Agenda 06/09/2020 Item #16E1 (Second (2nd) Amendment to Lease w/Naples HMA, Inc)06/09/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Lease with Naples HMA, LLC, d/b/a Physicians Regional Medical Center - Collier, to extend the lease term for spaced utilized by EMS. OBJECTIVE: An amendment is required to extend the lease term for space currently utilized by EMS staff at Physicians Regional Medical Center on Collier Boulevard. CONSIDERATIONS: On April 22, 2014, the Board approved a Lease Agreement (Lease) with Naples HMA, LLC, d/b/a Physicians Regional Medical Center - Collier (Landlord), under agenda item 16 E 7. The Lease provides for EMS to use of an area measuring approximately 616 square feet that includes one apparatus bay, two bunk rooms, one bathroom, one office, and kitchen area. On April 24, 2018, item 16 C 4, the Board approved a First Amendment to Lease Agreement to extend the Lease term for two additional years with an expiration date of April 30, 2020. EMS wishes to continue its operation at that location until such time as the station at Hacienda Lakes is complete and operational, which is scheduled to be August 2020. The Second Amendment addresses four (4) key issues: 1) correction to square feet of leased area from 616 to 706 square feet; 2) addition of a one - year term; 3) provision for thirty-day early termination; and 4) inclusion of ‘Compliance Provision,’ now standard in the Landlord’s leases. The rent is being decreased by ninety-eight cents per square foot to reflect the fair market rent for like space in the immediate area. The revised monthly rent will be $1,932.25. The rent includes all utility costs and Common Area Maintenance costs associated with the leased area. Staff attempted to schedule this Amendment for an earlier Board meeting for approval prior to the expiration date of the Lease but was awaiting the final document from the Landlord. All other terms of the Lease remain unchanged. FISCAL IMPACT: The annual rent of $23,187.00 shall be paid in monthly installments of $1,932.25, and shall continue to be withdrawn from EMS Fund 490. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board action. - RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Naples HMA, LLC, d/b/a Physicians Regional Medical Center - Collier. Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (PDF) 2. Physicians Regional Second Amendment (PDF) 16.E.1 Packet Pg. 1481 06/09/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.E.1 Doc ID: 12328 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Lease with Naples HMA, LLC, d/b/a Physicians Regional Medical Center - Collier, to extend the lease term for spaced utilized by EMS. Meeting Date: 06/09/2020 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 05/12/2020 11:03 AM Submitted by: Title: Director - Facilities Management – Facilities Management Name: Damon Grant 05/12/2020 11:03 AM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 05/13/2020 9:41 AM Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 05/13/2020 3:15 PM Emergency Medical Services Tabatha Butcher Additional Reviewer Completed 05/13/2020 3:51 PM Facilities Management Damon Grant Director - Facilities Completed 05/13/2020 4:09 PM Administrative Services Department Paula Brethauer Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 05/14/2020 8:15 AM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 05/15/2020 10:03 AM Administrative Services Department Len Price Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 05/29/2020 10:29 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/29/2020 12:59 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 05/29/2020 3:54 PM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 06/01/2020 9:04 AM County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/01/2020 1:07 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/09/2020 9:00 AM 16.E.1 Packet Pg. 1482 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1483 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1484 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1485 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1486 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1487 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1488 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1489 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1490 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1491 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1492 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1493 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1494 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1495 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) 16.E.1.a Packet Pg. 1496 Attachment: Physicians Regional Lease and First Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) ,iot r ^b lrlaldrtFi o. hbrrraabddar&t La o,dtfibtuFr,'dnlito *tuttd n* tuxrJ{b Dd.m. qMrO oil,tWoaqrrFb*aWr. SECOND AMENOMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Thb Amcrdmsnl lo Loaa€ Agr6dn6nt, tho "L.aa6', by end bolweon Naplor HMA, LLC db/a PhFldaru Rogloml Medlcal Centgr - Col[lr (Londlord), and Coli.r County Osn8nt), 18 oxocutod es ot th6 dates beb the psrtla resp€c{ve dgmtutls br.l ls afoclhre 88 ol May 1 , 2020, 0h6 'Eflodive Oets'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on May 1, 2014, tha psrths ho6lo ont r6d hto lho Loao6, ss smsnded by Fht Amsndment dat€d May t, 2018, purtuent lo ths t8rms aM condfibnr of whldl Laodlord agrrad to l6!6e to Tonant app.lxlmaldy 810 squaaB ,oot of rontabl3 spsc€ ln lhat cstaln offca bulldhg loo.bd et 8300 Coll.r BoiJbvard, fladrs, FL 34114, for 6ulo ll/A" NOW, THEREFoRE, ln coBldor.tlofl of the predras Bot Mh horsln 8rd olhr good and valusbls comldorallon, th6 ]lcclpl and total sumdcncy otyitlc$ ero harcby ackno,yledgod, L€ndotd snd Tensr rgllts b modlty lhe Lg6o as Hlorvr: (A) Salra]o Footaop Adustnrnl. Landlo.d end T€mnt adnfllodo€ that tha bulldhg her b6cn remasund, thorobB ofiadvo May 1, 2@O, th€ squdrB lodrg€ of tho loa3ed prerlses l! arnondld hersln ftom 616 Squsrc Fset to 708 R.ntable Squere Foet (B) Tlrm of Lease. A idc 2, Tcrm ol LBass, ls amendod io oxt nd lhe Tem of tlla LeE8r (tho 'Extcnded Trrm'), for a perlod of apPlormet8y ttyblve (12) moriths, cornm3nclng on May l, 2020, (tho 'E d€ndld Tsm Commonc.mor Date') ard cxpldng on Apdl 30, 2@1 (lhc 'E)d6ndod Tam Explratlon Dat€). Loa.o Yoar 7 ls May l, ar20 - April 30, 2021. (C) Base Ror . Artldr 3, R.nt, olths Lcrsc ls amond€d lo sdd Bas. Ront P.ymcnh for Yrlf 7 Lsqlo Yeer 7; s1.932.25 monthlv bale r€nt oavmont dus aoollcauc Florlda Salos Tar 4s32.75lsf of 0lo DgmiEed Promlacd. (O) Tomhatloi Opllon. Lardlod or Tenant lhsll hrve the lmltcd rhht to lefmlneb lhls L€ase by ddlv.dng wrlttcn nodcc to [l. ofilor pany not lcls thsn lhtly (30) days prlor b lho d08h0d tomrlnstlon dato. Tonglts llrited dght lo tormlnsle is cordltloned upon sausladlon ol thc fulowlng: (D Tenent h nol h dofuult mdar lho torms end condloons o{ tho L.er6, at $e tlmo tho roqdrad notlco lB d€llvorod lo Lendlord or at any ttlls pdo] to th6 ,ctual tcmlnatbn ol thG L6asr, end 00 Poymont of 8ll Baso Rofital and all othot rmounts orysd by Tenant u.ldar tlE Loa8o, up to €nd hdudlng lh6 t€minatlon &to, hes bo6n rrolvrd ry Lrrdlod. lf the leeaa l! tomlnatrd wiltfn the f rst yoar of lho t .m, th. perti€. msy not snter hlo 8ncther 16a86 agreemeot for lh. !am6 6paca trltll the oxplraton of th€ frEl y.ar ot thb L6a!e. (E) Complldlco Provl8lons. Th6 parlh! to thls Agr8emont certfy thay $all not violate the An{.Khkbad Stttutc and/or lh6 Stad( Lrw wllh r!3p6d to tho porfomancs of tho Agroornonl. Each party who meot3 tha defhltlm ot Releyant Anengom€nt8 Covo,sd Porson (d.in.d brlow) has complst€d wilhln th6 past yaar, or wlll compllto wllhln a yeer of lho date of orocrtlon ol thls agrBgrEnt, one hour of tIalnlng rogarding ths Anu-Klckback Stdd6 a.rd tho Stark Law thlt hcludc! sxsmphs or sn ngomenb tha1 potsntlally lmpllcrto lh€ And-Klckback Statuto and/or tho Stalk Law. Relev€nt Anengornenls Covorcd P€rson 18 doth8d a8 eny per8m involvod h th6 n€gotlatlon, prBparaflon, rovletv, mslnlenanco, end apprcval of paynonts for Focus Anrngcmontr lnvolvlng any CHSPSo, LLC hooplbl aftlllatB, Focrr! Anang€lnont b sny arrangcncnt that O ls betwoon CHSPSC, LLC or a CHSPSC, LLC hocpld atrllaL lnd any 6dual Souroo of Hlalhcarr BuCncrs or Rcfcnah to thc CHsPsc, LLC ho€pltsl afllllat 8nd lnvolvss, dlrsclly or hdlrcdy, tfi. otor, paymor{, or provlslon of anytHng of valu.; or (10 l! bchmn CHSPSC, LLC or E CHSPSC, LLC horptbl afll8ato and a Physldan o. a Physldan'! Fdnlv Mrmb.r who makc! a rcf€rd (as dsfnod .t ,02 U.S.C. S 139ernftX0) lo ! CHSPSC, tIC hoEdtal tor dsslgnatod h€alth sarvlcs6 (as donnrd d a2 U.S.C. S 'r395nn(hxo). Phyrkjan b dafin3d a! an M.D., o-O., O.D., O.C., dontlst, medlaal lnbrq r€sldont, fotrow or Oroup pradlcs, or ANY ontlly wltr whlch r PhFidan or a Phylblen Frmly Mcmblr haa a frnanc-lal rlllton! p or lnlrrllt, w,l3fhor by olvner8hlp, invgllmsnt, ot by conpcnlaton. Physldan Famlly Momb.rs locludr hurband, wlfo, blrlh or adoptlvc parlnt, cltlld or slbllng, ltrpparunt stopchld, slspbrothor or strpsbt$, fah6r.ln-low, mothor-h{aw, ron.ln-|8w, daughlcFlnJlw, brothrrln-law, slstsr-ln.lsr, $andparull granddrlld, End spous. of a grandpannt or grendchlld ofa PhFlchn. Sourl. of Hoallhcaro Bullno8r or Rrbrols msanS any lndlvldual or cntlty that referg, recomm€nda, arenoes for, ordsrs, lsgres, or purdEces fiy good, frclllty, ltrm, or sarvlca for whlch paymfit may bc mado ln wholo or ln part by s Fsdsral hsalti carr poglam. @ 16.E.1.b Packet Pg. 1497 Attachment: Physicians Regional Second Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) The ono hour AntlKlckback Stetuto snd Stark Law Italnlng may bo oomplot€d through th8 part)/s lntamsl tlslnlng prograrn or ltxough oompls{lon ol trslnlng at tho bllowlng link: http//yru r.chs.not/oompanfovcrvlodcompllancc/. Th; CHSPSC, LLC Cod6 of Conducl and Fraud and Abule Pollo, are al8o avallablc at thls link. Contlnulnq Effoct. Othor than th6 eddltlon of thls amendment, the Lcas€, dated May 1, 2014, by and betloen thc padlcr hGrcto, Ehall ramaln valld, blndlng arld in 6tr6ct ln lt! entlrety wlth no other ch€ngos to t6rms or condltlons of lhg lsale. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, lhc parti€s hav6 oxscuted tl{s Arn€ndrrcnt to bg ofi€dtu€ on the Ettractlv€ Dats. TEiIANTT Colllsr County Authoriz.d Slgnatory Namo. Burt L. Saunders Chairman WTNESS: LANDLORD: Naples HMA, LLC d /a Physlciens RsConsl Msdlcal Cgnt€f - Colller By: Authorts€d Slgr.tory Oato WTNESS: By: Namo: By: Name: REVIEWEO AND APPROVEO: By: Appmved as to form and kgality By; 8y, By: Del€ Nomol Name: ATTEST CRYSTAL K. KTNZEL, CLERK BY stanl b )%r',,f'" @ No-o' - Ar/--- ,-r<-, - t R6al Eltals. CHSPSC 16.E.1.b Packet Pg. 1498 Attachment: Physicians Regional Second Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital) EXHIBIT A The Dembcd Prcmircr a Excluslve Space 616 USF [708 RSF] 6 I a 5 ifat ll 72 t?r9.!\2 I I I I iI II I 16.E.1.b Packet Pg. 1499 Attachment: Physicians Regional Second Amendment (12328 : Second Amendment Physicians Regional Hospital)