Resolution 1998-094 16A 2 RESOI.IITION NO. Ill!. 'J<. RESOUlTIOl' OF TIn: BOARD OF COIlNTY CO~IMISSIO:-.lI:I(S, ('OII,II'R COUNTY, HORmA, AlJTIIORIZIN(j WA'VI:R OF RHiIOl',\I, W,\IER SYSTEM IMI'M'T FEES. RHilONAI. SEWER SYSTI~M I~II',\("I H.ES. LIBRARY SYSTEM IMI'A<"r FEES, PARKS ANI> RH'RI'Allol':\\' FAClI.ITIES I~II'A(-r FEES, IUIAllll\lI'AtT I'EES, 1',MI:IHil',N( '" ~1I'.J)Il'J\I, SERVICES IMPA(1' FEES ANIl EIl\lC'ATIONAI. FAl'II.ITII',S SYSTI',~l IMPACT FH.S H)R ONE 1I0lfSE TO BE UINST'UWTEI> BY "All II AI I'C)\{ IIUMA:-.lITY OF COJ./.lER COUNTY, INC.. ON I.OT 22. nr (X'K D, SAPI.ES MANOR 1.AKES, ('OlJ./ER ('OUNTY, F1.0RmA. WHEREAS, Collier County ha~ recllllni/cd and attempted III address thc 13l:k Ill' alll:tjuah: and alTnrdahlc housing for moderate. 1111". and very.low mCllme hllusehnlds In the ('llunty and thc need lilr cre;)t"'e and mnll':atl\'c programs to a~~ist in the prO\i~ion ot'such housm\.! hy including sc\'eral pTOvislllns m the ('ullier ('nunt)' Cirnwlh MlInagement rllln, indudlOll: oh)eell\'C 1.4. polley 1.4,1: nhjcc11\'e 1.5. polle)' 1.5.2. pulicy 1.5.3. pullcy I.S..I. policy 1.5,5. policy 1.5.6: ohJeellve IJ). policy 1,6,3: ohjecll\'e 2.1. pohcy 2,1.1. pnlu:y 2,1.2, puhcy 2, U. rulicy 2.1.5. and pol1C}' 2,1,(' of the "nu~Jn\.! Elcmeol: and WHEREAS. Colher Counly hlls rcce:m:d fundin!:! pursuanl 10 the Slalc IIl1u"n\.l Inltlatln's I'artncrshlp Program se:t forth 10 Seetlnn .1:'0.907 ~., Florid:t Stalutes :tnd Ch:tpter 91.J7. !'lunda Adnllnlslr:tII\'c ('''lie: and WIIF.REAS, In aeconl:tnce wilh Collier Counly Ordinance No, 1))-19, lhc County IS aulhnrllell 10 use funding t'rom the Slate: Hous;n!! Iniliative:~ I'anne:rship (SI/II'll'rngr~m for wai\'ers of Collier ('"unly impact fee~: and WIIERI:AS. Hanuat for Ilumanity ot'Collie:r ('ounl)'. Ine, IS seeking a waiver (If impact fees: and WHEREAS, lIanlta1 f.,r Humllnity of ('oilier County, In, l\lIl con~tnlct onc (I I lhree-hcdmom unll tlhe "Dwe:lling Unu", on Lot 22, Block 13 Naples M:tnor Lakes which i~ proposed tn sell lor Forty.SllI Thousan.1 I''''e Hundred Dollars CS46.500.l)(I); :tnd WIIEREAS. the n..e:lllng Unu will he purchase:.! hy a \'ery low Incomc hnuschuld whIch IS rCllUlrcd tll in\'esl a minimum or five hundred (500) hours of "Sweat Equity" he:forc II obl:tlns tllle: 10 Ihe house: :tnd WIIEREAS, Mr, Charle:s C. Smilh. VICC I)rc:~ide:nt of Hahual for Humanity nf ('ollter Count)'. Ine.. submilled to Ihe Office of 1I0uilng and Urhan Impnl\'emenl an ,\ffnn.lahlc 1I0usm\.l Appllcallon dated January 27. 191)8 lor a "al\'er of Impactl\:c- for the eonstrU~'llon of a housc on \',,112. Block I J :'I:aples Manor I.akes. a cupy of said apphe:allon IS on t;le In the Housing and Urhan Impro\'emenll>Cp:trtmenl: :tnd WHEREAS. In accordance: with Sccllon 3.04 of Ihe Rcglfmal W:ller Systcm Imp:let Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 90.86. :ts amended: SeCllon 3.04 of the Rcglon:tl Sewer Syslcm Impact Fcc Ordinance. OrdinJnl.'C No. 90.87. as amende.!: See:tlon 3,04 of the L1br:try Sysle:m Impact Fee: Ordinance. Ordinance No. l<lI.ln. as amended: Section 4,05 of the Parks and Recreallonat FaCIlities Impact Fe\.' Ordinance. Ordinance Nil. l<1I.1)!.. a~ amended; Seelioo 3.0-l of the Road Impae:1 Fcc Ordin:tnce. Ordlnancc ~o. 92.22. :ts :tmcoded: SeClllln J ,OS llf Ihe Emergene:y Me:dical Se:n'tces S~ slem Imp:tct Fcc Ordin:tnc" Onltnancc ~ll, I) I. i 1, as amcndl.'d: and Seet",n .',ll~ of the Educational F:lelhlll.'s S~'stem Impact Fcc Onhnancc, Ordinance ~II, n.~~, :t~ am~'nllcd: an apphcanl mOl}' ..hlain a waiver ot'imp3e:l fce:~ hy 4U311:')'1I11: for a wal\'cr; and - 1 - WHEREAS. Habital lor Humanity ofCollic:r County. Inc. has qualified for an Impact fee waIVer h3scd upon the: followina representations made by Ilabitat for Ilumanity of Collier Counly. Inc.: A. The Dwc:lhnil Unit shall be: sold 10 a lirst-limc home huyer, B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a household with a \'ery low Incnme lcvel as Ihat ICI1Tl i~ dclincd in lhe ApJlCnthce~ !lIthe resJlCctive Impact Fcc Ordinances 3nd thc mnnthly p"ynlentlll purclmsc lhe unit must he within the affordahle housing Ilu;dcline~ e:slahhshed in 1he ApJ'Cl,dices 10 Ihe respccli\'e Impact Fee Ordin3ne:es. C. The Dwelling Unil shall be the Homcste:ad of the owner. D, The: Owe:llinl! Unit shall remain aITordahle for fineen 115) years from lhe dllte Ihe ee:rtifieale of occupancYlslssue:d. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AY THE 1l0ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or COLLIER COUNTY. FI.ORIDA. that: 1, The Board of ('ounly Commi~sillne:rs hcrehy authori7.es the: C 'ounly MlIn31lcr III issue an AUlhori7.ation fllr waiver of impae:t fees 10 Habital for Humanity of ('oilier County. Inc. fclr one (\) house which shall he con~1ruc!ed on l.ot22. RInck IJ Naples Manor I.akes. ('nllier County. "'orida. 2, Upon ree:eipt hy the Housing and Urban Improvement lJirector ot' an a~rec:ment for warn:r of impael fces signed by 1l3bilal for lIumanit)' of Collier County. Ine.. and/or the purehaser. or olher documentation acceptable to the County Auomey. Ihe Board of ('Ilunt)' ('llmmlssion~'TS hereby authorize:s the payment hy Collier ('ounly of the following imp:tcI fees from the Affordable IInusing Trusl Fuod. Fund (191). in the followin1! amount~ for the one (I) house 10 he hUlltlln Lot 22, Block 13 N:>ple:s MlInor l3kes b)' lIahitat for Humanny of Collier ('ounly, Inc.: A. Llbr3ry Impacl Fcc S 180.52 Il. Road Impae:t Fee: J.Ji9.00 C. Porrh and Re:creal1on31 Facililics Impac! Fee: (II ('ommunlly P3rks (2) RegIOnal Parks 399,011 O. E, \79.00 14.00 EMS Impact Fe:c EducatIOnal Faeilil1es System I mp3ct Fee Wate:r Impae:t Fe:e Sewe:r Irnpae:t Fee TOTAl. I;\JPACT fEES 1.778.(){) lJOO,OO SI 34000 56.169.51 F. G, 3. The payment of impacI t'e:es by Colher County I~ subjcct II, :he e~ce:ulion and re:cordatlon uf an agree:ment for waiver ot' Collier County Impae:t Fe:e:~ bclwe:e:n the propcrty own~'T a'1d1or purchaser and the: ('ounly. - 2 - This Resolution adopted DOer motion. sceond and majlll'ily vole fDvorln,lllllmc, DATED: p' 7. ~ f ^ 1Tf~~1: DWIGHT E, BROCK. Clerk fUMRfHlI' ('ot1S"V C'( JMM'~S'ONr:RS COLLIER COUN"rY. FLORIDA / ~ ~'~ '-,4 :4<: / -.-t:!' . ;~""./..J'., , ny:~~.~.~~ IlDrh ~ B. Berry. Ch . III Attc.t t~ to C~4fr&an's S1g11i\tLOI"~ on 1.r .Approved-as lei Itltm and legal sufficiency: ~ -. jdlclnaplcl manor lalcc~;rc~ - 3 - " ~. .~ [XIIIBIT ",\" 1.[(;,\1. In:SCRIPTIO~ LOT 22 OF BI.OCK 13. NArLES MANOR LAKES. ACCORDlN<i TO TIlE PLAT HOOK l'IIEREOF. AS RECOROED IN PI.AT nOOK 3. AT PAGE 87. OF TilE PUDl.lC RECORDS OF ('Ol.l.lER (,Ol INTY FLORIDA, - 4 - 16A 2 - - ..~ ~~'/S\~' -... -- . 0eG -=-Ii I t I ~ II! ' I I I , l ' , . i I J I . I i ~ : i i ~ I i: I' : i ! ; . .. .. ":! I . II . : ; 111~ \ ,=......I~t , It!1 II :: 1 zll :"..t..-.1' I rf:~~~~'~'::~~;~ ~:'.";...:;:..'::~t~::~'. ~-;-: fU )..( f!; ~,:.}{.I.; '; .,~~ . ~'\J'J!..I ! . ~ ,"'~. -} '}f -. ~ ~~~ i'~ ~t',~ ,if .~ (,:H~ , ~ i i . I , II i · i . . ) I !i 'Iii I ._ i ;lOll;;' :: I ~ :: I:I'::! ~ _ ;i1::::!;eiS;1 _; 5'!:;::':! IC,' , .. ~,..::x: 'Ii ;31~! ~ : ~~;r~\llln ,~i\~\i~ .~ ; 1\' i ',.,,, 1 ~ ..I' , . ~. ~I~ A 2. E Xl-l, L J Ii L ,","f "A-' /.i L . ( t::.. I.~ - -. ...J'" '...} __________OTHEP ~ _1(; _ ,__!t:.1.:l_ --t ...:s......c! ~~~. .. ,.:-....... ..,' .J ,~c, f:t~':': ..;:-:01-".111<<:1:1;'" . '!:\~, "I,~or\c ,YO,..f '-t - 0' O'c"etfl~te ,~;. ~...~~ ~ , ! i .~ ~ i . ~ fll1~