Resolution 1999-053 I{ESlll,Il'II()/\ /\1), '}1-..5.J_ leA24:C RESOl.lJTIO:" Ill' TilE 1I0,\IW OF COl1i\"TY C()~IMISSIOI\J;RS, ("flLl,IJ:R COllN"rY, Fl.fllUIlA, 1\1 rn fORll.IM j WAlVU{ OF I{['J ilONAI. \\' ATEI{ SYSTE~f I~Il''\(T FEES, RHiIO:,\,,\1. SEWER SYSTEM 1~1l'''("1 FEES, LIBRARY SYSTE~1 1~II'''n FEES, I',\RKS ANll R(-:CREATIONAI. FACIl.ITIES 1~1l',\(-1' FEES, IW..\ll 1~H',\(T FEES, Elo.tEI{(iHWY I>IU>I('AI. SERVICES 1:-'11',\("1' FEI:S ,.\:"() E1ll'I',\T10N,\1. FACILITIES SYSTE,".l II>II',\CT FEES H>H 0:'\1' 1I011SI: TO liE ('ONSTlWITEl lBY ""liliAI' FOI{ IIU:\lM,ITY OF COl.l.lrR CO( XIY. 1:"(',. ON LOT 27, BI.OCK II :-.',\('I.I'S :\!t\:'WR EXTI':-.'SIO:", COl.l.Il'R C!Jl::"'!'Y, I'I.ORI/H, \\'1IE1{EAS, C"I"~r 1"""11t)' has r~~II~II'/c'd ;1,111 all~J1lpl~d 10 addr~ss Ihc' 1:ll:k "I' ad~"ll;ll~ allu an"rdabk housing for mmlcrale, Ill\\" :lI1d \'~ry-III\\' lI1e'l\lll~ IlDlIseholds IlIlhe COUllty amI the lleed '"r neall\', :1I1d il1lHl\'all"C programs lu assist in the prll\lSll\l1 of sud! hlluslI1~ hy II1dudll1t: sc",:r;lll'rm'ISluIIS 111 Ihc' Colhc'r ('ounl)' (iruwth Management I'lan, in,!lldlt1t:; lIhjc'Cli,c lA, 1".IIl'Y I.J,I: ohJcclln' 1.5, policy 1.5,2. puhcy 15,J, polic)' 1.5..l. policy 1.5,5. policy 1.5.1,: lIhJceli",: !,(" ptlhcy 1.t..3: lIhJcCIII', 2,1. I",IIC)' 2,1. J, p"lley 2,1.2, policy 2.1.3, poti.:y 2,1,5. and puliey 2,1,(, "I' the IllIu,sln:; ".Iell1e'lIl: and WllI.Rb\S. I ',,/I1e-r ('lIunly h"s r~':cl\l'd llllldlll!,! pursuallt III Ih, Sl"le- IllIusint: flllllali"e-s 1':lrtr1l'rship I'rogrJt11 s.:t t,JrIh 111 SeclInn .J2Il,'J07 ~II.. 1:I"nda Slallll~s :lI1d ('h:'l'ler 'il-31. Flonda Adll1111istratil', ('ode: :lt1d WJ fER"AS. in a.:curd;m~... ,,"h ('"Iller I 'ounly (Irdln:IIl':': No, 'H-I'I. the- ('Ollllly IS alllhllri/cd (ll use funding trom thc Stale Ilo"sll1g fnillatl\'':' I'arlllc'rsllll' ISllll'1 I'rogr;lIn le,r \\';111 as of ('oll,~1' ('oUIlI)' 1/11l'a<:l rccs: and \\'1 rl'l~EAS, Ilahllal ti'r J I11111allll) lIr! 'oilier ('''"nt), lllc. '" sl'dlll!,! a '''llIc'r of Ilnp:lel li:e-s; and WI IERb\S. Ilahll:lt Ji,r Ilul11alllt) of ('"lireI' I '''Ullly. IlIe, \\111 eOllslru.:t Oil.: (I J Ihrcc-hedrolllll unil (Ih.: "D",clling LJnn") un I.o( 27, Illolk It :":opk, \lan"r E't':llsilln ",tll~h '" I'rllp"sc'd 10 sdJ I'llI' FOrly.Si~ Thllusand Fi,',: lIundre-d Dlll/ars 1$.Jr!.5fJfJ,lJlll: alld WIrEnEAS. t!:.: Il"'dllllg U,III ,"11 hc JlI,r.:haSl'" hy a \w)' I.,,,, inellll1': hlluschllld which IS r.:quirc'd !n in,'cst a minimum of Ii",: hundrcd (SOil) hours .,1' "S\\'cal I: l)\11 ty" hcfore nohlaills IlIk III Ihe hllllse: :lnu WIIERE,\S, ;..fr, {,harlcs (', Smi,II, \',,, l're'sI<klll or lIahilal I,'r IJul11:lnJly or ('"lllcr ('oUllly, IllC.. submitted to Ihc Ortiee- of Illlusin:; :lI1d I :rh:Oll Improl'e-l11l'111 :on Aff"rdahle I Iou Sill!! ,\ppl,C:llltlll da:~d lkl"ber Il. 19')1( ror a "':Ol\'cr of 11ll1'''~1 i'ces I," Ih~ eOl1sln>~lllln 01 a hllu,~ IInl.ol 27. Illoc'k II Napks ~bllllr E~ll:IlSiol1, a copy 01' said JPl'licalioll ""11 fils' 111 Ihe- IlouSlll;": alld lJrb:1Il It1lpro\CI11~Il!lkpanll1l'1l1: :1I1d WIIERb\S, in :rceorJallec ""h Se'Cllll1l J,IJ-I IIi' (he l{q:llll1al Watcr alld'or SC"l'r SYSll't1IS Imp:OCI Fe-c OrJl11ancc, (Jrdlllanee- ."u, 'i~.(,'); S~':ll"n .1,11-1 "Ithc I.lhr:lr)' Sysl.:m Impael h'c (Inlllla'Kc, OrdinanCe' isill, ~X.()7. ~s amendcd: Se-cllon ~,f)S "I' Ih~ ";orb ;ond ({e'.:r~all"nal Facdlllc'S Impacl h'c Onlinance. Ordll1anc.: No, XX-W', as amendcd: Se'ellon 3,O-l "f,lll' l{u;Hllmpac'l Il'c (lrdll1;lIlC'c', (11l11l1;I11e-c isio, 1)2.22, :IS :IIIlCIHkd: SCCl,,,n .1,05 or the Em.:rgcney Me-,lI.::o1 Sen'll'es Syslcm Imp;lC'! Fe'e r Ird1l1:II1Cl', I lrdll1:1l1C'C Nil, t)) -i I, :IS ;omc'nded; alld Section 3,05 of the Educallllnall';lcillllc'S Systc'mlmp:,ctl'l'c ()rdl11:1I1l'l', ()rdl11:1I1c'c' No, ')2.3,'.:lS ;1I1Klllkd: ;1I111J'pli.:anl m:l)' "hrain a wai\'cr or imp:lell<:cs h)' 'lll:lllf)'1I1t: for a \\;\IHT: :11111 ",VIII~R]~A~. J k~,hH.',I fur J h. lm;mily cd'('oti~cr County. In~. ha~ qualified I~r an impact l~'c ~ aiv~r Im~cd upon Ibc l~>]lowm~ rL'pr~'~cfttatlO~lX mnd~' I~v I lahmt[ fi,r ]Iumamty o1'( 'olhcr ('otmty. hlc.: A. '111c l)wclhn~ t;nit ~hall hc .old t. a first-hmo home buyer. Thc l)~clhn:4 I',m ~hall I~c ~.ld lo a hou~chokl I~il]1:1 vcr)' Iow II1CIH11C Ic~cl ;1~ I]1[:1 [urrtl is defined unit must bc ~Hhin thc ull~rdahlc housing guiddincs cstahli~hcd in thc Appendices to Ih~ C. q]te Dwelling I Tnll shall be thc I lomcstcad office owner. D. q]le l)~cll~n~ In,t shall remain affi)rd;fl4c li,r I][Iccli liS) )'car, /'r,)m thc ti;lie lhL' ccrtHScatc of (~'cupancy I~ ~.~ucd. NOW TIIEILfLFORI:. BE l'F RILSOI.VI:D IIY 'IlIE IIOARI) OF ('f)IIN'I'Y ('()MMI5SI(INI.:RS OF COI.I.IER ('OtJN'I Y. FI.()RII)A. lhal: Autllori/alion I~r waiver ol' Inqla;'t fkcs lo JJahltal ~)r JJtlmanlty uf( 'oilier ('OtlflJ)'. lilt. fi)r one (1) house which hhMI he constructed on l.ol 27. Block I I ~aplcs Munor ILxlcnsion. ('oilier ('ounty. Florida. impact Igcs s~ncd by II,briar fi~r I lumanlly of'('olhcr ('Otllll?. lilt,. ;md/or Iht i~urchascr, or other docunlcntatlon acceptable to the ('OtlnJ)' Attumcy. thc lh)ard o1' ('OUlll)' ('omn]issioncrs hcrchy aulhorizcs thc payment hy ('olhcr ('ounly of thc Iblh)wmg impact/gus l?om thc AI]brd;ihl~ Ih)using Trust Fund. Fund ( 191 ). in thc/bllowing amounts [bt the one ( J ) housu to hc huih on J.ol 27. Block I I Naples Nl:Jnt~r Ifxtensi,m hy I lahilal fi)r Ihm~amb. ol'('olliur ('llUllty. Jilt.: ~. lnl}rary Jmpacl I:ce S l~O.S2 IL [4(~ad impact Fcc 1.379.00 ('. l'urks :md Recreational I:acHmcs Imp:icl I:cc: { J ) ( 'OI11111UllJly I)ark~ 39g.00 (2) Regional Parks 179.00 J). EMS Impact Fcc 14.00 lmpacl l'ce J .77N.00 [:. XVatcr Impact Fee 9f)O.O0 G. Sewer Iml~aCt Fcc 5~ TOTAl. I M fACT FEES S6,169.52 3. Thc paynlcnt iff' imlXtCt fk'cs hy ('oilier ("t)tifll)' iS subJeCt lo thc cxcculloll ;llltJ recordation of'an agreement Ihr waiver or ('uJJicr ('ou;~ty blip;ici J:cus J>clx%cc)l Thc j}ropcl-ty OWilcr and/or ptirchascr ;md thc ('otmly, - 2 - This I~,esoluthm ndopted al'tcr morton, second and majority vote favoring same. ATFEST: DWIGIIT E. ItROCK. Clerk Attesl, ~s to Chalr~n's signature on].~. Approved as to fi~rm and legal sufficiency: lteidi F. Ashton Assistant County Att,arncy BOARI) ()F ('ODN'I'Y { '()M MISSI()NI.3,~S UOI.I.IER COUNTY. FI.()IHI)A ( 'h:lirm:m jd.;c/Naplcs Manor Exlcnsinn'rc~. - 3 - EXIIIBIT i.E(;AL I) E.',;CI,H I'TI ON I.OT 27 OF BI.OCK I I. NAPI.F.S MANOR I':XTF. NSI()N. A('¢'()RI)IN(; TO 'lllli PLAT HOOK TIIF. RIiOF. AS RI':£'ORI)F.I) IN PI.AT 3. AT I'AG f-: 87. ¢)1.' TI I1': I'IJIH,J(: RIiCORI).g ¢)F ('()I.I,II'~R COl I:I.(.IRII)A. - 4 - AGREEblENT FOR WAIVER OF COIA,IER COUNTY IMPACT FEES This Agrccmcnt for the Waiver of Impact Fccs entered into this/.,¢,, day of/,,~ 19¢~. by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Habitat for ttumanity of Collier Cotmty, Inc.. hereinafter referred to ;is "OWNER." W ITN ES S ET H: \\qlEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 98-69. thc Collier ("ounty Regional \Varec and/or Sewer Systems Impact Fee Ordinance: Collier Cotmty Ordinance No. 88-97. a~; amended. the Collier Cot, nty Libnu'y Syslem Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 88-90. as amended, the Collier Cotmty Parks ami Recreational Facilities Impact Fcc Ordinance; Collicr County Ordinance No. 91-71, as amended, the Collier County Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ordinance; ('oilier County Ordinance No. 92-22. as amended, tile Collicr County Road hnpact Fee Ordinance: and Collier County Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended, lhe Collier County Educational Facilities System hnpact Fee Ordinance, ;is they may be tkmher amended from time to time hereinafter collectively referred to as "Impact Fee Ordinance". provide for waivers of impact fees for new owner-occul-fied dwelling unit qualifying as affordable housing; and WHEREAS, OWNER has applied for a waiver of impact fees as required by thc Impact Fee Ordinance, a copy of said application being on file in the office of tloush~g and Urban Improvement; and WHEREAS, thc County Administrator or bis designee has reviewed thc OWNER's application and bas Found that it complies with the requirements for an affordable housing waivcr of impact fees :is established in tile Impact Fcc Ordinance; and WIfEREAS, the impact fcc waiver shall be presented in lieu of payment of the requisite impact fccs subject to satisfaction of all criteria in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance qualifying thc project as eligible for an impact fee waiver; and WI tEREAS, thc C'O[_INTY approved a waiver of impact fccs Ibr OWNER embodied Resolution No. 98- ~ at its regular meeting of~/~_.. . I {)t~; and X IIEREAS. thc Impact Vet Ordinance rcclu~rcs that thc OWNIZI~ enter into Agreement with the COUNTh'. NO\V, THEREFORE. in consideration of thc foregoing recitals, the parties covenant and agree as l'oIIows: 1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The lbregoing recitals arc Iruc and correct and shall be incorporated lay reference herein. LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Tile legal description of the dwelling unit (the "Dwelling Unit") and site i'>lar~ arc attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. 3. TERM. OWNER agrees that thc Dwelling Unit shall remain as aflbrdablc housing and shall be offered for sale in accordance with thc standards set Forth in thc appendices to thc Impact Fee Ordinance For a period of fifteen (15))))'cars conlmencing from the dale thc certificate ofoccupancy is ~ssued for the Dwelling Unit. 4. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. OWNER reprcscnts and warrants thc following: The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a household with a '`'et-.,,, lox,,, income as defined in thc appendices to thc Impact Fcc Ordinance and his/her monthly paynlcnts to purchase thc Dwelling Unit shall be within tl~c affordable housing guidelines established in the appendices to the Impact I:ce Ordinance; bo The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a first-time home I)u)'cr; The Dwelling Unit shall be the homestead of owner; The Dwelling Unit shall remain as affordable housing For fifteen (15) years From thc date the ccrti fi cate off occupancy is issued Ibr thc Dwelling Un/t: and co O\\'NE[>, is the owner of record of the Dwelling Unit and owes impact fees in lhe total amount of S6.169.52 pursttant to thc Impact Fee - 2 - Ordinance. In return for the waiver oflbe impact fees owed by OWNER. OWNER covenants and agrees to comply with tile affordable housing impact fee waiver qualification criteria detailed in thc Impact Fee Ordinance. 5. SUBSEQUENT TRANSFER. IFOXVNER sells the Dwelling Unit subject to tile impact fee waiver to a subsequent purchaser, thc Dwelling Unit shall bc sold only to households meeting the criteria set forth in lhe Impact [:cc Ordinance. 6. AFFORDABLE REQUIREMENT. The Dwelling Unit must be utilized for affordable housing for a fifteen (15) year period after the date the certificate of occupancy is issued; and if the Dwelling Unit ceases to be utilized for that purpose during such period, thc impact fees shall be immediately repaid to tile COUNTY, 7. LIEN. Thc waived impact fees shall be a lien upon tile l)wclling Unit on tile effective date of' this Agrecnlcnt: which lien may be foreclosed ripen ill Ibc event of non-compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. 8, RELEASE OF LIEN. Upon satisfactory completion of the Agrccment requirements and tiftccn (15) years after tile date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or upon payment of the waived impact fees, tile COUNTY shall, at thc expense of tile COUNTY. record any necessary documentation evidencing thc termination of' thc lien, including, but not limited to, a release of lien. 9. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties to this Agreement and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. In thc case of sale or transfer by gift of the Dwelling Unit, thc original O\VNER shall remain liable for the impact fees waived until said impact fees are paid in full or until tile conditions set forth in tile Impact Fcc' Ordinance are satisfied. In addition, this Agreement shall run with tile land and shall remain a lien against the Dwelling Unit until the provisions of Section 8 arc satisfied. 10. RECORDING. This Agreement shall be recorded by OWNER at thc expense of OWNER in tile OFficial Records of Collier County, Florida, within ~ftecn (15) days after execution of this Agreement by tile Chaimmn of thc Board of County Commissioners. - 3 - 1 I. DEFAULT. OWNER shall be in default of this Agreement (I) where O\VNER fails to sell the Dwelling Unit in accordance with thc affordable housing standards and qualification criteria established in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance and thereafter fifils to pay thc impact fees duc wilhin thirty (30) days of said non-compliance, or (2) where OWNER violates one of thc affordable housing qualification criteria in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance tbr a period of fifteen (15) days aRcr notice of thc violation. 12. REMEDIES. Should the OWNER of thc property fail to comply with the said qualification criteria at any time during the fifteen (15) year period or should OWNER violate any provisions of this Agreement, thc impact fees waived shall be paid in full by OWNER within thirty (30) days of said non-compliance. OWNER agrces that tl~e impact fees waived shall constitute a lien on Ibc Dwelling Unit commencing on thc effective date of this Agreement and continuing for fifteen (15) years lYom thc date of issuance of lhe cc~ificatc off occupancy or until repaid. Such lien shall bc superior and paramount to thc interest in tl~c Dwelling Unit of rmv owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person except the lien flor County taxes and shall bc on parity with thc lien of any such County taxes. Should thc OWNER bc in delimit of this Agrccmcnt and the default is not cured wiflfin (30) days after written notice to OWNER. Iht Board may bring a civil action to enforce this agreement. In addition, thc lien may be foreclosed or othcm'ise enforced by tl~c COUNTY by action or suit in equity as lbr thc foreclosure of a mo~gage on real property. Tiffs remedy is cumulative with any other right or remedy available to thc COUNTY. The Board shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorneys fees, incurred by thc Board in enforcing this agreement, plus interest at thc statutoO' rate for judgments calculated on a calendar day basis until paid. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the panics have executed this Agreement for Waiver of hnpact Fccs on thc date and year first above written. Witnesses: Prl nt Name OWNERS: (:22> 0 DATED:' Jh, l~ I? ~9q9 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk Attest as to Chairman's signature only. Approved asto ~nnand legalsufficiency Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Cotmty Attorney 16A2# BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA Cha~ nan \ STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Collier The foregoing instrunmnt was acknowlcducd~ before mc this /_~z_ day. oF.,]..,,',I ',,',,~/.3, .'-; 1998 by Charles C. Smith, Vice Prcsident of llabitat for t fumanity of Collier County, Inc. He is personally kllown to 111o. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Si~&~ture of Person Taking Acknox~edgmcnt Name of Acknowledger Tvpcd.~rintcd or Stamped jcl/gm/c/naples manor lakes/a~,rcc - 5 - EXilIIIlT "A" I,E(;AI, I)ESClil I'TION I.OT 27 OF BI.O('K I I, NAI'I.F.S MANOR F. XTF. NSI()N. A('('{)RI)IN(i TO TIIE PI.AT BOOK TIIERI~OI:. AS RI~COI{I)t~D IN I'LAT BOOK 3, AT PAGF. 87, OF TI IE ]'UBI.IC RF.('OIU)S OF COI.I.I F.R ('OUN'I'Y FLORIDA. - 6 OR: 2502 PG: 0826 ***