Agenda 06/09/2020 Item # 9B (Resolution - Hyde Park Village)06/09/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve with conditions a Resolution designating 642.52 acres within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Zoning Overlay District as a Stewardship Receiving Area, to be known as the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area, which will allow development of a maximum of 1,800 residential dwelling units, of which a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1000 will be multi-family dwelling units; a minimum of 45,000 square feet of commercial development in the Village Center Context Zone; a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, governmental and institutional uses in the Village Center Context Zone; assisted living facilities subject to a floor area ratio in place of the square footage cap in the Village Center Context Zone; a maximum of 10,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood General Context Zone and a maximum of 5,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone; a maximum of 30,000 square feet of wellness and commercial development in the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone; all subject to a maximum pm peak hour trip cap; and approving the Stewardship Receiving Area credit agreement for Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area and establishing that 3548.24 stewardship credits are being utilized by the designation of the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area. The subject property is located north of Oil Well Road and west of the future Big Cypress Parkway in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida. [PL20180000622] (This is a companion to Agenda Item 11E) OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (Board) review staff’s findings and recommendations along with the recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) regarding the above referenced petition and render a decision regarding the petition; and ensure the project is in harmony with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay District (RLSA) was developed, i n large part due to protect natural resource areas and agricultural lands. The RLSA encourages property owners to voluntarily protect environmentally valuable land as a public benefit. The mechanism to achieve the protection of environmentally valuable land is the designation of Stewardship Sending Areas (SSA) in exchange for Stewardship Credits, which are used to entitle Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRA). One of the components of the SRA designation application is the Natural Resource Index Assessment Repo rt, which documents the relative natural resource values of land within an SRA. The Natural Resource Index Assessment documents the existing conditions and Natural Resource Index (NRI) scores within the proposed SRA for Hyde Park Village SRA. It should be noted that the NRI scores demonstrate that Hyde Park Village SRA meets the Suitability Criteria contained in the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). Please see the Environmental Review Section of this Staff Report for further information. Hyde Park Village SRA is one of the four SRAs that have either been submitted to Collier County for review or have had pre-application meetings for an SRA designation. The other three SRA Villages located within the vicinity of Hyde Park Village SRA along the future Big Cypress Parkway are Rivergrass Village (approved by the Board on January 28, 2020), and Longwater Village (PL20190001836), and Belmar Village (PL20190001837), both of which are currently under review. Hyde Park Village SRA consists of four context zones, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Edge, Village Amenity and Wellness Center, and Village Center. Two points of ingress and egress are proposed 9.B Packet Pg. 119 06/09/2020 to serve the SRA from Oil Well Road: one at the terminus of Desoto Boulevard, providing project and public access through the Village Center; and the second, the main project access, is located about one-half mile to the west. Two future interconnections to the east (to future Big Cypress Parkway) are provided. One provides public access to the Village Center and the other provides access to and from future Big Cypress Parkway for Hyde Park Residents. This SRA application for Hyde Park Village SRA will include approximately: • 1,800 dwelling units with a SRA density calculation of 2.8 units per acre (DU/AC); o a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1,000 will be multi-family dwelling units • a minimum of 45,000 square feet of commercial development in the Village Center Context Zone; • a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and governmental uses in the Village Center Context Zone; • a maximum of 10,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood General Context Zone; • a maximum of 5,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone; • a maximum of 30,000 square feet of wellness and commercial development in the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone; and • assisted living facilities subject to floor area ratio in place of the square footage cap in the Village Center Context Zone The Village will also have other uses such as open space tracts, linear parks, and lakes. The required minimum 35% open space is 224.88 acres, and 66% open space or 423.87 acres has been provided. For further information, please see Attachment A - Proposed SRA Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: The Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. There is no guarantee that the project, at build-out, will maximize its authorized level of development. However, if the SRA is approved, a portion of the land could be developed, and the new development will result in an impact on Collier County public facilities. The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan as needed to maintain the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of concurrency management, the developer of every local development order approved by Collier County is required to pay a portion of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Other fees collected prior to issuance of a building permit include building permit review fees. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were not included in the criteria used by staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Comprehensive Planning staff has reviewed the proposed SRA and has found it consistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the GMP. See Attachment C-FLUE Consistency Review. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard and continued Petition SRA-PL20180000622, Hyde Park Village SRA at the February 20, 2020 and March 5, 2020, hearings. The CCPC voted 3-3 to deny this petition for the following reasons: Planning Commissioner Edwin S. Fryer (supported the motion to deny). His reasons for not supporting the project are as follows: 9.B Packet Pg. 120 06/09/2020 - Failure to form viable solutions to staffs Conditions of Approval 2, 4, and 5 in the staff report; - Does not support “Lifestyle Signage” as depicted in Deviation 6.6.4 of the SRA Document; - Fiscal neutrality has miscalculations and flawed assumptions. Planning Commissioner Mark Strain (supported the motion to deny). His reasons for not supporting the project are as follows: - Was not provided an open document on fiscal neutrality and therefore could not assess the document; - Housing diversity is insufficient; - Reluctant of approving new deviations. Planning Commissioner Patrick Dearborn (supported the motion to deny). His reasons for not supporting the project are as follows: - Petition should be approved with all staffs Conditions of Approval while omitting Conditions 2, 4, and 5. Planning Commissioners Karen Homiak, Karl Fry, and Stan Chrzanowski are in support of project but did not support the motion of denial. At the February 20, 2020 CCPC Meeting, Planning Commissioner Schmitt requested staff to indicate in the Executive Summary that he supports the project. (See Attachment J) He was not present at the March 5, 2020 CCPC Meeting. The agent has revised the SRA document to comply with some of the changes that were discussed at the CCPC hearing. Those revisions include the following: 1. In Section 5.1.2.A - Neighborhood General (Development Standards Table): • Added the footnote “Each dwelling unit shall be a minimum of 20’ in width” for single family attached & two-family homes and zero lot & townhouses; • Reduced the maximum zoned building height from 42 to 35 feet and the maximum actual building height from 50 to 42 feet for Single Family Detached, Single Family Attached & Two- Family, and Zero Lot Line & Townhouse 2. In Section 5.2.1.A - Neighborhood Edge (Permitted Uses and Structures): • Corrected section and table references with multi-family dwelling units within the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone 3. In Section 5.2.2.A Neighborhood Edge (Development Standards Table): • Added the footnote “Each dwelling unit shall be a minimum of 20’ in width” for single family attached & two-family villas, and zero lot & townhouses; • Reduced the maximum zoned building height from 42 to 35 feet and the maximum actual building height from 50 to 42 feet for Single Family Detached, Single Family Attached & Two- Family Villas, and Zero Lot Line & Townhouse 4. In Section 5.4.2.A Village Center (Development Standards Table): • Added the footnote “Minimum floor area does not apply to ALF/Group Housing Units; • Modified the front yard setback from 0 to 10 feet for Multifamily and ALF/Group Housing Only and Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings 9.B Packet Pg. 121 06/09/2020 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This petition requests the creation of the Hyde Park Village SRA. A Village is described in LDC Section 4.08.07.C.2 as: Villages are primarily residential communities with a diversity of housing types and mix of uses appropriate to the scale and character of the particular village. Villages shall be not less than 100 acres or more than 1,000 acres. Villages are comprised of residential neighborhoods and shall include a mixed-use village center to serve as the focal point for the community's support services and facilities. Villages shall be designed to encourage pedestrian and bicycle circulation by including an interconnected sidewalk and pathway system serving all residential neighborhoods. Villages shall have parks or public green spaces within neighborhoods. Villages shall include neighborhood scaled retail and office uses, in a ratio as provided in Section 4.08.07 J.1. Villages are an appropriate location for a full range of schools. To the extent possible, schools and parks shall be located adjacent to each other to allow for the sharing of recreational facilities. The Village form of rural land development is permitted within the ACSC subject to the limitations of Section 4.08.07 A.2. In addition to meeting the above Village requirements and being consistent with the Growth Management Plan, the applicant must prove that the proposal is consistent with all of the criteria set forth below. The burden then shifts to the Board, should it consider denial, that such denial is not arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable. This would be accomplished by finding that the amendment does not meet one or more of the listed criteria. Criteria for creation of SRA 1. Consider: Compatibility with adjacent land uses. 2. Consider: An SRA must contain sufficient suitable land to accommodate the planned development. 3. Consider: Residential, commercial, manufacturing/light industrial, group housing, and transient housing, institutional, civic, and community service uses within an SRA shall not be sited on lands that receive a Natural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2. 4. Consider: Conditional use essential services and governmental essential services, with the exception of those necessary to serve permitted uses and for public safety, shall not be sited on land that receives a Natural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2, regardless of the size of the land or parcel. 5. Consider: Lands or parcels that are greater than one acre and have an Index Value grea ter than 1.2 shall be retained as open space and maintained in a predominantly natural vegetated state. 6. Consider: Open space shall also comprise a minimum of thirty-five percent of the gross acreage of an individual SRA Town, Village, or those CRDs exceeding 100 acres. Gross acreage includes only that area of development within the SRA that requires the consumption of Stewardship Credits. 7. Consider: As an incentive to encourage open space, open space on lands within an SRA located outside of the ACSC that exceeds the required thirty-five percent retained open space shall not be required to consume Stewardship Credits. 8. Consider: An SRA may be contiguous to an FSA or HSA, but shall not encroach into such areas, and shall buffer such areas as described in LDC Section 4.08.07 J.6. An SRA may be contiguous to or encompass a WRA. 9. Consider: The SRA must have either direct access to a County collector or arterial road or indirect access via a road provided by the developer that has adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development in accordance with accepted transportation planning standards. 10. Consider: Conformity of the proposed SRA with the goals, objectives, and policies of the GMP. 11. Consider: Suitability criteria described in Items 2 through 9 above [LDC Section 4.08.07 A.1.] 9.B Packet Pg. 122 06/09/2020 and other standards of LDC Section 4.08.07. 12. Consider: SRA master plan compliance with all applicable policies of the RLSA District Regulations, and demonstration that incompatible land uses are directed away from FSAs, HSAs, WRAs, and Conservation Lands. 13. Consider: Assurance that applicant has acquired or will acquire sufficient Stewardship Credits to implement SRA uses. 14. Consider: Impacts, including environmental and public infrastructure impacts. The Board must base its decision upon the competent, substantial evidence presented by the written materials supplied to it, including but not limited to the Staff Report, Executive Summary, maps, studies, letters from interested persons and the oral testimony presented at the Board hearing as these items relate to these criteria. This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board approval. Should there be a dispute as to any of the deviations to the Code requested by the applicant, a vote of four is required. (HFAC) ADDITIONAL LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Applicant is requesting a Deviation (Deviation #6.6.4) for what is being termed as a “lifestyle” sign. Staff has opined that this type of sign is prohibited by the Code. The type of request to obtain a Sign Variance is as follows: 5.06.08 - Sign Variances A. Applicability. A variance may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals for any required dimensional standard for a sign, including the following: height, area, and location; maximum number of, and minimum setback for signs. This request for a deviation falls outside the scope of what could be requested as Sign Variance. It is asking the Board to issue a deviation to the Code which is not dimensional , but instead content based. In order to pass Constitutional muster, a sign code cannot discriminate based on content. If the Board wishes to consider whether the Sign Code ought to be amended to allow for this type of sign, then the County Attorney r ecommends that the Board direct staff to prepare and come forward with an LDC amendment to the Sign Code, with the understanding that to pass Constitutional muster, the Board at a minimum would need to allow similar advertising signs for all businesses, no t just “lifestyle signs.” -JAK RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Petition SRA-PL20180000622, Hyde Park Village SRA, to the Board subject to the following conditions of approval: 1) The companion Developer Contribution Agreement pertaining to transportation and public utilities is required to be approved with this SRA request. 2) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, it is recommended that a housing needs analysis be performed to estimate the affordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village proposal, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units. 3) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, absent conducting a housing needs analysis to 9.B Packet Pg. 123 06/09/2020 estimate the affordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units, staff proposes the following recommendation: The Hyde Park Village should commit that at least 15% of the units that they propose may be sold at purchase prices near the Moderate, and Gap affordability ranges (product types: Multi-Family Apts, & Single-Family Product A, Single-Family Product B), will actually be set aside and sold to households that are certified to be in those ranges. Hyde Park Village Residential Types Units Sales Price 15% of Products 1, 2 & 3 1 Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 St.300 $168,000 45 Low 2 Single Family Product A 534 $282,000 80 Moderate 3 Single Family Product B 598 $344,000 90 Gap 4 Single Family Product C 368 $373,000 - Total Residential 1,800 215 These 215 units would represent nearly 12% of the residential units in The Hyde Park Village and should be certified for initial occupancy and comply with long-term monitoring requirements similar to other developments in Collier County. 4) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, the Hyde Park Village should also consider the donation of a residential parcel to the County, an Affordable Housing Land Trust, or the County’s designee in order to address the housing needs of households at the Very-Low income levels and below. A contribution to the Collier County Local Housing Trust Fund may also serve to mitigate for units unable to be made available on-site. 5) The deletion of deviation 6.6.4 “Lifestyle Signs.” These signs are not real estate signs. They are advertising signs and a prohibited sign type. Staff recommends denial of this deviation. Prepared by: Timothy Finn, AICP, Principal Planner, Zoning Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (PDF) 2. Letter of Concern (PDF) 3. Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (PDF) 4. SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (PDF) 5. FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (PDF) 6. NIM Materials - Attachment D (PDF) 7. Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (PDF) 8. [Linked] Revised Economic Assessment 2020.03.02 - Attachment F (PDF) 9. [Linked] Application Back up Materials - Attachment G (PDF) 10. Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (PDF) 11. Item No. 11198 (PDF) 9.B Packet Pg. 124 06/09/2020 12. Attachment I - Waiver Applicant for hybrid quasi-judicial hearing- Hyde Park Village SRA (PDF) 13. Attachment J - Planning Commissioner Schmitt approval (PDF) 9.B Packet Pg. 125 06/09/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 9.B Doc ID: 11198 Item Summary: ***This item to be heard no sooner than 1:00 p.m.**** This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve with conditions a Resolution designating 642.52 acres within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Zoning Overlay District a s a Stewardship Receiving Area, to be known as the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area, which will allow development of a maximum of 1,800 residential dwelling units, of which a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1000 will be multi-family dwelling units; a minimum of 45,000 square feet of commercial development in the Village Center Context Zone; a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, governmental and institutional uses in the Village Center Context Zone; assisted living facilities subject to a floor area ratio in place of the square footage cap in the Village Center Context Zone; a maximum of 10,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood General Context Zone and a maximum of 5,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone; a maximum of 30,000 square feet of wellness and commercial development in the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone; all subject to a maximum pm peak hour trip cap; and approving the Stewardship Receiving Area credit agreement for Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area and establishing that 3548.24 stewardship credits are being utilized by the designation of the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area. The subject property is located north of Oil Well Road and west of the future Big Cypress Parkway in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida. [PL20180000622] (This is a companion to Agenda Item 11E) Meeting Date: 06/09/2020 Prepared by: Title: – Zoning Name: Tim Finn 03/10/2020 11:55 AM Submitted by: Title: Manager - Planning – Zoning Name: Ray Bellows 03/10/2020 11:55 AM Approved By: Review: Zoning Ray Bellows Additional Reviewer Completed 03/12/2020 3:27 PM Growth Management Department Jeanne Marcella Level 1 Reviewer Completed 03/13/2020 11:36 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Department Head Review Completed 03/20/2020 2:09 PM Growth Management Department James C French Deputy Department Head Review Completed 03/23/2020 10:19 AM County Attorney's Office Heidi Ashton-Cicko Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 05/21/2020 10:15 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/21/2020 11:41 AM 9.B Packet Pg. 126 06/09/2020 Office of Management and Budget Laura Zautcke Additional Reviewer Completed 05/22/2020 9:08 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/02/2020 1:15 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/02/2020 3:57 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/09/2020 9:00 AM 9.B Packet Pg. 127 C-ounty TO: FROM: HEARING DATE: MARCH 5,2020 SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT COLLIER COTINTY PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING DIVISION _ ZONING SERVICES SECTION GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT SRA-PL20180000622; HYDE PARK VILLAGE STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA (SRA) PROPERTY CANT/AGENTS: Owner: Winchester Land, LLC 1299 Zurich Way Schaumberg,IL 60196 Applicant: Michael Greenberg, Southwest Florida Regional President Neal Communities of Southwest Florida, LLC 5800 Ranch Blvd Sarasota, PL 34240 Agents: Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP, Vice President Hole Montes, Inc. 950 Encore Way Naples, FL 34110 Richard D. Yovanovich, Esquire Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, FL 34103 SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 1 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 128 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) *J((J to I A o ilTTINfrMi:IlITil]Ti tTltifi 2olll:.EEoaoJ =I U, Icc L t E n o t IoI =I I - o- G (,) C.E oN NN(ooooo @ oNJ(L t-o _o E:fz c .o oIL Z-1 o- G Co oooJ SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 t2irouri Pg onlg olosao ol dt N OA'18 uo oE Eo \ otr oo o.xo E E o.go Page 2 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 129 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) E cts F; t !!EIil Ic i iiii iirif!:i id.g e a E3' E l& !E &;t3 pt ,E 5xt 5:EExaiulrtS 55 EE !HE IIg slEhIB tIt : * 6 c r* EtaE *3ii ER a ! 5 a r Eiti E"tEr!iiEIt;!rti :!iEi!5 P:i!eIE EiiIIEg iEIiqEi ;8z , i B5i a i iEriI ECs Pts9 I a o-S T,* ! !:lrftr :tdvcaoiYr a irdu lr nn II # 3 ]vsl 'rfrE ^Jxlo, a F ;e ;E :E 4, >E q I 6 d E a E I ii :7li 5t !E o 6 1 Et;u 5 7 8 { I I 9P B 7s., ,8 ET E' E 9 g l, c I I T ! 5o tE-c;t 9YEl!3 E=dkr iE iE E'I 8.- E z o o 5 !,t!i15, iEE;r $ I.EuE;r .6 UE2tP EE 3iIi:: EE Hi59f,: I I I iiI I i!i ;li zI ** a rilii li i I F I ]" r ii r I,I Yc( uro.i ru -J E I! SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 3 of 43 I E : r{i; .$ 3; gtr !Et I5!llt I I I-r E{bl il i EIf!' I 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) The petitioner requests that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) consider a Resolution of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners designating642.52 acreswithin the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Zoning Overlay District as a Stewardship Receiving Area, to be known as the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area, which will allow development of a maximum of 1,800 residential dwelling units, of which a minimum of 300 dwelling units and a maximum of 1,000 will be multi-family dwelling units; a minimum of 45,000 square feet of commercial development in the Village Center Context Zone: a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, governmental and institutional uses in the Village Center Context Zone; assisted living facilities subject to a floor area ratio in place of the square footage cap in the Village Center Context Zone; a maximum of 10,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood General Context Zone and a maximum of 5,000 square feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone; a maximum of 30,000 square feet of wellness and commercial development in the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone (Irlote: As suggested by staff, this Context Zone also allows several types of personal service uses including banks, credit unions, child care, health services and offices, financial advisors, and similar types of uses providing wellness related counseling services.); all subject to a maximum pm peak hour trip cap (1,685 two-way, adjusted, average weekday pm peak hour total trips); and approving the Stewardship Receiving Area credit agreement for Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area and establishing that 3548.24 stewardship credits are being utilized by the designation of the Hyde Park Village Stewardship Receiving Area. GEOGRAPHI C LOCATION The subject property, consisting of 642.52 acres, is located north of Oil Well Road and east of the future Big Cypress in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida. (see location map on page 2). PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : The Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay District (RLSA) was developed, in large part due to protect natural resource areas and agricultural lands. The RLSA encourages property owners to voluntarily protect environmentally valuable land as a public benefit. The mechanism to achieve the protection of environmentally valuable land is the designation of Stewardship Sending Areas (SSA) in exchange for Stewardship Credits, which are used to entitle Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRA). One of the components of the SRA designation application is the Natural Resource Index Assessment Report, which documents the relative natural resource values of land within an SRA The Natural Resource Index Assessment documents the existing conditions and Natural Resource Index (NRI) scores within the proposed SRA for Hyde Park Village SRA. It should be noted that the NRI scores demonstrate that Hyde Park Village SRA meets the Suitability Criteria contained in SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 4 of 43 REOUESTED ACTION: 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). Please, see the Environmental Review Section of this Staff Report for further information. Hyde Park Village SRA is one of the four SRAs that have either been submitted to Collier County for review or have had pre-application meetings for an SRA designation. The other three SRA Villages located within the vicinity of Hyde Park Village SRA along the future Big Cypress Parkway are Rivergrass Village (approved by the BCC on January 28, 2020), and Longwater Village (PL20190001836), and Belmar Village (PL20190001837), both of which are currently under review. Hyde Park Village SRA consists of four context zones, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Edge, Village Amenity and Wellness Center, and Village Center. Two points of ingress and egress are proposed to serve the SRA from Oil Well Road: one at the terminus of Desoto Boulevard, providing project and public access through the Village Center; and the second, the main project access, is located about one-half mile to the west. Two future interconnections to the east (to future Big Cypress Parkway) are provided. One provides public access to the Village Center and the other provides access to and from future Big Cypress Parkway for Hyde Park Residents. This SRA application for Hyde Park Village SRA will include approximately: 1,800 dwelling units with a SRA density calculation of 2.8 units per acre (DU/AC); o a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1,000 will be multi-family dwelling units a minimum of 45,000 square feet of commercial development in the Village Center Context Zone; a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and govemmental uses in the Village Center Context Zone; a maximum of 10,000 sqrure feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood General Context Zone; a maximum of 5,000 sqrure feet for any recreation buildings in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone; a maximum of 30,000 square feet of wellness and commercial development in the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone; and assisted living facilities subject to floor area ratio in place of the square footage cap in the Village Center Context Zone The Village will also have other uses such as open space tracts, linear parks, and lakes. The required minimum 35% open space is224.88 acres, and660/o open space or 423.87 acres has been provided. For further information, please see Attachment A - Proposed SRA Resolution SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 a o a o a a Page 5 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: This section of the staff report identifies the land uses, zoning classifications, and maximum approved densities for properties surrounding boundaries of Hyde Park Village SRA: North:Sparsely developed with single-family residential, with a current zoning designation of Estates (E), (one unit per 2.25 acres) East:Undeveloped land, with a current zoning designation of Agriculture-Mobile Home Overlay with Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay (A-MHO-RLSAO) (1 unit per 5 acres). Immediately to the east future Big Cypress Parkway, then approved Rivergrass Village SRA South:Oil Well Road, a two-lane arterial roadway (planned to be widened to 6 lanes - LRTP) , then sparsely developed with single-family residential, with a current zoning designation of Estates (E), (one unit per 2.25 acres) West:Faka Union Canal, then sparsely developed single-family residential, with a current zoning designation of Estates (E), (one unit per 2.25 acres) SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Aerial (County GIS) Page 6 of 43 ilr .-{,, ' i' t' ,r I : i 'r '\/E ." :{ N I a t'tr , o 6 o i, rr3lr' AVE Nl 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: Comprehensive Planning staff has reviewed the proposed SRA. The subject properly is designated Agricultural/Rural (Agricultural/Rural Mixed-Use District) and is within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay (RLSAO) as depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). Property owners within this FLUM designation may develop their property under the baseline conditions, which are agriculture and related uses, essential services, residential at a maximum density of one dwelling unit per five acres, parks and open space, earth mining, etc., or may choose to participate in the Stewardship Program. The Stewardship Program provides for the protection of valuable habitats by designation as a Stewardship Sending Area (SSA) where land-use layers are removed, which generates Stewardship Credits that can be used to entitle mixed-use developments known as Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRAs) on lands appropriate for development. SRAs may vary in size and must contain a mixture of uses, as provided for in the RLSAO policies contained in the FLUE. Details of the RLSAO are provided in the RLSAO Policies and RLSAO Attachment C, Stewardship Receiving Area Characteristics, in the FLUE as well as the implementing RLSAO zoning overlay in the LDC, Land Development Code - also referred to as the LDC Stewardship District. Comprehensive Planning staff has reviewed this SRA petition and reached the following conclusions (see Attachment C-FLUE Consistency Review Memo dated Dec. 27,2019, for full analysis): 1. The requisite credits are either approved or pending approval, in sufficient number to enable development of the project. 2. The proposed Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) for the project may be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element, Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay. 3. Comprehensive Planning also requests: a) Make the 1 80-unit multi-family dwelling figure part of Section 5.4. 1 , Village Center Context Zone, Allowable Uses and Structures. Transportation Element: Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the petition and recommends the following: Policy 3.3 of the Transportation Element of the GMP "The County shall acquire o sfficient amount of right-of-way to facilitate arterial and collector roads as appropriate to meet the needs of the Long-Range Transportation Plan or other adopted transportation studies, plan or programs, appropriate turn lanes, medians, bicycle and pedestrian features, drainage canals, a shoulder sfficient for pull offs, and landscaping areas. Exceptions to the right-of-way standard may be considered SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 PageT of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) when it can demonstrate, through a trffic capacity analysis, that the maximum number of lanes at build-out will be less than the standard. " Long-Range Transportation Plan In 2016, Collier County began the Randall Boulevard and Oil Well Road Corridor Study. This study evaluated several corridor alternatives to enhance trafhc operations and safety conditions based on current and future travel demands. While the County was studying the corridor, the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization adopted an amendment (May 25,2078) to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan that added a new needed roadway that became known as Big Cypress Parkway between Golden Gate Boulevard and Immokalee Road. The County continued forward with the Randall Boulevard and Oil Well Road Corridor Study, which included coordination with Collier Enterprises as it related to their SRA development at the time (Rural Lands West SRA). In May 2019, the Board adopted Viable Alternative 2+, which included the following improvements : o Randall Boulevard (8th Street NE to Everglades Boulevard - 6 lanes) . Randall Boulevard (Everglades Boulevard to Big Cypress Parkway - 4 lanes) o Oil Well Road (Everglades Boulevard to Oil Well Grade Road - 6 lanes) o Everglades Boulevard (Randall Boulevard to Oil Well Road - 4 lanes) o Additional regional roadway needs to enhance access, safety, and mobility: o Vanderbilt Beach Road (l6th Street NE to Big Cypress Parkway) o Everglades Boulevard (Vanderbilt Beach Road Ext. to Randall Boulevard) o Big Cypress Parkway (Golden Gate Boulevard to Immokalee Road) Condition of approval: The companion Developer Agreement is required to be approved with this SRA request. Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the GMP states "The County Commission shall review all rezone petitions, SRA designation applicotions, conditional use petitions, and proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) affecting the overall countywide density or intensity of permissible development, with consideration of their impact on the overall County transportation system, and shall not approve any petition or application that would directly occess a deficient roadway segment as identified in the current AUIR or if it impacts an adjacent roadway segment that is deficient as identified in the current AUIR, or which significantly impacts a roadway segment or adjacent roadway segment that is currently operating and/or is projected to operate below an adopted Level of Service Standard within the five year AUIR planning period, unless specific mitigating stipulations are also approved. A petition or application has significant impacts if the trffic impact statement reveals that any of the following occur; a. For linl<s (roadway segments) directly accessed by the project where project trffic is equal to or exceeds 2% of the adopted LOS standard service volume; SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 8 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) b. For linlrs adjacent to linlrs directly accessed by the project where project trffic is equal to or exceeds 2% of the adopted LOS standard service volume; and c. For all other links, the project trffic is considered to be significant up to the point where it is equal to or exceeds 3% of the adopted LOS standard service volume. Mitigating stipulations shall be based upon a mitigation plan prepared by the applicant and submitted as part of the trffic impact statement that addresses the project's significant impacts on all roadways. " Staff finding: In evaluating the Hyde Park Village SRA, staff reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) dated November 4,2019 for consistency using the applicable 2018 and current 2019 Annual Update and Inventory Reports (AUIR). According to the SRA document and noted above, the applicant is requesting a maximum of 1,800 residential dwelling units, up to 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial retail/office uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, govemmental and institutional uses. The TIS provided with the petition outlines a potential development scenario for 1,500 single-family residential dwelling units, 300 multi-family dwelling units, up to 18,000 square feet of govemmental and institutional uses, and up to 45,000 square feet of retail/office uses. Staff has evaluated the TIS and has found that the scenario presents an accurate trip generation calculation, reasonable trip distribution on the surrounding network, and reflects a reasonable development potential with the proposed SRA. The SRA document establishes the total trip cap commitment of +l- 1,685 PM peak hour two-way trips. According to the TIS, the project impacts the following County roadways: Link JJt+ Roadway Link Location 2018 AUIR Existing LOS P.M. Peak Hour Peak Direction Service Volume/Peak Direction 2018 AUIR Remaining Capacity 2019 AUIR Remaining Capacity 12r.2 Oil Well Road Oil Well Grade to Ave Maria Blvd B 2,000/West 7,464 1,458 t2t.t Oil Well Road Desoto Blvd to Oil Well Grade B 1,100/West 564 558 120.0 Oil Well Road Everglades Blvd to Desoto Blvd B 1,1O0/West 541 526 SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 9 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) I 19.0 Oil Well Road Immokalee Road to Everglades Blvd C 2,00O/East 863 808 135 Everglades Blvd Golden Gate Blvd to Oil Well Road B 800Atrorth 44s 339 1 18.0 Wilson Blvd Immokalee Road to Golden Gate Blvd B 900/South 560 549 133.0 Randal Blvd Everglades Blvd to Desoto Blvd C 90O/East 261 248 132.0 Randal Blvd Immokalee Road to Everglades Blvd E 900/East 40 64 t12.0 Vanderbilt Beach Rd Logan Blvd to Collier Blvd C 3,000/East 1,052 1 1 s6 111.2 Vanderbilt Beach Rd Livingston Rd to Logan Blvd C 3,000/East 859 712 t7.0 Golden Gate Blvd Collier Blvd to Wilson Blvd C 2,300lEast 590 s70 123.0 Golden Gate Blvd Wilson Blvd to 18th Street NE/SE B 2,30OiEast 1,095 1,016 1 23 1 Golden Gate Blvd 1Sth Street NE/SE to Everglades Blvd B 2,300lBast 1,105 7,025 t24.0 Golden Gate Blvd Everglades Blvd to Desoto Blvd B 1.010/East 783 778 SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 10 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 46.0 Immokalee Road Oil Well Road to SR 29 C 900/East 322 288 45.0 Immokalee Road Wilson Blvd to Oil Well Road C 3,3O0/East 891 476 44.0 Immokalee Road Collier Blvd to Wilson Blvd D 3,300/East 681 362 43.2 Immokalee Road Logan Blvd to Collier Blvd D 3,200lBast 188 284 43.r Immokalee Road I-75 to Logan Blvd D 3,50O/East 530 553 30.2 Collier Blvd Vanderbilt Beach Road to Golden Gate Blvd B 3,000/South 1,662 1,638 3 1.1 Collier Blvd Golden Gate Blvd to Pine Ridge Road C 3,000Arlorth 1,142 1,071 31.2 Collier Blvd Pine Ridge Road to Green Blvd C 3,00OAtrorth 1 )I 60 1,043 The companion Developer Agreement fulfills the mitigation necessary to comply with the Growth Management Plan Transportation Element Policy 5.1. Condition of approval: The companion Developer Agreement is required to be approved with this SRA request. Policy 7.1 of the Transportation Element of the GMP states: "Collier County shall apply the standards and criteria of the Access Management Policy as adopted by Resolution and as may be amended to ensure the protection of the arterial and collector system's capacity and integrity. " SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page1lof43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 138 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Staff finding: The Hyde Park Village SRA is proposing two access points on Oil Well Road and two on the future Big Cypress Parkway. Staff recommends approval of the proposed access points shown on the master plan for this petition. Nothing in this development order will vest the developer to anything more than a right in/right out at the locations.- Directional and full median openings may be contemplated at the time of Site Development Plan or Plat and Plan. To be explicit regarding a future signalized intersection, a provision of the companion Developer Agreement includes provisions for proportionate fair share payment for these roadway improvements. Condition of approval: The companion Developer Agreement is required to be approved with this SRA request. Policy 9.3 of the Transportation Element of the GMP states "The County shall require, whereverfeasible, the interconnection of local streets between developments to facilitate convenient movement throughout the road network. The LDC shall identify the circumstances and conditions that would require the interconnection of neighboring developments and shall also develop standards and criteriafor the safe interconnection ofsuch local streets." Staff finding: The Land Development Code requires the applicant to create an interconnected street system designed to disperse and reduce the length of automobile trips (4.08.07.J.3.a.iii). The proposed Hyde Park Village SRA's Master Plan shows potential-future interconnections to adjacent roadways along the future Big Cypress Parkway. The north and west perimeters of the project are adjacent to estate zoning-parcels where interconnections are not desirable. StaffRecommendation: Transportation Planning stafffinds this petition consistent with the GMP subject to the following Conditions of Approval below and recommends approval with the following conditions: Conditions ofApproval A. The companion Developer Agreement is required to be approved with this SRA request. Staff completed a comprehensive evaluation of this SRA petition and the criteria. Environmental Review: LDC Section requires that Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRA) with lands greater than one acre and a Natural Resource Index (NRI) value greater thanI.2 shall be retained as open space and maintained in a predominantly natural vegetated state. There are no areas within the proposed SRA that contain acreages with an NRI score above 1.2. The majority land within the SRA boundary was cleared of native vegetation and converted to row crops and improved pasture lands. Pursuant to the Growth Management Plan Future Land Use Element, preservation of listed species habitat and other native areas in the Rural Lands SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 12 of 43 STAFF ANALYSIS: 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 139 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Stewardship Area is addressed by the creation of the required Stewardship Sending Areas (SSA) SSA 7 has been approved for the petitioner to obtain credits for the development of the SRA. Evaluation of Suitability Criteria in LDC section 4.08.07.A: o Residential, commercial, manufacturing/light industrial, group housing, transient housing, institutional, civic and community service uses within an SRA shall not be sited on lands that receive a Natural Resource Index value of greater than I .2 (LDC Section 4.08.07.A. l.b). There are no areas having an NRI value greater than 1.2; therefore, residential, commercial, manufacturing/light industrial, group housing, transient housing, institutional, civic and community service uses may be sited on these lands. Conditional use essential services and government essential services, with the exception of those necessary to serve permitted uses andfor public safety, shall not be sited on land that receives a Natural Resource Indexvalue of greater than 1.2, regardless of the size of the land or parcel (LDC Section There are no areas having an NRI value greater than I .2; therefore, conditional use essential services, except for those necessary to serve permitted uses and for public safety, and governmental essential services may be sited on these lands. Lands or parcels that are greater than one acre and hsve an Index Value greater than 1.2 sholl be retained os open spoce and maintained in a predominantly natural vegetated state (LDC Section 4.08.07.A.1 d). T\ere are no areas having an NRI value greater thanl.2. a a a An SRA may be contiguous to an FSA or HSA, but shall not encroach into such areas, and shall buffer such areas as described in LDC Section 4.08.07.J.6. An SRA may be contiguous to, or encompass, a WRA (LDC Section 4.08.07.A.1.g). The project does not encroach into an FSA, HSA, or WRA; it provides the required buffers as indicated on the SRA Master Plan. SSA credits required for SRA Designation; Environmental Planning staff reviewed this petition in conjunction with GIS staff who provided the following information regarding generation of stewardship credits: The Stewardship credits for Hyde Park Village SRA are generated from SSA 7 located on properties within and adjoining the Camp Keais Strand, a major flow way system connecting Corkscrew Marsh at its northern end and adjoining the Okaloacoochee Slough. The credit calculation is based on the total acreage of Hyde Park, which is 642.52 acres. The minimum open space requirement is 224.88 acres; the applicant has proposed 423.87 acres of open space. Therefore, the total acreage that consumes credits is 443.53 acres. Therefore, Hyde Park requires 3,548.24 Stewardship Credits. Of the six Natural Resources Index Factors on the Stewardship Credit Worksheet, only Land Use - Land Cover (FLUCFCS) and Listed Species Habitat are prone to change over time. In this SRA application, minor changes to the Land Use * Land Cover Classifications have not occurred as a SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 13 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) result of detailed onsite FLUCFCS mapping conducted in June 2017. Minor changes have occurred to the Listed Species Habitat factor that affects index scoring for the SRA; however, no NRI value exceeded 1.2 within the SRA boundary. Hyde Park Village SRA credits are generated from Stewardship Sending Area 7, which has 4,03 4.20 available credits. Site Description. The subject property consists of 642.52 acres of disturbed lands. Past land uses include intense agricultural activity and fill pits authorized by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) through an Environmental Resource Permit issued in 1998. There is a 1.56-acre Conservation Easement dedicated to SFWMD in the southeast corner of the project site. A FLUCFCS map detailing land use is contained in Exhibit 2 of the Natural Resource Index Assessment. The vegetated area is 1.92 acres, which is classified as Exotic Wetland Hardwoods (1.08 acres) and Australian Pines (0.84 acres). The vegetation does not meet the LDC definition of native vegetation for preservation purposes. Wetland mitigation for impacts to this area will be addressed through the Environmental Resource Permitting process. Conservation & Coastal Management Element (CCME) & Future Land Use Element (FLUE) r e I at e d t o Env ir onmental P I anning : Environmental Planning staff has found this project to be consistent with the CCME & FLUE. Pursuant to the Growth Management Plan Future Land Use Element, preservation of listed species habitat and other native areas in the Rural Lands Stewardship Area is addressed by the creation of the required Stewardship Sending Areas. SSA 7 has been approved for the petitioner to obtain credits for the development of the SRA. Listed Species Listed species surveys were conducted in February 2018 and October 2019 for wildlife species listed by the FWCC and the USFWS as endangered, threatened or species of special concem (see Exhibit 3 of the Natural Resource Index Assessment). The February 2018 survey did not find any listed species present within the Hyde Park Village SRA boundary. The current wildlife survey conducted in October 2019 and a site visit conducted by staff in December 2079 revealed the only threatened species observed onsite was the little blue heron (Egretta caerulea). The Natural Resource Index Assessment states pedestrian transects were spaced approximately 50 to 200 feet apart and the transects are shown in Appendix A of the Natural Resource Index Assessment. There were no protected plant species identified on-site. Environmental supports this petition subject to the following condition of approval: 1. Prior to issuance of the first SDP and/or PPL, a listed species management plan must be provided for review, with approval from FWCC and/or USFWS for management of the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) and all other listed species. Utilities Review: The project lies within the regional potable water and northeast wastewater service areas of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (CCWSD). Water, wastewater, and SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 14 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) irrigation quality (l Q.) water services will be extended to the project from the Northeast Utility Facilities O{EUF) site at 825 39th Ave NE (adjacent to the Collier County fairgrounds). Pending Board approval, utility services will be provided in accordance with the Developer Contribution Agreement (DCA) that accompanies this petition. The CCWSD will extend transmission mains through a County Utility Easement to be provided along the north side of the development. Additionally, the CCWSD will construct an interim 1.5 MGD wastewater treatment facility at the NEUF site to serve the project. The developer will be responsible for design, permitting, construction, and conveyance of utility system infrastructure internal to the SRA pursuant to the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Ord. No. 2004-31, as amended). Deviation #3 in subsection 6.8 "Other Deviations" was added at the request of Public Utilities to allow the I.Q. water distribution system constructed within the SRA to be conveyed by the developer to the CCWSD for ownership and maintenance, in accordance with the DCA. Residents and businesses will receive individually metered irrigation services and will pay standard I.Q. rates. Perimeter berms and common areas may be irrigated from on-site water sources. The Public Utilities Department supports this petition subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The negotiated DCA must be adopted concurrently with or prior to the SRA ordinance. Landscape Review: The applicant is requesting two landscape deviations as part of this application. Staff recommends approval of these deviations (see deviation discussion below). The buffers labeled on the master plan meet or exceed LDC requirements. Parks and Recreation Review: Parks and Recreation staff has reviewed the petition and recommends the developer provide an ASTM certified playground as part of the Amenity Site facilities. Communitv snd Human Services Review (Housins) Review: Proposal- As submitted, the Hyde Park Village proposes to comply with FLUE Policy 4.7 .2 that villages be, " . . . Primarily residential communities with a diversity of housing types and mix of uses appropriate to the scale and character of the particular village", by stating that, "The HPV will be entitled to allow for up to 1,800 dwelling units (with a maximum of 1500 single-family and a minimum of 180 multi-family dwelling units), 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and goverrrmental uses. The Economic Assessment provided with the submission offers some details as to the types and proposed sales pricing of the housing units. SRA-P120'180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 15 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 142 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Sales. Just. and Taxable Values Estimates of sales, just, and taxable values for the residential units are shown in Table 2. The sales values of the residential product types were provided by the Applicant. The eligible homestead percentage per residential product type used in computing the taxable value per unit was based on County averages published by the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies at the University of Florida. According to the Shimberg Center, the median assessed value of a single-family home in unincorporated Collier County is 5261,840. ln comparison, the average assessed value for Collier Lakes single-family homes is 5329,000 which is 26 percent higher than the County's median value. Table 2: Collier Lakes Residential and Taxable Values Land Use ct Fee Ca Residential (Units) Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories Single Family Product A Single Family Product B Single Family Product C Total Residential Source: Neal Communities, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies (Univ. of FL), DPFG, 2018 The assessment states that, "According to the Shimberg Center, the median assessed value of a single-family home in unincorporated Collier County is $261,840. In comparison, the average assessed value for Collier Lakes (aka- Hyde Park Village) single-family homes is $329,000 which is26% higher than the County's median value." Housing Review: The Hyde Park Village submission offers no details on how many residential units will meet the county's affordability standards for various income levels. It also offers no detail on the number of affordable units or price points that will be included to accommodate the need for affordable units created by the village itself. Without such details, it is not possible to evaluate the submittal to determine if it meets LDC Section 4.08.07 J. 3. a. iv. stating that villages shall... "Offer a range of housing types and price levels to accommodate diverse ages and incomes." What constitutes a range of housing types and prices, and which ages and incomes are intended to be served are policy interpretations that can be determined by the CCPC and BCC. Staff s function is to provide background and a reasonableness test in order to inform the deciding bodies of the intent of policy goals and LDC requirements. RLSA villages are intended to be innovative, compact, and residential in nature including supporting commercial and civic uses. Their intention is to be as self-sufficient as possible so as to not place an undue burden on other SRA-PL2O180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Units Sales Value per Unit Just Va I ue per Unit Average Taxa bl e Value per Unit 300 5168,000 S 1s8.ooo S rsa,ooo 534 S 282,ooo 5 26s,000 S zrz,:oo 598 s 344.000 s 323.000 S 29o.3oo 368 s 373,000 s 3s1,000 s 318.300 1,800 Page 16 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 143 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) areas as residents travel from the village for goods and services, or as labor for travels to the RLSA for employment. A self-sufficient village should aim to accommodate the housing needs of those employees needed to work in the village. The documentation provided by HPV seems to proclaim the fact that the residential units that are proposed will exceed the County's median value by 26Yo, offering no accommodation for affordability to Very-low, Low, Moderate, or Gap income residents. Collier County's approved Housing Demand Methodology assigns a maximum purchase price of $330,000 as the top level of affordably for households at the ceiling of the Gap income level. Households at the Moderate-Income level require products priced less than $275,000. Households at the Low-income level require products priced less than $150,000, and those at the Very-Low income require products priced less than that. The Economic Assessment indicates that 1,432 residential units in The Hyde Park Villag e may be priced near levels as to be affordable to Low, Moderate and Gap income households. The proposal does not seem to include any units or accorlmodation for households at the Low or Very-Low income levels. Staff recommended condition of approval: It is recommended that a housing needs analysis be performed to estimate the affordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village proposal, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units. Absent conducting a housing needs analysis to estimate the affordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units, staff proposes the following recommendation. The Hyde Park Village should commit that at least 15o/o of the units that the applicant proposes may be sold at purchase prices near the Moderate, and Gap affordability ranges (product types: Multi-Family Apts, & Single-Family Product A, Single-Family Product B), will actually be set aside and sold to households that are certified to be in those ranges. Hyde Park Village Residential Types Units Sales Price L Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 St.300 StoS,ooo 2 Single Family Product A 534 Szgz,ooo 3 Single Family Product B 598 S3++,ooo 4 Single Family Product C 368 S3zg,ooo Total Residential 1,800 SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised. February 24, 2020 L5% of Products L.2&3 45 80 90 2t5 Low Moderate Gap Page 17 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 144 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) These 215 units would represent nearly l2o/o of the residential units in The Hyde Park Village and should be certified for initial occupancy and comply with long-term monitoring requirements similar to other developments in Collier County. The Hyde Park Village should also consider the donation of a residential parcel to the County, an Affordable Housing Land Trust, or the County's designee in order to address the housing needs of households at the Very-Low income levels and below. A contribution to the Collier County Local Housing Trust Fund may also serve to mitigate for units unable to be made available on-site. These staff recommendations, when taken in total, would result in The Hyde Park Village addressing housing affordability in a similar fashion to other previously approved large-scale developments and DRIs in Collier County. Historic Preservation Review: Historic Preservation staff has reviewed the petition for compliance with the GMP and the LDC and recommends approval of this project. Architectural Review.' In accordance with LDC Section 4.08.07 J.3.a.viii., the Architectural Design Standards of Section 5.05.08 shall apply unless additional or different design standards that deviate from 5.05.08, in whole or in part, are submitted to the County. The proposed Hyde Park Village SRA does not propose any additional or different architectural design standards that deviate from LDC 5.05.08. The applicant intends to meet the architectural and site design standards of LDC Section 5.05.08. Architectural review staff can support the Hyde Park Village SRA Development Document and recommends approval. Collier Countv Public Schools (CCPS) District Review: At this time, there is existing or planned capacity within the next 5 years for the purposed development at the elementary, middle and high school levels. At the time of site plan or plat, the development would be reviewed for concurrency to ensure there is capacity either within the concurrency service area the development is located within or adjacent concurrency service areas. Collier Sheriff Review: At bui ldout, there will be a need for a sub-station such as the one built near the intersection of CR 846 and 39th Ave NE located in that area. Fire Review: The North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District reviewed and approved the SRA on September 27 ,2019. Please note, at the time of SDP or platting, the project will be evaluated for compliance with the Florida Fire Prevention Code regarding fire department access roads and water supply. Please see the Florida Fire Prevention Code, Sixth Edition, I : Chapter 18 for requirements. Economic Assessment Review: Section 4.08.07 (L) ofthe Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) provides the requirements for the preparation and submittal of the Economic Assessment for a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA). The Economic Assessment, at a minimum, is required to demonstrate hscal neutrality for the development, as a whole, for the following units of government: transportation, potable water, wastewater, irrigation water, stormwater management, solid waste, parks, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire, and school. In the event the Assessment identifies a negative fiscal impact of the project, several options are identified to SRA-PL2O180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 18 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) address the funding shortfalls, including impositions of special assessments, use of community development districts (CDD), Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBU), Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU), etc. As detailed in the information above, the petitioner is requesting consideration for designating 655* acres withinthe Rural Lands Stewardship Area Zoning Overlay Districtas an SRA, to be known as the Hyde Park Village SRA (Hyde Park), allowing for the development of residential, commercial and civic/governmental/institutional land use components. Hyde Park submitted an Economic Assessment, prepared by Development Planning and Financial Group, Inc, (DPFG) in accordance with the requirements of the LDC, which allows the use of an alternative fiscal impact model, approved by Collier County. DPFG measured the fiscal neutrality at the horizon year (Year 1412035 buildout) using a "marginal/average cost hybrid methodology" to determine the project's impacts on capital and operating costs. DPFG also incorporated the County's adopted impact fee methodology and rates, to estimate the demand and impact fee contributions related to the project. The assessment model is static and does not include the cost of future infrastructure financing or provide for positive or negative adjustments in costs, fees, tax rates, etc. but does assume a constant rate of development for the project. DPFG conducted meetings with representatives from the various public facilities to capture information on both capital needs as well as operating impacts related to the proposed project. As part of this process, the need for new facility sites and other capital items, specifically related to the proposed project were also analyzed. An outside peer review was conducted by Jacobs (formerly CH2M-Hill) to provide an independent, evaluation of the report. The Jacobs report concluded that the DPFG's analysis is reasonable and confirms the project's fiscal neutrality, as defined. Jacobs further stated: "It is our opinion that the Applicant fulfilled the intent of the fiscal neutrality requirement and that the proposed Hyde Park development is fiscally neutral, as defined, for Hyde Park Village SRA for Collier County, the North Collier Fire & Rescue District, and the Collier County School District." Jacobs also provided that future deviations from the development plan may require adjustments or new analysis to adequately address any changes to fiscal neutrality and noted that the companion Developer Agreement(s) for the project are also important elements in the overall fiscal neutrality objectives. Both the DPFG and Jacobs reports rely on impact fee and other fiscal information that is adopted by Collier County as the basis for many of the underlying assumptions. The model that was used by DPFG was provided to Jacobs for the peer review and to Collier County for the staff analysis. While the model is locked, all cell information is visible, including formulas, and the data sources are also presented for validation. DPFG has been available for discussions, questions and/or concerns related to the model and its outputs. The following is a brief overview of the analysis by facility. Several of the categories were also reviewed individually and are included with the review comments for their respective facility. This is noted below. The project impact fee revenue assumed for this assessment is based on the current, adopted rates, and as previously stated, does not include any projections for impact fee SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 19 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 146 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) increases or decreases. Any staff comments that affect the anticipated impact fee revenue is provided below, otherwise, the assumptions are considered acceptable for the proposed types of residential and commercial land uses and square footages, for the purpose of this analysis. The same approach, to note any comments or observations that may affect the anticipated revenue, was used for the information related to millage rates and other governmental revenue sources used for the purpose of this analysis. Transportation - Fiscally Neutral. See Transportation Review Section of this Staff Report and AttachmentF- Public Facilities Impact Assessmenf, to be read in combination with the proposed Developer Agreement and the following: Based on staff s review of the Traffic Impact Statement and intersection analysis any projected deficiencies exist both without and with the project. The adopted level of service standard for roadway capacity would be exceeded by the existing, committed and vested trips, plus additional project background trips from sources other than the development project under review. The project is not causing the deficiency, nor can the projected deficiency be cured by the development. The applicant will be paying impact fees for the proposed land uses to off-set their growth-related demand for infrastructure. Law Enforcement - Fiscally Neutral. DPFG worked directly with Collier County Sheriffs Office representatives regarding any specific needs (land, etc.) that would be created by the proposed development. The main demand generated by Hyde Park will be cost to equip any new certified officers. Currently, there is not a need for a specific land site within the proposed development. However, a substation may be required in the future to serve this and other proposed developments in the area. As such, impact fees and other capital funding may be available to fund the equipment needed for any new certified officers as well as a portion of a substation and/or other capital items, as necessitated by growth in the future. This infrastructure category currently has an identified deficiency between the adopted and achieved level of service. However, the project is not causing the deficiency, nor can the calculated deficiency be cured by the development. As stated above, the applicant will be paying impact fees for the proposed land uses to off-set their growth-related demand for infrastructure. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Fiscally Neutral. See Attachment F- Public Facilities Impact Assessment, to be read in combination with the following: DPFG worked directly with Collier County Collier County Emergency Medical Services representatives regarding any specific needs (land, etc.) that would be created specifically by the proposed development. EMS provided locations in the area that will service the proposed development, with an additional acquisition in process for a co-located facility with Greater Naples Fire District in the area. Therefore, currently, there is not a need for a specific land site within this proposed development. Since the updated analysis was completed, the acquisition of a new site for an EMS station at DeSoto Blvd. and Golden Gate Blvd. has been completed. This site is one of up to three that will SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Vittage SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 20 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 147 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) utilize the One-Cent Infrastructure Surtax to provide certain EMS capital construction needs. Use of these funds will allow impact fees generated by Hyde Park and other surrounding communities and development to be utilized for capital equipment needs and other EMS capital priorities and projects. This infrastructure category currently has an identified deficiency between the adopted and achieved level of service. However, the project is not causing the deficiency, nor can the calculated deficiency be cured by the development. The applicant will be paying impact fees for the proposed land uses to off-set their growth-related demand for infrastructure. Regional Parks - Fiscally Neutral. The DPFG analysis for Regional Parks utilizes an adjusted achieved level of service, consistent with the methodology provided in the current, adopted Impact Fee Study. This calculation is provided to ensure that new development is not required to pay impact fees based on the inclusion of one-time or specialty facilities (lrtraples Zoo, Sports Tourism Park, etc.) and eliminates the likelihood of over-charging new development. There are no sites identified for a Regional Park within the boundaries of the proposed development. However, the estimated impact fees and other capital funding anticipated, related to the project, are reasonable and adequate related to the demand created by the Development and to establish fiscal neutrality related to Regional Parks. The future Regional Parks Impact Fees paid related to this development will likely contribute to funding the construction of the Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park which is located in close proximity to the proposed project. Additionally, proceeds from the One-Cent Infrastructure Surtax were identified to provide funding for the Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park. Communify Parks - Fiscally Neutral. There are no sites identified for a Community Park within the boundaries ofthe proposed development. However, the estimated impact fees and other capital funding anticipated, related to the project, are reasonable and adequate related to the demand created by the Development and to establish fiscal neutrality related to Community Parks. Public Utilities (Water, Wastewater, Irrigation Water and Solid Waste) - Fiscally Neutral. See Public Utilities Review Section of this Staff Report and AttachmentF-Public Facilities Impact Assessmenf, to be read in combination with the proposed Developer Agreement and the following: DPFG worked directly with Collier County Collier County Public Utilities representatives regarding the future needs of the project. The proposed development will be required to pay User Fees, Impact Fees and Special Assessments (Solid Waste) which will provide funding for both capital and operating costs attributable to the project. Pending Board approval, utility services will be provided in accordance with the Developer Agreement that accompanies this petition, and which must be adopted concurrently with or prior to the SRA ordinance. As provided in the Public Utilities Review Section, "CCWSD will extend transmission mains through a County Utility Easement to be provided along the north side of the development. Additionally, the CCWSD will construct an interim 1.5 MGD wastewater treatment SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 21 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 148 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) facility at the NEUF site to serve the project. The developer will be responsible for design, permitting, construction, and conveyance of utility system infrastructure intemal to the SRA pursuant to the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance. Also, the developer has agreed to reserve a permanent well site and associated pipeline easements to the CCWSD." Please refer to the companion Developer Agreement for details related to the utility agreement, including prepayment of impact fees, Irrigation Quality Water, etc. Stormwater Management - Fiscally Neutral. See Attachment F - Public Facilities Impact Assessmenl, to be read in combination with the proposed Developer Agreement and the following: Collier County does not assess impact fees or other special assessments to fund the Stormwater Management Capital and Maintenance Programs. Funding for these areas is typically provided by a combination of funding appropriations from the General Fund (001) and the Unincorporated Area General Fund (111). The project water management system will be fully permitted through the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County. Collier County will have no responsibility for the capital construction or maintenance of the Hyde Park water management system serving the development. To the extent that Hyde Park constructs improvements to accept and treat Stormwater related to the public road network, that are also impact fee eligible, the Developer may receive Road Impact Fee Credits and will be detailed in the Developer Agreement. In addition, Collier County is seeking a 20-foot easement along the western property boundary, in order to provide maintenance access to the Faka Union Canal, maintained by the Big Cypress Basin (BCB)/South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The Faka Union Canal is the primary outfall for the proposed project. The Developer Agreement provides details related to terms for conveyance of the requested easement. Based on the above, the determination of fiscal neutrality is reasonable. However, conveyance of the needed maintenance easement is critical to provide proper long-term access to conduct operations and maintenance and ensure adequate flood protection level of service for this development and surrounding property owners. North Collier Fire & Rescue District - Fiscally Neutral. See Fire Review Section of this Staff Report and AuachmentF -Public Facilities Impact Assessment, to be read in combination with the following: DPFG worked directly with North Collier Fire & Rescue District representatives regarding any specific needs (land, capital equipment, etc.) that would be created specifically by the proposed development. As provided by North Collier, this location is 1.6 miles from a planned co-located facility which has been prepped for vertical construction. Therefore, there is not a need for a specific land site within this proposed development. SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 22 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 149 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) The applicant will be paying impact fees for the proposed land uses to off-set their growth-related demand for infrastructure. The current operating millage for the fire district is estimated to adequately address the potential operational needs. Collier County Public Schools - Fiscally Neutral. See Collier County Public Schools District Review Section of this Staff Report and AttachmentF -Public Facilities Impact Assessment,tobe read in combination with the following: DPFG worked directly with Collier County Public Schools representatives regarding any specific needs (school sites, etc.) that would be created specifically by the proposed development. School capital costs are provided by a combination of funding sources including impact fees and acapital millage. The estimated revenue generated by the project through these funding sources provides adequate funding for the future capital needs, attributable to growth, generated by the proposed development. The analysis also concludes that adequate revenue will be generated by the proposed project, through millage, to fund the attributable increase in operating costs generated by the development. While the exact future student population is unknown, the student generation rate used for the analysis is based on the adopted School Impact Fee Study and supports the determination of fi scal neutrality. The DPFG report also provided analysis related to Correctional Facilities, Govemment Buildings, and Libraries. While these are not required elements of the Economic Assessment or the Public Facilities Impact Assessment, the same framework was used as that for the required facilities, the analysis is consistent with the impact fee methodology, and thus the determination of fiscal neutrality is reasonable. As stated above, the Economic Assessment provides a fiscal snapshot that is projected to buildout. Based on these assumptions and making no predictions on changes, positive or negative, that may affect project revenue, the conclusion of fiscal neutrality is supported by the analysis. The analysis concludes adequate funding will be generated by the project to fund the capital and operating needs of the specified public facilities. Further, the specified public facilities do not have projected deficiencies as a result of the demand created by the proposed development. Therefore, overall, the intent of the fiscal neutrality requirement has been satisfied. Zoning Services Review: Most of the property was cleared of native vegetation and converted to row crops and/or improved pasture prior to 1980. By 1993 the entire property, except for a small area in the southeast corner of the site, had been converted to and was apparently being used for row crop production. On September 22, 1998, an earth mining facility conditional use was approved on the site via Resolution 98-395. Subsequent to this conditional use approval, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) issued an Environmental Resource Permit authorizing a fill pit. Moreover, on January 13,2004, the confirmation of this conditional use and modifications of the stipulations were memorialized via Resolution 2004-04. The earth mining facility had ceased operations around 2009. Currently the site consists of disturbed uplands, borrow pits, ditches, berms, and a preserve area located in the southeast corner of the property. SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 23 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 150 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) The Hyde Park Village SRA Development Document sets forth the design standards for the Village. According to LDC Section 4.08.07C.2., "Villages are primarily residential communities with a diversity of housing types and mix of uses appropriate to the scale and character of the particular village....Villages are comprised of residential neighborhoods and shall include a mixed-use village center to serve as the focal point for the community's support services and facilities. Villages shall be designed to encourage pedestrian circulation by including an interconnected sidewalk and pathway system serving all residential neighborhoods..." The Village consists of four context zones, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Edge, Village Amenity and Wellness Center, and Village Center. The Neighborhood General context zone is approximately 26.10 acres and allows for residential development consisting of single-family and multi-family dwelling units. Neighborhood recreation areas are also permitted which include passive parks. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 42 arrd 50 feet for single-family, two-family, zero-lot lines structures, and neighborhood recreation areas. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 50 and 60 feet for multi-family structures. The Neighborhood Edge context zone is approximately 191.89 acres and allows for residential development consisting of single-family and multi-family dwelling units. Neighborhood recreation areas are also permitted which include passive parks. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 42 and 50 feet for single-family detached, single-family attached, two-family, and villas. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 35 and 50 feet for neighborhood recreation areas. The Village Amenity and Wellness Center context zone is approximately 10.74 acres and allows for recreation facilities that are limited to Hyde Park Village residents and guests which are clubhouse, physical fitness facility, swimming pools, tennis, pickleball, basketball, barbeque area, and a dog park. This context zone may also offer banks, childcare services, health services, and professional offices. These uses will be offered to Hyde Park Village residents and their guests. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 50 and 60 feet. The Village Center context zone is approximately 26.20 acres and will be located at the southeast comer of the Hyde Park Village SRA along Oil Well Road. This context zone is mixed-use, requiring a minimum of 180 for multi-family dwelling units, and a minimum of 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial goods and services. The VC will also provide a minimum of 18,000 square feet of civic, governmental and institutional uses. The maximum zoned and actual building height is 50 and 60 feet. Hyde Park Village SRA is a compact, suburban-style development similar to many of the Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) located in the Urban Area of Collier County. For further information, please see the Deviation Discussion section of this staff Report below SRA Findines: LDC Sections 4.08.01 through 4.08.07 set forth the following criteria in reviewing SRA petitions. SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 24 o'f 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 151 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 1. Compatibility with adjacent land uses. The existing land use pattern (of the abutting properties) is described in the Surrounding Land Use and Zoning section of this staff report. The proposed use would not change the existing land use patterns of the surrounding properties. )An SRA must contain suflicient suitable land to accommodate the planned development. The proposed SRA contains suitable land to accommodate the planned development. J.Residential, commercial, manufacturing/Iight industrial, group housing, and transient housing, institutional, civic and community service uses within an SRA shall not be sited on Iands that receive a nafural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2. There are no areas within the proposed SRA that contain acreages with an NRI score above 1.2 (see Environmental Review section above) 4.Conditional use essential services and governmental essential serices, with the exception of those necessary to serve permitted uses and for public safety, shall not be sited on land that receives a Natural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2, regardless of the size of the land or parcel. There are no areas within the proposed SRA that contain acreages with an NRI score above 1.2 (see Environmental Review section above) Lands or parcels that are greater than one acre and have an Index Value greater than 1.2 shall be retained as open space and maintained in a predominantly natural vegetated state. There are no areas within the proposed SRA that contain acreages with an NRI score above 1.2 (see Environmental Review section above) Open space shall also comprise a minimum of thirty-five percent of the gross acreage of an individual SRA Town, Village, or those CRDs exceeding 100 acres. Gross acreage includes only that area of development within the SRA that requires the consumption of Stewardship Credits. The required minimum 35% open space is 224.88 acres, and 66Yo open space or 423.87 acres has been provided. 5. 6. 7 SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 25 of 43 As an incentive to encourage open space, open space on lands within an SRA located outside of the ACSC that exceeds the required thirty-five percent retained open space shall not be required to consume Stewardship Credits. 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 152 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 8 9 The required minimum 35o/o open space is 224.88 acres, and 66Yo open space or 423.87 acres has been provided. An SRA may be contiguous to an FSA or HSA, but shall not encroach into such areas, and shall buffer such areas as described in LDC Section 4.08.07 J.6. An SRA may be contiguous to, or encompass a WRA. The project does not encroach into an FSA, HSA, or WRA; it provides the required buffers as indicated on the SRA Master Plan. The SRA must have either direct access to a County collector or arterial road or indirect access via a road provided by the developer that has adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development in accordance with accepted transportation planning standards. The Land Development Code requires the applicant to create an interconnected street system designed to disperse and reduce the length of automobile trips (4.08.07.J.3.a.iii). The proposed Hyde Park village SRA's Master Plan shows potential-future interconnections to adjacent roadways along the future Big Cypress Parkway and access points along Oil Well Road. The north perimeter boundary is adjacent to estate zoned parcels, where interconnection is not desirable, and the west perimeter is adjacent to the Faka Union canal, where interconnection is not feasible. Conformity of the proposed SRA with the goals, objectives, and policies of the GMP. Comprehensive Planning staff determined the subject petition is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the FLUM and other elements of the GMP. Suitability criteria described in Items 2 through 9 above [LDC Section 4.08.07 A.1.1 and other standards of LDC Section 4.08.07. The proposed SRA is in compliance with Items 2 through 9 above SRA master plan compliance with all applicable policies of the RLSA District Regulations, and demonstration that incompatible land uses are directed away from FSAs, HSAs, WRAs, and Conservation Lands. The project does not encroach into an FSA, HSA, or WRA; it provides the required buffers as indicated on the SRA Master Plan. Assurance that applicant has acquired or will acquire sufficient Stewardship Credits to implement SRA uses. 10. 11. 12. 13. SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 26 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 153 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Hyde Park Village SRA credits are generated from Stewardship Sending Area 7, which has 4,034.20 available credits. The Stewardship credits for Hyde Park Village SRA are generated from SSA 7 located on properties within and adjoining the Camp Keais Strand, a major flow way system connecting Corkscrew Marsh at its northem end and adjoining the Okaloacoochee Slough. The credit calculation is based on the total acreage of Hyde Park, which is 642.52 acres. The minimum open space requirement is 224.88 acres; the applicant has proposed 423.87 acres of open space. Therefore, the total acreage that consumes credits is 443.53 acres. Therefore, Hyde Park requires 3,548.24 Stewardship Credits and will acquire sufficient Stewardship Credits to implement SRA uses. 14. Impacts, including environmental and public infrastructure impacts. Environmental staff supports this petition subject to the following condition of approval: 1. Prior to issuance of the first SDP and/or PPL, a listed species management plan must be provided for review, with approval from FWCC and/or USFWS for management of the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) and all other listed species. The Public Utilities Department supports this petition subject to the following conditions of approval: 2. The negotiated DCA must be adopted concurrently with or prior to the SRA ordinance. ION DISCUSSION: The petitioner is seeking 20 deviations from the requirements of the LDC. The deviations are directly extracted from SRA Document Section VI. Deviations. The petitioner's rationale and staff analysis/recommendation are outlined below. SRA Docum Section 6.1. Villase Cen ter Standards: Deviation # I (SRA Section 6.1. 1)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.ii.p)ii) 'General Parking Criteri4' which states, 'The majority of parking spaces shall be provided oflstreet in the rear of buildings or along the side secondary streets. Parking is prohibited in front of buildings,' to instead allow parking in front of buildings in the Village Center, when such parking is in support of a shopping center which includes a grocery store. A Type 'D' bufler per LDC at time of permitting will be required when parking is adjacent to or abutting a road." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The Village Center fronts on Oil Well Road and is separatedfrom Oil Well by a 31-foot wide Type D Buffer. To be viable in the market place the Village Center commercial uses need to SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page27 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 154 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) be both accessible and convenient to motorists from Oil Well Road. This may warrant parking in what may be determined to be afront yard: however, with a 25-foot wide Type D buffer along Oil Well Road, such parking will be adequately screened from view. Without direct access (and exposure) to andfrom Oil Well Road, the commercial enterprises will not be viqble in the marketplace. The request is to eliminate the restriction on the amount of parking that may be located within any yard. Note: This LDC Provision (and thus this deviation request) is unique to the RLSA Overlay Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviation # 2 (SRA Doqument Section 6. 1. 2)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.ii.q), which requires that the majority of parking be located in the rear of buildings and prohibits parking in the front of buildings except on-street parking within the right-of-way to instead allow parking in the front, side and rear yards, when such parking is in support of a shopping center which includes a grocery store. A Type 'D' buffer per LDC at time of permitting will be required when parking is adjacent to or abutting a road." Petitioner's Justification: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: This deviation is requested to allow parking in front, side or rear yards in the Village Center in order provide for maximum design /lexibility for what will be a relatively small amount of commercial uses providing neighborhood goods and services. Also see Justification for #1, above. Convenience and easy access ore critical for achieving morket viability for the nonresidential uses in the Village center, particularlyfor the pass by trffic which is obsolutely necessaryfor the viability of the commercial elements. DesignJlexibility is also necessqry. Staff Analysis und Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." SRA Document Section 6.2. Villase Amenity and Wellness Center Standards: iation # 3 RA "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii.f)iv), 'Non-residential uses,' which states 'the maximum square footage per [non-residential] use shall be 3,000 square feet and per location shall be 15,000 square feet,' to instead allow the Community Amenity and Wellness Center uses to be a maximum of 30,000 square feet." SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 28 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 155 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Petitioner's JustiJication: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The Community Amenity and Wellness Center ts intended to provide multiple amenities and usesfor the entire village (and guests), whichrequiresflexibility in size, in order to be sfficient to meet market demands. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Zontng and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." ocument Section 6 Standards which LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.iii:) Note: LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.iii requires that Neighborhood General design standards in a Village be the same as those required in a Town for a Neighborhood General Context Zone. Therefore, the following deviations are requested from Section 4.08.07.J .2.d.11i. a) through i) on the basis of how such standards apply to Neighborhood Center in a Village. Deviation # 4 (SRA Document Section 6.3. 1)): "A Deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii.e)ii), which states that in the case of "Multi-Family residential," "side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 10 feet and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 20 feet for the primary structure..." to instead allow for a side yard setback of 0 or 5 feet and a rear yard setback of 10 feet for zero lot line and tornhome development, as set forth in Section 5.1.2.A. Neighborhood General - Required Yards & Maximum Building Height, Table 1." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The RLSA encourages a diversity of housing types. Allowing for Townhome and Villa type development in the Neighborhood General Context Zone promotes such diversity. To build such units ffictively and fficiently they must be consistent with design used in other similar developments where the market has respondedfavorably. There are many approved PtIDs that allow for such setbacks for villas and townhomes. We have maintained the required minimum l}-foot side and 2}-foot rear yard setbacks for traditional multi-family product and this deviation is limited to the Villa Townhome product. Note: This is a deviation that has routinely been grantedfor projects in the urban area, when requested. Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Vittage SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 29 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 156 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." Deviation # 5 (SRA Document Section 6.3. 2)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii.e)i) and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.iii, 'Maximum Multi-family lot size,' which requires that multi-family residential lots be limited to a maximum of 4 acres, to instead allow lot sizes for multi-family without restriction as to maximum lot size in the Neighborhood General Context Zone,when located within 1/3 mile of the Village Center." Petitioner's Justification.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: Limiting a multi-family lot size in the Neighborhood General is not based on any recognizable beneficial outcome. Presumably it is applied to maintain a "Village" scale. However, a larger lot can also maintain the "Village" scqle by use of multiple buildings (on larger parcel), and through design. There is no discernable benefit to limiting Zero Lot Line or Townhome style development to parcels of 4 acres or less. For that matter, more traditional multi-family buildings may also be feasible on parcels greater than 4 acres in Neighborhood General adjacent to or near the Village Center. The entire Neighborhood General Context Zone is 26.l acres in size and located proximate to the Village Center, which has no such restriction. There is no reason to arbitrarily limit the maximum parcel size to 4 acres, as all these types ofhousing styles are consistent with the Village definition which is as follows: Villages are a form of SRA and are primarily residentiol communities with a diversity of housing types and mix of uses appropriate to the scole and character of the particular village. Villages are comprised of residential neighborhoods and shall include a mixed-use village center to serve as the focal point for the community's support services and facilifies. Note: This LDC Provision (and thus this deviation request) is unique to the RLSA Overlay. Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." SRA Document Section 6.4. N eishhorhood Standards (which applv to Villases ner LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.iii:) Note: Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.iv requires that Neighborhood Edge design standards in a Village be the same as those required in a Town for a Neighborhood Edge Context Zone. Therefore, the following deviations are requested from Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii. a) through i) on the basis of how such standards apply to Neighborhood Edge in a Village. Deviation # 6 (SRA Document Section 6.4. 1)): SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 30 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 157 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) "A Deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii.e)ii), which states that in the case of "Multi- Family residential," "side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 10 feet and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 20 feet for the primary structure..." to instead allow for a side yard setback of 0 or 5 feet and a rear yard setback of 10 feet for Single Family Attached & Two-Family as well as Villas, as set forth in SRA Section 5.2.2.A., Neighborhood Edge - Required Minimum Yards Maximum Building Height, Table 2. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's JustiJication: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The RLSA encouroges a diversiffi of housing types. Allowing for Townhome and Villa type development in the Neighborhood General Context Zone promotes such diversity. To build such units ffictively and fficiently they must be consistent with design used in other similar developments where the market has respondedfavorably. There are many approved PUDs that allow for such setbacks for villas and townhomes. We have maintained the required minimum l0 foot side and 20 foot rear yard setbacl<s for traditional multi-family product and this deviation is limited to the Villa Townhome product. Note: This is a deviation that has routinely been grantedfor projects in the Urban area, when requested. Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." SRA Document Section 6.5. Transportation Standards: Deviation # 7 (SRA Section 6.5. i)) A deviation from LDC Section: 6.06.01.J, "Street System Requirements", which requires "Dead- end streets shall be prohibited except when designed as a cul-de-sac. When a street is designed to be extended when the adjacent property is developed, a temporary cul-de-sac and right-of-way shall be designed. Cul-de-sacs in excess of 1,000 feet shall not be permitted unless existing topographical conditions or other natural features preclude a street layout to avoid longer cul-de- sacs," to instead allow the maximum cul-de-sac length to be 2,500 feet as measured along the centerline of the right-of-way from the intersecting right-of-way centerline to the end of the cul- de-sac right-of-way. Permanent cul-de-sacs in excess of 1,200 feet shall include a mid-block turn- around. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall not be required to meet this standard. Petitioner's JustiJication: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation. Longer cul-de-sacs have been approved as deviations and utilized throughout Collier County (including in Ave Maria) with no negative impact. Emergency vehicle requirements and utility design criteria will be addressed within the design of each cul-de-sac. Additionally, the site plan has been v\revised SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 31 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 158 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) to minimize the occutence and length of cul-de-sacs. Note: This ts a deviation that hos routinely been grantedfor projects in the Urban area, when requested. Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviation # 8 (SRA Document Section 6.5. 2)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.1.b.(11) "Figure 11 - Neighborhood Edge Collector Street" which requires a 12' multi-use pathway and Section 6.06.02.A.2, which requires a sidewalk a minimum of 6' wide on both sides of a Neighborhood Edge Collector Street, to instead allow a 10' wide pathway on one side within the linear park/open space area where the Neighborhood Edge Collector Street abuts the Village Amenity and Wellness Center Context Zone. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not krlown." Petitioner's Jastification.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation The proposedpathwaywill meander through a linear parUopen space area, adjacent to a lake, providing a safer more pleasing pedestrian orientated experience then a sidewalk directly adjacent to a collector street. Stoff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." #9 RA Document "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.1.b(6), "Figure 6, Local Street Neighborhood General." which requires a 6-foot wide planting area between the 10-foot wide travel lane and the sidewalk, to instead allow for a 5-foot wide planting area between the l0-foot wide travel lane and the sidewalk for local roads within the project in Neighborhood General. In such cases, either a root barrier or structural soil shall be utilized. If the option of structural soil is utilized, aminimum of 2 c.f. of structural soil per square feet of mature tree crown projection shall be provided. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's Justification.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation The LDC (under SRA Section 4.08.07 requires that streets within SRAs be designed in accord with the cross-sections setforth in Figures l-18 below, as more specifically provided in J.2 through J.5. However, the LDC also allows for deviations is approved by Collier County SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 32 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 159 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Transportation Services, as needed to meet the design objectives. This deviation always for a reasonable design alternative in Neighborhood Edges, which ,s already permitted in Neighborhood General. The reduced planting area (5' versus 6') in deviation 3), above. Overall this cross section allows for all necessary width and separation to accommodate county utilities, sidewallrs, a planting area, and the ability to meet the 23 feet, measured from the back of the sidewalk to the gorage, to allow room to park a vehicle on the driveway without parking over the sidewalk. Staff Analysis und Recommendation: Landscape review staff recommends APPROVAL, finding that, in compliance with LDC section, the petitioner has demonstrated that "the element may be waived without detrimental effect on the health, safety and welfare of the community" and LDC section 10.02.13.B.5.h the petitioner as demonstrated that the deviation is 'Justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations." The cross-sections show a 6' wide planting strip whereas LDC section 4.08.07.J.3.ii.r allows for a minimum of a 5' wide planting area between the sidewalk and curb provided there is root barrier or structural soil used. 2 c.f. of structural soil per square feet of mature tree crown projection is the industry standard for the recommended quantity of structural soil. Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative plaruring and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (lI), F.S." Deviation # l0 (SRA Section 6.5. 4)) "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.2.d.iv.g), which requires that street design and cross- sections in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone adhere to [LDC sections] J.1.b. and to Figures 9,77,12,13,14,15,16,77 , or 18., to instead allow local streets in the Neighborhood Edge Context Zoneto adhere to 4,08.07.J.1.b. and to Figure 6, Local Street Neighborhood General, and to allow deviation 3) above to apply to such streets. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's JustiJicotion.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The LDC (under SRA Section 4.08.07 requires that streets within SRAs be designed in accord with the cross-sections set forth in Figures 1-18 below, as more specffically provided in J.2 through J.5. However, the LDC also allows for deviations is approved by Collier County Transportation Services, as needed to meet the design objectives. This deviqtion always for a reasonable design alternative in Neighborhood Edges, which is already permitted in Neighborhood General. The reduced planting area (5' versus 6') is addressed in deviation j), above. Overall this cross-section allows for all necessary width and separation to accommodate county utilities, sidewalks, a planting area, and the ability to meet the 23 feet, measuredfrom the back of the sidewalk to the gorage, to allow room to park a vehicle on the driveu,ay without parking over the sidewalk. SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 33 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 160 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." Deviation # 11 (SRA Document Section 6.5. 5)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.08.07.J.3.d.ii.q), which requires that the amount of required parking in the Village Center "be demonstrated through a shared parking analysis submitted with an SRA designation application..." and be "determined utilizing the modal splits and parking demands for various uses recognized by ITE, ULI or other sources or studies..." to instead allow the parking demand analysis to be submitted at the time of initial Site Development Plan (SDP) or, at the discretion of the County Manager or designee, at the time of a subsequent SDP or SDP Amendment, in order to allow for a more comprehensive parking demand analysis based upon the mix of uses at the time of the initial SDP or subsequent SDP or SDP Amendment." Petitioner's Justiftcation.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: Requiring this parking demand analysis at the time of SRA application makes no sense as the type and mix of uses in the Village Center is undetermined at the time of SRA application. This analysis should be conducted at the time of initial (or possibly subsequent) SDP for non- residential uses in the Village Center. Stoff Analysis and Recommendationz Zonrng and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (l l). F.S." SRA Document Section 6.6. Sign Standards: Deviation # 12 (SRA Document Section 6.6. l)): "A deviation from LDC Section 5.04.06.A.3.e, "Temporary Signs," which allows temporary signs used on residentially zoned properties to be up to 4 square feet in area and 3 feet in height, to instead allow temporary signs or banners up to a maximum of 32 square feet in combined area and a maximum height of 8 feet, subject to approval under temporary sign permit procedures in the LDC. The temporary banner shall be limited to a maximum of 90 days sign for sales and marketing pu{poses, adjacent to Oil Well Road and internal to the site. The banner sign shall not to exceed 32 square feet in area and 8 feet in height and may be permitted for a maximum of 90 days during SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 34 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 161 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) season defined as November 1 to April 30 per calendar year for a maximum of three (3) years. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The requested temporary sign(s) will be placed adiacent to Oil Well Road and internal to the site. Due to size and speed of trffic, the 4 square foot sign allowed by the LDC will be dfficult to read for travelling motorists. The increased size will ensure the visibility of the proposed development to passing trffic. The proposed size and requested duration of display is in accordance with deviations approved for similar projects throughout the County, and compatible with the surrounding area. This deviation has been granted previously in several PUDs Stolf Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviation # 13 (SRA Document Section 6.6. 2)): "A deviation from LDC Section "On-premises directional signs," which requires on- premise directional signs to be "set back a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the roadway, paved surface or back of the curb," to instead allow a minimum of 5 feet from the edge ofthe roadway, paved surface or back of the curb. This deviation does not apply to County roads and is for signs intemal to the site only. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's Justification.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: This deviation will allow more flexibility for directional signage internal to the project. A unified design theme will be utilizedfor all signage throughout the community. All roads and drives will be privately owned and maintained. This deviation is typical of master-plonned residential developments in Collier County. Staff Analysis and Recommendationz Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviatio n#14 rS RA Document Section 6.6. 3)) "A deviation from LDC Section 5.06.02.B.6, 'On-premises signs within residential districts,' which allows two ground signs with a maximum height of 8 feet, at each entrance to a multi-family SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2O2O Page 35 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 162 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) or single-family development, to instead allow a maximum height of l2 feet for such ground signs, located at two project entrances (from Oil Well Road)." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The increased height of signage at the project entries will allow the project tofeature a more pronounced, grand entrance, and will result in a recognizable entry for pedestrians and motorists. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of irrnovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (11), F.S." Deviation # 15 (SRA Document Section 6-6. 4)) "A deviation from LDC Section, "Real Estate Signs," which identifies types of permitted real estate signs, to instead allow, in addition to other permitted signs, a maximum of 4 "Lifestyle Signs" located along Oil Well Road, leading to the project entryway(s), and to also allow such signs interior to the development without limitation. Lifestyle Signs shall be limited to a maximum of 18 square feet in size, 12 feet in height, and shall be setback a minimum of l0 feet from Oil Well Road right-of-way and 5 feet from intemal roadways. Lifestyle Signs are intended to advertise lifestyle amenities within the Hyde Park Rural Village, including but not limited to clubhouse(s), fitness center, sports and recreation facilities, and so forth. Such signs may be permitted initially for up to 10 years and may be extended by the Collier County Growth Management Department Administrator or designee for up to two additional years, upon demonstration by the developer that there is need-based upon the remaining number of residential lots for sale within the Village. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: These signs are already found in various other master-planned developments (and since they have been utilized in these developments for some time, with impunity, it must be presumed thst they are not objectionable). This developer must be able to compete on an even playingfieldwith those other developments. The signs are not obtrusive and will only remain in place while the project is actively being developed and residential lots are offeredfor sale. Staff Analysis snd Recommendation: Staff not supportive of this deviation and will not permit lifestyle signs. Zoning and Development Review staff recommends DENIAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has not demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has not demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 36 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 163 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3r77 (tl), F.S." SRA Document Section 7. Landscane Standards: Deviation # 16 (SRA Section 6.7. 1)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.06.02.C., Buffer Requirements, 'Types of buf[ers,' Table 2.4 Information, Footnote (3) which requires 'Buffer areas between commercial outparcels located within a shopping center, Business Park, or similar commercial development may have a shared buffer 15 feet wide with each abutting property contributing 7.5 feet,' to instead allow a shared buffer 10 feet wide with each abutting property contributing 5 feet." Petitioner's Justiftcation.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The combined 1)-foot shared buffer will provide for sfficient separotion and "breaking up" of parking areas within the Village Center. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Landscape review staff recommends APPROVAL, finding that, in compliance with LDC section 10.02.13..4.3., the petitioner has demonstrated that "the element may be waived without detrimental effect on the health, safety and welfare of the community" and LDC section 10.02.13.B.5.h the petitioner as demonstrated that the deviation is 'Justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations." Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll). F.S." Deviation # 17 (SRA Document Section 6.8. 1)): "A deviation from LDC Section 4.05.04.G, "Parking Space Requirements," which requires 1 parking space per 100 square feet for recreation facilities (indoor) sports, exercise, fitness, aerobics, or health clubs to instead allow for parking for the Village Amenity and Wellness Center to be calculated at 1 space per 200 square feet of indoor square footage, excluding kitchen or storage space." Petitioner's Justijication: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation The project will have a complete system of interconnected sidewallrs, pathways, and bike lanes throughout, allowing residents to travel to the amenity/wellness center without using a car. Additionally, the centrally located Village Amenity and Wellness Center is restricted for use SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 37 of 43 SRA Document Section 6.8. Other Deviations: 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 164 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) by only Village residents and guests. It is not open to the general public. The requested deviation will result in an adequate parking calculation but not in an overabundonce of parking. Note: This deviation isfrom a requirement that applies throughout the County and similar deviations have been granted. Stoff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviation # 18 (SRA Section 6.8. 2)) "A deviation from LDC Section 3.05.10.A.2. - "Location Criteria," which requires littoral shelf planting areas to be "concentrated in one location ofthe lake(s) preferably adjacent to a preserve area," to instead allow for the required littoral shelf planting areas (LSPA) to be concentrated in certain specific locations. The locations and size of these areas, meeting or exceeding the required 7 percent per LDC Section 3.05.10.A.1.b., will be identified at the time of initial subdivision plat." Petitioner's JustiJication: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: These areas will be designed to create, enhance or restore wading bird/waterfowl hobitat and foraging oreas. They will be designed to recreate wetland function, moximize its habitat value and minimize maintenance efforts. They will enhance survivability of the littoral area plant species, as there is a lower survivability rate in littoral planting areas along larger lakes subject to more variable water levels and greater wind and wave action (which negatively affect these littoral planting areas). The locations of the littoral planting areos as well as the size of each area and aggregate size meeting or exceeding the LDC required 7 percentage per LDC Section 3.05.10.A.1.b. will be identified at the time of initial subdivisionplat. Note: This devistion is from a requirement that applies throughout the County. Staff Analysis ond Recommendation: Environmental staff recommends APPROVAL for this deviation request because the concentration of liuoral plantings in lakes and waters of the proposed project will meet the intent of the littoral planting requirement, which is to improve water quality and provide habitat for a variety of aquatic species and birds. Therefore, it is reasonable to allow for some flexibility in the design and locations of the required littoral planting areas. Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 38 of43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 165 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Deviation # 19 (SRA Document Section 6.8. 3)): "A Deviation fiom LDC Section 4.03.08.C, "Potable Water System," which states "separate potable water and reuse waterlines...shall be provided...by the applicant at no cost to Collier County for all subdivisions and developments" and "Reuse water lines, pumps, and other appurtenances will not be maintained by Collier County," to instead allow for such facilities and/or appurtenances to be conveyed to and maintained by Collier County. This deviation is a general deviation. The exact location is not known." Petitioner's Justification: The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: This Deviation was requested to be included in the SRA by Collier County Utilities in order to allow flexibility in terms of the provision and/or maintenance of such facilities and/or appurtenances (i.e., the provision and/or maintenance by Collier County). Stoff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." Deviation # 20 (SRA Document Section 6.8. 4)): "A deviation from LDC Section 5.03.02.D.1, "Fences and Walls" which states that fences or walls are limited to a maximum height of 8 feet in commercial or industrial zoning districts, to instead allow a maximum height of 10 feet." Petitioner's JustiJication.' The petitioner states the following in support of the deviation: The requested additional fence/wall height allows for better screening between residential and commercial uses. Note: This deviation is from a requirement that applies throughout the County and similar deviations have been granted. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Zoning and Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in compliance with LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(a), the petitioner has demonstrated that "the deviations are consistent with the RLSA Overlay" and LDC Section 4.08.07.J.8(b), the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation(s) "further enhances the tools, techniques, and strategies based on principles of innovative planning and development strategies, as set forth in $$ 163.3177 (ll), F.S." SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 39 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 166 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) The applicant conducted a NIM on October 24,2018 at Peace Lutheran Church located at 9850 Immokalee Road. The meeting commenced at approximately 5:30 p.m. and ended at 6:00 p.m. The applicant's agent explained the request for the proposed SRA. Bob Mulhere, the agent, conducted the meeting with introductions ofthe consultant team and staff, and provided an overview of the proposed SRA application. Michael Greenberg gave an overview of Neal Communities. Following the project presentations, the meeting was opened up to public attendees. Traffic concems were raised regarding traffic along Oil Well Road. Mr. Mulhere explained that the project is reserving 100 feet adjacent to the southern boundary for the future widening of Oil Well Road and will be designed to accommodate stormwater runoff from this road widening. Mr. Mulhere answered questions regarding utility providers. Collier County Public Utilities will be providing water and sewer service and that the developer is working with the County to expand this necessary infrastructure. Mr. Mulhere also explained that impact fees will be required to offset the developments impact on the necessary public utilities. Other issues of concern were property ownership and existing utility lines that are not on the property. No commitments were made. A copy of the NIM materials are included in Attachment E. Because the petition was beyond the one-year anniversary of its first NIM the applicant was required to conduct a second NIM. As such, the applicant conducted a second NIM on November 5,2079 at Collier County UF/IFAS Extension, Multipurpose Room, located at 14700Immokalee Road. The meeting commenced at approximately 5:30 p.m. and ended at 5:55 p.m. The applicant's agent explained the need for the second NIM and introduced the consultants and county staff. Bob Mulhere, the agent, explained the request for the proposed SRA and gave adetailed narrative. He explained the history of the property and that it was a mining area called Winchester Mine. Mr. Mulhere gave an overview of the Rural Lands Stewardship Program and that it can transfer Stewardship credits to build. The project is requesting i800 dwelling units and is 654 acres and that there will be multi-family in the Village Center. There will be 3547.76 Stewardship Credits requested from SSA#7. Barry Jones, a consultant, had mentioned that a water permit was transmitted from the Army Core of Engineers to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife. Mr. Jones explained that the stormwater will discharge into the Faka Union Canal and then explained the stormwater cleansing process with the project's lakes. Mr. Mulhere explained that there will be20 deviations that are requested that are very similar to the Rivergrass SRA deviations. Other issues of concem by public attendees were drainage, the number of deviations, runoff from Oil Well Rd, and the multifamily in the Village Center. A copy of the NIM materials are included in Attachment E. The county Attorney's office reviewed the staff report on February 10,2020. SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 40 of 43 OCTOBER 24.2018 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): NOVEMBER 5.2019 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE REVIEW: 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 167 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) RECOMMENDATION: Staff is constrained from recommending approval of Petition SRA-PL2018000062} Hyde Park Village SRA, to the Planning Commission. However, staff could recommend approval subject to the following Conditions of Approval l) The companion Developer Contribution Agreement pertaining to transportation and public utilities is required to be approved with this SRA request. Staff and the applicant are not in agreement with all items as noted in the companion item for the Developer Contribution Agreement. 2) Per Environmental staff, update Master Plans to show the LSPA areas. 3) Per Parks and Recreation review staff, at SDP, provide an ASTM certified playground as part of the Amenity Site facilities. 4) Per Collier County Sheriffs Office, at buildout there will be a need for a police sub-station such as the sub-station built near the intersection of CR 846 and 39th Ave NE 5) Per North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District, at SDP or platting, the project will be evaluated for compliance with the Florida Fire Prevention Code regarding fire department access roads and water supply. 6) Per Environmental staff, prior to issuance of the first SDP and/or PPL, a listed species management plan must be provided for review, with approval from FWCC and/or USFWS for management of the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) and all other listed species. 7) Per Comprehensive Plaruring, make the 180-unit multi-family dwelling figure part of Section 5.4.1, Village Center Context Zone, Allowable Uses and Structures. 8) Per the Public Utilities Department, the negotiated DCA must be adopted concurrently with or prior to the SRA ordinance 9) Per Transportation Planning, the companion Developer Agreement is required to be approved with this SRA request. 10) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, it is recommended that a housing needs analysis be performed to estimate the affordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village proposal, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units. 11) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, absent conducting a housing needs analysis to estimate the aflordable housing demand generated by The Hyde Park Village, as well as a plan to address the supply of those units, staffproposes the following recommendation: The Hyde Park Village should commit that at least l5Yo of the units that they propose may be sold at purchase prices near the Moderate, and Gap affordability ranges (product types: Multi-Family SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Page 41 of 43 Revised: February 24, 2O2O 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 168 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Apts, & Single-Family Product A, Single-Family Product B), will actually be set aside and sold to households that are certified to be in those ranges. Hyde Park Village Residential Types Units Sales Price 1 Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 St.300 S168,ooo 2 Single Family Product A s34 Szgz,ooo 3 Single Family Product B 598 Sg++,ooo 4 Single Family Product C 368 S3z3,ooo Total Residential 1,800 L5% oI Products L,2 &3 45 80 90 2L5 Low Moderate Gap These 215 units would represent nearly l2Yo of the residential units in The Hyde Park Village and should be certified for initial occupancy and comply with long-term monitoring requirements similar to other developments in Collier County. 12) Per Housing, Grant Development, and Operations, the Hyde Park Village should also consider the donation of a residential parcel to the County, an Afflordable Housing Land Trust, or the County's designee in orderto address the housing needs of households atthe Very-Low income levels and below. A contribution to the Collier County Local Housing Trust Fund may also serve to mitigate for units unable to be made available on-site. Attachments A) B) c) D) E) F) G) H) Proposed SRA Resolution SRA Credit Use Reconciliation Application FLUE Consistency Review Memo DRAFT Developer Agreement as of 2-12-2020 NIM Materials Public Facilities Impact Assessment Economic Assessment Application/Backup Materials SRA-P120180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 24, 2020 Page 42 of 43 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 169 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) PREPARED BY: LANNER ZONING DIVISION _ ZONING SERVICES SECTION REVIEWED BY: V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER ZONING DIVISION _ ZONING SERVICES SECTION APPROVED BY: FRENCH, DEPUTY DEPARTMENT HEAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT SRA-PL20180000622 Hyde Park Village SRA Revised: February 3,2O2O Z- L- 2-o DATE L €ZC) DATE DATE Page 39 of 39 9.B.1 Packet Pg. 170 Attachment: 9.A.1-Revised Staff Report Hyde Park Village SRA 2-24-20 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Hannes & Angel Raudner 3850 37th Ave NE Naples, FL 34120-1520 February 26, 2020 Collier County Planning Commission Collier Government Center 3299 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL Dear Planning Commissioners, We respectfully submit the following for consideration and action prior to project approval. Request for an Enhanced Visual Buffer to the West of Hyde Park Village – We request that a requirement for an enhanced visual buffer be included in the Developer’s Agreement instead of the presently planned sparsely planted buffer. The enhanced visual buffer shall be 15’ wide, 15 -25’ tall and mostly non see-through. The existing community of Golden Gate Estates (GGE) and the to be developed Hyde Park Village are vastly different in style, appearance and culture. Golden Gate Estates has ~4-acre plots along the Fakka Union Canal, each with a single dwelling on it. It is quite rural in character. Terrain is more varied and less manicured, with many acres of native vegetation still remaining. It has been like this for a very long time, and the residents of GGE like their chickens, gardens and recreational vehicles on their property. Hyde Park Village will have rows of small 7000 sqf parcels with 5’ side setbacks and two-story tall buildings. That is Township density, which is a far cry from real Village density. These buildings will look nice from the front, but we know they won’t from behind. Without an enhanced visual buffer, the residents of GGE will see an endless array of similar screen porches, small grass plots and bland house siding instead of the beautiful green nature we all moved to GGE for. To recap, we request an enhanced visual buffer on the western side of the Hyde Park Village development for the benefit of all GGE residents, so we won’t have to look at a densely populated gated community. The new residents of Hyde Park will probably also prefer an enhanced visual barrier so they look at a friendly, manicured landscape buffer instead of the roughness of the GGE parcels. Important Legal Liability Concern - 9.B.2 Packet Pg. 171 Attachment: Letter of Concern (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Many of the properties in GGE which abut the new development to the West contain the Fakka Union Canal and some additional land East of the canal within their property lines. We are one of those properties. The portion of the Eastern bank of the canal which belongs to such GGE properties is about 15’ wide, and we property owners pay taxes for it. The 15’ of land on the East bank, which we own and pay taxes on, is part of the 100’ wide easement that contains the canal and the 15’ under discussion. Adjacent to and East of that 15’ strip of land, is an additional 20’ of land owned by the Developer. The Developer and the County are in negotiations to sell this land to the County to be cleared, levelled and sodded by the Developer and then turned over to be used as a maintenance easement by Southwest Florida Water Management District and maintained by the County. The present negotiations foresee that the Developer will put sod over both easements, creating one contiguous grassy area. The proposed landscape plan does not contain any border markings or separation of our land from Hyde Park. For all practical purposes, this is like usurping our land and making it look as if it is part of Hyde Park. This raises big red flags about potential trespassing, potentially unwittingly, on our private property by the new owners or service staff of the new development. Who will be liable for anything that happens on our part of the easement? What if somebody gets injured or falls into the canal and drowns? Because of this, we request that the Planning Commission delay any decision about the Hyde Park Village Development until the negotiations about the easement and the exchange of land and services are completed and all the legal ramifications properly understood and satisfactorily worked out. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Angel & Hannes Angel & Hannes Raudner 301-802-5554 301-802-4265 angelraudner@gmail.com 9.B.2 Packet Pg. 172 Attachment: Letter of Concern (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) RESOLUTION NO. 20 --- A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLlER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DESIGNATlNG 642.52 ACRES WITHIN THE RURAL LANDS STEW ARDSHlP AREA ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT AS A STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA, TO BE KNOWN AS THE HYDE PARK VILLAGE STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA, WHICH WILL ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF A MAXIMUM OF 1,800 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS, OF WHICH A MINIMUM OF 300 AND A MAXIMUM OF 1000 WlLL BE MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS; A MINIMUM OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGE CENTER CONTEXT ZONE; A MINIMUM OF 18,000 SQUARE FEET OF CIVIC, GOVERNMENT AL AND lNSTlTUTIONAL USES IN THE VILLAGE CENTER CONTEXT ZONE; ASSISTED LJVlNG FACILITIES SUBJECT TO A FLOOR AREA RATIO IN PLACE OF THE SQUARE FOOTAGE CAP IN THE VILLAGE CENTER CONTEXT ZONE; A MAXIMUM OF 10,000 SQUARE FEET FOR ANY RECREATION BUILDINGS TN THE NEIGHBORHOOD GENERAL CONTEXT ZONE AND A MAXJMUM OF 5,000 SQUARE FEET FOR ANY RECREATION BUILDINGS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD EDGE CONTEXT ZONE; A MAXIMUM OF 30,000 SQUARE FEET OF WELLNESS AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN TRE VILLAGE AMENITY AND WELLNESS CENTER CONTEXT ZONE; ALL SUBJECT TO A MAXIMUM PM PEAK HOUR TRIP CAP; AND APPROVING THE STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA CREDIT AGREEMENT FOR HYDE PARK VILLAGE STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA AND ESTABLISHING THAT 3548.24 STEWARDSHIP CREDITS ARE BEING UTILIZED BY THE DESIGNATlON OF THE HYDE PARK VILLAGE STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREA. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED NORTH OF OIL WELL ROAD AND EAST OF THE FUTURE BIG CYPRESS IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WL20180000622) WHEREAS, Neal Communities of Southwest Florida, LLC ("Applicant") has applied for Stewardship Receiving Area designation pursuant to Section 4.08.07 of the Collie!' County l 18-CPS-0 L 792/1530031 /I I 188 Hyde Park Village/ Pl.20180000622 3/23/20 - Revised Page I of 3 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 173 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 174 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 175 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 176 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 177 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 178 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 179 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 180 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Hyde Park Village SRA Document (SRA-PL20180000622) Page 5 of 18 (3-20-2020) Revised IV. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY, MINIMUM REQUIRED DWELLING MIX BY TYPE, MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM REQUIRED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF NEIGHBORHOOD GOODS AND SERVICES, AND MINIMUM CIVIC, GOVERNMENTAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 1. Maximum total number of dwelling units in the Village shall not exceed 1,800 dwelling units. 2. Maximum number of single-family dwelling units 1 shall not exceed 1,500. 3. Minimum number of multi-family dwelling units1 shall be 300 units, of which a minimum of 180 units shall be located in the Village Center. 4. Maximum number of multi-family dwelling units1 shall be 1,000 5. Minimum amount of commercial development (Neighborhood Goods and Services) is 45,000 square feet. 6. Minimum required civic, governmental and intuitional square footage is 18,000 square feet. V. CONTEXT ZONES The village contains four distinct Context Zones: Village Center, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Edge, and Village Amenity and Wellness Center. 5.1 Neighborhood General Context Zone The Neighborhood General Context Zone includes approximately 26.10± acres of land. 5.1.1 Allowable Uses and Structures 5.1.1. A. Permitted Uses and Structures: 1) Single-Family dwelling units. 2) Multi-family dwelling units. 3) Neighborhood recreation areas, limited to a maximum of 0.5 acres and a maximum of 10,000 s.f. of building area, and passive parks, limited to landscaped or natural areas and may include hardscape pathways or seating areas, benches, shade structures such as gazebos or pavilions, docks or piers. 5.1.1. B. Accessory Uses and Structures: 1) Typical accessory uses and structures incidental to residential development including walls, fences, gazebos, swimming pools, screen enclosures, utility buildings, chickee huts, air conditioning units, satellite antennas, and similar uses and structures. 2) Model homes, sales centers, and temporary uses are permitted throughout Neighborhood General in accordance with LDC Section 5.04.00. 1 The term multi-family used herein refers to the LDC definition of multi-family which is “A group of 3 or more dwelling units within a single building.” Detached single-family buildings and building containing two dwelling units (such as attached single-family, two family, and villas) are not considered multi-family and are subject to the 1,500 unit cap on single-family units. 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 181 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 182 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 183 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 184 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 185 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 186 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 187 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 188 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 189 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 190 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 191 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 192 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 193 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 194 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 195 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 196 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 197 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 198 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 199 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 200 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 201 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 202 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 203 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 204 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 205 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 206 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 207 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 208 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 209 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 210 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 211 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 212 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 213 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 214 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 215 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 216 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 217 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 218 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 219 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 220 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 221 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 222 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 223 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 224 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 225 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 226 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 227 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 228 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 229 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 230 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 231 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 232 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 233 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 234 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 235 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 236 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 237 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 238 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 239 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 240 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 241 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 242 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 243 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 244 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 245 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 246 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 247 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 248 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 249 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 250 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 251 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 252 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 253 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 254 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 255 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 256 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 257 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 258 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.3 Packet Pg. 259 Attachment: Revised Proposed Resolution - 5-1-20 - Attachment A (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 260Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 261Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 262Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 263Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 264Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 265Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 266Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 267Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 268Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 269Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 270Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 271Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.4Packet Pg. 272Attachment: SRA Credit Use & Reconciliation App - Attachment B (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 1 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA Growth Management Department Zoning Division C O N S I S T E N C Y R E V I E W M E M O R A N D U M To: Timothy Finn, AICP, Principal Planner, Zoning Services Section From: Corby Schmidt, AICP, Principal Planner, Comprehensive Planning Section Date: December 27, 2019 Subject: Review of Proposed Stewardship Receiving Area for Consistency with the Growth Management Plan PETITION NUMBER: SRA PL20180000622 PETITION NAME: Hyde Park Village [rev:6 ‒ third review under this name] (FKA Winchester/Collier Lakes Village) REQUEST: This petition seeks to establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) for the new, Hyde Park Village project [the project] on an approximate 654.80-acre site in accordance with the provisions of the Rural Land Stewardship Area Overlay (RLSAO) of Collier County, as contained in the Collier County Growth Management Plan’s Future Land Use Element and the Collier County Land Development Code. Development of the project entails a maximum of 1,800 dwelling units, 45,000 square feet of retail/office uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic uses. A total of ±12.27 acres are designated for public benefit use. LOCATION: The property is located west of DeSoto Boulevard (extended), one mile east of Everglades Boulevard, on the north side of Oil Well Road, within Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East. Golden Gate Estates’ properties abut the subject property to the north and west and, adjacently-across Oil Well Road, to the south; and another proposed SRA project (Rivergrass) abuts the subject property to the east. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMENTS: OVERVIEW OF RURAL LAND STEWARDSHIP AREA POLICIES AND PROVISIONS AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: The Growth Management Plan (GMP) together with the Land Development Code (LDC) are used in determining the consistency of the request. To determine consistency with the more-general Policies and provisions of the Rural Land Stewardship Area (RLSA) Overlay found in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the GMP, the specific policies and provisions of the Rural Land Stewardship Area Overlay District (also referred to as the LDC Stewardship District) found in the LDC are taken into consideration. Where the proposal is in conformity with one area [the LDC], it reaches the ability to be found consistent with the other [the GMP]. Likewise, where the proposed SRA lacks conformity with the LDC, it may be found inconsistent with the GMP. This review memo will explain to what extent the SRA petition for the project achieves consistency. 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 273 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 2 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA The subject property is designated Agricultural/Rural (Agricultural/Rural Mixed Use District) and is within the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay (RLSAO) as depicted in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the GMP. This future land use designation (District) limits development to such uses as agriculture and related uses, essential services, residential (maximum density of 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres), parks and open space, earth mining, etc. The RLSAO provides for the designation of Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRAs) using Stewardship Credits generated by designation of Stewardship Sending Areas (SSAs). SRAs may vary in size and must contain a mixture of uses, as provided for in the RLSAO policies contained in the FLUE. These submittal revisions included substantive changes, which did not affect consistency findings with the Rural Land Stewardship Area Overlay, as contained in the Future Land Use Element. Relevant to this Overlay, the planning strategies and techniques include urban villages, new towns, satellite communities, area-based allocations, clustering and open space provisions, and mixed-use development that allow the conversion of rural and agricultural lands to other uses while protecting environmentally sensitive areas, maintaining the economic viability of agricultural and other predominantly rural land uses, and providing for the cost-efficient delivery of public facilities and services. Specifically, the Overlay allows development in the form of towns, villages, hamlets, and compact rural developments (CRD), subject to certain criteria and development parameters, as a Stewardship Receiving Area, and allows “public benefit uses” such as public schools and public or private post-secondary institutions, including ancillary uses; community parks exceeding the minimum acreages required, municipal golf courses; regional parks; and governmental facilities. This application proposes the new Village [the project] SRA using the Rural Land Stewardship Credit System, as provided for under Policy 1.4 of the RLSAO. The SRA application further proposes that Stewardship Credits, enabling this SRA to be developed as a Village, will be obtained from permanent restrictions on the use of environmentally sensitive land (from the approved SSA). The SRA procedures and standards are outlined in Section 4.08.07 of the LDC. Specifically, the SSA to be used to enable the project to proceed as an SRA is subject to County review and approval at the SRA submittal stage. This SSA no. 7 has been reviewed and is companion to this SRA application [PL20160000148]. This SRA application states that the total acreage used to enable the Village to be approved under the RLSAO is 985.4 acres. The Village must meet the Collier County RSLA Overlay Stewardship Receiving Area Characteristics as identified in the table below. The table lists characteristic land uses and threshold requirements from the RLSA Overlay, [FLUE] Attachment C, followed by staff comments/analysis [in italics]. Underlined uses in the table are not required uses. After the table, the relevant RLSA Overlay Policies (Group 4 Policies) are listed, followed by staff comments/analysis [in italics]. Size (Gross Acres) 100 ‒ 1,000 acres; The SRA is ±654.80 acres total, or ±642.53* acres, excluding the ±12.27 acres of public benefit use (*ROW reservation). Residential Units (DUs) per gross acre base density 1 ‒ 4 DUs per gross acre; 1,800 DU/ ±654.80 acres = ±2.75 DU/ac. 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 274 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 3 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA Residential Housing Styles Diversity of single-family and multi-family housing types, styles, [and] lot sizes; The “Village” includes ±1,500 single-family and ±300 multi- family residential units. Housing types include at least three single-family styles and multi-family residential buildings ranging from one to ten stories, situated on lots in the Context Zones allowing residential uses. Maximum Floor Area Ratio or Intensity Retail and Office ‒ 0.5; These uses and FAR are provided for in the mixed-use “Village Center”. Civic/Governmental/Institution ‒ 0.6; These uses and FAR are provided for in the mixed-use “Village Center”. Group Housing ‒ 0.45; not required – not proposed. Transient Lodging ‒ 26 units/ac. net; not required – not proposed. Goods and Services Village Center with Neighborhood Goods and Services in Village Centers ‒ Minimum 25 sq. ft. gross building area per DU; The “Village” includes 45,000 sq. ft. of neighborhood commercial uses which is the required amount (1,800 DUs x 25 sq. ft./DU). Water and Wastewater Centralized or decentralized community treatment system; Expansion of the Collier County Water-Sewer District will provide public water distribution and wastewater treatment utilities to the project. Interim Well and Septic; not required – not proposed. Recreation and Open Spaces Parks and Public Green Spaces within Neighborhoods (minimum 1% of gross acres); 6.43 acres are required (642.60* ac. x 1%), and 93.13 acres are provided. (*excluding the ±12.27 acres of public benefit use.) Active Recreation/Golf Courses; not required – not proposed. Lakes; provided, covering more than 231 acres. Open Space – minimum 35% of SRA; 224.90 acres of Recreation and Open Spaces are required (642.60* ac. x 35%), and 423.87 acres are provided (66%)***, 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 275 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 4 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA per table on Exhibit A, SRA Master Plan. (*excluding the ±12.27 acres of public benefit use.) Civic, Governmental and Institutional Services Moderate Range of Services ‒ minimum 10 sq. ft./DU; 18,000 sq. ft. required (1,800 DUs x 10 sq. ft./DU); 18,000 sq. ft. proposed. Full Range of Schools; not required – not proposed. Transportation Auto-interconnected system of collector and local roads; required connection to collector or arterial; An interconnected road system is provided. A loop road within the SRA connects to Oil Well Road (CR 858), a rural major collector road as classified in the Transportation Element; an additional “potential resident only access” is provided onto the future north-south thoroughfare of Big Cypress Parkway, the roadway running between this development and the neighboring SRA project. Interconnected sidewalk and pathway system; provided. Equestrian Trails; not required – not proposed. County Transit Access; Plans to accommodate transit & intermodality are included within the “Village Center”. *** Note: “Open space” is defined specific to the RLSA in RLSA Policy 4.10, and with greater detail in LDC Section 4.08.01.X. ‒ Open space includes active and passive recreational areas such as parks, playgrounds, ball fields, golf courses, lakes, waterways, lagoons, flood plains, nature trails, native vegetation preserves, landscape areas, public and private conservation lands, agricultural areas (not including structures), and water retention and management areas. Buildings shall not be counted as part of any open space calculation. Vehicular use surface areas of streets, alleys , driveways , and off-street parking and loading areas shall not be counted as part of any open space calculation. Group 4 ‒ Policies to enable conversion of rural lands to other uses in appropriate locations, while discouraging urban sprawl, and encouraging development that utilizes creative land use planning techniques by the establishment of Stewardship Receiving Areas. Po licy 4.1: Collier County will encourage and facilitate uses that enable economic prosperity and diversification of the economic base of the RLSA. Collier County will also encourage development that utilizes creative land use planning techniques and facilitates a compact form of development to accommodate population growth by the establishment of Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRAs). Incentives to encourage and support the diversification and vitality of the rural economy such as flexible development regulations, expedited permitting review, and targeted capital improvements shall be incorporated into the LDC Stewardship District. The subject petition is for an SRA. 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 276 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 5 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA Policy 4.2: All privately owned lands within the RLSA which meet the criteria set forth herein are eligible for designation as a SRA, except land delineated as a FSA, HSA, WRA or land that has been designated as a Stewardship Sending Area. Land proposed for SRA designation shall meet the suitability criteria and other standards described in Group 4 Policies. Due to the long-term vision of the RLSA Overlay… and in accordance with the guidelines [previously] established in Chapter 163.3177(11) F.S. [now: 163.3248] the specific location, size and composition of each SRA cannot and need not be predetermined in the GMP. In the RLSA Overlay, lands that are eligible to be designated as SRAs generally have similar physical attributes as they consist predominately of agriculture lands which have been cleared or otherwise altered for this purpose. Lands shown on the Overlay Map as eligible for SRA designation include approximately 74,500 acres outside of the ACSC (and 18,300 acres within the ACSC). Approximately 2% of these lands achieve an Index score greater than 1.2. Because the Overlay requires SRAs to be compact, mixed-use and self sufficient in the provision of services, facilities and infrastructure, traditional locational standards normally applied to determine development suitability are not relevant or applicable to SRAs. Therefore, the process for designating a SRA follows the principles of the Rural Lands Stewardship Act as further described herein. Land proposed for the SRA designation meets the suitability criteria and other standards described in RLSA Overlay Group 4 Policies. The subject site is designated on the RLSA Overlay Map as eligible for SRA designation. Policy 4.3: Land becomes designated as a SRA upon petition by a property owner to Collier County seeking such designation and the adoption of a resolution by the BCC granting the designation. The petition shall include a SRA master plan as described in Policy 4.5. The basis for approval shall be a finding of consistency with the policies of the Overlay, including required suitability criteria set forth herein, consistency with the intent of RLSA provisions in the LDC Stewardship District, and assurance that the applicant has acquired or will acquire sufficient Stewardship Credits to implement the SRA uses. Within one year from the effective date of this amendment, Collier County shall adopt LDC amendments to establish the procedures and submittal requirements for designation as a SRA, to include provisions for consideration of impacts, including environmental and public infrastructure impacts, and provisions for public notice of and the opportunity for public participation in any consideration by the BCC of such a designation. The property owner has submitted the required SRA application along with an SRA Master Plan as described in Policy 4.5. The total credits generated by and available from SSA no. 7 are 4,034.2. This project requires and consumes 3,692.32 Stewardship credits from SSA no. 7. This leaves a balance of 341.88 credits remaining with SSA no. 7. Policy 4.4 is not directed toward individual applications. Policy 4.5: To address the specifics of each SRA, a master plan of each SRA will be prepared and submitted to Collier County as a part of the petition for designation as a SRA. The master plan will demonstrate that the SRA complies with all applicable policies of the Overlay and the LDC Stewardship District 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 277 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 6 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA and is designed so that incompatible land uses are directed away from wetlands and critical habitat identified as FSAs and HSAs on the Overlay Map. The applicant has submitted a master plan with their petition to demonstrate the SRA complies with all applicable policies of the Overlay and the LDC Stewardship District (RLSA zoning overlay). Matters of compliance or noncompliance with applicable policies of the Overlay are addressed throughout this memo. Compliance with applicable policies of the LDC is reviewed and determined by the Z oning Services Section, Comprehensive Planning Section, and other sections and divisions of the Growth Management Department. Matters of noncompliance with the LDC Stewardship District are also matters of noncompliance with this Overlay. Policy 4.6 is not directed toward individual applications. Policy 4.7: There are four specific forms of SRA permitted within the Overlay. These are Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Compact Rural Development (CRD). The Characteristics of Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and CRD are set forth in Attachment C and are generally described in Policies 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.7.3 and 4.7.4. Collier County shall establish more specific regulations, guidelines and standards within the LDC Stewardship District to guide the design and development of SRAs to include innovative planning and development strategies as set forth [previously] in Chapter 163.3177 (11), F.S. [now: 163.3248] and 9J-5.006(5)(l). The size and base density of each form shall be consistent with the standards set forth on Attachment C. The maximum base residential density as set forth in Attachment C may only be exceeded through the density blending process as set forth in density and intensity blending provision of the Immokalee Area Master Plan or through the affordable housing density bonus as referenced in the Density Rating System of the Future Land Use Element. The base residential density is calculated by dividing the total number of residential units in a SRA by the overall area therein. The base residential density does not restrict net residential density of parcels within a SRA. The location, size and density of each SRA will be determined on an individual basis during the SRA designation review and approval process. The SRA location is designated on the RLSA Overlay Map as eligible for SRA designation. The SRA size and density are consistent with those set forth on Attachment C. Policy 4.7.1 does not apply to this application. Policy 4.7.2 is not directed toward individual applications, but is included here for informational purposes. Villages are primarily residential communities with a diversity of housing types and mix of uses appropriate to the scale and character of the particular village. Villages shall be not less than 100 acres or more than 1,000 acres. Villages are comprised of residential neighborhoods and shall include a mixed-use village center to serve as the focal point for the community’s support services and facilities. Villages shall be designed to encourage pedestrian and bicycle circulation by including an interconnected sidewalk and pathway system serving all residential neighborhoods. Villages shall have parks or public green spaces within neighborhoods. Villages shall include neighborhood scaled retail and office uses, in a ratio as provided in Policy 4.15. Villages are an appropriate location for a full range of schools. To the extent possible, schools and parks shall be 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 278 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 7 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA located adjacent to each other to allow for the sharing of recreational facilities. Design criteria for Villages shall be included in the LDC Stewardship District. Policies 4.7.3 and 4.7.4 do not apply to this application. Policy 4.8: An SRA may be contiguous to a FSA or HSA, but shall not encroach into such areas, and shall buffer such areas as described in Policy 4.13. A SRA may be contiguous to and served by a WRA without requiring the WRA to be designated as a SRA in accordance with Policy 3.12 and 3.13. The SRA is not contiguous to, and does not encroach into, an FSA or HSA. Policy 4.9: A SRA must contain sufficient suitable land to accommodate the planned development in an environmentally acceptable manner. The primary means of directing development away from wetlands and critical habitat is the prohibition of locating SRAs in FSAs, HSAs, and WRAs. To further direct development away from wetlands and critical habitat, residential, commercial, manufacturing/light industrial, group housing, and transient housing, institutional, civic and community service uses within a SRA shall not be sited on lands that receive a Natural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2. In addition, conditional use essential services and governmental essential services, with the exception of those necessary to serve permitted uses and for public safety, shall not be sited on lands that receive a Natural Resource Index value of greater than 1.2. The Index value of greater than 1.2 represents those areas that have a high natural resource value as measured pursuant to Policy 1.8. Less than 2% of potential SRA land achieves an Index score of greater than 1.2. The Environmental Planning Section will determine that all land within the proposed SRA possesses a Natural Resource Index value of less than 1.2. This SRA is not located in an FSA, HSA or WRA. Policy 4.10: Within the RLSA Overlay, open space, which by definition shall include public and private conservation lands, underdeveloped areas of designated SSAs, agriculture, water retention and management areas and recreation uses, will continue to be the dominant land use. Therefore, open space adequate to serve the forecasted population and uses within the SRA is provided. To ensure that SRA residents have such areas proximate to their homes, open space shall also comprise a minimum of thirty-five percent of the gross acreage of an individual SRA Town, Village, or those CRDs exceeding 100 acres. Lands within a SRA greater than one acre with Index values of greater than 1.2 shall be retained as open space. As an incentive to encourage open space, such uses within a SRA, located outside of the ACSC, exceeding the required thirty-five percent shall not be required to consume Stewardship Credits. Open space exceeds the minimum of thirty-five percent of the gross acreage*. 224.90 acres are required (±642.60* ac. x 35%), and ±334.53 acres or 52% are provided per staff calculations. [A 423.87-acre figure is provided in SRA materials.] No lands have Index values of greater than 1.2. The forecasted populations for the project is 3,634 (permanent), and 4,361 (seasonal). 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 279 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 8 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA The portion of the site devoted to public benefit uses (*12.27 ac. reserved for future Oil Well Road ROW) do not require consumption of Stewardship Credits. The remainder of the SRA provides ±334.53 acres of open space, exceeding the minimum of thirty-five percent by ±109.63 acres, which is ±17% excess open space in the SRA.*** *** Note: See comments above at Recreation and Open Spaces in the table. Policy 4.11: The perimeter of each SRA shall be designed to provide a transition from higher density and intensity uses within the SRA to lower density and intensity uses on adjoining property. The edges of SRAs shall be well defined and designed to be compatible with the character of adjoining property. Techniques such as, but not limited to setbacks, landscape buffers, and recreation/open space placement may be used for this purpose. Where existing agricultural activity adjoins a SRA, the design of the SRA must take this activity into account to allow for the continuation of the agricultural activity and to minimize any conflict between agriculture and SRA uses. SRA application materials explain, “Many of the design and planning principles are oriented to protect natural resources, buffers, and wetland habitats areas, while developing… away from sensitive areas. Transitional uses, such as, water retention, passive recreation, and agricultural lands are used as buffers to protect sensitive areas. The perimeter has been designed to provide a transition from higher density and intensity uses within the SRA to lower density and intensity uses on adjoining property ”. But this explanation inaccurately characterizes the adjoining property to the east, as the adjacent Rivergrass SRA project is of relatively comparable density and intensity. Yet the perimeter of the Hyde Park SRA is designed without recognizing this difference where the two adjoining projects share a common boundary. As to whether the edges are well defined and designed to be compatible with the character of adjoining property [or of the same property as it becomes adjacently-across Big Cypress Parkway – the north- south thoroughfare to intervene between the two SRAs], Comprehensive Planning staff observes that some of the above-mentioned design principles have been employed, but defers the determination of compatibility with surrounding land uses to Zoning Services Section reviewers based on the totality of the project. Policy 4.12: Where a SRA adjoins a FSA, HSA, WRA or existing public or private conservation land delineated on the Overlay Map, best management and planning practices shall be applied to minimize adverse impacts to such lands. SRA design shall demonstrate that ground water table draw down or diversion will not adversely impact the adjacent FSA, HSA, WRA or conservation land. Detention and control elevations shall be established to protect such natural areas and be consistent with surrounding land and project control elevations and water tables. The SRA does not contain or adjoin FSA, HSA, WRA or existing public or private conservation land. Policy 4.13: Open space within or contiguous to a SRA shall be used to provide a buffer between the SRA and any adjoining FSA, HSA, or existing public or private conservation land delineated on the Overlay Map. Open space contiguous to or within 300 feet of the boundary of a FSA, HSA, or existing public 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 280 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 9 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA or private conservation land may include: natural preserves, lakes, golf courses provided no fairways or other turf areas are allowed within the first 200 feet, passive recreational areas and parks, required yard and set-back areas, and other natural or man-made open space. Along the west boundary of the FSAs and HSAs that comprise Camp Keais Strand, i.e., the area south of Immokalee Road, this open space buffer shall be 500 feet wide and shall preclude golf course fairways and other turf areas within the first 300 feet. The SRA does not contain or adjoin FSA, HSA, or existing public or private conservation land. Policy 4.14: The SRA must have either direct access to a County collector or arterial road or indirect access via a road provided by the developer that has adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development in accordance with accepted transportation planning standards. No SRA shall be approved unless the capacity of County collector or arterial road(s) serving the SRA is demonstrated to be adequate in accordance with the Collier County Concurrency Management System in effect at the time of SRA designation. A transportation impact assessment meeting the requirements of Section 2.7.3 of the LDC, or its successor regulation shall be prepared for each proposed SRA to provide the necessary data and analysis. Application materials propose access to and from Oil Well Road (CR 858), a rural major collector road as classified in the Transportation Element; these two Oil Well Road accesses are both gated-with- guardhouses (as with a conventional, suburban gated community), providing the “MAIN ENTRY ROAD” and another secondary entry from the “Village Center” to the residential neighborhoods. [Oil Well Road capacity is also being evaluated for the adjacent Rivergrass SRA project, which is under concurrent review]. Hyde Park, and the adjacent Rivergrass SRA project rely upon development of Big Cypress Parkway – the future intervening roadway running between the two developments. A “POTENTIAL FUTURE INTERCONNECTION” is provided with the adjacent Rivergrass project, and, a “POTENTIAL RESIDENT ONLY ACCESS WITH GATED ENTRY” is planned from Big Cypress Parkway. Big Cypress Parkway is also being evaluated for the adjacent Rivergrass SRA project. Concurrency is determined at the time of subsequent development orders. Transportation Planning staff will review this project for its transportation impact, and Comprehensive Planners defer comments relative to these aspects of the review to the Transportation Planning Section. Policy 4.15.1: SRAs are intended to be mixed use and shall be allowed the full range of uses permitted by the Urban Designation of the FLUE, as modified by Policies 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4 and Attachment C. An appropriate mix of retail, office, recreational, civic, governmental, and institutional uses will be available to serve the daily needs and community wide needs of residents of the RLSA. Depending on the size, scale, and character of a SRA, such uses may be provided either within the specific SRA, within other SRAs in the RLSA or within the Immokalee Urban Area. By example, each Village or CRD shall provide for neighborhood retail/office uses to serve its population as well as appropriate civic and institutional uses, however, the combined population of several Villages and Hamlets may be required to support community scaled retail or office uses in a nearby CRD. Standards for the 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 281 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 10 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA minimum amount of non-residential uses in each category are set forth in Attachment C, and shall be also included in the Stewardship LDC District. The project provides for a full range of uses, including neighborhood retail/office uses and the appropriate civic and institutional uses, sufficient to meet the standards for the minimum amount of non-residential uses in each category required. The forecasted populations for the project are 3,634 (permanent), and 4,361 (seasonal). Application materials address most of the above issues and requirements within their Statement of Compliance, Village Plan, and its component Village Center, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Edge, and Village Amenity and Wellness Center context zones. Specific requirements are contained in other Policies, and staff analysis is provided there. Policy 4.15.2: The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) may, as a condition of approval and adoption of an SRA development, require that suitable areas for parks, schools and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use. When the BCC requires such a set aside for one or more public facilities, the set aside shall be subject to the same provisions of the LDC as are applicable to public facility dedications required as a condition for PUD rezoning. Suitable areas for parks, and other public facilities are set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use. The applicants have dedicated ±12.27 acres suitable for public uses (ROW reservation) within the SRA. Policy 4.15.3: Applicants for SRA designation shall coordinate with Collier County School Board [District] staff to allow planning to occur to accommodate any impacts to the public schools as a result of the SRA. As part of the SRA application, the following information shall be provided: 1. Number of residential units by type; 2. An estimate of the number of school-aged children for each type of school impacted (elementary, middle, high school); and, 3. The potential for locating a public educational facility or facilities within the SRA, and the size of any sites that may be dedicated, or otherwise made available for a public educational facility. Project development is planned in a single phase. SRA documents state ±1,500 single-family and ±500 multi-family residential units are permitted, with a maximum of 1,800 residential units, in aggregate. The Public Facilities Impact Assessment projects 543 new students to be generated from the 1,800 residences. This overall student figure is not allocated to the number of school-aged children for each type of school impacted (elementary, middle, high school), as required by this policy. A school site is not proposed to be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use in the project – and may not be warranted based solely on the number of school-aged children in this SRA. Collier County School District personnel will review this project for its schools’ impacts, and Comprehensive Planners defer comments relative to these aspects of the review to School District reviewers. 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 282 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 11 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA In general, having a local school internal to an SRA can: provide a sense of place, as schools are often a focal point within a community; result in fewer vehicle miles travelled as some students can walk or bike to school while others can be driven a shorter distance to reach the school; and, result in less need for school busing or shorter bus routes – all of which translates to fewer tax dollars spent to construct and/or maintain public roads. Policy 4.16: A SRA shall have adequate infrastructure available to serve the proposed development, or such infrastructure must be provided concurrently with the demand. The level of infrastructure provided will depend on the type of development, accepted civil engineering practices, and LDC requirements. The capacity of infrastructure serving the SRA must be demonstrated during the SRA designation process in accordance with the Collier County Concurrency Management System in effect at the time of SRA designation. Infrastructure to be analyzed includes transportation, potable water, wastewater, irrigation water, stormwater management, and solid waste. Transportation infrastructure is discussed in Policy 4.14. Centralized or decentralized community water and wastewater utilities are required in CRDs, Villages, and those CRDs exceeding 100 acres in size. Centralized or decentralized community water and wastewater utilities shall be constructed, owned, operated and maintained by a private utility service, the developer, a Community Development District, the Immokalee Water Sewer Service District, Collier County, or other governmental entity. Innovative alternative water and wastewater treatment systems such as decentralized community treatment systems shall not be prohibited by this policy provided that they meet all applicable regulatory criteria. Individual potable water supply wells and septic systems, limited to a maximum of 100 acres of any CRD, Village or CRD of 100 acres are permitted on an interim basis until services from a centralized/decentralized community system are available. Individual potable water supply wells and septic systems are permitted in Hamlets and may be permitted in CRDs of 100 acres or less in size. Expansion of the Collier County Water-Sewer District will provide public water distribution and wastewater treatment utilities to the project. Specific capital projects which support the project are not listed within the 2018 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) or Capital Improvement Element (CIE) Schedule of Capital Improvements. (It is anticipated that any developer commitments related to utilities, transportation, or other public facilities, once finalized, will be specifically detailed in [a] Developer’s Contribution Agreement[s].) The funding sources of all capital improvements need to be identified as part of the approval of this SRA for the project. These matters are deferred to other departments and agencies for further remarks, and to public vetting. Policy 4.17: The BCC will review and approve SRA designation applications in accordance with the provisions of Policy 1.1.2 [now Policy 1.2] of the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) of the GMP for Category A public facilities. Final local development orders will be approved within a SRA designated by the BCC in accordance with the Concurrency Management System of the GMP and LDC in effect at the time of local development order approval. This project does not create a significant impact on countywide population as defined in Policy 1.1.2 [now 1.2] of the CIE. Expansion of the Collier County Water-Sewer District will provide public water distribution and wastewater treatment utilities to the project. The resolution [approving this expansion] 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 283 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 12 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA was approved at a September 2018 Board meeting. Staff defers to the departments and agencies identified above involved directly with Concurrency Management for further remarks. Policy 4.18: The SRA will be planned and designed to be fiscally neutral or positive to Collier County at the horizon year based on a public facilities impact assessment, as identified in LDC 4.08.07.K. and economic assessment, as identified in LDC 4.08.07.L. …Techniques that may promote fiscal neutrality such as Community Development Districts, and other special districts, shall be encouraged. At a minimum, the assessment shall consider the following public facilities and services: transportation, potable water, wastewater, irrigation water, stormwater management, solid waste, parks, law enforcement, and schools. Development phasing, developer contributions and mitigation, and other public/private partnerships shall address any potential adverse impacts to adopted levels of service standards. The applicant asserts the project will be fiscally neutral or positive to Collier County in the analysis provided in the Economic Assessment Report. Review of the Economic Assessment Report is deferred to other County staff. Policy 4.19: Eight credits shall be required for each acre of land included in a SRA, except for open space in excess of the required thirty-five percent as described in Policy 4.10 or for land that is designated for a public benefit use described in Policy 4.19. In order to promote compact, mixed use development and provide the necessary support facilities and services to residents of rural areas, the SRA designation entitles a full range of uses, accessory uses and associated uses that provide a mix of services to and are supportive to the residential population of a SRA, as provided for in Policies 4.7, 4.15 and Attachment C. Such uses shall be identified, located and quantified in the SRA master plan. This 1:8 ratio is met, and a full range of mixed uses are provided. The proposed SRA comprises ±654.80 acres; of those, ±461.54 acres require 3,692.32 credits (for calculation of needed credits in SRA materials, ±198.97 acres are deducted for excess open space and ±12.27 acres for public benefit use). Based upon earlier discussion of open space, this excess open space figure would be reduced to ±109.63 acres – leaving ±545.17 acres requiring 4,361.36 Stewardship credits. This is a shortage of 669 credits. Sufficient credits are available to enable development of the project with Stewardship credits derived [from SSA no. 7] but are not allocated in sufficient number to entitle the project, as currently proposed. (These changes to acreage and Stewardship credit figures affect numerous SRA materials, including the (draft) SRA Credit Agreement) Policy 4.20: The acreage of a public benefit use shall not count toward the maximum acreage limits described in Policy 4.7. For the purpose of this policy, public benefit uses include: public schools (preK-12) and public or private post-secondary institutions, including ancillary uses; community parks exceeding the minimum acreage requirements of Attachment C, municipal golf courses; regional parks; and governmental facilities excluding essential services as defined in the LDC. The location of public schools shall be coordinated with the Collier County School Board, based on the interlocal agreement [established pursuant to] 163.3177 F.S. and in a manner consistent with 235.193 F.S. Schools and 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 284 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 13 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA related ancillary uses shall be encouraged to locate in or proximate to CRDs, Villages, and Hamlets subject to applicable zoning and permitting requirements. A total of ±12.27 acres are set aside for public benefit uses. Staff agrees with the classification of the specific uses as public benefit uses (based upon the description of “public benefit use” in the LDC). Public benefit use acreage has been removed for purposes of determining credit use and calculating overall SRA size. Policy 4.21 does not apply, as this site is not within the ACSC, Area of Critical State Concern. REVIEW OF SRA DOCUMENTS: At an October 18, 2019 meeting held among the application team and staff representatives, a number of updates, changes and explanations were discussed and agreed upon to address remaining issues. Those pertinent to this Consistency Review are identified below. As with other, recently-recommended SRA, staff suggested similar revisions be made to Hyde Park, and be reflected in the SRA Document and SRA Master Plan. • Deviations, 6.1.1) re: 4.08.07.j.3.a.v, Village Design Criteria, Center to Edge Density & Intensity Gradient, or Continuum = agreed to withdraw or revise to allow for neighborhood goods and services in Neighborhood General Context Zone, and to add to 5.1.1.A. a list of those neighborhood scale commercial uses (and appropriate accessory uses to 5.1.1.B.). [new comment, from the October meeting] Result, as of latest resubmittal: Deviation withdrawn; no issues remain with respect to this Deviation. • Deviations 6.1.2) and 3) re: Village Design Criteria, General Parking Criteria = agreed to revise with an additional specificity, such as “…and prohibits parking in the front of buildings, except on street parking within the right-of-way to instead allow parking in the front, side and rear yards, when such parking is within the same block perimeter as, and is in support of, a grocery store. …” and with recommendations for compensating/mitigating measures [new comment, from the October meeting] Result, as of latest resubmittal: now numbered as 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 – no revisions apparent; no issues remain with respect to these Deviations. • Deviations, 6.1.4) re: 4.08.07.J.2.d.iii.e.i, and 4.08.07.J.3.d.iii, Village Design Criteria, Maximum Multi-Family Lot Size = agreed to revise with additional specificity by indicating another maximum lot size, and with recommendations for compensating/mitigating measures; [new comment, from the October meeting] Result, as of latest resubmittal: now numbered as 6.3.2 – no revisions apparent; no issues remain with respect to these Deviations. • Deviations, 6.2.1) re:, Neighborhood General, Center to Edge Density & Intensity Gradient, or Continuum = agreed to withdraw or revise to allow for neighborhood goods and services in Neighborhood General Context Zone, and to add to 5.1.1.A. a list of those neighborhood scale commercial uses (and appropriate accessory uses to 5.1.1.B.); [new comment, from the October meeting] 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 285 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 14 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA Result, as of latest resubmittal: Deviation withdrawn; no issues remain with respect to this Deviation. • Deviations, 6.3.1) re: 4.08.07.J.2.d.iv.e, Neighborhood Edge, Parking Standards Same as Town Core Parking Standards = agreed to revise with an additional specificity, to avoid Town Center [Core] parking characteristics being applied throughout the project, per the LDC, and with recommendations for compensating/mitigating measures. [new comment, from the October meeting] Result, as of latest resubmittal: Deviation withdrawn; no issues remain with respect to this Deviation. • Deviations, 6.4.1) re: 6.06.01.J, Transportation Standards, Street System Requirements = agreed to be revised with a shorter maximum cul-de-sac length (1,200 ft.), and with recommendations for compensating/mitigating measures such as mid-way passing-points, etc. [new comment, from the October meeting] Result, as of latest resubmittal: now numbered as 6.5.1 – Deviation revised; no issues remain with respect to this Deviation. Additionally: Of the total number of residential units proposed, 300 are multi-family dwelling units; all of them now proposed outside the village center – leaving the village center not mixed (commercial, residential) use. Applicant agreed to revise materials to provide a percentage– or an outright number – of the MFR units inside the village center. Latest resubmittal SRA Document, Subsection 5.4.1.A, Village Center Context Zone, list of Permitted Uses, includes “Multifamily dwelling units”. Section 5.4.1, Village Center Context Zone, Allowable Uses and Structures, provides that “The Village Center is mixed use in nature, allowing multi-family development as well as the required 45,000 square feet of neighborhood -scale commercial and office uses, which will include, at a minimum, 8 retail or office uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, governmental, and institutional uses”. This section of the SRA document however, does not reflect the applicant’s agreement to provide a percentage or an outright number of multi-family residential units inside the Village Center. The SRA document states in Section IV, that minimum number of multi-family dwelling units shall be 300 units, of which a minimum of 180 units shall be located in the Village Center. This180 unit figure should also be made part of Section 5.4.1, Village Center Context Zone, Allowable Uses and Structures. The petitioner had agreed to provide narrative statement(s) that describe and explain how this SRA exhibits the characteristics pertaining to the mixed use village center; neighborhood-scale retail and office uses; civic and institutional land uses; its compact, pedestrian-friendly form; the rural to urban continuum; the similar massing, volume, frontage, scale and architectural features within the village 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 286 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ‒ 15 ‒ PL20180000622, Hyde Park SRA center; and, so forth, and to, point out where examples of these characteristics are found in the SRA Document and SRA Master Plan. Narrative statement(s) to describe and explain these characteristics for this SRA were not provided in resubmittal materials. While not required, they remain considerably useful support materials to all reviewers. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The requisite credits are either approved or pending approval, in sufficient number to enable development of the project, and; [new comment] 2. The proposed Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) for the project may be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element, Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay. [new comment] 3. Comprehensive Planning also requests: a. Make the 180-unit multi-family dwelling figure part of Section 5.4.1, Village Center Context Zone, Allowable Uses and Structures, [new comment, from the October meeting] cc: Ray Bellows, Zoning Manager, Zoning Services Section David Weeks, AICP, Growth Management Manager, Comprehensive Planning Section G:\RLSA SSAs SRAs\STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREAS\Hyde Park Village SRA\ \\bcc.colliergov.net\data\GMD-LDS\CDES Planning Services\Comprehensive\RLSA SSAs SRAs\STEWARDSHIP RECEIVING AREAS\Hyde Park Village SRA\SRA-2018-622 Con Rvws\PL18-622 Hyde Park Village Con Rev memo_rev6.3 FNL.docx 9.B.5 Packet Pg. 287 Attachment: FLUE Consistency Review Memo - Attachment C (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 10-24-19 NIM 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 288 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) frhrlnrBuilU h1trux NaplesNevus.com Published Daily Naples, FL 34110 Affi davit of Publication State of Florida Counties of Collier and Lee Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared Natalie Zollar who on oath savs that she serves as lnside sales Manager of the NaDles Daily News. a dailv newsDaoer oublished at Naoles. in colller countv. Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee couities of Florida; that th-e attached copy of the advertisinq was published iri said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further says that the said NaDles Daily News is a newsoaoe-r oubiished at Na-ples, in said Collier county, Florida, and that the said newsoaoer hai heretof6re been continubu!lv dublished in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee countie's of Florida. each dav and has been ilntered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for aberiod of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached cody of advertisement; and iffiant fuhher iays that he hlas neithei paid noipromised any p_erson, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Customer Ad Number Copyline P.O.# HOLE MONTES INC Pub Dates October 5, 2018 (sic ure of affiant) sworn to and subscribed before me This October 05, 2018 2128910 Petition SRA-P120180 R*J {, V.W /d4*^' '{#; (Signature of affiant) 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 289 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) xalLasxlwl,cor a FRroaY.ocToB€i5,201a t !ta Military program could be seen as bioweapon Using insects to infect crops poses concerns Odlc. Chcl.trd *h lo'ffibln NEW YOtd( - A Erarch amof t E U.s. milihry i! cdorlrgtl: paribllity of deployinS iffi ro nulre plds mre r6u6t by ahdlig thelr gffi. Sotuo(Pea eytlEwtmy b.cn a B pototlal biolo8iol w6po[In u oplDlon Fps FrblirhdThurday in tfE Furnd Sdre. thc authoE $y the U.S. necds to prw'lde greate! lstlficetlon for the peacetlme rcsrc}\ wilcll sk! to ENrntt paGffiiw hlts b 6opa .Iredy g@ina lnthe ield. Ttat mid mrk a &patu ftom the (ent wtdely ud proeduc of Semdcaly Eodrying wds fd sops suci a om ard $y, before tlEy gtw inoplms. IlE Eilit.ry resdcJlat ncy Ey! itt g€l ls to p@Ed thc rtion ! f@d sup plyfr@throB llk &ou8ht, qopdtr- ee eDd biot€rorim by GW kuetr to infed planb with vires dEt p!o- td asaiD* sdr dsEeB. 'food wity b Mtlonal s6!ity,' sld Blale 8ddE, st[ hea& tlF 2- ,rErld projd 8t the [kfe@ Ad- @ced Rseech Prol* AgeEy, u 3m of tlE U.S. Deprrtn ft of Deferoc. The Sule tEpem@t sid tlE po- is ls fo! lEGfirl Fl p6es rnd dcm V@late the Biologiel l^bdpoa Conwnuon. The U.S. Depatuent of Agricuhue sald its *ieDdfir @ paft c,fthe r@h whidr is b.lrg@ndffi- ed in omslned labd- Corn lot.phH. m urd h. rtudy lodit cry pl.d. tlrdth anglmar.d vlrulc, ,ENA vit1lg @ lrbr llE ilrnt'8 g$6 the plst's [ife. eru.-nE/rc Bldig rbdtr |1r8lE rc- leare of8enetlc modl0crtlon by meaN of lD!ec$,' etd Gretcy Kebnlda e ethld( at th. Hdingr Ccnta bteth- 16 l€slch lnsdtuE ln Gsrrle Ns York, who has rtudled gendlc modln- @do[ He wnt prrt of th Sd@ prps but s.rd IE*t Ali6 t4hnolog/ dJd ad up h.iDg deltrudiE. l(*bnlck qqtiorrd how rcll the vir@3 and lrectg @rryt8 them ord be @nEolH. '}lthetr !6u ee blting abou vuy small $irgs - in-st! ud mioober - it mtht be lrnpG- dblc to lt@lhm'oe tlE,/ &. ttr- trodued lnto farme6'felds, he s!ld. Dr. Davld Rdman, a pDfsor of EEdldn ard rd@biolo5r st Stanbrd who hE rdvircd tlE Ob.m .drnini-fr.dd onblode&rue b[ ls ret pan of *E DARPA teuri, qid the PfoldBdd play into long-mndiig fe{s amrg Mtri6 that ene6l6 hlght Ey to hlm dEir @p.. S{ll, R.ltM sid th. dmlotc/ @uldhelp hrmets68ht a-brd plsnt yl- The rechnology could work h dlfrer- u rriig!@tlEdalni' olprffi entways. ln the ntst phsse, aphlds -tl- @F fDm blot@orism 8@@ in- oy bws that feed by sucttng eap from s6r often sFad @p di'c!6, Rd- plMB - Irfued pbnB wlth a viru tM old DARPA is rrylry to w thc that tempotuily b[@8ht about a ralt. btlgr' m bblogr to 'rc@it them a 8nt r6dcheB @ al& tlyttrt to se lf alls'ln rpreadlng protdiE taltl Ths public is lnvited to attsnd a noighbodood intomallon m€eting held by Robsrt J. Mulhse, FACe Vbo Pcsidont, Planoing Seryices ot Hol6 Montss, lnc. ild Richard O. Yovilovich, Esquire, ol Colsman, Yovanovici and Koest8( P " on b€hal, of th€ prcpe.ty omr at ths following tim€ ild location: Wbdne8day, Octob.r 2{, 2018 at 5;g) p.m. Pose Luth.6n Church, Fallowshlp HaU 9850 lmmotalae 8oad, Napbs, Rorida 3i[12O The lollowing lomalappliction has b6sn made lo Collier County: Stewardshlp ReceMng 1p2 (SRA ln the ,om of a Vlllago ovtr 654,79i acrs of led loGted in sastern Collis County to b€ knowns Coluor Lakss Vfllags ("CLV'). The CLV is proposed to allow up to 1,800 dwslling unls (150Ot singlo tmily and 300r ruhi-family), 45,000 square leet of nsighbofiood commsrcial uses. and 18,000 squar€ lel ol civic, instttutlonal and govemmgntal usos, Th6 subisct propsrty is presentv zonad A-MHO-RLSAO. ThB site is boundsd on the soulh by Oil Wsll Road, on ths wst and north by Goldon Galo Estatos z6sd prcpfiis and on th6 €ast by A-MHO- BLgqO propertl$ h activs agriculture proposed ftr inctusion in ths Fural Leds W€sl SRA Tom Ogsignation. Th6 subigct property is b6ted at the hte66clion ol Oil Well Boad and Dssoto Blvd, North, approximatoly 4 miles easl o, lmmokales Road, in Sectlon 16, Townshts 48 South, Range 28 East, Colll€r County, Florida, I I I Colir L!k6 SffA TvE VALUE YOUR INPUT Busin€s and propgrly owners, r€sidsnts and visitors ar8 wslcomo to anend the prestatlon and disoss th€ projst with the owners and Collisr County starf. It you ar6 unablo to attond this m€ting, but hav€ quBtions or commnts, they can b0 dirgcted by mail. phone, or eroll to: Bobort J. Muhore, FAICe vlce PrssidEnt, Planning Servic6 Hol6 Montos, lnc. 950 Encore Way, Naples, Flo,ida 341 10 Phone: 239-25,1-200O, emalt bobmulhereehmeng.com ocrobtr 5,2018 ND2128910 UMttu NONPROFITS TFAT WORKEO WITX CFCC QURING HURRICANE IFMA COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FINEMARK NATIONAL BANK & TRUST s:-.d FIRST FLORIDA INTEGRITY BANK H,l'dldfrli;hqnfffidwhr+. IN ()UR SPONSORS Naples Daily News 0 TICKETS :r ) i/ t rklEre,rydElldryum dl.labtu&l&rydftrk drFBk[6&@rdJ.e EtcHIil!d UUdtd. & iFiqe ee6Isif sm [rdE^re ll.@dAq#d&.!r4 !&hEFdkD&.tu[rd dk@1o, dth6dH! tu(h' d M&ghqnlkq'ktf, Ar.C.habG.!bC&tX.nk k*d& U,! MU.,trhtu hdroMddkl)&!6 kM$6d,*k[rFl(LkFlorhb.*!qne Mfr&*hroFld-xkscq*kredfEerq hr&ykbktr.Fd hi {r 16F.d rbq,qk&h lll7tt-hmfkk* S.&bnLtlrqqt.rfuLhdrB!&6deIHhxFn@.b!.&&Ukirlk6r hd{qhc/k..M The Greatest American* Silver Dollar Collection Own thc COfrPTEfE 9tter Elscnhover Year Sct Fot Lers Th.n t'10 P.t Coln! l....fah.6..U.d ttB B, h hq dDrld, rib dndMrry!l0dd@rbq ,@d ldthl!dk.qht<M&rbdulhm6{tuq, lIb& b& k {er il k[ 3ffd* GEdhtukrdb, tcd. Cdlcrh - odttD.S FtE 3HlPflxO d, d h 36ldbr*{vil-iEB ott*.d-l?-lnhdnb t-866-362-8388 loE cdf, rss2s{illb---*'dl if.li Govtrxr.cox' Gd3l.s. r.ro! *@,.w. $r 171 :+ sMr t M a,lst allr+3-tuBMkhlrr *d& ndt, ktulhro Mral td h U6bE$r&{kr,[ iu 6itblJd{,! U r.!6'b*E itutl llm-LHry*!litroEhbdI{.,r7tklkD'ih lldrl.MIrt9rtd t96,wD& JTLd dd U6d lr5 d 1176 b (& rdhldftffi&(urd b dqt, rk hry H sU rh os li e &kndk.t.tun.Mt! *t!dgtutu&&U[rd"o.dL,f,[,hI4llI&lL luid.DFd.dmdHddh: tuhidaDH.ttBt.lntrttu lllH-Dhha.Mi l6d lrr, F{drn,{rrh s&NhEattrlrerytubet&dha@bd{ba*doak 1lH-tu1*hrrhh ln lrTl xdFhd &Uhth B.ffih{hhkhlc |)&d,F{ddErilbtrd ww1 : : rl 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 290 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) NIM Summary Collicr Lakes Stewardship Receiving Area Designation (SRA-PL20180000622) October 24, 2018, 5:30 p.m. Peace Lutheran Church 9E50 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida, 34120 The NIM was held for the above referenced petition. The petition is described as follows To establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form ofa Village over 654.79+ acres of land located in eastem Collier County to known as Collier Lakes Village C'CLV'). The CLV is proposed to allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (1500+ single family and 300+ multi-family), 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and governmental uses ISRA-PL201 80000622]. Note: This is a summary of the NIM. An audio/video recording is also provided, On behalf of Applicants: Michael Greenberg, Southwest Florida Regional President, Neal Communities Robert Mulhere, FAICP, VP Planning, Hole Montes Richard Yovanovich, Esq., Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, PA James Banks, P.E., Transportation Consultant Barry Jones, P.E., Hole Montes, Inc. Dan Ciesielski, Land Development Manager, Neal Communities County Staff: Tim Finn, AICP, Principal Planner, Zoning Services Section Gil Martinez, Principal Planner, Zoning Services Section Mr. Mulhere started the presentation by introducing himself, the other consultants. and County staff. He explained the NIM process, the process for approval, and provided an overview of the project. Mr. Greenberg provided an overview of Neal Communities. Following Mr. Mulhere's presentation, there were approximately fifteen minutes of questions from the public in attendance. The following issues were raised: Traffic Concerns Concems were raised regarding the existing traffic on Oil Well Road. Mr. Mulhere explained that the project is reserving 100 feet adjacent to the southem property boundary for the future widening of Oil Wetl Road. The project is also being designed to accommodate storm water runoff from the Oil Well Road widening. Attendeess Thirteen members ofthe public attended. Page I of2 H:U0l7u0l70oI\wAsRANIMUIIM summary (l0-29'2018) docx 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 291 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Utilities Questions were raised regarding utility providers, as well as the needed infrastructure to support development. Collier County Public Utilities will be providing water and sewer service. The developer is working with the County to expand the necessary infrastructure. Mr. Mulhere explained that an economic assessment that analyzes and demonstrates fiscal neulrality is required as part of the application process. Impact Fees are also required to offset the developments impact on the necessary public facilities. General questions were raised regarding the ownership of the property. Mr. Mulhere explained that the current owner is Zurich Intemational, and Neal Communities is the contract purchaser. A concem was raised regarding the existing utility lines near the westem property boundary. Mr. Jones explained that the existing utility lines are not on the subject prope(y and will not be allected by the proposed development. Mr. Mulhere indicated that application materials are available to the public via the county website. The meeting conclucled at approximatelv 6:00 PM. Page 2 of 2 H:UOl7U0l7O0l\WnSRANIM\NIM Summary (10-29-2018).docx General/Misc. 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 292 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING coLLrER LAKES SRA (SRA-PL-20L8000A622) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 20L8 AT 5:30PM PTEASE PRINT CLEARLY ***PLeAse be advL' ed*** The information on this sheet is to contact you regarding this project and future public meetings. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and certain home addresses are public records once received by a Bovernment agency. lf you do not want your e-mail address, phone number or home address released if the county receives a public records request, you can refrain from including such information on this sheet. You have the option of checking with the county staff on your own to obtain updates on the project as well as checking the county Web site for additional information. Name Address City, State Zip E-MailAddress c.1.-l0 N Cc- l(r\[( (t (s.E3.o P7 j( Ro erulaa o I 5 G \r(o* I E t-<- EO PE {4 I //l n flel,.\ tJ'o il4 - 334rq 3 3 1116 t CL h/2" & t4 IkL/CorP e-a45 ha-u: rl 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 293 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certiry that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-41, the Collier County Land Developmenr Code, as amended, I did cause the attached newspaper advertisement to appear and I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and/or condominium and civic associations whose members may be affected by the proposed land use changes ofan application request for a rezoning, PUD amendment, or conditional use, at least 15 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names ond addresses of property owners shall be deemed lhose appearing on the latesl tax rolls of Collier County and any olher persons or entities who have made a formal request of the County to be notified. The said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place of a Neighborhood Information Meeting. Per the attached letters, property owner's list, and copy of newspaper advertisement which are hereby made a part of this Affidavit of Compliance. (Signature of Applicant) ROBERT J. MULHERE . FAICP (Printed name of Applicant) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this 5th Dav of October 2018. bv ROBERT J. MULHERE. FAICP. who is lly known to me or who has produced as identification. *,4\uu^, (Signature of Notary Public) Printed Name of Notary /.*J ffi tltrurr c,foarrUc.bdtLtLCor*5rrfItIIo I, Con. t*t Ir r, 2@0 ffi Ertht II:U017\2017001\WP\SRA\NlM\Afiidavil of Compliance NIM (l0-5-201t).d(r (Notary Seal) 9!rdvrq4ie Karol 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 294 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) - -r-a>.tat..t---.."-I lo"e, irt, tf< r{ ,i _ I r.' ,tt t.111 2 'ro,o.,rr.' rf':t 1. 1,,, i'lii,i'.l'J"" "' ,, , '.RJ.i .-.r-!FFtFaraF-ry i - - 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 295 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) NAPLESI{EWS.COM t FRIDAY,OCTOBER5,2OTS t t9A1 The public is invited to attend a neighborhood information meeting held by Robert J. Mulhere, FAICB Mce President, Planning SerUices of Hole Montes, lnc. and Richard D. Yovanovich, Esquire, of Coleman' Yovanovich and Koester, PA. on behalf of the property own€r at the following time and location: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 5r3O p.m. Peace Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall 9850 lmmokalee Boad, Naples, Florida 34120 The following formal application has been made to Collier County: Petition SRA-PL2O18qxn622 - The petition is to establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form of a Mllage over 654.79a acres of land located in eastern Collier County to be known as Collier lakes V]llage ("CLV"). The CLV is proposod to allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (1500* single family and 300i multFfamily)' 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18'000 square feet of civic, institutional and govemmental uses. The subject property is presently zoned A-MHO-RLSAO. The site is bounded on the south by Oil Well Road, on the wsst and north by Golden Gate Estates zoned properties and on the east by A-MHO- RLSAO properties in active agriculture proposed for inclusion in the Rural Lands West SRA Town Designation. The subject property is located at the intersection of Oil Wbll R<i'ad and Desoto Blvd. North, approximately 4 miles east of lmmokal€e Road, in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East' Collier County, Florida. iI I IliltCollier Lakes SRA WE VALUE YOUR INPUT Businsss and property owners, residents and visitors are welcome to attend the presentation and discuss the proiect with th€ owners and Collier County staff. lf you are unable to attend this meeting, but have questions or comments, they can be directed by mail, phone, or e-mail to: Robert J. Mulhere, FAICB Vice President, Planning Srervices Hole Montes, lnc. 950 Encore Way, Naples, Florida 341 l0 Phone: 239-254-2000, email: bobmulhere@hmeng.com October5,2018 ND-2128910 i I a t 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 296 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) }tHOLE nlMONTES 950 Encore Way. Naples, Florida 34110 . Phone 239.254.2000. Fex239.254.21i . Rc October 5,2018 Collier l,akes SRA (PL-20I 80000622) HM File No.: 2017.001 Dear Property Owner Please be advised that Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP, Vice President, Planning services and Business Developmenl of Hole Montes, Inc. and Richard D. Yovanovich, Esquire, of Coleman, yovanovich and Koester, P.A. on behalf of the property owners, have filed the following formal application with Collier County: l'etition SRA-PL20180000622 - The petition is to establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form ofa Village over 654.79+ acres ofland located in easlem Collier County to be known as Collier Lakes Village ("CLV"). The CLV is proposed to allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (l50G,r single family and 300+ multi-family), 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 1 8,000 square feet of civic, institutional and governmental uses. The subject property is presently zoned A-MHO-RLSAo. The site is bounded on the south by oil well Road, on the west and north by Golden Gate Estates zoned properties and on the east by A- MHO-RLSAO properties in active agriculture proposed for inclusion in the Rural Lands west SRA Town Designation The subject property is located at the intersection of oil well Road and DeSoto Blvd. North, approximately 4 miles east of Immokalee Road, in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 Easr, Collier County, Florida. In compliance with the Land Development code requirements, a Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held to provide you an oppo(unity 10 hear a presentation about this amendment and ask questions. The Neighborhood Information Meeting wi be held on wednesday, October 24,, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church, Fellowship Ha[, 9850 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida 34120. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to contact me ar 239-254-2000. Very truly yours, HOLE MONTES, INC. Naples . Fort Myers Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP Vice President, Planning Services RJIvI/sek 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 297 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ,V'O srTdvrs ABATE, MARIE MILDRED SULLIVAN 223 STILLWATER CIR BROOKFIELo, CT 06804-..0000 ADAMA ET AL, JASON T 1732 W PIERCE AVE cHrcAco, tL 60622-'0000 ALEMAN, DABEIBA ROBERTO SANCHEZ 5142 ROMA ST AVE MARI& FL 34142---0000 ATVARAOO-MEZA, PEDRO ANA MIRIAM MEZA ARTI.JRO CARDENAS 3845 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---1884 ALVAREZ, ANGELA ALVAREZ, MIGUEL=& CHRISTINE 8025 NW 185 TERR MtAMt, FL 33015--0000 AMADOR, YUNIER 3817 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-{000 AMI,ROSE, JAMES P & DONNA J 3840 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1883 09 t8/09 t9@ tua^v ee^P slqllPdruoe uJur /9 x lxtu 9z lPu-rJol op ausnblE 09!8/09!9@ tus V r$!m stqsedum .8/9 z x ,, ! ozts loqEl ABSI,PHILIPE&GLORIAT 3790 S OtD 3C HWY GALENA, OH 43021-9438 ANDERSEN. AI.{THONY R 3790 35TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 BOYER, WARO L 4544 PINEWOOD DRIVE tEwrsToN, Mr 49756-0000 ANG, CHENG HEE 8417 HOLLOW BROOK CIR NAPLES, FL 34t79-9724 ARIAS, YOSMANI GAMBOA 4545 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 BAKER, CYNTHIA 853 LAMBTON CIR W LANCASTER, OH 43130*-0000 ..8ARBA{A H BOCK REVO TRUST 298154TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720-7787 BETANCbRT, FELIEIA 1121 NW 24TH CT MtAMr, FL 33125--3101 BONILtA, 'ORGE L KARIN A CASTRO 4O3O 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 BROCX, DEVIN 5 & PAULA IvI 644 94TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34708--2447 ARLEDGE, BEN'AMIN 4175 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---4515 AVA(IAN, CHARLES M DONNA M BURDICK 2545 POINCIANA DR NAPLES FL 34105--0000 BALsEMO, FRANCESCO CARMEN UZCATEGUL 14743 INDIGO IAKES CIR NAPLES, FL 34119-0000 8ARONE, ANTHONY J 4170 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, Ft. 34120*4513 BETTENCOURT, RENEE M 3760 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-_OOOO BLOCKER, DEAN KENNETH J BLOCKER 5R 1303 NEW MARKET RD W IMMOKA|-EE, FL 34742*2253 BREMER, CHRISTOPHER C ,IENNIFER EREMER 785-F MEADOWLAND DR NAPLE5, FL 34108--.r000 ARTESE, GRACE 4535 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-{000 I i t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ) ) i I 1 I I EANDOMO, SORANGEL FERNANDO BANDOMO 1525 NE 180TH ST clrR& FL 32113-2294 STAPI.ES' E,.,.*JXTH;',];1il';,.1ffi'.l,i},frt':fl..'o1lu,%31*o,*04a AGUII.AR, SHEII.A I( 3850 43RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120--2918 eAEz, Mh-RirzA r 1011 NE LITNT RIVER DR M|AMt, FL 33138--{228 EtAROSLEYTR, GLENDAS G 5 BEARDSLEY RLT 12.30-98 2360 19TH ST SW NAPLES, FL 34777-4720 ' AuGUsrrN, FRAN( iESHLEh 2062 NW 104TH ST MIAMT, FL 33147--1349 li li It li )1 it il jr il ll I ll ll! rl IL jl lt ll 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 298 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) v'0 OgtS/Og t9@ /fie V3e^e slqllPdtuo3 urul /9 x urtu 9Z leuxo, op eNnbltl 09 t8/09 t9@ tuo^V t{l^r qqpduo.,8/q z x,|. 8z!s laqPl EBOWN S& |-AWRENCE F & RUTH 3820 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1883 srldvrs BRUNET, DANIEL 610 215T ST NW NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 CASTRO ET AI- MARINO M 1s308 5W 182ND TER M|AMt, Ft 33187--6229 BROOI(' VICIOR E & RALMETHA 122 HI.JDSON TER YONKERs, NY 10701--1914 BUSHEN, MARK E 4135 315T AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120---4s28 CARTER, REBECCA E 4525 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1553 CABEZAS, JUAN C & MICHELLE G 4431 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0000 CAPITAL HOMES INVEST & ALL LLC 2820 12TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 CARRASCO,ISAEL 3790 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-0466 CABLE HOLDCO II INC ATTN: PROPERTYTAX DEPT 1701JOHN F KENNEDY BLVD FL32 PHIIADELPHt& PA 19103--2855 CAPO, BERTA 42E5 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 CASTRO, RAYMOND & CARMEN 30914TH Sr NE NAPLE5. FL 34120'-0000 CIARAMITARO, PAUL & LARISSA 150 PEACH CT MARCO lSl-AND, FL 34745-4727 CAPOTE, GUILLERMINA & KARIM 3830 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1520 CASTILLO, RAFAET A 215 W 2ND AVE KENNEWTCK, WA 99335-3918 CDC LAND INVESTMENTS LLC 2550 GOODLEITE RD N #1OO NAPLE FL 34103--0000 CHASE MRTG FINANCE CORP 3815 SW TEMPLE SALT r-A(E CITY, UT 84115--0000 COLLIER CNTY C/O REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3335 TAMIAMI TR E, STE 101 NAPLES, FL 34112--0000 CORRADO, BRENDA 3780 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1534 CULLISON, DYLAN FRANCESCA ROSE EROCK 4045 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 CONDE, OANIEL A MARIA E RENTERIA 4260 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120-3252 COOK, ANNE GARRIS GEORGE HENRY COOK 3930 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4508 CORREIA ET UX, RICHARD W 144 NORTH ST wARE, MA 01082--1029 CUESTA, PEDRO P 7527 CRESCENT DR RAyTOWN, MO 64138-0000 D & I NAPLES INVESTORS LLC 19OO EMPRESS CT NAPLES, FL 34110-1004 OEAN, SHAWN 8067 DANCNG WIND LN f2OO5 NAPLES, FL 34119--0000 era E,tr trs' ..,^.^-l*^'l^.i:'"1:l ly1 ".::r11,::l*1,:.o".r^"u,,:g,g,x:l^",",^^ OEAN, SHAWN 8067 DANCING WIND LN#2005 NAPLES, Ft 34119-0000 EUTTARI, SAMUEL V & ANNA] 528 HIGHLAND TER PITMAN, NJ 08071*1524 il I I cAllx, r"urs NILDA A CAUX 23918TH AVE 5E NAPLES, FL 34117--{000 COCXERILL, CHERYL E 5444 FARMINGDALE OR WARRENTON, VA 20!87 _9279 il 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 299 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) , V?O OIA2-.IIMENEZ, ANTONIO L ELIANA P DIAZJIMENEZ 1868 HTGHWAY 73 SOUTH MARIANNA, FL 32/t48--0000 FIALLO, ADELA MATiLDE 550 SW 138TH AVE APT K212 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33027--OOOO DUDAsH, WILLIAM ] 289 ROBBIE LN VALPARA|SO, tN 46385-8836 EDWAROS, DENISE M 4235 43RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-2838 EXNER, TAUREL O WILLIAM EXNER 4380 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4506 FCE CONSTRUCNON INC 9077 GERVATR CtR #910 NAPLES, FL 3412HOOO FERNANDEZ, MARIANEI-A ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ PEREZ ROLANDO FERNANDEZ 275 ROLTINGWOOD TRAIL ALIAMONTE SPRING, FL 32714_.OOOO DECARO ESI CHARLES % ELVIRA CAULFIELD 168 MONROE ST MASTtC, NY 11950--4505 DIAZ, CESAR J 4240 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 FOX, SCOTT D & BEIH A 412043RD AVE NE NAPLES,FL 34120---2817 sTApn FS',,,",""110:l^'::".1;l::"^T:'i1:,:I]lill,:33u.111'x1f,o^n,o,.n nAL 09t8/09t9@ tu3^V ca^P alq[Eduo3 urtu /9 x tlrtx 9z lPtlJlol op 0l]enbB 09t8/09r9@ /tu3^V r[!/'^ elqllpdruoe ,,9/9 z x.l ezls lsqEl S]ldVIS FAIRHOMES PEARL PROPERTIES LLC 10 STATION LN UNIONVII.LE, ON CANADA U}R 1R4 FELICIANO, FIDEL M & MARTA 4065 3lSTAVE NE NAPLES, tL 34120---4452 FL STAR CONSTRUCTION LLC 7742 ALTCO RD FORT MYERS, FL 33912-OOOO FRNST INVESTMEMT INC 2580 DESOTO BTVD S NAPLES, FL 34117-1235 FAULKNER, ADRIAN &TAMMY 4095 31ST AVE NE NAPLE' FL 34I20-M62 FERNANDEZ, CAiILO'F REBECCA A FERNANDEZ 25419 NW 101ST PL HtGH 5PRrN65, FL 32543--9810 DETWEILER, TIMOTHY L DARLENE LANHAM 3810 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-7560 DIAZ, EVALDO MARTHA ACOSTA 3845 27TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 DOR, CELITA 4220 4OTH ST NE NAP|"ES, FL 3412G-0000 DIAZ, OSMELJ & JACqUELINE 3770 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1534 DROZD ET UX, WALTER .J 35 COLONIAL DR ct-ARK,N.t 07066--2601 FERREL!, DOUGtAS.' SHAWNA L FERRELL 735 CORAL OR CAPE CORAL, FL 33904-5902 FORTES, HUGO I.AZARO IESSIE FORTES 14752 SW 159TH LN MlAlrll, FL 33187--1744 OIAZ, ALEERTO & HACINIA M 4048 33RD AVE NE NAPTES, FL 34120*-4514 FRONK ET UX, RAYfuIOND ] c/o MARSHA A BOt\4MER 4OS IUMPER DR S EUSHNELt- FL 33513---8401 FERNANDEZ-BRUBAKER TR, ELENA E FERNANDE2.ERUBAKER LIV/TRUST DAVID ALEXANDER FERNANDEZ 4201 5W 96TH AVE MtAMt, FL 33165--0000 ) I ) I I I FRESTA JOINT REV TRUST 6765 PLAINVIEW AVE sT LOUI5, MO 63109--0000 DURKAIACEK A 12761WATERUNE UNIT4 FT MYERS, FL 33908_OOOO ELLIOTT,,IAMES F 379139TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--7546 i I l l I I i I I I I I I I I I I l ) I l l j 1 I ! I 1 I I I I i I I DUTHIE, CRISAN 221 PAUSADE AVE 8oGOTA, NJ 07503-1418 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 300 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Yr0 S]ldVIS FUNDOR& LEO & MONICA 303 71ST STREET GUTTENBERG, N,, 07093_.OOOO FURLONG, JAY 27 COlr LN NORWtCH, Cr 06350---2423 GAIVIEZ, NOEL & LEA M 3810 43RD AVE NE NAPTE FL 34120--0000 GARCIA, MARCELA D 4260 33R0 AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-4504 GARZA, MANUELJOSHUA FELICIA GARZA 4185 43RD AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120--0000 GATOR INVESTMENT OF SW FL IINC 4184 6TH AVE NE NAPLES. FL 34120--0000 GOMEZ, FELIPE PASLO ROSALIA MIGUEL PABLO 4250 4oTH Sr N E NAPLES, FL 34120-3252 GOMEZ MARIBEL C 4430 KENTUCKY WAY AVE MAR|A FL 34142--5016 GONZALEZ, GRETIEL OSCAR GARCIA 839 COPA DEORO MARATHON, FL 33050_-OOOO GONZALEZ, YULLET VICHOT ALIAN ZAII,A LARA 4361 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, tL 34120-0000 GREENHALGH, KATHRYN BLAIR€ DONNA MARIE LESSARD 4345 43RD AVE N E NAPLET FL 34120--0000 HAEITAT FOR HUMANITY COLLIER COUNTY INC 11145 TAMIAMITRAIL E NAPLET rL 34r.13--0000 HALL,TIMOTHY BRIAN TIFFANY NICOTE HAI"L 3750 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 HAN, THIN T 34 ELIE CT SIATEN ISLAND, NY 10314_-6019 HARSTEIN ET AL, ANNETTE 102 WYMING AVE AUDUBON, NJ 08106-1557 HERNANOEZJR, CAESAR SAMANTHA ALEXANORIA MOLINA 4371 NE 43RD AVE NAPLET FL 34120-0000 09 t8i09 19@ tue^v 3s^P eElleduo, ruur l9 x uI! 9a puxoJ op ollanblB 09 t8/09 19@ tua^v qua otqoEduroc r8l9 z x . ! ozls pqEl HERNANDEZ, ERICK ALBITER 2517 30TH ST SW LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33976_0000 HERNANDEZ, ESTELA 3845 315TAVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-2924 GRIEsER, CHARI-ES 4670 45TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 HERNANOEZ, IRASHEMA PO BOX 1344 ESTERO, FL 33929--1344 HOUSEHOLDER, DIANE THOMAS F COLA 30 EVERGREEN DR GEORGETOWN, DE 19947.-9483 ITURRALDE, IOSE & AIDA PO BOX 110126 HtALEAH, Ft 33011--0126 JACQUES,IUAN F 382135TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 HERNANDEZ, MARIA E & RIGOBERTO JOSE RTUAOA PORTILLO 4155 43R0 AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 HERRERA, YANDRY GARCIA ODAIMY MAYOR 50LIs 4557 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 HUSTON JR, LEROY 5 & RUTH 3122 COLEMAN CI ROCK HtLl" SC 29732-8073 I C BROKERS NURSERY I.LC 3790 33 AVE NE NAPLES, FL 3412HOOO J GEISTWEITE REVTRUST 65515W 75TH TER souTH M|AMI, FL 33143--4673 JACKSON, DOTTIE 4277 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2838 sra pF F s"-"."110ii,:,"l l i:," 9:r*,::lli*,:y"^.::u.o,,xs^^,^, ^"n/,1A HEATH, LAUREN N 4210 3RD AVE NE NAPLE Fr 34120-4000 ii I i I : I I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 301 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) v?0 09t8/09 t9@ fua^vra^e 0lqlPduos u{u l9 x uJur gz lPul.rol op sllanbllJ 09 !8/0919@ tua^v qlpr slqltPdum ,,8/9 e x , [ ozls taqPl JANKOVIAK TR, PAUT R & DOROTHY ,AN(OVIAK FAMILYTRUST uTo 70/26100 1375 E TWINBROOK DR DEWTTT, Mt 48220-0000 JAMES F ASCHER LIV REVIRUST 3510 WtLD tNDt60 LN 80NlTA SPRlN65, FL 34134--7977 IEWELL LIVING TRUSI 5544 N NAVAjO AVE GLENDALE, WI 53217-5039 IOSEPH, MERIENNE 4075 3lSTAVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4462 KNOWLTON, JOHN DALE &.IULIE S 3957 315TAVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4403 , LAFTAMME TR, MAURICE BARBARA LAFLAMME TR LAFLAMME FAMILY INVTR 3.5.95 68 MARY LOU CT RAYNHAM, MA 02767-5253 TAWHORN ]R, CARL C KAREN J LAWHORN 8746 WINDING CREEK WAY PtcKERtN6TON, OH 43747 -78L7 JOHNSON, SEVERLY ANDREA CAOET 12301 NW 20TH CT PLANTATION, FL 33323_1949 JOSEPH, MICHAEL 4230 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4504 KOMPINSKI, NICHOI.AS 3835 41ST AVE N E NAPLES, Ft 34120-0000 LAPUENTE, ATAITI GUZMAN 4235 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, tL 34120-0000 LAYME, ANGIE E 1067 DUDLEY DR KISSIMMEE, FL 34758 2979 l LE, LINH D &TRANG NT 912 HERITAGE PKWY 5 ALLEN, TX 75002--5752 LEANDRE, WESLY & CARLINE 3585 2ND AVE 5E NAPLE FL 34117-{000 LEONARD, YORDANIS MILLARES 4453 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-{000 LONDONO, LUIS BEATRIZ MAYA 3730 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---1534 LONGSTRETH, CODY R & 5UsAN M 3857 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 LUGONE' OILDA M 2146 DESOTO BLVD S NAPLES, Fr 34117-4000 MAOHU, DAISY % O'CONNOR TAW FIRM 2240 BELTEAIR RD sTE 115 CLEARWAIER,FL 33764-,0000 I l l i STAPLES",.""lx*'L?;.,I;1,,:f;#l,f .l:*Iili,,fll:,,"":flfl ,Hf ,%,** MATA LTC 7171SW 62ND AVE sIE 503 sourH MtAMt, FL 33143-4723 NTA SsldVIS JEMEC, LILTIE 4015 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4462 JOHNSON, CHERYL ANN 27830 SW 132ND CT HOMESTEAD, FL 33032---8553 KIRNON, ELVIS 4245 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120.-3253 KWIK STOP LTC 215 SW 125TH AVE PLANTATION, FL 33325-.OOOO TARAM CONSTRUCTION INC 110 WILsON BLVD 5 NAPLES, FL 34117-0000 IAZO, OSNAIVY 3830 35TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--3237 I I LEE ET UX, JAMES 11 KNOLL RD NORTH OAKS, MN 55127--6469 LIESER, GLORIA ANN DAVID A LIESER 2O7O RIVERSIDE DR coLUMBUS, OH 4322r---4013 LUBIN, WATSON & DAVI 3790 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 I I I I i I I LICOR, ORIOL YOHANY LICOR 6740 ROYAL MEIBOURNE DR HtALEAH, FL 33015---2121 I I t I I I I I t I I I I i I l \ I i I ) I I I j I I I I I I i I I It. I t I I I i I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 302 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ,v?0 OgtS/09t9@ iUoAV ca E onsEduroc tllur /g x urul9Z leulol0p ouenbry 09 tu09 1.9@ tue v $trvl elqltEduios ,8/9 z x " I szls laqel MARQUEZ, MARIO &TERESA INEZ 10210 sw 17TH CT I DAVTE, FL 33324-7453 ssldvrs MARTINEZ, ALBINO & JULIA 975 LEO CT MARCO |SLAND, FL 34145-5982 MC CANN, CHARLES E & DENISE A 3612 DOGWOOD 5T NW uNroNTowN, oH 446a5--9117 MENDOZA, DENIS F & ARJANI A 4120 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, tL 34120-0000 NAPLES FUNDING tLC 20 N MARTINGALE RD STE 180 SCHAUMEURG, lL 60172--0000 MALDONADO, MARGARITA RENE D MALDONADO 4217 43RO AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120- 2838 MARTINEZ, CRUZ & SHAWNA 1510 AVERY ELISSA LAN E CEDAR PARK, TX 78613..0000 NOZIL SYLVA LUCE NOZIL SYLVAIN 3744 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1534 OLIVARES PROPERTIES INV LLC 9055 GERVAIS CIR APT 1407 NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 IVC GANN, PETER F & VIVIAN 841 95TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34108---2458 MIRANDA MANUEL PROPERTIES CORP 12390 NE 2 COURT NORTH MtAMl, FL 33161---0000 MCWILLIAMS, DANE & ERANDY 3995 315T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 MARTINEZ, SHELLY RICO ALVARADO 4O4O 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-{514 MARTINEZ, WILLIAM 3785 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720--2424 MORENO ET AL, EEATRIZ E C/O ANGELA M LONDONO 1OO1 MURCOTT DR NAPLES, tL 34120--1478 MORI-STEELE, NILDAJ 4180 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL shrzo--4srg MOSKOS, BASIL L 134 EOSTON POSI RD WAYI-AND, MA 01778--0000 MUNOZ, FAEIAN RAMIRO CACERE5 P STEFANIA CACERES CARDENAS 3882 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0000 NEISON, STACY A 3790 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0457 MUSLIMANI, SALIM 376139TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720--7546 NIACE, HEBERT RAYMONDE LUUEAN 4255 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 NOROILUS, ROSMICK & ROSE A 5775 PAITITED LEAF LN NAPLES, FL 34116--0000 O.8RIEN, SANORA MARIE CHARLES F O.BRIEN 3814 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 3412&-1520 ORTEGA, HECTOR & MIRTA 3975 315T AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-4403 NISADA LLC iT411PINE RIDGE RD NAPLES, FL 34119---4066 NODA FI. CORP 3212OTH AVE NE NAPLES FL 34120--0000 rl NUNEZ, IBRAHIM & CARLENE 4290 33RD AVE NE NAPtES, FL 34120-4504 OLIVER, HADAD 3302 15TH SI SW LESIGH ACRES, FL 33976--2934 sTA ptr Fs".,^,,",110i1^*'.1 ;1,-:ygHlT::llill,:.,*..:::0,,x:1"^,", ^" MONROIG, LETICIA 3780 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2827 ir MURIEL D STOLMAN TRUST LINOA GUTIERREZ 3170 NEWMAN DR NAPLES, FL 34t!4--t204 i I ] I llA/l 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 303 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) .,vto S]NdVIS O58ORN, DEXTER & CHRISTINE 4680 43RD AVE NE NAPLES,FL 34120,--0000 OSBORN, DEXTER G MEGAN C OSBORN 4670 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1540 OVIES, CARLOS YHIRO 3740 43RD AVE NE NAPLES. FL 34120--0000 PAMPILLO, VIANA ACOSTA LUIS E LEDESMA 3795 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-{000 PANTOJA, EDDY & ADRIANNA 3970 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120*0000 PARENT, DALE L & LINDA D 43 SANDRA DR JAX BCH. FL 322s0--4068 PARK PLACE SECURTIES INC % OCWEN AfiENTION: VAULI DEPIARTMENT 5720 PREMIER PARK DR wE5T PAIM BEACH, Ft 33407--0000 PATTERSON, RONEY & SHARON 5OSl PALMETTO WOOOS DR NAPLES, Ft 34119-0000 PENA, YANEISY 3830 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0502 PEREZ, VIVIAN S ANTONIO AIVAREZ JUAN CARLOS ALVAREZ FIDELINAJ ALVAREZ 521 E ,MTH ST HIALEAH, FL 33013._1913 PINZON, MANUEL & JENNICER C 28OO FLETCHER AVE #11 LINCOLN, NE 68504-0000 PLOCK, DOUGLAS ANIHONY 11234TANGELO TERR BONTTA SPRtNGS, FL 34135--0000 PORTER, TIMOTHY AI.fREOO D FERNANDEZ 3915 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120--4553 PRICE, SONIA M 126 E 12TH STf38 NEW YORK, NY 10003--5331 PROENZA, VICTOR M RODRIGUEZ ZITA D PIEDRA BARRETO 4130 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120---0000 PROPER MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 6188 MIRAMAR PKWY MIRAMAR, FL 33023-3940 qSMITH HOMES LLC % THE LIGHTSTONE GROUP 1985 CEDAR BRIDGE AVE STE 1 LAKEWOOD, Nl 08701---7031 QPCOM INC 5162 SW 173R0 AVE MTRAMAR, FL 33029--0000 QUINTERO,,IOSE ABREY A QUINTERO .IOHN QUINTERO ANA L MONIES 7570 NW 14TH ST STE 102 MlAMr, FL 33126--1701 RAMIREZ DESBY E 3766 39TH AV€ NE NAPLE FL 34720--7545 RAPP, ARHIAHNA 3735 39TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-7546 RAUDNER, HANNES M AN6EL MARIA NAUDNER 3850 37TH AVE NE NAPLEs, FL 34120-1520 RELIK APPAREL INC 4385 22ND ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 REY, CHARLES & IVARIE 3760 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120 ,-04s7 ROBB!N5, WILLIAM K & VICKI L 4085 315TAVE NE NAPLE FL 34720--4462 0918/09t9@ tus^V 3a^E elq0edulo, urru 19 x uJru 9Z lplxro, op aFnbnl 0918/0919@ IJa^V q!,Yr alqrledtuos ,,8/9 Z x rl ozs laqel POLIZZI, JEFFREY 18 COLD SPRING RO MERCERVT tLE, I'lJ 04679 -227 1 PRINCE, THOMAS H & VALERIE M 9068 HUNTER BAY DR BRtGHTON, Mt 48114--4933 I I I I l I l I I I l l i I I I RENTERIA.HERRERA, IESU5 JUAN RAMON RENTERIA 4280 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 I STAPT-ES',',",,,,J10i1"'Jl'^l;l 111'#ffi.l'lii};llffh'il,u:";f,0..,,,* ROORIGUEZ, DAYMIS 1210 GOLDEN GATE SLVD E NAPLES, FL 34120--3601 n/la OSPINA, GUIDO E 8216 NW 201ST ST HIALEAH, FL 33015-5936 I I I ! t I i i i I I I I i L I I ( I I i I i I l i I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 304 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) v?0 09t8/o9ts@ tu3^v 3a^s sEllPdujo3 txrx 19 x uJuJ 9z FurJol op 0uanb[] 09 t8l09 t9@ tua^v qurv\ 3lq[sdu$ r8/9 z x ,, l. ozls laqEl RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO E 2420 5W 83RD CT MrAMr, FL 33155--2462 ssTdvrs ROI"OAN, JUAN L ERIKA PEREZ 3765 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 ROMAN, KELLY MICHELLE 3820 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2918 ROMERO, CELINA MI,IANGO 3745 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-,-0000 ROMERO, JOSE O & CETINA M 2185 GREENBAC( CIR fi 7.102 NAPLES, FL 34112-3948 ROSALES, DONALD A 15111SW 58TH ST MtAMt, FL 33193-3008 ROSALES, JOSEA EETANCOURT KYRENIS N ESPINOSA SAMADA 4340 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 sAN JUAN, MAXIMO ALEIDA BRIZUELA SAN ]UAN 6423 COLLINS AVE APT 303 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33141-4640 SANCHEZ, ROBERTO PEREZ 4175 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-OOOO SANIILLI, MARLENE J 224 oWL CT FREMONT, CA 94539-6200 SANTO' KAREN 6ANZO JULIO H SOTO SWABY 3770 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 RODRIGUEZ, JAVIER C & ANA L 3820 37TH AVENUE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0000 SILVA CANDIDO & MARIA M 15435 SW 26TH TER MtAMt, Ft 33185-4866 SIMKONIS, NATHAN W LINDSAY A BOYER 4335 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 SCAGLIA, PABLO & VANESSA 674 NW 134TH PL MlAMt, FL 33182--1668 SHERAKO TR, FRANKI FARHATJ XHAWAIA TR RESTTRUST NANA B LONG BAY STREET PHARMACY 523 HONEYTLOWER LOOP BRADENTON, FL 34212-.OOOO SINGLfiARYSR, CHARLES K CATHERINE A SINGLETARY 2590 WILSON BI.VD N NAPLES, FL 34120-3302 5MITH, MARCIAJ 376135TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34T20_7479 STEC,ADOLFE&BERNICE 22 FOSTER AVE VALLEY STREAM, NY 11580_2936 SCHEPPERLY, DYTAN J 3830 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 SEK, KAZIMIERZ 3863 4lSTAVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-1884 S]OSTRAND ET UX, N ROBERT 8512 SHOAL CT EAKERSF|EtD, CA 93312*5513 SLANOA ET UX, JOSEPH E % LEON SLANDA 352 AUDUBON RO LEEDS. MA 01053-9770 sIEVEs, LORENZO RAMIREZ ELIDA LOPEZ 3782 33R0 AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0466 sTAp0 trs' ._,",^.11Tp:'"1;i:,"S:'j1:,::l*i,:1^'^:,:u.,0,,::l^^,,^" STRONG, VICKI tYNN 2390 8TH AVE SE NAPLES, FL 34117-0000 SOUTHWEST PERMACULTURE LTC 2921SHERMAN AVENUE NAPLE FL 34120--0000 RO'AS,ISAURA 4420 33RD AVE NE NAPLEs, FL 34120---4551 ROMERO, JAVIER 8247 NW 194TH TER HIALEAH, FL 33015-6951 SOIIZ, RENE A 6039 SHALLOWS WAY NAPLET FL 34109-0000 STEVENST& DONALD ulo 4126107 MARY M STEVENS TR u"ro 4l26lot 6281SEA GRASS I.N NAPLES, FL 34116-5435 rlll 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 305 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 'vt0 0918/09 t9@ tuo v ce P sn0Edujos urLrr /9 x ur''! 9z lBtxrol op alanbnJ 0g 18/09 t9@ Ira v q$ etq0Pduros ,8/9 z x .l. szls laqEl s3!dvrs T & ] S VENTURA 2018 REV TRUST 1550 SONORA CT PALM SPRTNGS, CA 92264---3560 TIGHE, MICHAEL EOWARD 15l FTAMINGO RD TUCKERTON, N.J 08087---2408 SUAREZ, NOEL % AMERICAN PRIME LLC 5775 BLUE LAGOON DR #350 MrAMt, FL 33126--0000 T METRO CONSTRUCTION LLC 485l TAMIAMITRL N NAPLES, FL 34103--0000 THAMMAVONG, ADISONE PHETHSAKHONE THAMMAVONG 2550 6TH AVE NE NAPLES, Ft 34120---7602 TORRES, RO6ELIO HERNANDEZ 3755 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---1535 IRIANA,ILEANA JORGE GOMEZ 100005w3RDST MrAMl, FL 33174--0000 VEG4 EDILEYDIS & RAYDEL 3775 41ST AVENUE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-t000 SUNSHINE FL APARTMENTs INC 1O3O PORT ORANGE WAY NAPLES. FL 34120-0000 TARPON IV LLC 18305 S|SC YNE BI-VD STE 400 AVENTURA Fr 33L60-2L72 THOMPSON, STE2HEN S PATRICIA LTHOMPSON 4295 315T AVE NE NAPI"E5, FL 34!20-4495 TRAVIS DELAsHMET TARA DELAsHMET 381135TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-3238 TURCZYN LIVING TRUST 4581oAK 5T oscoDA, Mt 48750-0000 URBIN4 ADALID 3735 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0000 VILLARRAGA EDISON & MARIA 4420 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---OOOO WILLIAMS, TAUREL 7849 DIOIOO BLVD MIRAI\4AR, FL 33023--0000 WINCHESTER LANO LLC lOONTAMPAST#3700 TAMPA, FL 33602--0000 TREGANZA MAT & HATHAIRATH 2480 5TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0000 UPADHYAYA NARENORA R & MAYURI 11067 GARDEN RIDGE CT DAVTE, FL 33328--7308 VALENZUEI.A, NEHEMIAS 4265 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---4495 WELLS, NADINE GTADYS KRISTIN L WEL6 2344 HERITAGE GREENS DR NAPLES, FL 34119--3312 i I VAUBEL, vERNoN r & cARoLE 4901 W 54TH ST PRAIRIE VILtAGE, KS 65208-1325 WILLIAMS, I(RISTIAN L 377139rH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 3412G--7546 I t WITSON TR, GEORGE G RITA M WITSON TR KIM M SHERMAN TR uro 6l!6105 10220 FAIRWAY DR ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21042-2115 ZUFERRI, AIDA L 3815 37TH AVE NE NAP|-ES, FL 34120--1521 WIISON, WAOE & RACHEL 3980 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-.OOOO GOLDEN GATE CIVIC ASSOC. 47O I GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY NAPLES, FL 34I 16 label slze l' x 2 5/8' mmpatible witi Avery @S160/8160 ''ltc.16 f^rmet 16 mm y 67 mm mmnatihta evpa trvcrv @5160/g160 ola VALLE, ]ORG. ALBERTO iLORES 5495 25TH PLSW NAPLES, Ft 34116---0000 VARGHESE, GEORGE CHECHAMMA GEORGE 703 SHERMAN AVE THORNWOOD, NY 10594-1428 TAYLOR, CYNTHIA L ]ENNY REES-ANDERSON CHRISTINE GROENEWALD 5781 DRUMMOND WAY NAPLEs, FL 34119--9s26 ULLOA, YADIEL 60MEZ 3730 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2827 I l I i l I I l 1 I ) I I I l i I I I l 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 306 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 1,L-5-L9 NIM 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 307 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) LE ENGINEERS PTANNERS SURVEYORS Re: 950 Encore Way .Naples, Florida 34110. Phone 239.254.2000. Fax: 239.254.2099 October 24,2019 VIA HAND DELruERY Tim Finn, AICP, Principal Planner Growth Management Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Hyde Park Village SRA (SRA-PL20180000622) 2nd Neighborhood Information Meeting HM File No.2017.001 Dear Mr. Finn: Enclosed please find the following documents in accordance with Collier County's Neighborhood Information Meeting requirements: o One (l) original executed Affidavit of Compliance (signed by Robert J. Mulhere);o One (l) copy of the Neighborhood Information Meeting Notice advertisement which ran in the Naples Daily News on October 21,2019 o One (1) copy of Neighborhood Information Meeting Notification Letter sent to Property Owners on October 21,2019;and o One (1) copy of Property Owners List. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, HOLE MONTES,INC. Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP Vice President, Planning Services & Business Development RJlWsek Enclosures as noted. H:U017\201700I\WASRA\2nd NII\ATF 191024 ltr tr MM support documcnrs.docx Naples . Fort Myers 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 308 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) AFFIDAYIT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certifu that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-41, the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended, I did cause the attached newspaper advertisement to appear and I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and/or condominium and civic associations whose members may be aflected by the proposed land use changes ofan application request fot a rezoning, PUD amendment, or conditional use, at least 15 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names and addresses of property owners shall be deemed those appearing on the latest tdx rolls of Collier County and any other persons or entities who have made a formal request of the County lo be notified. T\e said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place ofa Neighborhood Information Meeting. Per the attached letters, property owner's list, and copy of newspaper advertisement which are hereby made a part ofthis Affidavit of Compliance. gnature o f Applicant) ROBERT J. MUL}IERE. FAICP (Printed name of Applicant) STATE OF FLORIDA COLNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this of October 2019. bv ROBERT J. MI]I,FAICP. w is oersonallv to me or who has prod uced as identification. (si of Notary Public) g Print Name of Notary STEPNAI{I€ I(^ROT Notrry Publlc - Sl.t! ot Florldr Commis!lon a tf 9399E0 My Comm. trplrer Mar 9, 2020 Sqrhdfiq{h il1al. ilrry Aro. H:Uol 7U0l 7001\WASRA\2nd NtM\Aftidavil of Comptianc. NIM (10-24-20tg).doc (Notary Seal) 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 309 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) l I I 2 E E F ? held by Robert J.M ulhere,EAI CP,Vice Hole Montes, Inc. and Richard D. Yovanovich and Koester, P.A. on following time and location: bf the 5, -i 2019 Collier l47lJlD ImmoLaleRor4 The followilg formal appfication has Petition SRA-PL201Efln0622 - Thepetitioh Receiving Area (SRA) in the land located in east'ern Collibr Hyde Park Village ls single family and commercial uses, and 18,000 governmental uses. The subject property is presently l zoBed :t ^A-bounded on the sotth by oil Well the Gate Estates zoned Parkway and A-MHO. The subject ls Iorvated at DeSoto Section 16, Township Business and property owners, residents and visitors are welcome to attend the presentation and discuss the project with the owners and Collier county staff If you are rlnable to attend this meeting, but have questions or comments, they can be directed by mail, phone, or e-mail to: Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP, Vice president, planning Services Hole Montes, Inc. ,, 950 Encore Way, Naples, Florida 34110 Phone: 239 -254-2000, email: bobmulhere@hmeng.com @1alHt ; i v I L t, I I I Hyde 1m ..: I WE VALITE YOUR INPI-TT 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 310 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) ENGINEERS : PLANNERS SURVEYORS Re 950 Encore Way . Naples, Florida 34110 . Phone 239.254.2000. Fax:239.254.2099 October 2I,2019 Hyde Park Village SRA (PL-20180000622) HM File No.: 2017.001 Dear Property Owner: Please be advised that Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP, Vice President, Planning Services and Business Development of Hole Montes, Inc. and Richard D. Yovanovich, Esquire, of Coleman, Yovanovich and Koester, P.A. on behalf of the properfy owners, have filed the following formal application with Collier County: Petition SRA-PL20180000622 - The petition is to establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form of a Village over 654.79+ acres of land located in eastern Collier County to be known as Hyde Park Village. Hyde Park Village is proposed to allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (1500+ single family and 300+ multi-family), 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and govemmental uses. The subject property is presently zoned A-MHO-RLSAO. The site is bounded on the south by Oil Well Road, on the west and north by Golden Gate Estates zoned properties and on the east by the future Big Cypress Parkway and A-MHO-RLSAO properties The subject properly is located at the intersection of Oil Well Road and DeSoto Blvd. North, approximately 4 miles east of Immokalee Road, in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida. In compliance with the Land Development Code requirements, a Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held to provide you an opportunity to hear a presentation about this amendment and ask questions. The Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 5,2019 at 5:30 p.m. at the Collier County UF/IFAS Extension, Multi-Purpose Room, l4T00Immokalee Road, Naples, FL34120. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to contact me at239-254-2OOO. Very truly yours, HOLE MONTES,INC. J. Mulhere, FAICP Vice President, Planning Services RJIWsek Naples . Forl Myers 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 311 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) *o TnnP,,#',1','il:^?llffT,f,,Sf,##?iil'#i"',,'i,l-**' SIIdVIS 4285 43RD AVE NE TRUST 230 EAST 79TH 5T APT f 5C NEW YORK, NY 10075--0 ACOSTA, NORBERTO YUSIMI FERNANDEZ 3822 35TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-.0 ALEMAN, DABEIBA ROBERTO SANCHEZ 5142 ROMA ST AVE MARIA, FL 34142_0 ALVARADO-MEZA, PEDRO ANA MIRIAM MEZA ARTURO CARDENAS 3845 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1884 AMADOR, YUNIER 3817 39TH AVE NE NAPLES FL 34120--0 ANG, CHENG HEE 8417 HOLLOW BROOK CIR NAPLES, FL 341L9_-9724 ARLEDGE, BENJAMIN 4175 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4515 BAKER, CYNTHIA 853 LAMBTON CIR W LANCASTER, OH 43130_-0 BARBARA H BOCK REVO TRUST 2981 54TH AVE NE NAPLE FL 34720-!787 BETANCORI FEL|CtA 1121 NW 24TH CT MrAMt, FL 33125_-3101 I I I I I I I I ABATE, MARIE MILDRED SULLIVAN 223 STILLWATER CIR BROOKFIELD, CT 06804.-0 ADAMA ET AL, JASON T 7732W PIERCE AVE CHICAGO, tL 50522---0 ALEMAN, DABEIBA ROBERTO SANCHEZ 5142 ROMA ST AVE MAR|A FL 34L42-O ALVAREZ, ANGELA ALVAREZ, MIGUEL=& CHRISTINE 8025 NW 185 TERR MtAMl, FL 3301s---O AMBROSE, JAMES P & DONNA J 3840 41Sr AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1883 APRYL NOEL ZRUST 4140 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 ARTESE, GRACE 4535 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 BALSEMO, FRANCESCO CARMEN UZCATEGUL 14743 INDIGO LAKES CIR NAPLES, FL 34119-.0 BARONE, ANTHONY J 4170 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4513 BETIENCOURT, RENEE M 3750 37TH AVE NE NAPLE' FL 34120--0 ABSI, PHILIP E & GLORIA T 3790 S OLD 3C HWY GALENA, OH 43021---9438 AGUILAR, SHEILA K 3860 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34t20---29t8 ALL AROUND QUALITY HOMES INC 1125 SW TRAFALGAR PKWY CAPE CORAL, FL 33991_0 ALVAREZ, JUAN CARLOS 521 E 44 STREET HIALEAH, FL 33013_.0 ANDERSEN, ANTHONY R 3790 35TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 ARIAs, YOSMANI GAMBOA 4545 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 AVAKIAN, CHARLES M DONNA M BURDICK 4242 4oTH Sr NE NAPLET FL 34120-32s2 BANDOMO, SORANGEL FERNANDO BANDOMO 1525 NE 180TH ST clTRA, FL 32773--2294 BEARDSLEY TR, GLENDA S G 5 EEARDSLEY RLT 12.30-98 2350 19TH ST SW NAPLES, FL 347t7--4720 BLANCO, JORGE ALBERTO SICILIA YULIET PEREZ PEREZ 3842 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-.-0 : I i I I i I : ! I i i I I I I i i.! t I I STAP[ES't.. .. label size 1" x2 ill" compatible with Avery @S160/8160FtinnAttc dn formal 25 mm v 67 mm nnmnalihle evcc Averv Oi16O/g160 n/,.a v?0 ' ) I i I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I : : I I I I I II I i I I I I I i I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 312 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) V'O ELOCKER, DEAN KENNETH J ELOCKER SR 1303 NEW MARKET RD W I MMOKALEE, FL 34142-_2253 BOYER, WARD L 4644 PINEWOOD DRIVE LEW|STON, Ml 49756--0 BROOKS, VCTOR E & RALMETHA 122 HUDSON TER YONKERS,NY 10701--1914 BUTTARI, RICHARD 406 CAMDEN AVE MAGNOLT& NJ 08049--0 CALIX, LUIS NILDA A CALIX 2391 8TH AVE SE NAPLES, FL 34T17_O CARRASCO, ISAEL 3790 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 CASTELLANOS, FABIO A CINDYJ CAST 37703TIH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-.0 CHASE MRTG FINANCE CORP 3815 SW TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115-0 COLLIER CNW C/O REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3335 TAM|AMI TR E, STE 101 NAPLES, FL 34112--0 COLLIER LAND HOLDINGS LTD 2550 GOODLETTE RD N #1OO NAPLES, FL 34103-0 09 tBl09 t96r tuery canu appeduoc rxtx /9 x ulx 9Z lutulol op eganbg 0g lB/09 L9@ tua^V ql^,l alq[Eduoc ,,919 Z'x ,,1ezp pqul BONILLA, JORGE L KARIN A CASTRO 4O3O 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 BREMER, CHRISTOPHER C JENNIFER BREMER 785-F MEADOWLAND DR NAPLES, FL 34108-_0 BRUNET, DANIEL 610 21ST ST NW NAPLES, FL 34120--0 CABEZAS, JUAN C & MICHELLE G 4431 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 CAPOTE, GUILLERMINA & KARIM 3830 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--1520 CARRASCO, ISAEL 3790 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--456 CASTILLO, RAFAEL A 215 W 2ND AVE KENNEWICK, WA 99336_3918 CIARAMITARO, PAUL & LARISSA 150 PEACH CT MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145.-4727 COLLIER CNry C/O REAL PROPERW MANAGEMENT 3335 TAMIAMITR E, STE 101 NAPLES, FL 34112-0 COLLIER LAND HOLDINGS LTD 2550 GOODLETTE RD N #1OO NAPLES, FL 34103-.{ BORDON, ALISVET SURELMY MONTERO GARCIA 4O2O 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 BROCK, DEVIN S & PAULA M 644 94TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34708---2447 BUSHEN, MARK E 4135 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4528 CABLE HOLDCO II INC ATTN: PROPERTY TAX DEPT 1701 JOHN F KENNEDY BLVD FL 32 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103--2855 CARRASCO, ISAEL 3790 33RD AVE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 CARTER, REBECCA E 4525 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1553 CDC LAND INVESTMENTS LLC 2550 GOODLETTE RD N #1OO NAPLES, FL 34103-0 COCKERILL, CHERYL E 54'14 FARMINGDALE DR WARRENTON, V A 20187 -927 9 COLLIER CNTY C/O REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3335 TAMIAMI TR E, STE 101 NAPLES, FL 34112_0 CONDE, DANIEL A MARIA E RENTERIA 4260 40TH Sr NE NAPLES, FL 34720-_3252 S]ldVIS I I.t I I I I I .l I I I I 1 I I l i I I : I I i I I I I I I I I I I I i'r I I i I i \ I I I ,| \ I l I I I .) I I I l I ! ':-- I I I I I L i I I I I i l I t)' I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l i I I i I I I I I ! I t I -STAPLES' u,,;10"'l'll',1;:fX;?I,fH*H,T[,Tfl.yi:ff Hfi,,,,,,,0da ! I I I ( I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 313 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) V'O 0eru,ers@,,0^w'il:fJljli,f:,"'-H[i'Hiiil'#li,:x,l'"* s=ldvls COOK, ANNE GARRIS GEORGE HENRY COOK 3930 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-4508 CUESTA, PEDRO P 7527 CRESCENT DR RAYTOWN, MO 64138._0 DEAN, LEON JAMES 8057 DANCING WIND LN #2005 NAPLES, FL 34119--0 DIAZ, ALBERTO & HACINIA M 4048 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-45L4 DIAZ, OSMEL J & JACQUELINE 3770 41ST AVE NE NAPLES,FL 34120--.1534 DROZD ET U& WALTER J 35 COLONIAL DR CLARK NJ 07056--2601 DUTHIE, CRISAN 221 PALISADE AVE BOGOTA NJ 07503-1418 ELLIOTT, JAMES F 3791 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720-7546 EXPOS|TO, ANTONI0 2254 SW 6TH ST MlAMt, FL 33135--0 FELICIANO, FIDEL M & MARTA 4065 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34L20-_M62 CORRADO, BRENDA 3780 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---1534 D & J NAPLES INVESTORS LLC 19OO EMPRESS CT NAPLES, FL 34110--1004 DEAN, LEON JAMES 8067 DANCING WIND LN#2005 NAPLES, FL 34119-.0 DIAZ, CESAR J 4240 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 DIAZ-JIMENEZ, ANTONIO L ELIANA P DIAZ-JIMENEZ 1870 HIGHWAY 73 MAR|ANNA FL 32448-5048 DUDASH, MARIE 4483 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 EDWARD BOCK REV LIVTRUST 2981 54TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720---L787 ERNST INVESTMENT INC 2580 DESOTO BLVD S NAPLES, FL 34117--1236 FAIRIlOMES PEARL PROPERTIES LLC 10 STATION LN UNIONVILLE L3R 1R4 CANADA FERNANDEZ, CARLOS F REBECCA A FERNANDEZ 25419 NW 101ST PL H|GH SPR|NGS, FL 32643*9810 CORREIA ET UX, RICHARD W PO BOX 265 oRRS |SLAND, ME 04066---0 D R HORTON INC 10541 BEN C PRATT SIX MILE CYPRESS PKWY #1OO FORTMYERS, FL 33966--0 DETWEILER, TIMOTHY L DARLENE LANHAM 3810 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-7560 DIAZ, EVALDO MARTHA ACOSTA 38452T1H AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 DOR, CELTTA 4220 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 DURKA, JACEK A 12751 WATERLINE UNIT 4 FT MYERS, FL 33908_-0 EDWARD' DENISE M 4235 43RD AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120--2838 EXNER, LAUREL D WILLIAM EXNER 4380 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4506 FAULKNER, ADRIAN & TAMMY 4095 315T AVE NE NAPLES, Ft 34720---4462 FERNANDEZ, MARIANETA ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ PEREZ ROTANDO FERNANDEZ 275 ROLLINGWOOD TRAIL ALTAMONTE SPRING, FL 32774_-0 \ I ii qTApn pq'. tabel size 1 ,, x 2 5/8,' compatible with Avery @b160/8160(4-..-!- r-.^-_^+ 4c -.a t, ^, _- ^^_h^+ihta ^,,aa tr,aar 6tlAn/OrAn A'A I t I I I I i ! i I I il 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 314 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) vt0 FERNANDEZ-BRUBAKER TR, ELENA E FERNANDEZ.BRUBAKER LIV/TRUST DAVID ALEXANDER FERNANDEZ 4201 SW 96TH AVE MlAMt, FL 33165-{ FJJ CONSTRUCTION INC 4287 23RD AVE SW NAPLES, FL 34115---0 FOX, SCOTT D & BETH A 4120 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34L20--2877 FUNDORA, LEO & MONICA 303 71ST STREET GUTTENBERG, NJ 07093--.0 eaHzn, rueruuelibSHua FELICIA GARZA 4185 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 eo|Ez, MnRtgEL c 4430 KENTUCKY WAY AVE MARIA, FL 34142--5015 GRETNHALGH, rnrHRyru amRr DONNA MARIE LESSARD 4345 43RD AVE N E NAPLES, FL 34120_0 HALL, TIMOTHY BRIAN TIFFANY NICOLE HALL 3760 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 HERNANDEZJR, CAESAR SAMANTHA ALEXANDRIA MOLINA 4371 NE 43RD AVE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 HERNANDEZ, IRASHEMA PO BOX 1344 ESTERO, FL 33929--1344 09lB/09 t9@ tuany caae elq3pdrxoc utut /9 x urrx 9Z lerxlol 0p egenbg; 09tg/09t9@ tue^VqIM a;qpeduoc "Bl9Zx "l ezls loqBl FERRELL, DOUGLAS J SHAWNA L FERRELL 735 CORAL DR CAPE CORAL, FL 33904--5902 rl sren CcirusrRucnoN LLc 7742 ALTCO RD FORT MYERS, FL 33912_-0 FRESTA JOINT REV TRUST 6755 PLAINVIEW AVE sT LOU|S, MO 63109-0 GAMEZ, NOEL & LEA M 3810 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0 eeron truvesrMENT oF sw FL rNc 2950 1OTH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 Go-ruznLrz, e nrrrEl OSCAR GARCIA 3765 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120.--0 entrSrR, cHARLES 4670 45TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 HAN, THIN T 34 EUE CT STATEN |SLAND, NY 10314--6019 HERNANDEZ, ERICK ALBITER 2617 30TH ST 5W LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33976-_0 HERNANDEZ, MARIA E & RIGOBERTO JOSE R TSADA PORTILLO 4155 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120*0 S]ldVIS "j I I'i I I i I I I I I I I I I FIALLO, ADELA IV1ATILDE 550 5W 138TH AVE APT K212 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33027_.0 FORTES, HUGO LAZARO JESSIE FORTES 14752 SW 169TH LN MlAMl, FL 33L87--7744 FRONK ET UX;RAYMOND J C/O MARSHA A BOMMER 408 JUMPER DR S BUSHNELT FL 33513--8401 GARciA, MARCELA D 4260 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720-4504 GoMEz, FELIPE PABLO ROSALIA MIGUEL PABLO 4250 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34720_3252 GONZALEZ, YULLET VICHOT ALIAN ZAILA LARA 4361 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 GUZMAN, AT,AIN SUSEL CASTANEDA 4235 33RD AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-0 HARSTEIN ETAI. ANNETTE 102 WYMING AVE AUDUBON,NJ 08106--1557 HERNANDEZ, ESTELA 3845 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720--2924 HERRER& YANDRY GARCIA ODAIMY MAYOR SOLIS 4657 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 I I I I i I I I I I l i I ! I I I I I i I I I i i I I ( I I t I I I i I I l I ! I I I I I I i t I I I I I I I j I I I ! I I i l I cT^Do tre't.. . labelsize 1" x.Z 5/8" compatible withAvery@8160/8160 ^, _< -^_-^+!h,^ ^.:^ n.,^-,, AE{anror^^ I I I I I I I I t I i I I i ) I I I I i I I I I I I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 315 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) V'O HUSTON JR, LEROY S & RUTH 3122 COLEMAN CT ROCK HrLL, SC 29732---8073 J GEISTWEITE REV TRUST 5551 SW 75TH TER souTH MtAMt, FL 33143--4673 JAMES F ASCHER LIV REV TRUST 3510 WILD INDIGO LN BONITA SPR| N6S, FL 34734-7977 JOHNSON, BEVERLY ANDREA CADET 12301 NW 20TH Cr PLANTATION, FL 33323--1949 JOSEPH, MICHAEL 4230 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720---4504 KOMPINSKI, NICHOLAS 383541STAVEN E NAPLES, FL 34120-..0 LAGUERRE, WILLIAM GI-ADIMAR DE JESUS MARIN 4461 43RD AVE N E NAPLET FL 34120-*0 TAWHORN JR, CARL C KAREN J LAWHORN 8746 WINDING CREEK WAY PICKERINGTON, OH 43147 -78L7 LE, LINH D & TRANG NT 912 HERITAGE PKWY S ALLEN, TX 7so02-5762 LICOR, ORIOL YOHANY LICOR 5740 ROYAL MELBOURNE DR H|ALEAH, FL 33015__2121 09IBi09 t9@ fiany cane e;qgeduoc urul Z9 x rurx 9Z leu:ol op elpnbgT 09 tg/09 t9@ tuaay qyu alqgeduoc ,,8/g Z x .. t ezp laqBl I C BROKERS NURSERY LLC 3790 33 AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 JACKSON, DOTTIE 4277 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2838 JEMEC, LILLIE 4015 3$T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34T20_4462 JOHNSON, CHERYLANN 27830 SW 132ND CT HOMESTEAD, FL 33032-8553 KIRNON, ELVIS 4245 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120--3253 ITURRALOE, JOSE & AIDA PO BOX 110125 HIALEAH, FL 33011_-126 JACqUES, JUAN F 3821 35TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120.-0 JEWELL LIVING TRUST 5544 N NAVAJO AVE GLENDALE, WI 53217--5039 JOSEPH, MERIENNE 4075 31ST AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-4462 KNOWLTON, JOHN DALE & JULIE S 3957 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--'1403 LAFLAMMETR, MAURICE BARBARA LAFLAMME TR LAFLAMME FAMILY INV TR 3-5.95 211 CROSS ST BRIDGEWATER, MA 02324_-0 LARAM CONSTRUCTION INC 110 WILSON BLVD S NAPLET FL 34117--0 LAZO, OSNAIVY 3830 35TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34720-3237 LEONARD, YORDANIS MILLARES IT453 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34L20_-O LONGSTRETH, CODY R SUSAN M LONGSTRETH 3857 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 341.20_0 S]ldVIS KWIK STOP LtC 215 SW 125TH AVE PLANTATION, FL 33325--0 IAPUENTE, ALAIN GUZMAN 4235 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120.-0 LAYME, ANGIE E 1057 DUDLEY DR KlsstMMEE, FL 34758--2919 LEANDRE, WESLY & CARLINE 3585 2ND AVE SE NAPLES, FL 34117-0 LONDONO, LUIS BEATRIZ MAYA 3730 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120__1534 ti qTADn trq'j.. labelsize 1', xZS/8,'compatiblewithAvery@8I60/g160 r+i^r,^s^ ,^ J^,_-l oE hn u C7 6h ^^h^a+iht^ ^,-^ n.,^^, /6\AlA^/OJAn ai A i I I I I I i I I i I I II I I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 316 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) vt0 LUB|N, WATSON & DAV| 3790 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120._0 MALA LLC 7171 SW 62ND AVE STE 503 SOUTH MIAMI, FL 33743_4723 MARQUEZ, MARIO & TERESA INEZ 10210SW TTIHCf DAV|E, FL 33324-7453 MARTINEZ, JORDAN RAUL 1210 GOLDEN GATE BLVD EAST NAPLES, FL 34120---3501 MC CANN, CHARLES E & DENISE A 3612 DOGWOOD 5T NW uNloNTowN, oH 4468s-9117 MESA, YUSAITY 455r. NW 25TH ST LAUDERHTLT_ FL 33313-0 MORENO ET AL, BEATRIZ E C/O ANGELA M LONDONO 1OO1 MURCOTT DR NAPLES, FL 34I20-_L478 MULLINS, ROSA SOL.ANGE GABRIEL P TAKAHASHI 5135 4OTH ST NE NAPLES FL 3412O_O MURIEL D STOLMAN TRUST LINDA GUTIERREZ 3170 NEWMAN DR NAPLES, FL 34114-_1204 NELSON, STACY A 3790 43RD AVE NE NAPLET FL 34720--_457 09 tB/09 tS@ tuany cale elqpduroc uux /g x uJru 9Z lpultol 0p arcnbul 09lg/0919@ tuery qpl alqleduoc ,,glg Z x ,,1azp laqel LUGONES, OILDA M 2146 DESOTO BLVD S NAPLES, FL 34117--0 MALDONADO, MARGARITA RENE D MALDONADO 42L7 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-2838 MARTINEZ, ALBINO & JULIA 975 LEO sr MARCO |SLAND, FL 34145--5982 MARTINEZ, SHELLY RICO ALVARADO 4O4O 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4514 MC GANN, PETER F & VIVIAN 841 95TH AVE N NAPLES, FL 34108-2458 uoNnotc, LEflciA 3780 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34L20_2827 MORI-STEELE, NILDA J 4180 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4513 MUNOZ, FABIAN RAMIRO CACERES PERLA S CACERES CARDENAS 3882 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 MUSLIMANI, SALIM 3761 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34L20--7546 NIACE, HEBERT RAYMONDE LUUEAN 4265 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120___0 MADHU, DAISY % O,CONNOR LAW FIRM 2240 BELLEAIR RD STE 115 CLEARWATER, FL 33764---0 MARoNDA HoMES lNc oF FLoRIDA 9416 CAMDEN FIELD PARKWAY RIVERVIEW, FL 33569_{ MARii NEZ, CRUZ & SHA_WNA 1510 AVERY ELISSA LANE CEDAR PARK,TX 78613-0 MARTINEZ, WILLIAM 3785 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-2828 ntENoozn, DENIs F a arunNt I 4120 33RD AVE NE NAPLES FL 34120-.0 MORENO ETAL, BEATRIZ E C/O ANGELA M LONDONO 1OO1 MURCOTT DR NAPLES, FL 34720-7478 MOSKOT BAS|L L 134 EOSTON POST RD WAYLAND, MA 01778---0 MURIEL D STOLMAN TRUST LINDA GUTIERREZ 3170 NEWMAN DR NAPLES, FL 34TT4-_T204 NASH, KEVIN M 4335 43RD AVE N E NAPLES, FL 34120-0 NIEI.SEN, REBECCA LEE ERICK VAUGHN NIELSEN 3820 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 S]TdVIS I : I I I I I j I I : I I l I I I i i I I I I I t I I I I I I i I I I 1 I I I I I ) -.:. Irit ill:It lilrlr it ltll lliljl I I I i I I I QTADN trE'labelslze 1" x.2 SlB" compatible withAvery @5160/8160 A..__.. ar. F^. a ^A I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I i I I I ) I I I I I I I I I i i ,l l I I I I I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 317 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) \tt0 09 t8/0919@ tus^V ca^E elqoPduo3 u.rur 19 x uflJ 9Z lpuroJ op aUanbST 0g t&/09 ! @ /ue v q{,!l elqopduoe .88 z x . t ozts lsqpl slldvrs NOZII- SYLVA LUCE NOZIL SYLVAIN 3744 41ST AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-1534 O'BRIEN, SANDRAMARIE CHARTES F O'BRIEN 3814 37TH AVE NE NAPLES FL 34120-1520 OTERO, KEVIN J ARIAS MELBAA RAMIREZ ORTIZ 4507 43RD AVENUE N€ NAPtrt FL 3412G-{ NUNEZ, IBRAHIM & CARLENE 4290 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120--4504 OTIVARES PROPERTIES INV LLC 9055 GERVAIS CIR APT 1407 NAPLE FL 34120--{ NORDITU' ROSMICK & ROSE A 5775 PAINTED LEAF LN NAPLES, FL 34116--0 oAKS ET Al. KRTST|N 455 RILEY AVE WORTHINGION,OH /+3085-{ ORTEGA HECTOR & MIRTA 3975 3lSTAVE NE NAPLES FL 34L2O-4403 PORTER, TlMOTHY AI.fREDO D FERNANDEZ 3915 33RDAVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4553 OVIES, CARLOS YHIRO 3740 43RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120---0 PARENT, DALE L & LINDA D 43 SANDRA DR JAX 8CH, FL 32250--4068 PEREZ, IAZARO SONIATERAN 4045 33RD AVE NE NAPTE FL 34120-0 POLIzzI, JEFFREY 18 COLD SPRING RD MERCERVI TLE, N' 08679-227 7 PR|CE, SON|A M 126 E 12TH Sr fl38 NEW YORK, NY 10003-5331 OSPINA, GUIDO E 8215 NW 201ST 5T HTALEAH, tL 33015-s936 PINZON, MANUEL & JENNICER C 28OO FLETCHER AVE f11 LINCOLN, NE 68504--0 PAMPILLO, VIANA ACOSTA IUIS E IEDESMA 3795 37TH AVE NE NAPIES, FL 34120--{) PAR( PTACE SECURTIES INC % OCWEN ATTENTION: VAULT DEPTARTMENT 5720 PREMIER PARK DR WEST PALM BEACH, FL 331107-{) PANTOJA, EDDY & ADR'ANNA 3970 41ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 PENA, YANEISY 3830 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_502 OSBORN, DEXTER G MEGAN C OSEORN 467043RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-1i540 PREMIER INVESTMENT LLC 115 2ND ST NE NAPLES, FT 34116_0 PROPER MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 5188 MIRAMAR P(WY MIRAI4AR, FL 33023_3940 PRINCE, THOMAS H & VALERIE M 9068 HUNTER BAY DR BRIGHTON, Mt 48114-4933 PROENZA V|CTOR M RODRTGUEZ ZITA D PIEDRA BARREIO 4130 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, Ft" 34120--0 QPCOM INC 5162 SW 173R0 AVE MIRAMAR, FL 33029-{ QTID0 trq' ... tab8l slzs 1' x 2 5/8' mmpat bls wtfi Avery @s160/8160 NISAOA LLC 4604 ABACA CIR NAPTE FL 34119--0 q SMITH HOMES LLC % THE LIGHTSTONE GROUP 1985 CEDAR BRIDGE AVE sTE 1 TAKEWOOD,NJ 08701-7031 OSBORN, DEXTER & CHRISTINE 46EO 43RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-0 PLOCK, DOUGLAS ANTHONY 11234TANGELO TERR BONTTA SPRINGt FL 34135--0 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 318 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) v,0 QUINTERO, JOSE ABREY A QUINTERO JOHN QUINTERO ANA L MONTES 7570 NW 14TH ST STE 102 MIAMr, FL 33126---1701 RAUDNER, HANNES M ANGEL MARIA RAUDNER 3850 37TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-1520 ROBBINS, WILLIAM K & VICKI L 4085 31ST AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--4462 ROMERO, CELINA MIJANGO 3745 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-_0 ROMERO, JOSE O & CELINA M 2185 GREENBACK CIR # 7.102 NAPLES, FL 34112-3948 sAMPLES, uuCEit & KENNETH 4210 33RD AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-0 SANTIAGO AMADOR, ODALYS TOMASA DANIELA GARCIA SANTIAGO 4230 4OTH ST NE NAPLE FL 34120-0 SCACLIA, PABLO & VANESSA 674 NW 134TH PL MtAMl, FL 33182-1668 SILVA, CANDIDO & MARIA M 15435 SW 26TH TER MlAMl, FL 33185---4866 (!TA ftfi Ee@ 09 tg/Og lq@ fuany canu elqoudruoc ulu /g x rxru gZ lBruJol op eganbgS 09lg/09 t9@ tuany qim qqoeduoc "Bl9 Zx "l azls loqel RAMIREZ, DEBBY E 3766 39TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120--7s4s RENTERTA-HERRenn, irsus JUAN RAMON RENTERIA 4280 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_-0 RODRIGUEZ, JAVIER C & ANA L 3820 37TH AVENUE NE NAPLES, FL 34120---0 ROLDAN, JUAN L ERIKA PEREZ 3765 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 RoMERo, arlilunuo alrxAru DEir 4240 4OTH ST NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 ROSALES, OOrunlO A 15111 5W 58TH 5T MtAMt, FL 33193-3008 SAN JUAN, MAXIMO ALEIDA BRIZUELA SAN JUAN 5423 COLLINS AVE APT 303 M|AMI BEACH, FL 33141---4640 SANTILLI, MARLENE J 224 oWL Cr FREMONT, CA 94539-5200 ScHrpprRly, oyutt.t 3830 39TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-0 SINGLETARY SR, CHARLES K CATHERINE A SINGLETARY 2690 WILSON BLVD N NAPLES, FL 34120--3302 label size 1" x.2 518" compatibte with Avery @S160/9160 S]ldVIS RAPP, ARHIAHNA 3735 39TH AVE NE NAPLES, Fl 34120-7546 REY, CHARLES & MARIE 3760 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34720--457 noontcuEz, pr6no E 2420 SW 83RD CT MtAMt, FL 33L55-2462 ROMAN, KELLY MICHELLE 3820 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--2918 hourno,.rAvrEn 8247 NW 194TH TER HIALEAH, FL 33015-_6951 ntiSAr-rs, toSe n sETANcounr KYRENIS N ESPINOSA SAMADA 4340 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 sANcHEz, rioeenfo penr2 4175 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 SANTOS, KAREN GANZO JULIO H SOTO SWABY 3770 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 sEK, KAZIMtERZ 3853 41Sr AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-1884 SLANDA ET UX, JOSEPH E % LEON SLANDA 352 AUDUBON RD LEEDS, MA 01053--9770 i l I I I i I I i I I I I I I I I I I..\ I I i I ! I I i I I I I I I i ; .l I I I ROJAS, ISAURA 4420 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-4551 I i i : I I l 1 i I I I I I t i i ! i I I I I I I i I t I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I i I t I I I I I I I i I I i I I t I I I I I i l i I I I I I i I I I i' I I ; I I I : I I I i I i .,) I I i I 1 i I II ! I ; I i I t I I I I I t I I I I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 319 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) \r90 09 t8/09 t9@ tusAV co B a|qlEduoc ujlr /9 x ultr SZ lEmrol 0p s$onbn? 09 t8/09 t g@ tu8 v qt^,r en[Eduoe r8/9 z x i t szls lsqsl UPADHYAYA NARENDRA R & MAYURI 11067 GARDEN RIDGE cr DAVTE, Ft 33328-7308 VALLE, JORGE ALBERTO FTORES 5495 25TH PL SW NAPIES, FL 3411G-{ S]?dVIS SOLIZ, RENE A 6039 SHALTOWS WAY NAPLES, FL 34109-{) SMITH, MARCIA] 376135TH AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-1879 SOGNARE LLC 3605 ENTERPRISE AVE STE 253 NAPTE FL 34104-{ SOUTHWEST PERMACULTURE t"LC 2921SHERMAN AVENUE NAPLES, FL 3412O..O STEC,ADOLFE&EERNICE 22 FOSTER AVE VALLEY STREAM, NY 11580-2936 STEVES, LORENZO RAMIREZ ETIDA LOPEZ 3782 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--466 STRONG, VIC(ILYNN & JACK L 2390 8TH AVE SE NAPLE FL 34117--0 SUNSHINE Ft APARTMENTS INC 1O3O PORT ORANGE WAY NAPLE FL 34120--{ SUNSHINE FL APARTMENTS INC 1O3O PORT ORANGE WAY NAPLE Fr 34120--0 T&J S VENTURA 2018 REV TRUST 1550 SONORACT PALM SPR|NGt CA 92764-3560 TARPON IV LLC 18305 BISC YNE BIVD SrE ir00 AVENTURA, FL 33L@.2172 THOMPSON, STEPHEN S PATRICIA TTHOMPSON 4295 3lSTAVE NE NAPI-ES, FL 34120-4495 THOMPSON, STEPHEN S PATRICIA LTHOMPSON 4295 315T AVE NE NAPLET FL 3472O-qt95 TRAVIS DEIASHMET TARA DELASHMET 381135TH AVE NE NAPLET FL 34120-3238 TRIANA, ILEANA JORGE GOMEZ 10000sw3RDsr MrAMl, FL 33174--{ TRYFU' TOBY W 3995 315TAVE NE NAPtEt FL 34120--{ uttoA, YADTEL GOMEZ 3730 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-2827 TORRES, ROGELIO HERNANDEZ 3755 415T AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1535 SUAREZ, NOEL % AMERICAN PRIME LLC 5775 EtUE LAGOON DR #350 MtAMl, FL 33126-{ sYNERGY INVEST TLC 518 AVELI.INO ISLES CIR APT 4201 NAPLES, FL 34119-0 THAMMAVONG, ADISONE PHETHSAKHONE THAMMAVONG 2550 6TH AV€ NE NAPLES, FL 34120-7602 TIGHE, MICHAEL EDWARD 151 FLAMINGO RD TUCKERTON,N, 08087-2i48 STEVENSTR, DONALD urD 4126107 MARY M STEVENSTR wo 4l26lit 5281SEA GRASS LN NAPLE FL 34116-5435 TURCAN LIVING TRUST 4581oAK 5T oscoDA, Mr 48750-0 UREINA, ADALID 3735 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 VATENZUELA, NEHEMIAS 4255 31ST AVE NE NAPLE FL 34120-4495 Iabel slz8 1 " x 2 ,8' compatible wifi Avery @51 60/81 60 TREGANZA, MAT & HATHAIRATH 2'$0 6fH AVE NE NAPLE Ft- 34120-0 VARGHESE, GEORGE CHECHAMMA GEORGE 703 SHERMAN AVE THORNWOOD, NY 10594-1428 i I I I t I I I e'r^Do Ee@ 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 320 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) V?O VARGHESE, GEORGE CHECHAMMA GEORGE 703 SHERMAN AVE THORNWOOD, NY 10594-1428 VILTARRAGA, EDISON & MARIA 4420 43RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--0 WILLIAMS, LAUREL 7849 DIOTDO BLVD MIRAMAR, FL 33023_0 WINCHESTER LAND LLC 1OO N TAMPA ST # 37OO TAMPA FL 33602-0 Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association PO Box 990596 Naples, FL 34116 VAUBEL, VERNON L & CAROLE 4901 W 64TH ST PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS 66208_1325 WELLS, NADINE GLADYS KRISTIN L WEL6 2344 HERITAGE GREENS DR NAPLES, FL 34119--3312 WILSON TR, GEORGE G RITA M WILSON TR KIM M SHERMAN TR ulD 6h6/Os 10220 FAIRWAY DR ELLTCOTT C|TY, MD 21042--2115 WONG, PETER NGOC TANG NHUC ROBYN PHUNG 3103 JACKSON AVE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770-0 ogrs/oetso",e^v3il:^'J1ili,fT,ffi##::il'#i-'1J;,l-*'-, sSldvIS I i I I ) I I I I I I .J I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) l i I I I I i I I I I I I i i I I I I l I I OTA tln EC@ label size 1" x.2 518" compatible with Avery @S1 60/8160 VEGA, EDILEYDIS & RAYDEL 3775 41ST AVENUE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-0 wir-uaMs, KR|SIAN L 3TI39TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120--7546 WILSON, WADE & hAcHEL 3980 33RD AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120_0 ZUFERRI, AIDA L 3815 37TH AVE NE NAPLES, FL 34120-1521 I I I i I I i I .l I I I ! I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i I i I I I t I I i I I I I I ! i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I ) I I I i ; I 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 321 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) HOLE MONTES 950 Encore Way . Naples, Florida 34110 'Phone 239.254.2000 ' Fax 239.254.2099 Novemberll,20l9 VIA HAND DELIVERY Tim Finn, AICP, Principal Planner Growth Management Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re:Hyde Park Village SRA (SRA-PL20180000622) 2"d Neighborhood Information Meeting HM File No. 2017.001 Dear Mr. Finn: Enclosed please find the following in accordance with Collier County's Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) requirements for the NIM held on November 5, 2019, for the above-referenced projects: I ) copy of Affidavit of Publication; I ) copy of Meeting Summary of the NIM; l) copy of sign-in sheet from the NIM; and I ) flash drive with recording of the NIM. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. lfyou have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, HOLE, MONTES, INC. Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP Vice President, Planning Services & Business Development RJM/sek Enclosures as noted. H:Uol7UOl7Ool\Wf$RAUnd NUvflTF l9l I I I lr tt post NIM documcnts.docx NaPles' Fo( lvlyers a a a One One One ( ( ( (One 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 322 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) NIM SUMMARY Hyde Park Stewardship Receiving Area Designation (SRA-PL20180000622) Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 5:30 p,m. Collier County UF/IFAS Extension, Multi-Purpose Room 14700 Immokalee Road, Naples, FL 34120 The NIM was held for the above referenced petition. This Second NIM was required since it has been just over one year since the original NIM was held. The petition is described as follows To establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form of a Village over 654.79+ acres of land located in eastern Collier County to known as Collier Lakes Village ("CLV"). The CLV is proposed lo allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (150G+ single family and 30Gr multi-family), 45,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and govemmental uses ISRA-PL20180000622]. Note: This is a summary of the NIM. An audio recording is also provided. Attend€es: County Staff: Tim Finn, AICP, Principal Planner, Zoning Services Section Seven members ofthe public attended. Mr. Mulhere started the presentation by introducing himsell the other consultants, and County staff. He explained the NIM process, the process for approval, provided an overview of the history of the Rural Lands Stewardship Area (RLSA) overlay, and provided an overview of the project. Mr. Greenberg provided an overview ofNeal Communilies. Following Mr. Mulhere's presentation, there were approximately fifteen minutes of questions from the public in attendance. The following issues were raised: Stormwatcr Ma ment Questions were raised regarding the stormwater management plan, and the proposed developments iitpact on rhe Picayune Strind. Birry Jones, P.E. explained that therc will be a perimeter berm around the site, containing stormwater internaily on the site. There will be four intemal control points; and two ;;;;;;;;;;#"i;oinrs that witl discharge to the adjacent faka Union Canal. Stormwater will be treated iia an internal lake system utilizing a network of littoral planting areas. The projects potential impact on t. pi*yr". Strand restoration hai been addressed with the South Florida water Management District ti-nWfr4bl i"ri"g,he permitting process. The site will take in and treat stormwater runoff from Oil Well I l:U0l7UO 17001\wP\S RAVnd NIMNIM Summary (l l'6-2019) dn docr On behalf of Applicants: Michael Greenberg, Southwest Florida Regional President, Neal Communities Robert Mulhere, FAICP, VP Planning, Hole Montes Richard Yovanovich, Esq., Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, PA James Banks, Transportation Consultant Barry Jones, PE, Hole Montes Dan Ciesielski, Land Development Manager, Neal Communities 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 323 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Road once it is widened which will result in enhanced water treatment (as compared to the current conditions). Questions were raised regarding the proposed deviations. About 20 deviations have been requested. Most reflect deviations that have been supported by staff during the application process for similar SRA applications in the area. The deviations are to allow for design flexibility, such as cul-de-sac lengths, street widths to allow the accommodation of Collier County Utility hookups, and to allow parking in front ofthe retail shopping center in the Village Center, ifa grocery store is included. Village Desisn Questions were asked about what makes the village design innovative. The RLSA program was designed with innovative requirements. The proposed development meets or exceeds these innovative design requirements. The Village complies with the LDC - RLSA definition of a Village and locates the more intense and high density development closer to Oil Well Road. There is a central amenity center for residents and guests that is easily accessible via walking or bicycle. The Village includes a connected system of sidewalks pathways and a multi-modal street system. Questions were raised regarding the number of multi-family units and the location of multi-family development in relation to the proposed entrance gates. The applicant has committed to providing a minimum often percent ofthe overall units, 180 units, as multi-family. The housing types have not been determined yet. The project has been designed to accommodate multi-family in the Village Center, which may be located outside the proposed entrance gates, or in the Neighborhood Ceneral context zone behind the entrance gates. Questions were raised regarding how many sending credits the project will be urilizing. The Village requires 3,547.76+ stewardship credits (subject to change). These credits will be transfened from Stewardship Sending Area 7 (near Lake Trafford). The meeting concluded at approximately 5:55 PM. Deviations Gencral/Misc. Il:UOl7UOl700l\WASRAUnd NIM\NIM Summary (l l -6-2019) rjm.docx 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 324 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Publlshed Daily Naples, FL 3411O HOLE IIIONTES ASSOCIATES lNC 950 ENCORE WAY, SUtrE 200 NAPLES, FL 34fi0 Affldavlt of Publlcatlon STATE OF W|SCONSIN COUNTY OF BROWN Betore the undoBignsd they sorvo as the authorlty, personally appeared sald legal clotk who on oeth says that (s)he serves as legal clert olthc Napler Dally |,lcts, a dally newspsp€r published at Naples, ln Colllcr County, Flodda; dlstributed ln Collier and Lee countles ol Flodda;that the attached copy of the advertblng was publbhcd ln sald ncwspaper on dates listed. Atfisnt furiher says that the said Nsplos Daily Nervs is a ncwspaper publbhod et tlapl€t, ln said Collier County, Florida, end thst the SeU na,vspapor hss heretoforc be€n continuously publishcd in said Collior County, Fbriia; distdbuted in Collier and Lae countiss of Floda, each day and has bo€n entered a9 gecond dsss mail mattet at th€ post offcs ln Naples, in sald Collier County, Floriia , for a perlod of ons year nsxt pr€coding tho first publlcation of tho attache<l copy of advertissnont and affiant fuiher says that hc has ncithcr pald nor promisod any poBon, or corporatlon any dlscount , rebate, commlssion or refund for tho purposo of securlng lhis adverlisement for publication h thc seH na'wpepcr. Octobor 21,2019 ar- Subscribed and sworn to before on Novemborl, 2019: -*--J a-^ o . f Y\ rtr\ d)-o<L') Notary, State of Wl, County of Erown My corilnistim aryiras: Auguat 6,2021 Publication Cost: 3945.00 Ad No: GC10291439 Customer No: 324483 PO#: RA MONDLO H Notary Public Sttte o, WiEconsin Bt*flnu 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 325 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Collier County UF/IFAS Extension, Multi-Purpose Room 14700 Immokalee Road, Naples, FL lll20 The following formal application has been made to Collier County: Petition SRA-PL20180000622 - The petition is to establish a Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) in the form of a Village over 654.79+ acres of land located in eastern Collier County to be known as Hyde Park Village. Hyde Park Village is proposed to allow up to 1,800 dwelling units (1500+ single family and 3001 multi-family), 45,000 square leet of neighborhood commercial uses, and 18,000 square feet of civic, institutional and governmental uses. The subject property is presently zoned A-MHO-RLSAO. The site is bounded on the south by Oil Well Road, on the west and north by Golden Gate Estates zoned properties and on the east by the future Big Cypress Parkway and A-MHO-RLSAO properties. The subject property is located at the intersection ol Oil Well Road and DeSoto Blvd. North, approximately 4 miles east ol Immokalee Road, in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida. I I I{ B fl stta id I t I{UT ,t rt c.*rr. aArau:5 ra lm Hyde Park Village SRA WE VALUE YOUR INPUT Business and property owners, residents and visitors are welcome to attend the presentation and discuss the project with the owners and Collier County staff. If you are unable to attend this meetinS, but have questions or comments, they can be directed by mail, phone, or e'mail to: Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP, Vice President, Planning Services Hole Montes, Inc. 950 Encore Way, Naples, Florida 341l0 Phone: 239-254-2000, email: bobmulhere@hmeng'com The public is invited to attend a neighborhood information meeting held by Robert J. Mulhere, FAICB Vice President, Planning Services of Hole Montes, Inc. and Richard D. Yovanovich, Esquirg of Coleman, Yovanovich and Koester, PA. on behalf of the property owner at the iollorving time and location: SUBJE T 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 326 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) *E[@ -@ r@lEi@ rl!@ -6ffi wAltrII ril l4"""d.,""t.(M t'ffi,ffi} "i@ -E thc rob nnwo.k tm C;E!@ thal,ob natx6.* c@{'c dH@,,*-l} l.lEE[fltt @ :''.J:::*t ir,l@ aE@ ffiia,i@D -int91{i.41er(ri@ e{Ero,kedM'qq @-ffi Th. Ehli. h irvncd lo .rtnd ! nciarlhlrhri{ i(ltretun dcriil hcld tt turtafl , MdlxE illcP. \rs Pandol PLdinr S.Fi.6 ol Hol. Mdnk , h. .!td richld D Yowovklr Er{unr. of Cokmi,YMBi.t .,r, Xcc.i lA. on b.D.lr oI lt! ttotRrl, dBr rl rh. lollein, rin. .nd l@tion: Tr.a.r. lJor.di I :t 19 ,!O F.C.[t cBtr UTmIS Err.do.. M.U.Plrre Ro6 l.rlD tlmLh. t6.l :\rrLr. lL .LUo Th! tullNine lortulat!h.(rn hlr E(rn mrd. !, Cnrli{ C !nrr. ttddd Slr-Pl20lt0tao6rt . Ths netitio. ir ro 6llbliih i StMrd{hil Rsivin! Am 6IA) in rh. torm ol . Vill.8. oB 65:1.19! .!ri ot l.nd l*.t.{ in .dcm Colli.r Counr, ro b. lnlM u Hrd. hrl vill.8., Hrds Pt* vilhs. t Dololaj ro ruo* u,! ro l.tm Jsllii, uniu r lI0i rrrrc irmly.id ]tlri uli-hn'l)I al,fl{quE fer o{ nci$bodsJ @heNiJ t6 JnJ ltJE,rrrB [.d of rivk, iNr'rurion.l ud Tlc .!bj$r n^,Drn, i. tE*nll, zonlrj A-MllO-tll O Thc .ilc n hJudld on lh. suh t, Oil w.! 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"'uqi q r h ry,. idd d!'^rdhwlu'dn|4r.!t.lbl:'t@ r,,En'& itu'drdII d.r 116 tr,{. drd b D lmdih hd tur @r dn b (!., 5 turh d !n.lM Ftr'ff' '6!db 6*6 rt ! d & dd t 6r .,id. rddid,rr(odd.t6Fd b'd *Itit . - ."-,..- ." -* "r;,{dufr,!{bdk(d, $,lxma..*"-^"" "" &! e[,!(lrx!l!-Er]]ltL-, 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 327 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING HYDE PARK SRA (SRA-PL-20180000622) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,20L8 AT 5:30PM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ...PLLAse bc advked... The information on this sheet is to contact you regarding this project and future public meetings. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and certain home addrettes are public records once received by a government atency. lf you do not want your e-mall address, phone number or home address released if the county rec€ives a public records request, you can refrain from including such information on this sh€et. You have the option of checking with the county staff on your own to obtain updates on the project as well as checking the county Web site for additional information. Name Address City, State Zip E-Mail Address Julia Martinez 975 Leo Court Marco lsland, FL Peter Vazquez 1525 San Marco Drive Marco lsland, FL Pavazquez20l 6@gmail.com Timothy Finn 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL Timothy.Finn@colliercountw.com April Olson '1495 Smith Preserve Way Naples, FL April@conservancv.oro Meredith Budd 2590 Golden Gate Parloivay Naples, FL meredith b@FWFonline.org Hannes Raudner 3850 37th Ave. NE Naples, FL hannesraudner@yahoo.com Angel Raudner 3850 37m Ave. NE Naples, FL angelraudner@yahoo.com 9.B.6 Packet Pg. 328 Attachment: NIM Materials - Attachment D (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Page 1 of 5 H:\2017\2017001\WP\SRA\5th Resubmittal\Public Facilities Report (rev 11-25-2019).docx HYDE PARK SRA PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT ASSESSMENT Solid Waste According to the Collier County 2017 AUIR, currently there is an existing landfill capacity of 17,244,316 tons, and a ten-year landfill capacity requirement of 2,625,495 tons. The estimated life of the landfill is 50 years. This is adequate to accommodate additional tons per capita generated by the proposed project. All solid waste and recycling collection, handling, and disposal would be handled by the Collier County licensed contractor and the residents would be billed for the cost of collection and disposal. Any commercial components of the proposed development would secure service from a licensed solid waste / recycle contractor that is permitted to operate within Collier County. Stormwater Management The stormwater management system will comply with SFWMD, State County, and Federal standards for water quality treatment and discharge rates and will result in no adverse impacts to stormwater management (drainage) level of service. The Hyde Park property is currently permitted as a commercial mining operation by South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and has a perimeter control berm that contains the 25 year, 3 day storm with zero discharge prior to discharge through a control structure to the adjacent Faka Union Canal. The property also has a small conservation area in the SE corner that is covered by a conservation easement dedicated to SFWMD which will be vacated during the ERP permitting process. This small wetland is isolated but will be retained as required by SFWMD The proposed development scenario would involve a reshaping of most of the existing lakes to create a site plan with more curvilinear road network that is typical of large scale residential developments throughout Southwest Florida. The revised lake system would begin discharging at a controlled bleed down rate at the current control elevation and reach the full discharge allowance during the 25 year, 3 day peak storm event with discharge occurring through two structures that would be connected via pipes to the Faka Union canal. The system would provide the treatment and attenuation volumes required by the SFWMD rules and the littoral shelves required by Collier County LDC. In addition to providing the required treatment and attenuation volumes for the proposed Hyde Park SRA, the draft DCA anticipates that Hyde Park Phase 1 will accept, treat, and attenuate the stormwater runoff from the proposed Oil Well Road expansion along the southern border. This mil e long stretch of road expansion is currently designed to flow into two offsite ponds that would have to be acquired by Collier County Transportation. The following sections detail the benefits to Collier County that are derived by the project agreeing to accept, attenuate, treat, and convey the stormwater from Oil Well road Basins 500 and 600. The existing permit includes a total of 11.07 acres for the proposed pond sites. The county has agreed to reimburse the applicant for the equivalent acreage as part of the DCA. The cost to clear the property would be approximately $3,000 per acre for a total of $33,000 9.B.7 Packet Pg. 329 Attachment: Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Page 2 of 5 H:\2017\2017001\WP\SRA\5th Resubmittal\Public Facilities Report (rev 11-25-2019).docx The ponds would require the excavation of approximately 50,000 CY of material at an average cost of $3 per CY for a total excavation cost of $150,000. The pond sites would require approximately 11,000 SY of sod at a cost of $2.70 per SY = $29,700. A fenced perimeter with a total length of 4,350 LF of 6’ tall fence at a cost of $20 / LF + 2 gates * $1,000 per gate for a total cost of $89,000. Total savings related to the construction costs of the county ponds = $301,700. The outfall system for the two ponds would no longer be required since Hyde Park would accept and conveys the stormwater to the Faka Union Canal. The drainage elements that will no longer be required include the following pipes and structures: 4298 LF 36” RCP * $110 / LF = $472,780.00 253 LF 30” RCP * $93.75 / LF= $23,718.75 88 LF 24” RCP * $69.04 / LF = $6,075.52.00 13 Storm Manholes * $7800 each = $101,400.00 2 control structures * $7800 each = $15,600.00 Total cost savings from the outfall system = $619,574.27 All prices are based on the 12-month average prices for FDOT District 1 through May 2018. Once constructed and secured the ponds, structures, and outfall system would require continual maintenance in perpetuity. For the purpose of this exercise, we have assumed a 30-year period at $5,000 per year for a savings of $150,000.00. In addition to these substantial savings, the Hyde Park system has been designed to provide 150% of the required water quality which is 50% more than the existing permitted system would provide for Oil Well road Basins 500 and 600. The discharge rates from the runoff into the Faka Union Canal were set by a pre vs post analysis in the existing permit. If the water is routed through the Hyde Park system, the discharge rates to the Faka Union Canal will be reduced by over 85% from the currently approved permitted discharge rates. For background, the existing basins are permitted to discharge at a rate of 0.75 CFS/acre while the revised design will limit the discharge rate to the currently approved rate of .09 CFS/acre for the Faka Union Canal. There are numerous drainage pipes in the current roadway design that convey water to the permitted ponds that would not have to be built if Hyde Park agrees to accept the stormwater , and others that could be substantially downsized. The reduced peak stages that result by routing the water through the Hyde Park system provides sufficient freeboard to allow for greater head loss in the piping system that conveys the runoff to the Hyde Park lake system. A more extensive analysis would be required to confirm the savings possible as a result of the reduction in pipe sizes, so they have not been quantified as part of this exercise. The existing Oil Well Road permit has higher control elevations for the two basins (500 and 600) that will drain into the Hyde Park system. In the existing SFWMD conceptual permit, Basin 500 has a current control elevation of 18.75 NGVD = 17.5 NAVD. The corresponding area will now discharge into a lake with a control elevation of 13.5 NAVD or 4 feet lower. Basin 600 has a current control elevation of 19.0 NGVD 9.B.7 Packet Pg. 330 Attachment: Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Page 3 of 5 H:\2017\2017001\WP\SRA\5th Resubmittal\Public Facilities Report (rev 11-25-2019).docx = 17.75 NAVD. The corresponding area will now discharge into a lake with a control elevation of 14.0 NAVD or 3.75 feet lower. As a direct result of the lower control elevations, the 25 year, 3 day peak stages used to determine the minimum road elevation for this 5,350± LF segment of Oil Well Road will provide the county the opportunity to substantially reduce the elevation of the proposed roadway while still meeting the standard design parameters. Basins 500/600 currently have peak stages of 18.75 and 19.15 NAVD, respectively, compared to the peak stages of 15.25 NAVD (-3.5’) and 15.69 NAVD (-3.46’) that will occur if the water is routed into the Hyde Park system. Lowering one mile of roadway with a 200’ cross section by 3.5’ on average would reduce the required fill by (5,280 * 200 * 3.5)/27 = 136,900 CY in place. A conservative assumption of $16 per CY of imported fill results in an estimate of $2.2M in savings in imported fill material. If the standard 40% differential is applied between in place quantity versus truck measure quantity and the standard $16 per CY truck measure was utilized, the cost savings in fill would increase to $3.1M. The reduction in the amount of imported fill should also reduce the duration of the construction activity which would result in additional unquantified savings The existing bridge is at elevation 18.0 NAVD +/- which should be sufficient if the road is redesigned to take advantage of the lower peak stages in the lake systems accepting the runoff. If the County were to use our control elevations (established by Faka Union Canal elevations and approved by SFWMD) as a precedent for the segment immediately east of Faka Union (Basin 400), that segment could also be lowered which would allow the existing bridge across Faka Union to be incorporated into the road design. The estimated savings related to the cost of the single bridge would be in the $1.1 M - $1.3 M range. In summary, directing the storm water from Oil Well Road Basins 500 and 600 to the Hyde Park project will benefit Collier County by saving the county taxpayers approximately $1.07M in construction and operation costs, improving the water quality of the discharge, reducing the discharge rates to meet the current allowable discharge rates, and offering the County additional opportunities for cost savings should they choose to redesign the roadway to take advantage of the reduced peak stages. The developer of Hyde Park will be responsible for all costs associated with the design, permitting, construction, and operation of the proposed stormwater improvements required to serve the Hyde Park development. Water and Wastewater The Hyde Park DCA includes sections that confirm that Collier County Utilities will supply both potable water and sewer service to the Hyde Park Development. Please refer to the DCA for more detail with respect to the utility agreement 9.B.7 Packet Pg. 331 Attachment: Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Page 4 of 5 H:\2017\2017001\WP\SRA\5th Resubmittal\Public Facilities Report (rev 11-25-2019).docx Irrigation Water The Hyde Park DCA confirms that CCU will provide IQ water to the residential and commercial lots within Hyde Park. The common areas and buffers will be irrigated via lake water withdrawn from the onsite lake system. The lake water will be supplemented with well water withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer for the 68.6 acres of common area to be irrigated from the lakes. The monthly maximum withdrawal from the aquifer will be 11.8 million gallons with an average annual allocation of 96.1 million gallons. Two recharge wells are planned for the project. The applicant has a water use permit pending with SFWMD for this purpose. Please see SFWMD Application #190701-14 for further detail if needed. The Hyde Park HOA will own and manage the irrigation system for the common areas and buffers. Please refer to the DCA for greater detail. School Concurrency The adopted level of service for schools is based upon permanent FISH capacity: 100% for high sc hool Concurrency Service Areas (CSAs); 95% for elementary CSAs; and 95% for middle school CSAs. The subject site is within the E10 North Central Area CSA for elementary schools, the M3 North Central Area CSA for middle schools, and the H3 North Central Area CSA for high schools. The FISH capacity and enrollment data below is per the Collier County Public Schools Capital Improvement Plan, for fiscal years 2019 through 2038. The E10 CSA includes two elementary schools, Corkscrew and Estates. They have a combined FISH capacity of 1,499 students, a 2017/2018 peak enrollment of 1,220 students, and a projected 2022/2023 enrollment of 1,195 students (80% capacity). The M3 CSA includes three middle schools, Corkscrew, Golden Gate, and Cypress Palm. They have a combined FISH capacity of 3,219 students, a 2017/2018 peak enrollment of 2,606 students, and a projected 2022/2023 enrollment of 2,537 students (79% capacity). The H3 CSA includes two high schools, Golden Gate and Palmetto Ridge. They have a combined FISH capacity of 3,995 students, a 2017/2018 peak enrollment of 3,822 students, and a projected 2022/2023 enrollment of 3,995 (100% capacity). According to the Collier County Public Schools CIP, enrollment at Golden Gate and Palmetto Ridge is being monitored. The proposed development consists of 1,500 single-family and 300 multi-family residences. Applying the student generation rates established in the 2015 Collier County School Impact Fee Study, the project is anticipated to generate 543 new students at build out. Residential Unit Type Units SGR Projected Students Single Family Product A 534 0.34 182 Single Family Product B 598 0.34 203 Single Family Product C 368 0.34 125 Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 0.11 33 Total 1,800 543 As the total projected number of students will be distributed between the E10, M3, and H3 CSAs, the proposed development will not generate enough students to cause a substantial change in the level of 9.B.7 Packet Pg. 332 Attachment: Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Page 5 of 5 H:\2017\2017001\WP\SRA\5th Resubmittal\Public Facilities Report (rev 11-25-2019).docx service. Additionally, neighboring Rural Lands West has committed to allocate acreage for the development of new school facilities. As a result, no additional public educational facilities are proposed within the SRA. Per a meeting on April 27, 2018 with County staff members Amy Lockhart and Tom Eastman, this project will not trigger level of service issues given existing and planned schools based on their analysis. The proposed SRA will result in a permanent population of approximately 3,634 people, and a seasonal population of approximately 4,361 people. Residential Unit Type Units Permanent Population Hyde Park Permanent Population Peak Seasonal Population Hyde Park Peak Seasonal Population Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 1.05 315 1.26 378 Single Family Product A 534 2.21 1,181 2.65 1,418 Single Family Product B 598 2.21 1,323 2.65 1,588 Single Family Product C 368 2.21 814 2.65 977 Total 1,800 3,634 4,361 Fire Control and Rescue District The subject site is within the North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District. An EMS/fire station is located at 13240 Immokalee Road, approximately 6.2 miles west of the property. Transportation Impacts See attached the attached Traffic Analysis for transportation impacts. 9.B.7 Packet Pg. 333 Attachment: Public Facilities Impact Assessment - Attachment E (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.10Packet Pg. 334Attachment: Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.10Packet Pg. 335Attachment: Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.10Packet Pg. 336Attachment: Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.10Packet Pg. 337Attachment: Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.10Packet Pg. 338Attachment: Attachment H - Revised public hearing signs (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.11 Packet Pg. 339 Attachment: Item No. 11198 (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.12Packet Pg. 340Attachment: Attachment I - Waiver Applicant for hybrid quasi-judicial hearing- Hyde Park Village SRA (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) 9.B.13 Packet Pg. 341 Attachment: Attachment J - Planning Commissioner Schmitt approval (11198 : Hyde Park Village (SRA)) Hyde Park Village Economic Assessment Collier County Collier County Schools North Collier Fire & Rescue Initial Submission: June 12, 2018 Revised: July 17, 2019 Roads Water and Wastewater Stormwater Management Irrigation Water Revised: November 13, 2019 Roads Revised: March 2, 2020 Emergency Medical Services General and Limiting Conditions HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 2 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 6 METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 7 MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 8 Development Assumptions ......................................................................................................... 8 Revenue Assumptions ................................................................................................................. 9 Sales, Just, and Taxable Values ................................................................................................ 9 Property Taxes ....................................................................................................................... 10 Expenditure Assumptions ......................................................................................................... 10 COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL IMPACTS ............................................................................................... 11 Collier County Operating Impacts ............................................................................................. 11 Collier County Operating Revenue Projections ......................................................................... 11 Collier County Operating Expenditure Projections ................................................................... 12 Collier County Capital Impacts .................................................................................................. 13 Collier County Capital Impacts by Department ..................................................................... 13 NORTH COLLIER FIRE & RESCUE DISTRICT .................................................................................... 26 North Collier Fire & Rescue Capital Impacts ............................................................................. 26 North Collier Fire & Rescue Annual Operating Impacts ............................................................ 28 COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOLS FISCAL IMPACT ................................................................................. 28 Collier County Schools Capital Impacts ..................................................................................... 28 Collier County Schools Operating Impacts ................................................................................ 32 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 34 GENERAL AND LIMITING CONDITIONS ......................................................................................... 50 HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 3 Table 1: Hyde Park Development Program .................................................................................... 9 Table 2: Hyde Park Residential Sales, Just, and Taxable Values .................................................... 9 Table 3: Hyde Park Nonresidential Sales, Just, and Taxable Values ............................................ 10 Table 4: Hyde Park County Tax Base at Buildout ......................................................................... 10 Table 5: Collier County Millage Rates .......................................................................................... 10 Table 6: Hyde Park Operating Annual Net Impact at Buildout .................................................... 11 Table 7: Hyde Park Annual Operating Revenue Projections ........................................................ 11 Table 8: Hyde Park Annual Operating Expenditure Projections .................................................. 12 Table 9: Hyde Park Impact Fee Revenue for Collier County ........................................................ 14 Table 10: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Capital Impacts .............................................................. 16 Table 11: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Level of Service .............................................................. 17 Table 12: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Equipment Cost per Certified Police Officer ................. 17 Table 13: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities ................................................................................. 18 Table 14: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities Capital Cost ............................................................. 18 Table 15: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities Indexed Cost per Resident ...................................... 18 Table 16: Allocation of New EMS Station Cost ............................................................................ 19 Table 17: Hyde Park Village Capital Impacts ................................................................................ 20 Table 18: Hyde Park Regional Parks Capital Impacts ................................................................... 20 Table 19: Hyde Park Regional Parks Level of Service ................................................................... 21 Table 20: Hyde Park Regional Parks Indexed Capital Cost per Acre ............................................ 21 Table 21: Hyde Park Community Parks Capital Impacts .............................................................. 21 Table 22: Hyde Park Community Parks Level of Service .............................................................. 22 Table 23: Hyde Park Community Parks Indexed Capital Cost per Acre ....................................... 22 Table 24: Hyde Park Libraries Capital Impacts ............................................................................. 23 Table 25: Hyde Park Library Facilities Level of Service ................................................................ 23 Table 26: Hyde Park General Government Capital Impacts ........................................................ 24 Table 27: Hyde Park General Government Capital Cost .............................................................. 24 Table 28: Hyde Park North Collier Fire & Rescue District Capital Impacts .................................. 27 Table 29: Hyde Park Fire & Rescue District Capital Costs ............................................................ 27 Table 30: Hyde Park North Collier Fire & Rescue Impact Fee Revenues ..................................... 27 Table 31: Hyde Park Big Corkscrew Island SDA Annual Operating Impacts at Buildout ............. 28 Table 32: Hyde Park Projected Public School Enrollment ........................................................... 29 Table 33: Collier County School District 2022-23 Available Capacity .......................................... 29 Table 34: Hyde Park Projected Enrollment by School Type ......................................................... 30 Table 35: Hyde Park School Capital Costs .................................................................................... 30 Table 36: Hyde Park School Impact Fee Revenue ........................................................................ 31 Table 37: Hyde Park School Net Capital Impacts – Total Cash Flow Approach ........................... 31 Table 38: Hyde Park Local Ad Valorem School Operating Taxes at Buildout .............................. 33 HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hyde Park Village provides Collier County the unique opportunity to transform an underutilized 655-acre site, currently permitted as a mining operation, to a vibrant mixed-use community which is projected to increase the tax value of the property from $210,000 today to $473.5 million at buildout. Hyde Park Village is strategically located near elementary and middle schools with available capacity and within 1.6 miles of a planned fire facility which North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District has readied for vertical development. Since the capital impacts on Collier County are more limited due to distinct location factors, Hyde Park Village is projected to be fiscally neutral. As discussed in this report, the project has the potential to generate significant cost savings to Collier County with regard to Oil Well Road’s stormwater management system. As reflected in the table below, Hyde Park Village will generate substantial tax and impact fee revenues for Collier County, the North Collier Fire & Rescue District, and Collier County Schools. The results are presented at the project’s buildout. Summary Table 1: Hyde Park Village Fiscal Highlights Hyde Park Fiscal Highlights Year At Buildout Year At Buildout Collier County:Countywide MSTU Hyde Park Ad Valorem Tax Base 473,701,000$ 473,701,000$ Current Taxable Value of Parcel (654 acres)210,000 210,000 Increase in Tax Base 473,491,000$ 473,491,000$ Hyde Park Net Annual Fiscal Benefit Countywide MSTU Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Revenues 2,552,000$ 455,000$ Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Expenditures 2,443,000 380,000 Hyde Park Total Annual Net Operating Surplus 109,000$ 75,000$ North Collier Fire and Rescue District:Fire District Hyde Park Annual Ad Valorem Tax Revenues*1,658,000$ Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Expenditures 690,000 Hyde Park Total Annual Net Operating Surplus 968,000$ Collier County Schools:School District Hyde Park Ad Valorem Tax Base 498,752,000$ Hyde Park Net Fiscal Benefit:Annual Operating**Total Capital Annual Ad Valorem Operating/Total Capital Revenues 1,816,000$ 27,350,000$ Annual Ad Valorem Operating/Total Capital Expenditures 1,816,000 27,350,000 Annual Ad Valorem Operating/Total Capital Surplus -$ -$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 5 *Based on FY 2018 operating millage for the Big Corkscrew Island SDA. ** The Florida Legislature sets the majority of school district operating revenues through statewide equalization formulas. Source: DPFG, 2018 Developer Agreements, as described in this report, will be negotiated with the County prior to the SRA approval. As demonstrated in this report, DPFG concludes that the proposed Hyde Park Village is fiscally neutral, as defined, for Collier County, the North Collier Fire & Rescue District, and the Collier County School District. Summary Table 2: Hyde Park Net Fiscal Impact Conclusions per Taxing Authority Source: DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park Annual Ad Valorem Tax Revenues: At Buildout Collier County 1,689,000$ Collier County MSTU 382,000 North Collier Fire & Rescue 1,658,000 Collier County Schools - Ad Valorem Operating 1,816,000 Collier County Schools - Capital Improvement 738,000 Total Hyde Park Annual Ad Valorem Tax Revenues 6,283,000$ Impact Fee Revenue:Project Total Community Parks 1,538,000$ Regional Parks 4,411,000 Roads 13,309,000 EMS 242,000 Government Buildings 1,592,000 Libraries 552,000 Law Enforcement 1,003,000 Jail 849,000 Water 4,650,000 Wastewater 4,902,000 Total Collier County Impact Fees 33,048,000$ Collier County Schools 14,038,000$ North Collier Fire & Rescue 1,089,000 Total Impact Fee Revenue 48,175,000$ Jurisdiction Net Fiscal Jurisdiction Net Fiscal Collier County Collier County Annual Operations:Annual Operations and Capital: General Funds Grouping Neutral Water Neutral MSTU Neutral Wastewater Neutral Capital:Capital and Operations: Community Parks Positive Solid Waste Neutral Regional Parks Positive Stormwater Neutral Roads Neutral North Collier Fire & Rescue District EMS Neutral Annual Operations Positive Government Buildings Neutral Capital Positive Libraries Positive Collier County Schools Law Enforcement Neutral Annual Operations*Neutral Jail Neutral Capital Neutral * The Florida Legislature sets the majority of school district operating revenues through statewide equalization formulas. HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 6 INTRODUCTION An Economic Assessment is required as part of the Stewardship Receiving Area (“SRA”) Designation Application Package, and each SRA must demonstrate that its development, as a whole, will be fiscally neutral or positive to the County tax base. At a minimum, the Econom ic Assessment shall consider the following public facilities and services: transportation, potable water, wastewater, irrigation water, stormwater management, solid waste, parks, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire, and schools. The Hyde Park Village (“Hyde Park” or “Village”) SRA, proposed by Neal Communities of Southwest Florida, LLC (“Developer”), is located in eastern Collier County in Section 16, Township 48 South, and Range 28 East. The Village consists of 654.79 acres. Hyde Park is bounded on the south by Oil Well Road, on the West by a 100± foot wide drainage canal and Golden Gate Estates zoned properties, to the North by Golden Gate Estates zoned properties, and to the East by a future public roadway, and then A-MHO-RLSAO properties which are in active agriculture and which are proposed for designation as an SRA Village (Rivergrass). Desoto Boulevard terminates at Oil Well Road approximately 1,000 feet from the eastern boundary of the SRA. In accordance with the RLSA Overlay definition of a Village, Hyde Park is primarily a residential community which includes a diversity of housing types and a maximum of 1,800 dwelling units. Hyde Park includes a 26.20± acre mixed-use Village Center providing for both residential multi- family development and neighborhood scaled retail, office, civic and community uses. The SRA is designed to encourage pedestrian and bicycle circulation through an interconnected sidewalk and pathway system serving the entire Hyde Park and with an interconnected system of streets, dispersing and reducing both the number and length of vehicle trips. Hyde Park also includes a centrally located Village Amenity and Wellness Center and several linear parks located within the Neighborhood Edge Context Zone. Development Planning & Financing Group, Inc. (“DPFG”) was retained to prepare an Economic Assessment for the Hyde Park SRA. This report provides complete and transparent support for the methodology, assumptions, and calculations applied to demonstrate fiscal neutrality for the Hyde Park SRA for Collier County (“County”), the North Collier Fire & Rescue District, and the Collier County School District (“School District”). HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 7 METHODOLOGY The Government Finance Officers Association (“GFOA”)1 outlines the most common methods for estimating service costs in fiscal impact analysis as: average cost, marginal cost, comparisons to other governments and econometric modeling. In many cases, fiscal impact analysis uses a combination of these methods to generate a projection. • Average Cost is the easiest and most common method and assumes the current cost of serving residents and businesses will equal the cost of serving the new development. The average cost method provides a rough estimate of both direct and indirect costs associated with development. However, this method does not account for demographic change, existing excess capacity or potential economies of scale in service delivery. Methods of calculating average cost include per capita costs, service standard costs and proportional valuation costs. • Marginal Cost uses site-specific information to determine services costs for a new development. A case study approach is typically necessary to gather detailed information about the existing capacity within public services and infrastructure to accommodate growth from a development project. This method assumes that information about local service levels and capacity is more accurate than standards based on average data • Comparable Governments incorporate the experience by similar governments with comparable development projects. Studying other governments before and after specific projects can provide useful information in determining additional costs and the increase in costs over a long period of time. • Econometric Modeling uses complex econometric models and is best used for estimating impacts from large projects that create many indirect effects on the existing community such as a utility plant or an entertainment center. The fiscal impact analysis of Hyde Park uses a marginal/average cost hybrid methodology to determine the project’s impact on capital and operating costs. Personnel and operating costs were projected on a variable, or incremental basis, as were expenditures for certain capital improvements. Revenues, such as property taxes, were projected on a marginal basis whereas revenues attributable to growth were reflected on an average basis. Allocation bases include Permanent Population, Peak Seasonal Population, Peak Seasonal Population and Employment, and Peak Seasonal and Tourist Population and Employment. Persons per residential product type and employees per nonresidential land uses were obtained from the County’s 2016 Emergency Medical Services Impact Fee Update, the most recently published source (see Appendix). 1 Michael J. Mucha, “An Introduction to Fiscal Impact Analysis for Development Projects,” (white paper, Government Finance Officers Association, 2007), www.gfoa.org HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 8 The analysis includes the following general funds:2 (001) General Fund, (003) Emergency Disaster, (007) Economic Development, (011) Clerk of Circuit Court, (040) Sheriff, (060) Property Appraiser, (070) Tax Collector, and (080) Supervisor of Elections. A reconciliation of these funds to the County’s budget documents is provided in the Appendix. The analysis also includes (111) Unincorporated Area General Fund MSTU, the North Collier Fire Control & Rescue District, and the Collier County School District. The respective FY 2018 budgets of the County, the North Collier Fire Department, and the School District form the basis for the service levels and revenue and cost assumptions. This “snapshot” approach does not attempt to speculate about how services, costs, revenues and other factors will change over time. Instead, it evaluates the fiscal impact to the County as it currently conducts business under the present budget. The impacts of self-supporting funds (e.g. enterprise funds) were not included in this analysis as is typical in fiscal impact analysis. Utility rates and capacity fees are established through independent studies. Public utilities generally benefit from economies of scale (i.e. more customers) since rate structures are dependent upon recovering fixed infrastructure costs. MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS Major assumptions supporting the Hyde Park Economic Assessment are summarized in this section. The financial model and assumptions are provided in the Appendix. Balance Carryforwards were excluded from allocation to avoid overstatement of revenues. Interfund transfers were analyzed in depth and their classification s in the model were carefully reviewed. Revenue and costs are projected in constant 2018 dollars, with no adjustment for future inflation. The use of a constant dollar approach in fiscal impact analysis produces annual and buildout results that are readily comparable and understandable. Results have been rounded to the nearest one thousand dollars ($1,000). Development Assumptions Table 1 presents the Hyde Park development program proposed by the Applicant which was the input used to determine the operating and capital impacts of the project. 2 Collier County considers this listing of general funds as the “General Fund Grouping.” HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 9 Table 1: Hyde Park Development Program Source: Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 Revenue Assumptions Sales, Just, and Taxable Values Estimates of sales, just, and taxable values for the residential units are shown in Table 2. The sales values of the residential product types were provided by the Applicant. The eligible homestead percentage per residential product type used in computing the taxable value per unit was based on County averages published by the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies at the University of Florida. According to the Shimberg Center, the median assessed value of a single-family home in unincorporated Collier County is $261,840. In comparison, the average assessed value for Hyde Park single-family homes is $329,000 which is 26 percent higher than the County’s median value. Table 2: Hyde Park Residential Sales, Just, and Taxable Values Source: Neal Communities, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies (Univ. of FL), DPFG, 2018 Table 3 reflects the estimates of sales, just3, and taxable values for the nonresidential land uses. Sales values were based on construction cost per square foot estimates from R.S. Means, “Square Foot Costs,” 38th Edition, 2017 and also considered comparable properties from the County Property Appraiser’s database. In comparison, the per square foot values in Table 3 are well 3 In determining just value, reasonable fees and costs of purchase (for example, commissions) are excluded. Land Use by Impact Fee Category Units Residential (Units) Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 Single Family Product A 534 Single Family Product B 598 Single Family Product C 368 Total Residential 1,800 Non-Residential Sq Ft Commercial 45,000 Land Use by Impact Fee Category Units Sales Value per Unit Just Value per Unit Average Taxable Value per Unit Residential (Units) Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 168,000$ 158,000$ 158,000$ Single Family Product A 534 282,000$ 265,000$ 232,300$ Single Family Product B 598 344,000$ 323,000$ 290,300$ Single Family Product C 368 373,000$ 351,000$ 318,300$ Total Residential 1,800 HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 10 below the $275 per square foot building cost estimate assumed in the 2016 General Governmental Buildings Impact Fee Update. Table 3: Hyde Park Nonresidential Sales, Just, and Taxable Values Source: RS Means, Collier County Property Appraiser, DPFG, 2018 At buildout, the real property tax base generated for the County is estimated to exceed $473.7 million as reflected in Table 4. Table 4: Hyde Park County Tax Base at Buildout Source: Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 Property Taxes Table 5 reflects the millage rate assumptions for Collier County used in the analysis. Table 5: Collier County Millage Rates Source: Collier County, 2018 Expenditure Assumptions A detailed evaluation of expenditures by the General Funds Group and the MSTU General Fund was performed to determine which were variable (i.e. assumed to fluctuate with growth) or fixed (i.e. not impacted by growth) in nature. For equitable matching of r evenues and expenses, certain adjustments were made to account for funding sources from other funds. The primary demand bases in the average cost/revenue calculations were new population and employment for the County and new students for the School District. Non-Residential Sq Ft Sales Value perSq Ft/ Unit Just Value per Sq FT Average Taxable Value per Sq Ft Commercial 45,000 256$ 256$ 256$ Units or Taxable Value Land Use Sq Ft per Unit/SF At Buildout Residential Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 $ 158,000 47,400,000 Single Family Product A 534 $ 232,300 124,048,000 Single Family Product B 598 $ 290,300 173,599,000 Single Family Product C 368 $ 318,300 117,134,000 Total Residential 1,800 $ 462,181,000 Non-Residential Commercial 45,000 $ 256 11,520,000 Total Non-Residential (sf) 45,000 $ 11,520,000 Total Tax Base $ 473,701,000 3.5645 County General Fund 0.8069 MSTD General Fund 0.0293 Water Pollution Control HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 11 COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL IMPACTS Collier County Operating Impacts Table 6 presents the annual net operating fiscal impact of Hyde Park at buildout. Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect to County’s Operating Impacts. Table 6: Hyde Park Operating Annual Net Impact at Buildout Source: DPFG, 2018 Collier County Operating Revenue Projections Projected County annual operating revenues at buildout are summarized in Table 7. Hyde Park is projected to generate annual operating revenues of $2.6 million for the County’s General Funds and $455,000 for the MSTU General Fund. Table 7: Hyde Park Annual Operating Revenue Projections Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Net Operating Impact Countywide MSTU Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Revenues 2,552,000$ 455,000$ Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Expenditures 2,443,000 380,000 Hyde Park Total Annual Operating Surplus 109,000$ 75,000$ At Buildout MSTU GENERAL FUND REVENUES At Buildout Ad Valorem Taxes 382,000$ Licenses & Permits 4,000 Charges for Services 26,000 Fines & Forfeitures 3,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,000 Interest/ Miscellaneous 1,000 Communication Services Tax 37,000 Total MSTU Annual Operating Revenues 455,000$ GENERAL FUND GROUPING REVENUES At Buildout Ad Valorem Taxes 1,689,000$ Licenses & Permits 2,000 Inter- Governmental Revenues 6,000 State Revenue Sharing - Growth Portion 89,000 Half Cent Sales Tax 385,000 Charges for Services 258,000 Fines & Forfeitures 4,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,000 Interest/ Miscellaneous 8,000 Indirect Service Charge 56,000 Transfers from Constitutional Officers 48,000 Reimburse from Other Departments 6,000 Total General Funds Annual Operating Revenues 2,552,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 12 Collier County Operating Expenditure Projections Projected County annual operating expenditures at buildout are presented in Table 8. Hyde Park is expected to generate annual General Funds service demand of $2.4 million and $380,000 of MSTU General Fund service demand. The Appendix contains a detailed breakdown of operating costs by line item category. Table 8: Hyde Park Annual Operating Expenditure Projections GENERAL FUND GROUPING EXPENDITURES At Buildout Board of County Commissioners 25,000$ County Attorney 10,000 Property Appraiser 55,000 Supervisor of Elections 19,000 Clerk of Courts 37,000 Sheriff 1,276,000 Tax Collector 102,000 Administrative Services 2,000 Human Resources 8,000 Procurement Services 7,000 Bureau of Emergency Services 22,000 Planning 1,000 Circuit & County Court Judges 1,000 Public Defender 3,000 State Attorney 3,000 County Manager Operations 5,000 Office of Management & Budget 5,000 Public Services Administration 2,000 Domestic Animal Services 33,000 Community and Human Services 37,000 Library 81,000 Parks & Recreation 102,000 Public Health 4,000 Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement 2,000 Facilities Management 109,000 Transfer to 101 Transp Op Fund 157,000 Transfer to 301 Capital Projects 24,000 Transfer to 310 Growth Mgt Transportation Cap 12,000 Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund 72,000 Transfet to 426 CAT Mass Transit 17,000 Transfer to 427 Transp Disadvantaged 26,000 Transfer to 490 EMS Fund 126,000 Transfer to 491 EMS Grant Fund 9,000 Distributions in Excess of Fees to Govt Agencies 49,000 Total General Funds Annual Operating Expenditures 2,443,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 13 Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Collier County Capital Impacts Collier County Capital Impacts by Department Methodologies upon which the County’s impact fees are based generally use the consumption or existing inventory replacement approach rather than an improvements-driven approach. For example, the County’s Parks impact fee is calculated by dividing the existing inventory of park facilities, including land at current replacement value, by the existing population or relevant demand base. This methodology does not consider the timetable over which the existing facilities were acquired, available capacity within existing facilities, or long-range capital improvement plans with timetables for delivery of new facilities. Impact fee methodologies are typically designed to generate the maximum amount of impact fees a jurisdiction can legally assess. Impact fee calculations include a credit component to recognize future revenue streams which will be used to fund capital expansion and certain debt service payments. The credit component prevents new development from being charged twice for the same facility. The analyses of the General Funds and the MSTU General Fund account for these credits by recognizing capital outlays and applicable transfers (e.g. subsidized capital acquisition and capital fund debt service) as expenditures. This approach is very conservative because the associated expenditures include growth and non-growth related capital outlays and capital fund subsidies. In comparison, the credit component of the impact fee calculation is limited to certain growth-related capital outlays and capital fund subsidies. Impact fee updates for Transportation, Correctional Facilities, and Parks and Recreation were adopted in 2015, and the corresponding adopted rates have been indexed annually. EMS, Government Buildings, Libraries, and Law Enforcement impact fee studies were updated in 2016, and the associated rates were adopted in 2017. Annual indexing will be applied in interim years. MSTU GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES At Buildout Board of County Commissioners 13,000$ Communications & Customer Relations Division 11,000 Growth Management Administration 5,000 Planning 15,000 Regulation 43,000 Maintenance 71,000 Bureau of Emergency Services 1,000 Project Management 8,000 Community and Human Services 1,000 Parks & Recreation 148,000 Transfer to 306 Parks Capital Fund 14,000 Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund 32,000 Indirect Cost Reimbursement 18,000 Total MSTU Annual Operating Expenditures 380,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 14 Over buildout, new development will be charged impact fees at rates enacted by the County at that time. The capital needs of Hyde Park were discussed with the Sheriff, EMS, the North Collier Fire & Rescue District, and the School District. The capital analyses for these services were prepared in accordance with the case study approach. For the remaining service departments, when the achieved level of service (“LOS”) for a particular public facility currently exceeds the adopted LOS, then the adopted LOS was applied in calculating demand to (1) recognize existing capacity and (2) avoid overstating demand. When the achieved LOS for a particular facility was less than the adopted LOS, then the achieved LOS was used when calculating demand to avoid charging new development for a higher LOS than provided to existing development. Data from the 2017 Audit Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (“AUIR”), the most recent source available, was generally used to calculate the achieved LOS. Other inputs were obtained from the relevant impact fee studies. Projected impact fee collections for Parks, Transportation, EMS, Government Buildings, Libraries, Law Enforcement, Jails, and Water and Wastewater are reflected in Table 9. Impact fee revenues for the North Collier Fire & Rescue District and the School District are presented in subsequent sections of this report. The County’s impact fee schedule is included in the Appendix. Table 9: Hyde Park Impact Fee Revenue for Collier County Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Impact Fee Type Total Fees Community Parks 1,538,000$ Regional Parks 4,411,000 Roads 13,309,000 EMS 242,000 Government Buildings 1,592,000 Libraries 552,000 Law Enforcement 1,003,000 Jail 849,000 Water 4,650,000 Wastewater 4,902,000 Total Collier County Impact Fees 33,048,000$ Collier County Schools 14,038,000 North Collier Fire & Rescue 1,089,000 Total Impact Fees 48,175,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 15 Collier County Road Capital Impacts The capital impact of Hyde Park on County roads is described below. Roadway Impacts & Mitigation Based upon the findings of the Hyde Park Traffic Impact Statement, dated November 4, 2019, it has been determined that Hyde Park will not adversely impact the surrounding road network or cause any roadways to operate below their adopted level of services. This conclusion is based upon the findings that Collier County's existing plus committed (E + C) road network has adequate capacity to accommodate the 2030 background traffic “plus” site-generated traffic. The report does estimate that Vanderbilt Beach Road (between Livingston Road and Logan Boulevard) will operate at LOS F by the year 2030 regardless of the development of Hyde Park. The report noted that this determination is based on the 2019 AUIR’s growth rate of 3.56 percent, which likely overstates the next 10-year growth trend. Also, Collier County has established a maximum service capacity of 3,000 vphpd for this six-lane divided arterial which is lower than the roadway’s true capacity. Because Hyde Park does not cause any transportation deficiencies to occur, the Developer will not be required to fund any offsite roadway improvements/mitigation, other than the road impact fees, which will be used to fund a portion of the costs of area -wide improvements as set forth by Collier County’s Capital Improvement Element and Long-Range Transportation Plan. Although Hyde Park will not adversely impact any roadways, or cause any roadways to oper ate below their adopted levels of service, and the E + C network will continue to ope rate at acceptable levels of service at project build-out, the Developer will be required to pay for its portion of “consumed” capacity via payment of road impact fees. As set forth by the County’s Impact Fee Ordinance, the fees are a pro rata assessment towards the funding of area-wide transportation improvements in order to support new growth. The amount of road impact fee paid per type of land use are determined via a “consumption-based impact fee approach,” in which new development is charged based upon the proportion of vehicles-miles of travel (“VMT”) that each unit of new development is expected to consume of a lane mile of roadway network. The cost of consumed lane mile is based upon current roadway construction costs within the County. Therefore, the payment of road impact fees is the project’s pro rate share of funding transportation improvements that are deemed necessary to support the demands generated by growth. In exchange for receiving road impact fee credits, the Developer will dedicate 100’ of right-of- way along the project’s southern boundary, which will be needed to widen Oil Well Road. Also, in exchange for receiving road impact fee credits, the Developer will provide stormwater runoff storage capacity for the portion of Oil Well Road in front of the project. By doing so, there will be cost savings to the County by reducing the size and/or number of pond sites. HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 16 Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect of Road capital impacts. Collier County Law Enforcement Capital Impacts The Law Enforcement impact fee includes the capital construction and expansion of police service related to land facilities, and capital equipment required to support police service demand created by new growth. Facilities and equipment consist primarily of centralized and support buildings, patrol cars and other equipment. Fees are assessed at the recommended level. Revenues and costs associated with maintaining and operating the Law Enforcement facilities and equipment are provided in the General Funds Operating Impacts section. Direct capital impacts on Law Enforcement are presented in Table 10. Based on discussions with the Sheriff’s Office, capital demands from Hyde Park include the cost to equip certified officers. No satellite office is needed. The calculated surplus will be used to fund other Law Enforcement capital needs. Table 10: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Capital Impacts Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Law Enforcement Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 1,003,000$ Other Capital Revenues*182,000 Total Capital Revenues 1,185,000$ Law Enforcement Direct Capital Costs: Satellite Office Cost N/A Estimated Satellite Office Sq Ft - Land and Building Cost per Sq Ft 219$ Law Enforcement Facility Cost -$ Law Enforcement Equipment Cost Equipment Value per Certified Police Officer 106,000$ Certified Police Officers at Achieved LOS 7.7 Law Enforcement Equipment Cost 818,000$ Total Law Enforcement Direct Capital Costs 818,000$ Law Enforcement Capital Revenues in Excess of Direct Capital Costs 367,000$ Law Enforcement Indirect Capital Costs: Law Enforcement Direct Capital Surplus 367,000 Land and Building Cost per Sq Ft 219$ Additional Law Enforcement Facility Sq Ft Funded 1,676 *Included in the Collier County General Funds expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Law Enforcement Facilities HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 17 The County’s achieved LOS for Law Enforcement is 1.77 officers per 1,000 peak population; whereas, the adopted LOS is 1.84. As such, the achieved LOS was used to estimate the number of certified police officers needed to serve Hyde Park. Table 11: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Level of Service Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The $219 per square foot value of the satellite office in Table 10 was obtained from the 2016 Law Enforcement Impact Fee Update. The equipment value per certified police officer is calculated in Table 12. Table 12: Hyde Park Law Enforcement Equipment Cost per Certified Police Officer Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Collier County Correctional Facilities Capital Impacts The Correctional Facilities impact fee includes jail facilities (land and building) and equipment. Fees are assessed at the recommended level. Revenues and costs associated with maintaining and operating correctional facilities and equipment are provided in the General Funds Operating Impacts section. Correctional Facilities capital impacts are presented in Table 1 3. The calculated surplus will be used to fund other Correctional Facility capital needs. Peak Seasonal Population 4,361 Achieved LOS (Officers per 1,000 Peak Residents)1.77 Funded Facilities and Equipment for Certified Police Officers 7.7 LOS Share Law Enforcement Facilities Item Amount Equipment Inventory Value 70,020,524$ Number of Certified Police Officers 660 Equipment Value per Officer 106,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 18 Table 13: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The capital cost for correctional facilities is calculated below. Table 14: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities Capital Cost Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The indexed capital cost per bed is calculated in Table 15. Table 15: Hyde Park Correctional Facilities Indexed Cost per Resident Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Correctional Facilities Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 849,000$ Other Capital Revenues*47,000 Total Capital Revenues 896,000$ Correctional Facilities Capital Costs: Correctional Facilities Direct Capital Costs -$ Correctional Facilities Capital Revenues in Excess of Direct Capital Costs 896,000$ Indirect Capital Costs (Indexed)894,000$ Correctional Facilities Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs 2,000$ *Included in the Collier County General Funds expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Share Jail Facilities Land Use Functional Population Coefficient Units/ Square Feet Functional Population Single Family Detached Less than 4,000 sq ft 1.81 1,500 2,714 Multi Family 0.83 300 249 Retail 6,001 to 25,000 sfgla 2.45 45,000 110 Total Functional Population 3,073 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Functional Population 290.98$ Total Capital Cost 894,000$ Residential Seasonal Population and Employment 4,468 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Peak Population 200.09$ Description Figure Net Asset Value - Indexed 111,592,344$ Number of Beds 1,304 Net Asset Value per Bed 85,577$ Current LOS (Beds per 1,000 Functional Residents)3.40 Asset Value per Functional Resident 290.98$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 19 Collier County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Capital Impacts According to EMS management, Hyde Park Village will be primarily served by a new EMS facility planned for the corner of Desoto Blvd./Golden Gate Blvd East. The County acquired the site in January 2020. The Greater Naples Fire Rescue District will co-locate a fire facility at the site. EMS management anticipates the station will be placed in service in 2022. The cost of the new facility will be funded by the County’s One-Cent Infrastructure surtax which was authorized in 2018. If additional EMS capacity is needed to serve Rivergrass SRA Village, and potentially Hyde Park SRA Village and Longwater SRA Village, EMS management anticipates leasing space for an additional vehicle at the new NCFR station planned for 22nd Avenue/Desoto Blvd N. Because NCFR is planning to maintain an apparatus at the new EMS station, the two entities may enter into a mutual cost-sharing arrangement. 4 In either case, EMS Management has indicated that the capital impact from Hyde Park Village will be limited to EMS vehicles. The EMS level of service in the County’s AUIR is approximately 1 unit (vehicle, equipment, station space) per 16,400 population; however, in addition to this metric, EMS also relies on demand factors such as response time and call volume to site new facilities. Call volume is affected by demographics in the service area. For example, nearly 70 percent of the County’s ambulance fee collections are from Medicare and Medicaid patients. Table 16 compares calculates the net allocable cost of the new EMS station to H yde Park Village using a peak seasonal resident population approach. Table 16: Allocation of New EMS Station Cost Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2020 4 As described in the 2019 AUIR, the County currently leases 14 EMS stations. For 10 of the 14 leased stations, no rent is paid but rather a shared monthly utility charged is assessed. Annual lease payments for EMS facilities are considered in the County operating impact section of this report. Allocation of New EMS Station Cost Proportionate Allocation 2019 AUIR Cost of Shared Station: Facility 1,325,000$ Equipment 551,057 Total Capital Cost of Shared Station 1,876,057$ Less One-Cent Infrastructure Surtax Funding 1,325,000$ Net Allocable Cost 551,057$ Demand Base 16,400 Per Capita Cost 33.60$ Hyde Park Village Peak Resident Population 4,361 EMS New Station Cost Allocable to Hyde Park Village 147,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 20 Table 17 compares the allocable cost of the new station to projected EMS impact fees for Hyde Park Village. Table 17: Hyde Park Village Capital Impacts *Included in the Collier County General Funds net fiscal impact buildout analysis. Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2020 Hyde Park Regional Parks Capital Impacts The County imposes separate impact fees for community and regional parks. Revenues and costs associated with maintaining and operating the County’s Parks facilities are provided in the General Funds and MSTU Operating Impacts section. Regional Park capital impacts are presented in Table 18. The calculated surplus will be used to fund other Regional Park capital needs. Table 18: Hyde Park Regional Parks Capital Impacts Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The County’s achieved LOS for Regional Parks is 1.72 acres per 1,000 peak population; whereas, the adopted LOS is 2.70 acres. As such, the achieved LOS was used to estimate the number of Regional Park acres needed to serve Hyde Park. EMS Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 242,000$ Other Capital Revenues*6,000 Total Capital Revenues 248,000$ EMS New Station Cost Allocable to Hyde Park Village 147,000$ Net Capital Revenues Available for EMS Growth-Related Capital Needs 101,000$ Total Capital Cost 248,000$ Hyde Park Funded EMS Owned Facilities Regional Park Capital Revenues Impact Fee Revenue 4,411,000$ Other Capital Revenues*229,000 Total Capital Revenues 4,640,000$ Regional Park Indirect Capital Costs 2017 Indexed Land & Facility Cost per Acre 590,288$ Regional Park Acres at Achieved LOS 7.50 Hyde Park Funded Regional Park Acres 4,426,000$ Regional Park Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs 214,000$ *Included in the Collier County General Funds and MSTU expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Regional Park Facilities HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 21 Table 19: Hyde Park Regional Parks Level of Service Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The indexed capital cost per Regional Park acre is calculated in Table 20. Table 20: Hyde Park Regional Parks Indexed Capital Cost per Acre Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park Community Parks Capital Impacts Community Parks capital impacts are presented in Table 21. The direct capital impact on Community Parks is shown in Table 21. The calculated surplus will be used to fund other Community Park capital needs. Table 21: Hyde Park Community Parks Capital Impacts Source: Collier County, Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 In comparison, the County’s adopted LOS for Community Parks is 1.20 acres per 1,000 peak population, and the achieved LOS is 1.32 acres. As such, the adopted LOS was used to estimate the number of Community Park acres needed to serve Hyde Park. Peak Seasonal Population 441,688 Regional Park Acres (Achieved LOS)759.42 Regional Park Acres per 1,000 population 1.72 Hyde Park Peak Seasonal Population 4,361 Hyde Park Regional Park Acreage 7.50 LOS Share of Regional Park Facilities Component Regional Park Land Purchase Cost per Acre 450,000$ Landscaping, Site Preparation, and Irrigation Cost, per acre 40,000 Total Land Cost per Acre 490,000$ Facility & Equipment Cost per Acre 43,634 Total Land & Facility Cost per Acre 533,634$ 2017 Index 1.106 2017 Indexed Cost per Acre 590,288$ Community Park Capital Revenues Impact Fee Revenue 1,538,000$ Other Capital Revenues*25,000 Total Capital Revenues 1,563,000$ Community Park Indirect Capital Costs 2017 Indexed Land & Facility Cost per Acre 282,573$ Community Park Acres at Achieved LOS 5.23 Hyde Park Funded Community Park Acres 1,479,000$ Community Park Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs 84,000$ Hyde Park Funded Community Park Facilities HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 22 Table 22: Hyde Park Community Parks Level of Service Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The indexed capital cost per Community Park acre is calculated in Table 23. Table 23: Hyde Park Community Parks Indexed Capital Cost per Acre Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park Libraries Impacts Libraries impact fees include land, building, furnishings, and collection materials to serve the entire County. Fees are assessed at the recommended level. Revenues and costs associated with maintaining and operating the County’s Libraries facilities are provided in the General Funds Operating Impacts section. Libraries capital impacts are presented in Table 24. The calculated surplus will be used to fund other Library capital needs. Community Park Adopted LOS 1.20 Hyde Park Peak Seasonal Population 4,361 Hyde Park Community Park Acreage 5.23 LOS Share of Community Park Facilities Component Community Park Land Purchase Cost per Acre 107,000$ Landscaping, Site Preparation, and Irrigation Cost, per acre 10,000 Total Land Cost per Acre 117,000$ Facility & Equipment Cost per Acre 148,328 Total Land & Facility Cost per Acre 265,328$ 2017 Index 1.065 2017 Indexed Cost per Acre 282,573$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 23 Table 24: Hyde Park Libraries Capital Impacts Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The County’s adopted LOS for Library facilities is 0.33 square feet per 1,000 peak population; whereas, the achieved LOS is 0.42 square feet for owned facilities. As such, the adopted LOS was used to estimate the library square footage needed to serve Hyde Park. Table 25: Hyde Park Library Facilities Level of Service Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 The library square foot value of $243, and the unit cost per capital value of $42 were obtained from the 2016 Library Impact Fee Update. Government Buildings Capital Impacts Government buildings impact fees include remaining non-enterprise County land, buildings, information technology and vehicles. Fees are assessed at the recommended level. Revenues and costs associated with maintaining and operating the County’s General Government facilities are provided in the General Funds Operating Impacts section. General Government capital impacts are presented in Table 26. The net result of $(1,000) is due to rounding. Library Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 552,000$ Other Capital Revenues*74,000 Total Capital Revenue 626,000$ Library Capital Costs: Library Facility Cost Library Sq Ft at Adopted LOS 1,439 Library Facility Cost per Sq Ft 243.20$ Library Facility Cost 350,000$ Library Materials/Collections Unit Cost per Capita 41.70$ Peak Seasonal Population 4,361 Total Items 182,000$ Total Library Capital Costs 532,000$ Library Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs 94,000$ *Included in the Collier County General Funds expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Library Facilities Peak Seasonal Population 4,361 Sq Ft per Peak Seasonal Resident at Adopted LOS 0.33 Library Sq Ft (Adopted LOS)1,439 LOS Share of Library Facilities HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 24 Table 26: Hyde Park General Government Capital Impacts Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Library capital costs are calculated in Table 27. Table 27: Hyde Park General Government Capital Cost Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect to County Capital Impacts. Water and Wastewater The Hyde Park Village DCA includes sections that confirm that Collier County Water-Sewer District (“CCWSD”) will supply both potable water and sewer service to the Hyde Park Development. Please refer to the DCA for more detail with respect to the utility agreement, including the fiscal requirement to prepay a portion of the impact fees. Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect to Collier County’s Water and Wastewater capital and operating impacts. Government Building Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 1,592,000$ Revenue Credits*53,000 Total Capital Revenue 1,645,000$ Government Building Capital Costs: Government Building Direct Capital Costs -$ Government Buildings Capital Revenues in Excess of Direct Capital Costs 1,645,000$ Government Building Indirect Capital Costs (Indexed):1,646,000$ Government Building Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs (1,000)$ *Included in the Collier County General Funds expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Government Buildings Land Use Functional Population Coefficient Units/ Square Feet Functional Population Single Family Detached Less than 4,000 sq ft 1.81 1,500 2,716 Multi Family 0.86 300 258 Retail 6,001 to 25,000 sfgla 2.45 45,000 110 Total Functional Population 3,084 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Functional Population 533.72$ Total Capital Cost 1,646,000$ Residential Seasonal Population and Employment 4,468 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Peak Population 368.40$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 25 Stormwater Management Stormwater retention and detention will comply with Florida Water Management District (“SFWMD”) requirements, and State and County standards for off -site discharges will be met, resulting in no adverse impacts to stormwater management (drainage) level of service. The Hyde Park property is currently permitted as a commercial mining operation by SFWM D and has a perimeter control berm that contains the 25 year, 3 day storm with zero discharge prior to discharge through a control structure to the adjacent Faka Union Canal. The property also has a small conservation area in the SE corner that is covered by a conservation easement dedicated to SFWMD which will be vacated during the ERP permitting process. This small wetland is severely degraded and is isolated. SFWMD staff has agreed to the proposed vacation and related impacts to the isolated wetland. The perimeter berm is in place and functioning as designed and permitted by SFWMD. The permitted control structure was never constructed. The proposed development scenario would involve a reshaping of most of the existing lakes to create a site plan with more curvilinear road network that is typical of large scale residential developments throughout Southwest Florida. The revised lake system would begin discharging at a controlled bleed down rate at the current control elevation and reach the full discharge allowance during the 25 year, 3 day peak storm event with discharge occurring through two structures that would be connected via pipes to the Faka Union canal. The system would provide the treatment and attenuation volumes required by the SFWMD rules and the littoral shelves required by Collier County LDC. In addition to providing the required treatment and attenuation volumes for the proposed Hyde Park SRA, the draft DCA anticipates that Hyde Park Phase 1 will accept, treat, and attenuate the stormwater runoff from the proposed Oil Well Road expansion along the southern border. This mile long stretch of road expansion is currently designed to flow into two offsite ponds that would have to be acquired by Collier County Transportation. The Developer of Hyde Park will be responsible for all costs associated with the design, permitting, construction, and operation of the proposed stormwater improvements required to serve the Hyde Park development. In the event that the Oil Well Road runoff was routed through the system and the internal pipes had to be upsized to accommodate the additional volumes, the Developer may seek road impact fee credits via the Developer’s Agreement for the cost of the pipe upsizing. Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect of Stormwater Management capital and operating impacts. Irrigation Water The Hyde Park Village DCA confirms that CCWSD will provide Irrigation Quality (IQ”) water to the residential and commercial lots within Hyde Park. The common areas and buffers will be irrigated HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 26 via lake water withdrawn from the onsite lake system. The Hyde Park Homeowners Association will own and manage the irrigation system for the common areas and buffers. Please refer to the DCA for greater detail. Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect of Irrigation Water capital and operating impacts. Solid Waste Single family residences are required to have garbage disposed of through the County’s contractor, and residents are billed mandatory collection fees for the cost of collection and disposal service The Collier County Landfill is financed and operated under design/build/operate Landfill Operating Agreement with Waste Management Inc. of Florida (“WMIF”). All capital revenue and expenses incurred, including new cell construction, are paid through tipping fees paid to WMIF. Under the LOA, (a) no debt is carried by the County; (b) design/build/operate provisions ensure proper cell capacity; and (c) landfill cells vary by size and disposal capacity. The 2017 Solid Waste AUIR projects the County has 50 years of remaining landfill capacity. Revenues and expenses of the solid waste operations describe above are accounted for in the County’s Solid Waste Fund, a self-supporting enterprise fund. Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral with respect to Collier County’s Landfill. NORTH COLLIER FIRE & RESCUE DISTRICT North Collier Fire & Rescue Capital Impacts Hyde Park is located within the Big Corkscrew Island Service Delivery Area (“SDA”) of the Nort h Collier Fire & Rescue District (“Fire & Rescue District”). Based on discussions with Fire & Rescue District personnel, Hyde Park is within 1.6 miles of a planned fire facility which North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District has already prepped for vertical development. The project has no incremental impact on the building and equipment programmed for the new facility. HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 27 Table 28: Hyde Park North Collier Fire & Rescue District Capital Impacts Source: North Collier Fire & Rescue District, DPFG, 2018 Capital costs are estimated in Table 29. Table 29: Hyde Park Fire & Rescue District Capital Costs Source: North Collier Fire & Rescue District, DPFG, 2018 Projected impact fee revenues are presented in Table 30 and total $1.1 million. Table 30: Hyde Park North Collier Fire & Rescue Impact Fee Revenues Note: These impact fee rates take effect October 1, 2018. Source: North Collier Fire & Rescue District, DPFG, 2018 Fire District Capital Revenues: Impact Fee Revenue 1,089,000$ Other Capital Revenues*65,000 Total Capital Revenue 1,154,000$ Fire District Direct Capital Costs: North Collier Fire District Direct Capital Costs (Indexed)1,154,000$ Fire District Capital Revenues in Excess of Capital Costs -$ *Included in the North Collier Fire & Rescue operating expenditures analysis. Hyde Park Funded Fire Stations Land Use Functional Population Coefficient Units/ Square Feet Functional Population Single Family Detached Less than 4,000 sq ft 1.71 1,500 2,565 Multi Family 0.87 300 261 Retail 6,001 to 25,000 sfgla 2.46 45,000 111 Total Functional Population 2,937 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Functional Population 392.85$ Total Capital Cost 1,154,000$ Residential Seasonal Population and Employment 4,468 2017 Indexed Capital Cost per Peak Population 258.28$ Units or Fire Sq Ft Impact Fee Total Residential Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 322.64$ 97,000 Single Family Product A 534 634.16$ 339,000 Single Family Product B 598 634.16$ 379,000 Single Family Product C 368 634.16$ 233,000 Total Residential 1,800 1,048,000$ Non-Residential Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 45,000 0.91396$ 41,000 Total Non-Residential (sf)45,000 41,000$ Total Fire & Rescue Impact Fees 1,089,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 28 North Collier Fire & Rescue Annual Operating Impacts Because the current operating millage of the Big Corkscrew Island SDA is geared to much lower density development, Hyde Park is currently projected to generate significant operating surpluses. However, a vote on non-ad valorem fire assessment fees is included on the August 28, 2018 ballot. If approved, the fees will go into effect on October 1, 2019, and the millage rate will likely decrease to 0.5 mill in each Service Delivery Area. The combination of the non -ad valorem fire assessment fee and the ad valorem assessment fee at a proposed 0.5 mills districtwide is anticipated to increase the District’s General Fund revenue by $3.5 million annually. Table 31: Hyde Park Big Corkscrew Island SDA Annual Operating Impacts at Buildout Source: North Collier Fire & Rescue District, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park is deemed fiscally positive with respect to the North Collier Fire & Rescue Control District. COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOLS FISCAL IMPACT Collier County Schools Capital Impacts The projected enrollment of Hyde Park on the Collier County School District is shown in Table 32. The student generation rates in the 2015 School Impact Fee Update, the most recent data available, were used to calculate enrollment. Annual Revenues: Hyde Park Ad Valorem Tax Base 473,701,000$ Big Corkscrew Island SDA Millage Rate 3.50 Annual Ad Valorem Revenues 1,658,000$ 1,658,000$ Annual Expenditures: 2017-18 North Collier Fire Budget: Personnel Expenses 28,798,383$ Operating Expenses 4,966,479 Debt Service 519,775 Capital 291,500 Total Expenditures 34,576,137$ North Collier Fire District Functional Population 147,405 Operating Cost per Functional Resident 235$ Hyde Park Functional Population 2,937 Annual Operating Cost 690,000$ 690,000$ Annual Operating Surplus 968,000$ Annual Operating Impacts Big Corkscrew Island SDA at Buildout HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 29 Table 32: Hyde Park Projected Public School Enrollment Source: Collier County School District, Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park is located in the E10 North Central Area CSA for elementary schools, the M3 North Central Area CSA for middle schools, and the H3 North Central Area CSA for high schools. The FISH capacity and enrollment data from the Collier County Public Schools Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Years 2019-2038 is shown in Table 33. As indicated, the School District is expecting additional available elementary and middle school seats in FY 2022-23. The projected enrollment decline for those school types is a function of age cohort trends and the potential effects from Collier Charter Academy (K-8) opening in the 2017-18 school year. Table 33: Collier County School District 2022-23 Available Capacity Source: Collier County School District, Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 A comparison of Hyde Park’s projected public school enrollment by school type to available capacity anticipated in FY 2022-23 is shown in Table 34. Residential Unit Type Units SGR Projected Students Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 0.11 33 Single Family Product A 534 0.34 182 Single Family Product B 598 0.34 203 Single Family Product C 368 0.34 125 Total Residential 1,800 543 # School Year Opened FISH Capacity 2017-18 2017-18 Peak Enrolled 2017-18 Available Seats 2022/23 Enrolled 2022/23 Available Seats Elementary 1 Corkscrew 1999 809 631 178 599 210 2 Estates 2004 690 589 101 596 94 Total Elementary 1,499 1,220 279 1,195 304 Middle 1 Corkscrew 2000 1,014 778 236 734 280 2 Cypress Palm 2007 1,146 718 428 742 404 3 Golden Gate 1981 1,059 1,110 (51)1,061 (2) Total Middle 3,219 2,606 613 2,537 682 High (1) 1 Golden Gate 2004 1,989 1,872 117 1,795 194 2 Palmetto Ridge 2004 2,006 1,950 56 2,200 (194) Total High 3,995 3,822 173 3,995 0 Note 1: New high school planned for opening in 2023. HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 30 Table 34: Hyde Park Projected Enrollment by School Type Source: Collier County School District, Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 Based on discussions with School District staff, the new students from Hyde Park are not expected to trigger level of service issues given existing and planned schools. At this point, it cannot be determined how many, if any, new student seats will be required for Hyde Park’s elementary and middle school students. The capital costs of the Hyde Park students are presented in Table 35 and are based on the 2015 School Impact Fee Update which includes a capitalized interest component. These estimates are very conservative as they do not consider statutory student station cost caps set forth by F.S. 1013.64(b) which became effective on July 1, 2017. As of June 2018, the statutory cost caps are Elementary $22,402, Middle $24,191, and High $31,423. Table 35: Hyde Park School Capital Costs Source: Collier County Schools, DPFG, 2018 School impact fee revenue, under the adopted rates as of February 8, 2018, is shown in Table 36. School Type Projected Students Percent North Central CSA Available Capacity 2022-23 Elementary 248 46%304 Middle 118 22%682 High 177 33%0 Total 543 100% Facility Costs Students Cost per Student Total School Facility Cost: Elementary TBD 36,058$ TBD Middle TBD 42,266 TBD High 154 48,381 7,451,000 Cost of New School Facilities 154 48,383$ 7,451,000$ Transportation and Ancillary Costs - Initial: Transportation 543 $ 1,097 596,000 Anxillary Facility 543 $ 1,206 655,000 Total Transportation/Ancillary 543 $ 2,303 1,251,000 Total Capital Costs 16,026$ 8,702,000$ TBD = To Be Determined HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 31 Table 36: Hyde Park School Impact Fee Revenue Source: Collier County Schools, DPFG, 2018 As seen in Table 37, capital revenues consist primarily of ad valorem taxes and impact fees. The Capital Outlay Millage, which is determined locally by the School Board within parameters established by the State Legislature, is currently 1.48 mills. The millage was lowered from the statutory maximum of 1.50 mills in FY 2018; however, increased property values resulted in additional Capital Outlay revenues. Table 37: Hyde Park School Net Capital Impacts – Total Cash Flow Approach Source: Collier County Schools, DPFG, 2018 Units or Sq Ft Total Residential Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 2,844.19$ 853,000 Single Family Product A 534 8,789.54$ 4,694,000 Single Family Product B 598 8,789.54$ 5,256,000 Single Family Product C 368 8,789.54$ 3,235,000 Total 1,800 14,038,000$ Rates As of Feb 8, 2018 School Impact Fee Revenue Capital Improvement Tax* School Impact Fee Revenue 14,038,000$ Direct School Capital Expenditures: New High School 7,451,000$ New School Buses K-12 596,000 Direct School Capital Expenditures:8,047,000$ Other Eligible Capacity-Adding Capital Expenditures 5,991,000$ Total School Impact Fee Expenditures 14,038,000$ Capital Improvement Tax Revenue School District Capital Tax - Residential 13,068,000$ School District Capital Tax - NonResidential 244,000 Total School Capital Revenues 13,312,000$ School Capital Expenditures: School Bus Replacement Cost 596,000$ Charter School Pass-Through 423,000 Other Direct School and/or Systemwide Capital Expenditures 12,293,000 Total School Capital Expenditures 13,312,000$ * Consistent with 25-Year Credit Period in CCPS School Impact Fee Study. Revenue/Expense HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 32 Collier County Schools Operating Impacts The Florida Legislature establishes the school operating millage based on the General Appropriations Act. Legislative committees meet to debate continuing and new initiatives in education and set a budget based on these results within the General Appropriations Act. The State budget determines the Required Local Effort Millage (“RLE”) for each school district. The RLE is the amount of funding that each district provides annually towards the cost of the Florida Education Finance Program (“FEFP”). The aggregate RLE for all school districts is prescribed by the Legislature as a specific line item in the annual General Appropriations Act. The Commissioner of Education is also authorized to adjust the millage rate to make sure no school district’s RLE exceeds 90 percent of that district’s total FEFP entitlement. The Legislature establishes a per student funding amount which is based upon the local authorities taxing of both the RLE and the 0.748 discretionary tax millage. According to the School District, the school tax millage for Collier County is much lower than the statewide average and typically ranks within the three lowest out of all Florida school districts. A comparison of the School District’s tax roll and millage history is shown in Figure 3. Figure 1: Collier County School District Tax Roll and Millage History Source: Collier County School District, 2018 Because the Legislature sets the majority of school district operating revenues through a series of statewide equalization formulas, most fiscal analysts do not attempt to model school operating impacts. An estimate of local ad valorem school operating revenues is shown in Table 38. HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 33 Table 38: Hyde Park Local Ad Valorem School Operating Taxes at Buildout Source: Collier County Schools, DPFG, 2018 Hyde Park is deemed fiscally neutral respect to the Collier County School District. School District Operating Results At Buildout Ad Valorem Local Millage - Residential 3.642 1,774,000$ Ad Valorem Local Millage - NonResidential 3.642 42,000 Ad Valorem Local Millage Revenues 1,816,000$ Ad Valorem Local Millage Operating Expenditures 1,816,000$ Ad Valorem Local Millage Net Revenues -$ Operating Millage HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 34 APPENDIX Appendix Table 1: Collier County Base Assumptions Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 COLLIER COUNTY STUDY PERIOD FY 2018 County Budget Year COLLIER COUNTYWIDE POPULATION 368,073 2018 County Permanent Population - Collier County 2017 AUIR 1.20 Seasonal Population Coefficient - Collier County 441,688 2018 County Peak Seaonal Population - Collier County 2017 AUIR 73,615 2018 County Peak Seasonal Population COLLIER COUNTYWIDE EMPLOYMENT 196,065 Collier County 2016 EMS Impact Fee Update 0.8897602 FTE Conversion Factor - IMPLAN 174,451 Collier County 2016 EMS Impact Fee Update COLLIER COUNTY PEAK TOURIST POPULATION 230,700 Collier County CVB 2017 Profile - March 2017 7,442 Peak Daily Tourists COLLIER COUNTYWIDE POPULATION AND JOBS 542,524 County Permanent Population and Jobs 616,139 County Peak Seasonal Population and Jobs 623,581 County Peak Seasonal Population, Tourists, and Jobs COLLIER UNINCORPORATED COUNTY POPULATION 326,511 2018 Unincorporated County Permanent Population - Collier County 2017 AUIR 1.21 Seasonal Unincorporated Population Coefficient - Collier County 395,964 2018 Unincorporated County Peak Seaonal Population - Collier County 2017 AUIR 69,453 2018 Unincorporated County Peak Seasonal Population COLLIER COUNTY UNINCORPORATED EMPLOYMENT 154,752 Allocation based on Collier County 2016 EMS Impact Fee Update COLLIER COUNTY UNINCORPORATED POPULATION AND JOBS 481,263 County Permanent Population and Jobs 550,716 County Peak Seasonal Population and Jobs COLLIER COUNTY MILLAGE RATES 3.5645 County General Fund 0.8069 MSTD General Fund 0.0293 Water Pollution Control COLLIER COUNTY % HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION Shimberg Center for Housing Studies - 2017 Final Tax Roll Year 65%Single Family 31%Condominium 50,000$ County Homestead Exemption 25,000$ School Homestead Exemption HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 35 Appendix Table 2: Hyde Park Resident Population and Seasonal Population Coefficients Source: Neal Communities, Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Appendix Table 3: Hyde Park Population and Employment Estimates Source: Neal Communities, Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Appendix Table 4: Hyde Park Population and Employment Summary Source: Neal Communities, Inc., Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Appendix Table 5: Hyde Park Public School Enrollment Source: Collier County Schools, DPFG, 2018 Land Use by Impact Fee Category Permanent Population Per Unit Seasonal Index Peak Seasonal Persons Per Unit Residential (Units) Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 1.05 1.20 1.26 Single Family Product A 2.21 1.20 2.65 Single Family Product B 2.21 1.20 2.65 Single Family Product C 2.21 1.20 2.65 Land Use by Impact Fee Category Units Units Total Units Peak Seasonal Persons Per Unit Peak Seasonal Population Permanent Population Per Unit Permanent Population Residential (Units) Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 300 1.26 378 1.05 315 Single Family Product A 534 534 2.65 1,418 2.21 1,181 Single Family Product B 598 598 2.65 1,588 2.21 1,323 Single Family Product C 368 368 2.65 977 2.21 814 Total Residential 1,800 1,800 4,361 3,633 Non-Residential Occup % Sq Ft Total Sq Ft Employment Coefficient Employees Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 95%45,000 45,000 2.50 107 Cumulative Population and Employment At Buildout Permanent Population 3,633 Permanent Population and Jobs 3,740 Residential Seasonal Population 4,361 Residential Seasonal Population and Tourists 4,361 Employment 107 Residential Seasonal Population and Employment 4,468 Residential Seasonal Population, Tourists, and Employment 4,468 Residential Unit Type Units SGR Projected Students Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 0.11 33 Single Family Product A 534 0.34 182 Single Family Product B 598 0.34 203 Single Family Product C 368 0.34 125 Total Residential 1,800 543 HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 36 Appendix Table 6: Hyde Park County Tax Base Source: Neal Communities, Collier County, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies (Univ. of FL), DPFG, 2018 Appendix Table 7: Hyde Park School District Tax Base Source: Neal Communities, Collier County, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies (Univ. of FL), DPFG, 2018 Units or Taxable Value Land Use Sq Ft per Unit/SF At Buildout Residential Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached - -$ -$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 158,000$ 47,400,000 Single Family Product A 534 232,300$ 124,048,000 Single Family Product B 598 290,300$ 173,599,000 Single Family Product C 368 318,300$ 117,134,000 Total Residential 1,800 462,181,000$ Non-Residential Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 45,000 256$ 11,520,000 Total Non-Residential (sf)45,000 11,520,000$ Total Tax Base 473,701,000$ Units or Taxable Value Sq Ft per Unit/SF At Buildout Residential Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached - -$ -$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 158,000$ 47,400,000 Single Family Product A 534 249,000$ 132,966,000 Single Family Product B 598 307,000$ 183,586,000 Single Family Product C 368 335,000$ 123,280,000 Total Residential 1,800 487,232,000$ Non-Residential Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 45,000 256$ 11,520,000 Total Non-Residential (sf)45,000 11,520,000$ Total Tax Base 498,752,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 37 Appendix Table 8: FY 2018 Collier County General Funds and MSTU Revenue Budget Summaries Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Ad Valorem Taxes Licenses & Permits Inter- Governmental Revenues State Revenue Sharing Half Cent Sales Tax Fed Payment in Lieu of Taxes Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenues Interest/ Miscellaneous Indirect Service Charge Carry Forward 001 General Fund 298,046,800$ 317,300$ 453,000$ 10,000,000$ 39,000,000$ 900,000$ 12,896,000$ 401,000$ 201,700$ 860,000$ 8,053,100$ 51,431,600$ 002 Impact Fee Deferral Program - - - - - - - - - - - 9,000 003 Emergency Relief - - - - - - - - - 2,400 - 488,100 007 Economic Development - - 400,000 - - - - - - 15,600 - 1,718,200 011 Clerk of Circuit Court - - - - - - 3,087,800 - - 15,000 - - 040 Sheriff - - - - - - - - - - - - 060 Property Appraiser - - - - - - - - - - - - 070 Tax Collector - - - - - - 21,456,600 - - 250,200 - - 080 Supervisor of Elections - - - - - - - - - - - - Total General Fund Grouping Revenues 298,046,800$ 317,300$ 853,000$ 10,000,000$ 39,000,000$ 900,000$ 37,440,400$ 401,000$ 201,700$ 1,143,200$ 8,053,100$ 53,646,900$ Ad Valorem Taxes Licenses & Permits Inter- Governmental Revenues State Revenue Sharing Half Cent Sales Tax Fed Payment in Lieu of Taxes Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenues Interest/ Miscellaneous Indirect Service Charge Carry Forward 111 Unincorporated Area General Fund 41,794,300$ $ 450,000 -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,353,100$ 339,000$ 232,100$ 120,000$ -$ 7,436,300$ GENERAL FUND GROUPING REVENUES AND SOURCES UNINCORPORATED GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND SOURCES Communication Services Tax Special Assessments Transfers from General Fund (001) Transfers from Constitutional Officers Other Transfers Reimburse from Other Departments Less 5% Required by Law Total 001 General Fund -$ -$ -$ 6,600,000$ 2,182,800$ 792,700$ (18,183,300)$ 413,952,700$ 002 Impact Fee Deferral Program - - - - - - - 9,000 003 Emergency Relief - - - - - - (200) 490,300 007 Economic Development - - - - - - (20,800) 2,113,000 011 Clerk of Circuit Court - - 6,823,000 - - - (154,400) 9,771,400 040 Sheriff - - 174,720,200 - - - - 174,720,200 060 Property Appraiser - - 6,739,300 - 723,200 - - 7,462,500 070 Tax Collector - - - - - - - 21,706,800 080 Supervisor of Elections - - 3,702,100 - - - - 3,702,100 Total General Fund Grouping Revenues -$ -$ 191,984,600$ 6,600,000$ 2,906,000$ 792,700$ (18,358,700)$ 633,928,000$ Communication Services Tax Special Assessments Transfers from General Fund (001) Transfers from Constitutional Officers Other Transfers Reimburse from Other Departments Less 5% Required by Law Total 111 Unincorporated Area General Fund 4,600,000$ 37,000$ 841,900$ 200,000$ 493,300$ 21,500$ (2,546,900)$ 57,371,600$ GENERAL FUND GROUPING REVENUES AND SOURCES UNINCORPORATED GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND SOURCES HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 38 Appendix Table 9: FY 2018 Collier County General Funds Revenue Demand Units Source: Collier County, DFPG, 2018 Appendix Table 10: FY 2018 Collier County MSTU Revenue Demand Units Source: Collier County, DFPG, 2018 General Fund Grouping Revenue Category Budget Demand Base Multiplier Base Demand $ Per Demand Unit Ad Valorem Taxes 298,046,800$ CUMULATIVE AV 1.00 N/A N/A Licenses & Permits 317,300 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 0.58$ Inter- Governmental Revenues 853,000 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 1.57$ State Revenue Sharing - Fixed Portion 998,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A State Revenue Sharing - Growth Portion 9,002,000 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 24.46$ Half Cent Sales Tax 39,000,000 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 105.96$ Fed Payment in Lieu of Taxes 900,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Charges for Services 37,440,400 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 69.01$ Fines & Forfeitures 401,000 PEAKPOP 1.00 441,688 0.91$ Miscellaneous Revenues 201,700 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 0.37$ Interest/ Miscellaneous 1,143,200 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 2.11$ Indirect Service Charge 8,053,100 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 14.84$ Carry Forward 53,646,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers from General Fund (001)191,984,600 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers from Constitutional Officers 6,600,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 10.71$ Other Transfers 2,906,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Reimburse from Other Departments 792,700 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 1.29$ Less 5% Required by Law (18,358,700) FIXED 1.00 - N/A Total 633,928,000$ 231.81$ General Fund Grouping Revenue Category Budget Demand Base Multiplier Base Demand $ Per Demand Unit Ad Valorem Taxes 41,794,300$ CUMULATIVE AV 1.00 N/A N/A Licenses & Permits 450,000 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 481,263 0.94$ Charges for Services 3,353,100 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 481,263 6.97$ Fines & Forfeitures 339,000 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 481,263 0.70$ Miscellaneous Revenues 232,100 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 0.42$ Interest/ Miscellaneous 120,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 0.22$ Carry Forward 7,436,300 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Communication Services Tax 4,600,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 8.35$ Special Assessments 37,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers from General Fund (001)841,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers from Constitutional Officers 200,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Other Transfers 493,300 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Reimburse from Other Departments 21,500 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 0.04$ Less 5% Required by Law (2,546,900) FIXED 1.00 - N/A Total 57,371,600$ 17.64$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 39 Appendix Table 11: Hyde Park General Funds Revenue at Buildout Source: Collier County, DFPG, 2018 Appendix Table 12: Hyde Park MSTU Revenue at Buildout Source: Collier County, DFPG, 2018 GENERAL FUND GROUPING REVENUES Demand Base At Buildout Ad Valorem Taxes CUMULATIVE AV 3.5645$ 1,689,000$ Licenses & Permits PERMPOP&JOBS 0.58$ 2,000 Inter- Governmental Revenues PERMPOP&JOBS 1.57$ 6,000 State Revenue Sharing - Growth Portion PERMPOP 24.46$ 89,000 Half Cent Sales Tax PERMPOP 105.96$ 385,000 Charges for Services PERMPOP&JOBS 69.01$ 258,000 Fines & Forfeitures PEAKPOP 0.91$ 4,000 Miscellaneous Revenues PERMPOP&JOBS 0.37$ 1,000 Interest/ Miscellaneous PERMPOP&JOBS 2.11$ 8,000 Indirect Service Charge PERMPOP&JOBS 14.84$ 56,000 Transfers from Constitutional Officers PEAKPOP&JOBS 10.71$ 48,000 Reimburse from Other Departments PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.29$ 6,000 Total General Funds Annual Operating Revenues 231.81$ 2,552,000$ $ Per Demand MSTU GENERAL FUND REVENUES Demand Base At Buildout Ad Valorem Taxes CUMULATIVE AV 0.8069$ 382,000$ Licenses & Permits PERMPOP&JOBS 0.94$ 4,000 Charges for Services PERMPOP&JOBS 6.97$ 26,000 Fines & Forfeitures PERMPOP&JOBS 0.70$ 3,000 Miscellaneous Revenues PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.42$ 2,000 Interest/ Miscellaneous PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.22$ 1,000 Communication Services Tax PEAKPOP&JOBS 8.35$ 37,000 Reimburse from Other Departments PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.04$ - Total MSTU Annual Operating Revenues 17.64$ 455,000$ $ Per Demand HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 40 Appendix Table 13: FY 2018 Collier County General Funds and MSTU Expenditure Budget Summaries Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Personal Services Operating Services Capital Outlay Grants and Aid Remittances Advance/ Repay Indirect Cost Reimbursement Transfers to Constitutional Officers Transfers to General Fund (001) Other Transfers Reserves 001 General Fund 33,903,700$ $ 35,626,000 371,500$ 3,404,400$ 4,727,700$ 1,325,000$ -$ 206,905,500$ -$ 87,238,600$ 40,450,300$ 002 Impact Fee Deferral Program - - - - - - - - 9,000 - - 003 Emergency Relief - 50,000 - - - - - - - - 440,300 007 Economic Development 7,000 - 850,000 3,600 - - - 011 Clerk of Circuit Court 7,940,600 1,625,500 205,300 - - - - - - - - 040 Sheriff 141,308,500 26,394,900 7,016,800 - - - - - - - - 060 Property Appraiser 5,771,100 1,666,400 25,000 - - - - - - - - 070 Tax Collector 11,365,500 2,610,400 627,600 - - - - - - - - 080 Supervisor of Elections 2,204,200 1,477,900 20,000 - - - - - - - - Total General Fund Grouping Expenditures 202,493,600$ 69,458,100$ 8,266,200$ 3,404,400$ 5,577,700$ 1,325,000$ 3,600$ 206,905,500$ 9,000$ 87,238,600$ 40,890,600$ Personal Services Operating Services Capital Outlay Grants and Aid Remittances Advance/ Repay Indirect Cost Reimbursement Transfers to Constitutional Officers Transfers to General Fund (001) Other Transfers Reserves 111 Unincorporated Area General Fund 18,043,000$ $ 15,791,700 411,100$ -$ 500,000$ -$ 2,192,400$ 1,374,400$ 396,400$ 15,679,500$ 2,983,100$ GENERAL FUND GROUPING EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES UNINCORPORATED GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Restricted for Unfunded Requests Distribution of Excess Fees to Govt Agencies Total Personal Services Operating Services Capital Outlay Grants and Aid Remittances 001 General Fund - -$ 413,952,700$ 78,033,300$ 002 Impact Fee Deferral Program - - 9,000 - 003 Emergency Relief - - 490,300 50,000 007 Economic Development 1,252,400 - 2,113,000 860,600 011 Clerk of Circuit Court - - 9,771,400 9,771,400 040 Sheriff - - 174,720,200 174,720,200 060 Property Appraiser - - 7,462,500 7,462,500 070 Tax Collector - 7,103,300 21,706,800 14,603,500 080 Supervisor of Elections - - 3,702,100 3,702,100 Total General Fund Grouping Expenditures 1,252,400$ 7,103,300$ 633,928,000$ 289,203,600$ Restricted for Unfunded Requests Distribution of Excess Fees to Govt Agencies Total Personal Services Operating Services Capital Outlay Grants and Aid Remittances Indirect Cost Reimbursement 111 Unincorporated Area General Fund -$ -$ 57,371,600$ 36,938,200$ GENERAL FUND GROUPING EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES UNINCORPORATED GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 41 Appendix Table 14: FY 2018 Collier County Expenditure Budget Summaries Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Fund #General Fund Description Total Budget 001 General Fund 413,952,700$ 002 Utility Impact Fee Deferral Program 9,000 003 Emergency Disaster 490,300 007 Economic Development 2,113,000 011 Clerk of Circuit Court 9,771,400 040 Sheriff 174,720,200 060 Property Appraiser 7,462,500 070 Tax Collector 21,706,800 080 Supervisor of Elections 3,702,100 Total General Fund Groupings 633,928,000$ Fund Type Operating Budget General Fund Groupings 289,203,600$ Special Revenue Funds 150,471,300 Capital Funds - Enterprise Funds 43,986,600 Internal Service Funds 71,161,800 Trust and Agency Funds 16,700 Transfers and Reserves 153,745,500 Total Operating Services, Excluding Public Utilities 708,585,500$ Division/Agency Operating Budget Board of County Commissioners 15,257,800$ Constitutional Officers 228,397,800 Administrative Services 170,290,500 Growth Management 120,009,800 Court Related Agencies 5,665,100 Office of County Manager 50,079,400 Public Services 102,547,100 Public Utilities - Facilities Management 16,338,000 Total Operating Services, Excluding Public Utilities 708,585,500$ Public Utilties 232,459,000 Total Operating Budget 941,044,500$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 42 Appendix Table 15: FY 2018 Collier County Appropriations by Program Budget Summaries Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Division General Funds Grouping Total Special Revenue Funds Total Capital Funds Total Enterprise Funds Total Internal Service Funds Total Trust and Agency Funds Total Transfers and Reserves Total General Funds Grouping Total Less Remittances Board of County Commissioners 8,925,900$ 3,375,800$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,301,700$ 4,991,500$ County Attorney 2,772,700 183,400 - - - - - 2,956,100 2,772,700 Property Appraiser 7,638,000 - - - - - - 7,638,000 7,638,000 Supervisor of Elections 3,767,100 - - - - - - 3,767,100 3,767,100 Clerk of Courts 10,261,200 - - - - - - 10,261,200 10,261,200 Sheriff 178,139,600 3,652,400 - - - - 3,014,000 184,806,000 178,139,600 Tax Collector 14,822,200 - - - - - 7,103,300 21,925,500 14,822,200 Administrative Services 643,000 - - - - - - 643,000 643,000 Dori Slosberg Driver Education - 223,000 - - - - - 223,000 - Fleet Management - - - - 9,215,200 - 611,600 9,826,800 - Motor Pool Capital Recovery Program - - - 2,960,300 3,385,900 - 10,332,000 16,678,200 - Human Resources 2,151,800 - - - - - - 2,151,800 2,151,800 Information Technology - 1,293,900 - - 9,736,300 - 1,273,200 12,303,400 - Procurement Services 1,937,100 - - - - - - 1,937,100 1,937,100 Risk Management - - - - 48,824,400 - 36,049,700 84,874,100 - Communications & Customer Relations Division - 1,377,200 - - - - - 1,377,200 - Bureau of Emergency Services 3,023,400 102,500 - - - - 440,300 3,566,200 3,001,500 Emergency Medical Services EMS - - - 31,746,600 - - 2,029,300 33,775,900 - Fire Districts - 2,460,000 - - - - 473,800 2,933,800 - Growth Management Administration - 20,075,200 - - - - - 20,075,200 - Planning 109,800 3,327,200 - - - - - 3,437,000 109,800 Regulation - 25,153,600 - - - - 2,130,200 27,283,800 - Maintenance - 19,810,800 - - - - - 19,810,800 - Improvement Districts and MSTU - 2,084,300 - - - - 793,100 2,877,400 - Operations - 7,407,400 - - - - 109,900 7,517,300 - Project Management - 5,459,700 - - - - 90,300 5,550,000 - Airport - - - 3,415,000 - - 1,009,900 4,424,900 - Reserves and Transfers - - - - - - 29,033,400 29,033,400 - Court Administration - 2,910,600 - - - - 245,700 3,156,300 - Circuit & County Court Judges 65,900 - - - - - - 65,900 65,900 Public Defender 303,400 - - - - - - 303,400 303,400 State Attorney 345,800 - - - - - - 345,800 345,800 Guardian Ad Litem Program 4,600 - - - - - - 4,600 4,600 Court Related Technology - 1,034,100 - - - - 755,000 1,789,100 - County Manager Operations 1,358,100 - - - - - - 1,358,100 1,358,100 Corporate Compliance and Performance Impr.648,000 - - - - - - 648,000 648,000 Office of Management & Budget 1,334,600 1,234,200 - - - - 172,500 2,741,300 1,334,600 Tourist Development Council - 12,405,900 - - - - 9,131,200 21,537,100 - Pelican Bay Services - 4,816,900 - - - - 1,993,100 6,810,000 - Business and Economic Development 2,421,300 - - - - - 3,272,700 5,694,000 799,900 Ava Maria Innovation Zone - 1,000 - - - - 114,200 115,200 - Bayshore CRA - 6,034,700 - - - - 3,080,200 9,114,900 - Immokalee CRA - 1,098,800 - - - - 962,000 2,060,800 - Public Services Administration 363,900 - - - - - - 363,900 363,900 Operations and Veteran Services 935,900 - - - - - - 935,900 935,900 Domestic Animal Services 3,371,600 81,200 - - - - 278,700 3,731,500 3,371,600 Community and Human Services 7,416,300 815,100 - - - - 705,500 8,936,900 7,416,300 Library 8,173,400 374,800 - - - - 11,600 8,559,800 8,173,400 Museum - 2,040,700 - - - - 471,400 2,512,100 - Parks & Recreation 10,311,900 16,167,200 - - - 16,700 35,279,200 61,775,000 10,311,900 University Extension Service 756,600 75,500 - - - - 45,100 877,200 756,600 Public Health 1,815,600 - - - - - - 1,815,600 1,815,600 Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement 347,800 - - 5,864,700 - - 897,600 7,110,100 347,800 Improvement Districts and MSTU - 5,305,200 - - - - 623,900 5,929,100 - Facilities Management 15,037,100 89,000 - - - - 1,211,900 16,338,000 15,037,100 Total 289,203,600$ 150,471,300$ -$ 43,986,600$ 71,161,800$ 16,700$ 153,745,500$ 708,585,500$ 283,625,900$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 43 Appendix Table 16: FY 2018 Collier County General Funds Expenditure Demand Units Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Department Budget Demand Base Multiplier Base Demand Board of County Commissioners 4,991,500$ PERMPOP 0.50 368,073 6.78$ County Attorney 2,772,700 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 2.25$ Property Appraiser 7,638,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 12.40$ Supervisor of Elections 3,767,100 PERMPOP 0.50 368,073 5.12$ Clerk of Courts 10,261,200 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 8.33$ Sheriff 178,139,600 PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 1.00 623,581 285.67$ Tax Collector 14,822,200 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 27.32$ Administrative Services 643,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 0.52$ Human Resources 2,151,800 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 1.75$ Procurement Services 1,937,100 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 1.57$ Bureau of Emergency Services 3,001,500 PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 1.00 623,581 4.81$ Planning 109,800 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 0.18$ Circuit & County Court Judges 65,900 PEAKPOP 1.00 441,688 0.15$ Public Defender 303,400 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 0.82$ State Attorney 345,800 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 0.94$ Guardian Ad Litem Program 4,600 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 0.01$ County Manager Operations 1,358,100 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 1.10$ Corporate Compliance and Performance Impr.648,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Office of Management & Budget 1,334,600 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 616,139 1.08$ Business and Economic Development 799,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Public Services Administration 363,900 PERMPOP 0.50 368,073 0.49$ Operations and Veteran Services 935,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Domestic Animal Services 3,371,600 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 9.16$ Community and Human Services 7,416,300 PERMPOP 0.50 368,073 10.07$ Library 8,173,400 PEAKPOP 1.00 441,688 18.50$ Parks & Recreation 10,311,900 PEAKPOP 1.00 441,688 23.35$ University Extension Service 756,600 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Public Health 1,815,600 PERMPOP 0.20 368,073 0.99$ Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement 347,800 PERMPOP 0.50 368,073 0.47$ Facilities Management 15,037,100 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 24.41$ General Funds Grouping Totals Less Remittances 283,625,900$ Remittances 5,577,700 FIXED 1.00 - N/A General Funds Grouping Totals Plus Remittances 289,203,600$ Transfer to 101 Transp Op Fund 21,670,400 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 35.17$ Transfer to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 841,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 298 Sp Ob Bond 2,855,200 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 301 Capital Projects 13,977,800 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 301 Capital Projects 3,335,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 5.41$ Transfer to 306 Parks Ad Valorem Cap Fund 1,100,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 310 Growth Mgt Transportation Cap 1,670,400 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 2.71$ Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund 9,980,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 616,139 16.20$ Transfer to 314 Musuem Cap 313,500 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 325 Stormwater Cap Fund 1,627,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfet to 426 CAT Mass Transit 1,765,000 PEAKPOP 1.00 441,688 4.00$ Transfer to 427 Transp Disadvantaged 2,681,400 PERMPOP 1.00 368,073 7.28$ Transfer to 490 EMS Fund 17,579,100 PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 1.00 623,581 28.19$ Transfer to 491 EMS Grant Fund 1,250,000 PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 1.00 623,581 2.00$ Transfer to 506 IT Capital 750,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 523 Motor Pool Capital 239,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 662 Legal Aid 147,700 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfer to 681 Court Services 1,518,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers to General Fund (001)9,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Other Transfers 3,935,400 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Advance/Repayments 1,325,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers to Constitutional Officers 206,905,500 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Reserves 40,890,600 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Restricted for Unfunded Requests 1,252,400 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Distributions in Excess of Fees to Govt Agencies 7,103,300 PERMPOP&JOBS 1.00 542,524 13.09$ Total 633,928,000$ 1.00 562.31$ $ Per Demand HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 44 Appendix Table 17: FY 2018 Collier County MSTU Expenditure Demand Units Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Department Budget Demand Base Multiplier Base Demand Board of County Commissioners 1,183,400 PERMPOP 0.50 326,511 3.62$ Communications & Customer Relations Division 1,377,200 PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.50 550,716 2.50$ Growth Management Administration 559,600 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 1.02$ Planning 1,809,500 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 3.29$ Regulation 5,328,100 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 9.67$ Maintenance 8,798,300 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 15.98$ Bureau of Emergency Services 102,500 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 0.19$ Project Management 939,500 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 1.71$ Pelican Bay Services 150,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Immokalee CRA 207,500 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Community and Human Services 105,600 PERMPOP 0.50 326,511 0.32$ Parks & Recreation 13,392,900 PEAKPOP 1.00 395,964 33.82$ Transfer to 306 Parks Capital Fund 1,250,000 PEAKPOP 1.00 395,964 3.16$ Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund 4,000,000 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 7.26$ Transfer to 325 Stormwater Cap Fund 4,267,900 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Improvement Districts and MSTU 291,700 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Indirect Cost Reimbursement 2,192,400 PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.00 550,716 3.98$ Remittances 500,000 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Transfers 7,932,400 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Reserves 2,983,100 FIXED 1.00 - N/A Total 57,371,600$ 1.00 86.52$ $ Per Demand HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 45 Appendix Table 18: Hyde Park General Funds Expenditures at Buildout Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 GENERAL FUND GROUPING EXPENDITURES Demand Base At Buildout Board of County Commissioners PERMPOP 6.78$ 25,000$ County Attorney PEAKPOP&JOBS 2.25 10,000 Property Appraiser PEAKPOP&JOBS 12.40 55,000 Supervisor of Elections PERMPOP 5.12 19,000 Clerk of Courts PEAKPOP&JOBS 8.33 37,000 Sheriff PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 285.67 1,276,000 Tax Collector PERMPOP&JOBS 27.32 102,000 Administrative Services PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.52 2,000 Human Resources PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.75 8,000 Procurement Services PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.57 7,000 Bureau of Emergency Services PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 4.81 22,000 Planning PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.18 1,000 Circuit & County Court Judges PEAKPOP 0.15 1,000 Public Defender PERMPOP 0.82 3,000 State Attorney PERMPOP 0.94 3,000 County Manager Operations PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.10 5,000 Office of Management & Budget PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.08 5,000 Public Services Administration PERMPOP 0.49 2,000 Domestic Animal Services PERMPOP 9.16 33,000 Community and Human Services PERMPOP 10.07 37,000 Library PEAKPOP 18.50 81,000 Parks & Recreation PEAKPOP 23.35 102,000 Public Health PERMPOP 0.99 4,000 Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement PERMPOP 0.47 2,000 Facilities Management PEAKPOP&JOBS 24.41 109,000 Transfer to 101 Transp Op Fund PEAKPOP&JOBS 35.17 157,000 Transfer to 301 Capital Projects PEAKPOP&JOBS 5.41 24,000 Transfer to 310 Growth Mgt Transportation Cap PEAKPOP&JOBS 2.71 12,000 Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund PEAKPOP&JOBS 16.20 72,000 Transfet to 426 CAT Mass Transit PEAKPOP 4.00 17,000 Transfer to 427 Transp Disadvantaged PERMPOP 7.28 26,000 Transfer to 490 EMS Fund PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 28.19 126,000 Transfer to 491 EMS Grant Fund PEAKPOPTOUR&JOBS 2.00 9,000 Distributions in Excess of Fees to Govt Agencies PERMPOP&JOBS 13.09 49,000 Total General Funds Annual Operating Expenditures 562.31$ 2,443,000$ $ Per Demand HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 46 Appendix Table 19: Hyde Park MSTU Expenditures at Buildout Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 MSTU GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Demand Base At Buildout Board of County Commissioners PERMPOP 3.62$ 13,000$ Communications & Customer Relations Division PEAKPOP&JOBS 2.50$ 11,000 Growth Management Administration PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.02$ 5,000 Planning PEAKPOP&JOBS 3.29$ 15,000 Regulation PEAKPOP&JOBS 9.67$ 43,000 Maintenance PEAKPOP&JOBS 15.98$ 71,000 Bureau of Emergency Services PEAKPOP&JOBS 0.19$ 1,000 Project Management PEAKPOP&JOBS 1.71$ 8,000 Community and Human Services PERMPOP 0.32$ 1,000 Parks & Recreation PEAKPOP 33.82$ 148,000 Transfer to 306 Parks Capital Fund PEAKPOP 3.16$ 14,000 Transfer to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fund PEAKPOP&JOBS 7.26$ 32,000 Indirect Cost Reimbursement PEAKPOP&JOBS 3.98$ 18,000 Total MSTU Annual Operating Expenditures 86.52 380,000$ $ Per Demand HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 47 Appendix Table 20: Collier County Impact Fee Schedule Source: Collier County, DPFG, 2018 Land Use Demand Unit Community Parks Regional Parks Roads EMS Schools (Rates As of Feb 8, 2018) Government Buildings Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached Unit 455.20$ 1,230.24$ 4,844.91$ 67.50$ 2,844.19$ 443.94$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories Unit 455.20$ 1,230.24$ 5,541.89$ 67.50$ 2,844.19$ 443.94$ Single Family Detached < 4,000 Sq Ft Living Unit 933.83$ 2,694.32$ 7,443.99$ 142.07$ 8,789.54$ 934.34$ Single Family Detached 4,000+ Sq Ft Living Unit 1,067.72$ 3,080.67$ 8,958.89$ 159.33$ 8,789.54$ 1,047.91$ Retail 6,001-25,000 sf Sq Ft -$ -$ 10.67640$ 0.19230$ -$ 1.27547$ Land Use Demand Unit Libraries Law Enforcement Jail Water Wastewater Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached Unit 159.78$ 296.56$ 259.25$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories Unit 159.78$ 296.56$ 228.91$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Single Family Detached <4,000 Sq Ft Living Unit 336.05$ 586.95$ 499.19$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Single Family Detached 4,000+ Sq Ft Living Unit 376.63$ 661.09$ 570.90$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Retail 6,001-25,000 sf Sq Ft -$ 0.76499$ 0.67571$ 38,430.00$ 40,515.00$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 48 48 Appendix Table 21: Hyde Park Impact Fee Revenues Source: Collier County, Neal Communities, DPFG, 2018 Land Use Demand Units Demand Unit Community Parks Regional Parks Roads EMS Schools (Rates As of Feb 8, 2018) Government Buildings Libraries Law Enforcement Jail Water Wastewater Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached - Unit 455.20$ 1,230.24$ 4,844.91$ 67.50$ 2,844.19$ 443.94$ 159.78$ 296.56$ 259.25$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 Unit 455.20$ 1,230.24$ 5,541.89$ 67.50$ 2,844.19$ 443.94$ 159.78$ 296.56$ 228.91$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Single Family Product A 534 Unit 933.83$ 2,694.32$ 7,443.99$ 142.07$ 8,789.54$ 934.34$ 336.05$ 586.95$ 499.19$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Single Family Product B 598 Unit 933.83$ 2,694.32$ 7,443.99$ 142.07$ 8,789.54$ 934.34$ 336.05$ 586.95$ 499.19$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Single Family Product C 368 Unit 933.83$ 2,694.32$ 7,443.99$ 142.07$ 8,789.54$ 934.34$ 336.05$ 586.95$ 499.19$ 2,562.00$ 2,701.00$ Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 45,000 Sq Ft 10.67640$ 0.19230$ -$ 1.27547$ -$ 0.76499$ 0.67571$ Land Use Demand Units Demand Unit Community Parks Regional Parks Roads EMS Schools (Rates As of Feb 8, 2018) Government Buildings Libraries Law Enforcement Jail Water Wastewater Condo, Duplex, or Single-Family Attached - Unit -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Multi-Family (Apts) 1-10 Stories 300 Unit 137,000 369,000 1,663,000 20,000 853,000 133,000 48,000 89,000 69,000 769,000 810,000 Single Family Product A 534 Unit 499,000 1,439,000 3,975,000 76,000 4,694,000 499,000 179,000 313,000 267,000 1,368,000 1,442,000 Single Family Product B 598 Unit 558,000 1,611,000 4,452,000 85,000 5,256,000 559,000 201,000 351,000 299,000 1,532,000 1,615,000 Single Family Product C 368 Unit 344,000 992,000 2,739,000 52,000 3,235,000 344,000 124,000 216,000 184,000 943,000 994,000 Retail 6,001-25,000 sf 45,000 Sq Ft - - 480,000 9,000 - 57,000 - 34,000 30,000 38,000 41,000 Total 1,538,000$ 4,411,000$ 13,309,000$ 242,000$ 14,038,000$ 1,592,000$ 552,000$ 1,003,000$ 849,000$ 4,650,000$ 4,902,000$ Rounding - - - - - - - - - - - Total of Buildout Schedules 1,538,000$ 4,411,000$ 13,309,000$ 242,000$ 14,038,000$ 1,592,000$ 552,000$ 1,003,000$ 849,000$ 4,650,000$ 4,902,000$ HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 49 49 Appendix Table 22: Collier County School District Base Assumptions Source: Collier County School District, DPFG 2018 STUDENT GENERATION RATES - 2015 IMPACT FEE UPDATE 0.34 Single Family 0.11 Multi Family and Single Family Attached 0.28 Mobile Home FY 18 SCHOOL FTE ENROLLMENT 19,886 Elementary 9,824 Middle 13,337 High 698 Alternate Schools 3,112 Contracted Services (328) To Balance to Budgeted FTE 46,529 Total FY 18 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 46,529 Enrollment 9,652$ General Fund Cost per Student SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 2015 IMPACT FEE UDPATE 49%Elementary 23%Middle 28%High 100%Total FY 18 MILLAGE RATES 2.894 Required Local Effort 0.748 Discretionary - Addiitional Millage 3.642 Total General Fund Millage 1.480 Capital Improvement Millage 5.122 Total Millage 2.894 Required by State Law 2.228 Total Discretionary Local 5.122 Total Millage HYDE PARK VILLAGE ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 50 50 GENERAL AND LIMITING CONDITIONS Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the data contained in this report are accurate as of the date of this study; however, factors exist that are outside the control of DPFG and that may affect the estimates and/or projections noted herein. This study is based on estimates, assumptions and other information developed by DPFG from its independent research effort, general knowledge of the industry, and information provided by and consultations with the client and the client's representatives. No responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies in reporting by the client, the client's agent and representatives, or any other data source used in preparing or presenting this study. This report is based on information that was current as of June 2018 (except for the sections identified as being updated in July 2019 , November 2019, and March 2020), and DPFG has not undertaken any update of its research effort since such date. Because future events and circumstances, many of which are not known as of the date of this study, may affect the estimates contained therein, no warranty or representation is made by DPFG that any of the projected values or results contained in this study will actually be achieved. Possession of this study does not carry with it the right of publication thereof or to use the name of DPFG in any manner without first obtaining the prior written consent of DPFG. No abstracting, excerpting or summarization of this study may be made without first obtaining the prior written consent of DPFG. This report is not to be used in conjunction with any public or private offering of securities, debt, equity, or other similar purpose where it may be relied upon to any degree by any person other than the client, nor is any third party entitled to rely upon this report, without first obtaining the prior written consent of DPFG. This study may not be used for purposes other than that for which it is prepared or for which prior written consent has first been obtained from DPFG. Any changes made to the study, or any use of the study not specifically prescribed under agreement between the parties or otherwise expressly approved by DPFG, shall be at the sole risk of the party making such changes or adopting such use. This study is qualified in its entirety by, and should be considered in light of, these limitations, conditions and considerations.