Resolution 1998-188 1 DEl .. . RESOI.l:TION NO. 98-188 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO TilE CO;l;TRAC"TORS' I.ICENSING BOARD \.'~iEREAS. Collier Count)' Ordinance ~u. 1)5....2. as amcndt."t..I hy Ordinance :"4'05. '.HI.lfJS. 92-61. and 95-11. created the Contractors" Licensing Board and provides thallhe Board shall he composed of nine (9) members appointed hy the Board of ('ounty Commissioners lA'jlh a minimum of two (2) members residing within the corporate city limits of Naples or recommended to the Board by the Naples City Council; and WHEREAS. there are currently three f 3) vacancies on this Board: and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners prc,,'iously provided puhlic notice soliciting applications from various inlcrcslcd panics. SOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOI.VED BY THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIOSERS OF COLLIER COlJSTY. FLORIDA. that: 1. William T. Lewis meets (he prerequisites for appointment and is herehy appointe::d 10 Ihe:: contractors' Licensing Board for a three year lern1. said lenn 10 expire on June:: JI). 2CXJl. 2. Anhur F. Sehoenfuss meets Ihe prerequisites ror appointment and is herehy reappointed to the contractors' licensin~ Board. said Icnn to expire on June JO. 2001. 3. Daniel Gonzalez meets the prerequisites for appointment and is hereby reappointed to the contractors' Licensing Board for a three year term. said tenn to e.''1pirc on June :W. 2001. This Resolution adopted after mol ion. second and majority vote. DATED: June 16. 1998 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By:. ~~I~)l~\ BARBARA B. BERRY. Chairman Ay:P~~;&.fL Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: ~',," ~d'2J~ Da\'id C. Weigel County Attorney ()C"Wkn