2022/2023 Lobbyist: C Audubon of the Western Everglades Name: Bradley Cornell E-Mail: bcornell@audubonwe.org Date Received Details 9/8/2021 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2022 1/3/2022 Update - Jan 7/5/2022 Update - July 11/4/2022 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2023 Lobbyist: C Audubon of the Western Everglades Name: Bradley Cornell E-Mail: bcornell@audubonwe.org Date Received Details 9/28/2010 Registration Renewal - Exp. 9/2011 10/30/2012 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2013 10/18/2013 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2014 11/4/2014 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2015 4/22/2015 Update - Jan 7/7/2015 Update - April 10/6/2015 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2016 2/3/2016 Update - Jan 4/6/2016 Update - April 7/6/2016 Update - July 12/2/2016 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2017 1/4/2017 Update - Jan 9/22/2017 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2018 3/26/2018 Update - Jan 3/26/2018 Update - April 7/11/2018 Update - July 11/13/2018 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2019 1/2/2019 Update - Jan 4/2/2019 Update - April 7/11/2019 Update - July 10/21/2019 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2020 1/2/2020 Update - Jan 3/31/2020 Update - April 7/20/2020 Update - July 11/16/2020 Registration Renewal - Exp. 09/2021 1/6/2021 Update - Jan 3/26/2021 Update - April 7/8/2021 Update - July Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires a_va_, 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's rice only) Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4'1' Floor Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name a r4 ley 7 Co✓ne-(l Date 11/3 (.2--A._ Business Name Business Address SSG / 4"` ri? `'' ` City /ti/a r'62-S State FL Zip Code 3 44 1 ° r Business Telephone a 31 '1 S' -6 z 7 Y Contact Person J/F Lobbyist E-mail b c a ;r, e (t 0 1 v Li c kt W L- , v Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Please make payment(s) to: Collier Clerk of Court. (Mail to the address listed at the top of the form) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name J4u dvlocnn (,4Jcil'e- .-ve'r, i ,- 2. Name As) ctvtar,n Fit frota.(Cd4- kScr' " S 'Fw.10 Sam4-v0..-2 Address P. 0, 1- 1 r7 3 Fs" Address 3 7 Sa "-c'1.' a"-) )20( City/State /V«(,i° i ) FL Zip 3 `//c C' City/State Aki jt'1 , FL Zip 3 "/!Lo 3. Name 4. Name Address Address City/State Zip City/State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida �; County of Collier 'Dr • ' e e ..e Lobbyist Signatures This registration was sworn (or affirmed and subscribed before me this E.) : 3a"' ,`�If.k5"..T w e - s -7(---. Personally Known BY: "" , Produced ID Deputy Clerk/Notary Publie-i. Type of ID Produced i Revise . 8/ 9