Resolution 1998-187 lOA RESOLliTIOr-; NO. 98-187 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT AD HOC ETHICS STANDARDS REVIEW COMMITTEE. WHEREAS. on May 10. 1998 the Board of County Commi~sionC'r.;. of Collier County. Florida thereinaRer "Board") at i15 regularly scheduled puhlic ml,.'Cting unannllously apprm'oo to publicly solicit for applications of pcrson!i. for appointment to an ethics standards n:vicw committee: and WHEREAS. the Board further dctermined that such ethics standards rc\'icw commiltcc would consist of five members. with one member appointed rrom each commission district. and those persons seeking appointment thereto to submit their resumes in similar manner a5 other Board-created committees; and WHEREAS. subsequent to lhe solicitation and receipt of applications for appointment 10 an ethics standards fC\'iew committee. the Board. at its regularly scheduled meeting of June 16. 1998. unanimously determined to create an ethic, standard, review comminee and appoint five members from among the committee applicants to said committee; and WHEREAS. lhe Board established the Collier County Government Ad Hoc Ethics Standards Review Committee pursuant to Resolution No. 98-186. adopted June 16. 1998. :--:OW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl-lISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. lhat the following persons are hereby appointed as members or the Collier County Gm'cmmcnt Ad Hoc Ethics Standards Review Commiucc: W. Earl Marlin Joseph Mumaw William Thiesen Casey Wolff Frank M. Holland. Jr. -Disuict I - Districtl . DistriCl3 - District 4 . DistrictS This Rcsolulion adopted after motion. second and unanimous vote ravonn!!: same. DATED: June 16. 1998 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By ~~.~\~ BARBARA B. BERRY. Chairman .Ay:/:;.a:.v..:z~/. ,!P.tL Attest IS to Chatraan'. slgnlture onl" Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: D1.~d'~ ~ei:~I. t~~ey h""'Mc...Iu1....."'I.dl..~(............A~I.