Agenda 05/25/2021 Item #16A15 (CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. Work Order)05/25/2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Work Order with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc., to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc., for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188, authorize the Chairman to execute the work order for the proposed services, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To continue to conduct post-construction hardbottom monitoring of Collier County’s coast as required by regulatory permits to perform biological monitoring in 2021. CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Army Corps of Engineers require nearshore hardbottom monitoring to be performed on a yearly basis to assure that beach renourishment sand has not migrated onto the nearshore coral outcropping off the coast of Collier County. This work is required to be performed during the spring and summer of each year when underwater visibility in the Gulf of Mexico is greatest. Field work must be completed, according to permit, by September 30, 2021. On May 8, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved contract No. 17 -7188. On March 24, 2021, both parties mutually agreed to renew the contract for an additional 2 years. A Work Order will be released against contract No. 17-7188 identifying specific scope of work, schedule, and pricing for the summer 2021 nearshore hardbottom monitoring. The Work Order for 2021 is for a not to exceed Time and Material price of $169,959.21. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item was approved unanimously (9- 0 vote) by the Coastal Advisory Committee on April 8, 2021.The Tourist Development Council (TDC) approved this item on April 26, 2021 (9-0 vote) LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. - CMG FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this work is available in the Tourist Development Council (TDC) Beach Renourishment Fund (195), Project 90033. The partial reimbursement of this work may be provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Source of funding is tourist development tax. RECOMMENDATION: To approve a Work Order with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc., to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc., for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188, authorize the Chairman to execute the work order for the proposed services, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division 16.A.15 Packet Pg. 806 05/25/2021 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (PDF) 16.A.15 Packet Pg. 807 05/25/2021 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.15 Doc ID: 15726 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Work Order with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188, authorize the Chairman to execute the work order for the proposed services, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Meeting Date: 05/25/2021 Prepared by: Title: – Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Name: Jessica Arencibia 05/03/2021 8:44 AM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - IF, CPP & PM – County Manager's Office Name: Amy Patterson 05/03/2021 8:44 AM Approved By: Review: Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Andrew Miller Additional Reviewer Completed 05/03/2021 8:45 AM Growth Management Operations Support Christopher Johnson Additional Reviewer Completed 05/03/2021 9:00 AM Procurement Services Ana Reynoso Level 1 Purchasing Gatekeeper Completed 05/03/2021 9:12 AM Procurement Services Evelyn Colon Additional Reviewer Completed 05/03/2021 10:38 AM Procurement Services Sandra Herrera Additional Reviewer Completed 05/03/2021 1:49 PM County Manager's Office Amy Patterson Additional Reviewer Completed 05/03/2021 2:26 PM Growth Management Operations Support Raquel Ovares Additional Reviewer Completed 05/04/2021 12:55 PM Growth Management Department Trinity Scott Additional Reviewer Completed 05/05/2021 6:38 PM County Attorney's Office Colleen Greene Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 05/07/2021 11:22 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/07/2021 12:44 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 05/07/2021 1:06 PM Grants Valerie Fleming Level 2 Grants Review Completed 05/10/2021 1:34 PM Grants Carrie Kurutz Additional Reviewer Completed 05/10/2021 1:58 PM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 05/11/2021 12:06 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 05/15/2021 1:31 PM 16.A.15 Packet Pg. 808 05/25/2021 Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 05/15/2021 4:37 PM County Manager's Office Sean Callahan Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 05/17/2021 8:27 AM Board of County Commissioners Geoffrey Willig Meeting Pending 05/25/2021 9:00 AM 16.A.15 Packet Pg. 809 16.A.15.aPacket Pg. 810Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) 16.A.15.aPacket Pg. 811Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) 16.A.15.aPacket Pg. 812Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Collier County 2021 Neorshore Hordboltom Biologicql Monitoring Submittetl By:Subntittctl to: CownW Collier County Coastal Zone Managemettt Section Capital Project Plannirrg, Inrpact Fees and Progmrn Managenrent Division 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Unit 103 Naples. Florida 34104 .\lGSA CSA Ocean Sciences lnc. 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Stuart, Florida 34997 Office: 772-219-3000fr\, IRA.c-..E CERTIFIEO Z)PEG,.g,, The content ofthis docunrent is the exclusir,e property ofCSA Ocean Sciences lnc. It has been providcd for the purpose lor rvhich il is supplicd and is nol for general release or disclosure. The recipient ofthis docunrent should takc all nreasures to ensure lhat the conteuts are only disclosed to thosc persons having a legitirnate right to knorv. The recipicnt should also note that this docunrent is provided ou lhe cxpress ternrs that it is not to bc copied rvhole or in part or disclosed in any nranner to third parlies \rilhout the express authority in rwiting fronr CSA Ocean Sciences lnc. , 'DocuSign {, />r .,! {..4 .t a- '! :1. ! a a7- (t ( I ,, t, '.ru I a { t \ 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 813 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lO: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 The follorving version(s) of tltis proposal have been issued: J Collier County; Coastal Zone Management Section Andrery Miller, P.E. Direclor Collier County Coastat Zone Management Tel:239-252-2966 Andrerv. M i ller(Ecolliercount-vfl . gov CSA Ocean Sciences lnc. Lystina Knbay Project Scientist Ports, Harbors and Beaches Group Tel: 7 72-219-3048 I Cell: 7 24-3 16-4225 lkabay@conshelf.conr 01 4 February 2021 Collier County NSHB Biological Monitoring EH FA 02 3 March 2021 Cl ient-req uested revision to del iverable timeframe LK Ver.Dnte Dcscri;rtion i\pprovcd I Privilegcd, confidenlinl, and/or pmprietary irrfonnalion inlendcd fora specific irrdividual and purpose. Any distribution or use of lhis cornrnunication by anyonc other lhan lhe intended recipient is slrictly prohibitid uird ,roy be unlnryful, Preparcd lror:I'repnrcd llt': 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 814 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docuslgn Envelope lD: 16 1,{546C-368'l'4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C69o Toble of Conlents 1.0 Introduction..,........ 2.0 Scope of Work...... Task l: Administration, Travel, Mobilization, and Demobilization................. Task 2: Field Monitoring Survey ....... Task 3: Analysis, Reporting and DeIiverables....................... Task 4: CSA Diver and Vessel Support,.......................... 3.0 Deliverables.......... 4.0 PmjectSchedule.... 5.0 Rates, Resources, and Billing Schedule 6.0 HSSE Overview.... 7.0 Proposal Terrns 8.0 Lite[ature Cited Attachnrent - Labor Rate Schedule..... .......... A- I I I I 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 8 Privilcgcd, co fidcnti0l, ond/or pmprielary ilfonrrotion irrtcldeffor o spccific individual and purposc. Any dislribution or use oflhis conDnunicalio[ by snyone olherth.n the irtended rccipient is strictly prohibited an<l nrny l.re urrlanful. 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 815 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docuslgn Envelope lO: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 1.0 lNTRoDUcTroN CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) is submilting this price eslinlate lo conduct post-consh uction hardbotton: monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishrnent Project and Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dledging and Navigalion lmprcvement Project in summer 2021 . This estirnate was prepared at the lequest of Chris D'arco, Prcject Managel, Coastal Zone Managemer)t, fol a pendirrg work order fionl Collier County under Professional Services for Nearshorc Hardbottom Monitoring, Contract #17-7188, and is based on tlre scope ofwork for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project Final Hardbottorn Biological Monitoring Plan (BMP; Revised 2018). This project will conforrn to all associated Florida Departrnent ofEnvironmental Protection (FDEP) pennits, which include: Collier County Beach Renourisfrment FDEP Pennit No. 02222355-001-JC and U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (USACE) Pennit No. SAJ-2004-08754i Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging FDEP Pernlit No. 0235740-001-JC and USACE Peflnil No SAJ-2004-09754; Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging and Navigation lrnprovenlent FDEP Perrnil No. 0142538-001-JC and USACE Pemit No. SAJ-2004-07621. The price estimate for 202t post-construction nearshore hardbottom rnolritoring includes an in-rvater survey of34 previously established monitoring tmnsects and mapping ofllre nearshore edge of hardbottom frorn Wiggins Pass to Naples. The survey rvill be conducted according to the 2018 BMP by experienced marine biologists using sirnilar rnethods as those utilized in previous surveys for this project. A rcport ofthe 2021 results and comparison rvith previous suweys will be compiled. Per the BMP, lhe survey will be conducted between May I and September 30, 2021 and all data deliverables will be provided within 270 days ofNTP issuance date. CSA rvill provide lwo American Academy ofUndenvater Sciences (AAUs)-certified marine biologists from our Ports and Coastal Sciences group lo join the Collier County field team as subject matter experts rvho will guide field activities and the data collection processes. CSA has built in conservative estimates of levels of effort to deuease lhe likelihood ofchange orders or additional approvals from Collier County, and utilizing best management practices, we anticipate being able to cornplete lhe below tasks rvitlrin or under the costs provided in Table I (Section 5.0). Mobilization, administration, travel, field rvork, analysis, and Ieportiug conprise Tasks l-3, and a CSA staffed field effort is ptesented as an optional Task 4, in tlre event Collier County CZM is unable to staffthe field leam during optirnal conditions in su,nmer nronths. 2.0 ScoPE oF WoRK TAsK l: ADiurNrsrRATroN, TRA\,!:L, MoBlLIZ,u roN, AND DEitlol]rLrzAt'toN CSA will provide project administration including oversight, coordination, and managetnent ofthe 2021 neatshore hardbottonr ntonitoting program. CSA's Project Manage|rvill be responsible for superyising all managerial aspects ofthe project and will have oversight ofall team personnel, incltlding field scientists (i.e., subject matter experts), a hors, editols, and technical and suppon staff. CSA will plan and execute project activities to meet required deadlines and/or client needs for the project. CSA will hold a kickoffmeeting lvith Collier County staff to rcvierv the scope of work and confirm project logistics prior to beginning mobilization efforts for the moniloring survey. Affer coor.dination wilh Collier County on acceptable weather and sea state conditions, CSA will mobilize a two-person scientific dive team and required equipment during ideal sea-state and weather windows to perform surveys. lt is assumed that collier county will provide a vessel, captain, and two divers to support the survey. several mobilizations and demobilizations Inay be necessary lo complete all tasks depending on weathir and sea conditions. Therefore, Task I includes provision for up to three rcund lrips for.the cSA tearn and Privileged, cortlidenlial, snd/ir pmprielsry infomralion illcndcd fora specific irrdir.iduol and purposc. Any distribltion or use ollhis corrrntunicalion by a yoneolherlh0n lhe inlcnded recipGnr isslrictly pohibited and nray bc unlorvful. 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 816 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 16'14546C-3681-4A2C-85s&FCBF5E49C699 associated per diem. Additional trips to and fi'orn Collier County rvill be billed on a'Iime and Materials basis under the agreed upon rates as needed with prior approval frorn Collier County. CSA will confirnr visibility of nearshore waters with Collier County staff prior to mobilization to minimize travel back and forth during the monitoring due to poor sea state and water visibility. Travel to and fiom Collier County is anticipated to take one half-day each way and includes appropriate per diern according to Class B travel. TASK 2: FI0LD MONI.I'OIUNG SUII\/BY A total of 34 permanent monitoring transects (50-rn length) established in 2006 by Coaslal Planning and Engineering (CP&E) duling the original baseline pre-construction survey and those installed in 2018 for the Wiggins Pass nearshore hardbottorn rnonitoring rvill be surveyed in202l. The transects are located among five beach segments: Wiggins Pass, three transects (R- I 8+900, R- I9+400, and R-20); Vanderbilt, seven lransects (R-21+080 to R-29+700); Pelican Bay, six tmnsects (R-31+480 to R-38+380); Park Shorc, nine transects (R-43+550 to R-55); and Naples Beach, nine tmnsects (R-58+300 to R-65). The rreaslrore hardbottorn monitoring survey is estimated to take 24 freld days. The transect endpoints supplied by Collier County as listed in Table I of the BMP rvill be utilized to re-survey all transects. Eaclr transect rvill be re-occupied by extending a 50-rn tape along the transect length and aligning it with permanent rnarkers installed on the seafloor and maintained during prcvious monitoring surveys. The field team will rnaintain and replace penuanent mar*ers as necessary during the field survey. Trnnsecl Monitoring Along each 50-m transect, lhe team will conduct line-intercept and interval sedirnent depth rneasurcrnents, survey of I I benthic quadrats (state area of quad), collect coral photo quadrats, and conduct a coral census as described in the BMP. Quantitative video of each transect will be recorded at 40-cm height off bo$om at a slow 4 rnlnin speed for archival purposes. A high definition (HD) video camera witlr video lights and two lasers mounted to converge at a point 40 cm frorn the camera will be used in the survey to ensurc that divers maintain the appropriate height off the bottom. Sedirnent depth measurements will be made at l-m intervals along the entire length of the transect, with a marked stainless-steel ruler inserted up to 30 cm into the sediment. A delineation of lrardbottorn and sand cover will be made by meter of coverage along the transect, and the rnaxirnum height of hardbottom at the start of each tmnsect rvill be recorded. A 0.5 rn x 0.5 ttt quadrat (0.25 m2 area) rvill be sarnpled at I I individual hardbottom locations spaced evety 5 nt along the tmnsect, in the sarne locations as those established and surveyed during the pre-construction tnonitoring suryey. Quadrats containing 100% sand due to cover by sand rvill be surveyed and included in the dataset. Within each quadrat, percent cover by rnajor benthic taxonomic groups including rnacroalgae (total percent cover of the dominant species), coralline algae, turf algae, sponges, hydroids, rvormrock, octocomls, stony cotals, bryozoans, and tunicates rvill be visually estimated, as well as percent cover of various abiotic substrate types. Maxirnum and average height of the thalli rvill be measured for the two dominant mactoalgae species in each quadrat. Within each quadrat, sediment depth will be measured at five haphazardly selected positiotts and the rnaximunr vertical relief of hardbottom will be lneasured. Still digital photographs of each quadrat will be collected at the time of survey. 2 Privileged, confidenlial, andor pmprietarf inforntalion intencled for a specific individual and purpose, Any disrributio, or use ofthis comnrunication by anyone other than the intended rccipient is strictly prohibired aird rnay be unlan ful, 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 817 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docusign Envelope lD: 16'14546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 Neushorc Hordbollom Edge Surveys The nearshore hardbottonr edge (landward edge of hardbottorn) sealvard of the equilibriurn-toe-of-fill (ETOF) of each beach segment will be rnapped during the survey. Two divem rvill srvirn the nearshore hardbottorn edge located immediately west of the ETOF, recording video of the edge and associated benthic comrnunity. The team will torv a DGPS buoy on a shofi tether (taut line), rvhich transmits continuous buoy/diver positions to Hypack@ hydlographic srrrvey softwarc on boald the vessel. The HD video camera will be held at an oblique angle and fihning will occur sinrultaneously lvith the DGPS buoy to allow geo-referencing. If the continuous nearshorc hardboftorn edge crcsses easl of the ETOF toward land, the rnapping will continue until the edge of hardbottorn ends. TASK 3: ANAr,ysrs, REponrING AND DTiLTVERABLUS Data deliverables and repo(s rvill be provided to Collier County and the FDEP, rvith conformance to requircrnents and schedules set forth in the 2018-approved BMP. A comprehensive l'aw dala deliverable rvill be provided on an external hard drive within 270 days of NTP issuance date and will include all video and photo data, Excel spreadsheets of quadrat data, dmft GIS shapefiles, and *.pdf copies of field data sheets, as applicable. Notification of survey completion will be made by letter or email to the FDEP Joint Coastal Pennit Compliance Officer. As per Contmct #17-7188, nearshorc hardbottom monitoring results rvill be cornpiled into a report within 270 days of NTP issuance, The report rvill discuss the results of the 2021 Nearchorc Hardbottorn Monitoring Survey and include comparisons rvith annual monitoring survey results frorn the 2018 (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.,20l9a),2019 (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.,20l9b), and202A (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., 2020) neamhore hardbottom monitoring rcpofis. The202l monitoring report will include gmphs, tables, and statistical analyses of collected data. Geo-refercnced maps sholving hardbottorn along transects and the nearshore ltardbottom edge rvill be included. All reports rvill be provided in electronic fonnat with a hardcopy upon request. TASK 4: CSA DTr,En AND VESSI,L SUrr,OnI Tasks I through 3 assume that the required 4-person dive teanr will consist of trvo CSA diverslnarine biologists and two Collier County Coastal Zone Management divers working fi'om a Collier County vessel. In the event Collier County divers are unable to participate in the survey, CSA rvill provide additional scientific divers as necessary. CSA rvill also provide a suitable survey vessel and opemtor in tlte event the Collier County vessel is unavailable. 'Iask 4 consisting of CSA vessel, opemtor, and four scientific divers is also included in this cost estimate, as an option if Collier County staffandior vessel is unavailable and suwey conditions necessitate fieldwolk. This task comprises 3 days of a full CSA dive team including 4 divers, one vessel operator, CSA vessel, and all uecessary equipment nonnally provided by Collier County, as well as travel to and from Collier County. 3 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary irrfornrntion intended for n specific indivittual a1d purpose. Arry distributio, or use ofthis contmunication by anyone other lhan the irrtended recipient is striclly prohibited ond nroy Ue ,ntarrn*. 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 818 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 3.0 DrLtvenasles Task 2: Data Deliverables, within 270 days of NTP: . All video and photo data;o Excel sprcadsheets of quadrat data; o Draft GIS shapefiles: pipeline corridom, rrearshore hardbottom edge, ad tmnsects; ando *.pdf copies of field data sheets. Nearshore Hardbottonr Monitoring Report, within 270 days of NTP: . Graphs, tables, statistical analyses, and results/discussion of collected data;o Geo-referenced maps showing hardbottorn along tmnsects and the nearshore hardbottom edge; o Selected qualitative irnagery of transects and nearchore hardbottom edge; ando Provided in electronic format, pdf, with hardcopy on request. 4.0 Pnorrcr Scnrourr The survey will be conducted between I May and 30 Septernber 2021 with the final report and conclusion of all related rvolk rvithin 270 days of NTP. The project schedule will be updated trvice per month by the Project Manager rvith input fiorn Collier County and the FDEP (as appropriate) to plovide status of task activities and track critical milestones and precedent activities. This bi-rveekly update rvill identify any problems early and enable corective action to be laken quickly. The updated schedule may be provided to Collier County on request. CSA rvill convene a project kickoffmeeting lvith Collier County staff and field survey participants to ensurc that all necessary personnel, field equipment, and rnonitoring standard operating procedures arc in place prior to initiation of the survey. To rninirnize rnobilization and travel costs, CSA wilI endeavor to conduct the monitoring survey in its entirety as weather permits 5.0 RATES, RrsouRcrs, AND BrutNc ScHrourr The project costs listed in Table I by lask ate on a Tirne and Materials Not-to-Exceed basis and rvill be billed monthly once notice to proceed is given. The labor and equipnrent rates found in Table 2 are based on the Ptofessional Services for Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Contract # l7-7188 between CSA and Collier County, April 2018. CSA's 2021 labor rate schedule is also provided in the Attachment. Table l. Cost breakdown of CSA hours, survey days, and travel by task. T&M= 4 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprictary irrfornration irrtended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distributiol or use of this contmunicalion by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibiled and may be unlaryful. Task I Administration, Tr?vel, Mobilization, and Demobilization T&M $ 16,4 t 9,50 I $ I 6,419.50 .{Monthly; net 30 Task 2 Field Monitoring Survey T'&M s3,223.0s 24 $77,353.20 I Monlhly; net 30 Task 3 Analysis, Reporling, and Deliverables 't'&M $43,478.09 I $43,478.09 .{Monthly; net 30 Task 4 CSA Diver and Vessel SuDport T&M $32,708,42 3 $32,708.42 Jl Monthly; net 30 Task # l'rojcct Tash Nirmc Terms Unit Rate Qty Totnl I)aynrcnt Sclrcrlule 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 819 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) $ 16.419.501Administration, Travel, Mobilization, and Demobilization Labor $ 15,291.10 , PS2 86 $ I11.57l $ 9,595.02 " PSI 42 $ 99.83,'$ q)gz.B6 t $ r 84.97./ $ 739.88 ,Pl[42 4 APM 6 $ 82.21/$ 493.26 , 4 s 67.52/s 270.08 /TI $ 1.128.40Travel Vehicle Rental 8 $ 63.00'$ s04.0tr Fuel 96 $ 3.ls $ 302.40 r $ 46.00 $ 322.00r'Meals $ 773s3.20'l Field Monitoring Survey Labor $ 60,883.20 . 288 "/g rrr.57 $ 32,132.16 "PS2 PS1 288 ,./ $ 99.83 $ 28,7s\.04' Travel $ 10,650.00' $ 1,s12.00 /Vehicle Rental 24 $ 63.00 Fuel - Vehicle 120 $ 3.ls $ 378.00 / Lodging 48 $ 136.50 $ 6,552.00 r' $ 46.00 $ 2,208.00/Meals 48 Equipment $ 5,820.00 ' Underwater Video Camera (2)48 /g 35.00 $ 1,680.00 / Digital Camera (2)48 ',$ 55.00 $ 2,640.00 / Dive Equipment (2)48 '$ 25.00 $ 1,200.00 / EDL Telemetry System t0 { g 3o.oo $ 300.00 / $ 43.478.093Analysis, Reporting, and Deliverables Labor s 43,244.99' SSI 40 $ 182.03/. $ 7,251.20/ PS3 l0 $ 146.80/$ r,468.00 .z PS2 176 $ r l1.57,$ 19,636.32 / PSI 72 $ 99.83 ,$ 7,187.76 J t6 $ 129.18'$ 2,066.88 / GISA 24 $ 96.88/$ 2,32s.12 / OM I $ 202.s9 -$ 202.59 . TE2 t0 s 117.44's 1,t74.40 / DP 24 $ 79.28 $ 1,902.72 t Reimbursables $ 233.10 , Disital Media 2 $ 78.75 $ 157.50 r FedEx 2 $ 37.80 $ 7s.60 Project Task Quantity Sub-total TotalDescriptionRates USD Table 2. Estimated fees, based on the agreed-upon labor and equipment rates in Table 1 5 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. 7 GISD 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 820 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBFsE49C699 Labor Categories and Equipment rates in Table 2 har.e been updaled lor 2021, as agreed upon in thc Collier County Professional Services Contract #17-7188 rvith CSA Ocean Sciences, dated April 2018. 6.0 HSSE OvrRvrrw As a leading international marine environmental consulting finn, CSA attaches great irnportance to its Health, Safety, Security, and Environrnent (HSSE) Management Systenr to protect human health, avoid and prcvent incidents and injuries, and minimize impacts to the environrnent. CSA ernphasizes the impofiance of HSSE for every activity and provides the rcsources, knowledge, and training necessary for staff to meet HSSE objectives, including Stop Work Authority for all staff if a safety uncefiainty arises. CSA's conrnritmerrt to safety is reflected in the daily activities of its personnel as rvell as the personal involvernent fi'om management in support of the HSSE Management System. In rccognition of this comrnitrnent to safety, CSA rvas the recipient of the prestigious 'Anrerica's Safest Companies Award" by EHS Today magazine (November 2019). This corporate award lronom companies that clearly demonstmte their cornmitment to ernployee safety and health, environmenlal management, and risk control and have been deemed Anrerica's Safest. To be consideled orle of Anrerica's Safest Conrpanies, a company must demonstrate tmnsformational EHS leadership in the form of support frorn managernenl and employee involvement; imovative solutions to safety challenges; injury and illness rates significantly lower than the ayelage for their industry; compreltensive training programs; evidence lhat prevention of itrcidents is the colrerstone of the safety process; excellent communication internally and externally about the value of safety; and a way to substantiate the benefits of the safety process. 6 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietarf iufornralion intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distributiorr or use oI lhis contntttnicalion by anSone other thnn the inlended rccipient is strictly prohibited and nray be unlarvful. ffi$diiica's $AIE$J ,$ 32.708.42 v Labor $ 24,045.75- I'53 45 Js 146.80 $ 6,606.00 J PS2 45 '$ ur.57 $ 5,020.65,/ PSI 45 ' ,$ 99.83 s 4,492.35 r T3 45 r' $ r08.63 $ 4,888.35 ,/ TI 45 $ 67.s2 $ 3,038.40 r' $ 4,348.67 ' Fuel - Truck Travel 54 $ 3.ls $ l7o.lo { 90 $ 4.20 $ 378.00/Fuel - Vessel Dockage J $ 6l .69 $ 185.07./ Lodgine 20 $ 136.50 $ 2,730.00 / Meals t9.2s $ 46.00 $ 885.50 / Equirrment $ 4,314.00 "/,S SSO.OO JS r,650.00Survey Vessel 3 6 I s rso.oo /g 900.00CSA Tnrck (2) GoPro Video Camera (2)6 I 6 3s.oo v$ 2 r0.00 Digital Canrera (2)6 '$ 55.00 J$, 330.00 Hypack Survey Softrvare J ls roo.oo /p 300.00 Laptop Contputer 3 /g so.oo ,t 5 l5o.oo Dive Equipment (4)t2 J,$ 25.00 ,tp 300.00 EDL Telernetry System 3 r fi 3o.oo '$ 9o.oo Dive lanks 48 J g 8.oo "$ 384.00 TOTAL $ 169,959,2ll Continsencv - 4 CSA Divers. Yessel. & Onerator4 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 821 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docusign Envelope lD: 16'l 1546C-3681 -4A2C-8558-FCBFSE49c699 Achieving Standalds . PEC Safety Authorized Provider foL SafeCulf, SafeLandUSA, and H2S Clear'-provides trained, professional safety personnel for offshorc environmental moniloring artd marine activities; . Organizalional Member ofthe American Acaderny ofUnderwaler Sciences (AAUS) and the Scientilic Boating Safety Association (SBSA); o CSA utilizes a Safcty and Envircnmental Management System (SEMS) approach to safety progran administration; o CSA is irnplernenting ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001 :2018 conformance standards; . ISNetworld Member Contractor for environmental consulting; r Extremely low Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) (rolling TRIR is 0.0) and Experience Modifier Rate (currently at 0.76); and o CSA's HSSE Director is L€ad Auditor'-certified. CSA's corporate HSSE policy staternent and HSSE Manual ate available upon rcquest. 7.0 PRoPosAt TERMS 4 J UNIVERSITy 0F CSA is also a recipient ofthe "Sunslrine State Safety Recognition Arvard" Z1l- Siiiti-lt iibilgl frorn the Univelsity of South l.lorida for employee and maragenrer)l emphasis' ol) safety (March 2017). The Sunshine Slate Safety Recognition Award serves as validation ofa company's achievements and lrack l€cord. 7 Privilegcd, confidentitrl, and/ot proprielaD' iirlonnation inleud.d for a specific individual ond purpose. Any distributio or use of lhis comnNnicotion by anyone othet th6n the intcnd€d rccipie l is strictly prohibiM 8nd [lay be unlawful. CSA's conrmercial proposal plice calculations were based upon out professional sewices conlfact with Collier County as ,rvell as "Project-Specilic Terms," which are outlined belorv. lf Collier County (Client) has issues with any ofthese items, CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. reserves the right to modifr its original proposal price in order to meet any cost increase arising from any modirications requested by the Client. This proposal contains privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and pulpose. Any dislribulion or use ofthis communication by anyone other than lhe intended recipient is strictly prohibited and rnay be unlarvful. CSA is c€rtified by TRACE Intemational Inc. and conducts business ethically and in compliance with the U.S. Foreign Conupt Pmctices Act, U.K. Bribery Act, and olher anti-bribety legislation. CSA has implernenled and strictly adheres to anti-bribery, anti-comuption, and third-party risk nranagetnent corporate policies and procedures (h{tps://www.traceintemational.oren. CSA holds these standards in high regard and expects the same from its clients and subcontractors. Project-Specific Terms . Field days for the environrnenlal sampling are eslimated and assurne that the vessel, opemtor, navigalion, and two divers rvill be provided by Collier County. Actual costs charged rvill be based on the actual number offield days spent by CSA personnel based on rates listed in Table 1. o The field survey operations cost estimate assunes 24 survey days within three separate survey efforls, any additional costs incumed due to weather and sea conditions, vessel/equipment, and/or othel delays will be charged at the agreed upon Equipment and Labor Rates as T&M.o Tasks I through 3 assume that the following will be provided by Collier County at no cost to CSA: o Vessel & captain; o 2 field tcam divers; o Scuba tanks; o DGPS buoy with telernetry; 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 822 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 1614546C-368'l-4A2C-B558-FCBFSE49C699 o Hypack navigation; o Transect lnaintenance equipment and supplies; and o A vessel log of daily activities. Reporting Project technical details, pefiinent information necessary for the Project Description section of the report, and olher requircments will be provided to CSA in a tirnely rnanner. Price for preparation of deliverables is based on a single draft and final document addressing a single set of cornrnents for each deliverable. 8.0 LrrrRlrune Crreo Florida Deparlrnent of Environmental Protection. 201 8. Collier County, Florida Hardbottom Biological Monitoring Plan for perrnits: Collier County Beach Nourishment Project, FDEP permit no. 0331817-004-JM and Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project, FDEP perrnit no.0142538-008-JC. July 2018. Tallahassee Florida. l7 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2019a. Collier County Beach Nourishment Project 2018 Pre-Construction Hardbottom Monitoring Report. Jan. 16, 2019. I l4 pp. Submitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfilhnent of permit required rnonitoring fol Collier County Beach Nourishment Project FDEP Perrnit No. 033 l8l7-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project FDEP Perrn it 0 I 425 3 8-008-JC. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.2019b. Collier County Beach Nourishrnent Project 2019 Hardbottorn Monitoring Report and SupplementalPost Red Tide Survey. Nov.25,2019.70 pp. Subrnitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfilhnent of perrnit required monitoring for Collier County Beach Nourishrnent Project FDEP Permit No. 0331817-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigatiort Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project FDEP Perrnit 0 I 42538-008-JC. CSA Ocean Sciences Lnc.2020. Collier County Beach Nourishrnent Ploject 2020 Hadbottom Monitoring Report. Dec. I6, 2020,140 pp. Subrnitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfillrnent of perrnit required monitoring for Collier County Beach Nourisltment Project FDEP Permit No. 0331817-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Ptoject FDEP Permit 0 142538-008-JC. E Privileged, confidential, ard/or proprielary infonnalion intendcd for a specific individual and purpose. Any {istribution or use of this contmunication by anyonc other lhau the intended rccipient is strictly prohibited and nray be unlarvful. a a 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 823 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSIgn Envelope lD: 16,|4516C-368'l-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E,{9C699 ATTACHiUENT- LABoR RATE SCHEDULn A-l Privil€Bed, co[ftdenliol, and/or pmprielary illfonnation irtended fors specific individualand purpose. Any distribulion or nse of lhis connnunicnlion by tutyonc olller lhm lhe inlerdcd rccipie is st.ictly prohibited a d my be unlolvful. 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 824 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C69S 4.2 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprielaq, information intcnded for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this contnrunication by anyone other than lhe intended recipienl is strictly pmhibited aud may be unlarvful. csA ocEAN scrENcES lNc. (csA) Total Labor Rate Schedule for Colller County Effectlve 1 January 2021 through 31 Decembor 2041 Labor Cateqorles Abbrevlatlons Hourlv Rate Senbr Scientlst 2 Senior Sclentist 1 S52 SS,I $ s z20.N 182.03 Project Scientist 3 Project Scientist 2 Proiect Scientist 1 PS3 PS2 PS1 I $ s 146.80 111.57 99.83 GIS Manager GIS Developer GIS Analyst GIS Technlcian IGISM lcrso lcrsn lorsr $ s $ $ '146.80 129.'t8 96.88 85.'14 Project Manager 2 ProJect Manager 1 Assistant Proiect Manaoer IPM2 lpur lnpu $ $ $ 184.97 129.18 82.21 Operatlons Manager Operations Supervisor 2 Operations Supervisor 1 Technioian 3 Technlclan 2 Technician 1 OM os2 osl T3 72 T1 $ $ $ $ $ $ 202.59 164.42 135.05 108.63 93.96 67.52 $ $ $ $ 117.44 91.02 79.28 *.72 Technical Editor 2 Technical Editor I Docurnert Processor Clerical ITE2 lrer lop lcm @ CSA field equipment is billed on a time-rate basis according to CSA's Field Equipment Rate Schedule (1-2). Ircvs!-u!t-@!c!oi Blled accordlrg to Sec-tlon ''112.061 Florida Statutes @ Billed at cost plus 5%. Blled at oost plus 5olo. Prices are lirm only when signed by an aulhorized company repres€ntative or r*ren taken from current Rate Schedutes CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 8502 SW Kansas Avenue, Stuart, Florlda 32997 T el: (7 721 21 9-3000; F ax: (7 7 2) 21 9-301 0 e-mall : csa @c,onshelf , c,om web: wua,v.csaocean.com REGIONALOFFICES 1 1 953-A FM 529, Houston, Texas 77041 ret U72r 219-3000 24.Hour Response Llne: (Uq n2.8Jl20 1-laQRn1l 2261 Denley Road, Houma, Loulslana 70363'lel: (772) 219-3000 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 825 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) DocuSign Envelope lD: 1614546C-3681-4A2C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective 1 January 2021 GENERAT DESCRIPTION EXTENDED DESCRIPTION PRICE I. NAV & COMM Survey Software Hypack Max, Hypack Lite 110 Multibeam Survey Software Hypack Hysweep 140 computer Desktop or laptop CPU 70 Network Storage Device - QNAP QNAP TES 110 GPS WAAS Garmln 76, 76CSX 15 GPS GNSS - hlgh accuracy - handheld Trimble GeoXH 90 GPS DGPS - dual-antenna system Trimble SPS-461 90 GPS GNSS-GLONASS & HeadlnS System Trimble SPS855 & SPSs55H 225 GPS RTK - Sub cm accuracy Trlmble R8 RTK 600 GLONASS Navigalion System Applanix RTK POS MV Surfmaster StF lP68 s00 Diver Survey & Sonar System Shark Marine Navigator D11 8s0 USBL-Systemw/beacons linkQuest Tracktlnk 1500 330 USBL - Hl8h Accuaracy GyToUSBL@ System w/ beacons Sonardyne Ranger 2 2,ZW Telemetry Survey System Maxon 450MHz 30 HPR Motion Sensor 5MC tMU-108 70 Satellite Phone- Hand Held lridlum w/o usage lridlum 9505 A 50 Satetlite Phone/lnternet FleetBroad band w/o usase Thrane & Thrane Sailor 150 200 2. REMOTE SENSING Hydroohone Cetacean CR-1, C54 20 Sound Source Ocean Sonics lcTalk 100 DlRital Hydrophone Ocean Sonics icListen 2m Acoustic Recorder Lopperhead DSG 110 Acoustlc Recorder & SlRnal Analyzer Developic Sono.Vault, Sono.Vault HF 210 Pressure Sensor Array PCB Pressure Sensors W138A01 w/ line conditioners 400 Acoustic Modellng Software Navcon dBSea 143 Scientific Echosounder - 20OkHz Simrad EK50 w/ deck unit - 200 kHz 550 Scientific Echosouoder - 38kHz Simrad EK60 w/ deck unit - 38 kHz 750 Scientific Echosounder - 18kHz Slmrad EK50 w/ deck unit - 18 kHr 1,050 Echoview Software Myriax Liveview 200 Slngle-Beam Echosounder - 200 kHz Ohmex Sonarmite BT 1m SlnSle-Beam Echosounder - 12 l24l2o0 kBz Teledyne Odom CV30O Sinsle Beam 300 DlBital Slde Scan Sonar L-3 Communlcations Klein 3900 400 DlRital Side Scan Sonar L-3 Communlcations Xlein 3000 5m Disital Slde Scan Sonar & Sub-Bottom L-3 Communications Klein 3000/3310 750 Marine Magnometer Geometrics Marine MaSnometer G-822 180 Sub-Bottom System EdSetech S8216 495 Multi-8eam Scanninc Sonar Kongsberg Mesotech M3 500 SonarWlz Processlng System SonarWir 5 150 ASV (Autonomous Surface Vessel) Utility Class Searobotics USV-2600 1,500 ASV {Autonomous Surface Vessel} Survevor Class Searobotics M 1.8 1,500 3. REMOTE IMAGING MlniROV SeaBotlx LBv300-5 w/ 155m tether 9s0 lnspection Class ROV Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV w/ 440m tether 1,500 Towed SD Vldeo System (30m)Aluminum sled rvl vldeo, still, LED lights & lasers, SHP winch, cable 400 Towed SD Video System (300m)Alumlnum sled w/ vldeo, stlll, P&I, LED llShts & lasers, 20HP winch, cable 1,850 rowed 5D Video System (3,000m/6,000m1 DTS 6000\r// Nexus MK E 2,000 SD Subsee Vldeo Camera DSP&L MSC 2000, lnslte Paciflc Aurora, lnslte Pacific Nova 70 HD Subsea Video Camera Insite Pacific Mlnizeus 300 Dlgital Still Camera System lmenco SDS 1210 3s0 Seabed Camera System (5,000m)OSIL SeaCam, W&A SOtO ll ARC 100 PhotoSrammetrlc Processlng Software ABisoft Metashape Professional 200 Vldeo Data Management System VlsualSoft VisualArchive 150 Dlgital Video Recorder - 5D Visualsoft VisualDVR Dual 200 DlgltalVldeo Recorder - HD MsualSoft VlsualDVR-HD 300 Video & Metadata Encoder VITEC MGW Premium Encoder HD 415 r-2 (121t41201 1 of4 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 826 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) ooeslgn Envelope lD: 16 14516C-368 1-442C-8558-FCBF5E49C699 CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIETD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective 1.,anuary 2021 GENERAT OESCRIPIION EXIENOTO DESCRIPTION 4.IMAGING / DIV€N IMAGING Diver GoPro Camera System GoPro Hero w/ LCD dlsplay, 2x Sou 2mo Ehts 35 Diver HD Vldeo Camera System Canon XA-10 Sony HDR-HC7, SonyHOR-HCg 95 Oiver Dl8ltal Still Camera Svstem Canon G11, Canon 612,Sony A500O 5. WQ& PHYS O & MOOETNGS CTD - Optlcal Teledyne Bol Ciladel-NV 75 CTD - Real lime only Sea'8lrd Electronlcs SBE-49 FastCAT 1m CTD - De€p waterw/ lnternaldata lo88er Sea'Bkd Electronics SBE-19Plus V2 w/ pumo 175 RealTIme CID (lt (POIM w/deckunlt)Sea-Blrd Electronlcs SBE-33 80 CTO Auto Flr€ Module Sea.Bird EIectronlc5AFM 40 Altlmeter (6.00Om)Teledyne Benthos PSA'916 20 oOSensor Sea-8lrd Electronlcs 5SE'43 50 pH Sensor(12mm)Sea.gird Electronlcs SBE-18 10 pHlORP Senror (Redor)Sea.Slrd E lectronlcs SBE-27 35 Turbidity Sensor Cempbell Srhntif lc OBS-3+15 Elospherical lnstrumeots QSP23m 25 PAR Losser W GPS LlCor tl-1500G/.1-192SA 30 WetLabs CDOM-FLCDRTD, WetLabs tCO-COOM CO2OCo 60 Chlorophyll & Turbldity Seosor wetlabs Eco- FINTURTO, WetLabs ECO-F|-RTO 60 pH Sensor (6,00Om)AMT UT pH EM 40 pH/ORP SEnsor lRedox) (6,0mm)AMT UT.RE.TM 60 Temperalure & Depth SerBor Seabird Elect ro ni.s 5BE-39 25 Olgllal Prcssu.e 5en9or Seablrd tlerkonlcs SBE'50 25 Depth togBer RBR Solo3 D 30 CTD - Shallow t{ater w/ lnternaldata lo88€r YSI 6S0MDS (pH/DOfiubldltyl, Hanna lnstrument H|9829 125 Hanna lnslruments Multlpa.ameter Probe (pHIORP/ECIoO Henna lnst.uments H19829 (pH/ORP/tClDO) 10m Turbidltyto88er Campbell Sdenlilic OBS-3a 23 Lal, Turbldll lmeter Hach 2lmP 20 Lab 5pectrophotometer Hach DR2800 30 tab Culture lncubator Hach 153-2 AML Base X2, SV- & P-Xchan8e 80 45 ADCP - 1MHz NortekAquaoopp 120 ADCP- 6mkH. or 1200 kHz Teledyne RDI WHMVM 6m, WHM 1200 Rowe seawatch 6mkHz 150 ADCP - 4mkH.NorrekAwac 4mlHl 230 A0CP - 300 kH!Teledyne RDI wHS3mn-UG48 Rowe Seawatch 300kHz 2s0 ADCP ' 3m kHz {6,00Om)Teledyne RDI WHS 3m.l.uG50 260 ADCP . TskHz rv/ subsea moorlnS Teledyne RDI WHLS 75'l-2 A0CP - 55kHr w/ subsea moorlnS Nonek Slanature5S 55tHzw/ elllptlcal buoy 820 AoCP Eottom Mount Apple Machlne & Supply Eottom Mount 25 MooringSyn€ms MTRSM 60 ADCP MoorinB Mount - Shallow water Moorlng Synem5 ln'Lln€ Mounl. MoorlnS Syslems WH Suoy Mounts. Moorin8 Syrlems E8-F-33/t8-33-AWAC ADCP Moorlne Mount 1,50Om MoorlnSSyrlemsSB-35/F8-35-WH- 1,500m 60 SyntaatlcFloat MoorlngSyrtems 5F 3G1,0O0m 50 Modular floatation - Medlum TrelleborS Milro Moduler Buoy (2071b5/233lbs buoyancy)120 Mod0lar Floatailon'Sm.ll Trellebgrg Nano Modular Buoy {73lbs/76lbs buoyancy)40 MoorlnSsylt€ms 14' Triple Trawl Float w/ streng!! member'800m 10 Glass Floratlon Sphere T€ledyne Benthos lT" HR Glass rloat - 6,0OOm 10 Subsirrface Locator Beacon Xeos kldlum 95O3-D-l xEos xMt-11K 40 Ilde Gauge 50 RBR RgRvirtuoso D 25 Teledyne R12K 150 Iglgqyne Eenthos 866-A 1m Acoustlc Release Deck Unit Teledyne Senthos UDB9O0M, U089400 125 LinkQu€st UvM 2000 1m t-2 17u14/2Ol PRICE 55 2m 350 40 2 ol4 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 827 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docusign Envelope lD: 1614546C-3681-,1A2G8558-FCBF5E49C699 CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELO EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective l January 2O2l GEN IRAt OE5CRIPIION EXTENDED DESCRIPTION PRICE 6-5AMPLING Rosette - 6 Posltlon (6mm)Sea-Skd El€ckonl.s SgE ss 2m Rosette - 12 Posltlon (6,m0m)Sea-Bkd Electronlcs S8E-32 400 Rosette ' 24 Posltlon (6,000m)Sea-Bird Electronlcs SBE-32 6m Niekin Water Sampler 1.21l 2.5tl4.01"General Oceanhs Nlskln 1.Zl 1 2.3L 1 4.0L t0 Go-tlo Water Sampler - 5L General Oceanlcs Gotlo 5LTef lon coated 30 Go-rb Water Sampler- 101-ceneralO.e.nlcscoFlo l0LTerloncoated 40 Nistin Water Sampler - 301 General Oceanlcs Nkkln 30!50 Perlstaltlc water Pump Geotech Envlronme ntal 9001280 15 AOV Pu5h Corer ROvProduct Servlces 3" and 4"10 Seaobotlcs 0,25m x 0.25m 15 ROV Suctlon Sampler Searobollcs SLflP-3 650 MeSa.Corer Ocean s€ientlflc lntl M ega-Cors. 12-Core 2,500 Box Corer - Small Gray O'Hara deslgn 0.25m x 0.25m 50 8or Core, - Medlum GrayO'Hara deslSn 0.35m x0.35m 75 Box Corer - large GrayO'lara design 0.48m x 0.48m 2m Smith M.c Sedtment sam pler 0.30m x0.30m Van Veen SedhentSampler. Small- YounS modrlled O-20m x0.20m 25 Van Veen Sedlmenl Sampler- Medlum-Youns modlflpd 0.30m x 0.30m 35 Van Veen Sedlment Sam pler - Lar8e 0.51mr 0.42m 65 Ponar/ Eckman S€dlment Sampler PonarPetlte 0.152m x O152m/2.41, Ponar Standard 0.229 x 0.229ml8.21- Eckman Sedhent Sleve Statiofl csA o5 5ws-002 r00 MOCNESS 1m Eloloslcal Envkonmenta I Sa mpling System MOC-1 lw/ frame, Jen5ors, controls & n€ts)1,s00 MOCN€SS 10m ElolotlcBl Envkon menta I 5a mplint System MOC-10 (w/ framq sensors,controh & nets)2,000 Mldwater Trawl Syst€m Superlor Trarvl 1.02 x 3.20m 650 Sonto / Neuston/ M.nta NetSystem 8ongo0.65m Neuslon lx2m,250 Ballloon TrawlUnlt Ierrebonne Otter Trawl 15 TrlanSle / Rock / Oyster O.edg€ Kahkko Trlangular Dredte 0.60m genthos Rock oredse0.41m x 0.99m Ovsler 15 OST Rock Dred8e System OSTS06-1m.m18 (2m x 0.8m)225 El€ctro Fhh Shoc&€r Smith-Root 5!Wrulsed DC 60 7 - DtVtNG Scuba EqulpmentSet 23 Scuba Tank80 cublc ft 8 Acourtlc Oiver Recall System 20 DiverComm. System {deck unlt, masks)l(fr Brownles Hooka Comprestor Se!80 OIve Tank Comprassor 50 8. DECI( GEAR r2s tlP Sllp RlnBWlnch w/ 6,000m coax DT Marlne 3125EHLWR 2,s00 7s HP Sllp RhgWinch\y/o cable 72480 ROV/ROW 800 60 HP Sllp Rh8 Wnch w/synthetic ltne DTMarine 30mEHLW w/ 6,00Om of Unlrrex HDWE sla'1,500 50HP Slip slng Winch w/ synthetlc line OTMarlne 3050EH[WRw/ 3,30Om or 5,0mm of?????????????1,300 40HP sllp RlqE Wlnch w/o cable OT MarlnE 3o40IHtWR 1@ 25 HP SlDRlnS Wln.h w/ synthetlc llne or coax Of Marlne 3025EHLwRw/ ??????7 800 mHP Sllp Rlnt Winch w/ towed vtdeo cabl€DT Marlne r020EHLWR 1 20Om of Falmat fM1211O8-18F 1m 5 HP Sllp Rlnt Wlnch w/o cable DT Marlne 305EHA 120 Pneumatlc Tu8ger Whch w/(able :&M Mafco HUl"404,mobs 85 Hydraullc or Electric TusgerWtnch HD.P ,l X2012K Gen2 25 1,500 - 3,000rn ConductorCeble Tyco Elec konl6 SlnSle ConductorA310255, Coax A302799, A30124 7 -Conduclo t 7 H47 2K, lfl 42RZ 2m 20 HP Gas Hydraulic Power Unit Stanley 100 - I I t-2lr2/14l20l 3 of 4 1m 10 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 828 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Docuslgn Envelope lD: 1614S4€e3681,4A2C-BSS8-FCBFSE49C6O9 CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIEI.D EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective 1 January 2021 GENERAL DESCRTPTION PRICE 8. DTCI( GEAR in l0TArtlculat A'Framew/ lmHP HPU New lndust.les 19'x15,DT Marln€ lmHP HPU10TAlti€sOHP HPU Newlndust.les 19'x15' w /DT Marlne SOHP HPU 1,000Artlculatlng A.Fra me w/ 15Hp or 30 Hp HPu I 'II x8',MDI u15 30H H U 800 SIde Pole w/ saddle FWC 30'19'200Slockbellsp36'McXlsslck 16"25lCable Counler & Block Remontec DTO 2O8. Measurementl tcr-90t loDredAMT 2'25Hood. Generator - 2kW, SkW tu2000t, E850mX 506nerator - 13kW (Diere maner 13000 110 414000 100AIrCom90 PSr 30Moblle Oeck Stor Contalner 20)8'x20 25 8'x20'2s0 - 80aTs & TRUCXS It Do Geo I 4,5mCatamarant.ailer Geo IMarlne Sclence 28 ft Mako Eoat lrailer Mako 65025 ft Par&er Soat w 25 ft Pontoon Bort trBiler GMCYU GMCSuburban 150 longterm aates avallabl€ The listed iscsA ble d ks,schRale les Ibjert ScThis hed be pdated the de the dd iti tonSes pdn8rl5i8nedh Sc u.s. R[GtoNAL OTflCES FLORTDA, LOUtSIANA, TtXAt CAUFOnNtA INTERNATIONAL I.OCATIONS TRINIOAD, QATAR, 8RAZ|I,, CYPRUs, SINGAPOR€, AUSTRATIA 1-2 lru14l2o) EXIENOED DISCflIPTION lhrouShout rvlllo(lstlng 1 flrm CORPORATE HEADOUARTTRS 8502 SW Kin3asAve Stuat, FI:4997 USA +1772 2t9 3@0 csa@conshelf,com csaocean.com 5s0 2m 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 829 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective l January 2021 GENERAL OEsCRIPTION EXTENOEO DE5CRIPTION PRICE 1. NAV & COMM Hypack Max, Hypack Lite 110 Multibeam Survey Software 744 Computer Desktop or Laptop CPU 70 Network Storase Device QNAP QNAP TES 110 GPS WAAS Garmin 76,76CSx 15 GPS 6NSS- hish accuracy' handheld Trimble GeoXH GPS DGPS - dual-antenna system Trlmb e 5PS-461 90 GPS GNSS-GLONASS & Heading System Trimble SPS855 & SPS555H 225 GPS RTK - Sub cm accuracy Trimble R8 RTK 600 GLONASS Navigation System Applanix RTK POS MV Surfmaster SFF lP68 500 Diver Survey & Sonar System Shark Marlne Navisato. D11 850 USBL - System w/ beacons Lin kQuest TrackLink 1500 330 USBL - High Accua racy Gyro USBLO System w/ beacons Sonardyne Ranger 2 2,200 Telernetry Survey System Maxon 450MHz 30 SMC IMU,1O8HPR Motion Sensor 10 lridium 9505 A 50Satellite Phone- Hand Held lridium w/o usage Thrane & Thrane Sailor 150 200Satellite Phone/lnternet FleetBroadband w/o usage 2 REMOTE SENSING Cetacean CR 1, C54 20 Sound Source Ocean Son cs icTalk 100 DigitalHydrophone Ocean Son cs lclisten 200 LoBgerhead DSG 110 Acoustic Recorder & Signal Analyzer Develosic Sono.Vault, Sono.Vault HF 270 Pressure SensorArray PCB Pressure Senso15 W138A01 W llne conditioners 400 Acoustic Modeling Software Navcon dBSea 143 Scientific Echosounder - 200kHz Simrad EK60w/deck unit- 2m kHz 550 Scientific Echosounder - 38kHz Simrad EK60w/deck unit- 38 kHz 750 Scientiflc Echoso!nder - 18kHz Slmrad EK60 w/ deck un t - 18 kHz 1,050 Single-8eam Echosounder - 20O kHz Ohmex Sonarmite 8T Single-8eam Echosoundet - 12/24/2Cn k1z Teledyne odom Cv300 Singie Eeam 300 DigitalSide Scan Sonar L-3 Communlcations Kleln 3900 400 OisitalSide Scan Sonar L-3 Communications Klein 3m0 500 DisitalSide Scan Sonar & Sub-Sottom L-3 Communications Klein 3m0/3310 7SO Marine Magnorneter Geometrics Marine Magnometer G-822 180 5ub-Bottom System Edgetech 58216 495 MultiEeam Scannins Sonar Kongsberg Mesotech M3 s00 SonarWiz Processing System Sonarwir 6 150 ASV (Autonomous S!dace vessel) Utility C ass Searobotics USv-2500 1,500 AsV (Autonomous Surfa[e Vessel] Surveyor Class Searobotics M 1.8 1,500 3. RTMOTE IMAGING MiniRov SeaBotix LBV3oGS W 156m tether 950 lnspection Class ROV Saab Seaeye Falcon ROVw/44Om tether 1,500 Towed SDVideo System (30m)Aluminum sled w/ video, still, LED lights & lasers, 5HP winch, cable 400 Towed SD Video System (300m)Aluminum sl€d w/ video, still, P&T, LED lights & lasers, 20HP Towed SD Video System 13,000m/6,00om)DTS 600OV / Nexus MK E 2,000 SD Subsea video Camera OSP&L MSC 2000, lnsite Pacific Aurora, lnsite Pacific Nova 1A HD Subsea Video Camera nslte Paclflc MiniZeus 300 Digita I Sti I Camera System lmenco sDS 1210 350 Seabed Camera System (6,000m)OSlLSeacam, W&ASOLO ll ARC 100 Photogrammetric Processing Software Agisoft Metashape Professional 200 Video Data Management System VisualSoft VisualArchive 150 DititalVideo Recorder - 5D VisualSoft VisualDVR Dual 200 DiSitalVideo Recorder - HD VisualSoft VisualDVR-HD 300 video & Metadata Encoder VITEC MGW Premium tncoder HD 475 I 7.2l72lr4/20l, 90 2N 100 1,850 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 830 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective l January 2021 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION PRICE 4, IMAGING / DIVER IMAGING DiverGoPro Came.a System coPro Hero w/ LCD display, 2x SOLA 2000liBhts 35 Diver HD Vldeo Camera System Canon XIA 10, Sony HDR HC7, Sony HDR HCg 95 Diver Disital Still Camera Svstem Gnon G11, Canon G12, Sony A50OO 55 5 'WQ& PHYS O & MOORINGS CTD'Optical Teledyne RDlCitadel NV 75 CTD - RealTime only 5ea-Blrd Electronics SgE-49 FastCAT 100 CTD - Deep waterW internaldata logger Sea-8ird Electronics SaE-19Plus v2 W pLrmp 775 RealTime CTD Kit (PDIM w/deck unit)Sea'8ird Electronics SBE-33 CTD Auto Fire Module Sea'8ird Electronics AFM Altimeter (6,000m)Teledyne Eenthos PSA-916 DO Sensor Sea'8ird Electronics SBE-43 pH Sensor (1200m)Sea'Bird Electronics SBE-18 pH/oRP sensor (Redox)Sea Bird Electronics SBE 27 35 TurbidityS€nsor Campbell Scientific OBS-3+15 Siospherical lnstruments QSP2300 25 PAR to88er w/ GPs Li-Cor Ll-150OG/Ll-192SA WetLabs CDOM-FLCDRTD, WetLabs ECO-CDOM Co20O0 Chlorophyll & Turbidity Sensor WetL.bs ECO- FLNTURTD. WetLabs ECO-FLRTD pH Sensor (6,000m)AMT UT'pH-EM pH/ORP Sensor (Redox) (6,000m)AMT UT RI EM 60 Temperature & Depth Sensor Seabtd Electronics 5BE-39 25 Digital Pressure Sensor Seabird Electronlcs SBE 50 25 Depth Logger RBR 5olo3 D 30 CTD - Shallow water W internaldata logger YSI 650MDS (pHlDO,ryurbidity), Hanna lnstniment H19829 125 Hanna lnstruments Multiparameter Probe {pHlORP/EClDO Hanna lnstruments H19829 (pH/oRP/Ec/Do) 10m 200 Turbidity Losser Campbell Scientific OSS 3a 25 LabTurbiditimeter Hach 2100P 20 Lab Spectrophotometer Hach DR2800 Lab Culture lncubator Hach 153'2 Sound Veloci AML Base X2,5V- & P-Xcha 45 ADCP - 1MHz NortekAquaOopp ADCP- 60OkHz or 120O kHz Teledyne ROI WHMVM 6m, WHM 120O Rowe Seawatch SmkHz 150 ADCP - 4OOKH,NOTTEK AWAC {NKHZ 230 ADCP 300 kHz Teledyne RDI WHS 3001-UG48 Rowe seawatch 30okHz 254 ADCP 30O kHz (6,000m)Teledyne ROI WHS 30O-l'UG50 264 ADCP - 75kHz w/ subsea mooring Tel€dyne ROI WllL5 75-l-2 350 ADCP - 55kHz w/subsea mooring Nortek Sisnaturess 5skHz w/ elliptical buoy 820 ADCP Bottom Mount Apple Machine & Supply Eottom Mount 25 ADCPTrawlMount MoorinB Systems MTRBM 60 ADCP Mooring Mount - Shallow water MoorinB Systems ln-Line Mount, Mooring Systems WH Buoy Mounts, Mooring Systems EB F-33lFB'33'AWAC 40 ADCP Mooring Mount 1,500m Mooring Systems SB-35/FB-35-WH - 1,5mm 60 Syntactic Float Mooring Systems SF-30-1,000m 50 Modular Floatatlon - Medium Trelleborg lMicro Modlr ar Buoy (207lbs/233lbs buoyancy)720 Modular Floatation ' 5mall Trelleborg Nano Modular Buoy (73lbs/75lbs buoyancy)4A Mooring Systems 14" Triple TrewlFloat w/ strenSth member- 800m 10 Glass Flotation Sphere Teledyne Benthos 17" HR Glass Float - 6,00Om 10 Subsurface Locator Beacon xeos lridium 9603'D-1, XEOSXMi11K 40 Tide Gauge Valeport miniTide 50 RBR RBRvlrtuoso D Teledyne R12( Teledyne Benthos 866 A 100 Acoustic Release Deck Unit Teledyne Benthos UDB900M, UO89400 725 LinkQuest UVM 2000 100 t-2 l\2h4/2Dl 1ol4 G€NIRAT DESCRIPTION 80 40 20 50 10 30 60 60 40 30 80 120 2S 150 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 831 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective l lanuary 2021 PRICE 6. SAMPTING Rosette 6 Pos tlon (600m)Sea-Bird Fle.troni.s SBF-55 2@ Rosett€ - 12 Position (6,0OOm)Sea-Bird Electronics S8E 32 400 Rosette - 24 Position (6,0OOm)Sea Slrd Electronics SBE 32 600 Niskin water Sampler 1.2Ll2.SLl 4.OL GeneralOceanics Niskin 1 .2L I 2.SL I 4.OL 10 Go-rlo water Sampler SL General Oceanics GoFlo SL Tef lon coated 30 Go Flo Water Sampler- 101 General Oceanics 6oFlo l0LTeflon coated Nhkin Water Sampler - 301 General Oceanics Niskin 301 50 PeristalticwaterPump Geotech Environmental 9m 1280 15 ROV Push Corer ROV Product Services 3" and 4"10 ROV Box Corer Searobotics 0.25m x 0.25m 75 ROV Suction Sampler Searobotics SLRP'3 650 Mega'Corer OceanScientific lntl Mega-Corer 12-Core 2,s00 Box Corer - Small Gray O'Hara design 0.25m x 0.2Sm Gray O'Hara desisn 0.35m r 0.35m 75Box Corer M€dium 8ox Cor€r - Large Gray O'Hara desien 0.48m x 0.48m 200 Smith Mac Sediment sampler 0.30m x 0.30m 100 Van Veen sediment Sampler - Small' Youne modified 0.20m r 0.20m 25 Van Veen SedimentSampler- Medium -Young modified 0.30m x 0.30m 35 Van Veen Sediment Sampler- Large 0.51m x 0.42m 65 Ponar/ Eckman sediment Sampler Ponar Petite 0.152m x 0.152m/2.41, Ponar Standard 0.229 x 0.229m18.21 Eckman 10 Sediment Sieve Station csA os sws-002 100 MOCNESS 1m BioloBical Environmental Sampling System MOC-1 (w/frame, sensors, controls & nets)1,500 MOCNFSS I0m BioloSical E nvironmental 5a m plinB System MOC-10 (w/frame, sensors, controls & nets)2,000 Midwater Trawl System Superior Trawl1.02 r 3.20m 650 BonSo/ Neuston / Manta Net System BonSo 0.65m Neuston 1x2m, Manta 250 Ballloon Trawl Unit Terebonne Otter Trawl 15 TrianSle / Roct / Oyster Dredge Kahlsico Triangular Dredge 0.60m Benthos Rock Dredge 0.41m x 0.99m 15 OST Rock Dredge Systern OST 506-100-0018 (2m x 0.8m)225 Electro Fish Shocker Smith-Root 5kW pulsed DC 60 7 DIVING Scuba Equipment set 25 Scuba Tank80.ubicft 8 Acoustic Diver Recall System 2A Diver Comm. System (deck unit, masks)2N Brownies Hooka Compressor Set 80 Dive Tank Compressor 50 8. OECK GEAR 125 HP Slip Rint Winch w/ 6,mom coax DT Marine 3125EHLWR 2,500 75 HP S ip Rlng Winch w/o cab e 72480 ROV/ROTV 800 60HP Slip RingWinch w/synthetic line DT Marine 3060EHLW w/ 6,000m of Unitrex HDWE 5/8'1,500 50 HP Slip RinSWinch w/syntheticline OT Marine 3050EH[WR w/ 3,300m or 5,000m of????????????1 1,300 40 HP Slip RingWinch w/o cable DT Marine 3040EHLWR 700 25 HP Slip RinEWinch w/ synthetic line or coax DT Merine 3025EH|WR w/ ???????800 20 HP Slip Ring winch w/ towed video cable DT Marine 1020EHLWR w/ 1,200m of Falmat FM121108-1SF 5 HP Slip Ring Winch w/o cable DT N4arine 305EHA 120 PneumaticTugger Winch w/ cable F&M Mafco HUL,IO 4,0001bs 85 Hydraolic or Electric Tugger Winch Ramsey HD-P 8000, Smittybilt X2012K Gen2 25 1,s00- 3,000m Conductor Cable Tyco El€ctronics Single Condusto r 4310255, Coax A302799, A301241, 7-Co nd ucto I 7H 47 2K, 7H42RZ 200 20 HP Gas Hydraulic Power unit Stanley 100 I 7-7 lr2l74/2Ol GENERAT DESCRIPTION EXTENDED OESCBIPIION 40 50 100 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 832 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. FIELD EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE Effective 1 January 2021 GENERAL DESCRIPTION EXTENDED DESCRIPTION PRICE 8 - DECK GEAR (continued) 10T Articulating A-Frame w/ 10OHP HPU New lndustries 19'x15'w/ DT Marine 100HP HPU 1,700 10T Artlculatins A-Frame w/ 50HP HPU New Industries 19'x15' w/ DT Marine 50HP HPU 1,000 5T Articulatin8 A-Frame w/ 15HP or 30 HP HPU New lndustries 17'x8' w/ DT Marine 15HP or 30HP HPU 800 Vortex Side Pole w/ saddle FWC 30" 19'200 Tow Block Campbell SpecialW 36"McKissick 16"25 DieitalCable Counter & Block Remontec DTD 208, Measurement Technology LCI-90i 70 Dredge Pump AMT 2''25 Honda Generator - 2kW, 5kW EU2000i, EBs000x 50 Generator - 13kW (Diesel)Voltmaster 13000 110 Light Tower w/ generator Terex A14000 100 Gas/Electric Air Compressor 90 PSI 30 Mobile Deck Storage Container (8'x20')8'x20'25 Mobile Work Van (8'x20')8'x20'250 9-BOATS&TRUCKS 49 ft R/V Dolphin Marine Science / Geophysical Survey Vessel 4,500 27ft Catamaran w/ trailer Trailered Marine Science / Geophysical Survey Vessel 2,400 28 ft Mako Boat w/ trailer Mako 6s0 25 ft Parker Boat w/ trailer Parker 550 25 ft Pontoon Boat w/ trailer Tri-Pontoon 200 Truck Ford F250, F350, GMC Yukon, GMC Suburban 150 Longterm rates available Notes: The rates listed above apply when CSA is responsible for loss and repairs. Rate schedules are subject to revision on each 1 January. This Schedule may be updated as needed throughout the year to include the addition of new equipment. Any changes to existing prices will occur only during a 1 January revision. Prices are firm only when signed by an authorized company representative or when taken form current Rate Schedules. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 8502 SW Kansas Ave Stuart, FL 34997 USA +7 772 279 30[,0 csa@conshelf.com csaocean.com U.S. REGIONAL OFFICES FLORIDA, LOU ISIANA, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL LOCATIONS TRINIDAD, OATAR, BRAZIL, CYPRUS, SINGAPORE, AUSTRALIA 7-2 (t2/14/20].4of4 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 833 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) csA ocEAN sctENcEs tNc. (csA) Total Labor Rate Schedule for Collier County Effective January 2021 through May 2023 Senior Scientist 2 Senior Scientist 1 SS2 SS,I $ $ 220.20 182.03 Project Scientist 3 Prolect Scientist 2 Prolect Scientist 1 PS3 PS2 PS1 $ $ $ 146.80 111 .57 99.83 GIS Manager GIS Developer GIS Analyst GIS Technician GISM GISD GISA GIST $ $ $ $ 146.80 129.18 96.88 85.14 Project Manager 2 Project Manager 1 Assistant Proiect Manaqer $ $ $ 184.97 129.18 82.21 Operations Manager Operations Supervisor 2 Operations Supervisor 1 Technician 3 Technician 2 Technician 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ 202.59 164.42 13s.05 108.63 93.96 67 .52 Technical Editor 2 Technical Editor 1 Document Processor Clerical rE2 TE1 DP CLR $ $ $ $ 117 .44 91 .02 79.28 58.72 Field Eouipment and Supplies: CSA field equipment is billed on a time-rate basis according to CSA'S Field Equipment Rate Schedule ('l-2) Travel and Per Diem: Billed according to Section 1 12.061 Florida Statutes Subcontracts and Consultants: Billed at cost plus 5%. Other ExDendable SuDoli Materials, and Services: Billed at cost plus 5%. Prices are firm only when signed by an authorized company representative or when taken from cunent Rate Schedules. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS REGIONA OFFICES 8502 SW Kansas Avenue, Stuart, Florida 34997 Tel'. (772) 219-3000; Fax: (772) 219-3010 e-mail: csa@conshelf.com web: www.csaocean.com 1 1953-4 FM 529, Houston, Te\as 77041 rer Q72) 219-3000 2261 Denley Road, Houma, Louisiana 70363 Tel: (772) 219-3000 24-Hour Response Linei (844) 272-8320 1-1a l2t3t21) Labor Cateqories Abbreviations Hourlv Rate lPlil2 l p r,n', lnprr,t lorvr losz lH" 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 834 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) OvaresRaquel Flom: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kabay, Lystina < LKabay@conshelf.com > Friday, March 12,2021 2:18 PM ArencibiaJessica; DarcoChristopher MillerAndrew Re: CSA Rates for 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring Proposal contract #17-7188 2021 CSA Field Equipment Rate Schedule for Collier County.pdf EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Jessica, My mistake! Of course, please find the attached. Thank you for your swift response. Cheers, Lystina From: ArencibiaJessica <Jessica.Arencibia@colliercountyfl.gov> Sent: Friday, March '12, 2021 2:14:19 PM To: DarcoChristopher; Kabay, Lystina Cc: MillerAndrew Subject: FW: CSA Rates for 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring Proposal contract #17-7188 Hi Lystina, Can you please attach the equipment rates please? I only see the labor rates Thanks Jessica Arencibia Operations Analyst Capital Project Planning, lmpact Fees & Program Management Division 2685 South Horseshoe Drive, Suite 103, Naples Florida 34104 Phone: 239.252.8345 Jessica.Arencibia@CollierCountyFL.gov -:-Original Message:-- From: Kabay, Lystina <LKabay@conshelf.com> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 12:36PM To: DarcoChristopher <Christopher. Darco@colliercountyfl.gov> Cc: ArencibiaJessica <Jessica.Arencibia@colliercountyfl.gov> Subject: Re: CSA Rates for 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring Proposal contract #17-7188 EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. 1 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 835 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) Good afternoon Chris, Attached are our 2021 labor rates and equipment rates for the County's review. You will see in the equipment rates I've highlighted the equipment listed in the proposal table. You will also notice two items are listed more expensive in our 2021 rates (hypack software and computer). These have been approved by our accounting and are discounted for Collier County for this years survey. I've also received an invitation link from Renewals@colliercountyfl.gov to sign the renewal contract. Please note that any signatures or approvals for contracting should go through Frederick B. Ayer, ll, CSA's Executive Vice President (fayer@conshelf.com) and if possible, cc our contracting department, POC, Susan Tudor (STudor2@conshelf.com). Let me know if you need anything else from me and otherwise have a great weekend! Cheers, Lystina From: DarcoChristopher <Christopher.Darco@colliercountyfl .gov> Sent: Thursday, March 11,2021 10:58:38 AM To: Kabay, Lystina Cc: ArencibiaJessica Subject: FW: CSA Rates for 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring Proposal contract #17-7188 Hi Lystina- Looks like we are making good progress in moving this contract along to the three boards lf you would as soon as possible, send an attachment with the new rates for 2021 and verify any new rates for equipment. Thanks! Chris From: DarcoChristopher Sent: Thursday, March 11,2021 10:51 AM To: ZimmermanSue <Sue.Zimmerman@colliercountyfl.gov> Cc: MillerAndrew <Andrew.Miller@colliercountyfl.gov>; ArencibiaJessica <Jessica.Arencibia@colliercou ntyfl . gov> Subject: FW: CSA Rates for 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring Proposal contract #17-7188 2 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 836 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order) OvaresRaquel From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ayer, Fred <fayer@conshelf.com> Friday, April 23,20?1 10:12 AM DarcoChristopher; ArencibiaJessica OvaresRaquel; MeyerHeather; MillerAndrew; Kabay, Lystina; Hodel, Erin; Tudor, Susan RE: CSA Work Order EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Hello Chris and Jessica, Per your request to Lystina, our Project Manager for this program, I offer the following confirmation: This email confirms that CSA's proposal for the Collier County Nearshore Hardbottom Biological Monitoring dated 03 March 2021 is effective through the end of Collier County's fiscal year, 30 September 2021. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to support Collier County with this program. Regards, Fred Ayer Frederick B. Ayer, II CSA Oceqn Sctences Inc. E xecutiu e Viw Pr e sid.e nt faYer@co nshelf,com +1(551) 371-4921cell +1 (772) 219-3039 direct +1(772) 219-3000 Stuart Office (CSA Headquarters) "%tCSA' From: DarcoChristopher <Christopher. Da rco@colliercountyfl.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 7:05 AM To: Tudor, Susan <STudor2@conshelf.com> Cc: Hodel, Erin <ehodel@conshelf.com>; Kabay, Lystina <LKabay@conshelf.com>; Ayer, Fred <fayer@conshelf.com>; OvaresRaquel <Raq uel.Ovares@colliercountyfl.gov>; ArencibiaJessica <Jessica.Arencibia@colllercountyfl.gov>; MeyerHeather <Heather. Meyer@colliercountyfl.gov>; M illerAndrew <Andrew. Miller@colliercountyfl.gov> Subject: FW: CSA Work Order EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source- Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Received Susan...thank you will do. Chris From: Tudor,Susan <STudo12@conshelf.com> Sent: Monday, April12,2O2L 72:46 PM To: Darcochristopher <Ch risto her.D llie UN ov> Cc: Hodel, Erin <ehodel@conshelf.com>; Kabay, Lys tina <L 1 ba conshelf.com>; Ayer, Fred <faver@conshelf.com>; www.conshelf .com 16.A.15.a Packet Pg. 837 Attachment: Work Order CSA 2021 Hardbottom_Legal (15726 : 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring CSA Work Order)