Agenda 04/28/2020 Item #16D13 (Freedom Memorial After-the-Fact Grant) (;(&87,9(6800$5< 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQWRDSSURYHDQ³$IWHUWKH)DFW´HOHFWURQLFVXEPLWWDORIDQ)<1DWLRQDO'D\RI 6HUYLFH *UDQW $SSOLFDWLRQ IURP WKH &RUSRUDWLRQ IRU 1DWLRQDO DQG &RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFH LQ WKH DPRXQWRI WRFRPSOHWHWKH)UHHGRP0HPRULDODWWKH)UHG:&R\OH)UHHGRP 3DUN DQG  IRU UHODWHG LWHPV DQG SDUW VDODULHV RI D *UDQW &RRUGLQDWRU DQG *UDQW $FFRXQWDQW  2%-(&7,9(7RREWDLQJUDQWIXQGLQJWRHQKDQFHWKH)UHHGRP0HPRULDODWWKH)UHG:&R\OH)UHHGRP 3DUNE\SXUFKDVLQJ³VWDWHVWRQHV´WRLQVWDOOWRFRPSOHWHWKHPHPRULDO &216,'(5$7,216,QWKH&ROOLHU&RXQW\)UHHGRP7DVN)RUFHZDVIRUPHGWREHJLQWRUDLVH IXQGVWREXLOGD)UHHGRP0HPRULDOWKURXJKYDULRXVJUDQWIXQGLQJ$JURXQGEUHDNLQJFHUHPRQ\ZDVKHOG RQ0DUFKDQGWKHGHGLFDWLRQRIWKH0HPRULDOZDVKHOGRQ6HSWHPEHU6XUURXQGLQJWKH )UHHGRP0HPRULDOLVDEULFNSDWKZD\FRQVLVWLQJRIHQJUDYHGFRPPHPRUDWLYHEULFNV7KHHGJHVRIWKH SDWKZD\DUH³VWDWHVWRQHV´IURP1HZ<RUN3HQQV\OYDQLDDQG9LUJLQLDWKH WKUHH  ORFDWLRQVRIWKH 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3DFNHW3J$WWDFKPHQW*UDQW$SSOLFDWLRQ )<&&161DWLRQDO'D\RI6HUYLFH*UDQW$SSOLFDWLRQ DRAFT PART I - FACE SHEET APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1.TYPE OF SUBMISSION: Modified Standard Form 424(Rev.02/07 to confirm to the Corporation's eGrants System) Application El Non-Construction 2a.DATE SUBMI I 1ED TO CORPORATION 3.DATE RECEIVED BY STATE STATE APPLICATION IDENTIFIER: FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE(CNCS): 2b.APPLICATION ID: 4.DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY: FEDERAL IDENTIFIER: 20E31224894 5.APPLICATION INFORMATION LEGAL NAME Collier County Government NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PROJECT DIRECTOR OR OTHER PERSON TO BE CONTACTWD ON MATTERS INVOLVING THIS APPLICATION(give DUNS NUMBER 076997790 area codes): NAME ADDRESS(give street address,city,state,zip code and county): 3339 Tan9aml Tri E TELEPHONE NUMBER Bldg H FAX NUMBER Naples FL 34112-5361 INTERNET EMAIL ADDRESS: County: 6.EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(BN): 7.TYPE OF APPLICANT: 598000558 7a. Local Government-County 7b. Local Government,Municipal 8.TYPE OF APPLICATION(Check appropriate box). X NEW I I NEW/PREVIOUS GRANTEE CONTINUATION I I AMENDMENT If Amendment,enter appropriate letter(s)In box(es): A. AUGMENTATION B.BUDGET REVISION C.NO COST EXTENSION D.OTHER(specify below): 9.NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: Corporation for National and Community Service 10a.CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER 94.007 11.a.DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: 10b.TITLE Basic hnovative Programs 12.AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT(List Cities,Counties,States,etc): 11.b.CNCS PROGRAM INITIATIVE(IF ANY): Areas affected by the project Include:Collier County's three incorporated cities: Everglades City,Marco Island and Naples,as w ell as an unincorporated farming c 13.PROPOSED PROJECT: START DATE 07/01/20 END DATE 06/30/23 14.CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF: a.Applicant I FL 19 I b.Program 15.ESTIMATED FUNDING: Year#: 1 16.IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a.FEDERAL $ 49,975.00 0 YES.THIS PREAPPLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE AVALABLE b.APPLICANT $ 0.00 TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: c.STATE $ 0.00 DATE d.LOCAL $ 0.00 © NO.PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E.O.12372 e.OTHER $ 0.00 f.PROGRAM INCOME $ 0.00 17.IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? 0 YES if"Yes,"attach an explanation. ® NO g.TOTAL $ 49,975.00 18.TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION/PREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT,THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED. a.TYPED NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE b.TITLE c.TELEPHONE NUMBER Leo E.Ochs,Jr. County Manager 239-252-8383 • d.SIGMA RE TN '1 e.DA SIGN 4//////)," Pane 1 PART I - FACE SHEET APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1.TYPE OF SUBMISSION: Modified Standard Form 424(Rev.02/07 to confirm to the Corporation's eGrants System) Application E Non-Construction :a.DATE SUBMITTED TO CORPORATION 3.DATE RECEIVED BY STATE: STATE APPLICATION IDENTIFIER: 'OR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE(CNCS): 03/25/20 :b.APPLICATION ID: 4.DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY: FEDERAL IDENTIFIER: 2081224894 03/25/20 I.APPLICATION INFORMATION EGAL NAME: Collier County Government NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PROJECT DIRECTOR OR OTHER PERSON TO BE CONTACTED ON MATTERS INVOLVING THIS APPLICATION(give )UNS NUMBER: 076997790 area codes): NAME: Dawn M.Whelan ADDRESS(give street address,city,state,zip code and county): 3339 Tamiami Trl E TELEPHONE NUMBER: (239)252-4230 Bldg H FAX NUMBER: (239)252-6571 Naples FL 34112-5361 INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESS: dawn.whelan@colliercountyfl.gov County: i.EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(EIN): 7.TYPE OF APPLICANT: 596000558 7a. Local Government-County 7b. Local Government,Municipal S.TYPE OF APPLICATION(Check appropriate box). X NEW NEW/PREVIOUS GRANTEE CONTINUATION 1 I AMENDMENT F Amendment,enter appropriate letter(s)in box(es): A. AUGMENTATION B.BUDGET REVISION C.NO COST EXTENSION D.OTHER(specify below): 9.NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: Corporation for National and Community Service 10a.CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 94.007 11.a.DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT: 10b.TITLE: Basic Innovative Programs Collier County Government 12.AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT(List Cities,Counties,States,etc): 11.b.CNCS PROGRAM INITIATIVE(IF ANY): Areas affected by the project include:Collier County's three incorporated cities: Everglades City,Marco Island and Naples,as well as an unincorporated farming c 13.PROPOSED PROJECT: START DATE: 07/01/20 END DATE: 06/30/23 14.CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF: a.Applicant FL 19 b.Program FL 19 15.ESTIMATED FUNDING: Year#: 1 16.IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a.FEDERAL $ 49,975.00 0 YES.THIS PREAPPLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE b.APPLICANT $ 0.00 TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: c.STATE $ 0.00 DATE: d.LOCAL $ 0.00 NO.PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E.O.12372 e.OTHER $ 0.00 f.PROGRAM INCOME $ 0.00 17.IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? Q YES if"Yes,"attach an explanation. ® NO g.TOTAL $ 49,975.00 18.TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION/PREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT,THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN )ULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE S AWARDED. f.TYPED NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: b.TITLE: c.TELEPHONE NUMBER: Joshua Thomas (239)252-8989 d.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: e.DATE SIGNED: 03/25/20 Narratives Executive Summary The Collier County Board of County Commission is the legal applicant and sponsor organization for the September 11, Day of Service. Collier County proposes to have 10o young volunteers from 10 different and unique programs who will unveil the final 28 "State and Territory Stones" during the event at the Fred W. Coyle Freedom Memorial Park located at 1515 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, FL 34108 on September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. On the September 11 Day of Service, 100 young volunteers will be responsible for having provided over 35o hours of service from September 6th to September loth and inspiring at least 10 attendees to sign up to volunteer on the loth anniversary of September 11, 2001. This program will focus on the CNCS focus area of Veterans and Military Families. Program Design Program Design: Two years after the attacks on our Country on September 11th, 2001, the idea was proposed to build a lasting memorial here in Collier County, Florida to pay tribute to firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical personnel and civilians who died as a result of the terrorist attacks in New York City, at The Pentagon and at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In 2003, the Collier County Freedom task force was formed to begin to raise funds to build a Freedom Memorial. On July 1, 2014, the Freedom Memorial Foundation of Naples Florida was formed and began a fundraising campaign to make the vision of a memorial in Freedom Park a reality. On March 19, 2009, a groundbreaking ceremony was held and 15 years after the attacks, the dedication of the Freedom Park Memorial was held and opened to the public. The Freedom Park Memorial serves as a symbol for American's and ties all United States symbols together. At the Freedom Memorial, Old Glory solemnly waves over the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave." As individuals enter the park, they are greeted by the sight of the American Bald Eagle perched on a globe atop a traditional column, his wings upswept, welcoming you to Freedom Park. His head bowed in respect to honor those that we are remembering and if one were to look closely at the braid and tassels on the column one will see that there is a resemblance to the hair of the Statue of Liberty. In addition to the American Bald Eagle, there is a granite flag that is thirteen feet tall and the column anchors the flag to the granite map of the continental United States. A field of stars is cut through the solid granite blocks of the flag to allow yellow haze of the sun to shine through as it sets over this beautiful site. The staging area with its dedication plaque approaching the map and flag is of For Official Use Only Narratives yellow limestone; a nod to America's "Amber Waves of Grain." Along the back of the flag are three benches, one for each site that was attacked on September 11, 2001 :The World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Each of the individual benches includes the corresponding flight numbers of the aircraft or aircrafts used for that incident. As one sits on a bench for a moment to reflect, they will face a water feature and faintly catch a glimpse of the images of the twin towers. Surrounding these features is a brick pathway that was designed in the shape of The Pentagon. At the top of the brick pathway, located to the right are two actual pieces of steel beams from the World Trade Center, donated by the Gulf Coast Retired Firefighters Association. At the top edges of the pathway are commemorative bricks and "State Stones." Presently there are 28 State Stones each engraved with a State's name. There are 27 State Stones and two US Territory Stones still needing to be placed and sadly, the Foundation has been unsuccessful in raising the necessary funds to complete the Park. Once complete, the State and Territory Stoneswill represent all fifty states of the union and its two territories; The Freedom Park memorial will serve as a reminder of the sacrifices, past and present, that are made every day by our military men and women on the front lines around the world. Daily, visitors from all over the world find their way to Freedom Park to take in the Freedom Memorial in remembrance of that tragic day. When they arrive, they are met by volunteers whose passion for the symbolism of the park have motivated them to give of their time to teach and educate others about the park and it's significance. In honor of loth anniversary of September 11, 2001, Collier County seeks to connect todayi.s youth at 10 different and unique locations where Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers already serve and have those RSVP volunteers educate these youth on the events of 9/11. The program design will reflect the following: After obtaining permission from parents, RSVP volunteers will host a kickoff session at each location and show the documentary "Through a Child's Eyes, " an HBO Documentary regarding how kids viewed that tragic day. After the movie, the RSVP volunteers will share with the youth how it was volunteers men and women in uniform, on the streets and from far away who would help to save lives that day, even despite placing their own at risk. The RSVP volunteers will share with youth how men and women came together after 9/11 to rise after that day by volunteering to serve in the armed forces; And now, 20 years later, it is once again time to rise in remembrance of those whose lives were lost by giving back to our friends, our neighbors and our community by volunteering to serve. Through this "Call to Action" the RSVP volunteers will encourage the youth to volunteer at school and For Official Use Only Narratives in their community, having their parents sign off on the hours they volunteer, with the goal for each youth to volunteer as many hours as they are able between September 6th and September loth, 2021. The three youth from each of the sites that complete the most hours will get to participate in the Freedom Park Memorial ceremony in the unveiling of the final 27 State and Territory Stones. Then, each of the top 3 youth with the most volunteer hours will be given a trophy to commemorate their efforts and the other youth who volunteered will each receive a 9/11 pin in honor of the event. All the participating youth will then light luminaries to honor those who lost their lives in 9/11 and after. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the youth will "Call to Action" those in attendance and encourage everyone to volunteer and make a difference in their communities and in the lives of others through volunteer service. Goals and Objectives: The goal of the program is to support and engage youth in activities reflecting on the sacrifice of those who died on September 11, 2001 and to honor those who rose to serve and continued to serve as a result of this tragedy, whereby motivating others to volunteers. To accomplish this goal, Collier County will undertake the following objectives: 1) As a prelude to the 9/11 National Day of Service on September ii, 2021, Collier County will designate September 6th thru September loth, 2021 as the "Collier County Week of Service" to honor those who lost their lives. 2) Utilize RSVP volunteers to recruit and train youth interested in learning more about 9/11 and the significance that volunteers played during the hours, days, weeks and years that have come since. 3) "Call to Action" those youth interested in volunteering, and upon gaining their parents' permission, inspire and motivate them to serve the most hours between September 6th and September loth at their school and around their neighborhood; giving at least 1 hour a day in service. 4) Those youth who served during the "Collier County Week of Service," will participate in the 9/11 event held at Freedom Park and be honored for their commitment to service like their fellow Americans who served during 9/11 and after and reveal the final 27 stones to the public. 5) The youth from each of the 10 participating sites will light luminaries during a moment of silence honoring those lost during 9/11 and help to unveil the final 27 State and Territory Stones needed to complete the memorial. 6) Youth at the event will "call to action" those in attendance to go forward in honor of those who lost their lives and motivate and inspire them to pay it forward and volunteer in their community. For Official Use Only Narratives 7) Collier County's RSVP Director will participate in the event and have sign up sheet for all who desire to join the RSVP program or other volunteering programs throughout the County. Performance Measures The performance measures for this program include the following: 1) At least 10 youth from each of the io sites (at least 100 youth participants) will receive permission from their parents and participate in the "Collier County National Week of Service." 2) At least 70% of the youth will complete 1 hour a day of volunteer service between September 6th and September loth, 2021. 3) The youth volunteering in during the "Collier County National Week of Service" will serve at least 35o hours during the 5 days prior to September 11, 2021. 4) The final 27 State and Territory stones will be revealed to the public to complete the 9/11 Freedom Park Memorial. 5) The youth will encourage a minimum of 10 new volunteers to join the RSVP program. Description of Activities: The following is a description of the activities that will be undertaken as part of the 20-year anniversary of 9/11: 1) Twenty-Seven (27) State and Territory Stones will be ordered and placed in Freedom Memorial Park by Collier County personnel prior to the September 11, 2021 remembrance event. 2) One month prior to the loth Anniversary, the Collier County Board of Commissioners will designate September 6th thru September loth, 2021 as "Collier County National Week of Service" in honor of 9/11. 3) RSVP volunteers stationed are various youth programs and after school programs throughout Collier County will receive training from the RSVP Director on how to work and engage youth to learn about 9/11 and motivate them to volunteer during the "Collier County National Week of Service" in honor of 9/11. 4) RSVP volunteers will work with each program site to send permission slips home to each of the youth's parents prior to recruiting youth to participate in the 9/11 event. 5) All youth whose parents gave permission will be asked if they would like to participate in the "Collier County National Week of Service" in honor of 9/11. And all those who are interested may sign up. For Official Use Only Narratives 6) RSVP volunteers will educate the youth who signed up about 9/11 and the significant role that volunteers played in that fateful day. 7) RSVP volunteers will then issue a formal "Call to Action" to the youth and ask them to volunteer at least 1 hour per day at their school, in their neighborhood or their Community, with their parents permission and supervision (parents will be asked to sign off daily on their volunteer hour log sheets. 8) Youth will turn in their volunteer hour log sheets on September loth, 2021 at the end of the day and all hours served will be totaled and reported during the event on 9/11. 9) Youth will be advised that those who serve the most hours during the "Collier County National Week of Service" in honor of 9/11 will be recognized during the 9/11 ceremony at Freedom Memorial Park. io) The top three youth with the most hours at each site will get to assist in revealing the new State and Territory Stones at Freedom Memorial Park. ii) All youth will then light luminaries in honor of those lives lost during 9/11 and after. 12) Youth will then encourage all in attendance to sign up to volunteer in honor of those volunteers who paid the ultimate sacrifice on that fateful day. 13) The RSVP Director will be in attendance to sign up new volunteers. 14) Annually, each of the 10 sites will again be "Called to Action" to volunteer their services during the days leading up to the 9/11 Ceremony to be held at Freedom Memorial Park each year and encourage new volunteers to serve their fellow men and women Organizational Capability RSVP of Collier County has been operating under the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and Collier County Government since 1998. RSVP of Collier County is under Collier County's Community and Human Services (CHS) Division and has a demonstrated track record of sound programmatic and fiscal oversight specifically in grant management. The most recent single audit revealed no findings or management letter comments. Currently, CHS successfully administers approximately $21.8 million in federal and state grants. The entire government entity is supported by professionals in Human Resources, Risk Management, Office of Management and Budget, and Purchasing. Each area is led by seasoned professionals with appropriate professional degrees and certification credentials. The County Attorney's Office reviews all documents for legality. RSVP of Collier County demonstrates highly effective financial management through our written and followed policies and procedures, qualified and trained financial staff, effective communications, cross training and self-assessments. To further ensure financial compliance of our program, our local Office of For Official Use Only Narratives Management and Budget provides oversight on all aspects of financial grant management providing an additional layer of internal control over the application, budget, procurement, financial transactions, draws, reports and grant closeout. Furthermore, we have a finance department separate from Collier County that provide pre- and post-audit functions for all fiscal components. To ensure compliance with RSVP program requirements, staff regularly receive internal trainings on administrative processing and financial tracking. Staff also attend regional, state, and national conferences that help develop skills and ideas that will move forward all that are involved or impacted by RSVP of Collier County. The Project Director, along with the County Grants Compliance Unit examines physical files and records and cross references information in Volunteer Reporter to confirm and maintain accuracy. To keep abreast of all RSVP programmatic information including statutes, regulations, and applicable OMB circulars, the Project Director participates in all webinars and conference calls pertinent to the program. The RSVP Project Director and the Project Accountant regularly participate in RSVP sanctioned training opportunities, as well as, participate in federally sponsored trainings focusing on compliance requirements, OMB circular 2 CFR Part 200. Working together with our fiscal section, the Project Director ensures responsible and timely spending of grant funds through regular fiscal oversight and budgetary maintenance. Collier County has established purchasing and procurement policies to ensure proper expenditures of funds. Supplies and capital assets such as facilities and equipment will be tracked, distributed and used by staff, volunteers, or volunteer station supervisors. In-kind donation forms are used to track donations for annual recognition events and all volunteers are required to sign for these items as proof that they were received. Before purchasing an item, the Project Director and Accountant will ensure that all items are allowable, reasonable, and allocable. In-kind forms are also used throughout the year to document other donations of goods or services to the program. The day-to-day operation of RSVP of Collier County is managed by Dawn Whelan, Project Director and follows the RSVP program regulations. Ms. Whelan has over 20 years of grant management and volunteer recruitment experience. The Project Director is responsible for recruitment and development of volunteers, ensuring compliance with grant requirements, preparing annual budgets, developing and implementing policies, generating reports, developing positive public relations and communications, preparing media materials, hosting volunteer recognition events, and serving on applicable community boards, councils and committees. Under the direction of Federal/State Grant Manager, Tami Bailey, and Financial & Operational Support Manager, Maggie Lopez, the department collectively holds 27 years in grants administration. To ensure fiscal responsibility, Akiko Woods, Accountant, performs all general accounting and budget For Official Use Only Narratives services for RSVP of Collier County. The Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are strong proponents of RSVP of Collier County. The Collier County Board of County Commissioners consists of five elected officials who serve as the chief legislative body of the County. Moreover, the Board provides the space, administrative, financial and organizational support and direction for RSVP in Collier County. Under the Community and Human Services Division, RSVP of Collier County has established policies and procedures that are incorporated into all aspects of our program. A policy and procedure manual were created and is maintained and reviewed annually by the RSVP Project Director, grant accountant and the management team. These policies and procedures are reviewed against the national RSVP Operations Handbook and CFR 45: Part 2553, the RSVP Code of Federal Regulations. Collier County will ensure that the same standards and procedures utilized by the RSVP program are also applied to the September iith National Day of Service and Remembrance grant for 2021, 2022 and 2023. Cost Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy In order to ensure that the project remains fiscally responsible, the project design was built around utilizing sound procurement methodologies. However, the challenge in that lies that the prior stones acquired for the memorial were from a supplier that has the stone material, template and font that was utilized for each stone previously purchased for the Freedom Park Memorial. Therefore, in order to ensure that the material is an exact match, it is necessary to utilize sole source to acquire the stones from the same supplier that had provided the original State and Territory Stones. Understanding the significance and symbolism these stones have, the supplier offered a bulk order discount that would enable the stones to be purchased for $1,252 each (a reduction from the original cost of$1,700 each). To keep costs and overhead low for installation of the stones, Collier County will utilize its own personnel and equipment to install the stones paying only the costs associated with personnel and equipment time. Had the County bid this service out, the costs would have included profit margins for those bidding on the project. Aside from the installation costs the materials necessary to recruit, train and educate the youth are easy to source utilizing three bids or three quotes for materials such as: "9/11 Through a Child's Eye" HBO Documentary, luminaries and candles and awards for the participating youth, as well as, refreshments at the event. In total, with 10% of the funds being utilized for program direction and administration, the total cost of the program is $49,975 for the first-year funding request. Years two and three of the grant will be significantly less, because the For Official Use Only Narratives Freedom Park Memorial will be complete and only the necessary costs to support the volunteer efforts and the annual event will be required. Freedom Memorial Park had over 17,000 visitors in 2019. Additionally, there were Iso reported hours from volunteers who assisted those visitors. With this program, the goal is to surpass not only the number of visitors, but also the number of volunteer hours. Amendment Justification N/A Clarification Summary N/A For Official Use Only • Performance Measures MSYs by Focus Areas MSYs by Objective ■Other Community Priorities ■Other Project Hours by Focus Area Project Hours by Objective 41111 100% 100% 11HaPT3 CHAPT4 •Other Community Priorities •Other # of Volunteers by Focus Areas # of Volunteers by Objective 1111 100% 100% r_HAPT_ HAPTI 3 ■Other Community Priorities ■Other Amount by Focus Area Amount by Objective ■Other Community Priorities ■Other For Official Use Only Performance Measures For Official Use Only Required Documents Document Name Status For Official Use Only Budget Narrative September 11 of Collier County for Collier County Government Section I.Volunteer Support Expenses A.Project Personnel Expenses Position/Title-Qty-Annual Salary-%Time Salary %Time CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Excess Amount Grants Coordinator:1 FTE 55,933.00 10.00% 5,593 5,593 Grant Accountant:1 FTE 61,002.14 5.00% 3,050 - 3,050 CATEGORY Totals 116,935.14 8,643 - 8,643 B.Personnel Fringe Benefits Item-Description Excess P % CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Amount FICA 8,643 7.65% 661 - 661 Retirement 8,643 9.07% 784 784 CATEGORY Totals 1,445 - 1,445 C.Project Staff Travel Local Travel Purpose-Calculation Excess P CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Amount • CATEGORY Totals Long Distance Travel Purpose-Destination-One Travel-Trans.Amount Excess Meals/Lodging CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Amount CATEGORY Totals D.Equipment Item/Purpose- Unit Cost Excess Qty CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Amount CATEGORY Totals E.Supplies Item/Purpose-Calculation Excess CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Amount State Stones:26 stones @$1,252 per stone 32,552 32,552 Prepartion of site 5000 5000 Luminaries:Box of 100 13 13 Tea Light candles:Box of 100 35 35 September 11 Video:11 @$6.00 each 66 66 Trophy:30 @$6.00 each 180 180 Pins:50,1 pack of 50 140 140 Refreshments for event 200 200 Advertising 1000 1000 Postage:Postage for program materials/invitations/information 100 100 - CATEGORY Totals 39,286 - 39,286 - F.Contractual and Consultant Services Purpose-Calculation CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Excess Amount CATEGORY Totals - - - - I.Other Volunteer Support Cost Item CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Excess Amount Criminal Background Check-10@60 each 600.00 - 600.00 - CATEGORY Totals 600 - 600 - J.Indirect Costs Calculation-Rate Type Rate-Rate Claimed-Cost Basis CNCS Share Grantee Share Total Amount Excess Amount CATEGORY Totals - - - SECTION I.Totals 49,975 - 49,97S - PERCENTAGE 100% 0% Source of Funds Section Description 'E 3DFNHW3J$WWDFKPHQW&00(02&1&6)<'D\RI6HUYLFH )<&&161DWLRQDO'D\RI6HUYLFH*UDQW$SSOLFDWLRQ