Resolution 1985-024' oA9.4,rzaz fi�'iK'.�i4y � , . COIIIER COUNTY �ooR 085�,13� �'' ��.e � DSO OU 1 1 20 RECOROEO OR BOOK 0 0 2� 3 6�~� r. PAGE Februar 5 1985 RESOLUTION NO Y ' t15-2G pO RESOLUTION CREATING A PAVINO ASSESSMiNT DISTRICT i0R THE CREENiJAY ROAD AREA tOR AFPROXIlUTELY 11�265 LINW. C7 1�[ET� LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED YITNiH, WHiREAS. the Eoard o! County Commissioners has bean requested by petition Eros property owners which border or have accsa• to the Cree m►ay Roadways, that paving improvement• ba sad• in th• Cr�anway Road Araa for approximately S�6SS lineal fast of Oraanvay Road. 1��20 lineal fact o! dame• Road and 4.290 lineal feat of lritchay Road, totalling approxiautsly 11,265 lineal fast, acid area being legally described as follows: , 8EE L1INIBIT "A" {J1IEREAS, the Board .of County Commiasloners on July 13, 1982 received said petition from at least SOx plu• one (1) of the sefd property owners in the Grearnray Road Ara• requesting that the roads) be constructed to County standards and there- by b• eligible for future County mintenenca; and KFiEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on July 13, 1982 directed the staff to prapar• a feasibility report and coat estimates for future presentation to the Board regarding the creation of • paving •eaaaamant district and tentative aaeas- • amen[ roll for ths�s improvements in the Creenway Road Araa for an approximate total of 11,265 lineal feet; and {JHEREAS, the County Engineer presented a report and aassssment to the Board showing an estimted total cost of $439,369.99 with an approximet• cost of $SS7.S7 per aaeessabl• point for the benefitting property owners within the assessment district for paving improvements for the subject roadways; and • 6'HEREAS, the said improvements to be constructed, consist of roadways total- •_ ling.approscimate.ly..,11,.24_S_..linaal feet in .length with limerock bass, asphaltic con- crete wearing surface•, driveway epproachee and the installation of nev side end cross drain pipes to proper grades within a public right-of-way; and rw r WiIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 75-14, did order the public hearing to be held 2-5-BS 1985 to consider said paving improvements projecti, and each of the owners of the properties to be benefitted was notified of the hearing by letter. which set out the description of his property, the estimated amount of hie assessment, and the scope of the work to be accomplished; and •Q►h 1JiiEREAS, the Public Hearing ha• Daen held this Sth day of Februazy . 1985 ��a � end at wfifch tisN it was concluded •grseabls to said notice and all applicable law. � and after ail objections having bean considered. ■I1 interested Tpersona having had S, . R �'; U l� 1�:"�t! u u c u a� �� .:� OR BOOK February 5PA1,9,Bs an opportunity to b• heard, and eha 1loard having datattoinad that said improvements will confer a special benefit on particular properties. NON, 2iiEREFORE, AE IT RESOLVED AY TNS EOARD OF COUNTY C014iISSI0NER9 OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA that a paving asses Want dlatrint for the Creenvay Road Area for an appeoxitaat• total of 11,265 lineal fast is hereby craatsd. a• described above which •hall ba known and the "Creanwar !toad Araa Paving Assessment District"i and !t IT F'URTNER RESOLVED that the coit't'of pavint improvsmant• ba paid Sy •paeisl ,� aseesateent under the applicable provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. y3-I�. Thla resolution adopted attar wtlon, second and roll call vats as follovst Cotwlssinner Ilsaae Motioned and aye Coteeniaaioner Holland Seconded and aye Coem►!aaloner Coodniaht Aye Cottasiasioner Voas Aye Cosnalsaioner Piator Absent and nut votin DATEDt February S, 1985 ,^ �ji1l.LIAN J, IIE G C1 ., .� .. � � ,. � r '� APProved as t r on. 'h4.t .uftict.ney, .� ��.. Kenneth Il. c:uyl�r�J— Aaaistant County Att rney w . �� R 1lOARD OF COUNTY COl41ISSIONCRS COLt.IFR COUNTY, PI.ORIDA eyt PNF.DER CK J. V055, airman ij,• , ,.{ Y • iS3:' _ ry r %rydwp,'1ar�,1a �'�����b��d '�x .:I,iy ,++^" , �..,.., �F...:..w.�-.., ................, OR BOOK EXHIBIT "A" ►� �5�395 - __ _ - - -� 002038 ":-k+;+ PAGE February S, 19a5 CREENtitAY ROAD AREA lAVINO ASSESSMENT DISTRIC? T1fa followinS daacribad land• aituatad in faetiona 6, t and 1S. Tovnahip S1 fevth. llsnf• !� fast. Collier County. ylorids, to vita Tb• Wst y et th• Nsst i1 of fsotion 61 and th• Vsstarly 1720 tact of Faction 1S lyinS North of tha'7amiamf Trail. U.S. 411 11.1 of Saction 7 lyinS North of cha Tamlamf trail (U.S. 41) laaa tha IollovinS daacribad pare�lat Tha Southvaat k of th• Southaaat k, and tha Southwest k of th• 6outhsaat k of the 6outh- east k. and the Southeast k of the Southvsat 4. tefsthsr with th• ln11ov1nR d�scrihsd lands •ttuatsd in Bastions 1. 12. •nd 17... Township 51 South, RwnR• 26 Last. Collier County. ilorida. to wits All ol,6action 1. and the Gent ti of the Gaat y Saetion l2 and 17, lyinS north at the Tamiam! Trail, (US 41) lava the tollovinS daa- cribad psreslt Cossesncs •t th• Northeast corner of Saetion 17. Tovnahip SI South, RanSa 26 1!aat, Calliar County, 13orida, rvn chenc• along the East line of said Saction 17, f 0' 19� 7�" W 776.19 test to the Northerly rifht-of-vay lino of Tamiami Trail (U.S, 4l); thence alonS acid r1Sht-otway line N S4' iS' S9" W 484.26 test to the POINT 0! DECINNINC of the parcel of land herein- after daacri�sd; chenc• continuinf •loot' •aid rifht-otway lin• N S4' l8' S9" W 1200.27 test; thsnca leavin6 said rifht-otway lino N 0' 2S' S3" L 489.83 feet; chenc• S S4' '18' S9" L 1482.95 feat= thence S 75' 41' 01" W 400.00 feet to th• POINT OF BEGINNING. V s�a.� ' i- .: �' i "''. � '�i g�� ,��� r;, h