2021/2022 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires CA 9021-?r 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's ffice only) Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4t1' Floor Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name GA tz 1Z-f j 1 l y rC F ` Date / 1 �/ a Business Name L 0 NG Ow C 0135y Business Address r 3) City I0Ar(,e-r State FL . Zip Code 3 / (0 Business Telephone `2070 Contact Person &Arc t:CTT— Lobbyist E-mail Q{✓y 1'(EM- &j-Jze'Z7— G in At Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Please make payment(s) to: Collier Clerk of Court. (Mail to the address listed at the top of the form) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name - rf1 �� � y� �T 2. Name mor P 5 . 1Reki Address ,52b (1ii (r(,I#J F'4 / Address S'.Np Go/ (r&/;OS- ?kSS TZ '317 City/State �1�}PL F( Zip 3L////d City/State IV 4-f>(,�S/ FL Zip 3y// o 3. Name /A AX i, l L 13:Ey/ZEA)Z 4. Name Address g2 ce)(6-6-14.tc_ 1 1 ss ) .ij Address City/State U4ipL es /Zip ?'/w City/State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida / County of Collier %G7 /"`�'� �7 byist Sig re �I This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this _ "•day of, IONCA1\., 20'D?r, byo-v Personally Known BY: 1j Produced ID OeptIty_Clerk/I o ary Public Type of ID Produced f Revis d:08/2019 Receipt# 008534773 3/8/2022 1:20:10 PM Crystal K. Kinzel Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller o Per 0 0 IT— �`1J\I\// \/ '^�p, Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location GARRETT F X BEYRENT BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center LONG BOW LOBBY MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor 826 WIGGINS PASS RD APT m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 317 239-252-2646 401 NAPLES, FL 34110-6108 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Cash Tendered ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer:All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. ©001111®17©0® @0M Page 1 of 1 Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Garrett Beyrent <beyrentgarrett@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, April 4, 2022 10:53 AM To:Martha S. Vergara Subject:I don’t believe I have any changes.Thanks again for all the help you have given me over these many years. External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Sent from my iPhone