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II j13N 4I3 P� l -•,m gni sa-fid1001 W S c b k I ssaippV ssauisng ^J p �-1GIA S`a�n 1\"Jc__Aj(\_.Ia9L,O auluN ssauisng Gr c Lj 1 Null /\ i CI ,) U 31 1 ----- aUI halal NIOI1VMIZSI9P2I 1SIAM101 SMItMOISSIISIIAIOD AINif1OD 30 Qaavoa Ziir£ upuo13 `salduM .10013 q,t' `3 '�PIf `i0b aJ1 S (quo as Io soilaID) 'g ItE.1Z !LULU" 660,e06 b Z£ © sa.1idx3 sJ.1noD Jo l.1alp iC.Junop .1ailloa Receipt# 008169262 1/28/2020 8:29:29 AM Crystal K. Kinzel Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller 'Fop 0 •se ET-g-K n 77/F.CIRC) Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location ELLEN C MURRAY BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center CONSERVANCEY OF SW MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor FLORIDA m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 1495 SMITH PRESERVE WAY 239-252-2646 401 NAPLES , FL 34102 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Cash Tendered ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer:All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. @CA0li@T@OQ (5CDED Page 1 of 1 Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org> Sent:Tuesday, March 31, 2020 4:36 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:nicole johnson Subject:RE: April's Lobbyist Update External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Hi Martha:    I have checked our registrations and we are good through September 2020 so “no changes” are required.    Thanks so much.    Ellen Ellen C. Murray  Administrative Assistant to Policy  Conservancy of Southwest Florida  1495 Smith Preserve Way  Naples, FL 34102  239‐403‐4232 |ellenm@conservancy.org | www.conservancy.org       Protecting Southwest Florida’s unique natural environment and quality of life…now and forever    From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>   Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 4:30 PM  To: 'mark@adamczyklawfirm.com' <mark@adamczyklawfirm.com>; 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>;  'jen.hobgood@aspca.org' <jen.hobgood@aspca.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;  'wesk@barraco.net' <wesk@barraco.net>; 'andres@boralengineering.com' <andres@boralengineering.com>;  'canon@boralengineering.com' <canon@boralengineering.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>;  'ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com' <ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com>; 'fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com'  <fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com>; Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com'  <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'dmartohuelaw@outlook.com' <dmartohuelaw@outlook.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com'  <ellie@ekc‐inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>;  'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com'  <mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com>; 'jmbswte@msn.com' <jmbswte@msn.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com'  <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com'  <dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com'  <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'dan@isaacsongroup.com' <dan@isaacsongroup.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com'  <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'planaslaw@gmail.com' <planaslaw@gmail.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com'  2 <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; 'sgraley@thelawmpowered.com' <sgraley@thelawmpowered.com>; 'danielle@nabor.com'  <danielle@nabor.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'amanda@napleschamber.org'  <amanda@napleschamber.org>; 'michael@napleschamber.org' <michael@napleschamber.org>;  'catherine@naplespathways.org' <catherine@naplespathways.org>; 'shane.orco@gmail.com'  <shane.orco@gmail.com>; 'mfrankenberger@nrs‐environmental.com' <mfrankenberger@nrs‐environmental.com>;  'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>; 'nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com'  <nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com>; 'stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com>;  'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com' <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'stacie.stolz@quarles.com'  <stacie.stolz@quarles.com>; 'roger@attyrogerrice.com' <roger@attyrogerrice.com>; 'mortega@ralaw.com'  <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'tdeastman@ralaw.com' <tdeastman@ralaw.com>; 'robrien@ralaw.com'  <robrien@ralaw.com>; 'kgallander@consult‐rwa.com' <kgallander@consult‐rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com'  <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'jjensen@humanesociety.org' <jjensen@humanesociety.org>;  'terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com' <terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>;  'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org' <pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org>;  'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>; 'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com'  <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>; 'alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com'  <alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com>; 'wlbarton39@gmail.com' <wlbarton39@gmail.com>; 'lbrakefield@wpl‐ legal.com' <lbrakefield@wpl‐legal.com>; 'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>; 'zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com'  <zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: April's Lobbyist Update    Hello All, It’s that time again, the Lobbyist Quarterly Update for you company/firm are due April 2nd. Please remember, if there are no changes to your current lobbyist or client list, an e- mail stating “no changes” is all that’s required. If you have changes please sent a current list of either. If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail. Thanks,   Martha Vergara BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk Office: 239-252-7240 Fax: 239-252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Collier County 3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401 Naples, FL 34112 www.CollierClerk.com       3 Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org> Sent:Wednesday, April 1, 2020 3:58 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Subject:RE: April's Lobbyist Update External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Hi Martha:    I am sorry for the delay.  I had trouble logging in today.    All the Lobbyist’s you have listed below except Michael Fankenberger are active lobbyist’s for the Conservancy.  It is  Okay to consider him inactive.    You do have me as active as well – correct?    Thanks so very much.    Ellen  Ellen Ellen C. Murray  Administrative Assistant to Policy  Conservancy of Southwest Florida  1495 Smith Preserve Way  Naples, FL 34102  239‐403‐4232 |ellenm@conservancy.org | www.conservancy.org       Protecting Southwest Florida’s unique natural environment and quality of life…now and forever    From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>   Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2020 8:04 AM  To: Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org>  Subject: RE: April's Lobbyist Update    Morning Ellen, Just wanted to check you lobbyist list. Are the following still lobbyists for the Conservancy: 2 Kelly Andrew Marissa Carrozzo Amber Crooks Gladys Delgadillo Michael Fankenberger Nicole Johnson Erica McCaughey Kelly McNab Rob Moher April Olson Julianne Thomas Let me know if anyone is no longer with your team. Thanks, Martha From: Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org>   Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 4:36 PM  To: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>  Cc: nicole johnson <nicolej@conservancy.org>  Subject: RE: April's Lobbyist Update    External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Hi Martha:    I have checked our registrations and we are good through September 2020 so “no changes” are required.    Thanks so much.    Ellen Ellen C. Murray  Administrative Assistant to Policy  Conservancy of Southwest Florida  1495 Smith Preserve Way  Naples, FL 34102  239‐403‐4232 |ellenm@conservancy.org | www.conservancy.org       Protecting Southwest Florida’s unique natural environment and quality of life…now and forever  3   From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>   Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 4:30 PM  To: 'mark@adamczyklawfirm.com' <mark@adamczyklawfirm.com>; 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>;  'jen.hobgood@aspca.org' <jen.hobgood@aspca.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;  'wesk@barraco.net' <wesk@barraco.net>; 'andres@boralengineering.com' <andres@boralengineering.com>;  'canon@boralengineering.com' <canon@boralengineering.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>;  'ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com' <ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com>; 'fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com'  <fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com>; Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com'  <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'dmartohuelaw@outlook.com' <dmartohuelaw@outlook.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com'  <ellie@ekc‐inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>;  'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com'  <mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com>; 'jmbswte@msn.com' <jmbswte@msn.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com'  <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com'  <dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com'  <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'dan@isaacsongroup.com' <dan@isaacsongroup.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com'  <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'planaslaw@gmail.com' <planaslaw@gmail.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com'  <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; 'sgraley@thelawmpowered.com' <sgraley@thelawmpowered.com>; 'danielle@nabor.com'  <danielle@nabor.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'amanda@napleschamber.org'  <amanda@napleschamber.org>; 'michael@napleschamber.org' <michael@napleschamber.org>;  'catherine@naplespathways.org' <catherine@naplespathways.org>; 'shane.orco@gmail.com'  <shane.orco@gmail.com>; 'mfrankenberger@nrs‐environmental.com' <mfrankenberger@nrs‐environmental.com>;  'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>; 'nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com'  <nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com>; 'stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com>;  'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com' <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'stacie.stolz@quarles.com'  <stacie.stolz@quarles.com>; 'roger@attyrogerrice.com' <roger@attyrogerrice.com>; 'mortega@ralaw.com'  <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'tdeastman@ralaw.com' <tdeastman@ralaw.com>; 'robrien@ralaw.com'  <robrien@ralaw.com>; 'kgallander@consult‐rwa.com' <kgallander@consult‐rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com'  <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'jjensen@humanesociety.org' <jjensen@humanesociety.org>;  'terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com' <terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>;  'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org' <pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org>;  'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>; 'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com'  <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>; 'alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com'  <alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com>; 'wlbarton39@gmail.com' <wlbarton39@gmail.com>; 'lbrakefield@wpl‐ legal.com' <lbrakefield@wpl‐legal.com>; 'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>; 'zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com'  <zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: April's Lobbyist Update    Hello All, It’s that time again, the Lobbyist Quarterly Update for you company/firm are due April 2nd. Please remember, if there are no changes to your current lobbyist or client list, an e- mail stating “no changes” is all that’s required. If you have changes please sent a current list of either. If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail. 4 Thanks,   Martha Vergara BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk Office: 239-252-7240 Fax: 239-252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Collier County 3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401 Naples, FL 34112 www.CollierClerk.com       Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org> Sent:Tuesday, July 21, 2020 2:39 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Subject:RE: Lobbyist Quarterly Update - 4th Quarter External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Hi Martha: Hope you are doing well. The Conservancy has no changes for this quarter. Thank you, Ellen Ellen C. Murray Administrative Assistant to Policy Conservancy of Southwest Florida 1495 Smith Preserve Way Naples, FL 34102 239-403-4232 |ellenm@conservancy.org | www.conservancy.org Protecting Southwest Florida’s unique natural environment and quality of life…now and forever From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com> Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 9:07 AM To: 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>; 'jen.hobgood@aspca.org' <jen.hobgood@aspca.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>; 'wesk@barraco.net' <wesk@barraco.net>; 'andres@boralengineering.com' <andres@boralengineering.com>; 'canon@boralengineering.com' <canon@boralengineering.com>; 'dpastor@napleslaw.com' <dpastor@napleslaw.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>; 'ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com' <ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com>; 'fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com' <fpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com>; 'Amelia@cbia.net' <Amelia@cbia.net>; Ellen Murray <Ellenm@conservancy.org>; 'njohnson@conservancy.org' <njohnson@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com' <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'dmartohuelaw@outlook.com' <dmartohuelaw@outlook.com>; 'ed.v.staros@gmail.com' <ed.v.staros@gmail.com>; 'ellie@ekc-inc.com' <ellie@ekc-inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>; 'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com' <mgreenberg@greenberggroupllc.com>; 'jmbswte@msn.com' <jmbswte@msn.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com' <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com' 2 <dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com' <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'dan@isaacsongroup.com' <dan@isaacsongroup.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'planaslaw@gmail.com' <planaslaw@gmail.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; 'sgraley@thelawmpowered.com' <sgraley@thelawmpowered.com>; 'danielle@nabor.com' <danielle@nabor.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'amanda@napleschamber.org' <amanda@napleschamber.org>; 'michael@napleschamber.org' <michael@napleschamber.org>; 'jack@napleszoo.org' <jack@napleszoo.org>; 'catherine@naplespathways.org' <catherine@naplespathways.org>; 'shane.orco@gmail.com' <shane.orco@gmail.com>; 'mfrankenberger@nrs-environmental.com' <mfrankenberger@nrs-environmental.com>; 'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>; 'nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com' <nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com>; 'stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com' <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'jjanes@gradyminor.com' <jjanes@gradyminor.com>; 'stacie.stolz@quarles.com' <stacie.stolz@quarles.com>; 'roger@attyrogerrice.com' <roger@attyrogerrice.com>; 'mortega@ralaw.com' <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'tdeastman@ralaw.com' <tdeastman@ralaw.com>; 'robrien@ralaw.com' <robrien@ralaw.com>; 'sspector@ralaw.com' <sspector@ralaw.com>; 'kgallander@consult-rwa.com' <kgallander@consult-rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'rlk@klaascapital.com' <rlk@klaascapital.com>; 'jjensen@humanesociety.org' <jjensen@humanesociety.org>; 'terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com' <terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com>; 'yury@trtrans.net' <yury@trtrans.net>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>; 'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org' <pegeen.hanrahan@tpl.org>; 'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>; 'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com' <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>; 'alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com' <alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com>; 'wlbarton39@gmail.com' <wlbarton39@gmail.com>; 'lbrakefield@wpl-legal.com' <lbrakefield@wpl-legal.com>; 'apires@wpl-legal.com' <apires@wpl-legal.com>; 'zlombardo@wpl-legal.com' <zlombardo@wpl-legal.com> Subject: Lobbyist Quarterly Update - 4th Quarter Morning All, Sorry this request is late, but it’s time for the final quarterly update. Let me know if there are any updates to your lobbyists or client list. As always, please send an e-mail stating “No Changes” if there are no changes to either. If you have changes please send an e-mail stating the additions/deletions to either list. If you have any questions feel free to call or e-mail any time. Thanks, 3 Martha Vergara BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk Office: 239-252-7240 Fax: 239-252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Collier County 3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401 Naples, FL 34112 www.CollierClerk.com Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. 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