Resolution 1998-294 81A31l1l~ RESOLUTION NO. 91'-1.24 A RESOLUTION NOMINATING THE IMMOKALEE COMMUNITY IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH INCLUDES THE AREA INDENTIFIED HEREIN FOR A FEDERAL GRANT KNOWN AS THE RURAL EMPOWERMENT ZONE DESIGNATION, WHEREAS, the Federal Government has enacted. the Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Initiative designed 10 give dislressed communities an opportunity for economIc growth and revil<3hzallon; and WHEREAS. the lmmokalee Community as identified in Exhibit I me.,ls the rural crileria as outlined by the Federal guidelines and described in Exhibit II attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS. the Immokalee Community developed 8 Strategic Plan and apphed for this designation in 1994 and received designation 8S a Champion Community whiCh provides federal technical assistance to the community; and WHEREAS. the Immokalee Community has continued 10 implement the Strategic Plan and has maintained a broad.base of citizen participation since the development of the Plan: and WHEREAS, lhe Immokalee Community is refining the 1994 SlrateglC Plan through community participation to confirm the community's vision for the future and develop realistic goals and strategies to achieve those goals; and WHEREAS, the Community Foundation of Collier County, a non.profit organization dedicated 10 providing leadership and strengthenIng communtty development, will be the lead entity in the 1998 Empowerment Zone appllcallon and implemenlation of the new Slrategic Plan; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Comer County supports the Immokalce Community's efforts in bu~ding a ten.year Strategic Plan for Immokalee and will be a participating entity in the impJemenlation of the goals identified in the Strategic Plan; and NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that SECTION ONE: The lmmokalee Community shalf be recommended and nominated to be designated as a Rural Empowerment Zone 10 the U. S. Department of Agriculture and all eligibility crilarla idenlJfied in Exhibil II have been mello Qualify for this designation. SECTION TWO ThiS RC'solu110r1 adopted afler motion. second and majority vole. Done Ihl, ~<>-.. day of 7-' 1998. ATTEST: DWIGHT C. BROCK. CLERK '~';##~"L_;~? ;]~ / -/.... ) t C .,~;;~ !; 0 4fr-.n's . J'~..Hl..',-1!' onl]. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BOARD OF COUNTY CMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ~ BY: ~~. ~L\, BAR Ii. . Y, CH-tRM Y\l~...~~, 7/]. ,(}UA...(, Ice Marjori , Student, Assistanl County Attorney IMMOKAt. EE EMPOWERMENT ZONE BOUNDARY DETERMINATION MAP W(stErn Colll(r County Florida ,i LE;EN~ Pa. Rural Population Data Worksheet Duplicate this page if needed. Number the added pages IVa, IVb, e~c. lisa only one line per census tracVbloek [' numbering area. Enter the total number of census tract.qbloek numbering areas listed on all pages in the block I to the fight. Thc tracts in each parcel should be grouped separately below.. 3 I!z 1 2 State and Census FIPS Area (5-d*.~l) Tract 12021 ;112.03 12021 i I13 12021 114 3 4. Poverty 5. I.and Area 1990 Population1 Number Persoe~ in Poverty Excluded Net Area o! Area Tract (sq. miles) (sq. miles) Of Site. as applicable 6,756 6,111 3 117 Pe~cenl of Pe~ons Below ~ Pove~ 3,882 57Z 2,196 36Z ~ 35. lZ Total Land Area tn Census Tract (sq. n~les) 7.7 7.7 50.5 50.5 6 7 Code Check if lhls tract is ina Ct~Tent E¢ Eligibility Data for Each Parcel Parcel A j Parcel B Parcel C Numb~ of ce,-,sus tracts/blo~ nta-nbedng areas with i:x:werty tale(s) of 25% o~' ~eater. 3. ~ Numb~ of census a'ac~rolod( numbering ereas w~ poverty rate(s) of 20% ~ greater. Number of cereus tmctM~ ~ m. eas wflh a population of less than 2.000. Numb~ of census ttacts/lolock numbedng areas with no populatk~. 3 o T foem R025-! (4/98) pan w: Rural Population Data Worksheet Instructions 8m4 3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS · Census tracts are the basic building blocks of Empowerment Zone applicant areas. The first step to take is to identify the census tracts that arc to be included in thc nominated area. (In the case of Alaska and Hawaii. block groups may be used instead of census tracts; in places where census tracts are not delineated, block numbering areas are to be u.,,ed.) · The nominated area may have one continuous boundary (one parcel) or consist of up to three noncontiguous parcels, each of which has a continuous boundary. · A parcel may be eligible for inclusion in a nominated area on the basis of either (1) poverty rate or (2) emigration. Adjacent census tracts that share a common, continuous outer boundary are considered a single parcel for thc puqx~s of file maximum cap of 3 noncontiguous parcels. · Within any single State. up to three separate parcels may be included in a nominated area; however, multiple State applica- tions must consist of only a single parcel. Nominated rural areas may straddle up to three States. Rules for Eligibility of Census Tracts A parcel ma)' be eligible for inclusion in a nominated area on the basis of either povcrl>' rate or emigration criteria; where a nominated area consists of more titan one parcel, one parcel ma)' qualify under poverty rate while another qual,fies under emigration. ~ch separate parcel must. however, demonstrate pervasive poverty, unemployment, and general distress. Fractional Percentages: The Rural Population Data Worksheet is used to demonstrate eligibility of the nominated area. Fractional percentages of one-half or more must be rounded up to the next whole number. For example, if a nominated area has 44 census tracts/block numbering areas, then 40 census tract.qblock numbering areas (90% X 44=39.6) mu~t have a poverty rate of 25 percent or higher. Acceptable Data Sources: Tile 1990 Census data specified arc the only data source acceptable {,) I.I,SI)A. All dat:! arc for census tracts or block numbering areas, except in the care of nomination; from Alas;I.:a and I[awaii. which may use block groups. Boundaries: The gross nominated area must include full census tracts or block numbering areas. Census tracts and block numbering areas cannot be split. Nominated area boundaries must follow census tract and block numbering area boundaries, except where excess mileage or governmentally owned land is excluded or where a developable site is the only area nominated in a given census tract. The boundary for an Indian reservation may bc used for reservations equal to or less than 1,000 square miles. Nominated areas that are wholly within a larger reservation are not required to adhere to census tract boundaries if sufficient credible data are available to show compliance with the other requirements. Data Form: The Rural Population Data Worksheet will accommodate up to three (3) noncontiguous parcels. If tile nominated area consists of only one parcel with a continuous boundary, all of the information should be included in the section identified for Parcel A. Poverty Rate Parcels for which the poverty rate test is used to determine eligibility must consist of census tracts: (a) all of which have a 1990 poverty rate of not less than 20 percent; and (b) 90 percent of which have a 1990 poverty rate of not less than 25 percent. Iotrn RD25.-1 (4/98) 6 For thc purposes of this test, parcels containing six, seven, eight, or nine census tracts may includc one census tract with a poverty rate of not less than 20 percent. Those census tracts in parcels containing fcwcr than six census tracLs must demonstrate a poverty rate of not less than 25 percent. A nominated area in Alaska or Hawaii is dcemcd to me. ct the distress, a'ca, and poverty rate criteria if for each tract or block group at least 20 percent of the families within it have an income that is 50 Percent or less than thc statewide median family income. Note: the population limit and other requirements still apply. Emigrat/on Parcels for which the emigration rate is used to determine eligibility must consist of any census u'acts located in a county that had a net population outmigration of not less than 15 Percent between 1980 and 1994. Plea.,,c refer to thc list of these countics. which was published in the Ftderal Rtgixttr by USDA with the Notice Inviting Applications. Popular~on Thc maximum population size for the nominated rural Empowerment Zone is 30.000. There arc no separate Icsts for thc population size of individual parcels. Land A rea Thc maximum size of thc land area included within thc nominated arcs is 1.000 .,square miles llowc:-er, special cxcepd~ns apply in certain instances: · Single census tracts larger than 1.000 square miles. A census Iract larger than I.OC~J square miles shall be reduced to a l.O00-squarc-milc area with a continuous boundary, if necessary, after giving affect to th~ exclu,,ion of governmentally owned land and such developable sites as may be proposed for the nominated area · Census tracts that include significant government..owned land area. Where a censu~ tract mclu,tes a substantial amount of land owned by the Federal, State. or local government, the governmentally owned land may t,~ excluded Io determine the square mileage to be included in thc nominated area. · l,:.dian reservations larger than 1,000 square miles. Indian reservations larger than 1.000 square miles may nominate an area within thc reservation no~ greater than 1,000 square miles. " Developable sites. A nominated area may include up to three noncontiguous sites, in thc aggregate not exceeding 2.000 acres, where thc site may be developed for commercial or industrial purposes. This acreage is allowed in addition to the 1,000-square-mile limitation and need not conform to existing census I/act boundaries nor be within or contiguous to a census tract otherwise nominated to be included in the nominated area. The developable sites may be excluded from the nominated area (or a specific parcel) for purposes of determining whether the nominated area meets the poverty rate test. · Alaska ,,nd llawaii. In the event that nominated areas arc qualified using median family income, the median family income alone satisfies thc area requirement and no additional area requirement applies. COLUMN INSTRUCTIONS The Rural Population Data Worksheet is divided into three sections (A, B, and C). List census tracts by parcels, providing tl~c following information for each census tract: Source Materials: 1990 Census Tracts/Block Numbering Areas Outline Maps The 1990 census maps may be ordered by calling the U.S. Bureau of the Census at 301--457-4100 to obtain the 1990 CPH-3 Printed Reports and Maps Order Form. LI~ the form to order census tract/block numbering area outline maps for States or metropolitan areas. State data centers or a local library may already have the CPH-3 aeries and maps. form RD25.-1 (4/98) ~ ~ Certifications 8 A3 · f ~meor~. ~lor£da Dept of Co.unity Affairs ~l:~a~: '~ X Ill&