Resolution 1998-083 1 DO R,.:SOI.VTlON NO. 98-83 A Rf.SOI.UTrON APPOINTING MF.MRF.RS TO TIlF. U.S. ARMY con.ps OF f:NGINEERS AI.TIo:RNATIV": DEVELOPMENT GROUP \VII EREAS. Ihe U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers is currently prepnring nn Environmcnlal Impact SI.ltcmenl (EIS) to rcport to federnl officials on the potential environmcnlnl impncls Ihat arc anlicipated 10 result from penllilled development in Southwest Floridn: nnd WIIEREAS. Ihe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <ACOE) has recommemled Ihat ooth Collicr Counly and Lee County assist the ACOE in Iheir preparalion of the EIS by nppointing members consisting of interested citizens. org:lIli7.ations, and agencies to nn altemntive development group hosted by the ACOE to evaluate potential affects of development and provide alternative development plans that renect the range of viewpoints in the community; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners has received a recommendation for additional appointments to this group: NOW. TlIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. Ihat Mike Tnylor and Bob Roth are hereby appointed to serve Collier County as members of the AmlY Corps of Engineers' Alternativc Development Group. This Resolution ndopted nfter Illolion. second and mnjority vote. DA TED: March 24. I C)l)8 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COi\1MISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ./.~. //;-;r~u~.,. . , ~ .- r; /1 .. ~,.~,., ~//;. ,.r ,. Approvcd ns to foml nntl legal sufficiency: DeWAn