Resolution 1999-117 10 t RESOLUTIO~ i"O. 99-117 A RESOLUTIO."" '\PI'OI~T1~G AUDRE LEVY TO TilE BI.,\CI\: AFFAIRS ,\I)\'ISORY nOAIW. \VflERE,\S. Collier County adopted Ordinance No, 91-;\8 creating the Black Affairs Advisory Board. which provides thai the Ad\'isory Board shall consist of se\'cn (7) members; ,md WIIEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. I) 1-77 .ll1leIH,h::d Ordinance No, 'JI -JS by providing thallhe Ad\'isory Board shall consist of nine (9) members; and \\'IIEI<EA5. there is currently a ",lcancy on this Board; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners previously provided public nOlice soliciting applications from interested panics, NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY CO.\l~lJSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUl\:TY. FLORIDA, lhat/\udre LeVi' is hereby appointed :0 the Black ,\ffairs Advisory Board for the remainder of the vacanttenn. said term to cxpire on June 25. 21)(JI. This Resolution adopted atier mOli"n. second and majority "ote, DA TED: Febnwry 9. ] CJCJ') ATTEST: DWIGHT E. l3ROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COU:-:TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COLJ;'-!TY, rLORfDA /~ ??/~~ // ~/ jJ t- / , / i (Y.rr By: ,.. . .-_, ~L; ~IELA S, .\I.-\("KIE, C~'~";;:l"- 41~~~~/p' rR. Attest is to Ch~lrm~n's sl9l'!ture onl]. Approvcd :lS to foml and legal sufliciency: ~/!.,.\l.'~ ~~ . D.l\'id C. \\'eigcf~ County Allomcy Dew:l."