Resolution 1998-271 1.(C4.~ RESOLUTlO:-i :-,'0.98- ? 71 A RESOLUTIO:-,' OF COLLIER COU:-iTY. FLORIDA PURSUAi'iT TO SECTIO." 1-12 (EI, COLI.lER COU:-iTY ORlllNANCE :"0. 96-0. AS AMENllf::ll, ESTABI.lSIlI:"G TilE REGULATORY ASSESS'IE:"T FEE OF O:-iE ANll ONE- IIALF PERCE:"T OF GROSS REVE:-iUES FOR NONEXE~IPT PRIVATE WATER A:-iD WASTEWATER UTII.lTlES UNDER LOCAL JURISllICTIO:". DlRECTI:-iG TilE COLI.lER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER Al:TIlORITY TO All.IUST WATER ANll/OR WASTEWATER RATES OF SAIll UTII.lTlES. AS .\PPROPRL\TE. PRO\'IDI:-iC A:-i EFFECTIVE llATE. \VHERL\S. ResolutIon ~";n. l)(l.l ()~ excluded Collier County frnlll the provisions of Chapter 367, FloridJ S\;l\utcs. thcrchy as,<;;ull1ing ccrt:Jin suhJcCI malleT jurisdiction mTr noncxclllf1t waler and \\'aslc\\alcr utilities opcralirl!! in \HHllI..:nrpor;tll.:d areas l1rCollin COUllly: Jnl! \\'HF:REAS. Ordinance ;-'.;O.Wl-(' cstahlishctl the Cnllll'r County Water ilnd Waslcwalcr Authority (Al.:TflOR.JTY) and specific rO\\-crs and dutIes: and \\'HEREAS. Section 1.12 (E). Ordinance :\0. Wl-('. as amended. provides ror the Board ot"("OLJl1ty Commissioners (BOARD) tn dctcm,inc the amount orthe regulatory assessment lee fromtlnle to time after puhlic hearing thereon. hUlllnt to hecomc effectivc earlier Ikm sIxty (()I)) days ancr auoption or each sHch implementing Rcsolulinn; and \\'IIEREAS. 011 July 2};. I \)\)8. the BOARD held a duly <1uvertJsed puhlic hearing 10 cOl1s1<Jcr 11,c record and lcslimony regarding tlle ::Jdjustmenl of the regulatory assessment fee; and \\'IIEREAS. slafrhas rCCCllllll1elHJcd a rL'duclion (lfthe regu!alory i1S!-iCSSllH:1l1 fee from lhree ()) pcrccnllo one and one-haIC( I I'll percent. efrecti\'l' Octnhcr I. J ()I)S: :lIld \\'HERE..\S. lhe !\l;Tf/ORITY is ;llIthori/cd to :Idjusl wall'r ,ll1d wastewater Llh: lanlTs o(noncxcmpl pri\':lte \\aln and \\"astl.'w;tlcr IHililics 1111lkr ilsJunsdil'll\lJl tn relkel each change in reguLllory aSSC~SI11Clll fees. :\O\\', THF:REFORF.. BE IT RF:SOL\'ED hy the Hl):nd n(( '1)\ltll:I' Commissioners of Cnllicr County. Fll)rida thaI The rcgul<llory as~~ssmcl1llce IS hereby cstahlishcd at one ilnd one-half II ~~J percenl of gross re\"cnucs It)r nOI1CXCl11r! p~'i\"ale \\';l[cr and w:tstc\Villcr utilities under the ('Clunty'sjurisdictinn, , rhe nne and one-hal r (I I/d per(L'rll regulalory ~ISSL'SSll1ent fee shall heL'OlllL' crrccli\"c nil Octohcr I. Il)<)~" 1 The Collier Count;. \\':Her and Wastewater Auth('lnty shall adjust the walcr :\Ild wastewater Lari rrs or all t1lilitics under ilS jUrlsJictin!l 10 rellfXI this reductioll in the regulatory assessment rCL'. .j The rate adjustments rCIlt:cting the pro-rata reduction 111 the respcetivL' 1Ililily'S regulatory asscssmcnt fee shall he effective Octoher I. I <)<)S 12C4- This Resolution adoplc:d this ,_,"'~' day of .', I, I . 1998 after motion. second. and majority vote favoring same. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk by: /' /'. . , . ~/ . / . / ~ . /' ~ "".--/ epuly Clerk / / Attest as to CMairsan's If~ature onlJ, Approved as 10 foml and legal sumcicncy: ____ 0 ( ~ DI"- \IJ~- Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COU!liTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORlllA J ~~ RQ''''m\ Barlx(ra B. BerTy, c.'ha~~