Resolution 1998-238 I ~)I'2.~. RI'.S()I.l'TI(J~ ~(), 'IS, 238 RFSOLlTIO~ ALTIlORIZI~C; FI~AL '\CCFPTANCI'. OF TIlOSE ROAO\\A y, DRAI~,,\(,E. \1'..1 TFR A~D SEWER 1\IPRO\'I'\IE~TS I~ QCAIL WEST l'~IT O~I'., RFf'L.\T BLOCK C. FIRST ,,\DDITIO~. RU.I:..\SI OF Till: \I..\I~TI'.~A~CF SITI :RIT\'. A~11 ..\['(TPTIVi TilE ,\IAI~TIS.I~CL RI'.Sf'O~SI[JII.IT\' FOR TilE ROADI\'A\', I1R..\I\M,I'.. I\'ATER A~11 SE\I'ER 1\IPRO\'F\IlSIS TIIAT ARF ~OT RI'.QI'IRFIl TO BF \I..\I\T..\I\I',D 11Y Till', 11(]\II'.OI\'~I'.RS ,-\SSOCIATIO\ \\"IIER EAS. the Board or County Cnrnmissiolll.:rs of ('ollil.:f County. Florida. nn .Ill]>" 2~_ 11)1)(1 aprrO\cd the pia! of Ouail \\'L'st [:nit One. RcpLll BI{)(~ (', First Addition for rccordint:: ;lI1d \\"HERLAS. the dc\'t:lopL'r has constructed and m.lllltaincd the ro.llh~'ay. drainage. water and Sl'\\Cf 1111pro\"CmClllS in accordance with the approH'd p1<1115 <ll1ll specifications and as n:l1tlircd hy the Lmd DCI,"clopmcnt CtHlc (Collier COllnty Ordinance ;'\0. 1)] ~ )02. as amended): and the L\ililic~ StJntlards and Pnxt.:tlllTcs {)rdin;lI1cc lCnllicr CtllJTlLy Ordinance :\0. 1)7-1 il. and \\"llERE:\S, the dl.:\"~lnrl.:r has nO\\ reqllested fllla] ilCCl.:pl:lI1CC orllle ru~Hh\'ay. drallLlgc, \\'aler and SL'\\'i.:r 1111prO\''':!1lcnts and release of his l1laI1'11L'll;lrH.:~ sL'clIrilY: ;lIld \\'HERFAS. the Cl11l1pllanCe Ser\lccs SccLillll orllle De\'Clopll1cnt Scn'icL:s [)Cr,lnmCl1t l1:\s Inspccted the ro:ld\\ay. dr:lIllagc, \\;\ICT ,lilt! SC\H'r lnlpru\'L'l11enlS ;llld I;'; n:coI111l1cndin~ ;\cl.:Cpl;lnCL' or Silld racihtics ~()\\', TIIERI'FORE. flE IT RESOI.\'Ul BY TIlE BOARD OF ('OL:"TY (,()\I\lISSIO\ERS OF ('OLLlER COL\T\'. FLORIDA, thai lil1al 'lCeep':II1(e he granted l0r those roadwuy. drJHlage, water and scwer irnpnnClllL'lits in ()uail \Vest Lnit One. RcpLn Blod C. rirsl Addition, anLl :llll!lnrlll.: Lhl.: Clerk Il) release the rnaintl.:llJlIcl.' SI'CllrJty, Ill: IT ITRTIIER RESOLVED A:'\D ORDI:RED thalthc ('<<lIlllv aeccplthc fUlure maintenance and other aHl.:nJant C051S for the roadway. drain:J~c. water and scwer Impn)\'elllcnts thaL arc not rctjuircLl to hc maintained hy Ihe homeowners assnci:.uioll" ["his Resol11tlnn adnplcJ after rnoti0!l. sccnnd and 1ll;.ljnrJ1Y \{lIC ra\'llring S,IIll\.' DATE: .'\ TTEST D\\IC;lIT 1'., BROCK. CI.ERK BOARD OF COIJ\T\' ('O,\1.\1ISSIO"i:RS CGLUER COL:\TY, I'LORIIM .- ~-_:'_::--:..::::_::"..:.,.:.._-'---~- Ih~~~ ~ _ li\-~Ro\ 11, liERI~-n , :\pproH:d as In fonn and legal sufficiency: i : ~~. \1 I {Citli F, Ash Ion Assisl;jnt (oIlier Cnllllty :\1l0nl1..'Y