Resolution 1999-068 1 .~ r' r -Jj HF.SOLUTJON NO. 99-68 A RF.SOI.UTlON CONFIRMING TilE APPorNTMENT OF MEM8ERS TO TilE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGION 24 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DOARD. WH EREAS, in 1996, thc counties of Collier, Charlotte, Gladcs, Hendry and Lee entcred into an interlocal agreemcnt for the cstablishment of a Workforcc Development Board to ensure that a skillcd workforce is availablc to the rcgional economy it serves; and WHEREAS, the Workforcc Development Board, Region 24, is composcd of 45 mcmbers representing thc private scctor, education, organizcd labor. rchabilitlltion facilitics, community bascd organizations, economic dcvelopmcnt and public employmcnt scrvice; and WHEREAS, therc arc currently thrcc (3) vacancics on this board undcr thc private sector catcgory; and WHEREAS. the Executive Director of the Workforcc Dcvelopmcnt Board rcqucsted that thc Boaru of County Commissioncrs confinn thc appointmcnts of) membcrs to this board. NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE nOARD OF COUNTY rOMMISSIONERS OF COLlJER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the (olio wing members, rcpresenting the privatc sector, arc hereby appointed for a thrcc (3) year term to the Southwcst fJorida Workforce Dcvclopmcnt Board, Rcgion 24: William Blevins John Wiest Thomas Rilcy This Resolution adopted allcr motion, second and majority vote. DATED; January 12, 1999 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk /- . ~\~~~~,1X . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: p ~tt~~t ~i to Ch~fr~Jn's ,,'o', ._l. Approved as 10 form and Icgalsufliciency: .4, ,. ."L (!. ~ If David C. Weigel County Attorney DCWlkn