Resolution 1998-186 lOA RESOLUTION NO. 98-186 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT AD HOC" ETlIICS STANDARDS REVIEW COMMITTEE. WHEREAS. on May 10. 1998 the Boan! of Counly Commission"" of Collier County. Florida (hereinafter "Boanf") at its regularly scheduled public meeting unanimously approved to publicly solicit for applications of persons for appointment 10 an ethics standards fC\'icw committcc~ and \VHEREAS. the Board further detennined that such ethics standards review comminee would consist of five members. with one member appointed from each commission district. and those persons seeking appointment lhereto to submit their resumes in similar manner as other Board-crcaled committees; and WHEREAS. subsequent to the solicitation and receipt of applicalions for aprointmcnt 10 an ethics standards I'e\'jcw committee. the Board. at ilS regularly scheduled meeting of June 16. 1998. unanimously determined 10 create an ethics standards review committee and appoint five members from among the committee appliclIlts to said committee. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. 'hal: The Collier Counly Governmenl Ethics Standards Revic"' Commillcc (hereinafter "Committee'., is hereby established pursuant 10 Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41. as amended. as an ad hoc study committee. the charge of said committee and functions of which are as follows: I. To review existing laws governing ethics in governmenl. including gift disclosure laws. 10 review the problems therewith. and to propose suggestions on cOrTCC:ting those problen15 in a report to the Board on Ihe status of its work within sixty (60) days from the first meeting of said committee. 2. The Committee shall observe and be governed by Ihe Florida Go...cmmcnt-in-thc- Sunshine Law. Section 286.011. Florida Statu1es. 3. The Office of the County Attorney shall serve as liaison on behalf of thc Board to the Committee. and shall assist 10 provide hislorical infonnation. data. laws. rulcs and policies. and respond. as appropriale. 10 Committee requests and questions. - 1 - 4. The duration of the Commiltec shall not exceed one II) year from the date or this Resolution. This Resolution adopted after motion. second and unanimous \'Ote rU\'oring same. DATED: June 16. 1998 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CIeri< BOARD Of COU"TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FI.ORIDA '&"':7"'''"" ,~~~. I<!'-c:! Attnt u to Chi 11'11III 'I If9lllturl onll. By ~~~)l~ BARBARA B. BERRY. Chainnan Appro\'cd as 10 form and legal sufficiency: h f" "<"It~~I1"''1'' IlhlC," Ad 110>1: l'llnWI'ItIft - 2 - 10A"'~ (