Resolution 1999-131 L6A 1 J-j. RFS()I.I'TI()~ ~() 99-_~_~ 1.___ RESOI.l 'Tln~ ClI. TilE 1I0:\IW (IF ("( ll":'IITI' CO~IMISSI():'\I'.RS. (Oil IIJ< ('oISry. Fl.ClRII>A. AUTIIIlRIZI:-';(j WAIVER OF LIBRARY SYSII\I IMPACT FEES. PARKS A:-':I> RITRb\lIONAl. FA("\I.IlIES 1:\11'..\("1 I.I'I..S, ROAD IMPAC-r ITES. EMER(il'.M'Y :\IE()J(,AI. SER\'ln.S I\WAl'l HI'.S Al'I:O E[)t!CAIIO~AI. F,KIUTII:S SYSTEM IMPACT FHS FOR O~I: 1101 'SI'. TO BE CO:-';STRlrn:\) BY \IAIIITAT FOR IIlJMANITY OF ("(lIIIl'.R cotr.-.'TY. INL O~ un -' 1. RI.O<'K B~rlN SEMINOI.E SliBIlI\'ISlo:-':, J~lMl)K,\I.H.. \\'IIl'RI-.:\S.('llllll..'r ('mlnty ha~ rl.'l.'oj.!nl/~',1 'lOLl alll..'nlpted In addr~'" llw lad., III ;"k'lII;II,' ,lIld altllrdahk hl\U';lng fnr moJl.'r:JlI..'. Itm. ;ll\d \l.'r~.Ill\\ 1I1l.'''1111..' hOll-chu]J~ 111 Ihe (uLlnly ,lIld Iii,' 1I,",'d 1"1 ,',,'aIIH' and mnu\'all\'c program~ tll a"I,1 In the prm'I'IlHl lIf ~ueh housin),! hy meludlnl! '1..'\\.'1,11 l11ll\ 1-11'11' III Iii,' (',,111\.'1 County Gruwth ~Iana~cment Plan. Including: "hjeell\'e 1.4. pohc)' 1.4.1: uh)l.'dlh' I.~. poll\.'\' I.l;.~, l"IIII'Y I.~.', policy 1.5.4, pHlley 1.5,5, p"]"y U(,: oh)eell\c 1.(,. pllllc}' \.Cd: lIb)ecll\\.';? I. poll..y ~ I I. 1'"11"Y ~ I ~. 1'"II1.Y' 2.1.3, polley 2. \.5. aml pollc} 2 1.1, "I' Ihl.' Jluu'lIlg Ekl11~'nt: and \\'llI'.RL.\~. ( "lit", C "unt\' ha, 1"l.'~I,,'d lundlll): pun.uallll" thl.' SI.ll,' Il11U'"I,~ 1IIIIIall"" 1'.11 III'",hip Program set f"rlh 111 ~Cl.'tl"ll -l~II')IJ~ .l.~~., 1.111fIJa Slalules and ('hapll..'l 1)1..\-. 1'\lIl'1lla .\dnlllll'lIallH' ( ...k: and ....." WIIEREAS. 111 accordance Wllh ('oIlier Count). o:InD.~ceNo, 93-11), Ihe {'''Ullly I~ mllhmll,'d 10 u~e funding from the Slate lIousll1g Inlllath'cs Partnership l~i:~m' fllr \\ OlI\'l.'rS ,,1'1 '"II,,'r ('01l111y 1I111':ll.'1 .."p;;..,.... ..,. ICes: and WI 1 ERI'..\S. Ilahnat fnr IIumal1l1y or ('ollll:r ('"unty. In.::. I' seo:k1n~ ;1 \\ :11\ ,'r "I 11111'01,'1 Ii:.,,: alltl \\'JlERE:\S. lIahllal for fhll11anll} "I' ('olller ('nun I)'. InL'. Will con,lruct one (I, fhr~'c.h,'dr"..rn 11111\ Ilk "J)wcllll1g l'OlI"1 nn 1.01 i I. Blol.'k n. Senllnok Suhdi,'islUn in Immnkak., \\ hldl I' Prul,,"~'d III ,,'II 1'01 I'ony-Six Thlllls:lnd Fl\c lIunJred Dollars IS-lh.500,()(JI: and WIIERE,.\S. the Dwo:lhng I 'Oll \\111 h,' purchased hy'~ \'Cry 111\\ II1C0111,' hou~clI"ld \\ 11Idl " l\'qulI,',1 III II1\'esl a minimum orrin: hundred (~O(J1 hl1ur, 01 "S\\eal hlully'" hclilre II ohl;III" Illk III III\' h'III"', ;ll1d WIIER!::\S, \11, ('hark, C' Smllh. \1"" l'r~'lokllt ,If JI:lhtlal fill 1I11111;\I11I~ "I ( "IIi"1 l "lllll\. In,. ,uhmtltcJ to Ihe: ()rnl'~ or II"u'll1).! and 1 . Ihan J111proH'1l1,'nt an :\ fti.rdahk J IlIlh1111.!'\ppli";ltlllll dal,'d I k,...rnkr 21. I f)')!\ ji,r a \\ aln:r "I' IInpacl fcc, ror Ihe con'truetllltl "I' a huuw on l.ol ~ I, Ulud, II. S"1II11l1l11..' SlIhtll\ 1~llln III ~:. Immokalee. a copy of said application IS on fale m the IltlU5in! and Urbnn Jmprn\'cm~'nl J >Cparlnwnl; and -'~"'.'~.",. . WHEREAS. in accordance with SeclIon 3.04 of IhCttibrary System Impacl h:e (lrdinanee, I )nllllan..:,' ~\:":'" . - .~ '- , "'. -~~. ." No, 88-97.85 amended: Sectlnn ~,O~ of the I'ark!land Recreational Flcilltles Im(lll~.t h'e C lrdlmmn'. (lnllnane..: _L' .~'.-, . ........ :-':0, R8.96, :IS amended: Sectllln J.O~ of th,' J{n;ld Impacl Pec OrdInance. llrdmann' :\11. 1)';_';';, a' am,'nlbl: Se:etlon 3.1)5 or the Emergency \IcJleal Ser\lee~ Syslcm Impact Fcc (lnhnann', (lnllnalll.'e ~n. I) I. -; I. '" amended; and Sccllon 3.0; 'lr the Euucallonal Faclhues S)'l1em Impact ree ()rdmOlnn', ')rllm.mee So. 1)2-,',', as ...',It:: . amended: an applicanl may ohtam a WOII\W of Impact fces by qualifying for .1 wal\'er: and ...."":.......