Resolution 1998-374 RI.SOLUTION NO. 98-374 ,% RESOLUTION DECLARING A VACANCY ON TII£ CONTRACTORS' LIC£NSING BOARD. WilEREAS. The Contractor' Licensing Board was e~blished by the Board of County Commissioners through the adoption of Colliet County Ordinance No. 90-105. as amended; and WllEREAS. Ordinance No. 90-105, as amended, provides that the Contractors' Licen$in$ Board shall consi~ of 9 mcmherl; and WIIEREAS, Collicr County OMinance No. 86-41, as amended, provides that any board member who is ab~'nt from two comecmiv¢ mec~ings without a ~lisfactory excuse acceptable lo the board chairman. ~uch fact ~all be ~taled for the record and notification shall be made to the Board of County Commissioneas at a Commission met'ting, and if the Board of County Commissioner concur wilh Ihe ~emenls of the board, the Commissioners shall declare the position lo be vacanl: and WIIEREAS. aflet discussion by the Comractors' Licensing Board. the C'hainnan of the Boanl has advised the Bo.mi of County Commissioners that ~ A. Meg, get has failed lo comply with the requirements set forth in Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended, and has requested that the Board of Courtly Commissioners declare that the seal held by Thomas A. Meg,$et be vacant on their Board. NOW. TItEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, thai allet consideration of the facts presenled. Ihe Board of County Commissioners hereby declares the st, at ofThoma$ A. Meg, get to he vacant on the Contractors' Licgnsinll Bo~-,~. This Resolution adopted attet motion, seeond and majority vote. DATED: September 8. 1998 ATT~;T: DWIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk '"ltt~'-as to- ~ r~ .~- '~- ' s~g~ature Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA BAP~3~RA B. B~RR~. David C. Weigel County Attorney