Resolution 1999-127 IU.SClII. Ilns SO 1)1). .1~L,_ Rf'.SClI.l'IICl' Ill. 1111. 1llJ.\RD ()F (t II" 1\' (,Cl\I\IlSSIC I'\;I.RS, C f IIIIIR (OlSIY, nORII)" .\I'TIIORIIISCj W\IV1:R OF I.II1R.\RY SYSll\1 1\11'..\( 1 H.I~S, I':\RKS "'Il RHRI':\ 1 II '\:\1. h\l'II.JII!'.S 1\11':\( I HIS. I{().\I) 1\11':\('1 I+.I-.S. l'.\II~R( il-.'< Y \11 DIC":\1. SI'.R\'IO'.s 1\11':\1'1 I /.) S \,n Ull(':\IICI'\I.I'\IIl,IIII..S SYSID.lI\II'M"1 H.I:S HII( 0\1, 111I1'sl,. 10 HI: (,Cl'SIRI'CTI-I) BY 11.\1111,\1 FOR 111::\1,\'11" 01 ('01111 R l'I)t',IY. I'c'. IJ' loJ ~'), BICK'K ,\ IS snll,Ol.l' S[.BUI\'!SIO" 1\1\1< '''''I.E1~. \\'III:RI:.-\S, C ..,Iher < ."Unly ha~ re"II~n1/l.'d and a\lempl~-d III addn:~' Ihc IOld;.,1 ".1"''111;11'' ;lIld "ni'nlahle hou~Jn!! f"r m'><.!cral.... IIl\\. and 'ery-lllI\ 1n,""l1e hllu-.ch.,ld~.'1n lh... Cllunly "",I th.. Iwed 1i'f cr.'allH' and mnt\'J.:i\I..' prll~r...lr.l" ~o ~1"'''1''~ 10 th\.o prnq..ltm lIf ...u\:h huu-'In.l h)' ln~h...il"t-! ..",'\\:r;sl pru\ I"'hlfl'" In Ih\.' ('"I!H:r C ."Uo1: (,r,,\\ Ih \ lalla~CI::cl,' I'LIfl. Ith: lu,IIfl~: "hl,'clI\'c 1 .-1. 1'"11l:)' 1..1.1; "h1"CII \ " l.~, 1',,11,' \ 1.5 2. 1'1" I": I .'.. r"II,: I ~ .I, p"i", I ~ '.1''':1-:, I 'II. .,hr,','m,' I (', r"li,y 1.(,.3: IIhleclI'" ~.I.I''':''': 2.1 1. p.,h", 2.1 2. I'"hcy 2 1 .1'1'"11': 2 I <. ~nd 1"011":: ~ 1 10 "' :11,' ""Ihln~ I.I.-mcnl. and WIIJ.RL,\S. I ..III.-r 1 "lInl: ha, r...,"Ih'd (un.hng pursuant III Ihe StOl"" ""1I'1Il~ Inlllall\.-, I'arllwhhll' I'rn!!rOlm ,,'I f"rth 10 S...,IIO>O -I.:!U')fl- \'L..l'~., 1.I"uda St;lllll,', and Chapler 1)1,.'-. II"nda .\dI11l1l1,lralll" ( i1lk: and \\'III'R!..\". ':1 a""rd~ncc '\llh ( ollt...r COIunly. llr.hnancc ,,,. 'P.I'I. Ih,' 1."llI1\' I_ .I'lIhlln/,'d I" II'" 1"1I1drn~ Ir"m Ih.- ~Ia'" II"I;-,n;! lr.ltlaUh" 1'31",\'r,l1lp ISIIII'll'fIl!!rOlm filr II al\..r, ill ( ..II"T I ."1I1l1) 1l1lP,'I:1 k...~; alld \\'11!'.RL,\S.lIanltOl' fllr lIumanlly of( .nlller('uUn!~', InC:',s ~ekm!! a lI;o\..-r.., IIllP""II,',,-. alld \\'1II:RI':\S,lIahl1.I1I"r Ilumam!y ..(("liter Counly.II1\:, \\111 tonMruel ..n,' (lllhr.......;,cdnNlIllIIl1l1 Ilhc "In\elhn!! I:nll", on 101' .:!'I. Blll\:k :\. S...mmulc SUbdl\I'UJT1. in Iml1K1kal,'" \\llIeh I' I'WI" ",'.1 III ,.-11 lilf FlIrty,SIX I hllll,and Fin: lIundred I lnllar.,. S-l(dOC).llClJ: an,l \\'III.R I. .\~. till' I h.. I':: Ill:: I .I~I' II ill h, rur,'ha,ed h: 01 \l'r)' IIlw rn,.ClT1!C h"lI,,'hilld 1\ 11Id, I' '\'qllll,'d ,.. InYC,1 01 mrnlmilll1 0: I"... hUlldr.-d (~(J111 hOllr- "f "S",'a! hllllty" hd"H'11 "bl;lIn- 1111.- III II1\" hilll"'. ;1Ilt! \\'III'.RL,\S. \11. (.h"rl\', ( Smllh. \'1'" I're'IJl'1l1 llfllahllal ri,r 1I11man:I' "II ,,11"'l ..""111:. Inc.. ,uhmllteJ I" the ()nicc IIf I lOll-ill:; and r.rhan Illll'rmem.'nl ;10 ,\llnrdahl..II""-II1~ .\PI'II,alllln d"I,'d I "'L:\'ml>t:r 21. Il)l)l\ lilr a \lai\.-f ,,(,mra,1 fe..., 1m 1h... c"n-trll.:llnn nf a huuS<." lIn I.llt 21), BII,,'J; :\. ",'Illlll. ,I.- <'l1hdl\ 1'11111 111 Immukalee. a C"I'~ lit' -aid arril..:alllln I' IIn Iii,' II1lh,' IIIIII'lI1g and ('rhan I 111 I'rlll ~'I11'.11I I "'l'ilIII1I"111; and \\'Ilf-.RI'.:\S. 111 acc"rdancc \\I,h S,'.:II"" l./l-Iollh,- l.lhrar). Sy'tcm Il11l'acl I cc 1 Jrdll\~ll1cc, (t"hl1.lI1c\' ~", ~,~.')-. a, amendc,L S,',1\1I11 .1.05 "I II1\' Par;', ~md 1(.-cr,',lIlllnal Fa"IIlI\" 111\1';1': Ie" (Jrdlllallcc. (),oIII1;II1\'C ~o. K~.(J(,. 01' ;)mendcd. S,',1I111l ,~II-1 "flh,' H",..I Impact I ,.... Ordinance, (Jrdrnilrl\\' ,,, '12-22, a, .ll1\l'lllkd, Se\'lllln ).05 ..I' Ih,' I'mcrl!,'nc~ \lcdlcal S"I\ ,,,..., S:,I"111 I mp:l'" , I'c... llnlr1l,ln...", (Jrdll1,111L:\' :-\11. 'II. C I. ,I' amended: and Se\'lIun ).ll~ lit' lh.: Ldu.::lIIl>nall.acdl1ll:s SY'lc'!\",!mpIIl:I f~'C lIrJlnanc.... 4Ir""1;\l1c... :-":u. 112.1.1. ;1' :..~, amended: an arpll\'anl may nhlam .. walwr Ill' Impact 1i:l.:5 hy q~ir)'lnll for II Will\ er; al1d ~, ill"