Resolution 2019-207 RESOLUTION NO. 19 20 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, IMPLEMENTING THE LOCAL HOUSING TRUST FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MANAGER TO SIGN COMMITMENTS FOR THE USE OF THE HOUSING TRUST FUNDS AND STATE AND LOCAL GRANT FUNDS FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS AND DIRECTING THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO IDENTIFY AND RESEARCH A VARIETY OF POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR THE HOUSING TRUST FUND AND BRING RECOMMENDATIONS BACK TO THE BOARD AT A LATER DATE. RECITALS WHEREAS, on April 24, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopted Resolution No. 2018-82 declaring a valid public purpose for establishing a new Local Housing Trust Fund (HTF), accepting funds for affordable housing made to the County and providing general guidelines for use of monies in the housing trust fund; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2018-82 directed the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and staff to develop procedures and criteria for the implementation of the HTF; and WHEREAS, the criteria for the HTF is based on the Community Housing Plan and the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan and shall be established as policy by the Board; and WHEREAS,given the long planning process involved in housing development and the need to layer multiple funding sources, a local housing trust fund is necessary to provide a local contribution; and WHEREAS, some housing developments have a tight window to make application to the State for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and other funds that request local contributions and may not be able to wait for an annual funding application cycle; and 0 WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee has identified the need for a consistent, on-going revenue stream to ensure that the HTF is a viable revenue source for needed housing that is affordable to Collier County residents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA,that: 1. The foregoing Recitals are adopted as true and incorporated as part of this Resolution. 2. The County Manager is authorized to sign commitments for the use of the HTF resources, state and local grant funds for developers applying to Florida Housing Finance Corporation for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit financing and other State and Federal housing projects. 3. The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is hereby directed to identify and research a variety of potential funding sources for the HTF and bring recommendations back to the Board at a later date. 4. The Housing Trust Fund program will begin implementation in 2020 as outlined in the BCC approved guidelines, criteria and annual work plan. THIS RESOLUTION is adopted after motion, second, and majority vote this22''c'day of Co x— , 2019 BOARD O- b.S .TY COMMISSIONERS :' ' R; •°. 7r'K. KINZEL, CLERK OFC L :t COUN FLO' DA Z: t * • 71 • Air- 1f 'A3 'as t0 Cll�lrf11�1 STY CLERK W LIAM L. MCDANIEL, JR. CHAIRMAN signature only. Approval for form and legality: Jennr A. Belpedio �� Assistant County Attorney � 1\ \O \