BCC Minutes 12/19/1978 R .I I Naples, Florida, December 19, 1918 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissionors in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing BoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members presentl CHAIRMANs David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMANs Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT I William J. Reagan, Clerkl Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Debbie Pantano, Deputy Clerk, Dr. Nano Spagna, Director of Community Development, Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer, Donald Pickworth; County Attorney, C. William Norman, County Manager, Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morganl and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA December 19, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARD AT 11sOO A.M. UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS" 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTESt Regular Meeting of December 5, 1978. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATION OF AWARDS 6. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Recommendation for approval of final assessment roll for improvements to Taylor Road. Continued from 12-5-78 Agenda. (Legal , Bngineering) MCK 044 PAG.: 7n: . . . , . ........... 11 " December 19, 1978 FINAL AGENDA APPROVED WITH ADDITION/DELETION County Attorney Pickworth requested Item 6A re the public hearing for Taylor Road final assessment roll be continued until January 9, 1919. He also requested an item be added as 9Gl re- garding an emergency ordinance correcting the PUD Document for the Trail Drive-In Theatre. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Final Agenda be approved with the addition and deletion as requested. MINUTES OF DCC REGULAR SESSION 12/5/18 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of Regular Session 12/5/78 be approved as submitted. RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TAYLOR ROAD (CONTINUED FROM 12/5/18) - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL JANUARY 9, 1919 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing re the final assassment roll for improvements to Taylor Road be oontinued until January 9, 1979. ORDINANCE 78-72 AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 76-68 (COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE) BY ADOPTING APPENDIX "J" OF SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, THERMAL EFFICIENCY AND LIGHTING STANDARDS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 17 and 24, 1978 and December 1 and 8, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an amendment to the Collier County Building Codc Ordinance. County Attorney Don pickworth explained that the Florida Legislature is postponing the effective date of the Lighting Effi- ciency Code and Thermal Efficiency Code and the proposed amendment ~:)('~ 044 PA~r 715 l \ . ..............._ _-+"~-:::;;;:"';"'_ ~ ;::-_8'" :-~-..~-~~ bj~~ 044 rl-....716 December 19, 1978 to the existing Collier County Building Code is Appendix "J" of the 1977 And 1978 Amendments to the Standard Building Code. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing bo closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered And titled below amending Collier County Ordinance 76-68 be adopted and entered into Ordinanco Book No.8. ORDINANCE NO. 78--11- AN ORDI1~NCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 76-68, TilE "COLLIER. COUNTY BUILDING CODE", BY ADOPTING THE 1977 AND 1978 RRVISIONS, EXCLUDING APPENDIX "JII, TO TItE 1976 EDITION OF THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE. PRO- VIDING FOR CONFLICT, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE nATE. RESOLUTION 78-187 RE PETITION CCSL-78-8-C REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS SET FORTH IN SAID RESOLUTION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 1, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a resolution re Petition CCSL-78-8-C requesting a variance. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the petitioner wishes to reduce the Coastal Construction Setback Line in order to construct a 19 story condominium as well as a patio and privacy areas. He noted the PUD zoning was previously granted by the Board, and, the proposed principal building location meets the setback requirements as set forth in said PUD document. Dr. Spagna referred to a displayed map to point out the location of the property. Deoember 19, 1978 There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Aroher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-187 re Petition CCSL-78-8C requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line be adopted subject to the stipulations outlined in said resolution. * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * . . . . . . * M~K 044 rA~ 717 . ... . . . ..-.-....-"""---- -------""""'.... -~.....-~+. .~~ - ..~~. : ~ - ;';;;.....;...~-~-:;: ';;.:---;;....;;--.:-:--::::-::. '_"<' .._... ..~...., ..' ......4......_...._ .'. _....'......_..~.....__~_,_..._._.....,_~___ 'MC~ 044 PA~E 720 December 19, 1978 ORDINANCES CREATING CERTAIN STREET LIGHTING DISTRICTS - ADOPTEDs ORDINANCE 78-73 RE LAKEWOOD SUBDIVISION UNIT S, ORDINANCE 78-74 RE KINGS LAKE UNIT 11 ORDINANCE 78-75 RE PINE WOODS SUBDIVISION, ORDINANCE 78-76 RE IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES, AND ORDINANCE 78-71 RE PAW RIVER ESTATES UNIT 7 Legal notice. having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 28, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider ordinances creating street lighting districts. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale stated that the current Collier County Subdivision Regulations require that street lights be installed in all new subdivisions and the developers of the following subdivisions are requesting the Board create street lighting districts I Lakewood Subdivision Unit 5 Kings Lake Unit 1 Pine Woods Subdivision Imperial Golf Estates Palm River Estates Unit 7 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that due to the early stage of development of these subdivisions, it is not possible to determine the cost of the lights, however, when such cost is dotermined, the above listed distriots will be incorporated into the Collier County Street Lighting District. commissioner Wen.el moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be olosed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinances as numbered and titled below creating certain street lighting districts be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. cnmwa: 78-73 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE L1\.KENOOD SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. 5 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT I PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES 0.' TilE DISTRICT, DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE DISTRICT I AUTIIORIZING A TAX LEVY OF UP TO TWO lIILLS, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ~ '--~-""'''- -~~_. ~_. -- ---.-....-. -.--- -.." ----- ~ . - . ML'K 044' PA~f 722 December 19, 1978 ORDINANC~S AMENDING ORDINANCE 72-l BY ADDING CERTAIN STREETS TO COLLIER COUNTY STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT - ADOPTED, ORDINANCE 78-18 RE LELY COUNTRY CLUB TORREY PINES, ORDINANCE 78-79 RE PARK SHORE UNIT 5, ORDINANCE 78-80 RE PARK PLACE Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 30, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was opened to consider amendments to Ordinance 72-1 to include the following subdivisions I Lely Country Club Torrey Pines Park Shore Unit 5 Park Place County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained the proposed ordinances would amend the existing Collier County Lighting District ordinance by adding certain streets in connection with the above listed subdivisions. There bein9 no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinances as numbered and titled below amendin9 Ordinance 72-1 be adopted and antered into Ordinance. Book No.8. OODDWa 78-79 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS OF LELY COUNTRY CLUB TORREY PINES SUBDIVISION TO TilE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE CHlINNa 78-79 AN ORDINANCE Al$NDING ORDINANCE NO. 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS OF PARK srroRE UNIT 5 SUBDIVISION TO THE COLLIER COUNTY LIGIITING DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATB December 19, 1978 ORDINAOCE 78-80 AN ORDINANCE N1ENDING .ORDIN1\NCE NO. 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS OF PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION TO TilE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT, P~VIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ' RESOLUTION 78-189 RE VAC1\TION OF A DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED IN LOT 129, NAPLES GROVE' TRUCK COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS '2 LOCATED JUST EAST OF SH1\DOWLAWN SCHOOL - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 4, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the vacation of a certain dedicated right-of-way. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that in 1968 the Board accepted a right-of-way deed from the owners of Lot 129, Naples Grove and Truck Company's Little Farms '2 in order to provida safe access to the Shadowlawn School from Andrew Avenue, however, this was not done and the owners of the above lot have requested that the County vacate the dedicated right-of-way. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the publio hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-189 re the vacation of a dedicated right-of-way, Lot 129, Naples Grove' Truck Company's Little Farm. '2 be adopted and that a Quitclaim Deed to Tage B. and Norma Bertelsen be approved. * * * * * * ',~~V OH r.'~: ~ * * * * * * Docember 19, 1918 ORDINANCE 78-81 RE PETITION R-78-22C, MR. AND MRS. WARREN STEWART, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "FVR" AND "RS-4" ON.PROPERTY KNOWN AS BLOCK X, GOODLANO ISLES, LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE TO GOODLANO - ADUPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on November 16, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinunce re Petition R-78-22C requesting rezoning. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, referred to a displayed map to point out the location of the property in question and stated the petitioners are requesting rezoning from "A" to "FVR" and "RS-4" in order to bring the land into a more compatible state with the rest of the property. He stated the CAPC has roviewed and approved the petition with the following stipulations Bet down by the Health Dept., Fire Dept. and the WMADI 1. Subject to Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code. Water and sewer subject to final approval after final plan is submitted Wealth) 2. County regulations for the installation of water lines and fire hydrants be adhered to (MIFCD) 3. Final site drainage plans be submitted to and approved by WMAB prior to the authorization of any work being started on the project. Mr. William R. Allan, representing his parents who own property in the area in question, express~d his concern about environmental damage that may be caused by sewage. He also statod there is much mangrove in the area. Dr. Spagna stated the Environmentalist has reviewed this petition and recommends apprnval subject to the above mentioned stipulations. The petitioner was provided with a copy of said stipulations. Mr. Richard J. Fink, property owner, expressed his objection to tho petition in reference to the additional traffio and pollution. lie also questioned how they would keep the animals away from the trailers in the area. &OOK 044 PA~ 7Z1 ~_~~.._~_....-_t... ,___...__._ - ~ ~.. -l ,- -. - ~ _..- - ~ _.. ~...__..,,_.. ..... .-....... ........."....... ........ ................ t1JCII 044 Pt.".. 7a8 December 19, 1978 Mr. Jeff Purse, Bruce Green & Associates, Engineer for the project. presented an aerial photograph of subject property and stated the purpose of the requested rezoning is to upgrade the araa and there is no intention to allow trailers on the property. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and oarried unanimously 5/0, that the pUblio hearing be closed. Commissionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted with the stipulations previously mentioned and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. Upon call for lhe question the motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Pistor dissenting. ORDINANCE 78 - 81 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, TUE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL1\TIONS FOR ~IE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT, BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER SO-26-MI-8 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "A-ST" AGRICULTURAL-SPECIAL TREATMENT, TO "FVR-AND RS-4" FISHING VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL AND SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT! THE WEST 129.50 FEET OP UNDIVIDED BLOCK "X", GOODLAND ISLES, AS . RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGB 7, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 78-82 RE PETITION R-78-23C, U.S. HOMES REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RS-4" TO "GC" AND "RM-1GH" FOR PART OF Nl/2 OF 812, T50S, R25E (LAKFWOOD UNIT 6) - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been publiShed in the Naples Daily News on November 17, 1970 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-78-23C by U.s. Homes requesting rezoning_ Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated that the petitioner is requesting rezoning from "RS-4" to "RM-1GH" for Lakewood Unit 6. He further stated the petition has been - --- - December 19, 1978 reviewed by all County agencies concerned and they have approved said petition with the following stipulations I 1. Must comply with fire hydrant regulations (ENFD) 2. Final site drainage plans to be reviewed by the County Engineering Department (WMAB) Dr. Spagna referrred to a displayed map to point out the location of the property and also to indicate the specific locations of the zoning changes. Mr. Ed Leftwich, resident of Lakewood, expressed his objection to the rezoning stating it will create a drainage problem in the area and also commented that U.S. Homes has not been building homes according to the building codes and felt that should be corrected. Dr. Spagna commented this petition has been approved by the Utility Director. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale commented that this matter concerning Mr. Leftwich's property has been previously investigated and it had been determined the roason for the faulty drainage on his property was due to the poor grading of the lot. He also noted this was the only lot in the area with a drainage problem. Mr. Bill Barton, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, commented that Mr. Leftwich is the only one complaining about the drainage and he noted that U.S. Homes built virtually all the homes in Lakewood with the exception of Mr. Leftwich's, and, that his back porch is approximately 3" below the land which causes the drainage problem. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Cnmmissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-78-23C by U.S. Homes requesting rezoning be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 8 with the stipulations as mentioned. dO"~~ . - - ---- ~ ... . ~O:)K 04'4 PACE 730 December 19, 1978 ORDINANCE NO. 78 - ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OltDINANCE 76-30 TnE COMPREIIENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UNINCORPORATED ATEA OF TilE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING TUE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-1 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "RS-4" RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, TO "R."I-l-GH AND G.C.- RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY GROUP HOUSING AND GOLF COURSE ZONING DISTRICTs BBING A PART OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGB 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVB DATE .' SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN RE PETITION SMP-78-l0C BY U.S. HOMES FOR L^KEWOOD UNIT 6 - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on December 1, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Master Plan approval re Petition SMP-78-10C by U.S. Homos for Lakewood Unit 6 (companion item to ordinance just adopted). Dr. Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the petition has been reviewed by the Subdivision Committee who recommends approval subject to the fOllowing conditionss 1. The reduction of the ROW of Lakewood Blvd. from 84 feet for minor collectors to 80 feet. 2. Reduction of pavement width of Round Key Circle from 24 feet to 20 feet. He further stated the CAPC has also recommended approval of tho petition. There being no persons registered to speak, Commisssioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Subdivision Master Plan re Petition SMP-78-10C by U.S. Homes for Lakewood Unit 6 be approved with the stipulations as mentioned. December 19, 1978 * * * * RECESS I 9:55 A.M. until 10sOO A.M. * * * '* ORDINANCE 78-83 RE PETITION R-7B-24C, COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORP., REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "RM-2" FOR PINE RIDGE 2ND EXTENSION REPLAT LOCATED AT THE S.E. CORNER OF TRAIL BLVD. _ ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in tho Naples Daily News on November 17, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publioation filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-7B-24C by Collier Development Corp. Dr. Nono C~agna, Direotor of Community Development, stated that the petitioner is requesting rezoning from "A" to "RM-2" for the Pine Ridge 2nd Extension and referred to the displayed map to point out subjeot location. He noted the CAPC has reviewed and approved the petition subject to the following stipulation I 1. A detailed site drainage plan be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer and Utility Director prior to the start of any work on the project (WMAB) Thare being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wen%el moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that the publio hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer m~ved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-18-24C by Collier Development Corp. be adopted and entered into OrdinAnce Book No.8. ORDINANCE 78 - ...!!- lOOK AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, TilE COMPREHENSIVE ZO:-:ING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF TilE COASTAl. AREA PLANNING DISTRICT, BY AMENDING TIIB ZONING ATLAS NAP NUMBER 48-25-8 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PRO- . 73.tPBRTY FROM itA" AGRICULTURAL TO "RM-2" 04kl ~~,. ~IDBNTIAL MULTI-F~~ILY DISTRICT: THB SOUTHERLY 275.06 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 600 FEET OF WESTERLY 680 FEET OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (TO BE PLATTED AS LOT 2, BLOCK C, PINE RIDGE SECOND EXTENSION REPLAT) AND PROVIDING AN BFFBC1'ZVB DATE. JJI! 11 BOO~ 044 P^~ 732 December 19, 1978 ORDINANCE 78-84 RE PETITION R-78-25C, CARUSCAN INC., REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-l", "RM-2", AND "RS-3" TO "RS-3" AND "RM-2" IN Sl/2 OF S26, T48S, R25E, LOCATED IN VICTORIA PARK, UNIT II. _ ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 17, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-78-25C by CaruBcan, Inc. requesting rezoning from an area located in Victoria Park, Unit II. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the petitioner is requesting rezoning from "RM-l", "RM-2" and "RS-J" to "RS-3" and "RM-2" and roferred to a displayed map to point out the location of the property in question, also indioating the specific areas being rezoned. He noted the CAPC has recommended approval of the petition with the following stipulations set down by the various County agenciesl 1. Property Owner's Assooiation to pay their proportionate share for installation of a traffic signal if warranted. 2. The easements proposed for the outfall for the project to be secured prior to final plat approval by BCC CWMAB). 3. The comp~tations necessary to justify the additj~nal 20' discharge into the west branch of the Cocohatchee River be submitted to the Utility Director prior to final plat approval (WMAB). 4. Final construction plans be submitted to and reviewed by the WMAB prior to the authorization of construction (WMAB). In response to Commissioner Wenzel's concern, Mr. Tom Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll , Peek, stated that the area in question has not experienced any sort of dr~inage problems to date, however, Unit I had experienoed problems several years ago which have since been corrected. He further stated the two systems will not be inter- connected. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. ~ - December 19, 1978 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-18-25C by Caruscan, Inc. be adopted with the aforementioned stipulations and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. ORDINANCE NO. 78-~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF TltE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-25-7 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "RM-l, RM-2 AND RS-3" RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY AND SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS TO "RS-3 AND RM-2" RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTI FAMILY DISTRICTSs THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PETITION SMP-78-llC, CARUSCAN, INC. REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR VICTORIA PARK, UNIT II LOCATED IN THE Sl/2 OF 826, T4BS, R25E - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on December l, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-78-l1C by Caruscan, Inc. requesting subdivision Master Plan approval for Victoria Park, Unit II. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, noted this is a companion item to the ordinance the Board has just adopted. He furt~er stated the Subdivision Committee has recom- mended approval of the petition with the fOllowing stipulations 1. Widen the pavement on eXisting Nottingham Drive for connection with Unit 2 to Airport Road to 24 feet, making it a collector street, and modify the west median at entrance to Unit 1. He further noted the CAPC has also recommended approval of the petition subject to the above stipulation. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the pUblic hearing be closed. MOK 044 Pl.~: 733 ...- ...._-~--....' - - .--~ -- - - ~- -~----- --.--. ~~ ...... ~ .. ~ "';. .~- --- - -.----:' .bju;. 0:44 PA~;: 134- December 19, 1978 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition SMP-78-llC by Caruscan, Inc. requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for Victoria Park Unit II be approved. PETITION V-18-31C, BY PATRICK PARKER, REQUESTING WAIVER OF "RM-l" ZONING TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DUPLEXES ON LOTS 7 , 8, BLOCK l, OLD MARCO VILLAGE LOCATED NORTH OF PAVILLION MOTEL ON EDDINGTON PLACE - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 23, 1979 - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition V-78-31C, by Patrick Parker, requesting waiver of "RM-l" zoning to allow construction of two duplexes on Lots 7 , 8, Block l, Old Marco Village located north of pavillion Motel on Eddington Place be authorized for ad- vertising for public hearing on January 23, 1979. REQUEST BY ST. ELIZABETH SETON CHURCH FOR VACATION OF 53RD ST., S.W. BETWEEN BLOCKS 204 , 205, AND VACATION OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN INDI- VIDUAL LOTS IN BLOCKS 204 , 205, GOLDEN GATE CITY UNIT 6 - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 16, 1979 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request by St. Elizabeth Seton Church for vacation of 53rd St., S.W. between Blocks 204 & 205, and vacation of easements between individual lots in Blocks 204 & 205, Golden Gate City Unit 6 ~ authorized for advertising for public hearing on January l6, 1979. REQUEST BY DELTONA CORP. FOR VACATION OF DOW COURT, MARCO BEACH, UNIT 1 - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 23, 1979 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request by Deltona Corp. for vacation of Dow Court, Marco Beach Unit 1 be ~uthorized for advertising of public hearing on January 23, 1979. .J December 19, 1978 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING MARCO ISLAND LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT, ORDINANCE 78-22, BY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS OF MARCO ISLAND TO THE TAXING DISTRICT - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING au JANUARY 23, 1979 - AUTHORIZED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted the Agenda has the location as "Marco Beach" and stated it should be changed to "Marco Island." Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carriad unanimously 5/0, that consideration of an ordinance amanding the Marco Island Lighting MuniCipal Service Taxing District ordinance by adding certain lands of Marco Island to the taxing district be authorized for advertising of public hearing on January 23, 1979. RESCIND AUTIIORIZATION TO ADVERTISE ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 77-44 PROVIDING FOR RATE SCHEDULE FOR WATER SERVICE CHARGES FOR USERS OF PROPOSED GOODLAND WATER SYSTEM ON 1/9/79 - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 23, 1979 - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board rescind the authori- zation to advertise an ordinance amending Ordinance 77-44 providing for rate schedule for water service charges for users of proposed Goodland Water System on January 9, 1979 and that advertising be lIuthorized for a public hearing re same on January 23, 1919. RESOLUTION 78-188 ESTABLISIIING RIGHTS-OF-WAYS OF GOODLETTE ROAO EXTENSION AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND NECESSARY FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO SAME - ADOPTED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale stated the State DOT has confirmed the rights-of-way of Good1ette Road Extension and the alignment of the roadway with the proposed Coastland Boulevard. lie further stated a proposed resolution has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney which stipulates the fOllOWings 1. Approval of the Right of Way Maps and filing of such maps in the Clerk's office. Confirmation of the need for the roadway improvement. Authorization of the County Engineer and County Attorney to acquire the necessary right-of-way in conformance with procedures as set forth by the DOT. Allocation of County Secondary Gas Tax funds for acquioi- tion of the necessary rights-of-way. 2. 3. 4. BOQK 044 Pf.:.z 735 ..._-.~...._-_..- -. .- ~- - ..---- _. ....... --- .-'- -_. -,;. . " .,.... J !If M.J. - -. -. --=--_ BilCK 044 p,,~ '786 December 19, 1978 Co~wissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-188 establishing tho rights-of-way of Good1ette Road Extension and authorizing the acquisition of the land necessary for roadway improvements of same be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * December 19, 1978 BID '345 FOR HOSE AND NOZZLES FOR ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - AWARDED TO BISCAYNE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,062.21 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 16 and 19, 1918 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Purohasing Agent Prank Wilcox advised that bids were received until 2s30 P.M. on November 29, 1978 on Bid '345 for hose and nozzles for the Isles of Capri Fire Control District. Mr. Wilcox explained that the low bidder was Biscayne Fire Equipment Co. in the amount of $3,062.21. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Bid 1345 for hose and nozzles for Isles of Capri Fire Control District be awarded to Biscayne Fire Equipment Co. in the amount of $3,062.21 as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated December 1, 1978 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attost the resulting agreement. BIDS AWARDED AS FOLLOWSs BID '335, MOTOR GRADER TO H.F. MASON, BID '336, HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR TO H.F. MASON, BID '337, TRACK TYPE DOZER TO KELLY TRACTOR, BID '338, FRONT END LOADER TO DEWIND MACHINERY, BID '339, BITUMINOUS DISTRIBUTION TO H.F. MASON, BID '340, TEN TON ROLLER TO DEWIND MACHINERY, BID '341, TRACTOR MOWER TO CREEL FORD TRACTOR, AND BID '342, TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC MOWER TO CREEL FORD TRACTOR Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 7 and 9, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Agent Frank Wilcox advised that bids were received until 2,30 P.M. on Wednesday, Novamber 29, 1978 on Bid Nos. 335-342 and recommends awarding said bids as followss Bid '335 for Motor Grader to H.F. Mason in the amount of $44,827 Bid '336 for Hydraulic Excavator to H.F. Mason in the amount of $96,480 Bid '337 for Traok Type Dozer to Kelly Tractor in the amount of $46,273 Bid '338 for Front End Loader to Dewind Machinery in the amount of $19,530 aid '339 for Bituminous Distributor to H.F. Mason in the amount of $6,250 BOCK ~44 rA~ 739 .fl~or; OM PA~:1~Q ... . ..... ....- December 19, 1978 Bid t340 for Ten Ton Roller to DeWind Machinery in the amount of $40,827 Bid t34l for Tractor Mower to Creel Ford Tractor in the amount of $12,175 Bid '342 for Tractor with Hydraulic Mower to Creel Ford Tractor in the amount of $17,282 Mr. Wilcox explained that three of the bids were not awarded to the low bidders due to the fact the bids did not meet speoifi- cations or the long term operating costs were considered on Bid Nos. 337, 338, and 341. Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Bid Nos. 335-342 for various equipment for Road and Bridge be awarded to the various companies indicated above, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Reviaw Committee letters dated December 5, 1978 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting agree- menta. DID 1343 RE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS FOR ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS AWARDED TO DUSINESS MACHINE SALES INC. IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $4,BOO.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 14 and 16, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of publica- tion filed with the Clerk, PurChasing Agent Frank wilcox advised that bids were received until 2s30 P.M. on December 6, 1978 on Bid 1343 for maintenance contracts for eleotric typewriters. Mr. Wilcox explained that in the past maintenance service contracts were usually awarded to the vendor of the machine, however, to insure complete maintenance coverage and prevent the annual increase in cost for such services, the present contracts were put out for bid. He noted that, in addition to cost savings, reliability, service and technical qualifications of the bidders were considered. Upon the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pis tor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Bid '343 for maintenance contracts for the electric type- writers be awarded to Business Machine Sales, Inc. in the amount .-~..-.". j Decembar 19, 1918 of $4,800.00 as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Reviaw Committee ;ultter dated December 8, 1978 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting agreement. CIIAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MODIFIED CONTRACT WITH CHSI FOR IMMOKALEE HEALTH SERVICES BUILDING WITH THE STIPULATION THAT TilE BOARD WILL PAY $1,500 TO COVER THEIR PORTION OF MAINTENANCE COSTS County Manager Norman noted that during the budget hearings in July the Board directed the contraot for janitorial services for the Immokalee Health Clinic be modified to relieve the County of the burden of providing for such services for maintenance of the building, and, also to assure that any proposed alteration to the building must be approved by the County Manager and/or the Donrd of County Commissioners. Mr. Bill Clarke, Director of the Immokalee Health Clinio, stated his objection to the proposed contract noting that the Health Clinic operates at hours convenient for the general public, and, he also pointed out that the County occupies approximately 7% of tha building. Mr. Clarke stated the Maintenance Director had given him an estimate of $16,000 per year for janitorial services llnd supplies. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the County pay 7' of the total cost of maintenance services for the Immokalee Health Clinic. Per the County Manager's recommendation that the motion in- clude a monetary amount rather than a percentage donation, Com- missioner Wenzel 8uggested a contribution of $1,500 towards the maintenance costs. Upon call for the question the motion carried 3/2 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown dissenting. ~K. Dl\ q ~r>>..~~ '1 q D. f\ .~___'~ ' ........ . ," . l December 19, 1978 Chairman Brown moved that the Board pay for the maintenance costs on the buildings owned by the County. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the County contribute $1,500 towards the maintenance and janitorial services for the Immokaleo Health Services building and the Chairman be authorized to sign the amended contract re same. The motion carried 4/1, Chairman Brown dissenting. In reference to personnel problems Mr. Clarke brought up, Commissioner Pistor commented the new Medical Director will be considering this matter when he begins his new position. * * * * * * * * * * * . * . . * * . * * ~~"'\' Ol~ r,'.~~ 741 ..;. . l J &OO~ 044 !~~ 7 {6 December 19, 1978 MODIFIED CETA FY 79 CONTRACT PER REVISED D.O.L. ALLOCATIONS - APPROVED AS OUTLINED BY CETA DIRECTOR CETA Director James Meerpohl explained that the CETA office has been instructed by the Department of Community Affairs to prepare modifications for the current CETA contracts which will expire on December 31, 1978 and must be provided and approved to the State Prime Sponsor by the same date. He noted that approval of tha contract modifications will allow the Board to continue as a CETA Program Agent and listed the following amounts as alloca- tions for CETA contracts for the coming fiscal yeart TITLE II ABC TITLE II 0 TITLE IV TITLE VI CETA ADMINISTRATION $ 291,946.00 664,006.00 52,043.00 1,151,807.00 190,138.00 $2,349,940.00 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the modified CETA contract per the revised D.O.L. allocations for the above listed amounts ponding review and approval by the County Attorney. The motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Wenzel dissenting. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIm1 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH STANLEY HOLE INC. FOR THE DESIGN AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR TIGERTAIL BEACH PARK. BOARD WAIVES BIDDING REQUIREMENT AND APPROVES McCORMICK , SONS, INC. FOR LOADING AND HAULING FILL County Manager Norman explained that in October the Board appointed Stanley Hole, Inc. as Consultant Engineers to prepare , construction plans and specifications for Tigertail Beach Park and that the figures for said servic.es are approximately 7' of the entire cost of the project. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale requested that bidding advertisments be waived for loading and hauling of required fill material for the access road and parking area. He noted that three proposals were received for the project and the low bidder was McCormick' Sons, Inc. at $.70 per cubic yard for the hauling of the fill. n../ ~"II tJ~ ,_ ~ /I r - -- - - - ~-. - _. - ~-- - ..- - - ....._-.. . . ~ ~ ~ -- - - -~ - -~ ~ December 19, 1978 commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Stanley Hole, Inc. for the design and preparation of plans for Tigertail Beach Park. County Manager Norman noted that the design of the parking lot will allow for expansion of parking in the future. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board acoept the staff recommandations to waive bidding requirements, also, to accept tho staff-recommended firm of McCormick , Sons, Inc. for the hauling and loading requirements for the fill material. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 044 r:.~. 74-1 * * ~.." * ...... ~, LJ ~oo~ 04.4 ~~.758 December 19, 1978 CARNIVAL PERMIT 79-1 FOR COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION, INC. - APPROVED County Manager Norman explained the requested carnival permit is to permit the operation of the annual Collier County Agricultural and Exposition Fair for eight (8) days (Jan. 13-20, 1979) at the Swamp Buggy Grounds. Commissioner Aroher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wlmer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Carnival Permit 79-1 for Collier County Agricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc. be approved. EMERGENCY DECLARED - ORDINANCE 18-85 CORRECTING PUD DOCUMENT RE TRAIL DRIVE-IN -ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that an emergency situation exists in roference to the PUD Document for the Trail Drive-In. Dr. Neno Spagna, Direotor of Community Development, explained that on October 24, 1978 the BCC adopted the PUD Document for the Trail Drive-In which previously had been approved by the CAPe subject to certain oonditions, however, the PUD Dooument sent to Tallahassee was the original submitted by the petitioner, not the final document approved by the CAPC and the BCC. Dr. Spagna requested the Board enact the emergency And submit the PUD Document that was approved during the public hearing on October 24, 1978. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the emergency ordinAnce as numbered and titled below correcting the PUD Document concerning the Trail Drive-In be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. ORDINANCE NO. 78-~ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE 78-57 TO CORRECT CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE ERRORS; ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY FR01-1 "RM-IAn SINGLE AND MULTIFAMILY TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPHENT: LOTS 6-22 AND 29-39, BI.oCK 1, UNIT 1. NAPLES PARK SUBDIVISION. PLAT BOOK 4. PAGE 5~ AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN EMERGENCY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ---~~---.-..-..-.. -................- December 19, 1978 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procodures and that funds are available, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from December 13, 1978 through December 19, 1978s ~ BCC Payroll County Warrants General Fund Road , Bridge Interest , Sinking Assessment , Utility Clearing CETA Water Management Sewer District "A" Assessments Municipal Service Taxing District County Water System Systems Development Clearing WARRANT NOS. 53813 - 54006 002169 - 002397 6 4 4 7 - l3 4 4 2 4 2 1 - 3 FISCAL OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO PAY ROUTINE BILLS DURING THE TWO \'lEEKS OF HOLIOl\Y SEMON Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Fiscal Officer be authorizad to pay all routine bills during the two weeks the Board will not meet due to the holiday season. P1\'{l.IENT OF BILL THROUGH GENERAL FUNDS FOR WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK RE WILLOUGHBY ACRES ENGINEERING AUTHORIZED IN THE N~OUNT OF $48,614.56. ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE DIRECTED TO REQUEST THE UTILITY DIRECTOR TO SUBMIT SAID ENGINEERING PLANS TO THE BOARD Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bill from Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek concerning the engineering plans for Willoughby Acres be approved for payment from the General Fund in the amount of $49,614.56. In response to Commissioner Wimer's question, the Fiscal Officer stated the Utility Director has reviewed said engineering plans and has approved the bill for payment. flOOK 044 PA~ 759 r ,.__ ~ I I ~oo'f: 044 rA~ 760 December 19, 1978 The Chair directed the Administrative Aide to request the Utility Director to 8ubmit the plans for the Board's consideration. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-18 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCIES TO PURCHASE CHAIRS, TABLES AND BLACKOUT CURTAINS FOR TEMPORARY MEETING ROOM - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,390.00 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wimer dissenting, that Budget Amendment 79-18 to transfer funds from Contingencies to purchase chairs, table. and blackout curtains for transfer of conference room in Building "C" to 5th floor in Building "F" for a temporary maeting room for an interim period as previously approved by the Board October 17, 1978 be adopted in the amount of $1,390.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ,. ,. . I=:J 800K 044' 'A~,762 L December 19, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-19 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCIES FOR PAY-GRADE RECLASSIFICATION - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $833.14 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 3/2 with Commissioners Wenzel and pistor dissenting, that Budget Amendment 79-19 transferring funds from Contingencies for pay-grade reclassifications previously approved by the Board be adopted in the amount of $833.14. ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill .. ill ill ill ill ill ill ill l_J BOOK 044 rAC:: 764 December 19, 1978 DUDGET AMENDMENT 79-20 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCIES TO COVER COST OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR FOSTER HOME CARE - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,600.00 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-20 trans- ferring from Contingenoies to cover the cost of additional funds for Foster Home Care as previously approved by the Board be adopted in the amount of $1,600.00. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * . * v- L.--:J ,600K . 044 rACZ .766 December 19, 1978 BUDGET ~mNDMENT 79-21 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR OPERATION FOR XEROX AND ADVERTISING FOR REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEAR - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500 Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Budget Amendment 79-21 to provide funds within a department budget from Salaries to Xerox and Advertising (Planning) for the remainder of the fiscal year be adopted in the amount of $2,500. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained the reason for the increased estimate of Xeroxing is due to the demand from various agoncies for copies of the Comprehensive Plan. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -., .T." I..... J "I BOOK 044 fA~,.7B8 December 19, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-22 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT FOR XEROX RENTAL - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,600 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seoonded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-22 trans- ferring funds from Small Stores to Rental of Equipment be adopted in the amount of $29,600. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained this i8 due to the fact tho initial budget for Xerox rental was understated and the Small Stores purchases were overstated in error. In response to Commis8ioner Wimer's inquiry, Mr. Hall replied that a review of the budget philosophy will be made in order to realize the savings made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -, - 1__J04A BOOK. &J: 'A~, .77D December 19, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-23 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO TRAVEL FOR HOMEMAKER GRANT AND RE-ESTABLISHING SALARIES AND RELATED MATCHING COSTS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $992.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-23 trans- ferring funds from membership to travel for the Homemaker Grant and re-establishinq the salaries and related matchinq costs in accordance with the grant previously approved by the Board be adopted in the amount of $992.00. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . - _. - - - '.-, -......-. L__J ~OOK '044 rA~, 77;:' December 19, 1978 BUDGET AMENOMENT 79-24 TRANSFERRING FUNOS FOR LIBRARY AID TO APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS DESIGNATED FOR EXPENDITURE DURING FY 78-79 - ADOPTED IN THB AMOUNT OF $26,584.00 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-24 trans- ferring funds for Library Aid to appropriate accounts designated for expenditure. during FY 78-79 be adopted in the amount of $26,584.00. * * * * * .. * * * * * .. * * * * * * . * * * . L__) BOOK 044 'A~774 December 19, 1978 BUDGET AMENDME~r 79-25 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR RENTAL OF DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT PREVIOUSLY BUDGETED UNDER GENERAL GOVERNMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,500.00 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-25 transferring funds from Dept. OS (Other General Administrative) to Dept. 02 (Clerk of the Board) for rental of Data Processing Equipment pre- viously budgeted under General Government be adopted in the amount of $24,500.00. * * * * * * * * * . . * * . * * * * . * * 'no/( 04'1- P/lfOe 7 7 ~ L ,..] BOOK 044 rA~, 776 ( J December 19, 1978 FISCAL OFFICER PROVIDES STATUS REPORT ON FUNDS RECEIVED FROM FLORIDA DOT REIMBURSEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE WORK ON MARCO ISLAND TOLL FACILITY F.~scal Officer Harold Hall stated that $22,537 has been recei'/cd from the Florida DOT as a reimbursement for maintenance work on the Marco Island toll facility and has been receipted in the secondary Road' Bridge Fund. 6% INTEREST RATE CORRECTING THE 7-1/2\ INTEREST RATE REFLECTED IN RESOLUTIONS NOS. 18-122, i8-1S0, 78-158, 78-162, AND 78-168 - 1\PPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that an amendment i. neoded to certain resolutions to correct interest rates reflected in Abatoment or Nuisanoe resolution. to oomply with Ordinanoo No. 16-14 by reduoing the reflected '-1/2' to S' .. provided in the ordinance. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board approve the 6' interest rate which will correct the 7-1/2' rate reflected in Resolution Nos. 70-122, 78-150, 78-158, 78-162 and 78-160. The Chair directod the staff to look into the possibility of comprising a formula for determining the interest rates used in the abatement of nuisance resolutions. COUNTY ENGINEER DIRECTED TO PROVIDE STATUS REPORTS CONCERNING COUNTY TOLL FACILITIES Per Mr. Mike Zewalk's request, the County Engineer was directed to provide a status report on County toll facilities at the next meeting. COUNTY ENGINEER DIRECTED TO DRAFT AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY TO PROVIDE LAWN MAINTENANCE FOR THE FAIRGROUNDS Chairman Brown noted he has received a request from a member of tho Fair Committee requesting that the County provide main- tenance for the fairgrounds as they have done in the past. He stated he would like to see the request granted as the Fair is part of the Agriculture Department. )1( 0 J.j.. It {J,46e 776 December 19, 1978 commissioner Archer noted the Board had previously adopted a Resolution in which the Board would not any longer provide lawn maintenance services for any organization. Commissioner Wenzel. moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the County Engineer be directed to draft an agreement for the County to provide lAwn maintenAnce for the fairgrounds at cost. LETTER FROM NORTH NAPLES CIVIC ASSOCIATION INDICATING THEY WOULD LIKE THE BCC TO SUPPORT A STRICT FRANCHISE FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT - STAFF DIRECTED TO HOLD LETTER FOR PUBLIC HEARING Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted a letter has been received dated 12/6/78 from the North Naples Civic Associa- tion requesting the Board support a strict franchise with any company who is interested in acquiring the Yahl Brothers Disposal service franchise, and, also, they do not feel that a rate increase is necessary and the option of once or twice weekly collection should be retained. The Chair directed the letter be held until the publio hearing on the matter is considered. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO 1978 TAX ROLL commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the following Certificates for Correction on the Tax Rolls be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign sames 1978 Personal Property 1978 Personal Property ~ 26 34 through 36 DATED 12/13/78 12/18178 JOHN A. IAMURRI APPOINTED AS MEMBER TO PARKS , RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD FOR TWO-YEAR TERM Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 510, that Mr. John Iamurri be appointed as a member to Parks , Recreation Advisory Board for a two-year term to expire 12/31/80 due to a vacancy created on said Board. &oOK 044 PA~, 777 . L...J ..J MOK 044 PA=:: 778 December 19, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT RE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WITH DEPENDENT FIRE CONTROL DISTRICTS OF GOLDEN GATE AND OCHOPEE Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a oooperative agreement for radio communications with the dependent fire oontrol diltriots of Golden Gate and Oohopee per requast of the Fla. Dept. of Agriculture , Consumer Services, Division of Forestry. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * . . * * o I.j. 'f (lIUoe 77 P . Q ......~ n. . . ~~___._, . _____~-~ December 19, 1978 TAX COLLECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATES TO ROBERT RUSSELL (NOS. 18 AND 265) AND TO JIM H. MOODY CNO. 57) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Tax Collector be authorized to issue duplicate Tax Sale Certificates as follows Coriqinals lost) I Robert Russell Jim Moody Nos. 18 and 265 - for 1976 No. 57 - for 1976 * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * BOOK 044 rA~181 ~-._-_...----------- ...-- --.. --- ......_--~...~ ......_-~~- December 19, 1978 PETITION RE ADDITION OF CERTAIN STREETS TO MARCO ISLAND LIGHTING DISTRICT - ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1/23/79 AUTHORIZED. COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO PROVIDE REPORT RE NAPLES PARK LIGHTING DISTRICT commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the petitions received requesting certain streets be added to the Marco Island Lighting District be authorized for advertising for publio hearing on 1/23/79. A brief disoussion was held concerninq the status of the Naples Park Lighting District. The County Manager was direoted to provide a report re same. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. TRAFFIC ENGINEER AUTHORIZED TO RENDER SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF NAPLES' TRAFFIC STUDY Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a letter dated 12/11/78 from the City Manager requesting the BCC to consider partioipation and funding of a proposed traffic study inVOlving both the City and County. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissionor Wenzel and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that the Traffic Engineer be authorized to render services in accordance with the City's traffic study. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO LAW FIRM AUTHORIZING THEM TO CONTINUE THEIR REPRESENTATION OF THE BOARD OF ITS INTERESTS IN THE GAC BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted a memo from the County Attorney requesting specific authorization for the present law firm of Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel, Smith , Cutler who are representing the Board in the GAC bankruptcy proceedings to continue doing so as the same law firm is also representing Sun Oil, Inc. against the Tax Collector and Property Appraiser. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to 800K 044 I'A~ .785 . . l___l BOOK 044 PA~, .786 L~_J December 19, 1978 sign a letter ~fie-raw firm authorizing them to continue their representation of the Board of its interests in the GAC bankruptcy proceedings. . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . * . * . . . . * * I<. 0 f/. 'I- Pr4 -e 78 {, IV_ -:-:- December 1', 1978 NEW DEPUTIES AND PRECINCT NUMBERS READ INTO THE RECORD! JOSEPH JOHNSON, '21, JOHN KIRCHNER, '15, AND MIKE WHITTENBERG, 132 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the following new deputies and precinct numbers be read into the record and approved! Joseph Johnson, '21 John Kirchner, '15 Mike Wittenberg, '32 DEED '179 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to aotion of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chnirman was authorized to 8ign variou8 deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens cemetery lots a8 the need ari8e8, the following Deed No. l79 was recorded and filed for the record. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aDOK 044 PA~Z 189 , . , - - .. --_0 .... ,.. ._. ~___.,. _.___... .~....... ........ . ~.... .....1 ~ _ ~~.' ~......____ ~ ...._::-~ December 19, 1978 REPORT CONCERNING UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR FP&L Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted that on 11/14/78 the Board approved the granting of easements to FP&L in Sections 5 & 8, T49, R29, for the installation of an eleotrical line to provide service to the pumps for the City of Naples well field in Golden Gate Estates. They have since advised they have been unable to obtain the necessary easements from all property owners, therefore, those granted by the Board are no longer needed and have been returned, per County Engineer Barksdale's memo of December 13, 1978. TAYLOR ROAD DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM ELIZABETH L. SCHNEIDER, TRUSTEE _ ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to action taken by the Board of June 13, 1978 the following drainage easement in conjunotion with Taylor Road im- provements from Elizabeth L. Schneider, Trustee, was accepted for recordation. . * . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOOK 044' PA~, 791 , , l_J &OOK 04.4 PA~, 794: ..J LJ December 19, 1978 14. Letter from fishermen from Marco area concerning the Schiller Bait Barge, filed. 15. Letter dated 12/13/78 from Edward C. McDermott of Arch W. Roberts , Company indicating they would be pleased to submit a proposal as financial consultant and investment banker for the County, filed. 16. Copy of letter from BCC dated 12/12/78 transmitting "701" Certification of Collier County Land Use and Housing Elements to the Dept. of Community Affairs, filed. 17. Memo dated l2/l6118 from Fiscal Officer that the Property Appraiser's Office can accept legal descriptions for newly established taxing districts up to 211/79 for establishment of such districts on the 1979 tax rolls, filed. 18. Copy of letter dated 12/15/78 from County Manager to Mrs. Olroyd advising her of the upcoming hearing for publio input for application for Community Development grants, filed. 19. Copy of letter dated 12/7/78 from DER re the Sandy Ridge Labor Camp operated by Naples Fruit , Vegetable Company regarding their 11/24/78 application to construct a pollution source -- permit No. DC-11-5427 dated 12/6/78, filed. * * * * * * * . 'I'here being no further business for the good of Lh. County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Timer 11s46 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX FFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL RICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL 1\TTESTs ~ILLJ~J. REAGAN, ...' . -;''', v,'.. , " .... -"., , . I'" " (~ .' ... ~ ,.' ,. ~ . '''l ~~f~l\l'\\ 1300/(01j.1f ffJroe 79';;'