Resolution 1998-168 ~8D2 /{!:SOUITlON NO, 98-_1."5 R!:SOI.lJTION i\lJTIIORI/IN(; ISml'!'I:l. I.I.llER SERVICE ..\ND 1':ST,\III.lSJ IIN(; ,\ FI'T FOR SI lei r SER vIe!. WIII:RE..\S. Th~' l'olli~r l'ollJlly /)~partm~1l1 of Ikwnll~ (h~r~inan~r "J~partm~nl") is respllnsihle ror maint~mlncc llf sp~ci.1I ass~ssm~nt rolls alld lilr the ~ollcctitln or all lTJolli~s duc thc County /ilr spccial assessmcllts approvcd ,lIld allthoriz~d hy thc Bllrlnl of County C01l1missioncrs: alld \\'IIERI:AS, Thc dcpartmcnt is rcsronsihk [ilr thc administration alld wlk~[illll or all Iillam:~d water and se\\w impal:t Ii:~' rl'cei\.ahks as w~'11 ;IS the fllonthh hilling alld collection of wall'r ;lIld S~\\W l'ollsumplion ~harges: and WIIERI:,\S. Individuals, lilk companies, real estate wmpanies lInd ,ltlOrllcys ill\oln:d in r~'lIl estate transactions Ill'cd and relJuir~ accllrat~ payofr inlilflllalioll regardillg spel:ial aSSl'SS1l1l'nls, tinanl:ed illlral't k~'s OIlld \\;Ill'r nlJlSlllllr1ion OIS or th~ dl'sing dall' of Ihl' lnlllsal:tion, III 1110st Ir;1I1S;Il:tiolls, Ihis inlllrrllatilln is indlldl'd 011 the lransaction dllsing dOCllllll'1l1s: allll \\'IIE/{I:AS, Thc d~'partlll~llt has cr~'ated and lIS~'S ,Ill '\'stllppcllctlcr" fimnat (lIt1ach~'d as Exhihit I) and proecdurc, BI.mk copics or thc cstllppcllctlcr form h.I\'c !lcen provided to those entities (reallors. atlorneys. title cOlTJpanics, etc.) invoh.l'd in real property transactil'ns, Thl'se l'ntilics till inl:~'rtain intilflllation nlJln'rning indi\'idu;1i rt';1i pror~'rty in\'oh.l:d ill a IranSal:lil1nllnthl: estorpel k'tl~r tilrms and /;IX thc l'Opit'S totll\.' f)\:partl11l'nl of R~'\.enue \.ia <I d~'dicated lder;IX lint'. StalTrescardlcs ul'partmclll,t1 rCl:ords, tills in thc ,Ipproprialc l:Ollllly- rdated halances lhat will he du~ as or the dosing dat~. idenlifit'd and I:\.\(cs (transmits) Ihe l:ompl~led l'Sloppd Jimll hack 10 Illl' n:l/lIesling party: and \\'III.:RL\S, .\lthough Ihis SLT\.i,,\., is !lilt ;1 prill1;lry ftllll'lalll of I Ill' lkp.lflml'!ll. the sl'n'il'\.' J(I~S pn'\';tk a si~llilil';llll ht'l1l'1it I"lhosl' ~'I1tili~'s ill (."lli\.T CIlUllty ill\'l'h.l:d ill r~al prorl'rlil's lransa~'lillllS rl'llllirinJ; dosil1!;s: ami \\'IIERE..\S. Th\.' time, human rCS<lllrl'l'S, and material rl'qllired hy thc dt'p<lrll1ll'1ll staff 10 pnl\'ide this estorpd Il'ller scn.iee has a \'"Iuc and l:ost IhatjLlslly rellllircs the imposition l,fa r~'asllnahk'. proportionall' k'~ li.r said sl'n'il:\.', NO\\'. rllj':RHO/O':, Ill: IT RESOLVED Ill' '1'111: BO;\RD OF Cut ':'\rY CO\I\IISSJONE/{S Or: COI.!,/U{ Cot :N1Y, FI.ORIDA Ih<l1 lhl' Buard hl'r~hy <luthorizc~ the "agt.:lor~ 802 .~ Dl:p:lrtmenl of Rewnul' 10 preprlrc its own program rind proCl'dure to provide an "estoppcllelld' sen'icl: li.r tlw persons and husiness inter~'sts requesling sudl servke, IT IS Fl RI'I If:R RESOI.VED thaI the Departmcnt oj' Rc\'enlle shall relluire and rl'l:l'i\'l' a rcc Ill' transrnillrll or snit.! estoppelleller, Two Dollars (S~.ll()) lilr each cstoprelleller the dep:lrtmelll prl:pares to p.IY !ill' lhc CllstS I'j' l:n:atilln and IT IS FliRT! IER RESOLVED i\NIJ ST^TED that the cstoppel leller documents arc not recognized .IS ollkial recllrds or this Board or Collier ('llllnly, and the Board Iilr itself allu thl: ('ounty disclnims any liahility lilr ,lilY errors in thc inlilTlllation pnl\'icJed in any estoprel leller and JIles nllt warrant the acctlrrlcy 0 r the inlilrnwtioll pnl\'ided tht'n:on, O,lled this c~ u.IY of May. 199X, This Resolution rid opted alicr motion, sel:ond anu maiority \ute lil\'oring samc, ,. . .. '., .0' I AJTEST: ,.. ..,. . DWIGHT I':. B,R(X:~, Ckrk ::.. ny': . ~f~ u...~#: --;L~1../Z ....~ Dcputy Clerk Attest as to Cha'ra&n', <;ilJnature only, ^rpmwd as to r(jrm :lml legul sulliciency: ~e. ~. ',~ A __.__. David C. Wdge~ Count)' "Horney BOA RD ()Io' C( II iNTY (,Oi\IM1SSIONLRS OF ('OI.LlER ('( HiNT'\', FI.ORID..\ ~ ~- By:! $),}\". f . Il: W,\R.\ ~" ('I~I(J " Page ~ Hf2