Backup Documents 12/10/2019 Item #11A - Census Presentation 2020 Census Lisa Morse, Director of Community Engagement and District Initiatives       Good Morning. Thank you County Commissions for considering this item today. I am here to share our support of the Complete Count Coordinator for the census that the staff is recommending. 1 Everybody Counts in Collier County 2 The 2020 Census is quickly approaching. This slide reflects the scope of the county from newborns to young professionals and families to our senior citizens, all of whom need to be counted in the census. Everybody Counts, that is the goal for the 2020 Census. 2 A Complete Count is Critical We are in full support of the Board of County Commissioners appointing a staff member as the Complete Count Coordinator. That person will be critical to influence stakeholders across the county to participate in the census. 3 | Collier County Public Schools While the goal is that everyone counts, we know from previous counts that our County has room for improvement. Historically, Collier County has underreported compared to the State. As shown in the chart on the screen, in 2010, 29% of households in Collier County did not respond in the last census, that equates to potentially millions of dollars in lost federal funding and support. Additionally, this year much of the census will be completed online. This may be an additional challenge to an accurate county. I am sure you would all agree that a complete count is important. There is tremendous value in public government entities stepping in to help spread awareness whether it is a city governments, a county government or a school district. While other public entities and organizations can support, the county has the greatest influence over the major areas directly affected by an accurate count. 3 2020 Census Why is the census important: $675 billion federal dollars are tied to the census Political representation is determined by Census Census results affect: Transportation Healthcare First Responders Education Disaster Relief Social Services 4 | Collier County Public Schools The results of the census affect many areas of the county. These can include federal funding for areas like transportation, healthcare, emergency response, education, disaster relief and social services. Collier County Public Schools is keenly aware of the impact on education but we look to the county to focus effort on the other areas that are impacted by census counts. 4 Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) Involvement CCPS held an awareness meeting on October 19, 2019 to bring together educational partners and share the importance of the census Over 20 agencies attended A presentation on the importance of an accurate county was provided 5 | Collier County Public Schools CCPS held a meeting on October 19th bringing together over 20 representatives from various educational organizations to share the importance of the census. We were joined by Michelle Mulsbury from the Atlanta Regional Census Center to provide information and a presentation. We extended an invitation to the County to join that meeting and are grateful to Maria Pizarro for attending. During the meeting it was shared that in education, the census can affect special education, teacher training, school lunch assistance, head start and afterschool program, etc. During this meeting these educational partners learned about the importance of the census and were encouraged to help drive participation. I can tell you that all of the educational groups who attended were very interested in supporting a county-wide initiative. 5 How CCPS Can Help CCPS has a large audience and we plan to communicate regularly from January through April to promote participation in the Census CCPS will provide our schools a Census tool kit that includes logo, messaging and PSA videos to share with their stakeholders to promote participation in the census 6 | Collier County Public Schools Collier County Public Schools is ready to support a county-wide effort to increase participation in the census. We recognize that we have a large audience that we can reach through communication efforts. We are in the process of preparing a census toolkit that will include information for schools to share with their families and other stakeholders. In fact, we recently started the conversation with our school leaders earlier this month sharing facts about the census and the importance of census participation. 6 Next steps CCPS supports the staff recommendation for a Complete Count Coordinator at the County level CCPS will continue to support any complete count initiatives 7 | Collier County Public Schools When reviewing John Mullins presentation to the Board of County Commissioners on September 24th it was shared that 25 counties have taken action to have a Complete Count Committee. We strongly believe that the County is in the best position to promote census participation from all audiences. That is why we are here today to support the staff recommendation of a Complete Count Coordinator and offer our support in the efforts to encourage participation from our county residents. CCPS remains committed to do our part and looks forward to working with the county to get the best count possible for the benefit of all Collier citizens. 7 2020 Census Lisa Morse, Director of Community Engagement and District Initiative       Thank you! 8