VAB Minutes 06/29/2020June 29, 2020 Page 1 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD Naples, Florida, June 29, 2020 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Value Adjustment Board, in and for the County of Collier, met on this date at 9:00 a.m., in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: MEMBERS PRESENT: Burt Saunders, County Commission Member Andy Solis, County Commission Member Erick Carter, School Board Member Jill Rosenfeld, Homestead Citizen Member Ron Kezeske, Business Citizen Member Rebecca Earney, Homestead Citizen Member - Excused COUNSEL TO THE BOARD - Holly E. Cosby, Esq. THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE Annabel Ybaceta – Homestead/Exemptions Director Jennifer Earle – Homestead/Exemptions Supervisor CLERK TO THE VAB Crystal Kinzel June 29, 2020 Page 2 MS. COSBY: All right. We have a hot mike. Good morning, everybody. My name is Holly Cosby. I am Value Adjustment Board counsel. We are here today on Monday, June 29th, 2020, at 9:04 a.m. I am going to open the Value Adjustment Board Organizational Meeting for 2020 session. If we could please start with the Pledge of Allegiance, and I'll lead. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.) MS. COSBY: If we could go ahead and just get a roll call of our board. Ms. Rosenfeld, we'll start with you, please. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Present. Or do I have to state my name? MS. COSBY: State your name and your position on the Board, please. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: All right. Jill Rosenfeld, and I'm the citizen member -- alternate homestead citizen member. MS. COSBY: Thank you. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Burt Saunders representing the Collier County Commission. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Andy Solis, Collier County Commission, District 2. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Erick Collier -- Erick -- I don't even know my last name. Erick Carter, Collier County School Board, District 4. I've got to check my nametag. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Ron Kezeske, business citizen member. MS. COSBY: Okay. And I'm Holly Cosby, Value Adjustment Board counsel. June 29, 2020 Page 3 And we'll move on to Item No. 2. I will advise for the record that quorum has been established, and I have also reviewed the affidavit of publication in Section 2. I find it sufficient to proceed. We will move on to Item 3. Item 3, we've already introduced all of our board members. I will advise that our esteemed Clerk of Court is here, the Honorable Crystal Kinzel. Thank you for joining us. MS. KINZEL: Thank you. MS. COSBY: I will advise that, for the record, the Clerk's designee will be Trish Morgan, followed by myself, in the event that we're needed. And I will also advise for the record that we have contact information in our packet under Item 3B for all board members and additional staff and Property Appraiser and special magistrates. Do we have any questions on that item? (No response.) MS. COSBY: Moving on to Item 3C, we have -- I will advise for the record that in this packet we have the Board of County Commissioners and the school board member verification of qualifications for Ms. Earney and Ms. Rosenfeld, both as citizen members holding homestead status in Collier County. For Mr. Kezeske as the school board [sic] citizen member for holding a business here in Collier County. Qualifications research is included as a supplement to this item. Does anybody have any questions on that? (No response.) MS. COSBY: Okay. Moving forward to Item 4, we need to appoint a chair. The chair must be a Board of County Commission member, and then the Chair will appoint a vice chair. So I need to open the floor for a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: How about rock, paper, scissors? June 29, 2020 Page 4 COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: That's the way we started this. MS. COSBY: We still have to have a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: You need a motion. So Commissioner Saunders was the Chair last year, is that -- MS. COSBY: 2019 Commissioner Solis was the VAB chair. 2018 Commissioner Saunders was chair. So if we're going to take turns, Commissioner Saunders, I believe it would be your turn, but we still need a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: I'll make a motion. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: I'll make a motion that Mr. Saunders be the chair. MS. COSBY: Okay. We have a motion by Ms. Rosenfeld. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Second. MS. COSBY: Commissioner Saunders. Second by Commissioner Solis. Do we have any discussion? (No response.) MS. COSBY: All those in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. MS. COSBY: Those opposed? (No response.) MS. COSBY: Motion carries. Commissioner Saunders, I'm going to go ahead and hand over the agenda to you. Your first item of official action would be to appoint a vice chair, and then you can move forward. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Okay. Then we'll appoint, as vice chair, Commissioner Solis as required by the regulations. June 29, 2020 Page 5 MS. COSBY: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: And you indicated that there is a chairman's report? Is that -- which I will turn this back over to you for the report. MS. COSBY: I have no report. There's no report. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Oh, okay. Then we need a motion to approve today's agenda? COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and second to approve today's agenda. That's Item 5A. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. Item No. 6, recommendation to reaffirm, by resolution, the appointment of the following VAB legal counsel, and that would be Holly E. Cosby. And we need a motion to -- COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So moved. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We have a motion and second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. June 29, 2020 Page 6 BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: And I'll just advise, for the record, that the Department of Revenue training that I'm required to take, I will complete that once it's available. At this time it's not available. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We're on Item No. 7, recommendation to reaffirm by resolution the appointment of the VAB special magistrates for VAB Tax Year 2020. The four are listed. I don't think I need to read the names into the record. You have those. All right. Any discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Seeing none, is there a motion? SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: I so move. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. Item No. 8, request from the Board direction to obtain alternative special magistrates for 2020 tax year. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. June 29, 2020 Page 7 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Motion and second. Any discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. And No. 9, approval/acceptance of minutes into the VAB record. We have one set. That's February 10, 2020, the VAB regular meeting. Any corrections or comments on the minutes? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Seeing none, is there a motion to approve? COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: There's a motion and second to approve the minutes. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: (Abstains.) COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. June 29, 2020 Page 8 HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: I just have to abstain because I wasn't present for the meeting. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: I'm sorry. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Thank you. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. That passes unanimously with one abstention. Number 10, Department of Revenue 2020 VAB training for magistrates. MS. COSBY: May I advise the Board on this? CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Yes, if you would. MS. COSBY: Absolutely. Holly Cosby, Value Adjustment Board counsel. I just want to advise again that the Department of Revenue training is not available yet but I, as your VAB attorney, will take that training and pass the exam. I do that in your stead, to be honest. So I save each of you 20 hours. And, also, I will also advise for the record that Value Adjustment Board administration will ensure that the special magistrates finish that training prior to holding hearings here in Collier County. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Okay. We'll move on to No. 11. MS. COSBY: Okay. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: This is your report. MS. COSBY: Yes. This is my informational item. I will advise that -- for 11A, general overview of Value Adjustment Board's role in the Florida property tax system, including process for complaints and the newly adopted legislative changes that affect the VAB process. So for 11A, there is the Collier County's Value Adjustment Board general information with regards to the Florida property tax system, respective roles within this system, taxpayer opportunities to June 29, 2020 Page 9 participate in the system, and property taxpayer rights. We are required to make that available during this meeting and to have the discussion, if the Board needs to. Does the Board have any questions with regards to -- it's a three-page document, and it just sort of outlines the entire process and roles in the process. Does anybody have any questions on that? (No response.) MS. COSBY: If you do, my information is in the packet. Please feel free to reach out to me. I'd be happy to help you with anything you need. I will advise that we have an addition in 11A, and that is in paper in front of you. And what we have added is PTO bulletins. We've got 20-03, which is with regards to VAB filing fee exemption for deployed service members; we've got PTO Bulletin 20-04, exemption for affordable housing property; PTO Bulletin 20-05, an appraisal by a special magistrate may not be submitted as evidence during a year that a magistrate is serving that particular Value Adjustment Board; and 20- -- PTO Bulletin 20-06, which addresses property damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Michael. Unfortunately, all of those bulletins came out after the agenda was complete and uploaded and forwarded to the Board, so we needed to amend that in paper. But it's also on the Value Adjustment Board website. Okay. I will also advise that in the original 11A packet also contained was Florida Statute Chapter 194 which governs the Florida Value Adjustment Boards. There are some DOR, Department of Revenue, resources included in this packet: In Florida, if you disagree with the value of your property; taxpayer bill of rights; property tax oversight Value Adjustment Board calendar; and then there are two bills that have made it all the way to the Governor's Office, and that would be House Bill 371, which had to do with the June 29, 2020 Page 10 transfer of portability of homestead differential, and that would be -- that was increasing the time period to do that from two years to three; and then you also have House Bill 879 which has become law, and that would -- that was to add that the veterans discount is added to the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran so long as they do not remarry or sell the homestead. And if they do sell the homestead, then the spouse is permitted to transfers or port the discount. So that is what is included in 11A. Does anybody have any questions with regards to that? (No response.) MS. COSBY: Okay. Moving on to Item 11B. We have a recommendation to adopt a resolution relating to the adoption of internal operating procedures to supplement Chapter 12D-9 of Florida Administrative Code. And I will just advise that all this does -- it does not -- it does not conflict in any way with the rules or laws that govern the Value Adjustment Board, but what this does is does set the number of copies that a petitioner needs to provide to the Property Appraiser of evidence. And that's permitted, and it's just a local procedure, but we do need to -- I do need a motion for that. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Are there any questions concerning the proposed resolution? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Then we need a motion to approve the resolution. MS. COSBY: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Motion to approve. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: I second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Motion and second. Seeing no discussion, all in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. June 29, 2020 Page 11 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Thank you. We are now on to Item 11C, and what 11C is in, in essence -- and this will need a motion for 11C1 -- is a recommendation to allow myself as legal counsel to determine good cause for late filed petitions. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We have a motion and second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Thank you. Okay. 11C2, recommendation to designate VAB clerk to determine good cause for hearing reschedules with myself providing guidance if needed. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Any questions? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Then we need a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. June 29, 2020 Page 12 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: And that passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Okay. And I need to clarify one item. We need to also permit myself and the VAB clerk to request additional information from petitioners if needed to complete a thorough good-cause review. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Now, is that part of C2? MS. COSBY: It is in 11C, yes. It's actually in C. It's outlined in here. And I could point you to the first page of 11C. If Board clerk or Board clerk designee determines that the request does not show -- I'm sorry. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Is that C1 or C2? MS. COSBY: It is actually in the full recommendation for the entire C. I just did not state that on the record, and I apologize if that. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: So you need an additional -- MS. COSBY: I'd like to clarify. So let's get an additional motion. The recommendation is that when supplemental information from petitioners and/or Property Appraiser is needed for thorough good cause or late filed petitions and for rescheduling hearings, that myself or the VAB clerk are permitted to request additional information. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: I'd make that motion to -- CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and a second? June 29, 2020 Page 13 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: I'll second that, yeah. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Any discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Thank you. Moving on to 11D. We need to adopt a resolution for VAB petition filing fees. So this would be Resolution 20 -- 2020-04. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. MS. COSBY: And we need a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So moved. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and a second. Any discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) June 29, 2020 Page 14 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Thank you. Moving on to 11E. We need a motion to permit the Chairman to sign the DR-488 forms. There's two of them; one for real property and one for tangible. And this is the initial certifications of the Value Adjustment Board and the tax rolls. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We need a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: We have a motion and second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: Thank you. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: 11 -- I'm sorry. MS. COSBY: 11F. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: 11F. MS. COSBY: We need to -- we need to request approval for the destruction of VAB records in accordance with the general records scheduled GS -- GS1-SL. And this is for the 2014 VAB tax year records. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Any questions? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Do we have a motion? COMMISSIONER SOLIS: So move. June 29, 2020 Page 15 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and a second. All in favor, signify by saying aye motion. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. MS. COSBY: 11G is an informational item. I need to advise that the following information, laws, rules are located in this room and are also on the Value Adjustment Board's website: We have the Florida Government in Sunshine Manual. It's the most updated 2020 version; we have Florida Administrative Code Rule 20-D; Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 12D2; Florida Administrative Code, Chapters 12D-51.001, 51.002, 51.003; we have all of the Department of Revenue Value Adjustment Board forms; and we have the Uniform Policies and Procedures Manual and other legal resources and reference materials; we have the information for taxpayers regarding Florida property tax system and the Value Adjustment Board process and a property brochure; and then we have Florida Statutes Chapters 119, 286, 192, 193, 194, 195, and 196. And, again, those are here present in the room and also on the VAB clerk's website. And if anybody desires that link, I can provide that. I have that as well. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Okay. MS. COSBY: That would conclude 11G. And moving on to 11 -- okay. I can turn this back over to you, Commissioner. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We're back on 11H. June 29, 2020 Page 16 MS. COSBY: This is simply just a report of the VAB petitions and the numbers that have been filed sequentially each year. In 2019, we had 714 petitions compared to the previous year of 623, and they're all listed past that. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. So we'll move on to Item 12, which is the VAB dates of importance. Do you want to go through those? MS. COSBY: I'd be happy to. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Maybe -- I don't know if they need any explanation, but if you'll go through those, then when we get to E we'll take a motion. MS. COSBY: Yes, sir. Right now, what I -- what we have here is that pursuant to the Property Appraisers' Office, we have -- the TRIM notice will be mailed here in Collier County on Monday, August 17th, 2020. In the event that that does happen on that date, then the deadline to file petitions with the Clerk's Office would be Friday, September 11th, 2020, by 5:00 p.m., which is 25 days after the mailing of the TRIM notice. The date for the next regular VAB meeting, we do have the room reserved, and the first date would be Monday, October 5th, 2020, but that's only if needed, and that's if we need to appoint an additional special magistrate, which we'll know once petitions have been received. We have done -- we have done without that meeting for years. But in the event that it's needed, we will have that. And then our final meeting is tentative on Monday, February 8th, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. or sooner if hearings conclude. And what we'll do is we'll do what we've been doing. We'll have Value Adjustment Board administration reach out to the Board for availability. If we can do it sooner, we'll ensure that you-all are available. June 29, 2020 Page 17 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Okay. Any concerns about the February 8th date at this point? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: And that -- as was indicated, that may change. All right. We move on to 12D. MS. COSBY: 12D, magistrate hearings. There is a list of tentative hearings in this packet, and they will commence October -- I believe it's October 5th. Of course, no hearings have been set yet, but the first date will be October 5th. I'm sorry, October 9th. October 9th is our first date for hearings, and they conclude in December or later if we need to. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We'll move on to 12E, and we'll need a motion to approve the resolution. If you could explain the resolution. MS. COSBY: I would like to. What this resolution -- and there is -- in this packet we have the officers of the Governor Executive Order 20-150 which, again, was issued after we concluded this agenda. And what the Governor has ordered at this time is that what had extended initially 20-69, as extended by 20-121, 123, and 139, was the suspension of in-person quorum, and that's important for you as the Board, because in the event that we have additional Governor -- you know, enclosures, state closures, we can actually hold a meeting virtual. That will permit you-all to attend virtually rather than what was currently in the law, which has been suspended, which states that the -- there needs to be quorum in the room in order for additional board members to appear virtually. Now you can all appear virtually. And I will advise for the record that I have experienced running a Value Adjustment Board meeting virtually, because Lee County concluded right after everything started closing. So we converted June 29, 2020 Page 18 our initial -- we had a final meeting scheduled for April 2nd, and with everything that had been going on at the time, we immediately changed it to a virtual meeting, and it went very well. So in the event that we need to do that for the safety of our board, that's what we're going -- that's what we're looking to do at this time in 12E. And what I have here is Resolution 20-05 for our Value Adjustment Board, which does have -- it lists exactly what's going on and what I've outlined and that we are allowed to use media or technology in order run the final meeting in the event we need to, and then we have some procedures set forth. And I will tell you that -- and it's Exhibit A to 20-05, and what this is, it states, Collier County Value Adjustment Board hybrid remote public meeting procedures, and this is -- this mirrors the Board of County Commissioners' remote public meeting procedures that are already in place. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We need a motion. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Motion to approve. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: Second. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: We have a motion and a second. All in favor, signify by saying aye. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Aye. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Aye. SCHOOLBOARD MEMBER CARTER: Aye. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: Aye. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All opposed? (No response.) CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That passes unanimously. June 29, 2020 Page 19 We move on to 12F. This is the proposed final VAB meeting tentatively set for February 8th, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. I assume you don't need a motion for that. We've already taken care of that. MS. COSBY: No, sir. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: That's just notification. MS. COSBY: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: And then we'll move on to 13, additional comments or concerns. We'll start off with our legal counsel if there's anything else that you want to present. MS. COSBY: I have a few items for compliance that I need to just make sure that we get on the record. I want to ensure that on the record we state that the Value Adjustment Board is willing to consider any written complaint filed with respect to a special magistrate by any party citizen. I will advise that all procedures and forms of the Board or special magistrates are in compliance with Florida Statute 194 and Florida Administrative Code Section 12D-9. I will advise that the Value Adjustment Board is in compliance at this time with Florida Statute 194 and Florida Administrative Code 12D-9. I will advise for the record that the Value Adjustment Board local procedures are ministerial in nature and are not inconsistent with governing statutes, case law, Attorney General Opinions, or rules of the Department of Revenue. I will also advise that after reviewing all of the requirements that we are required to address here today or that we're required to address prior to this meeting, there are a few items that remain -- that remain unaddressed, and those items remain unaddressed specifically because they're just not available at this time, but I will read those in the record. Value Adjustment Board attorney has received the Department of Revenue training and has passed the corresponding exam. I can't June 29, 2020 Page 20 do that yet because the training's not available, but I will do so, and I will provide the Board with a certificate of completion and proof of passing the example when ready and when available. All the appointed special magistrates have received Department of Revenue training and have completed the same and passed any corresponding exam, and special magistrates with less than five years of required experience successfully complete the Department of Revenue's training, including any updated modules and an examination and were certified. Again, that cannot be completed because the training is not available. The third item is that notices have been provided to the chief executive officers for each municipality, which is required by Florida Statute 193.116. Once we start setting hearings and hearing notices are forwarded to the parties, the chief executive officers of any municipalities will also receive those notices if any properties lay within their municipality but at this time cannot be completed simply because we don't have any hearings yet. Other than that, I have nothing further, and that completes all of my additional items for compliance. Thank you. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. We'll see if any of the members of the VAB have any questions or comments. We'll start with Ron. BUSINESS MEMBER KEZESKE: No, sir. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Erick? SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER CARTER: None. COMMISSIONER SOLIS: None. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Just a quick one. Out of the 714 petitions, how many actually went for hearings? MS. COSBY: I think that's how many went to hearing. HOMESTEAD MEMBER ROSENFELD: Oh, that's how many went to hearings. Okay. Thanks. June 29, 2020 Page 21 CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. I have no additional comments. I'm assuming we have no other business, then. Does that conclude our business, or is there anything else you need to add? MS. COSBY: Just -- we need to open the floor for public comment. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: Public comment. I don't see any public comments, so we'll close that public comments section. Anything else you need from us, then? MS. COSBY: No, sir. CHAIRMAN SAUNDERS: All right. Unless the schedule changes, then we potentially have a meeting in October, and we are tentatively set for a final meeting on February 8th, 2021, if not sooner, and we are adjourned. MS. COSBY: Thank you.  ******* ZZ aaed .2IJI IOd Td Illf1OJ/JIlilild A2IVZON `2Id3 `SIrn1'I RIDIII AS `•DNI `SI3IA2IIS JNI.L1IOdall I I11O3 S2ITAYAI Dial AO J'IVHJS NO QMIVd[2ld IdRI3SNVILL • 'wallop st zo pajuasaid silk Puo a a daaau s�nutu� magi � moil u p u : uo a n;uub . g • lejuvlaMtaithr '117' -,: TrO ' ''cl -, , . : I,SH,I..I.V MVIdIY HVA \2 ")W/ •U'l 8 Z.6 l'e Jre ,x'ljo 9430.1o'Xq pauJno fpi SLM upaaTU auk. `iluno3 amp pooh aqi .zol ssauisnq ntivnl ou Outaq anti' 0Z0Z `6Z aun f