Resolution 1998-091 RESOJ.llTlON NO. C)ll'_uJL 16A RESOI.UTlON OF TilE flCMRn OF COI'~TY ('OMM/SSION/:RS. ("Ol./.II:R COUNTY. FI.ORHM. ,\I;l/IORll.l:,\(j WArvH~ OF RHjrO~AI. ''''All.R SYSTEM '~lI't\(T FEI:S. I~H i/ONAI. SI'W':f{ SYS'I HI 'M/',\C T n.J:S. UBR:\R y ~ YSTEM IM/):\('T FEES. I'M{KS ANI> IU.CRJ:AI/ONAr. F:\C11.1TIES I~II'''(,T FEES. R(MD 'MI',\('I I-I:I:S. 1~~lI'.I((iJ'.Nn' MEDIC AI. SERV/C'ES 1MI'M"" FEl-.S AND J~I)I)( 'AIJIJ~AI. "A('JI./'I'II:S SYSTEM IM/'ACr H:I:S /-()R ONE 1I0llSE TO BE ("ONSTI<I'( TU) BY "ABITAT FOR III!MANITY OF COI.LlI'./( COI iNTY. IN('.. 0:-': /.( rr 7. 1l1.1J( 'K -I. N,\I'I.I:S MANOR I.AKI'.S. COI.I.JER ("OliNTY. FI.ORID". WHEREAS. Collier County ha~ rcco\1nJzed and allcmpted tn addre~~ Ihe luck (If udequah: and affordable housing for moderatc. lo\\', and \'ery.low Incomc hnusehClld~ In the ('nunty and the need lilr creat,,'e and innC'~'ative programs to assist In the prm'lsinn of such hOUSing hy Including ~e\'Cral prO\I~ll1ns in the Culller ('nunty (irowth Management Plan. Including: ohjccti\'c 1.4. policy 1.4.1: ohJecll\'e 1.5, pnllCY 1.5.2. polley 1.5.3. policy 1.5.4. policy 1.5.5. polrey /.SA ob;ecllve I A polley 1.ft.3: nhJectl\'c 2.1. pulley 2.1.1. (lCIlrcy 2.1.2. policy 2. U. policy 2.1,5. and policy 2.1.') uf the I/nustng Element: and \"'IIERE/\S. e"Iher ('oumy has recel\"ecJ funchng pursuant 111 thl' Stale IInus,"~ Inll,atives 1':Irtner~hi" l'rogram scl limh 10 SectlCln 410.')()7 ~.. F'orlda Slatules uncJ ('hiJpler 1)/..17. HUrlcJa Admlnlslmh\'c ('ude: and WIIEREAS. 10 accordance with Colhcr ("ounty Ordrnance Nn. 93-19. the County is authorized 10 use funding from the State IIou~,"g Initiatives P.lr1ner~hip ISI/JPJ I'r<lgram for wal\'ers of Collrer ('ounty Impilct fee~: and WIIEREAS.Hilhllal li)r Ilumanity of Collier {'ounty. Inc. I' seeking a \\al\'er (If Impact li:e~; and WHEREAS. lIabllat lor Humanity of Collier ('ounly. Inc. Will construct nne (J) three-bedroom Un:! (the "Dwelling Unit") on Lot 7. Block -I l'aples Manor Lakes which IS prnpnsedl(l sell lor I'(lrly-Sill Thousand "'I\'e Hundred Dollars (S46.S(J().OO): and WHEREAS. the Dwelling UOIl will he purcha~ed hy a \'ery low rncome household which is n:quirl.-d to invest a minimum of Ii\'e hundred (500) hnurs of "Swcat Eqlllty" hdelre 11 ohlalns tllle 10 the hnuse: and WHEREAS. Mr. Chilrles C. Smuh. VICl' President nf Hahllat fnr IIumanlly of Colher ('ounly. Inc.. submilled 10 Ihe Of/ice of !lollsing and Urhan Imprn\'ement an '\ffonIllhle !lollsrng ,\pplleallon dated Janullry 27. 1998 for a wain:r of Impact fe.:s for thc conSlructlnn (If a huuse (In Lot 7. B1nck -I :-':apleo; Manor I.ake~. a ell!'Y of said applicatron is on file 10 Ihc HouslOg and Urhan Impru\'cml.'nl Dcpartmenl; and WHEREAS, 10 accordancc wilh Seclion J.().j "f the R~'glonal Water System Impact Fcc Ordmanee. Ordinance No. 90-Sf>. as amended: Scctlnn 30-1 (If the /(egwnal Sl'wer Syslcm, Impact Fl.'e Ordlnanl.'e . Onhnance No. 90-87. as amended: SectIOn 3.04 of the Lihrary System Impael Fcc Ordinance. Orlhnanee No. llll.fl7. as amended: Section 4.05 of the Pilrks and RecrcatlOnal Facililics Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordin:mee Nn. llll_C;(). as amendcd: Secllon 3.04 of the Road Impacl Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 92.22. as umended: Secllon .'.115 uf thc Emergency Medical Scr\'lI:es System Impael Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 91 71. US amended: and Seetlnn .:1.05 of the Educational FaCIlities System Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance :-.in. 92-33. :J~ amended; an applicant may nht:Jin a wai\'er of ImpaCl Ih's hy qualrfying for:J \\'al\'cr; and 2 16A 2 WI IEREAS, IlahllOlt fclr I lumanll)' of ('olltc:r ('ounly. Inc, has qualrlied !tlr:ln Impac:t Ii..... W:In'cr ""sed upon the following repre~ent:ltlon~ mllde by lIahitat for Humanity of ('oilIer ('uunl}'./ne,: A. The Dwelling Unil ~hall he sold In a firsHiml' home huyer, B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold In a houschnld with a \....1)' low mcomc le\'d a~ Ihat h:rm I~ ddined in the Appendices 10 the re~pccll\'l' 100PllCl "W ( Infrnances and the monthly Jl:Iyment tnpurchasc: the unit must be wltbln the afliJnluhle housmg gUldefrnes estahhshed m Ihe AJlpcndlel.'S tn the rc~peclt\'e Impact Fcc Ordinances. C. The: Dwe:llrn!! lJnll shall I>e: thc lIomc~tead of Ihe owner. D. Thc Dwclling Unit shall remain alTordable for lincen CIS) years Irom the date the Cl'Ttllicale of OCcupancy IS Issued. NOW ll/EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE flOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORJ[)A, thai: J. Thc Board of County Comml~~loner~ hcrcby aUlhorlzcs lh... ('nunt)' Manalter to Issue an AuthorizatIon for waiver of impact fees to Ilahllal Iilr /Iumanll)' of ('ull..:r ('nunly. Inc. fclr onc (I) hnuse which shull he construcled on Lot 7, Block ~ Naples Manor /.ukes, ('olher ('uunty. 1:lofld:!. lipon receIpt hy the /Iou~ing ancl [Jrhan Improvemcnt fJirl'ctor of an "1!reemenl fnr wa"'l'T of impacl fees signed by Habilat for /Iumanity of ("olJil'r ('ounty, Inc.. antllor Ihe purchaser, or other documentalion acceplahle to lhc ('ounly Atlnmey, the Hoard nf ('OUnl)' ('ommlsslClners hereby aUlhorilCs the paymcnt h)' Collier ('ounty oflhe ri)I/owing impact fi.'es frnmlhl' Anilrdahle IInusmg Trusl Fund, Fund (191). in the fol/owing amounts for Ihe line (I) house In he hili" on 1.01 7, JlJock 4 Naples Manor I.akes by lIabilat for Ilumanity ofCullier County, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fcc S 11<0.52 B. Road Impact Fce 1.379.00 C. Parks and ReCTCational Facilities Impact Fcc; (I) Communit}. Parh (2) Regional Parks EMS Impacl Fcc Educational Facilitie~ SY~lcm 2, 399.00 179.00 D. E. 14.C)1) F. G. Impact Fee Water Impact Fce Scwer Impact Fcc TOTAL I:\JPACT FEES I. 778.00 900.00 .iU.-l!!.!JJJ S6,J69.~2 3. The payment of impact fces by Collier ('nunl)' IS SUhJCCllO the e.\ecullon and r~'cordution of an agreemcnt for \\iai\'cr of Collicr County Impact Fee~ bctween the property O\..'nl'r IInJlor purchaser and the County. - 2 - Thi~ Resolution adopted aller motion, ~econd anu majoTllY \'ote ra\'onng ~amc. DATED: ,~.:.? If ATrEST; DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk ~ ~-/ -.,.:/ ,~)Y; 'r"'''',' r/"<~""r; ;Att~s~ ~, ~: ~~~ir~an's 's 1 gnaturc on 11. Approved as to form and Icgal sufficiency: '-:i, .cl; ..J If { t Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Counly AlIomey jdlclnaplc:s manor lake~'rt'~n nOARn OF ('OII:-.;n' ("OMM/SS/()N/~RS COI.I.lER ('OUNTY. Fl.ORII>A /'("V /. , ")C~~ fl.~~ /lar a /l, /lerry. ('h:J'h.man - 3 - 16A 2 " EXfIIO/T "".. U:<;,\I.OESCR/rTIOS l.OT -: OF BLOCK 4. NAI'LES MANOR I.AKES, AC'COROING TO TIlE PLAT BOOK TIlEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PI.AT BOOK J, AT (>AGE 86, OF TIlE PUBUC RH'ORDS OF C01.I.JER COUNTY FI.ORIDA. - 4 - 16A 2 . -- ":'....... - '-. -..~.- - cil,;...:. .., I T i' . I ~ .. 1 ~ I i 1 i I . ! j ! I I , 1 I '! ~ 'I !I ! I t - ~ . ~ ......: ;~:'.7:J2 I I : ~ ,,.... *". I ~,,!;~., .t:~~~'tC ".,' J '''Ih_ I ;r.:F~"..%E:';'.~t,.~ '1.'_" _.......1 tlootu I ":'.::~' ::.~:~:;.:-;~...... ; ! III = d; "r · J ! ~"\ ~.~:..;.f ? ':,'i ~'. . r 1. r ~." ",,=~.' "'or ~~ -~'( ::; ; '; \' 1.., t ~;" :! ~ ;\' \ :::s ':>-~"';"'" .~ ;~, ,to ~-~' ,~i I t (~},.\..,.. ~'X" ;d \.,., ';J H 0_ '=..' . ji 1/1 ~! n~';:1."1'13. _ . ( '" l a ,f: I . ~ ~ ;;; ,-U' ,. . -~ ~ :; -. . :f ! -.;,;:~::!,~ ,_ ~ :s:; =; ~ .I:" JI OIi 21 z Ijlt:l: ~ -CJ:l:~::; la'." I :~i'~\il~ ;li6 il '~~_lllli5 ~S I ...... ';!).". , ~ f. X' Nil.}, I ;' "A" 1../ i- '7 ;-/" , · c t<.. tJ 16A .... " ,.. 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