Resolution 1999-126 16A 1 RESOI.lIT10:'\ :\0. 99.~ RI:SO/.l" In:" OJ. Till'. Iln..\RD OF C()lJ~TY CO:\I:-'IlSSIII:"I'.HS, (Oll.II;R CO! ::\TY, FIOIWH, ..\I 'Till lR1ZIl"ej \\'AJVER OF IJIIR,\R Y S'XI H..I 1\II'AC1 FELS, I'AHKS :\:-':1> RH'RE:\T10NAI. FACII,IlIl:S I.\II',\(T FI:I:S, ROAD [\1/':\(' r FITS, E:-'IERejEI\CY ~lEnI(',\1. SER\'I('I'.S 1\1/':\(1 "".I'.S :\:"1> fJ)I'C\lIO:"AII':\l'll.ITIES SYSTI'.\f I~II'A('T FU:S H J({ (1:"1. ill)( 'Sl" ro Ill'. (O:"SIHUTEl> IlY fIABITt\/' FOR I/li\I:\:"n Y (l!- (()/IIU< COI SlY. 1:"(, ():" I.or 1x, BLOO~ ,\ J:" SE\I/:"oll: SI 'lllll\'lSlc l:", 1\1\IOK..\I.U' \\'1 fERL\S, c 'olli.'r ('ounly ha, recol!nlzcd and altcmplcd to adJre" Ill., 1;Il:k ", alk-tlllal.' ami :anilrdahk' housmg for modcrale, 1,1\\, and \'cry,lm\' mcumc households In thc ('ounty :and Ihc I1ccd lilr cn:OlIl\'c Oll1d innovative prol,'I'ams 10 as'lst In Ihe prO\'ISlnn of lIUch ~jnl by includan~ scwraJ (lrunsllIns 111 till' ('olllcr County (jrowth \Ianal!cmcnt "Ian, mcludanll: ohJccllve 1.4, palic)'1.4,1: Oh)CCII\C I,:>, poll,'~ 1,:>,1, poll") 1,5..1, (lolicy I.:>.~, polic) J .'5, poh.:y 1.5,6; ohJcctl\'C 1,6, (llllicy 1.(1.3: IIhjeCII\e 1,1, 1'0111':) ~,I.l, polll:) ~,I,:!, pulley ~,l,~. polll:)- :! .1,5, and pol"y 2,1,6 oj' Ihe HOUsing Element: and \~'fll:RI:..\s. ('olllcr ('ollnty has rcccln:d fundmg plJr!.uanl to Ihe Slat... Iloll'1I1).! Irllll,lIl\l" Parlll.'r"llIr Program scl l(lrlh In SCl:IIl.n ~20,l)07 ~., Flunda Slatutcs al1d Chapler C)I..17, FllIrld.1 :\dmllllStmtl\'e ('mI.'; and WHEREAS, 111 Olecoruancc wllh ('oilier ('ounty Ordinance :'IIll, ().l.l'). 1111: COllllty Is alllhorl/.'d III II'.' fundll1g from the Slate Ilollsmg Inlllall\'Cs i'anncrshlr ISlIlI'll'rogram for \\;I!\l'r' of ('IIII1,'r ('''1I111y Il11paCI fe,'s: anJ WIII:KEAS, Ilahllal t(lr Ilumanlt)' llf( 'ollier ('\lunty, In" I' scek 111/! a \\;11\ .'r "f IIllp"<.:1 1',""; ;llld WHEREAS, Ilahllallor l!umal1lt)' lIfCollu:r ('ounty. In... wllIl:..nstrUl:1 ..n, (I, Ihr.....ncdrn..rn 1I1l11 (lhc "Dwelling Vnll") on l.ot 211. Block A, Semmole Suhdivislon 10 JmmoKalce which " I,rnp(lseu I.. ~ell lilr Forty-SIx Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (546,500.001: and WHEREAS. the Dwelling Unit wJlf he purchas~'LI by a wI)' low 1I1\.:,'m,' h"II-.-llII/<1 \\ hid, Is rl'qllJr.'d I" II1\'Cst a mll1lmllm oftiw hundreJ (500) hours "f"Swcall'quIlY" hd"r~'1t "hl;lIl1' 1I11c 1111h,' hllll'.'; ;lIld \\'IIUU:\S, \lr, ( harlc, (', Smllh. \'I"~' Prcsldcnt oj' lIanltal lilr 111I111;lIlll~ "I' ( cdli.'r l'"ul1lY, In<.:.. submllled 10 the OfJjcc llf I lOllslng :II1U I !rhan ImpruH'menl an AfIi,rdahle /I"lI,m!! :\l'plr":lII"11 dakd 1 kn'rnhn 21. I t)C)!lt(lr a \\ alH'r llf impa.:t fees for thc eonslruClllln of a house on 1.01 2". lilllck A, Sel11l1lolL: SuhdanSlllll 111 Immokalee, a copy llf saId apphcalllln IS on file 111 the I lousing and llrban Imprmcmenll kpOlrlrn.:J1I: :1I1d WHEREAS, In ael:llrdanec Wllh SeclIlln J,O~ III' the Libral)' System lmpa.:' I..." Ordmal1l:c, ()nlmal1Cl' :"0. X i\.rr;' , a, amended; S.','llon J.lI:> of Ih.' Park. ;11111 R,'.:rcarllll1al Fal:dlll'" Il11l'a," I"" (),-dll1:II1,','. ()rdll1al1l:.' :"Cl. xx.ru" a, am,'nd.:J: Sl:,'lilln .1,/J~ o( lh~' Road Impa"'1 Fe.: I Irdlllan.:c, I )nl I 11:1 Ill'" ,,, '12-:~:!, ;1S 0I1111'nlkd, Se.:llon ~,/J5 of lh,' 1',l1lcr~l'n.:y MedIcal S.T\ I':CS Sy,lem Impact h'c I )rdll1al1':,', r 11<1,l1al1':.' :"11. '1 1.71, ;" amended: anJ Sel:lIon 3.115 III' the EduCOllJOnall'acrlllle, System Impact!'cc Ordlnanc.', IJr,hn:lJll:.' t'\u, lJ2.~.l, ;IS amended: an applicant may ohtal/1 a waiver ~1.~~=t;ees.::,r~.n,8 for a Wlll\'cr: and . .:r:;