Resolution 1995-294 APR 2 5 19f,"~ RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RESOLTION PURSUANT TO THE FROVISIONS Of COLLIEF COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 8 '-5 APPROVING THE EXF :NOITURE OF FUNDS FOR OfFICE EXPENSES TO COV! ' THE PURCHASE OF FLOWF:c S OR OTHER ITE' 3 SENT BY THE COUNTY MANAGER'S O'FICE FOR SPECI,L OCCASIGrS. WHEREAS, fron time to time, occasio 3 arise when i' ~esture from the County Manager's Office is appr priate; and WHEREAS, flc~rers, greeting cards 02 ("Ither items aJ-r! usually sent for specia 1 (jccasions such as the c:~'lth or severe j Ilness of a County employee requiring hospitalizatn; and WHEREAS, to f.romote good;, ill, it is' ppropr i a te tc ~ommunicate fee1i-,g5 and express sentime for our emp]f)yees. NOW, THEREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T BOARD OF corm fY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that such ex!' 1ses incurred on behalf of County e~ployees fe,' special occa, ions as noted above are d'c""ed appropriate and are hereby apprc'v ~d as part of a liDited petty :ash allowa ce of $60n.JO. Tt 1 S Reso 1 ution adopted a'ter mot iO'l second and IT. 'ior i ty votE' fc.'::lring same. DATED: "'~.J;1S-' ATTEST: DWIGHT _. BROCK, CLERK SOARD OF '-' rUNTY COLLIER COUNTY, '. /' ~}2I/~NA,,-/4:7~-(]' ~- 'APp~e' as to form and legal s fficiency: .--- By: _, ETTYE J. COMMISSI-NERS FLORIDA ~/;;( (":URMAN ~,-d-~ -b...L Kenneth B. Cuyler County \ttorney