Resolution 1998-023 88 3 nF:SOJ.t1TION NO. 98- ~ A ItESOI.LJTION Al!TIIORIZING EXECUTION OF A STATE OF FI.OIUIM I>EI'ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JOINT PROJECT i\( il{I~EMENT FOR ARCIIJTEC1lJRAL L1GIITING ON US 41 (DAVIS 1l01JI.EVARD TO AIRPORT ROAD) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WI IEREAS, Ihe ('oilier Counly IInard of County Commissioners ("COUNTY") wishes 10 enter into a loinll'mJee\ AfrL'.:menl ("A~rl:emenl") with lhe Florida Department ofTransportllllon ("FOOl): and WIlERI....\S. th.: ('O! INTY d,:slrI:s III upgrade lhe lighting fixlures from convenlionallo architectural within the H)()I " lmpm\'.:ml:nt pmJCL'111I US 4\ hetween Davis Boulevard and Airport Road, !I;O\\'. 'IIIIJU.FORE.IIE IT RESOI.VED BY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF C01.LlER ('()!i;";TY, I'I.ORIIM THAT: SECTIO;"; I: 'I he ('()[ JNTY does hereby alllhori7.e it~ Chairman to enler inlo a Joint Project Agreement with the FDOT I'm Archll.:cll1ral J.i~hling on liS 41 mavi~ Boulevard to Airport Road). SEe-no;..; ~: '1 hc ('(ll INTY believes such:1O Agr~'C'menlto be in the best interest of the citizens of Collier County JI1 Ihallhc h~hlrng up,I;radc can Oc done by the contractor presently working in the area; and SECTIO~: Thc ('ot fNTY agrl:cs 10 pay the I'DOT the sum of $411.255,00. which is the difTermee belween Ihe cOlltr<lcl prlCI: of $llCJ.IJJ7,IW lor conventional lighting and "Option A-I" chosen by the COUNTY I'mllllhc clllltraetnr's archt\,'cturnl lighting cstimale, SEC-nO:'d: '1'1", R,',..11I1I,IO shallt..I..L' clr~'ct immedHllely uJlOn its passage. SE.CIl.U.i"_5: "II Rc,..llIlt..IIS and paris Ill' RcsnlullOn~ in eonOic:1 herewith are repealed. '11m R~',..llIll..n aJnpled Ihe ".l~ day of l~ ./ . 1998. aOcr mOlion. second and majorily \'<lIe, ATTEST: [)WIGllT E. BROCK, Ckrk IlY:--Z?(.(=-..~,~ -,g..(j~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA lly~~F\~ BAR RA B. BERR . Chat ' Approved it< In limn ..mllcgal sufficicnn': ~~U:'_ QJ.-- Thomas (', 1'..II11~r A~sislanl ('nullly ..\lIom,'y rnktUJ~llr;'lIC fk..IIMII 11'.\ 1:"'0 ~11-t!ll!'dl""