Agenda 12/08/2020 Item #16C13 (2nd Amendment to Lease Agreement w/Alpert Tower, LLC)12/08/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Alpert Tower, LLC, to reflect the changes to County-owned equipment on the tower, and for the continued presence on the communications tower for the Public Safety Radio System. OBJECTIVE: To approve a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Alpert Tower, LLC, for the continued presence on the communications tower for the Public Safety Radio System. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County has leased space on the communications tower located at 1515 Benton Road since August 22, 1995. The equipment installed on this tower is part of the County’s Public Safety Radio System. The Lease is being amended to reflect changes to the location, type of antennas and microwave dishes installed on the tower, as part of the recent P25 radio system implementation. These changes were required to accommodate the design, engineering, and desired performance of the new system. The Amendment includes an initial term of eight (8) years with o ne (1) additional term of five (5) years. The County may terminate the Lease at any time, with or without cause, by providing sixty days written notice to the landlord. With the changes in the equipment’s location, the monthly rent will be reduced by $1,093. The new monthly rent will be $12,156 for the first year and will be increased by four percent (4%) annually after the first year. All other terms and conditions contained in the original Lease shall remain the unchanged. FISCAL IMPACT: The monthly rent of $12,156 for the first year, and all rents throughout the life of the lease, including the four percent (4%) annual increases in rent, shall be withdrawn from the Intergovernmental Radio Communication Program fund 188-140480. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATION: This item has been reviewed for form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board action. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Alpert Tower, LLC, authorizes the Chairman to execute the document. Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (PDF) 2. Location Map (PDF) 16.C.13 Packet Pg. 2805 12/08/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.13 Doc ID: 14213 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Alpert Tower, LLC, to reflect the changes to County-owned equipment on the tower, and for the continued presence on the communications tower for the Public Safety Radio System. Meeting Date: 12/08/2020 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 11/09/2020 2:58 PM Submitted by: Title: Director - Facilities Management – Facilities Management Name: Damon Grant 11/09/2020 2:58 PM Approved By: Review: Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 11/10/2020 10:46 AM Facilities Management Damon Grant Director - Facilities Completed 11/10/2020 12:48 PM Information Technology John Daly Additional Reviewer Completed 11/10/2020 1:02 PM Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 11/10/2020 4:58 PM Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 11/16/2020 3:25 PM Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 11/16/2020 4:31 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 11/24/2020 4:16 PM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 11/25/2020 1:41 PM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 11/25/2020 3:29 PM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 11/30/2020 10:13 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 11/30/2020 11:28 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 12/01/2020 9:04 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 12/02/2020 11:14 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 12/08/2020 9:00 AM 16.C.13 Packet Pg. 2806 Lease # IT- 125 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this dav of , 2020, al Naples, Collier County, Florida, by and between Alpert Tower, LLC, a Foreign Limited Liability Company, successor to Alpine Broadcasting Corporation, whose mailing address is 11800 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34113, hereinafter refened to as "LESSOR", and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is, in care of Real Property Management, 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE"; WITNESSETH WHEREAS, LESSOR and LESSEE have previously entered into a Lease Agreement ("Lease Agreement") dated August 22, 1995, and amended by the First Amendment to Lease Agreement on April 1 1,2003. attached hereto and made a part of this Amendment; and WHEREAS, the LESSOR and LESSOR are desirous of amending that Lease Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements provided within the said Lease Agreement dated August 22, 1995, and Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the Lease Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Article 2. A, "Premises and Use of Site," shall be revised to include antennas and cable outlined in Exhibit "A" of this Amendment. Lessee is also granted the right to relocate two (2) VHF antennas and related cable from the 675-foot level to the 500-foot level. Article 3, "Term," Paragraph l, shall be deleted in its entirety and the following substituted in its place: LESSEE shall have and hold the Leased Premises for a term ofeight (8) years commencing on the date in which LESSEE executes the Amendment. LESSEE is granted the option, provided it is not in default ofany ofthe terms of this Lease. to automatically renew same for one (l) additional term of five (5) years, under the same terms and conditions as provided herein. LESSEE may terminate this Lease, with or without cause, upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to the LESSOR. Said notice shall be forwarded to the LESSOR'S address as set forth in this Lease and shall become effective upon placement ofsaid notice in an official depository of the Unites States Post Office, Registered or Certified Mail, postage prepaid. Article 4, "Rent," first paragraph, is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following provision is substituted in its place: LESSEE shall pay LESSOR, monthly in advance, a fixed monthly rent of $12,156 for the initial year of this Second Amendment, commencing on October 1,2020, and an additional four percent (4%) increase compounded, for each year thereafter throughout the life of the Lease. ilg 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2807 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 4. Except as expressly provided herein, the Lease Agreement remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the LESSEE and LESSOR have hereto executed this First Amendment to Lease Agreement the day and year first above written. AS TO THE LESSOR:Alpert Tower LLC, a Foreign Limited Liability Company DATED:ills/aoao BY:lCc*^-ol d CEO w ss (signature)Donna Alpert, CEO o n (pri t name) ess (si nature) -fito /*/-Lep- (prin t name ) AS TO THE LESSEE DATED: ATTEST: Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk BY: , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legality: BOARD OF COLTNTYCOMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLOzuDA BY: Burt L. Saunders, Chairman nOnO'oiJennifer A. Belpedio, Assistant County Attomey \o App (: 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2808 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) Exhibit "A" Tower Attachments Qty Height (CL)Model Line Type Line Size Azimuth (deg) 500 DB.224A (VHF) Heliax 118 Omni 1 295 BMR.]20 Heliax 1 5/8 Omni 1 295 BMR.12H Heliax 7t8 90 I 230 PAD6.59B Elliptical EP 65 95.94 l t90 PAD6-598 Elliptical EP 65 95.64 l 140 PAD6-598 Elliptical EP 65 247 .5 @ 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2809 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) I,EASE IGREEI,IE!f,I Thls L€ase AgreeBent Dade as of the last date elther th€ LeBsor or L€ssee signs this Isase AgreeDen! as shown on the sLgnature page (said date belng hereinafter referred to as the rrcoDDenceD€nt Date") between ILPINE BROADCAaAI C CORPORITIoN, a tlorlda corporatioal having an office at 1l'8oo EaEt TaDiaDi TraLl Naples, Florida 33962 (herelnafter calLed rrl,essorr'), and CoLLIER Cot N!y, a Polltlcaf subdlvl8loD o! tbs 8tat. of Plorl'ila (herolnafter I'co1ller countyi or rrl€saeert ) hav.lng an olfice at 3301 Taulaul Tral.l, East, Naples, Florlda 33962. XIEtIissETE: 1. TOWER The WAW antenna tor,er referred to hereln is that certain 1,o22 foot radlo tover located ln Collier county, Florlda, at coordlnates:Latitu e 26 deqrees .l o | 57rl North. LonoLtude 81 deqrees 34r32rr tiest. 2 PREMISES AND USE OF SITE Lossor hereby leases to l€ssee, for the term of the r6nta1 and subj ect to the pror4isions hereinafter Bet forth, th€ followlng locatlons: t 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2810 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) On Tower:-At 3OO foot elevation for trro (2)antennas vlth 1 5/8 inch caule to sani,' -At- 3O0 foot .elevatlon one (1) antennawlt}i 7/8 lnch cable to sane. -At 23O foot elevatlon onefoot rlcrowave dish. -At 185 foot elevation onefoot rolcrowave dlsh. -At 14O foot elevation on€foot Dlcrowave dlah. (1) six (6) (1.) four (4) (t ) six (6) Plua ground space for in8tallatlon of equipnent butldlngto serivice eguipnent, to uit: a 12 fooL i-_z'o-t"ot shelter:l-!!" tower property. saia towei-rociti"n= and groundspace are hereinafter referred to as the ,iDimisedPreDlsesr. A The DeDlsed preBis€s ar€ to be used for the instalLatl,on, operation and, Dalntenance of radlo transDittlng and receivlng equipnent, along uith associated other electronl,c equipuent which nay be passive and/or active. Lesaee BhaII have the rlght to install upon the site, bulldlng, fencing and other accessories nec€ssary to the successful anal secure operatlon of the rbove-nentloned radio equipDent, aII as provided for hereln. AII equipnent lnstall€cl upon the prenises shaLl, at al,I tines be personal property of Lessee and, at L€sseers option, Day be renoved by Lessee at any tirne during the tern or withln a thirty (30) day perlod after expiratlon of this Iease. 2 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2811 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) Lasse€ ls rasponslble lor a1l nsc€Bsary tower nodificatione aa agrecd upon in Addendun A o! thls Agr€eDent. No €guiplent ray be installed untll th€Bs Eodl.fLcation8 are conpleted. 3. TERM To have and to hotd th€ I€aa6d preDises for a teEr cotrpencenent Dat€. The parties agree that they wlII diacuss provl,Elona for extenslon of the t€r! of thig Laae on or b€fore slx (G) Donth8 frou its explratlon, and the L€Esor acknosledges that it uould bc itg lntent to extend thl.s L€ase lf the partles can agree to t€r s and condl,tlona irhLch are Batisfactory to both. Except for the L€aas currently 1n effect betssen ALPIXE ABOIDCIaTIXO CORPORIITON and COLLIEB COIm,M for the Sheriff tr DepartD€nt Ant6nna6 (hBr€inaft€r r.Sh€rl,f!'g Leaser), which Lease shall reualn in full lorce and effect, any prevl,ous Iease agreonent betueen tl.plNf BRolDClSTIllO COnpORtIfgtI and eOLLIEB coUrlAI bocoDes null and void and ls sup€rE€dad by thts Agrc€Dent upon inBtalLation of afor€D€ntloned eguipnent (parrgr.ph 2A), Colller county Is responsible for ttre rerDoval of aII equipEent or atructures lnstalled under the terus of thle Icase within thlrty (30) days of lte temJ.natlon; any equlpnent or structure lnstalled by CoIIler County 3 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2812 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) under any prior leas€, €xc€pt for th€ Sheriffrs Leaae, and not included undsr the terEs of thls tease nust ba reEoved vithln thtrty (30) days of the Cou€nceDent Date of this L€ass, RENT The L€ssee shall pay the L€ssor, Eonthly Ln advance, T'IREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE AND 75l1OO (53.273.751 . Pa)rDent of this aDount irlll, p€m1t IEEs€e to lnstall: 2 Antennas at 3OOcable to sane. foot alevatlon wlth I 5,/B lnch - 1 Ant€nna at 300 toot elevatlon vlt.h 7/e lnch cableto saEe. - 3 lllcrowav€ (EW63W) diEhes with 11l4 lnch lines - one (1) six (6) foot at 230 feet - one (1) lour (4) foot at 185 feet - Ona (1) slx (6) loot at 14o feet - and a twelve (12) foot x trrenty (2O) foot shelteron site. The Base Rent for the initial year of this Lease takes into consideration the current cost of living as lllustrated by the consurner price fndex of Ju1v, 1995 (herelnafter rBase CpIr). On any annlversary of the Cornmencenent Date during th€ entlre tern of thls tease and during any renewal terns, ihe Bas€ Rent shall be Lncreased by one hundred percent (Ioot) of th. p.rc€ntago increase in the Consutler price Index between the Bas€ Cpf 4 4. 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2813 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) and the Consuuer Price Index for the Donth o( Jul'y lnuediately precetling the annl'versary of the conmencaEsn! Date, whlch shall be computed aE follows: Base Rent tlnes the cPI for thE Eonth luEediately praceding the annlversary CoEDenceuent Date divlded by the Base ofof CPI July the The consuDer Price Index used for the above calculations shall be the Indsx for Urban Con6uDer' AII IteDs, AI1 Citles (CPI-U). If the D6partBent o! labor changes the Danner of coDputation of the Ind€x' a converaion tactor ahall be ascertainsd to adJuat the Index then useat ' If such converElon factor I'g not available, the parties 6ha1l agree upon the converglon lactor of a neu Index. If the Parties cannot agr€e uPon an adjustEent Pursuant to this ParagraPh l'lthin thlrty (30) days lroD the date the nel, conPutation i6 to be Dade, then the partlee aha1l subDit to arbLtratlon ln collier county, Ftorida to doterEl'n€ an adJustuent which approxJ,roates the Index as noarly as possl'ble' If the Index Is discontinued and another index ls lssued by tha departDent of Iabor or any other U.s. Gov€rnEent Agency, the fndex shich apProxlDates the Index as nearly as possible shall be substltuted and used as the Index for the purposes hereof. If subsequent to the date hereof the Index ir published at intervals other than nonthly, the lndex whlch is published at a data cloE€at to aach of the dates specifled above shall be used. 5 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2814 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) In no event shall the annual r€ntal b€ lEas than the base rent or the rent. palal aturlng th€ prior teelve (12) Donth period. In addltLon to the rent payable, the Le8aee shall also pay any SaI€r Tax .ttrlbutable thereto. A late pa)ment p€nalty shall be added to any rent not received by Lessor wlthin ten (tO) days of the due date. Such penalty Bhall be equal to the interest accrued on Eald aDount on th€ date the pa)E€nt waa du6 until, the date L€ssor recelves sald payDent, coDputed at the rate ot 15t psr annuD. Lsse€rs obll,gatlon to pay rant 6hall coDDenc€ upon lnstallatlon of the antennas on the tower, but no later than two (2) nonths fron the comrnencen€nt Dats of thlB L€aa€ Adree[ent. 5 TNSTALIATTON A, L€Es€e rill supply its own equipnent buil.ding el€ctrlcal lines, antennas, 1ines, coroblner, EuLtl coupJ,ers and pre-anpliflers. B. Lessee shall be responsible for taklng such steps as ray be necesEary to prevent any lnterference or spurlous radlatlon wlth the broadcastlng facilities of Lessor or others presently on the tower. caused by L€ss€€rs transui,ssion or other actlvltles of L€aae€ on the De[lsed preulses. If such lnterference or 6 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2815 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) c spurious radiation cannot bE r8duced to lev€l,s reasonably acceptable to L€ssor, L€ssor nay €lect to terDinate thia L€ase by 91vin9 l€Baee wrltten notlce, Leasee shall provide L€saor ulth a copy of, the englneerlng sectlon of its FCC construction p6rEIt. L€ss€e shall lnstalt only auch antenna .nd transuission lines on the toser and oth3E egulpnent as has besn approved by I€sEor and his designated engineer. Th€ Lessee agr€€s that the lnstalLation vill ba done ln a neat, wor)oanshiplike Danner. AIl coste o! th€ Lnstallation t I11 be asEuued by the L€ss€e. The folloring apeclficatLons regarding lnstallation s111 be rigldly enforced. The L€ssor, in 1ts sole discretlon, shall, have the rlght to cancel this Lease for fallure of Lessoe to coDply wlth any of the following: 1. Antenna brackets nust be approved byL€ssor. D E 2 3 4 Lessee shall install condult to carry histransniseion lines in such nanner and formas approved by Lessor. Only non-rustable harduare uill beused. No painting of any haldrrare or brackGtgrri 11 be alloued. 7 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2816 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 7 No drl,Illng or rrelding to any part o! th€touer vlll be allowed-- 6, AII rustablegalvanlzed, washers. naterial nust be hot-dlpped.lnc1uding bolts, nuts and c, 9 No electronlcs wLl,1 be lnBtalled on theto-ver rrlthout the prior wrftien "ppi"J"iof I€Esor. *:!1:". ?f any i_nstalratlon or buildinerconstructlon shall be approved by L€ss;;] For Daintenance purpog€s, L€aa€e vllt be!lv:.n.a )<ey to unLock any gate lnstallcd.rf this key ts lost, the-r.5"r""-;iii-;;;;Ene expense of r€toollng any lockE andprovldlng trre1ve (12) new Xeys for eicnJ,ocI(. 6 UANAGEMENT OF SITE Lessor ahall have the right to perrolt any other party to occupy or use the Leased prernlses or any land or buildlngs owned by I€ssor. L€ssee agrees that if r'€ssor perDlts aardltronar partl€s to use the wAw Ant€nna Toi{er for radio lreguency transuissions, then Lessee shall, at no cost to L€ssor conduct uutual frequency conpatibility checks on any eguipment to be added to the aite. It is the L€ssorrs intent that he irill not perrDit any party to use the touer Lf such partyrs transnlsslon hrould cause lnterference with L€saeers use at the tln€ the third party is added to the lorrer, and the L€ssor agrees to rrork vi.th the Lessoe to assure that such interference does not occuri howevef, IJessor retalns I 5. 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2817 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) total discretion and authority over any decision aa to the €xtent of interfer€nca and adautlon ot thlrd partl€a to the tower. 7 8 ACCESS TO THE TO}'ER FOR I{AINTENANCE The Lssaee shall procur€ and nalntaln (or cause to be procurBd and nalntalned by an lDdep€nd€nt contractor), before connencing any installation and,/or nalntenance vork on the torrer, a Certlflcate of Insurance coverlng workerrs conpensation fnsurancE wlth an fnaurance coEpany acceptable to th€ L€saor, and salCl lnsurance shall provlde lor the payDent of coupensatlon in accordanc€ vith the larrs of the St.t€ of Florida lor all vorkar8 etoployed and eEployees of the L€sse€ and lts contractors and Sub-Contractors, and lurther insuring the L€ssor against any and all llability for personal injury or death of such rorkers and 6Dployees. The Lessee shall provide the Lessor rrith 6ald Certlflcate of Insurance prlor to the conroenceDent of any lnstallation and/or :uaLntenance provided for thlE Lease. INSI'RANCE Subject to the Linitations of saction 7GS,Zg, Florida statutea, the L€ssee hereby asauEes atL rlsk of and responsibility for, and agrees to lndennify and sav€ hartuess the L€ssor, fron and agalnst any and alt clalms, 9 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2818 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) d€nands, suita, actions, recoveries, Judg[oents and coata and expenses 1n connection thererrith made, brought or obtalned on account of th6 los8 o! Llfe, property or lnJury or daDage to the person or ploperty ot any p€rson or persons whoDao€ver, whether such person or persona be the Lessor, its agents or eDployee6, or the L€ssee, its ag€nts or eDployees, any Contracts, or Sub-Contractors eEployed by the l€aaee, thelr agents or ernployees, or any third person in no way connected with the parties hereto, which loss o! Ille or property or injury or danage to persoDs or property, shall be dua to or arisa out of, result forE, or be in any way connected vith thls L€ase or any vork done thersunder, including clinbing o! the antenna tolrer and/or aL1 vork done on said toser or any part thereof. The Lesseo shall procure and Ealntain comprehenslve publlc liabllity and property damage lneurance for thla work with an lnsurance conpany approved by tha L€saor, covering all lts operations and activitles on or Ln connection with the Leased prenlses rlth a single linit of not less than One t{lIIion DoIIare (g1,oOO,oO0.oo) nanlng Lessor as an addltional insured and shall lurnlsh l€ssor with a certificate evldencing such Lnsurance and 10 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2819 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) stateDent that such coverage shall not be cancel,Ied or changed untlI L€saor Bhall be glven ttrirty (3o) days notice in wrltlng. The lnsurance Eust be carrled throuEhout the tera of the L€as6. In additlon to aclequate l,labl1lty and property dauage insurance, Laaa.e wI1I be raaponaLblo for lta orrn buslness interruptlon Lneurance. Lassor csnnot be hald r€sponslble for dauagas caus6d by force maJeurc (hurricanes, tornados, l,lghtnl,ng, flre) or any other acts of God. In the ev€r:t of any cataatrophe, th€ L€ssor also canDot be held responalble fo! daEageE to Lea6oera €guipDent or be held IIabIe for any buelnese lnterruptlon caused by any force naJeur€ occurrence that !!ay daDage the toser or cau6e couplete torrer fallure. In the €vent the tover 1s d€Btroy.d, the rent ahal1 b€ abat€d untlI auch tiDe as sald tow€r Is rebuilt; provlded, hoirever, there is no obligatlon of L,€a6or to reconstruct the tover. Notice of the intentlon of the Lessor not to rebulld shall be provlded to L€ssee ulthln one hundred and eighty (180) days of the destruction of the toirer. Unless there is nalicious rnisconduct or wl,Ilful or dellberate negllgenc€ by L€ssor, Lessor cannot be held responsibLe for buslness interruption or for any other daEages or losses incurred or suffered by Lessee. The Lessor alsg cannot be held responsl,ble lor danag€E to 11 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2820 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 9 L€aseera eguipEent or lor business lnterruptlon caussd by Btorss or any other lorcs Dajeure ov6nt that Day cauEa daragc to the touer or conplete tower lailure. UATMPENANCE BY I,ESSEE L€EBee, at ite own expense, shall uaintaln L€sse€rs property ln accordancc rlth reasonable engincerlng standards to assure that at all tiueg La66s's property and lts op€ratlon ls 1n conlorDance with the regulreEents of the FederaL CoDtunl.catlons Counlselon anat alt other publlc authorltleg rlth Jurlsdictl.on over L€as66. L€sEee thall perf,orB all repalrs nacealrary to ke€p itg iaproveuents on the Detllgad prsDls€s in good and tenantable condLtlon, iITILITTES Lesse€ shall be responsible for securing any utillty service it requir.s, lncludlng electric power, and paylng any service charges for such utilltiee. Left blank intent ional I y. REMOVAL OF LESSEEIS EOUIP}TENT UPON TERI{INATION Lessee agrees to reDove its antenna and equipt0ent, at ltB expense, nithin thlrty (30) days after ternination of thls L€.se AgreeDent, -.{ 10, 11 - L2. L2 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2821 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 13.DEFAULTS AND REHEDTES! INDE NITY (1) If Lessee ahall, allor. the rent to be ln arrears mora than thlrty (3o) dayE after rrrltten notlce of such dallnquency, or aha11 reDaln ln dafault under any other condLtlon of thls Iaase for a perlod of thlrty (30) days alter urltten notlcs frou the LsEor, unless such default cannot be cured elthin thlrty (30) days and L€asee has conD€nced the curlng of the default vithin such thirty (3o) days period and thereafter dlllgently contl,nues to cure, or should any person other than I€ssee aecure possession of the DeDlaed PreEises, or any part thereof, by reasons o! any recelvershJ.p, bankruPtcy proceedlngs, or other operation of lar, ln any Danner shatsoever, unless such actlon ls wlthdrawn or unless such receivership or banlruptcy procecding or other operatlon of Iaw 1s dlsDlssed nlthln thirty (30) days, Leasor Eay at its optlon, wlthout notlce to Lessee, terminate thls Lease, or in the alternatlve, Lessor tnay re-enter and take possesslon of sald preulsee and reDove all perEons ther€froD, without being deeued gul}ty thereof, any Danner of tr€Epasr, and rel,et th€ D€Dised Prenises or any part for all or any part of the reuainder of sald I-€ase term, to 13 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2822 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) ...( a party satisfactory to t€asor, and at auch lonthl.y rental as Liessor ray rrith reasonabl€ diligence be able to secur€. Should Ipaaor b. unabl,€ to relet aft€r reasonable effort6 to do so, or should such llonthly rental be less than the rental Lessee rraE obl,igated to pay under thl,a L€ase, or any renenal th€r6of, pl,us the expEn6e of relettlng, then L€ss€e shalI pry tlre aEount of such deficJ,ancy to L€ssor, L€ssor e111 use reasonabl,e €fforts to relet the DeElsed PreDises so as to nitlgate l€ss€er6 daoages. th€ tollovlng paragraph 6hall apply only to non-governnental entltles and peraons for r.hoD the law perults such llen rlghts to apply. It 1s €xpressly agreed that ln the event of default by I€ssee hereunder, I.e6Eor shall have a llen upon al,I goodE, chattels, or perEonal property of any description belonging to Lessee whlch are placed in, or becoDe part of, the Denlsed Prenises, as security for rent fee and to becoDe due for the renainder of the current lease t€rl, which lien shal,l not be in lieu of or In any way affect statutory L,essorrs Lien 14 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2823 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) glven by law, but shall be cuDulatlve thar.to, and IJessee hereby grants to Lessor a E€curlty lnterest ln all such personal, property placed In said Derlasd preaLses lor such t urpoae3. Thla ahall not prevent the sale by t€ssee o! any nerchandise in the ordlnary cour8e o! business free of such lien to L€sEor ao long as L€asse ls not in default hereunder. Lseor agre€a to Bubordlnate any lien t hich lt Ery hava on I€sse€rs peraonal prop€rty to the rlghtB of any bona flde Eortgager o! Iass€6 lor the purpose ot flnanclng sald personal propErty. If LeEsor defaults ln the perlorDance of any tera, covenant, or condltl.on requlred to b€ perfore€d by hlu under thla agreenent, L€ssee nay elect onc or Bore of the follorring! (a) aft€r not IeEs than thirty (30) days notlce to I€saor, Lesaee lay reDedy such default by any n€cessary action, and in connection nlth cagh relledy Eay pay expenses and eDploy counseli aIl reasonable suDs expenses or obligatlons lncurred by I€saee ln connectlon there lrith ahall be paid by L€ssor to I€ssee on denand i 2. 15 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2824 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 3 ,l (b) e}ect to seek specific perforDance of L€ssorrs obl,igalions under thls I€aae, to obtaln lnjunctlve relief, Il appllcable, and to see any other legal or equitabLe reDedies availabl. to L€ssee. (c) In no event, horrever, shall I€ssee hav€ any right of deduction or offset of L€ssee16 rent or other aDounta payable hereunder. subject to the Ilnltatlons of ssctlon 76a.2a, Florida statut€s, L€ssee 6ha11 indeEnify l,€ssor againBt all expons€s, llabilities, and clalns of every kind, lncludlng reasonabLe counsel tees, by or on behal! of any person or entity arlElng out of either (a) fallure by Lessee to perforrn any of the teres or conditions of thls l€ase, (b) any injury or darage happenlng on or about the DeEiEed Preulses, excapt as lay b€ caused by the negligence of L€asor or L€6Eorrs agents or invlteas, (c) failure by L€ss€€ to cot0ply wlth any lal, of any governDental authorj,ty, or (d) any nechanLc,s lien or security interest filed against the Demised Premlsea or equipnent, naterlals, or alteratlons of buildlngs, or lnprovenents thereon, not to lnclude, holrever, actlvltLes of Lessor, L€ssorrs agents or representatives. 16 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2825 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 1'l . LfENS Il any Dechanlcs, laborerrs, Daterlaltran,s or anyother lien sha!,I at rny tlDe be flled agalnst the L€ased PrsDlaa8 or the torer ar a re8ult of t€srG€,s occupancy or constructlon thereon, IaaE€€ shal1, wlthln thlrty (30) days alter such Ii€n is uade or flled, cause the BaD€ to be dJ,scharged of record by palment or ordor o! a court of coDpet€nt Jurlsdlction, or oth.rarl.a6. Notlce lg hereby glven that the I€asor shaLl not be liabte for any labor or uaterlale furnlehed rechanl,crs oE other lien shall to the L€Bs€s and not attach to or alfect the..4 reverslonary or oth€r estate or interest of I-.B8or 1n and to the property leased hereln. L€6see I E control or ulthout lts fault or n€gll.qence,or (c) both t7 for reaaonable vear and tear, or for danage due to causes beyond J,b.!tr;sl,!;lr . s xLGfl.l, :lu rrrArfilr,Arr! lnuur(r r t 15. CONDITIOI{ OF SITE Upon terIlnatlon or expl,ration o( thie L€as€, L€aBee vIIl aurrend€r the slte to Iandlord ln good condltlon except 3 (a) (b) 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2826 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 16. L't . I,ESSEE I S RIGITT TO }IAINTAIN SEC'I'RITY L€sse€, at ls coat and 6xpense, lay replace, construct, and talntain a fence around any equilrDent bulldlng houslng L€BEeers €qulpuent, or undartake any other approprlat€ D6ana to rGatrl,ct acc63a th€r€to. Lerae€ shall ensur€ that partles uslng the eane buildlng to houE€ thelr equlpDent shall bs glven reaEonabLe acces8 ther€to. WARNANTY OF TITI.E AND RIGHT 1lO I.EASE (a) l€sso! rarrants th!t: l. L€saor owns th6 DeDlaad prenisee and has right6 of acceBs thoreto i 2. Lessor has full rlght to nake thls L€aaGi lnd 3. L€sE€e Bhall hav€ qulet and peaceful poseeseLon of the preuLsee durlng thls term, L€ssor ls prepared to docuDent lts lnterest Ln the prenises. (b) L€ssor rrarrants that the Daking of this L€ase and the perforDance thereof l,ill not violate any zonlng or other laws, ordinances, restrictive covenants, or the provislon of any Dortgage, Iease, or other agreeDents und€r whlch L€saor is bound and uhlch restricts the I-€asor ln any uay ulth respect to he use or dispositlon of thE pranisee. 18 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2827 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) 19.NST,ICES Any notice or derand rsquLred or PerEitt€d to bo given or Dade hersunder Ehall be givsn or Dad. by Dall or western Unlon uallgraD, addresssd aa Bet lorth on Pag. 1 of thLs L€a66. Any such notl,ce or deDand shall ba deterained to have been givcn or Dade at the tlne It ls sent. Lessee or the L€ssor lay froD tinB to th€ deslgnate any other addr€ss for thls purpose by rrritten notics to the other party. ETERGENCY GENERATOR L€ssec Day, at its dl.acretion, lnstall an€rg€ncy electrlcal generatora at the Antenna Toner s1te. If L€aaee elects to conn€ct Buch euergoncy el,ectrlcal generating equipnent, L€ssce agrees to asauDe a1l cost, 20. 19 18. SUBORDINATTON' L€ssee agrees thrt thia Lease, or sublea8es and lLcenges under this I€!se, 3lra11 be subordln.t.d to any Dortgage or trust dssd nou or hereaft€r ln forca against the Leased PreDls€ unl,eas auch doculent Provldod otherrrlse. IJeBEor agr€as, hossv€r, that 1! LsBe€ la not then in default, such subordlnatlon 6hall not result In the rights of L€ssse undor thls I€aEe belng cut off or affected by foreclosure of any auch Dortgage or trust dEed. 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2828 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) rlsk and responsibillty involved in naking 6uch connectign and agr€es to lndennify and sav€ harnlesa tho Lessor froE and agalnst any and all clalDs, deEands, suits, action, recoverles, judgments and costs and exp€nBes resulting lroE lnjury or danage to person or property due to or ariaing out of resulting lor or in any say connected lrlth Lssaeers use of eiaergency generatlng equipuent, subject to the llEltations of sectlon 768.28, Florida statutes. 2L,{ 22. AGREEUENT NOT TO INTERFERE I€ssee acknowl,edgeB that Lessor intends to enter into or haE enter€d lnto tow6r leaEe agreeD€ntE ulth l,lotorola, Colller county Sherlff 's Departnent, watetaan Broadcasting, cTE lrobllnet and the Drug EnforceBent Agency. LeB6ee agroos not to interf,ere vith such arrangeEents wlth the above tenants, or any other future tenants that lay occupy space on the tower. Lessee further agrees that they rrill not, in any nanner rrhatsoever, atteEpt to sollclt such buslness arrangenents airay f ron lr€ssor. SEVERABTLITY If any provision of thie l-ease shal,1 be held to be invalid, iIlegal, or unsnforceable, the renalning provlslons shall, be blnding upon the parties and ahall 20 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2829 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) b€ enlorceablg as though sald invalld, lllegaI, or unenlorceabla provislon nere contalned hereln, Provlded lrouever that, lf th€ invalld lll€gal or un€ntorceabl€ provlslon goes to the heart o! thla L€aae, the lease iE tenolnated. 23. BENEFIT The provlalon of this L€ase aPPl'y to and are blndlng upon the a8slgns, helrs, auccessora, exocutors and adnlnletrators of the parti,ee. 24, 25. suSuEr L€ssee shall havs th. rlght to surrrsy the Parent tract, Denl.sed Pretllaea and any EaseDBnt Area, at lte sole exlrense. Leas€e agrees to provlde L€sBor with a copy of the coDpleted aurvey. ASSIGNUENT AND SUBLEITING Lessee shall not assign or encumber its interest in the Lease or ln the Denised Pre:nises, or sublease all or any part of the DeDised PreDises irithout Lessorrs prl.or sritten consent, which consent shall, not be unreasonably rrithheld, condltioned or delayed. consent by Lessor to assl,gnuent or sublettlng shall be deened to be unreasonably wlthheld if the proposed assignee is of such financial standing and responsibillty at the tine of 6uch 2L 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2830 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) assignnent aa to glve rGasonable assurance of the paym€nt of all rent and oth€r aDountE reserved in thls Iease and coDpl,iance eith all of the t€rtrs, covenants, provlalons and condltlons o! thls Lcas.. Nothing hereln shaIl preclude the sale by I€aaor o! all or any portlon o! lts property which includes the Dsrol.sed preDises providlng that this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the beneflt of L€ssor.s successors and/or assigns. 22 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2831 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) rN l{rrNEss !{HEREoF, the partles hereto alflx on this the signaturepage th€ir hands and seals on the datcg lhorn bclou. WITNESSES tness I,ESSOR : AI,PINE AROADCASTING CORPORATIONa FIor da co t1 BY R.s Presldent LESSEE: COLLIER COT'NTYsuHivision ofFlorida BOARD BY: J./ Cha iruan Dated: pol itlcalstate of a the COMM istof al sufficie:c., 5i lnt J,1iLo:.neJ Date: : DWIGHT E. 8ROCK, J 24 / o"t"a, /dl"t t r ,r? 4 ti.r- t ( Corporat€ Seal) .....'., { :. : ATTEST: 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2832 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) L.r$ ltlI,o o a -it t FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE ACREEMENT THIS ;ST AMENDMEM TO I-EASE ACREEMENT car.Ed ir o (hi, ,llU &y of_---.]BpA2_ 2O(8,.t Nsplct. Colllcr Cognlr, Florid. by.nd bcrwc.n Alrinr BrorlcarringCoqofrtion who6c ttdlint odderr is 11800 Frg T.mirmi Tnil, Naplcs, Ro.,d! .lal ll.hcninaftcr rlfcnrd to ts "LESSOR", snd Collicr Co,nty, . politic.l rubdriisron of thc Sxrlr ot Florida, whosc nuilint lddrrr! ir 33Ol E.t Tuni.mi Tnil, Nrplcs, norids f4l12, hcrcrnsficr rcfcGd to !s "I-ESSEE ': WITNESSETH WIIEREAS. LESSOR snd I-ESSEE htvc pirviously crtc.ld into 0 l.atc Atrccmcnr (..lrJr. AgrccrrEnC') d!(cd Augusr 22. ly)5i WHEREAS. thc LIiSSOR rnd LESSOR r.r d.sirout of rrncoding th0l lr.€c Ag,rEGrn nl. d NOW, THERErORE. in con$dcr.tior of thc covcn.[u llnd tt rcrn nrs provid.d withn thc sadt rsc Ag't,emcd drrcd Auturr 22, tqg' . Tcn Dollen (tlo.0ilt qra othc, vdturhtc cooaidcralion. thc t arc Atrccmcnt Ir hcrcby.otsndcd l! follows: Anrclc 2. A, "Prlnnsci lnd Urc of Sttc.. rhall bc rrvlrcd to lncludc rhc follo*rng prsylr,r. LESSEE shsll b. gnnlcd thc ridr to stdclmunr l*o (2) VllF arl..nn s snd I /. rrch ,rlstcd crbte on I'rc WAVV .nlc[o. tows |l t]hc 67j-foot lcvcl LESSEE rhell rcmovc rti crtrting VHF plgtogonrnns from thc 5(X}.rod lcvcl rml .rlnov. lhc NEXTEL rnrc{lm loc8lcd ar rhc 6?5, lcvcl, whrch*ss insrallcd by NEXTEL und.r 0 rcPturtc t {!c Agrc.rDcor bctu.co thc LESSOR und NEX.IH. Anrclc J, "T.rm, ' poragnph orE, lhall ha dclctc.d in it3 cr irEty rtd tlE follo*rng substituted tn rtsplocci LISSEE sh.ll huvc rnd hold thc klrrcd prcmilcs for . tcrm of cight (E) yc.D comrEncang on lhcCommqrcrrrEnt Dlt.. LESSEE is tranrcd fic optioo, providcd ir is noi rn dcfruk of any ol rhclemE of lhls [.1r.. lo sutomaltcally rcoccr !!tnc for orE 1l; raditionrt tctul ot rivc (5) ]Gar!. uo(brthc larE lalmr nnd clndition. ar provid hr.lin LESSEE a,ray tcfminltc lhis Lral., wtth ortf,ilhout crusc. ury rlrry (60) d!, p.ix r.iarro nqicc ro rhc LfSSOn S.id noricc shr h.to.wa.dcd to ttE LESSOR.S s&h$ a. rat forfb in tht lrE, rnd drall bccomc cffcctrvc upqrplr.rrEra of 5!d ooaicc ir 0'l orficirl &p6itory of ttrc Uoircr Stltsr pOot o,fficc. Rcgrstcrrd (rCcnifid Muil, pos.!. Frp.id. l-^..,-.IjI.1. .11"," finr p.rrtr.ph. it hcrlby &tcrcd in irs cnnllry lnd ti. folto*,n8provlsro, t! subltrtutcd in it! plEr: LESSE-E.rhall poy LFSSOR, m{rnthly ro tdv.rEc, a fir.d mo hly r.nr oJ ,6,5J0 52 [o, th. rnrlr.rlycur of trE ArncndnEnt, @mrEnctnt on Auturt l. 20()2, rnd L lltrrlon,,t fxrr paNcot (4,r,ttncr€&L compou dcd, ftx cach ,ttr thcrcthar throuthout thc lita ol thc l.ar€. Thc rnoothl, rsnrrnclulgg 13,503.02 for th. on&nll dcmiscd p,lrnirlrin rhe lrusc Agrccrrrnr Ind t3.tt.lZ 50 r,,, rhc,ddrtionrl dcmlscd prcrhirar ar thc 675 fool Lrcl 4 qc.pl as crprBrly provtdld hcrlin. thc lAt Alrlcm.nt rcm{rns io full ,orcc rnd cfl.ct$cordtnt to thc tcrru lnd condition! contsincd thcrcio, md slid tsrmr r corxtiironi uc apptrc,rblehcrcto cxccpt ai crFEraly Foyidlrt othcrl{i!c hcrttn 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2833 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) O lN wffNBSS WHEREOF,lll. LESSEE .lld t-&SSoR h.ve hcruo crccurcd rhrr Frrlr ArrcndnEnl to lr.tsc At,tcrncnt thc day and Frr fi[t atDvc wriltrn AS TO 1'IIL LESSOR:ALPINE BROATX'AS'TIN(I CORPORATION DATED: BY r..R] , (pn nl narnc (pri n8nra, ATTFST: DMGHT E. AROCK, Cl.rk BY B Qlcrk ' FI t.., BOARD OII C'OMMISStONERS, CILLIIR CO BY#irlttEs N. coLErrA, CHAI )c rsrrfritorlclr)ttl6a]fiu'3 o Approvad sa to form and lctll sufricrancy: tat C Prl Assrslmt Coo,lty A(omcy o & M6nlgcr AS TO THE LESSEE: DATED: 4.II-OS 16.C.13.a Packet Pg. 2834 Attachment: Alpert Tower Second Amendment to Lease Agreement 2020 (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement) Location Map 1515 Benton Road Naples, Florida 16.C.13.b Packet Pg. 2835 Attachment: Location Map (14213 : Alpert Tower, LLC, Second Amendment to Lease Agreement)