (qroup 8399). II. United State Postal Seryice (group 4311 except maior distribution center. mm. Veterinary seryices (qroups 0742 veterinarian's office onlv. 0752 dog qrooming and pediqree record seryices onlv. all excludinq outdoor kenneling.) nn. Videotape rental (qroup 7841). 7. Prohibited uses. a. Gasoline seryice stations (group 5541). I. Bayshore Drive Mixed Use Overlay District. ********** J. Goodland Zoninq Overlav (GZO). To create desiqn guidelines and development standards that will assure the orderlv and appropriate development in the unincorporated area generallv known as Goodland. The Goodland Zoninq Overlav district (GZO) is intended to provide requlation and direction under which the growth and development of Goodland can occur with assurance that the tropical fishing village and small town environment of Goodland is protected and preserved, and that development and/or redevelopment reflect the unique residential and commercial characteristics of the communitv. The boundaries of the Goodland Zoning Overlav district are delineated on Map 1 below. 1. Permitted uses. The followinq uses are permitted as of right in this Subdistrict. a. clam nursery, subject to the following restrictions: i. A "clam nursery" is defined as the growing of clams on a "raceway" or "flow-through saltwater system" on the shore of a lot until the clam reaches a size of approximately one- half inch. ii. For the purposes of this section, a "raceway" or "flow- through saltwater system" is defined as a piece of plywood or similar material fashioned as a table-like flow through system designed to facilitate the growth of clams. III. At no time may a nursery owner operate a raceway or raceways that exceed a total of 800 square feet of surface area. 96 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 iv. The nursery must meet the requirements of a "minimal impact aquaculture facility" as defined by the Department of Agriculture. v. The nursery must not be operated on a vacant lot, unless both of the following are met: a) The vacant lot is owned by the same individual who owns a lot with a residence or habitable structure immediately adjacent to the vacant lot; and b) The vacant lot must not be leased to another individual for purposes of operating a clam farm within the RSF-4 and VR zoning districts. vi. At no time will a nursery owner be allowed to feed the clams, as the clams will be sustained from nutrients occurring naturally in the water vii. Only the property owner or individual in control of the property will be allowed to operate a raceway on the shore of his property within the VR and RSF-4 zoning districts. In other words, a landowner must not lease his property to another individual to use for purposes of operating a clam nursery. viii. Any pump or filtration system used in conjunction with the nursery must meet all applicable County noise ordinances and must not be more obtrusive than the average system used for non-commercial pool or shrimp tank. 2. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in this subdistrict: Reseryed. 3. ParkinG/storaGe of maior recreational eGuioment. oersonal vehicles, and certain commercial vehicles. a. Within the VR and RSF-4 zoning districts. except for specificallv desiqnated travel trailer subdivisions. boats. trailers. recreational vehicles and other recreational equipment mav be stored in anv vard subiect to the followinq conditions. i. Recreational equipment must not be used for living, sleepinq. or housekeepinq purposes when parked or stored. 97 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ii. Recreational vehicles or equipment must no exceed 35 feet in lenqth. iii. Recreational vehicles or equipment must not be parked. stored or encroach in anv countv rillht-of-wav easement. iv. Recreational vehicles or equipment that exceed 35 feet in lenqth will be subiect to the provisions of secion 5.03.06 of his Code. b. Personal vehicles mav be parked in the drainaqe swales in the VR and RSF-4 zoninq districts subiect to the followinq restrictions. i. No vehicle shall block or impede traffic. c. Commercial vehicles 35 feet in length or less will be allowed to park at the owner's home and in the drainaqe swale subiect to the followinq conditions: i. No vehicle shall block or impede traffic: ii. Drainage must not be blocked or impeded in anv wav as a result of the parkinq in swales: iii. Parkinq will on Iv be permitted in drivewavs and not in vard areas; and iv. No more that two commercial vehicles mav be parked at one residence/site. unless one or more of the vehicles is enqaqed in a construction or service operation on the residence/site where it is parked. The vehicle engaged in this seryice must be removed as soon as the construction or service is completed. For purposes of this subsection onlv. a commercial vehicle is defined as a van. pickup truck. or passenqer car used for commercial purposes and licensed bv the Department of Transportation. A vehicle is not considered a commercial vehicle merelv bv the displav of a business name or other insignia. No other commercial vehicle. such as dump trucks, cement trucks. forklifts or other equipment used in the construction industry will be allowed to park at a residence or site overniqht unless specificallv approved bv the Countv Manager or his desiqnee. 4. StoraCle sheds. Parcels located off of Bavshore Qffi;e Way are allowed to retain anv sheds that were constructed prior to October 17. 2003. Storaqe sheds for fishinq and boat equipment on the boat dock parcels off of Bavshore Qffi;e Wav constructed after October 17. 2003 are permissible if thev complv with the followinq requirements: a. The appropriate building penmit must be obtained. 98 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use list (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 b. Bavshore Qfi.ve Way setback: ten feet. c. Waterfront setback: ten feet. d. Side yard setback: 0 feet. e. Maximum size of shed: 144 square feet. 5. Sian requirements. All siems existinq as of October 17. 2003 in Goodland are exempt from the requirements of the Collier County sicm ordinance (section 5.06.00) for five years from October 17. 2003 or until the sign is destroyed. whichever comes first. Anv signs constructed after October 17. 2003 must strictlv complv with section 5.06.00. SiCln maintenance is limited to paintinq existinq signs. All other maintenance or repairs will void the exemption and require the owner to construct a siCln that strictlv adheres to section 5.06.00 in the event that the owner wishes to have a siCln. K. Activitv Center #9 Overlav. * * * * * * * * * * L. Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlav Zoninq District (VBRTO). 1. Purpose and intent. The purpose and the intent of this district is to encouraqe development and redevelopment of the Vanderbilt beach area to be sensitive to the scale. compatibility and sense of place that exists in the Vanderbilt Beach area. This district is intended to: establish development standards which will protect view corridors. liqht and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Laqoon and prevent the creation of a canvon-Iike effect on each side of the narrow Gulfshore Drive. 2. Applicabilitv. These requlations shall applv to the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlav District as identifiedon the VBRTO Map VBRTO-1 and further identified bv the desiqnation "VBRTO" on the applicable official Collier County zoninq atlas maps. Except as provided in this section of the code. al other uses. dimensional and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the applicable underlvinq zoninq district. 3. Geoqraphic boundaries: The boundaries of the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlav District are delineated on Map VBRTO-1 below. [Map VBRTO-1] 4. Fiqures. The fiqures (1-4) used in this section are solelv intended to provide a qraphic example of conditions that will protect view corridors. 99 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-FinaJ.doc 10/1/2007 liqht and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Laqoon and not as requirements for the stvle of specific proiects. Variations from these fiqures. which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this section. are permitted. The Community Character Plan For Collier County. Florida (April 2001) should be referenced as a quide for future development and redevelopment in the overlav district. 5. Development criteria. The followinq standards shall applv to all uses in this overlav district. a. Permitted uses. i. Hotels and Motels. ii. Multi-familv dwellings. iii. Familv care facilities. subiect to section 5.05.04. iv. Timeshare facilities. b. Accessory uses. i. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to the uses permitted as of riqht in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Overlav District (VBRTO). ii. Shops. personal service establishments. eatinq and drinkinq establishments. dancinq and staqed entertainment facilities. and meetinq rooms and auditoriums where such uses are an inteqral part of a hotel or motel and to be used bv the patrons of the hotel/motel. iii. Private docks and boathouses. subiect to sections 5.03.06 and 5.05.02. iv. Recreational facilities that serve as an inteqral part of the permitted use desiqnated on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat that has been previouslv reviewed and approved which may include. but are not limited to: qolf course clubhouse. community center buildinCl and tennis facilities. parks. plavqrounds and plavfields. c. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlav District (VBRTO). subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00: i. Churches and other places or worship. ii. Marinas. subiect to section 5.05.02. 100 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 iii. Noncommercial boat launchinq facilities. subject to the applicable review criteria set forth in section 5.03.06. iy. Group care facilities (cateClorv I and Ill: care units: nursinq homes: assisted liying facilities pursuant to l;; 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 FAC.: and continuinq care retirement communities pursuant to l;; 651 F.S. and ch. 4- 193 FAC.: all subiect to section 5.05.04. v. Private cI u bs. vi. Yacht clubs. 6. Dimensional standards. The followinq dimensional standards shall apply to all permitted. accessory. and conditional uses in the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Oyerlay District (VBRTO). a. Minimum lot area. One contiquous acre. not bisected by a public right-of-way. b. Minimum lot width. 150 feet. c. Minimum yard requirements. i. Front vard: one-half the buildinCl heiqht with a minimum of 30 feet. ii. Side yards: one-half the buildinCl height with a minimum of 15 feet. iii. Rear yard: one-half the building heiqht with a minimum of 30 feet. d. Maximum heiqht: 75 feet. The height of the building will be measured accordinq to the stamlan::ls definitions in section 1.08.02 of the Code: building, actual heiClht of and building, zoned heiClht of. e. Maximum density Dermitted. A maximum of 26 units per acre for hotels and motels. and 16 units per acre for timeshares. multifamily. family care facilities. f. Distance between structures. The minimum horizontal distance separation between any two principal buildinCls on the same Darcel of land may not be less than a distance equal to 15 feet or one-half of the sum of their heights. whichever is greater. For accessory buildings and structures dimensional criteria. see section 4.02.01. g. Floor area requirements. 101 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 20Q7\Land Use lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 Ol)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 i. Three hundred (300) square foot minimum with a five hundred (500) square foot maximum for hotels and motels. except that twenty percent (20%) of the total units may exceed the maximum. ii. Timeshare/multi-family minimum area: efficiency (450 square feet). one bedroom (600 square feet). And two or more bedrooms (750 square feet). h. Maximum lot area coveraqe. (Reserved.) 7. Preservation of view corridors. liqht and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Laqoon. a. Fiqures 1-4. while not requirements. depict desired buildinq relationships and view plane/anqle of vision examples. Fiqures used in this section are solely intended to provide a graphic example of conditions that will protect view corridors. liqht and air movements between the Gulf of Mexico and the Vanderbilt Laqoon and not as requirements for the style of specific proiects. Variations from these fiqures. which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this section. are permitted. 8. Off-street parkinq and off-street loadinq. As required in Chapter 4 of this Code. 9. Landscapinq requirements. As required in Chapter 4 of this Code. 10. SiClns. As required in section 5.06.00 of this Code. 11. Coastal Construction Setback Lines (CCSLl. As required in subsection 10.02.06 H. of this Code. 12. Post-disaster Recoyery And Reconstruction Management. As required in the Code of Laws of Collier County. 13. Vested Riqhts. All proiects within the overlay District for which completed applications for rezoninq. conditional use. variance. subdivision. site development plan or plat approyal were filed with or approved by Collier County prior to the adoption date of the moratorium January 9. 2002. and subsequent amendments to LDC (moratorium provisions have expired). shall be subiect to the zoninq requlations for this Residential Tourist Zoning District in effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete or at the time the application was approved and or not subiect to the Vanderbilt Beach Residential Tourist Overlay regulations. For purposes of this provision. the term "completed application" shall mean any application which has been deemed sufficient by planninq services staff and has been assiqned an application request number. [Figure - 1] 102 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2QQ7\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 Ol)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 [Figure - 2] [Figure - 3] [Figure - 4] M. Restricted Parkinq (RP) Overlav District: restrictinq the parkinq of commercial and maior recreational equipment. 1< * 1< * 1< * * * * * N. Gatewav Triangle Mixed Use Overlav District. ********** O. Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO). Special conditions for properties in the vicinity of Golden Gate Parkway in Golden Gate City, as identified on the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict Map of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and as contained herein. 1. Purpose and intont. The purpose and intent of this overlay district is to encourage development herein in order to improve the physical appearance of the area and create a viable downtown district for the residents of Golden Gate City and Golden Gate Estates. Emphasis shall be placed on the creation of pedestrian-oriented areas. such as outdoor dining areas and pocket parks. which do not impede the flow of traffic along Golden Gate Parkway. Also. emphasis shall be placed on the construction of mixed-use buildings. Residential dwelling units constructed in this overlay district are intended to promote resident- business ownership. The provisions of this overlay district are intended to ensure harmonious development of commercial and mixed-use buildings at a pedestrian scale that is compatible with residential development within and outside of the overlay district. 2. Aggregation of properties. This overlay district encourages the aggregation of properties in order to promote flexibility in site design. The types of uses permitted within this overlay district are low intensity retail, office. personal services, institutional. and residential. Non-residential development is intended to serve the needs of residents within the overlay district, surrounding neighborhoods, and passersby. 3. Applicability. These regulations apply to properties in Golden Gate City lying north of Golden Gate Parkway, generally bounded by 23,d Avenue SW and 23,d Place SW to the north, 45th Street SW to the west, and 41st Street SW and Collier Boulevard to the east. South of Golden Gate Parkway, these regulations apply to properties bounded by 25th Avenue SW to the south. 47'h Street SW to the west. and 44th Street SW to the east. These properties are more precisely identified on Map 17, "Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict" of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and as depicted on the applicable official zoning atlas maps. 103 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC~Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 Except as provided in this regulation. section and section 4.02.26, all other use. dimensional and development requirements shall be as required or allowed in the underlying zoning districts. 4. Permitted uses. Permittea uses within the GGDCCO induae the uses listed below and those uses iaentified in Chapter 2, Table 1. "Permissible Lana Uses in Each ZoninQ District". a. Residential uses: as permitted by right in the existing residential zoning districts. except as otherwise prohibited by this overlay, when: 1. In a mixea use buildinQ. 1. In an existing owner occupied structure 2. In an existing non-owner occupied structure, until such time as cessation is required by subsection 4.02.37 1. of this Code. b. Residential within a mixed use buildina c. Commercial uses: 1. Accountinq services (8721) 2. Adiustment and collection services (7322). 3. Advertisinq Aqencies (7311 ). 4. Apparel & accessory stores (5611-5699). 5. Architectural services (8712). limited to 5.000 square feet per floor. 6. Auto and home supplv stores (5531). 7. Barber shops (7241 ). 8. Beautv shops (7231) 9. Buildinq c1eaninq and maintenance services (7349). 10. Business associations (8611). 11. Business consultinq services (8748). 12. Business services - miscellaneous (7397). 13. Business repair service. 104 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 20Q7\Land Use Lists\8CC-Zoning Land Use list (101107).Final.doc 10/1/2007 14. Carpet and upholstery c1eaninq (7217). 15. Commercial art and qraphic desiqn (7336). 16. Commercial photoqraphy (7335). 17. Computer proqramminq, data processinq, rental. leasinq, repair and other services (7371 - 7379) 18. Computer and computer software stores (5734). 19. Credit reportinq services (7323). 20. Department stores (5311 ). 21. Direct mail advertisinq services (7331). 22. Disinfectinq and pest control services (7342). 23. Druq stores (5912), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 24. Eatinq establishments and places (5812 except commercial use employinq drive-up, drive-in, or drive- throuqh deliyery of qoods and/or services). 25. Electrical and electronic repair shop (7629). 26. Employment agencies (7361). 27. Enqineerinq services (8711), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 28. Equipment rental and leasing (7359), not includinq heavy construction equipment. 29 Essential services, see sec. 2.01.03: except that law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services uses are limited to administrative offices only. 30. Food stores (qroups 5411-5499). 31. Funeral service and crematories (7261). 32. General merchandise stores (5331-5399). 33. Glass stores (5231). 34. Hardware stores (5251). 35. Health services, offices and clinics (8011-8049). 105 1:ILDC_AmendmentsILDC Cycle 1 - 20071Land Use ListslBCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 36. Home furniture and furnishinq stores (5712-5719). 37. Home health care services (8082). 38. Household appliance stores (5722). 39. Insurance carriers, aqents and brokers (6311-6399, 6411). 40. Labor unions (8631) 41. Landscape architects, consulting and planninq (0781), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 42. Large Appliance Repair Service (7623). 43. Laundry and drycleaners aqents, garment pressinq, linen supply, c1eaninq services (7212, 7213, 7219): no coin operated laundries or drycleaners. 44. Leqal services (8111). 45. Libraries (8231). 46. Manaqement services (8741, 8742). 47. Medical equipment rental and leasinq (7352) 48. Membership orqanizations - miscellaneous (8699). 49. Museums and art qalleries (8412). 50. Musical instrument stores (5736). 51. Outdoor advertising services (7312). 52. Paint stores (5231). 53. Parks, public or private: limited to pocket parks only, qenerally described as a small area accessible to the qeneral public that often includes plantinqs, fountains, seatinq areas, and other similar passive open space features. 54. Personal services - miscellaneous (7299, babysittinq bureaus, c10thinq and costume rental, datinq service, depilatory salons, diet workshops, dress suit rental. electrolysis, qenealogical investiqation service and hair removal only). 55. Personnel supply services (7363, except labor pools). 106 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 56 Photocopyinq and dUDlicatinq services (7334). 57. Photofinishinq laboratories (7384). 58. Photoqraphic studios, portrait (7221 ). 59. Physical fitness facilities (7991 ). 60. Political orqanizations (8651). 61. Professional membership orqanizations (8621). 62. Public relations services (8743). 63. Radio, television and consumer electronics stores (5731). 64. Radio, television and representatives (7313). publishers advertisinq 65. Record and prerecorded tape stores (5735). 66. Real estate (6512, 6531, 6541). 67. Retail - miscellaneous (5921 - 5963 and 5992 - 5999, excludinq liquor stores, pawn shops, retail firearm and ammunition sales), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 68. Retail nurseries, lawn and qarden supply stores (5261). 69. Schools - vocational (8243-8299). 70. Secretarial and court reporting services (7338). 71. Security and commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges, and services (6211-6289). 72. Shoe repair shops or shoeshine parlors (7251 ). 73. Surveying services (8713), limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. 74. Tax return preparation services (7291). 75. United States Postal Service (4311, except maior distribution center). 76. Videotape Rental (7841), limited to 1,800 square feet of qross floor area. 77. Wallpaper stores (5231). 107 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 78. Watch, clock and iewelry repair (7631). 5. Accessorv uses. Accessory uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below. a. Caretaker's residence, accessory to commercial and mixed use proiects only. b. Enamelinq, paintinq, or plating, accessory to an artist's studio or craft studio only. c. Play areas and playqrounds. d. Recreational facilities. 6. Conditional uses. Conditional uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below, subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00 ans those uses identifies in section 2.04.03 of this Cose: Table 2 "Land Usos that may be Allowable in Each Zoning District as Accessory Usos or Censitional Us~s". a. Auctioneerinq Services, auction rooms and houses (5999, 7389): limited to 5,000 square feet per floor. b. Community centers. c. Dance studios, schools, and halls (7911 ). d. Food stores (5411-5499), over 5,000 square feet. e. Motion picture theaters (7832). f. Outdoor dininq areas, not directly abuttinq the Golden Gate Parkway riqht-of-way. 7. Prohibited uses Prohibited uses within the GGDCCO include the uses listed below: ans those uses, prohibites, by omission, in soction 2.04.03 of this Code: Table 1. "Permissible Lans Uses in Each Zoning District" above. a. New residential-only structures b. Any commercial use employing drive-up, drive-in or driye-throuqh delivery of qoods or services. c. Sexually oriented businesses (Code of Laws, 26-151 et sea.). 2.03.08 Rural FrinCle ZoninCl 108 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1. 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use list (101107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 ********** 2.03.09 aDen SDace Zonin!l A. Golf Course District (GC) PIJieeSe ami il'ltcml. The purpose and intent of "GC" district is to provide lands for qolf courses and normal accessory uses to qolf courses, including certain uses of a commercial nature. The GC district shall be in accordance with the urban mixed use district and the aqricultural rural district of the future land use element of the Collier County GMP. 1. Permitted uses. a. Golf courses. 2. Accessorv uses. a Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of right in the GC Elistricl. a. Recreational facilities that serve as an integral part of the permitted use, including but not limited to clubhouse, community center buildinCl, practice drivinq ranqe, shuffleboard courts, swimminq pools and tennis facilities. snack shops and restrooms. b. Pro shops with equipment sales UP to 1.000 square feet in size: restaurants with a seatinq capacity of 150 seats or less and shall serve patrons no later than 10:00 p.m. c. A maximum of two residential dwellinas units for use by golf course employees in coniunction with the operation of the golf course. 3. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permissible as conditional uses in the GC district. subiect to the standards and provisions established in Eli',ision 2.7.1. section 10.08.00. a. Commercial establishments oriented to the permitted uses of the district including qift shops: pro shops with equipment sales in excess of 1,000 square feet: restaurants with seating capacity of greater than 150 seats: cocktail lounqes. and similar uses, primarily intended to serve patrons of the qolf course. B, Conservation District (CON) PIJifJeSe 31'1fi fRtel'll. The purpose and intent of the conservation district "CON" is to conserve, protect and maintain vital natural resource lands within unincorporated Collier County that are owned primarily by the public. All native habitats Dossess ecological and physical characteristics that iustify attempts to maintain these important natural resources. Barrier islands, coastal bays, wetlands, and habitat for listed species deserve particular attention because of their ecological value and their sensitivity to perturbation. All proposals for development 109 l:\lDC_Amendments\lDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 in the CON district must be subiect to riqorous review to ensure that the impacts of the development do not destroy or unacceptably deqrade the inherent functional values. The CON District includes such public lands as Everglades National Park. Biq Cypress National Preserve, Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, portions of the Biq Cypress Area of Critical State Concern, Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve. Collier- Seminole State Park, Rookery Bay National Estuarine Sanctuary Research Reserve, Delnor-Wiqqins State Park, and the National Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary (privately owned), and C.REW. It is the intent of the CON District to require review of all development proposed within the CON District to ensure that the inherent value of the County's natural resources is not destroyed or unacceptably altered. The CON District corresponds to and implements the conservation land use desiqnation on the future land use map of the Collier County GMP. 1. Allowable uses. The followinq uses are allowed in the CON District a. Uses permitted as of riqht. i. On privately held land only, simIle family dwellinCl units, and mobile homes where the Mobile Home Zoning Overlay exists. ii. On publicly and priyately held lands only, dormitories, duplexes and other types of housinq, as may be incidental to, and in support of, conservation uses. iii. Passive parks, and other passive recreational uses, including, but not limited to: a) Open SDace and recreational uses: b) Bikinq, hiking, canoeinq, and nature trails: c) Equestrian paths: and d) Nature preserves and wildlife sanctuaries. iv. Habitat preservation and conservation uses. v. Family Care Facilities and Group Care Facilities. vi. Sporting and Recreational camps incidental to conservation uses on public lands: or, on privately held lands. vii. AClricultural uses that fall within the scope of Sections 163.3162(4) and 823.14(6) Florida Statutes. 110 1:ILDC_AmendmentsILDC Cycle 1 - 20071Land Use ListslBCC-Zoning Land Use List (1 01107)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 viii. Oil and lias exploration subiect to applicable state drillinq permits and Collier County non- environmental site development plan review procedures. Directional-drillinq and/or previously cleared or disturbed areas shall be utilized in order to minimize impacts to native habitats, where determined to be practicable. This requirement shall be deemed satisfied upon issuance of a state permit in compliance with the criteria established is Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, FAC., as such rules existed on June 16, 2005, reqardless of whether the activity occurs within the Biq Cypress Watershed, as defined in Rule 62C-30.00H2), FAC. All applicable Collier County enYironmental permittinq requirements shall be considered satisfied by evidence of the issuance of all applicable federal and/or state oil and qas permits for proposed oil and qas activities in Collier County, so lonq as the state permits comply with the requirements of Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, FAC. For those areas of Collier County outside the boundaey of the Biq Cypress Watershed, the aDPlicant shall be responsible for conveninq the Biq Cypress Swamp Advisory Committee as set forth in Section 377.42, F.S.. to assure compliance with Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, even if outside the defined Biq Cypress Watershed. All oil and qas access roads shall be constructed and protected from unauthorized uses accordinq to the standards established in Rule 62C-30.005(2)(a)(1) throuqh (12), FAC. ix. The following essential services: a) Private wells and septic tanks necessary to serve uses identified in 1 throuqh 8 above. b) Utility lines necessary to serve uses identified in 1 throuqh 8 above, with exception of sewer lines. c) Sewer lines and lift stations if all of the followinq criteria are satisfied: i) Such sewer lines or lift stations shall not be located in any NRPA Lands in the CON District; ij) Such sewer lines or lift stations shall be located within already cleared 111 I:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 portions of existing riqhts-of-way or easements: and iii) Such sewer lines or lift stations are necessary to serve a central sewer system that provides service to Urban Areas: or to the Rural Transition Water and Sewer District, as delineated on the Urban-Rural Frinqe Transition Zone Overlay Map in the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. d) Water pumpinq stations necessary to service a central water system providinq service to Urban Areas: or the Rural Transition Water and Sewer District. as delineated on the Urban-Rural Frinqe Transition Zone Overlay Map in the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. b. Accessorv uses. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of riqht in the CON district. c. Conditional uses. The followinq uses are permitted as conditional uses in the CON, subiect to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00 and further subiect to: 1) submission of a plan for develoDment as part of the required EIS that demonstrates that wetlands, listed species and their habitat are adequately protected: and 2) conditions which may be imposed by the Board of County Commissioners, as deemed appropriate, to limit the size, location, and access to the conditional use. i. Oil and qas field deyeloDment and production, subiect to federal and state field development permits and Collier County non-environmental site development plan review procedures. Directional- drilling and/or previously cleared or disturbed areas shall be utilized in order to minimize impacts to native habitats, where determined to be practicable. This requirement shall be deemed satisfied upon issuance of a state permit in compliance with the criteria established is Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C- 30, FAC.. as such rules existed on June 16, 2005. reqardless of whether the activity occurs within the Big Cypress Watershed, as defined in Rule 62C- 30.001 (2), FAC. All applicable Collier County environmental permitting requirements shall be considered satisfied by evidence of the issuance of 112 1:\LOC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107)-FinaJ.doc 10/1/2007 all applicable federal and/or state oil and qas permits for proposed oil and qas activities in Collier County, so lonq as the state permits comply with the requirements of Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C- 30, FAC. For those areas of Collier County outside the boundary of the Big Cypress Watershed, the applicant shall be responsible for conyeninq the Biq Cypress Swamp Adyisory Committee as set forth in Section 377.42, F.S.. to assure compliance with Chapter 62C-25 throuqh 62C-30, even if outside the defined Biq Cypress Watershed. All oil and qas access roads shall be constructed and protected from unauthorized uses accordinq to the standards established in Rule 62C-30.005(2)(a)(1) throuqh (12), FAC. ii. Those essential services set forth in subsection 2.01.03 G.2. iii. Commercial uses accessory to permitted uses B. 1.a. iii.. iv., and vii. above, such as retail sales of produce accessory to farminq, or a restaurant accessory to a park or preserve, so lonq as limitations are imposed to ensure that the commercial use functions as a subordinate use. iv. Staff housinq in coniunction with safety service facilities and essential services. 113 1:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2007\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (1011 07)-Final.doc 10/1/2007 This page intentionally left blank. 114 l:\LDC_Amendments\LDC Cycle 1 - 2Q07\Land Use Lists\BCC-Zoning Land Use List (101107}-Final.doc 10/1/2007