Resolution 1999-191 "' 1 Al 0 RF. SOI.I~FION NO. 99- ~9~ RESOLUIION OF ]'tie BOARD OF ('OUNTY CONI.MI.'<,SI()NhRS. COLLIER COUNTY. FI.ORII)A.-AU~tIORIZING 50% WAIVER 50% I)EFERRAI. OF [.IBRARY SYSTEM IMISXCT FEES. PARKS ANI) RECREATIONAl. FACILITIES IMI'A~ FEES, ROAD IMI'A~' FEiiS. EMERGEN('Y MEDICAl. SERVI('ES IMPA('F FEES. EDt:CATI()NAI. FA('II.I'I'IES SYS'I'IiM IMI'A{'I' I:EES AND WATER ANI)'(H~ ShWHR IMFAC] FEES FOR ONE IIOUSE TO lie ('ONS] RUCTEI) [3Y JIU.IC) ('. ('ISNEROS AND YADIRA ('ISNEROS ON l.OT 10. BI.O('K 3. NAPLES MANOR ADD[ ['ION IN ('~)I.I.[ER ('OUNFY, FLORII)A. Wll EREAS. Collier Cotmtv has recognized anti nttempled Io address the lack of adequale and affordable housing l~r moderme. Iow. and veo'-Iow income households in the County and the need for creative and innovalsve programs ~o assisl in the provision of such housing hv including several provisions in the Collier County Grox~th Management Plan. including: objective 1.4. policy 1.4.1; objective ].5. policy 1.5.2. policy 1.5.3. policy 1,5.4. policy 1.5.5. policy 1.5.6: objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3: objective 2.1. policy 2.1.1. policy 2.1.2. policy 2.1.3. policy 2.1.5. and policy 2.1.6 of Housing Element: anti WI IEREAS. Collier Courtly has received funding pursuant lo thc State I lousing Initiatives Pannership Program scl fo~h in Section 420.907 et. seq.. Florida Slalules and ('bapter 91-37. Florida Administrative Code: ami WIIEREAS. in accorda,ce wilh Collier County Ordinance No. 93-10. the County is authorized lo use funding from lhe Slale l tousing Initiatives Pam~ersbip [SHIP] Program for waivers of Collier County impact Fees: and WIIEREAS, Julio C. Cisneros and Y~dira Cisneros are seeking a 50% waiver/50% defcgal of impact fees: and WIIEREAS. Julio C. Cisneros and Yadira Cisneros xxill consln~cl a fimr bedroom trail (tho "Dwelling Unit") on Lol 10. Block 3. Naples Manor Addition in Collier ('ounly, Florida; and WIIEREAS. the Dwelling Unit will be oxt ned by a Iow income h-usehold, and WItEREAS. Julio C, Cisneros and Yadira Cisneros submitted to thc office office l lousing and Urban Improvement Department an AI]brdable Ilo,sing Applicatmn dalcd February I. 1999 tbr a 50% waiver/50% defe~al of impact fees l~r the construclion of a house on 1.oi I0. Block 3, Naples Manor Addition m Collier County. Florida. a copy of smd applical~on ~s ,m file in the llousing and Urban Improvement Department: and WIIEREAS. in accordance with Section 3.04 of lhe Regional Waler and/or Sewer Systems Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No, 98-60. Section 3.04 of the I.ihra~' Syslem Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 88-07. as amended; Section 4.05 of lhe Parks and Recreationnl Facililies Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No, 88-96, as amended; Seclion 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 92-22. as amended; Section 3.05 of ~l~e Emergency Medical Sen'ices System Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 91-71. as amended: and Section 3.o5 of the Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an applicant may ohlain a 50% waiver/50% deferral of im pact fees hy qualifying for a waivcr/dcfc~ak and ~VIIEREAS. Julio C. Cisncros and Yadira Cisncros have qualified Ihr an impact fee waiver/dele=al based upon the following reprcscnlations made by Julio C. Cisncros and Yadira Cisneros: Thc D,.vcllinZ Uni! stroll bc ox~ ned by a first-time home buyer. Thc Dwelling Unit shall be owned bv a household with a Iow income level as that lcm~ is defined in the Appendices to the rcs[:cctive h;;pact Fcc Ordinances and the monlhly payment to purchase the unit must bc within the affordable housing gnidclines cslablishcd in the Appendices to thc respective Impact Fee Ordinances. lhe Dwelling Unit shall be the ltomestead of the owner. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (15))'cars from thc date the certificate of occupancy s issued. NOW, TIIEREFORE, lie IT RESOI,VED BY ]'lie IIOARI) O1: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLI,IER COUNTY, FI,OR. IDA, TilAT: The Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes thc County Administrator to issue an Author/zation for 50 % waiver/50% deferral of impact fees to Julio C. Cisneros and Yadira Cisncros for one (l) house which shall be constructed on l,ot 10. Block 3, Naples Manor Addition in Collier ('ounly. Florida. Upon rcccipt bv thc tlmming and Urban Improvement l)ircctor of an agreement fi~r 50% waiver/50% deferral of impact fees signcd by Julio C. Cisncros and Yadira Cisncros, or other documentation acceptable to the County Attorney, the Board of County ('ommissJoners hereby authorizes the payment by Collier County of the following impact fees from the Affordable Ilousing Trust Fund. Fund (191), in the following amounts for the one (1) house lo be built al on Eot 10. Block 3. Naples Manor Addition in Collier County. Florida hy Julio C. Cisneros and Yadira Cisncros: A. Library Impact Fcc B. Road Impact Fee C. Parks and Recreational Vrtcilities hnpact Fcc: ¢ 1 ) Regional Parks (2) Community Parks D. EMS Impact Fcc 180.52 1,379.00 179.t)0 399.00 14.(}O Educational Facilities System hnpact Fee 1.778.f)t) F. Scxvcr Impact Fcc 1.575.O0 Water h'npact Fee Total Impact Fees 1.275.0{) 6,779.52 The paymcnt of impact fccs by Collier C0unty'i$ ~ubjcct to the cxccution and rccordalion of an Affordable tlousing Agreement for p:~ymcnt of Collier County In, pact Fees between the property owner anWor purchaser and the County. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority ~.ole favoring same. ~.DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk az to $t~lature Approved' as to form and legal Sufficiency: tfcidi F. Ashton Assistant County Anon~cy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA / ~,M ELA $. MAC'KIE, £'~ IAII~WOMAN jd/~rt'~¢imcro~ EXIIiBIT I,EGAL DESCRIPTION · IUI,IO C. CISNEROS AND 't'ADIIL,~ CISNEROS IIESIDENCE LOT I0. BLO('K 3. NAPI.ES MANOR ADDITION. ACCORDING TO TIlE PLAT TItEREOF, RECORDED IN PI. AT BOOK 3. PAGES 67 AND 68 OF 'riie PUBLIC P, ECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. 60,00 LOT 10, BLDCK 3 NAPLES MANFIR ADDITI[]N 25' CD 25' peep ~et beck PRFIPDSER RESIDENCE PRESTIGE SPEC, - 39'8' X 1422 SQ FT PRDPF]SED ELEV +8,2' CD C) u 2462899 OR: 2535 PG: 1970 COI.I,IER COUNTY I.~rACT FEES Th,_is Agreement for the Waiver of hnpact Fees entered into this ~ day of ~_.)t.x.0.~ . 1999 bv and between the Board of County Commissioners of ('oilier County, Florida. hereinafter referred to as "COUNT'~ .... and .luho C. ('isneros and Yadira Cisncros. hereinafter referred to as 0~\ NER. WITNESSETIt- WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 88-97, as amended, tile Collier County Libra~' System hnpact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 88-96. as amended, the Collier County Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance; ('oilier County Ordinance No. 91-71. as amended, thc Collier County Emergency Xlcdical Services Syslcm Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier Cotmlv Ordinance No. 92-22. as amended, the Collier ('ounty Road Impact Fee Ordinance: Collier County Ordinance No. 92-33. as amended, the Collier Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Ordinance: and Collier County Ordinance No. 98-69, lhe Regional Water and'or Sewer Systems hnpact Ordinance. as they may be amended from time to time hereinafter collectively refc~ed to as "Impact Fcc Ordi,ance", provide For waivers of impact tkcs for new turner-occupied dwelling units quali(ving as affordable housing; and WHEREAS. OWNER has applied for a 50% waiver/50% deferral of impact fees as required by the hnpact Fee Ordinance. a cop>' of said application is on file in the office of Housing and Urban Improvement Department; and WHEREAS, thc Cotmtv Administrator or his designee has reviewed tile OWNER's application and has found that it complies with the requirements For an affordable housing 50% waiver/50% deferral of impact fees as established in thc hnpact Fee Ordinance: and 1 OR: 2535 PG: 1971 16 10 WHEREAS. the impact fcc waiver/deferral shall be presented in lieu of payment of Iht requisite m~pact fees subjec~ to sfitisfaction of all criteria in thc hmpact Fee Ordinm~ce quali~'ing project as eligible for an impact fee waiver/deferral and V*q-IEREAS, the COUNTY approved a waiver/deferral of ii,npact Ices fei,- OWNER embodied in Resolution No. 99-/_5'at its reguklr meeting of_~:,~/_~ 1999; and WHERE:\S. tile hnpact Fee Ordinance requires that thc O\VNER cntcr into an Agreement with thc COUNTY. NOgV. Tt IEREFORE. in consideration oF Ihe fore.going recitals, thc parlics cox'¢nanl ant] agree as follows: 1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. Tile foregoing recitals arc true and correct and shall be incorporated by reference herein. 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The legal description of the dwelling unit (tile "Dwelling Unit") and site plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. 3. TERM. OWNER agrees that thc Dwelling Unit shall remain as affordable housing and shall be offered for sat2 in accordance with tile standards set forth in tile appendices to thc Imp:let Fee Ordinance for a period of fifteen (15) years commencing from the date tile certificate of occupancy ~s issued for tile Dwelling Unit. 4. REPR. ESENTATIONS AND \VARRANTIES. O\VNI:A~. rcprcscl]IS alld warrali,ts tile following: a. Owner maintains a household with a Iow Income tls. defined in thc appendices to tile hnpact Fee Ordinance and tile momhly payi,nents lo purchase tile Dwelling Unit must be within thc affordable housing guidelines established in thc appendices to thc Impact Fcc Ordinance; b. Owner is a first-time home buyer; Co OR: 2535 PG: 1972 16/ !'a Thc Dwelling Unit shall bc thc homc~tcad ofm~ ncr: Thc Dwelling Unit shall remain as aflbrdablc housinu lbr fifteen (l 5) years from thc date thc certificate of occupancy is issued {St fl~c Dwelling Unit; and c. OWNER is thc owncr of record of Iht l)wclling [/nit and owes impact fees in Iht total amount of $6.779.52 pursua[ll to thc hnpact Fcc Ordinance. In rcmm for thc 50%waivcff50% dcl~mll t)f thc impact fccs owed bv OWNER. OWNER covenants and agrees to comply wilh thc affordable housing impact fcc waiver qualification criteria detailed in thc hnpacl Fcc Ordinance. 5, SUBSEQUENT TRANSFER. If OWNER sells the Dxvelling Unit subjcc{ to the impact fcc waivcr/dcfemal to a subsequent purchaser or rcmcr, thc Dwelling Unit shall bc sold o~Ix' to households meeting thc criteria SCl timh in Ihc Impact Fcc Ordinance. 6, AFFORDABLE REQUIREMENT. The Dwelling Unit must hc uti izod lbr affordable housing tbr a fifteen (15) year period after thc date Ibc certificate of occupancy is issued: and if the Dwelling Unit ceases to be utilized for that pt[~ose during such period, thc impact Fees shall be immediately repaid to thc COUNTY. except for waived impact l~es if thc dwelling unit has becn used for affordable housing For a continuous period of filiccn years after thc date thc cch ficatc of occupancy is issued, 7. LIEN. Thc waived/deleted impact fees shall be a lien upon thc property which lien may be forccloscd upon in Iht event oF non-compliance with thc rcquircmcnts oF this Agreement. 8. RELEASE OF LIEN. Upon satisfactory complction of thc Agrccmcnt requirements and fil~ccn (15) years al~cr thc dale (*t'iss{ancc (>i'thc ccrt~ficalc of occupancy, or upon paymcnt oF thc xx aired re]pact fees. and upon payment of thc dcFcmcd impact OR: 2535 PG: 1973 fees. thc COUNTY shall, at thc expense of the COUNTY. record :my necessary documentation evidencing the termination of the lien. including, bt,t not lirnitcd to. a release of lien. O. BINDING EFFECJT. Tiffs Agrccmcnt shall be binding upon Ibc parties Io this Agreement and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. In the case ~f salt2 or Iransfcr by gift or the Dxvclling Unit. Ihe original OWNER shall remain liable for the impact fees waived/deferred until said in:pact fees arc paid in full or until lhe conditions set forth in the hnpacl Fee Ordinance arc satisfied. In addition, this Agreement shall run with thc land and shall remain a lien against tile Dwelling Unit unlil tile provisions of Section 8 arc satisfied. I0. RECORDING. This Agreement shall be recorded by O\\;NER at thc cxpcnsc of OWNER in Ibc Official Records of Collier County. Florida. within sixty (60) days after execution of this Agreement by the Chaimlan of tile Board of County Commissioners. 11. DEFAULT. OWNER shall be in default of this Agreement ~1 ) where OWNF. R fails to sell thc Dwelling Unit in accordance with tile affordable housing standards and qualification criteria established in tile Impact Vee Ordinance and thereafter fails to pay tile impact fees xvithh~ 30 days of'sakl non-compliance, or f'2) where OWNER violates one of the affordable housing qualificalion criteria in Ihe Impact Fee Ordinance for a period of thirty (30) days after notice of thc violation. 12. REMEDIES. Should the OWNER of thc property fail tt> comply with thc said qualification criteria at any time during lbo fifteen (151 year period or should OWNER violate any provisions of this Agreement. the impact fccs waived/deferred shall be paid in fifil bv OWNER within 30 days of said non-compliance. OWNER agrees that tile impact fees waived/deferred sMll constilute a lien on tile Dwelling Unit commencing on tile effective date o£ this Agreement and conlinumg until rep:fid. OR: 2535 PG: 1974 Such lien shah be superior and pnrm~oun! ~o ~hc ~n~ercs~ m fi~o DwdHng Unh of any owner, ~sscc. ~cnam. momgagce, or mhcr pcrsen cxccp~ fi~c ]~cn for ('oun~y mxcs and shah bc on pafi~y whh fl~c Hen oFany such Coumy rexes. ShouM tim OWNSR bc default of this Agreement. and the default is not cured wilhin Ihifly (30) days after written notice to OWNER, the Board may bring civil action lo enforce this Agreement. In addition, the ich may be Foreclosed or othcnvise enforced hy COUNTY by achon or suit m equity as tbr the fi~rcclosurc of a mortgage on real propc~y. This remedy is cumulative with any other right or remedy available lo thc COUNTY. Thc Board shall be entitled to recover all atlomcy's Fees, incu~ed by the Board in enforcing this Agreement. plus interest at thc staluto~' rate For judgments calcvlatcd on a calendar clay basis until paid. IN WITNESS \VI IEREOF. tile panics have executed ?:Waivcr/Dcfe~al of Impact Fees on thc date and year first above written. this Agrccmcnt For Witnesses: Print Name~.2~ · OWNER: ros Name. STATE OF ~ .,~.~:~) COUNTY OF ~ ,-_ ~._.<______ ) The foregoing instrumcnt was acknowlcducd hcforc mc this ,:9_~/;_ day of 1909. hy Julio C. Cisneros. lie is personally known to mc-or produe~ (ty~e-nf-identi fi~il~7~/a.'~ dentificat ion. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Witnesses: Print Nam~_., 'tint Name_._~?.,,, .... OR: 2535 PG: 1975: 5 OWNER: 'Sradira Cisncros STATE OF ) COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4~_ day of .:'~?~~~ ~, 1999. by Yadira Cisncros. She is personally known to mc or~r~ (t}~e o~~~[on. 'NOTARIAL SEAL] ~:' '~/" ~)WIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk ~tg~t. Ure on}.y. BOARD OF COUNTY COMISSIONERS COI. LI[:.R COUNTY. FI.ORII)A 'PALM ELA ,~- ~~~OMAN / Approved as to form and legal sufficiency F. Ashton Cotmty Attorney jd/c/agrccmcnl~/clsncros 6 OR: 2535 PG: 1976 I0 EXIIIBIT 'A' I.EGAL DISCRII'TION .IUIAO C. CISNEll. OS ,',.ND YADIRA CISNEROS RESII)ENCI.; I.OT 10. BLOCK 3. NAPI.ES MANOR ADDITION. ACCORDING TO TIlE PI.AT I'[tEREOF. OF RECORD IN PLAT Be)OK' 3, PAGF. S. 67 AN[) 6,S. OF TIfE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ('OLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. r 50,00 *** OR: 2535 PG: 1977 LOT 10, BLOCK 3 NAPLES MANFIR ADDITIDN 85' rear set back PROPDSER RESIDENCE PRESTIGE SPEC. - 39'8' X 1488 SQ FI PROPOSED ELEV +8,8' U Front set bac ~l $¢~'~ / "'-,%o ' 8