Agenda 03/10/2020 Item #16C 7 (Golden Gate Wastewater Plant FPL Agreement)03/10/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to execute the Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement and the supplemental forms necessary to convey an easement to Florida Power and Light Co., at the Golden Gate Wastewater Plant, for the installation of electrical services related to the Golden Gate Compliance Project No. 70222, not to exceed $50. OBJECTIVE: To improve the electrical services to the proposed site improvements at the existing Golden Gate Wastewater Plant at 4931 32nd Ave SW. CONSIDERATIONS: On November 12, 2019, the Board approved the selection committee rankings and authorized entering into negotiations for a contract related to Request for Professional Services Number 19-7621, “Golden Gate Wastewater Engineer of Record and Infrastructure Improvements” (Agenda Item 16C8). To provide electrical services including the installation of a pad -mounted transformer and associated cables, wiring, and equipment, Florida Power and Light (FPL) requires that the County: 1) enter into the Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement; 2) agree to execute their Transformer Pad Location and Specification, and Notification of FPL Facilities forms; and 3) provide an easement to FPL. FPL has reviewed and approved the underground easement form. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Wastewater Capital Project Fund 414 in the Golden Gate Compliance Project No. 70222. The total cost for recording and obtaining copies of the easement documents will not exceed $50. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project meets current Growth Management Plan standards to ensure the adequacy and availability of viable public facilities. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approves and authorizes the Chairman to execute the Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement and supplemental FPL forms, after approval by the County Attorney’s Office; 2. Approves and authorizes the Chairman to execute the FPL Underground Easement; and 3. Authorizes the County Manager or his designee to proceed to follow all appropriate closing procedures and record the aforementioned documentation in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. PREPARED BY: Cindy M. Erb, SR/WA, Senior Property Acquisition Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Underground Easement (Business) (PDF) 2. Underground RoadPavement Crossing Agreement (PDF) 3. Underground Dist Facilitieis Intall Agrmt (PDF) 4. Notification of FPL Facilities (PDF) 5. Transformer Pad Location & Specs (PDF) 16.C.7 Packet Pg. 778 03/10/2020 6. Specifications for Precast Transformer Location (PDF) 7. Site Plan (PDF) 16.C.7 Packet Pg. 779 03/10/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.7 Doc ID: 11708 Item Summary: Recommendation to execute the Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement and the supplemental forms necessary to convey an easement to Florida Power and Light Co., at the Golden Gate Wastewater Plant, for the installation of electrical servi ces related to the Golden Gate Compliance Project No. 70222, not to exceed $50. Meeting Date: 03/10/2020 Prepared by: Title: Property Acquisition Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Cindy Erb 02/14/2020 3:05 PM Submitted by: Title: Director - Facilities Management – Facilities Management Name: Damon Grant 02/14/2020 3:05 PM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Damon Grant Director - Facilities Completed 02/14/2020 3:07 PM Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 02/14/2020 4:11 PM Public Utilities Operations Support AmiaMarie Curry Additional Reviewer Completed 02/18/2020 8:45 AM Facilities Management Michael Dowling Additional Reviewer Completed 02/18/2020 2:28 PM Wastewater Beth Johnssen Additional Reviewer Completed 02/18/2020 3:24 PM Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Tom Chmelik Additional Reviewer Completed 02/19/2020 10:24 AM Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 02/19/2020 3:34 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 02/24/2020 11:17 AM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 02/26/2020 5:33 PM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/27/2020 8:19 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/27/2020 10:10 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 02/27/2020 4:22 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 03/02/2020 1:26 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/03/2020 4:33 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 03/10/2020 9:00 AM 16.C.7 Packet Pg. 780 UNDERGROUND EASEMENT(BUSINESS) The undersigned, in consaderation of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, jts licensees, agenls, successors, and assigns ("FPL"), a non-exclusive easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground eleclric utility facilities (including cables, conduits. appurtenanl equipment, and appurtenant above ground equipment) to be installed from time lo time; with the right to reconslruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as. the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement described as follows: See Exhibit "A" ("Easement Area") Together with the right to permit FPL to attach wires to any facililies hereunder and lay cable and conduit wjthin the easement and to operate the same for FPL's communications purposesl the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area at all times, the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergroMh and other obstructions wilhin the Easement Area; to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees or lambs outside of the easement area which might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communications or power transmissron or distribution: and further granls. lo the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the Easement Area herelofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, slreels or highways adjoining or through said Easement Area. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on this day of 2020 llVork Request No 8911995 Sec 28.Twp 49 S,Rge 26 E Parcell D:36450440006 (Ma ntained by Ccun,Appraiser) ATttEST: CRYSTAL K KINZEL,Clerk , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legalily Jennifer A Belpedio, Assislant County Atlorney I i(;O \\'l\t!salrr Pliux\l.l']l tlndcrground I:ilr(rrcnl This lnstrument Prepared By Namei James Tood Co Name, FPL Address: 410515い Avenue SW Naples Flo「ida 34116 Page l of 2 including Exhibl・ A・ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA BY: BURT L SAUNDERS,Chairman ぽ 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 781 Attachment: Underground Easement (Business) (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) 毅T瀾 滋血 ご_tf._L=?aga0へ 201●ヽ20'49′0●-20フ ヽSk●にヽ “ d●●∝`ゎ t●●ヽ20149ア ●●-20'一 Sメ “ Cい と ●●3Cr●おn Ctl (S“0)opO ~。V l'` 2010 - '1'4c餃 |__ SHELL じ■ヽスι :-- -- -- \ " trxl-s?rNc rPL !'n.{frt{fi'N? ra, r:5 a^5fir:\f i.",ii{l,}77. ro ?1;0rr 一Zξ 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 782 Attachment: Underground Easement (Business) (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) ヽR“8911995 `(lNVR》 UNDERGROUND ROADiPA}'EMENT CROSSING AGREEMENT Coll,..l'".,'+y This Agt.menl. msdc this - day ot . :019. bt attd bct!,rccn lrrr=Eleaic.rl lnc /h(riD.frcr callcd thc Cunomer) rnd Florida Poncr & Lighl Company. a corpor.rion organizcd and erising undcr the la$s of the Sl,ac of Florida ( hcEinaftc. called FpL). WHEREAS thc Customcr ha: rcqucstcd thc prr-approval ofthc location and installation of undcrground disEibution facilitics to bc locncd in a describcd FPL elscmcnr providcd by rhc Cusromcr. Projcct Namc: .1931 l2nd Avc SW \l'lJ N-ESSETtI ThEt. for snd in conridcrrtion ofthc covcnants and agrccmcnts h€Ein srt fonh. thc panies hercto covcranr and agrrc &r tbllous: I. ThG CrrloEcr thalh a) Installconduil csblc makcrs. and associatcd materials proridcd b1 FPL in accordancc $ith fic instructions and spscific.rions snachcd io this Agrecmcnt: b) bc sole\ rcspomible for the installadon ofconduit at thc comct location ard th€ coE€ct dcplh prEuant to $e FpL construction dra$ings and spscifications: c) asgumc lirbility for rnf'drlals and'or addiiional costs to FPL caused b1 a conduit installaiion thst is not consistcnl with the instructions and spccifications attachcd to this Agrcemcnt: d) assume liabilig for materials lost. stolen. or damagcd onca thc Cu$omcr rcceives rhe material: c) providc rclsonablc notification ofthe conduit installstion dstc alld allo$ IPL to insF'ct the conduit insrallstioo prior ro b.ckfilling rhc mnch crrarcd for ftc undcrground dinribudon facilir): 0 d thc rcque$ ofFPL. corlccl anl., discrcpanciG, within t$o (f) $orting days. found h thc iostallarion rhar arr inconsinc rrith thc insEuctions aod sFcifications anached to this AEGcmcnl or pa! FPL ihe associared cost to corrcfl thc inshllarion wirhin thim (30) da); ofrccciving thc associared bill. and in eithcr case. raimbursc FPL for co$s associrtcd rrith lost crcw time due to such discrepancics: B) providc surve) control points lbr FPL to sralic thc road pavcmcnl crossrng; h) providc -as built" prints $ithin tr o (2) u,ecks offrnal insttllrtion. and i) providc for pisk-up ofm.tcrials. 2. FPL rhrll: a) providc insEuctioos md spccifications tbr the irsBllatior of Fpl_-providcd conduit: b) Providc conduh. cablc markcrs, and Gguired malcrials to thc customcr foi thc irstallation of undcrcrould facilitics at $c spcciricd road pavcmcnt crossint: c) providc naliing for thc Customer at the spccilicd road pavcment crossing: ゝ,メ 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 783 Attachment: Underground RoadPavement Crossing Agreement (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) APPLに ‥:l:ャ ぎ&=`f〕trrd常 SIGNED SIGNEE NAME B...t L. Scr-r^n\e.s NAME__mes ttodd TrrLE C\o-,, /T\e_ra Il'l'LE Associate Ensineer WR″89:1995 く`IWR> d) inspect thc undergrouod distribution lacilities prior to the backtilling ofthe trench to insure proper installation of said facilities: e) furnish an1 additional material at the currcnt cost plus applicablc loading and delivery charges; 0 spply a credit in the amount oflQ in the evcnt that the Customer has made or has agreed ro malcc a conribution in aid of consrudion for other mderground distribution facilities associatcd with rhis Agrcement g) sssume no liabilit;- for materials lost. stolen. or damaged once received by the customer: h) assume no liabilin- tbr delays caused bl deliven deficiencl'. including. bur nor limired to. insufficienr. lost. stolcn. or damaged material: i) assume no liabiliq' lbr delal's becausc of misunderstanding of installation dra* ings or specilicalions: jl assume no liabiliq- for delals or additional cost caused b1 an inadeguacl, of the conduir s;-stem installarion. and k) assumc no liabilitl' for special incidental or consequential damages of anv natwe, 3. This agreemcnt is subjecr to FPL's Gcncral Rules and Regulations for Electric Sen'ice and thc Rules of the Florida Pubtic Service Commission. 4. Customer agrccs to protcct. defend. indcmnifi and hold FPL. its officers. direcron. emplol.ees. and a_senrs lFpL Entities) Fee andy!"-td from and against any'and all claims. liabilities. loss. costs. or damages rrhatsoever. relatcd ro an;.. claim made by renants. invites. gucsls. any other or third parties. including courl costs and anomey's fees. whaher or not due to oi caused in whoie or part b1. the negligence of FPL Entities. resulting from or in connertion with the pcrformance of this Agreement b1 either part) hercto IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to be dull erecuted to be efl'ecrive as of the day and learfirst written above: l||16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 784 Attachment: Underground RoadPavement Crossing Agreement (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) 咀 f.__L_ ヤ01へ 2●t4●フ "‐ 2●へゝ● “ い■哺は ■,¨■ヽ2●■●ア∞-2●ア‐ “ ●●卜●●‐Ⅲ鵬 Ⅲ … 饉 ●.2●10-i''4o"LSIEL CIド 41 oagc j- \ ~~` ``日 曖 爾 ⅣC r′ι 凛 ざ″壇=WT 一Z 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 785 Attachment: Underground RoadPavement Crossing Agreement (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR“8911095 ``Iヽ VR" 面S__む げ__認 0'い 耐誨 ““ n燎 鳳 島 ::|シ 1時 d団 ¨¨mO md LIGHT COMPANY,a corporation Oeni2ed and existing under簾 laws o「thc Slat●o「日昴da(lrrinaner l":2 ¬his A"menc made FLORIDA POWER& ca∥ed FPL) ヽ「「ヽ「SSLl:! ヽ■屁嗜Ⅲ ct―h●朝 日 “ FPl fof m―dd‐慟Ш¨lr"iぃ oヒ nuk●m cls―∫rt―h"■● "]1 32nd A、 でヽヽ―m・ 9Jl l=」 Avell蟷 塾 輛迪腱蜃ntnda 'nll f(l nd m cdrsilcroo.t of $a qrr'.ia{s ad {rlaltrorir h.rrln 6 ,in[ dE p.rB haG. (n.ntll tld fllc.' f.rlh{t I Tta Cusltlar sh.ll Dq FPI . ('(rE|hrn.m m Aid ol C(rrlturtrIl of Ell!;I llhc ( (trdra(ttr ur cord dE drftGrC (od b.rxG.i rl rd.tlnud rt rt(^.rlEd rlattr nb is bE d m aE cunndy.ffNnra ll,i fild *fth t E tkl?id. PuHrc S<nrc. C.firnbr*tl' hr Fpl : Iftr r oqh of t tlta bc pniild o dt< Cuc.rrEr J.y EithitE: h-tfirtE mnl]Ixn of C(,lDrr) ,fin d.d c.rdult rd drcr rf,t. !s rtrn n rn f \hilit 8. af Tdida rd frrowd ts FPL. lf ndr crdrt +t{E. rrE ttruhlna C.lfihritl crdr Flrr€r{ rhdl b. tO ., Ih.-fi d,(Ddr.d ctdir rt nijcc! rl drustEll \rkn FPL'! Eifil! mlrd bf dE Fl(rl& ASk S.^rcc Cqnmirsifl -d dx Cur6r.r hG n$Er.d FpL b dala! FPI-'5 taHrod dr of inttdltdr. ,{nt .ddiiittd coll carcd tn r Cur(rtxl' ab.r:r . lh. ( u*rrldr pLB $tmrEd t' FPl. (r,| $tirl trcdoihrin Ya bad dull ta Fd fi b dr Curqi.. Th. crnEihlirl &E ttd ncludc rrE cnr of cfiic'lirr of :ry crit4 tncrt*rd lin lo ud.rfrouJ d lfia ,rlorirr oftn'.rirtltg . dtad rr urdarlriiid hcihE !o l.'lc th. Fi,p.rn idannf.d rb(n. 'I ltf dE Cd[ihrin pmtidat ftr l:oemv {l:ll4{0 }oar tittk ph.r. f(r tXD Suh,irRin r ul&r8lourd akanic:l !.ni.. sith frilili.5 kxa.d I F}tcFq.rg in aasrElt !i E$rttld h' FPI Ttc cflmhrin 15 b..d m dtplqltt.t of .Tid F{xlin tstlni$E d coqcdin !! alinioir ctnrlios xit r dh.t 'niiiit I rt*tlrorrd t tti(t. r.(dldt! rd Firr) c(ndrxLis rt t, b. of lrrd.d FPt d6ilrr fi ra.&[ rtd $idt ,borc.F|* ?porirrEr6 S Ttr dEpayrr of 6a Cqxrihrrho d.s id ran. rm Frril5inr of FPL'1 ElccE* IIlaI lfli. Fo?cO it $lrr.!. b rr ut&ftfrlld o.dirElr FPt Odl lrrii $..F,r['riir $rr.mn€nql l!f(1 lhr rllstil.tri\ rrn:r .rtr h.r. b(!n rrdc xr0r dx CurdE r. rFrifEd h f.fl- Tilk to d irsr*rship otthc fEilitii init ll.d e ! rEsuh ofthir ryt.tn.rr rlull d .ll tint6 ,Enun lh. Ftrrfi) ot fpl 6 lhr Frd td lu,Ikirr .xrErE irllludiltg Lld d6.rilo(.l! -d strq $sl to Frire sll.t crrcmcot- rxl lrrtlt.gr rubddi|u.sE nr$rn{ b} }Pl f(r dE irrilfi, .d ma.cn.E of its dcrlnc di{ihlrr! frrlhE llllrl b. lrdcd d otrri.( rtd rlqrdat r m q,!r b FPL p.ir to lltrhilE. ilrtdlttin,d(r card,r-lil| of FPL faililir FPI- fiq rquir. llrrtT. .obad iln xlEJr tE Culrdrr.fs !.oo.n!. m $fuch FPt srll ln t ll iti f.cil rt. rtttlqlt{d rtd ( l ) iE! rt m ;lrg}itimt m lb. IrErgta Gr Ue li.n ot lrt llrng?r *ill bc 'lrtsdirll. lo urlnl ..rc,rr'llr. t] r fPL'r cs.nrnt ha, ma h.cn ,rcffdd Fl(r lrt lttc ttEodain ot dr ''l(llg{G. lll fPL, farltu.l .r !r srll ba usEd h r.tr. dha, t rarlr of FlFit. !t (.lt uh.! cinrffirccr c\arr rh|Gh FPL datatrrirE rqdd ltra! erdr . lubqi.lrin ,Ec6sr] . a) Th CusErrtll finith fPL.cqf of t d..d tr dlEr ll.bl( du;unr \ihrch cmuri! r lblltcC d.ilriExrl.da\Il nir ol ItF kgd orrltc to ba uld $iatr rl aG.fllc'rt 13 FEp-r( 3 qol[d q l?L l, nE CrffilE dial nnith &nurp. li$fuld) !, FPL. jrr$mf ft tlcroi of sri$lg rd Fqor.d ,tuairr3 qt d|. Cunrrtdr qnoudxrl irc. !s rE'|tlirrd b t-PL c) Stould frr rr! r!a.ar. !rc(?t flx lha idc cno. of FPL, FPL! icilili! rx b. c(IlfirLd r.i6in th. c&.m.ol FPI mq rcquiE lhc cundrEr lo lrrrt ocu .G.r!EiB ad oblrh rr! rEc.rst) ,rEtlrgE $b(dnairl. tr un'.r FPI'i illldlcd frrliu6. t lrr (rxr kr fPl. rxl FPI $ill r.k:'< lhc Euding ffiia nfu !t! 'rltddiiiir! *ill hc lE6rrl ir tlir qrlErl $lrn l) dECltldrE/r ,'oFr$ fi $hi!$ f'PL $ill m{rn is filililrd is ltrn84rlr. 2l I'EE I! m Fwbirlr n dr nEtata fc c$sdinrir of lic lictl f dx n(,ttec llJ uol[!.rcrErs. a .l) FPI t llcilitb .t a *rll ba ur.d to rcn. .0.r prrh of Fr|P(,$ B<fri. FPl. car b(!tn iE dl!r|E't!E $trt (rl dr '!l&t'!t, d cLctic d$oitrft)i fuihli6. rha ( rlrl(lrE {ull Ford. ml *1lh lb. fdlo$ing d P.oiE frdl{l. rd &rnqF pla|r i$$itE.ll$tfrt.d $b,$rrfr;. &.itr.!E t{tfxt(r} h tPL br A c.elrcrin idrdulc, c) An 6lirlrL ofnt.Il GLctt,cYri€ $ill tt llqutrEd. rr, d, topi6 of dE t'!|s&|rE' r tind sorurudirl y'rb 6 $.ll .s oUE G.rsguclim &lriin!9 tPL,L rrtr. t r{E. .L€rrl clr.) .CqlrrLd bt f PL phr FriLd b, ilE Clffi md !a ott.' rc.lr$nl b! tll (.lrtlr! ctil lr dhar ttqrdi! olfrixr o( Fl,Gd nd csdf.d s Elit lrE rqtti|trrEnr foa Jtddil lcrcagl Tp.or.l bf lh aotainmg hS ) t! ! tlSrttarld lri slrrtlr,. 械ギが 心` 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 786 Attachment: Underground Dist Facilitieis Intall Agrmt (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR'8911995 ((1ヽ VR" t. Pnc !o FPI- caat'trEtin Prrql.x to hl! InanE . thc cucqrsr rhrll a) CL, dE m. .!6rE fi th. ClJ..drts Fo?.n! of !r! {untF. iI rrEr. rd oilE o}r!uco.tl! rht ctnfltcl $rth cunructixL iKlrdDf dE drrri+r ot{ foodad.Er TIE Cu{drE lrdl t ll+ott3iblc f(r ck ilEl cqt!0..thg boold.r.d lr!. nal ltft$.j. durp tErrr[.l. Frin! lrd--|eEttirU ikt tDcial cuditirl.. Thc c.ra qx dull bG lrrdd b r.ithin $\ ind.s of fur.t gd. $tlh ynlrdilrrd b) PtDriL F(D n! llE id canrt n*a1 &tigr.Ld |tf . lic.ft.d $ c.r. to.lr.trlarh . rlfcrnt.( for [Lairy th. tr'dlrtrtIrd ciL t a*t lqr! ir t E a.t rn(,li tDd.dditqd tsftfti.t Fintr $lEr rEquird b! fPt.. ,\h{} rhc Cld('rl.' rh.ll Frd. sdes i&ltiirng rlE kEtin. d.Frr $.rr ]d tyF ficili0 of il tu*Pt. u.l&froud icalitb xrlhin ,, ,kr lrr c..orEir $lrsc FPL dirrihlin fiilirirx nrll h< irrullcd Tlr C|rllr;' {dt mjd;ir oEC 'li(aa. ard if j' of tfut tl*Gt ,! IGL (krold (r Imtd rtd FPt. ltquirc! drlr ut dl< Cu5rrin6 !h.rl rcpl-. 0E ad.6 t m co6r lD FpL lti6s- dE l*ar !t |tx( d6ooltd or dor.d b! rr.g.r( c pkrlcc. (Inlxrr (' ruttq Er:r(i. of FPL. in xhichG l?t. $ill p.y tl|. CuLrrlf th. qrardl?lrilB dE !.rf!t ,t9.L r3 t ntulr of . drE! in lh. grdln! br'dE ( uS(rlEt ff ri! ot lrl. Culdrx/r cdl&-rfii lr nacotEe.! frsn thc rifiE dr nrd.rlumd fsilitijItG llrsldlcd. ad |tua $5!.qEnl .!9ur ti FPI ! irLm- (rrcr ill'llld $'ll b( Frd b] n\. ( u{dncr it rrd ltD.n is . r6dt of drrl4. cts.d br !\.CllidtE r ll-v of lrE Curstxis @n!xt(ls oa nrta(E:Etors d) Prwtk ru6icE trd lirEly adtn a rrrx. d[d.fi) 5 awrd h FPt.. f.r fH lo rl{dlllr ltr&rlroll,d drrdhrtin hctntb FE !o th. anlrlhmn of Fvn+ ldcfir; $ddit{. 9ri*Lr tfidrs. or ('t,l<r !l,fr. obcllrtirs ln $c *rqlc. of tffici.r{ csdtcrco a aJtmirrn b Fpt . b} 0rClstIr. .tr ddri l cods ,fi l,tncjrnt .rd b..tlilli.lt slull b. p.n b) dE Cunsrrr d rrlc of ttr codr of rdai4 p*ng. lrdi.pnS. ;rB!tFitttkt tytllmt !d a0 odl.r ,rfE! ol'3ulrtois o dtr drtmal c(Itdtuoir. rhnld UEl li nl.lLd FrI lo fPL! farlitrc!. $h.il h. hrr'. hy FH - _ a, P4 ta dl addilira, c6 lxrrEd b_ fPL rhich n!4 mclu&. h,! rE fit hmlEd ro. cnFrEffit (bilrr drnsurfi .!d rdclioo crrsrsls. dll. Ltch.llE riada tofua$Er b lhi! IrlnEr (rl lhc rdditnirt (, d6,EIrltE l4(rr rr t'j. n Pioril tF?ticrt* EsEhitt|. t cklilliry. mndlaigl of CqnFD FDrilcd c dun rd dlE *(rt in slxrd-cc iirl F?L rFcifi.rini nsr prricutrty d.rcdbd dl Erhibi B add lErEto Al dE drs.i6in ofFPI-. atlE c(irr(r i! dis!'rlpc-l<s. $irhm$$(l)r tiins d.fi. fqnrd indr ftliflrin driG itrcdl'ir. $ih dr ltsarElifi id lpoctfcaEB nri.i ro rhrs 4rtcnair pr1 fu anarrcd rrr ro conr.rr [ri lndl..ioo rihh rhin] tl0) d.ri of Fccivir[ dE !..Eia.d bill. atd h.ii].. calc r(amhlr! FPL f6 c(dr r'locit d $1th hn crsr inc du. ro $dr dilcEFriGr. l) PrsviL a n6.t c!clBr|t!. dostlpiF rd Gll *hlch nrtr.ll +dtflbk Nda5 rd FPL sF$rlic-(ft rrd *hKh nrll rcqrmodac FPL r rcwtca clblc liz3r{ dc'iln. Itasa ildtl' fion bc cotlfu $iG t?L Fi(r lo Frch... FPt *tll mt b. r6potr!.bh fo co.B rnvotrcd in nbdiryin! or rtDlsat|! tE 5 r.hidr do rU ,tEr dL &nc criLrir g F?1. rh.ll: rlquilld b FPI- td ro ta adharrd ro b dr Curiorrr b) ltEtrll. fitr. rd lrrhtri,| thcaLqtic dir.,ihi*i hcilitr.! l+lo th..lcrrlri.d F nt('a&h|. crE,i $ir.n dh.rsrlc rlol d c) R.$E lhc CraldrF E FtciPi. ia ! FE<norlltxn cmrcftncc rilh d! C'r.rftt lt.mrrrds. tl|. fPl trp,tltnrrir6 rlld.drr urilidca lrltllo .ir 16) $!dq ofdc irr orcElIltEtim At llE Fr,<ulllnrodl.mftitll.l. tPl rli.ll Fr|vdct ECullrrE s h rl Grimr. ofth. d- x|ro r.rvir n||v bcFrritd l0 Tiit Alrs(rlEr ! s$Ig (, FPL! Et .Eic Tfltr includrre hn n{r linlf.d lo drc ftrrfrl Rd6 rd Rrlulri,E frr Elcrrrr Srrvicr .d dt. tuk oftfi. Ftcidr hDlr Sawir Cdtltri.d'l. B t r, rl m$ $ritt n. (if 6 lho m!! h( rlti*d trEld.d (r ruppL Eit d. ll. Itit t l.llErrll.ll uu! b t E b.iEfirol lld b. birdmt l4cr rE $rccr3rx! atd -sEnr oft t Clllbixr rd fPf ししヽⅢ^tヘAcced 潔l可 と出資ltr"ヘ 8り:Sq^n&rs, Ci^r.,..r ...}t TIE Cuidtrr ad F?L rillccditlachat't, fulfiIrlt oblt!]G, rr 6cr td &rid dalt$ rn Fwiln! Flnrrir.lcflic..rvEa r rhc titrE of dk curor!./J Btxipr of a aqdfcl oa occ1{latc) . furyf tS\eoZo (Ehrl 5υ ヽし、 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 787 Attachment: Underground Dist Facilitieis Intall Agrmt (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) 丁上 :,_1_mZいHZ 「H口"HZいr 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 788 Attachment: Underground Dist Facilitieis Intall Agrmt (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR 1 891,995 (〈lWR" FPL crlls )orr dantiorl b lhc f!.t thar t(f,c nE] bc cncrfrz.d- high rolt rtc clccEic lints hoth o\cricsd and un .ryourd lo(.r.d in thc ar!,o of this ryf: lt_llry-rrj* tha lou risualll $n.! fi...!a md that lou alsoukc rhc noccssal scps ro idsflif] dl ovcdrcld.rd undcilrotrd frciliti.sFlc to commcrElnt c-onstruclion to datarmin< $hathcr lha lroninFlrcn of an] pmpo*{ impnrrcm<nS $ill hring an! Dcrson tool- machinfil.oquiFr.trt or objccl clolcr !o FPLi poncr lims thon th. osllA-pEscrib.d limts. jr rr .ii . .'oo muu "itrt* .aiiE .irii.i*rl"-"t'r.*'iiil ilii5.fclr- lirclt dE p.F.xisioS po\ .r linc l(ration. or olalc ari".D8rmc' s *irh FPL ro ci0lcr dd{rog"..,a g.;i o;'i;iiitics. ot rtl<ratc thcm.!b!$ibb d r-our c\Frsc. You .ctl do dlb bclorr rllorilj rq cootnrdcr .crr tt. porcr lir.cr. tr is impossitrtc for ipL to tslou o. p6dlcrnHlct o( iot tha con[rclors of lubconErtors lrd lhcir crqrlotR's $ill o]nf,atc or us. arncs. ditgint qrparaus or uhcr nrfiilc cquipnnnr. or harrlltmdrrids oJ toolt, in dq$rou' pro riD to irh po$cr lircs during rhc coursc of con*rcrioo. anil. if .o. $hen ard \rhcE. TlKfcffir. if it bccfirsnccc$q fa ary coouElot or sutrcmtrrlor. o. thcir cmploles lo opd'.rc or handlc lTrrlcs, digging spp.t'rtus. d.rylincr nrobilc cqulpnrat or anyo'dctcquiFrtil lools rr mdcrisls in srch a martnc $n 0r.r milr cotnc closct ro undcqnrund rii.imi po*o Ini rtra, ii ;rcrrninca L1 t.r.at..rateor fcdaral ]lSuLdon! vou nrrd or*- tuch cfiEctor tr subcootr Glor mui noti[ FPL in -lrriting of such pl;n.d opdaio;;.iol rc th. *.r"n".-*rdlcEofdrd n tc rllncccssaty rrlrlgcmc'lB $rth FPL in ordcr to c.r-1 out lhc rrork in a salb ma,rrl.r. Any?orlir tla viai notll .l.ctt.i( |itr.,rho.ld t tolp.rdd uatil tLcrc rrrragcrcntr rrr llulirrd tld iljhltltcd. Tlr NIioml ElccEicd safcty codc (1iEsc-) prEslribcs minimurn clcar.nccs lhd muq bc hrintaiEd. ll ]ou hlild )our sructurt ro thor $os.clcltroc.,c.rlnot b.Jrlrintlit|cd..rou m.! bc r.quiEd ro cornFns.r. FPL for lh. rlloc&ion ofour tacilirics to compll rirh rtrocc ctca,anccs. As such.vou lhotrld corta'r FP[- prior lo comrEflcing connnrcttoo rE?r pr€{rising und€rground (r orarhcrl ;nucr lincs io nt*c lurc thrl lour p.ofx)]arJimprovctrxnl do6 not irrIingE upoi thr NESC clcaralcts It h !'out rclponsibiliE .rd lhc rc+onsibiliF of I out coiurrors sd srbcont rrori on 6is pmjtst to diligcnll} ti fill tha tbllo\r.ilg obtigadonsil. urll .btolut l! ccnlin dtrr all ltts.trs Rspoisibk ior opcrring or herdling ;&cs, olggini.pp;rdus. dpglinci m&ik cq,ripmcnt or an5cquiFrqtl tool. or mr.t.l crsEblc ofconIarrhs a po$cr lirrc. .rr in comptiancc *irh iii aiptid*'tc *arc aia fJJ regutrtions- ioctuding - but mt limilcd ro U.S. DcprrnlcIlt of Labo, OSHA Rcgularion! lrhil. pcrfofining hcir r^o.ti.2. Iu.lic $Eli.l.llc.ao6. ditdng appdaur dr.din.r riot il.61uiFncnr- ard aliothcr equipmc.nt or mat.rials capabl. ofco, lctirg rpo'acr lirE havc sn!.hqj to rhcm an] l.mint sigr* rqui.d hr rr.s. Dcp.rr'cr of r-aho; oslrA Rcgul{ions. - 3, Poc .nd nuinuin pnt9.t *rmin8 signs .nd adr iic all crnplo] (r! nc$ od old alitc- o,'thcir ohligotiir ro lctp rhcmlclrcs rlreir tqrls.nld.iids md .quil'Ircnl {rst from po$crlin€s pcr thc tollo$ing oStL,\ minimum appoa-h dinlcss I retir io oS}lA rcgulations forrcstridio.rs): 'Po$tr LirF voh.!6 "P.rsooncl ald E{li!4rcq! lqqqE iEClrgid$ Tr.v-d qEd..r or n{ar Po$(r Lihcs ton !-onsrucrim silcs. no loadt(:e cFR lel0.JlSrd lel6 5{x}} {2ecFR l9:6 r.to7. t.r0t) r:strn rc:r 600 E-pa;rr t9:6n-ll:?;; t.d D.rri.lr)0. 7r0 rolB t0 Frcr t0 Frvr { Fcti I }..{1751 - rO.000 volts tol'Grt t0 l:trct 4 l-c{ 6 Fcci69.fi[ rolts lt FG.r l5Frs t0 f.rr l0 Fcelll5.m rolls tJ Fcd t5 F&.r lU F.rl l0 F.cttJE.000 volrs D F.el t5 i-ccl roFed lo F.!t230.00 rols 16 F.ct f,o t'€t1 t0 [.cr l0 F.cr500.000 volB I fcc,t 25 [-cn t6 Fcct 16 Fcct :II:91..,*. volbt . n.i.trtr . dittrn.. of 20 ft.i for roh.F up ro lao.mo volb.rd !0 f.d for vohrt6;rt|t .,t.n ssopo r.to.--rd Fldlct 'ppr*nnr hrt6d tatdrdt) cfidrEtxs h5r lh.n 75o rolrs. .roid c(rl n r rlairr.io t0 F.( to brt nErrx..d ;mdir.rrrr tsr ttyn zjo rolr t r,xqu'lifi'd F larEl.d mxdld -rri.ln.cuiFrar rxrirg-nqritulcfls of :9 cFR lcto}Jl. durnccr trra bc "t r-l rgtf,r"*" r:i i:rx toto.::l r*t s-s{ All cxclrolo.s orc rtluirtd to lrrrt cl thc SunshirE Strte ODc Cdl of llorida phonc numbcr l-6{rLl3?{770 o. I a minimum of nio - :ortirB dljs (srcludinS $crlcndsl in sdv&c. of GfirrncrEcmmt otcrclr.arioo to cnsut f.cilitics orc kxarcd rcuratJv.) Londucl 31' loc.lads lld cr.ctrtliois in e'cqd.ncr $ili 0r< rb.ids sEtute 556 oflh. Undcrlroud Feiliri$ Darnagc prcr,cntion & slfcr!Ac1 {rd.ll local ci$ .nd corutr ordinrmcs thd Eu} +pl}t H^T:r::tl:-is to trtc plrc \ itfiln I rolcr.rrc" zonc. rn .'rcar uor shnll ul. increard cdrtioo k, prurEt undcrgDund &cilirics.I rc pmEcrol! rquir6 h.td di88in& Pol holinS. son di88ir& rasrum mc$o{s. or similar proc.durEs ro idcnrih undfuurd frilitic..A coP.l of this nolificttion mu$ b. Dror idcd t1 rou to ceh corri*r rlo subconriacror on rhb Fojcsl lo b. sh8Ei riirfi thcir supcnisioo adplo) ces prior rc Gomrnc.Dciot r orl on this prorart" CqlolrlGt;AtE lcr.: l lat'! Elcctricd lnc D.lcloper/Coo8&1q N$hqJqitLHlE Lff.rion ofPnj.d: {91I 32nd AtG Sw FPL RcprEscnuir.: Jrm.s Todd Dcl clorEr/Cont acbr Rcp(lscDtlrir G:,hhE-tl3! frd. of McningCoor&r: SGorcmtrcr l/. :Ot9 攀 搬 ヽ0■nCA■0ヽ OF FPL FAC口 し町 :ES Proj“tヽ umttNanc■931 32nd A、cSW Cヽ 1ヽ aOltb Phonci 239・ 353‐6005 Pttc 23,353‐a18S FPLヽ ork Rcqu‐Jヽ brk Ordcr r:89"994 静″rお 力6 Datc 2812Ⅲ S:ヽ wN"Ics F!onda 31:20 ヽI FrFrt LISこ teヘ 16.C.7.d Packet Pg. 789 Attachment: Notification of FPL Facilities (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) ITエ `:_.上 ヒ入 Hi ●ag● : SItt CA●ALm=いHZmm"‐2616.C.7.d Packet Pg. 790 Attachment: Notification of FPL Facilities (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR″891!995 《:ヽ VR), TRAヽ SFORヽ lER PAD LOCATEQ墨 墨三D SPE⊆]FEcヽ ■]0ヽ PROJECT:4931 32nd Aヽ cSヽ DDRESS: 28127●ST NW Naples.Fio●da 34:20 I〕ATE: Sた ptemh“27.2019 CUSTOMER AGR"EES TO: Pror ide n--ordcd crsrmcnt for all FPL facilities on Customsr's pmpefl]. FPL rrill not nart consmrflion until thcsc css€mcrts arc clcarcd b1. thc customcr o[ all conflicts prevcnlint cqlsslldion. Shorld par ing. grasr landscaping or sprinkter sr'srems be insralled prior to construction of thc undcrgrornd distribution faciliticr lhc cuslomcr sill hcar thc cosr of restoring same to thcir on-einal condition. Pmvide location ard dcpdr information for all undctgmund facilitics and fill or cut to uithin ri inchcs of linal gradc $ithin rhe €ascmerr. (Scr snschcd refcrcnced prins. ) Noti$ FPL ttprcsmrativc nro ucrks in adr'ansc of par ing o-hedulc so rhar liPL can install ducs if rrsquircd. MakcarrangcmcntsfotlocationofF'PLpadsasshonnonlocarionslctch. Pmridcandinstall sccondarlscnicclopadmounredtransformcr. []sca manimum of t sablcs per leg. tScc pad dcuil for catrance spase arailabilin for cu-domer senicc cablc) fcrminatc conduits 3 inches aborc tinal gradc and pror idc 7 fcct of r,'rblc pcr lcg bclond the conduit cnds for connoctioo tu rransformcr tcrminals. Comp*r md lcvcl 3 inchcs belor* final gradc an arca sufficicnt for tbc concrcte pad. Pror idc clcar space of t ltct ar thc liont urd 4 ti.ct at sidrs and rsarofthc transfonncr pad to alkru lor a safe uorking arca- Kctp rea abotc trrnstbrmcr pad clcar to allo$ seting translbrmcr nith a sranc. lf cuncnr ransformcrs arc ru;uircd. proridc and install t lr2-inch rigid conduit from CTs to mcter location. Matimum horizootal disuncc from pad to mcter is - NA _ fcet. Proridc a clcar sprcr 36 inchcs in frrnt of mct<'rs. 1f truih up maci ccntcrs rrc to hc uxd. proridc FPl. rcprcsrnuiirc sith slrop dnwings of ccntcrs and lalout skach of maer room for FPL approral prior ro prrchasc FPLAGRIESTO: Pmride pal and install rhc pad mounrcd rransformcr. Proridc and install prima4 ducts urd,;or cablc from FPL faciliticr to thc paimountcd tnnsformcr. Prcridc aod insall ground rods ar the transformcr. Conncct cuslomc/s scnisc cablcs to FPL facilitics in transformcr sompanmcnl. Providc mctcr uiring nhen currgrt transformcrs arc rrrluiral. Pmvide l?0l20tV Thrc Phasc scn'icc. REPBESENTIIIIG CUSTOMER: I hcrebl ccni$'thu I am authorized to acccpt thesc sptcrlications on bchalfol'the customcr and rhat I harc rlclircrcd a copr o[thcsc spcciticatilns to ftc custorncr and all allected contractors. Boq-c-.o 4 C-o.n\ Ce.nrn,5srnrcrs &tl.t- Gr'^\, FLre.o,l ヽAME:DAttF (sipaturc, NAME:3_ヤ L.ゝ α仏 ´ へdけ 、・ (print Orり PC) ■¬´E:Jttarmα ハ REPRESEヽ T:ヽ C FPL: I hcreb、 NAME:FTELEPHONE#:__∠3■■2Jヱ 」∂り′フ thcse spe'ifications on bchalf of Florida Poncr and Light Compan1.. _1)ヽ ::::… Eluo.r.y }fi, LC>zIt 邪 16.C.7.e Packet Pg. 791 Attachment: Transformer Pad Location & Specs (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) 丁エ f._上_口 疇 口 ml° EV"『ヽC FPI “ S'いT '3●●●1■―●II(0哺 ',ア ●|=i工)一Zm20H=mm"HZ0"FL C‐ こ 16.C.7.e Packet Pg. 792 Attachment: Transformer Pad Location & Specs (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR=89!:995 (〈IWR,〉 FL WORK REQUEST:89:1995 NAME OF CUSTOMER:J●hn Han.Hars Elcct●cal inc PROJECT:4931 32nd A■eSW ADDRESS:28:27●sT NW、Naples.日 onda 34120 FPL REPRESENTATIVE:James Todd SECONDARY DELiVERY VOLTACE:120208V SPEC:FlCAT:ONS FOR PRECAST TRANSFORM ER LOCAT10N DATEI SeDtember 27●2019 TELEPHOヽ E1239‐553‐(Ю 85 CUSTOMER AGREES TO: I, GENERAL: l.l Providc a suiutblc localion. compacted and level to 3" belo$ linal lrade. for FPL trarsformer psd and install scconda+ srrvic. &om pad to building as rFcificd on lhe anachcd Exhibit -A" and a5 outlined bcloN.l.l Ia is funhcr undcfiood and agccd thrl subscqucrt rrlocation or Epairofthc FPL s!stcm. onc. inshllcd. rvill bcpaidbl rhe customer if said rclocalion or rEpair is a tEsuk of a changc in thc la]-our or grading b) the customcr or ar]- of thc customer's conFactots or rubcontractors ftom lhc time the undcrgrouDd facilitics ucre installcd: and tha subscqucnt rcpair to FpL's sl-stcm. oncc install.d. will b€ paid bf thc cultomqr if said rcpair is a result of damlgc cEuscd h.l- $c customcr or anv ofthe customcr's cootractofs or subconEaclors.ll Noli& g€ncral conEactor. electrical contraclor and appliancc suppliers o f thc scrvicr volEgc ro bc supplied br FpL. 2. EASEMENTS: Providc FPL nith good and sufficient rccordcd eascmcns. including lcgrl dcscriprions and sune) $od( to producc such eascmcnb. for thc instsllation 8nd maintcnancc of hs clccnic distribution facilitic! musr bc grantcd or ot*aincd. al no coit io FPL. prior to FPL's encrgizing its facilities. 3, SITE RTOUIREMENTS: l.l GRADE: within thc cascmcnt. fill or cut to $ ithin 6" of final grade. providc gradc stakcs and char eas€mcnt ofrces. snmF. con$rudion material. and othcr obstacles b€forc and during construction by FPL or FP[, contractols.3l COMPACTION; lncr FPL or its contractor ha5 backfillcd the rcnch using routh-grading techniqucs. rhc customcr is - - rcsponsiblc for providing compacting or oth€r rpecial baclfill. FPL uill not bc respoosible [or scnling oftbc tscnch roure1.3 PLANS; providc FPL u ith location and deprh in form.tion and or drau ings of all cristing or proposiundcryround facilitics ^ - or the customcr's propcn)-. l,ocaae or cxposc undcrgound lacilitics whcn rcqucsted hy ipl,1.4 NqTIFICATION: proYidc FPL with at lcsst lhrcc (3) r.vceks' notice prior to rhc commcoccmcnt of paviog, lapdscapirg. soddin& sprinl.lcr syslcms and othcr surl'ace worli. Cusromer uill bcar rhe cost ofrcstoring thcsc ob,sruciionr lo thcir original condidon ifabove noticc is not pmvidcd. ]. TRANSFORMER PAD LOCATION: 'l l LOCATION: pad will be insralled at grade levcl rnd locaed at 1075 Ccnral Avcnuc. sec Exhibir ..A" for exacr tocarior of precast concrcrc pads. hand holcs. ard conduit trcnchcs.{.1 CLEAMNCES: a minimum clearancc of threc (i) tbcl musl bc maimaincd at sidc and rcar of tnnsformo pad and cighr (E) fcct in front oftransformcr Pad as sho*n Qn thc anachcd dB\r ine Dcs UN-: l. This clcarance applics ro ali qpes of - obsrucrions including landscaping and ltnccs. 'l.l PROTECTIoN: Providc and install curbs and or protcctivc barricrs. when requircd. as detailcd qn DCS Uli-f l. ancr rhe installstion ofconcrctc pEds and lrsnsformcE. Curbs snd'or baricrs must be in placc prior to Fpl- encrgizing the scrvice. 出,"Ч 16.C.7.f Packet Pg. 793 Attachment: Specifications for Precast Transformer Location (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR■89∥"5((lWR) ヽ CT METERING: Whcn mcming currml lransformcrs (CT's) arl rGquired. fie! $ill bc located as spccificd on thc anached Exhibit -A" and instlllcd b! FPL, Thc customer \r'ill providc and install a I - I 3-inch galr anizcd conduir Fom thc mctcr cabbcr to rhc locslion ofthc CT's. Conduit ruIl is not to e\ceed lO fect in lcnB$ bctnccn CT s and mcrcr $irh no morc th.t t$o (:) 90 dcgrcc bcads unlcss prc-approvcd b1 FPL. Conduir pull outlet bo\6 (LB's) are not ro he used. SSDR METERING: lfsolid statc darc trcciving (SSDR) ma€ring is rcquirBd. lhe customer $ill protide and install facilitics for thc SSDR mcrcring cquiPmcnt rs dctailcd on the anarbcd -Customcr Rcquircmcnts for SSDR Melcring Equipmcnt'' shcrt. CI"ISTOMER SERVICE ENTRANCE: 7. I 9ENEML: Ptovidc and inslall sccondaD scr\ icc ro padmountad rrarsfomer ftom clccnical equipmcnvmern room7.2 CONDITITS: $c manimum cross scrtional arra to bc occupicd b) thc customer's sen icc conduis is limilcd io rhr arca tivenir rhc anrchcd Exhibil -A". Tcrminalc conduils in pad at ihlea l3) inchcs abovc final gradc. All conduiB for futurc scn,iccs must bc ins6ll(d at rhis tim€.7l CONDUCTOR: dlc sewicc conducron tI! to bc limitcd to a m&\imum of cighr (8) Fr phaic.t each transformer. provide tcn ( l0) fca ofcrblc bcyond conduits for conncction to FPL faciliries in transformci companmcn!. Marimum sizc of conductor is 750 MCM AL or 600MCM CU.7FPL AGREES TO: I . Providc conduit (c\ccPt undcr buildings_). hand holcs. concrac pads. pad mounrcd ranstbrmers. and prima4, and secondary. cablc.2. Provide and insrall gound rods at ransformer.L hovidc clccronic mar}crs for customer's in*allarion nhen rcquircd.4. Conncct customcr's srrticc cables to FPI- facilitics in rcnrformer companmcnt.5. Provide and instdl maering *.iring betwcen mcr?r cabinct and CT's nhetE applicablc.6. Maintain allcquipDcni aod matcrial installcd b1 FpL. IMFORTANT: This s;rcification is besed on thr cu$omcr's submincd plans rnd anr changcs in rhcse plan! ma) rcsuh in rdditional cosrs.*hich lhc customer agrccs to pa). l,l'hcn rcquircd. thc customcr agrccs to pa1 a contribution for the diffcreorial cosr berueen ovcrhcad and undcryround servicc. Thc agreemcnr and rcquiremcnrs as outlincd in this spccification. Exhibit -A';. and all attschmcoB !4US[ bc adhcrcd to. An!' non'<onformance or changcs ma1 rcsult in dclal,s rmtil thesc spccifications a13 mgr. Ant chrtrgc! or v.rirlbos fmm thc!! spccificrtiotlr mull bc lubmittcd to tod rpprovcd bt FpL in trrititrg. 瀾ハ 16.C.7.f Packet Pg. 794 Attachment: Specifications for Precast Transformer Location (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) T上 1._`_ ``ヽ ― C rP2-●● ,,饉 [■奎 ヽi(¨''''●|,201 :き く 1に ご|澤 一Zm2 ‐H2mm″H20ゝβ),沸 《 sllrL cttvハ ι 16.C.7.f Packet Pg. 795 Attachment: Specifications for Precast Transformer Location (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) WR#89:1995 (〈IWR)〉 ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIFICAT10NS: :herby certis'that l am authorized lo accept these specincat10ns on behalforthe ctЫ Omer and that i w:::deliv"a cop,of t,xse specincati。.s lo the customer and a∥arected connη に10rs: REPRESENTNG∬tyttP`電 ヽ ぃっ 丼・ tふ .し ∥に・ NAME: DATE: TITLE: q-\n4-. fr'trtr1 TELEPHONE NUMBER:(2う ブ)SICNATURE: び 2-8■,7 :hereby ceFti'that i arn autho面 zed to accept these specincations on beha!FofFPL: REPRESENTING FPL: NAME:James Todd Cジ ハ特` 場2い ヘ DArE: Eh^g{y lS\rZo ZO TrrLE:As50Clate Engincer TELEPHONE SICNATURE: 16.C.7.f Packet Pg. 796 Attachment: Specifications for Precast Transformer Location (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site) 16.C.7.g Packet Pg. 797 Attachment: Site Plan (11708 : FPL - GG Wastewater Plant Site)