Resolution 1999-150 RESOI,UTION NO. 99-150 A RESOLUTION APPOINTIN(; MEMBERS TO TIlE COI,I,IER COUNTY DEVEI,OP.MENT SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS. Ordinance No. 93-~(~. :ts amended, creating Ihe Collier ('ounty l)cvclopmcnt Sen'ices AdvisoD' Committee. provides that the Committee shall consist of fifteen (15) members that are residents of ('oilier Co[lnt.~ illld include representatives from such groups as archilccts. general contractors, residential or builder contractors, environmentalists, land planners, land developers, landscape architects, professional engineers, utility contractors, plumbing contractors, electrical contractors, sm:ctural engineers, and attorneys; and WIIEREAS. there arc currently tv.'o (21 vacancies on this CommiUec: and WHEREAS. thc Board of ('ounty Commissioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications from interested panics; and WItEREAS. thc Development Sen'ices Advisory. Committee has provided the Board of County Commissioners with their recommendations for appointment. NOW, TIIEREFORE, llE I1 RESOI,VED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY ('OMMISSIONERS OF COIA.IER ('OUNTY, FLORII)A, that: t. Sally I_am. representing thc category of Environmentalist. is hereby appointed It) thc Collier County Development Scr'.'icc'; Atl'.'isoD' Committee for the remainder of thc vacant icftu. said term expiring on December 14. 2. Thomas Masters. representing the category of Professional Engineer, is bcrchy appointed to thc Collier County Dc'.'clopmcnt Sen'ices Advisory Committee for the remainder of thc vacant temp. said term expiring on December 14, 1999. This Resolution adopted after nmtion, second and majority ,.'otc. DATED: February 23. 1999 ATTEST: DWIGttT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORI .DA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weigcl County Attorney DCW, kn By: '.. ' ' ' / ] PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, Chaip, voman