Resolution 1998-013 8 0 1"~ " I{ESOLUTIO,\ .\0, l)~_13 A I~ESOLlITION IN FAVOI{ OF 1I0USE BILL 123, :\,\1> SEi'\:\TI': 1311.1. 1~2 (1C)1)7 SESSION), SPECIAl. HISK FOI{ 1-:~IEIH;J-::,\('Y ,\1 I-: I> I C':\ I. TECIINICAi"'S (El\IT'S) ANI) PAHAJ\IEUrCS. \VIIEREAS, IlulIse Bill 12,1 and Scnalc Bill I,I~ (11)1)7 sl':-silll1) \\.IS tiled ill an Clrllrt to expand the spct:ial risk t:lass uf tllc Flul'ida RClilvIIll'JIl S~'Stl'lll 10 illdll(lL- n'nilil'd F;\IT"s and paramedit:s, ml'.lnil1g in(';l'cascd IH.'I1\:lits rill ,,:\ IT' S illld p;ll'alllCdil'S ,,'Ill) al'c Illclllhcrs ufthe Florida Rclircl1\cllt SYStL'lll, .llld \VIII,:nEAS, law cllforcemcllt ol1iL'L'rs, lirc rlglllL'rS and l'UITL'ctiollS ollicL'rs arc III lhc special risk class: and \VIIEIU:AS, 1~:\Irs alld l1ilralllcdiL':- ill'l' C\pu:-'l'd !II 1111..' sillnl.'I1i1/anb .1.... la\\ 1..'1 I I'lli'L'l..' 11 I 1..'11 t olliccrs, lirc liglllL'I'S, illHI L'1l/TL'L'1 iOlli" ullil.'L'l's, and \VIIEIU:AS, im:ltlsillJ1 ill Illl' SPI.'l'j;d lis!. d;lSS \\IHdd IlIV;II! all iJll'Jl'aSl' 111 1lL-;lth hl.'lll.'lits and .111 incfl.:aSl.' ill rl.'tirclllL'lll hl..'lll.'lilS l'l'lllll 1(. Ill'll'l'lIl Ih:1 .'l'<I1 Iu ,i 111..'1'1..'1..'111 pl.'l' ~I..'ar Illl' EMT's alld paralllL'diL'S, alld NO\\' TIII':IU:FOIU:, BE IT IU:SOI.\'EI>, Il1al till..' ('llllil'r ('UIIIlI~' Board Commissioncrs SlIpport thc im'lllsillll or 1:i\IT's ilnd pill'illl1l.'dil.'s illlO till.' SPCL'iill risk (lass of the Florida Rei il'l.'Il1L:1I1 SYS[L'J11. BE IT FLJRI'IIEI{ HESOL\'EI> '1'11..\'1" thi:-. Ih'sululi\l11 sltall liI!.l' dli:l:t il11llll.'diillcl~ UpOIl adoption PASSED AND DULY ADOPTEI> hy I hI..' HUill'd ur ('\111111\' ('UllllllissillJll.'rS \If ('ollit.'r COUllty, Florida, this /;;? day lll'<'~ /I ;..,. .f/. 11)'):-\ . '.'~-~-,"""'- . - .. .~ ;,' (/ ATTEST: DWI(;IIT Eo BHOCI":. CLEI{I": (lO..\IU) OF C()(l:,\TY COJ\II\IISSIO:'\EI{S OF ('OI.I.IEI~ ('OI;:\TY, I,'LOHI!)..\ .' . .' "'" -' I> ,.' ;.. .. '.' ,,"1 /1 )'y "'/U"~'.'''''''/'''' "~ ," -;.".......... . /_. ,.,. .'"," r By Appro\'ed as to flmll ilnd legal slIllkicm;y. 'i' _IL~ )L,. ~':' ( L :.' :\ssis!allt CUlIllly :\IIUrI1L')'